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Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #270 on: September 22, 2020, 05:37:42 PM »
Cultural appropriation, that's what it is.

... or, as we call it, "York".

Yep.  Appropriating language from the indigenous peoples.  Algonquin in this case.
"The first maps of the area used the word Ottawa, derived from the Algonquin word adawe ("to trade", used in reference to the area's importance to First Nations traders), to name the river." (Wikipedia entry on Canadian capital city and adjacent river.)  The Illinois town was named for its function as a trading post on the IL river. Illinois is also named after the local tribes who originally inhabited the area.

So, both cities were named for proximities to rivers and trade.  I expect the locals would have been content had Europeans simply stayed home.  But then your ancestors would have been stuck with our great great great grandparents or something like that.  Clearly, I have too much time on my hands these days.

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #271 on: September 23, 2020, 03:16:17 AM »
That just flippin' confusing then. Next thing you know they'll start using England's place names.

Cultural appropriation, that's what it is.

Did you know there's an Old York?!?!?

... or, as we call it, "York".

First I've heard of it. Is it north of Luton?

Yep.  Appropriating language from the indigenous peoples.  Algonquin in this case.
"The first maps of the area used the word Ottawa, derived from the Algonquin word adawe ("to trade", used in reference to the area's importance to First Nations traders), to name the river." (Wikipedia entry on Canadian capital city and adjacent river.)  The Illinois town was named for its function as a trading post on the IL river. Illinois is also named after the local tribes who originally inhabited the area.

So, both cities were named for proximities to rivers and trade.  I expect the locals would have been content had Europeans simply stayed home.  But then your ancestors would have been stuck with our great great great grandparents or something like that.  Clearly, I have too much time on my hands these days.

Sounds complicated. Should've just called it Yark.

York would've been better but appararently it's already taken.
Don't put off until tomorrow, what you can put off until the day after.

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Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #272 on: September 23, 2020, 10:02:58 AM »
There's a town in southern Illinois called Cairo (pronounced Kay Ro).  There are multiple references to the Nile delta and Egypt in the area near the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers.  Americans seemed to be obsessed at times with reproducing the Old World in the New, hence the multiple towns or states named "Athens," "Newcastle" or New something or other (York, Orleans, Hampshire, Brunswick, Britain, Rochelle, Jersey, etc.)  This could be a great scattergories question.  Oh well.

It's hot here and the heat is making me stupid so I'll close.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #273 on: September 25, 2020, 04:00:16 AM »
Memphis, Clovis, First place I lived was called Antioch.

"fun" fact, Clovis passed an emergency order to reopen businesses. Because Covid is a liberal myth. The only good thing about that bless'ed town was the Foster Freeze.

And I suppose big hat day, but that just seemed like a general street fair. I never noticed how WHITE clovis was when I would be there, but it was once the headquarters of the KKK, so it's not surprising.

I am glad it mostly skipped over my family. One Uncle had that Nordic art phase in high school, but I've never heard a racial slur out of his mouth.

Grandma said "colored" until she died, but she voted for Obama just the same. I remember dad would mess with her when they had Jesus programs on the TV, he'd bring up the regional ethnicities (Huge history buff, my dad) and bring up the fact that Jesus probably wasn't a white dude.

She'd get super mad, but then let it go. She was cool. Got the most merciful death of anyone in my family. We all seem to go choking. She got up, routine as anything. Ate her breakfast, took her medication, then decided a morning nap was in order.

Didn't get up again.

Sorry for the rambly, I'm not in a great place, mentally. Aunt yo-yo'd a living situation that would have relieved a lot of pressure, but it now seems like it was a psychological game to piss my mom off.

Plus it would have meant moving to the sticks in PA. Five miles to the closest store, and an aunt who likes to push buttons as a neighbor.

Mom's super depressed.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #274 on: September 25, 2020, 05:31:43 AM »
I'm sorry about the expensive living situation.  CA is not cheap.  And your Aunt should be ashamed.  But, while rural PA can be really beautiful, if you don't have a car, it's not really a workable living situation.  Plus lots of snow in the winter.  In urban CA, you can get groceries delivered and you have options.  PA? not so much.  For most locales, the only game in town is WalMart, and a Supercenter if you are lucky.  Ick.

Offline Beatrix

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #275 on: November 14, 2020, 09:07:13 AM »
I'm alive, mostly ;)  I'm so sorry, it's been too long.  Now before I give you a detail about myself, hows everyone doing?  I'm gonna just go read about that.  You know me, still trying to wait tables and find a better job.  Uggh.  I totally skipped the political jazz, I'm proud of me.

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #276 on: November 14, 2020, 09:12:03 AM »
There's a town in southern Illinois called Cairo (pronounced Kay Ro).  There are multiple references to the Nile delta and Egypt in the area near the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers.  Americans seemed to be obsessed at times with reproducing the Old World in the New, hence the multiple towns or states named "Athens," "Newcastle" or New something or other (York, Orleans, Hampshire, Brunswick, Britain, Rochelle, Jersey, etc.)  This could be a great scattergories question.  Oh well.

