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General Discussion / Re: Whats on your summer vacation calendar?
« Last post by smokester on Today at 03:33:50 PM »
Back in blighty and back to coughing, sneezing, shouting at other drivers and moving at twice the pace.

At least beer is sold in pints here. That's something, right ...
Music / Re: Earworm of the day
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on Today at 07:00:31 AM »
A friend of mine had seen Rod Stewart in concert multiple times and said he was always really good live.  She called him "Old Faithful."

I was never all that keen on his music, but for some reason this has been stuck in my head for days:
General Discussion / Re: Whats on your summer vacation calendar?
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on Today at 06:57:26 AM »
I'm glad you had such a good time.  The Caribbean islands are so beautiful.  I don't know if I'll be back there in a long time.
General Discussion / Re: Whats on your summer vacation calendar?
« Last post by smokester on Yesterday at 04:55:39 AM »
Going home today - well, I leave today and get home tomorrow. It's been a bash and I am, as usual, desperately sorry to leave.

Best I book next year as soon as I can.
TV / Movies / Re: New Movies
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on September 16, 2024, 09:31:03 AM »
New idea for Alien series.  Alien and aged Sigourney Weaver come to common terms and team up to save the universe from some looming threat.   They succeed and realize the benefits that come from not trying to kill one another.  They go on a road trip and find a race of hybrid Alien/Humans that manage to create a paradise out of simple planetary elements.  The end.
TV / Movies / Re: New Movies
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on September 14, 2024, 11:43:53 AM »
I'm waiting for Alien: Remus.

I read the synopsis.  My life is stressful enough without help from the cinematic arts.  Sounds like a bummer of a plot.
TV / Movies / Re: New Movies
« Last post by smokester on September 14, 2024, 08:27:39 AM »
We went to the cinima here and watched Alien: Romulus. All I can say about the film - and especially the ending -  is, was that really necessary? I mean, really!? That's just bent up dude.
Food and Drink / Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on September 12, 2024, 02:26:59 PM »
Just had a thoroughly unsatisfying turkey and tomato on multigrain bread sandwich.  It had a bitter aftertaste.  At least I'm no longer hungry but of course now I want a nap.
Food and Drink / Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on September 12, 2024, 12:56:52 AM »
I'd be surprised to find homes "fully insulated" in Florida.  What kind of materials is the house constructed from?  There were forms of lightweight aggregate concrete that were intended to insulate against heat in places like Teheran, but those were deployed in slab concrete construction of modest single family homes.  The house we are moving into has no insulation, either, and it's in a place with much colder winters.  So that's something we will have to pay to fix.
Food and Drink / Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Last post by 8ullfrog on September 11, 2024, 10:48:15 PM »
I sleep at my aunt's but she scouted our new home. I wish she scouted a little harder but bless'ed liars are prolific in Florida.

Back to food, tonight was a butter chicken kit and it was bitchmade mild. Tasted good though, not a big fan of rice but the sauce elevated it despite bringing little spice.

My aunt is a fantastic host but I hope the seller ends up in the ben stiller retirement home from Happy Gillmore. Fully insulated my ass.
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