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Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate: SG1 Season 6
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2020, 03:05:25 PM »
Metamorphosis -

Poor Jonas, all the goauld want a piece of him. Bad Touch Goauld gets a lesson from her own freak show. This reminds me of the magneto plot in the first X-Men movie. In that the device doesn't work right. Even the breaking down into water thing is present.

Disclosure -
Nah, he's a profiteering little golly here too, more from him later.

I actually liked the "review" episodes of stargate, yeah it's a clip show, but it also pauses and asks you to judge the actions of our heroes. Plus yeah, Thor madam slaps kinsey.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate: SG1 Season 6
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2020, 08:15:50 PM »
You know, the critiques of the actions of SG1 being absurdly careless and subjecting the planet to multiple risks were entirely justified.  But the guy playing Senator Kinsey is such an effective richard/bully that it's hard to find him sympathetic, even when he's right.

It seemed like the kind of thing you throw together when the actors want a vacation or you've had your budget cut.  At any rate, it was moderately entertaining, but not as much as the metamorphosis that preceded it.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate: SG1 Season 6
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2020, 09:23:35 PM »
In reality it was a way to introduce the SciFi Channel audience to events that happened on Showtime.

They moved networks.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate: SG1 Season 6
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2020, 08:23:51 PM »
Last night I watched a couple more.
One:  Forsaken.  A twist on Beauty and the Beast.  Ugly alien looking guy is the virtuous one, while the good looking trio that asks SG1 for help are escaped felons who are up to no good.  This was suggested by the pretty boy who was shamelessly flirting with Carter as she worked to repair their ship.  Never trust pretty boys who come on too strong.  Glad they got that sorted after a few twists and turns.  Pretty girl also comes on too strong to Jonas.  His crap meter went off, too.

Second:  Changeling.  WTF?  Teal'c is sharing his symbiote with Brae but there's some oddball subplot/alternative line where Teal'c is a firefighter along with the rest of the SG1 crew.  They drive around kind of like the crew of the American show, Emergency (a real 70's classic), helping get people out of dire situations.  Teal'c or T as he's called by the rest of the team, is supposedly giving a kidney to a colleague.  Apophis keeps showing up like evil doctor giving them grief.  Finally, the whole business gets resolved back at base.  There's something specially healing about the mountain air in Colorado, apparently.  Also, Dr. Fraiser is especially skilled.  There's plenty of back and forth between these alternate realities.  Oh and old snorefest Daniel Jackson shows up, maybe as part of a WPA project for out of work actors.  He seems to have one speed, ashram dropout, with more than enough new age advice to go around.  It was striking to me how much I prefer Jonas Quinn to DJ.  Oh well.

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Re: Stargate: SG1 Season 6
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2020, 02:09:27 AM »
Momento:  Toxic masculinity poster child commanding the X3 or whatever gets the lot of SG1 marooned via hyperspace and problems on some planet with good cop bad cop.  They figure out where the ancient stargate is buried and manage to get home for spare parts after some powerplays and other wranglings.  All is well.

Prophecy:  Jonas has prophetic brain tumor.  Everyone gets into a fight with Gou'ald controlled planet habitants, most of whom want Goua'ld gone, but  some traitors like being slaves so they're in cahoots with Mr. Mott (not of applesauce fame) who is skimming off the top from another system lord who will be mightily pissed if he finds out.  After some strife, Jonas gets his brain back and all is well.  This episode allowed me to see how obsessed wardrobe and makeup is with hair dye.  For the entire season Carter has become heavily blonde and Dr. Frasier is also a slave to the bottle with streaks and highlights.  What's  up with that?  They look like Fox newscasters or something.

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Re: Stargate: SG1 Season 6
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2020, 02:23:52 AM »
Full circle.  Daniel Jackson's back.  Anubis spoils the party again and wipes out the planet of Abydos which has a bunch of pyramids and supporting structures.  I had the distinct feeling that the show recycled the interiors/sets in viewing rooms under the pyramid.  The Lost City of the Ancients seems to be a big answer but then it's not meant to be found, so everyone is left scratching their heads.  Anubis is such a downer.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate: SG1 Season 6
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2020, 05:04:31 PM »
You're smoking me here. I wrote reviews up in notepad as I watched these episodes, and your insights just skewer the golly out of them.

I didn't see a review on

Smoke & Mirrors

 I thought that episode had some extremely important things to say that were promptly ignored when the episode was done.

We find out the foothold situation that Carter fixed back in... I'm not even going to pretend to remember when it was. Lobster people with perfect optical camouflage. WAS NOT PUT ON THE OFFICIAL RECORD.

They took a mulligan on a situation that could have ended the bless'ed world. We never even get to know what the lobster people actually wanted, and the only result was that the SGC recovered 13 optical camouflage devices, which were predictably stolen by the NID. 

O'neill is FRAMED FOR MURDER, and that's not really something that could be waved off... but they do.

Paradise Lost

You didn't review this one either. Slimy Maybourne and Jack stranded on a planet. I liked it because 1) Carter Fails, 2) The solution was easier than they thought it was. Plus the drug trip was pretty cool.


Jonas always gets sexually harassed. He saves the day with a minimum of violence. Kind of interesting how Jackson always espousing peace and love often causes entire societal systems to self destruct, and Jonas just tries ACTUALLY LISTENING instead of preaching, and generally solves the problem by episode's end. MVP JONAS.

The Changeling - I had to watch this on streaming, my DVD copy was not cooperating.

I think Daniel actually broke the ascended law here, he put Teal'c in a safe space when reality was just a grueling death. Teal'c actually seemed happy there, which doubles the richard move. When the episode ends, he goes back to being Teal'c.

