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iPad Qs

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I don't trust Apple's cloud for any number of reasons.  My stuff is backed up on multiple flash drives and hard drives.  I guess thermonuclear war would wipe them out due to ionizing radiation, and the resulting electromagnetism, but I guess if I survived the blast, I'd have other things to worry about than whether my data was backed up.

I have an old iPhone 6 with a cracked screen that is too much of a dinosaur to use as a phone, but it works fine as an iPod.  The problem was my need to screw around with "Music" to load new playlists.  That took an hour of my life to figure out.  apple has jumped the shark at this point.  Their aim is to enhance their quarterly earnings over any prior commitment to user experience and optimising design that has any aim but to sell more apple products.  There's no way I'm getting an apple credit card or using apple pay.  This is just too much of an overreach for one single company.

Have a iPad mini which i think is the dogs Blx but I find it keeping turning itself on , any ideas as to why.

I use my mini extensively, as it's lighter than a regular ipad and I read in bed a lot.  That said, unless you explicitly command it to power down, it remains on. Are you saying that after telling it to turn off, and after doing that successfully, it still decides to power itself back on?  Could be a problem with the power supply switch, but other than that, maybe poltergeist?  Is it still under warranty?

I use the power switch on the "top" off the iPad to instruct it to power off then the slide on the screen to confirm this, then find out later it has turned back on (even if I don't put it on charge) ???


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