Author Topic: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 5.  (Read 9913 times)

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Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 5.
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2020, 02:03:57 AM »

Menace, ep. 19.  This reminds me of a discussion on NextDoor, the online bulletin board.  There's a casual carpool lane where people line up and commuters who need more people so they can use the carpool lane over the bridge come and give them a ride to San Francisco.

So one day a crazy homeless guy comes up to this line of people just trying to get to work and menaces them with a knife.  The police are called.  Everyone is traumatized.  But, being nextdoor, the bleeding heart liberals go on about how people have no business saying anything derogatory about the guy as they don't know his story, his background, or what might have been ailing him. 

That's what Daniel Jackson reminds me of in this episode.  You get these absurdly stupid scientist/soldiers who are running around alien ruins and decide to bring a robot home with them.  That's big stupid mistake number one.  You could argue that it's good for plot development, but why not wake her up at home where she can't do any damage?  No.  Bring her back to earth and see how she can screw stuff up back home.  The inevitable happens and she turns out to be pure catastrophe.  So O'Neill shoots her all the while there's a self destruct countdown guaranteed to blow them all to kingdom come.

And what does D. Jackson do?  He goes on like a bleeding heart liberal on a bender like they kicked him off of NextDoor and SG1 is the only place where he can go on like a blithering nutjob about how they just killed very important but misunderstood robot.  Sob sob.

Good lord.  The replicators must be the darling of the props dept.  Fun to make and operate.  Even more fun to blow to smithereens.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 5.
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2020, 02:41:35 PM »
Daniel fumbled the golly out of this one, they should have had qualified people talking with the robot. In no way is Daniel qualified for that work. They could have used Reese to defeat the replicators! She's like a universal remote with a shitty attitude!

I mean, they could have easily lied to her as well. "Oh, Earth? irradiated wasteland, that's why we live down here, totally boring, nothing to see. We get our food and supplies through gate based trade."

Normally I'd say gate operations should be handled off one of the abandoned worlds (Goauld abandon planets when they run out of naquadah) But every time the SGC does that, the site B gets destroyed horribly.

I think at your viewing point, the last "alpha site" was destroyed by an invisible indestructible super soldier they had to design a new type of zappy gun just to kill.

As to moving Reese from her planet, that actually does have some hindsight tactical value, she had to start from scratch. That planet was full of replicator blocks and all she needed to do was hit Input - Power 3, and SG-1 would have been blenderized.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 5.
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2020, 07:14:41 PM »
One thing I still don't get.  O'Neill shot the robot and Daniel acted like, "that's it, you killed her.  No hope of getting an answer as to how to defeat the replicators now."  Like, duh.  She's a ROBOT, a machine, get it?  Can't they fix her? 

And the lying also sounds like it would have been a good strategy.  That episode had so much unrealized potential.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 5.
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2020, 07:19:20 PM »
Nah, Earth is like, vacuum tubes and poo compared to the rest of the galaxy. It's essentially just Carter and Mckay running the show, and he's been exiled off to Antarctica.

Plus like if they did fix her, she'd probably try to kill them immediately.

Base security really is a joke, how many people get gunned down on that ramp?

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 5.
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2020, 08:40:48 PM »
I guess her daddy done made her wrong, like she says...

After Mrs. Maisel, this is kind of a relief.  Mrs. Maisel is her own kind of cluelessness.  Like she thinks the audience at the Apollo theatre in the 1960's is going to be all hip with a singer being gay because of his skin color?  That's one girl who lives in a bubble to be sure.  Final episode (8) that I just watched had Elvis Costello music on the end.  Like anachronistic much?  You could get a group of Hollywood writers in a coma who could come up with less predictable plots, but she does wear great clothes.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 5.
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2020, 09:08:43 PM »
She seemed very annoyed when she hosted SNL, like it was beneath her or something. She's very pretty, but she had that look like she was surrounded by stink.

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 5.
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2020, 01:43:35 AM »
Ep. 21.  Oh good lord.  Daniel Jackson runs off with the chick from 30 Something -- Hope Steadman.  So I guess he'll go to Philadelphia and take up advertising next.  Maybe the actor got sick of SG1.  I used to watch 30 Something.  It seemed compelling back in the day, but now when I watch old episodes on youtube, it just seems cringeworthy.  He gets all new agey and poo and dies, exiting in spiraling tendrils of light.  Gak.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 5.
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2020, 01:59:32 AM »
wait, 19-21, are you time traveling?!