Interestingly enough, Christopher Judge wrote this one.


I slightly disagree with your take on the Colonel, granted, that's because he shows up in later episodes in a much better mood. In this episode, he's on the bleeding edge. Earth has never had a starship, and he's fighting tooth and nail to get them ready for what is out there. This isn't beige conference room scifi, this is you can die in 30 seconds scifi. He explains that to Jack. SG-1 is marginalized in the drills because the Colonel doesn't want his people to always rely on SG-1.

And then they have to rely on SG-1. I kind of like that the drive on the ship poo out, showing that the teething stage is ongoing.

Additionally, the Colonel STAYS with his ship for the months it takes to repair it. That's integrity.


I didn't like it. I do like that once again, the General does not immediately assume that Jonas is bugfuck insane.

Funny enough, this is an episode where Carter is both wrong, and pigheaded. I'm surprised they didn't have an episode where she gets a bunch of people killed because she always thinks she is right.

She's like Tony Stark without the attitude adjustment.


Yup... he's back. Got a strong feeling this was written as a possible Series Finale, considering. But that would have been a bummer, leaving on a loss.

Anubis always sucked.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate: SG1 Season 6
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2020, 07:12:28 PM »
I did leave out a couple episodes.  I think you have been, understandably, embroiled in car fiasco.  I sure hope you get some decent news on that front.

I didn't review Smoke & Mirrors.  I whipped through it a while back.  Probably right before my trip.  The little disc that the NID guys were wearing to impersonate and slander the character of O'Neill is eventually discovered and disabled.  Kinsey is a jerk, at least from the perspective of SG1.  Of course, as a representative of the taxpayer, he comes across as knight on white charger defending the commonweal from profligate spending and goofy alien boondoggles that have the potential to expose citizens to harm from the offworld adventures.  The distinction of pod people (evil men who look like good guys) by Carter seems to have depended more on instinct than anything else.  No matter how bad things get, they're usually resolvable in under an hour.

For Paradise Lost:  Maybourne somehow is like Godzilla.  You know.  He's like this evil force that becomes homely and then a force for good as the monster is embraced by the Japanese.  Then the sequels begin:  Godzilla vs Mothra, Godzilla vs Rodan, Godzilla vs King Kong, Godzilla vs (your favorite new monster's name here), etc.  So there seem to be endless occasions for Maybourne to come post mischief to help out with some annoying entanglement with alien tech or beings or another.  Or when NID bad guys act up.  So like a good Japanese citizen, I, too, embrace Maybourne.  He's good for comic relief on occasion and helps Jack get out of scrapes from time to time.  Just as often, he falls into role of trickster and drags the lot of them into some kind of new mayhem that he's inadvertently created.  Somehow, though, we don't really have cause as we initially did, to despise him.  He's more like a fun bad penny who shows up on occasion.

So Maybourne who, as disillusioned by his stint in special forces or his pentagon desk job at NID or whatev' wants some aspect of his former life to pay off so he can go somewhere good and not be condemned to a life of infamy and disgrace in relative poverty.  So he's a greedy little golly, like many of his countrymen.  O'Neill chases him when he goes through some gate into parts unknown.  Was that a good idea?  Nope.

They end up marooned on the moon, but don't know that it's the moon for about 35 minutes.  Maybourne eats some psychoactive plant that makes him despondent and paranoid.  O'Neill has to get him to quit chomping on the stuff.  Finally, Carter figures out where they are and Maybourne gets to go somewhere nicer than earth to hang out.  Maybe he can take the Trumps with him.  I wasn't overly impressed with either of these episodes which is why I didn't initially bother to write about them.  Also, I often finish late at night and sometimes I just go to sleep and don't weigh in, which explains why I omitted them.

I don't know about the business with finding Carter a know it all.  I think she's more like a nerd who rarely veers away from a pure professionalism, a strategy that seems entirely appropriate as a self defense mechanism by a woman who must work in a male dominated environment like she does.  How many women do we encounter on a regular basis as her peers?  Not many, I'd say.  There's Carter, the doc, and the occasional guest star, more often than not an exotic citizen of another planet or evil Gou'ald.  Carter rarely shows emotion, although she clearly cares about the other members of the team.  It's hard to say whether she (except for the one episode in which her alternate from other reality was married to and widowed from the other O'Neill) actually harbors feelings for O'Neill. I think the writers like to mess around with that for titillation from time to time.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2020, 07:16:42 PM by 6pairsofshoes »

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate: SG1 Season 6
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2020, 09:54:38 PM »
To be fair, I think the #1 most shouted line by O'neill is "CARTER" so it stands to reason she's put on the spot quite a bit.

Maybourne and the other NID pukes were sentenced to DEATH for treason, so he kind of has to leave the planet. Sadly, his dream retirement wasn't all it was choked up to be.

He's not wrong about bridges burned though, he could not stay on earth after the two times he helped O'neill bust the network.

His retirement plan required SG-1 to be dupes, and it didn't work out quite like he planned it, which is for the best, as his hippie commune retirement was instead a death moon with Salvia as the only native plant life.

Doesn't really excuse fishing with explosives, that was a richard move.

All that being said, Carter can be overly rigid, which can and does cost the SGC.

As to Carter/O'Neill, that was the one "Do not cross" line from the Air Force. They could hint at it all they liked, but in order for it to happen, O'Neill or Carter would have to retire.

Which means golly all, both could retire and become a civilian consultant and do the exact same damned thing, at a higher pay rate. Danny boy never enlisted, and both Teal'c and Jonas are literal aliens!