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Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Stargate SG1 Season 9
« on: March 04, 2020, 12:37:31 AM »
Just thought I'd put this here as a placeholder.  I'll miss the regular snark of RD Anderson on the show, so not sure how it will be going forward.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2020, 05:35:09 AM »
I can't wait until you hit the "Command decision". I think it's episode 3, but I'm not sure.

I'm to the last disc of S9, about to hit 10.

Whoops, nope, we're past the scene, it was season 8 episode 3.

Jackson: So how's the new job?
O'Neill: Oy. One crisis after another. This morning the mess got a shipment of Yukon Gold potatoes instead of the usual Russets.
Jackson: No.
O'Neill: Oh yes. The golds don't make for good mash. The consistency's all wrong.
Carter: I hear the new Russian Colonel came to see you, made a pitch to join SG-1.
O'Neill: Yeah.
Jackson: What did you say?
O'Neill: Told 'em to make french fries instead.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2020, 05:50:46 AM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2020, 07:18:46 PM »
I'm partial to Yukon gold potatoes.  Russets are much starchier, so probably better suited to fries.  I'd prefer the Yukon gold for mash any day of the week.  I vaguely remember the conversation.  I haven't had much time to watch more episodes lately, perhaps in the next few days.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2020, 12:23:48 AM »
I love the interactions between Teal'c and Mitchell, and Mitchell whenever he's dealing with aliens, but I am NOT a fan of Season 9. It's bleak and not particularly fun. They burn a woman to death! (The series, not SG-1 themselves)

I like to just imagine a version of S9 where the hookah/interstellar space phone is broken, and instead the SGC has to deal with the fact that a Medal of Honor recipient Lt. Colonel from Auburn Kansas is now the Presumptive King of England for pulling the sword from the stone.

Kind of like a King Ralph situation, without the MASSIVE DEATH TOLL.

Like, in Tom Clancy they have to deal with the fact that a Marine (Jack Ryan) saves Chuck and Di from Irish terrorists, and firmly repeat that American Officers cannot hold knighthoods. (Chuck pretty much ignores this, and the movie changed it to some other English muckity that gets saved.)

Like, even the method by which Mitchell would become king of England would be highly classified, so I dunno, maybe his fight against the holographic Knight was broadcast over London?

This seems like one of those fanfic I should write, but feel like I lack the skill.

S9 is a bless'ed downer. I just watched the last disc tonight.

(I also like the addictive space corn!)
« Last Edit: March 11, 2020, 12:27:53 AM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2020, 10:48:33 PM »
Gee.  You make it sound so inviting.  I've been working so much that I can't really stay up.  I hate feeling like a zombie all day at work, so I try to go to bed early, which means no SG1 for the time being.

I could write more, but I'm kind of tired.  I get fed well at work and people are nice to me.  It's a temporary job, though, so I'll most likely get back to it in another month.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2020, 02:33:40 AM »
I honestly do think you'll like Mitchell, he hits the line between "Professional soldier" and "Good sense of humor" better than O'Neill did.

In fact, several times, people treat him like an idiot, and he reveals competency that surprises them. It's like the opposite of O'Neill's "act like an idiot" act.

Plus you can tell Ben Browder is having the most fun ever.

And once again, there is a subplot with addictive space corn.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2020, 01:17:53 AM »
Just watched 20 min of the first episode and it's just vile. 

Beau Bridges and some clone of a generic army hero type from a grade b movie supposed to take over SG1?  Gak.  I have to stop.  I'll try a little more later, but so far this really is sub par for this series.  Kiss of death plot development and casting.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2020, 12:56:55 PM »
Hey, Beau Bridges is absolutely horrible, but they had to establish who Ben Browder was playing. They stuck O'Neill in the Class A uniform plenty of times.

Cam Mitchell also got screwed over. He thought he was JOINING SG-1, and they've all moved on by this point. Carter is at area 51 (Tapping was on maternity leave), Teal'c has gone off to Jaffa Politics, Daniel has a one-way ticket booked for Atlantis, and O'Neill had already ranked out of the team.

He saved all their asses over Antarctica, they all promised him whatever posting he wanted, and he chose SG-1.

(In reality, Tapping was pissed that she didn't get the team command) (But how the hell was she supposed to lead the team while pregnant?)

Beau Bridges on the other hand, has no bless'ed clue how he wants to play the character. Best I could tell, he was aiming for doddering golly in this episode, and they told him to cut it out.