It's hot here and the heat is making me stupid so I'll close.
Very very interesting six, thanks for sharing.

Awe 8ully, I totally understand.  My mothers alcoholism is out of control.  When she tries not to drink her depression gets her after about 14 hours.  Its pitiful and painful.
I distance myself emotionally, been working on it for a couple years now since dad died, I'm finally getting good at letting go.
I think the world of you, I know I speak for six too.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #277 on: November 14, 2020, 03:10:51 PM »
I'm sorry about your mom, Bea.  It sounds like you are learning to deal with it.  I have members of my family who also drink too much on a regular basis and it really messes with their heads as well as hampers our relationships.

Distance and maintaining your own sanity are helpful.  Also, being able to talk about it with people who know her and who are supportive can help.  I think lots of people who drink like that are trying to self medicate because they feel uncomfortable in their own skins. 

I was thinking of tarascon and how I haven't heard much from him lately.  I sent out an email a few months (end of March!) back but he has no internet and was relying on the public library for access.  Since many of the libraries closed due to COVID I expect he's had limited opportunities to stay in touch.

Anyway, have a good Thanksgiving.  We won't be doing that as it's not much of a French thing.  We eat island barbeque.  Maybe we'll get some conch stew.  We are still trying to get broken stuff fixed and look after my father in law, so that work keeps us busy. 

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #278 on: November 17, 2020, 02:35:34 PM »
Dog didn't eat since friday, mom just took him back to the vet, he couldn't keep any of the meds down.

I don't think he's coming back.

this is not the update I wanted to make. I had some stupid hope the vet would be like "He needs an IV dumbass, come back tomorrow." That did not happen.

Pikachu did not come home.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 07:49:27 PM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #279 on: November 17, 2020, 08:21:37 PM »
I'm really sorry to hear about your dog, 8ully.  It's hard to lose a pet.  Pikachu sounds like he was quite the character.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #280 on: November 18, 2020, 03:41:02 PM »
Thank you for the condolences.

I keep going to pat his head or pick him up. He was in good spirits through the worst of it, but couldn't walk.

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #281 on: November 18, 2020, 04:11:18 PM »
Damn, that's rough bro. Sorry to hear that.

Now my wife works at a vets she has to deal with this all the time - which doesn't sit well with her. On the other hand, she gets a lot back from the animals that are overjoyed to see her.
Don't put off until tomorrow, what you can put off until the day after.

There is an exception to every rule, apart from this one.

Offline Beatrix

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #282 on: November 18, 2020, 09:23:12 PM »
Awe 8ully, that's terrible to hear.  I've had only a few dogs in my life, and it's been hard when each one has passed.  I hope you heal well.  We all keep creatures in our hearts, like people.

My mom does hide from herself in the alcohol.  She's been an addict to it as long as I ever remember.  She was in rehab often when I was very young.  For awhile there, about 4 years ago, she had been drinking again for a year since dad died and she would tell everyone it was for pain.  She told herself she needed it because of back disfunction and a broken rib.  She wasnt able to afford health insurance or pain medication, she couldn't get Obama care or Medicaid, she had lossed dads blue cross blue shield, so she continued to drink.
Now I watch her digress quickly.  COPD and major psychological issues, she's barely there when shes sober and drinks when she wakes up. 
Ive just given up, I have communicated to friends and close family that I cannot even be bothered by it anymore for all the heartache and trauma shes caused me, especially in the past 4 years. I live in my own place, I dont have to be involved with her outside of letting my daughter see her, as she loves her grandma.  Honestly if I knew anyone else or had any other family to visit weekly, I would.  I always thought I would come back to illinois and reunite with my family, heh.  What a time I've had being an optimistic imaginative fool <3 I feel better, after all these years, in this damned time we are in, I feel better, it's almost shameful for all the turmoil we have all faced, but its well passed the times I prayed for it.  I only need what I have, and I have you and them, i have plenty.

Uggh, I've missed t so much. 

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #283 on: November 18, 2020, 11:14:18 PM »
so sorry for you man, I know how it feels  loosing our dog earlier this year

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Reply #284 on: November 20, 2020, 02:55:03 PM »
I have written t a couple times in the past several months with no reply.  Hopefully, it's just a question of his not having access to internet at his place.  I think he's got roommates and had a pizza job for a while but that fell through.  He's decided to retire, so I assume he's ok, but I worry about COVID.  If he succumbed there would be no way to find out.  So I'll just think good thoughts about him.

Bea, you sound like you've managed to get a healthy distance from your mother.  I'm sorry that there's not other family that you can rely on or talk with in the area.  I hope you will find some new friends from work that can serve as a source of support.  At least you have your kids, and it sounds like they're doing ok?  Have they adjusted to the move?