Was "The Sentinel" too stinky? We got to see Grogan again! He was one of the SG babies with Sattler, the role played by Grace Park, who went on to BSG!

I like Grogan, he's a survivor. He gets shot damn near every time he shows up, putting him on par with Dr Lee and Sgt. Siler, but he always survives.

Also they do that bit with Siler holding progressively larger wrenches in the background. I laugh my ass off when I spot him holding huge wrenches, it's him and Peter DeLuise.

For those who don't give a golly about inside baseball, Siler is played by Dan Shea, stunt coordinator for the series, and stand in for RDA, and Peter DeLuise hates spellcheck, because there is a capitol letter in the middle of his last name. Also, he directed a massive amount of episodes of stargate.

sooooo, ep. 21, Meridian!

oh wow, that's a big one, going into spoiler land. I guess if you HATE Daniel Jackson, this is the episode for you, he dies about as horribly as anyone on this series ever has, weeping wounds draining out all his fluids as he slowly decomposes from radiation exposure.

Hope Steadman... sorry, reference is out of date for me. It's like mom mentioned the bobsey twins the other day, and that's like... a super dead reference?

Like I think I read a kill bill review recently that mentioned kewpie dolls, and honestly, that's a dead reference too.

If you're hankering for more Oma Desalla, she comes back, and is super annoying. Like, my personal take is that the ascended beings all just flat out suck.

They're shitheads. Granted, if you could rise above all material concerns and live in a personal heaven, I honestly can't blame you, but if you are an ancillary character in a series? I'm going to judge the golly out of you.

I mean, google backs you up, she's Hope Steadman.

And yes, Michael Shanks thought he was too good for stargate. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Eh, he's married to Lexa Doig, and that's essentially cheat codes to life because DAMN.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 5.
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2020, 02:37:33 AM »
I didn't comment on the Sentinel episode as I had nothing to say. 

There used to be a yuppie soap opera on in the evenings called ThirtySomething.  It was about a group of young professionals living in the philadelphia area.  It sort of jumped the shark after a while but began with a relatively promising narrative about  young people starting careers and families, with close friends and college buddies, cousins, etc.  Mel Harris played Hope Steadman, one of two main couples that served as the focus of the series.  Mel Harris is the otherworldly being spouting new age nonsense to out of body Michael Shanks.  The two are both attractive and challenged in terms of their acting abilities.  I saw Mel Harris and thought, jesis this is right out of an episode of 30something.

And now the ambiguity of "is he really really dead or really most sincerely dead?"  So maybe Michael Shanks is on spring break and planning to come back.  So that's enough stargate for one night.  Anubis seems to be a churning sea of asphalt just waiting to make sure the universe will have good roads for cosmic skateboarding.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 5.
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2020, 07:46:13 PM »
OOOH dang, sick burn on Sentinel. I kinda liked it. First, it's got Grogan, second, they fail horribly. We once again are reminded why the NID were such a bad idea, and earth is permanently uninvited from the planet.

Daniel Jackson is dead as golly.

Funny enough, Michael Shanks also voiced Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard, and they had to work around that.

He gives standard PR speak for why he left the show, but it's pretty obvious he wanted more money. I always found it kind of obnoxious how everyone else gets billed by name and then, "And Michael shanks as Dr. Daniel Jackson"

I do however love the bitchy riffing Jackson and O'Neill do in meetings, one of the season 9 BTS features has Peter DeLuise explain that whenever an actor would whine for more screen time, he told them to react better. Like during exposition, you can tell if the team is sarcastic, bored, angry, excited, gassy, or are in hard military mode (rare).

I thought that was particularly neat inside baseball to share that directing technique. Some of the directors were poo, but DeLuise clearly put his heart and soul into the show.

I'm guessing ThirtySomething was up against TNG or some other show we watched, fun fact, when that show was on the air, I lived on a boat!

I bless'ed hated Anubis, he was lame as poo. All his underlings are better. Ba'al and Osiris are both fantastic.  Lord Yu was always fun, as a doddering old golly. He can get downright nasty when he misses his nap.