I also enjoy how Mitchell wants to be friends with Teal'c, and Teal'c views him as an annoying puppy.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2020, 04:55:12 PM »
I'm relieved to hear that you had a similar impression.  I'll most likely keep at it, but last night it was late and I'd just watched an episode of Homeland, which is more serious and compelling so this was a bit too much of a switch.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2020, 05:31:18 PM »
Here's a better introduction to Ben Browder. Sadly, from a different, AUSTRALIAN series.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2020, 11:35:40 PM »
I tried again and just couldn't stomach it.  The stupid factor was through the roof.  And the main female character looked as if the costume people hit one of those kinky leather sex shops when it was having a going out of business sale.  Daniel Jackson should shave.  I just kept thinking, "I could be cleaning my bathroom instead of watching this."  Not a good sign.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2020, 10:28:56 AM »
Vala does that on purpose. When men are horny and stupid, she steals their stuff. They dial it back considerably, but I have to respect your decision.

I remember the first time I tried to watch through S9, I stalled on it, and only really ended up watching it on a nasty rained in night.

What did you think of the farscape clip I tracked down?

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2020, 02:34:16 AM »
Vala is annoying.  Her bustier makes me uncomfortable.  Hope she gets paid well to wear that irritating outfit.  Like Wonderbra from hell.   She's got teeth that should be on this month's cover of the ADA Journal.  What great dental hygiene!

Daniel Jackson is the same as ever.  He protests too much.  Someone shave him already.

Beau Bridges needs to be eaten by some hostile aliens.  And in episode 3, for some reason that is really unfathomable, Richard Dean Anderson shows up at the end, speaks a few lame lines to Jackson, then gets in a jet and uses taxpayer money to go on a pointless joy ride with the new guy on the block.  It's like they took the writers and sucked out all of their brains.

I'm putting up with this on the off chance that the guys wearing the bad contact lenses manage to invade and decimate Earth.  At this point, you realize that humanity doesn't deserve to make it.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 02:36:14 AM by 6pairsofshoes »

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2020, 07:47:33 AM »
Well Jack WAS the former base commander, entirely possible Beau entered the wrong password enough times and they had to fly in Jack to reboot it.

I imagine it was probably cheaper to fly Jack from DC to Colorado Springs than it was to fly that bottom secnav to Guam and back to yell at the crew of the Roosevelt. The Stagate project itself costs about six billion dollars a year per an earlier episode, The Space Aircraft Carriers probably cost more.
... Wait, why did they fly Jack in if they have beaming technology? He's the head of Planetary security and has racked up more space miles than anyone.

Maybe he had to give a speech at the air force academy?

If I remember correctly, Bridges never gets good, it's all angst and yelling, and shitty folksism. Thankfully his scenes tend to be short.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate SG1 Season 9
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2020, 09:50:34 AM »
You get the impression that Richard Dean Anderson was bored and showed up at the studio so they figured, what the hell, put him on for a few minutes.  It'll fill some air time.  Anything to keep us from the lame-o Bridges character.  How did that guy ever get into acting, besides the usual nepotism?

I tend to fast forward through the more obvious scenes.  Really.  I blasted through 4 episodes last night.  It didn't take me 4 hours, either.

To sum up:
1)Teal'c is around, maybe because he's tired of the goofy infighting among the Jaffa.  It's like the right wing took over governance there.  It's like here.  If someone gave me a chance to spend a year away from Trump and his cronies, I'd jump at it, too.
2)Daniel Jackson is there for lack of something better to do. 
3)Hot chick linked by some kind of weird bracelet tech to DJ, ostensibly to interject some kind of sexual tension.  In theory DJ isn't having it because he knows she's untrustworthy, but of course you know they'll end up sleeping together.  Snore.
4)Guys with bad contact lenses step into the Gou'ald's "want to dominate/enslave the universe's shoes."  Of course, thanks to DJ, they now have sights set on Earth.  There is a problem that has to be dealt with.
5)Bridges is totally lame, but makes an effort to interject something resembling administrative decision making.  We all want to hit him in the face with a pie every time he opens his mouth.
6) Of course, the whole thing is going to go from bad to worse.  Maybe stay tuned.  Maybe try to get more sleep?  How did such an entertaining show get to be so lame?
7) Almost forgot WHITE MAN HERO.  That guy who is supposed to take over from the Richard Dean Anderson character.  He's sort of witty in a grade school kind of way.  And so far he keeps trying to set up a SG1 team.  He's sort of there because we need alpha male who looks attractive like a shaving cream ad to ostensibly run things.  I have yet to find him compelling in any way.  Why not David Hasselhoff?  Was he busy with other projects?  This other fellow
has the kind of gravitas one might expect in any episode of Baywatch.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 10:00:34 AM by 6pairsofshoes »