Author Topic: Google Maps can kiss my  (Read 2507 times)

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Offline 8ullfrog

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Google Maps can kiss my
« on: October 30, 2018, 09:16:09 PM »
So I've been getting weird emails. At first I thought they were spam, but they followed a theme. "Do you sell stationary?" was the most popular question, to which the answer is "no."

Turns out some politician listed my apartment as a store. Not in a ebay shop / amazon seller way. They listed me as a bless'ed home goods store.

But this took a bit of google Sherlocking to figure out. First, I noticed that these emails were tied to google maps, then that my bless'ed APARTMENT was listed as the address of a store.

(I had to use the roomies computer to do this. a logged in google user sees 'home' as a private location, which can be changed, but not so much edited)

Then I used mom's tablet to try and remove this fictitious store. No dice, you MUST enter a name for your 'store' So I pulled out my lease to find out what my landlord's holding company is named.

So that allowed me to actually do an edit. BUT IT STILL SHOWED UP IN bless'ed GOOGLE MAPS AS A HOME GOODS STORE.

So I got to go through the process again, and changed the building type to "Apartment Building". That did it, it was delisted and marked as private.

Apparently it's supposed to be as easy as "right clicking" a "pin" and marking the location as private. It was not that easy.

And if some bottom is selling stationary out of their apartment? Well they can use their god damned apartment number instead of mine.

It had one review, in Spanish. That review said that the store is haunted.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Google Maps can kiss my
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2018, 06:18:01 PM »
A haunted stationary store.  Hmmm.  Haunted by those who succumbed to fatal papercuts?

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Google Maps can kiss my
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2018, 10:51:57 PM »
well it was listed as home goods, and the image was of Christmas ornaments. But the requests were for stationary. Clearly the ghost was an inferior shopkeep!

That being said, smashed up Christmas ornaments + Poltergeist would make for supoib home defense. Yes I know that isn't how it is spelled, but it's how mob bart says it.