Author Topic: Things we've learned from The Big Bang Theory  (Read 5595 times)

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Things we've learned from The Big Bang Theory
« on: July 24, 2009, 12:23:47 AM »
- Masturbation is the quickest way to broadband.

- One would rather watch season 2 of Battlestar Gallactica with commentary than have a woman over for dinner.

- Star Trek and Star Wars are two separate things. Seriously.

- It doesn't matter if your children are non-existent, as long as they're smart and beautiful.

- Pajamas were invented in India. You're welcome.

- Gravity is a heartless madam.

- You cannot trust wallet ads on the internet.

- You can't learn Morse code at 3 AM.

- You can find out if a relationship will turn out well by putting a cat and poison inside a box.

- Maintainig more than four friends is an herculean task.

- Everything gets better with bluetooth.

- Smart is the new sexy. No, not really.

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Re: Things we've learned from The Big Bang Theory
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2009, 01:18:20 PM »
I want to watch it now!  Damn you capped bandwidth!  >:(

Now Zoidberg is the popular one!

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Re: Things we've learned from The Big Bang Theory
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2009, 08:15:10 PM »
I found some more:

1. NEVER break up a girl fight

2. Superman would chop Lois into 3 separate pieces if he caught her while falling

3. Rock, Paper, Scissors is overrated. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock is how you settle it

4. Everyone loves LOLcats, they're cute and they can't spell . . . 'cause they're cats . . .

5. If you're "banned" from your friend's apartment, he/she may also block access to the Internet so you won't be able to IM with your friends about how you "heart" various things

6. People can't be in Sheldon's room.

7. War is hell.

8. The Check Engine-light should be taken seriously.

9. If cats could sing, they would hate Penny's singing too.

10. 3 strikes and your out.

11. Leonard should shush when He's told to shush.

12. Penny's apartment is a swirling vortex of entropy.

13. Sheldon loves Batman and cookies.

14. Gravity IS a heartless madam. :-)

15. Only Mee Maw calls Sheldon Moon pie.

16. Raj has the moves (dances and can manipulate through lasers).

17. Howard's Mom makes a mean brisket.

18. The reason why Leonard built a hugging machine.

19. Sheldon likes to be petted and his chest hair clumps when not rubbed clockwise.

20. Howard will "hit" anything.

21. Penny gets horny when she drinks.

22. You can heat cup noodles with a high frequency ray/laser in 2.6secs.

23. Dr. Who screens every Saturday morning at 6.30am.

24. You need 4 pple to play team mode in Halo 3.

25. A necktie on the door signifies a hookup taking place.

26. It's a trap!

27. When you forget to bring a knife, flash-freezing a banana works, too.

28. The Perpetual Motion Squad can go all night long.

29. A Jewish male living with his mother is so common, it's almost a clich'e.

30. It would seem Leonard's chances of going out with Penny are slightly better than the Hubble Telescope has of finding that at the center of each black hole there's a little man with a flashlight trying to find the circuit breaker.

31. Sheldon isn't insane. His mother had him tested.

32. Flossing helps your gums store more food.

33. Blue is MOST DECIDEDLY Penny's color.

34. Sometimes, you have to attach the electrodes yourself.

35. Leonard knows how to roll in the shire.

36. Engineers are the Oompa-Loompas of science.

37. Howard has had sex with prostitutes.

38. Leonard may want to see Stephanie again, but Stephanie is not done with seeing Leonard now.


40. Penny's last name isn't Dymes, Foryourthoughts, Pitstop, Lane, Loafer, or Aiwurkatthecheezkeykfaktuhree, which is Algonquin for "she who delivers carbohydrates."

41. Green popsicles make Howard suicidal.

42. Raj gets more crap from his friends than Ellen Page.

43. A good way to simulate a deployed airbag is to hit someone in the face with a pillow.

44. Some people, like Missy Cooper, can be pimped out for a piece of cheese.

45. Howard will sacrifice for the "little guy."

46. Thanks to Sheldon and Leonard's mom, you'll never look the same way at "Caddyshack" again.

47. Star Trek V sucks 5 times as much as Star Trek I.

48. The people that thought the super collider would super explode are just a bunch of cry-babies

49. Alcohol is a good way to get over pathological shyness

50. If more than 2 queen bees are in a nest they may have a fight to the death

51. Green lantern has an ass full of money.

52. When Sheldon makes blueberry pancakes, he has to select the blueberries he will use individually from the container.

53. When Sheldon eats Oreo cookies, he has to line them up evenly in 2 straight rows on his plate.

54. Raj has the upper body strength of a Keebler elf.

55. It's impossible to have a rational argument with Sheldon about Superman.

56. Howard has transient idiopathic arrhythmia, so if you use a stethoscope, you can literally hear his heart skip a beat.

57. If you dress up like the Doppler effect for Halloween, a good way to demonstrate is to go "neeeeeeeum!"

58. If everybody dresses up like the Flash, you should all walk behind each other all night, it'll look like one person going really fast

59. Leonard is not a leprechaun or an elf, HE'S A HOBBIT!

60. Never ever, ever touch somebody's onion ring or hamburger--they will notice.

61. A good way to get somebody out of the house to set up for a surprise party is to pretend you're having an allergic reaction so they'll drive you to the hospital

62. Penny is "A big ol' 5".

63. The Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered Alliance of Rutherford, N.J. has an annual Luau.

64. You can't earn a decent living making Penny blossoms.

65. You might want to try the local cuisine but don't make a steady diet of it.

66. Euclid Avenue has speed bumps.

67. Leonard has a Darth Vader voice changer.

68. You have to take your time with Sheldon.

69. Eloi work part time as movers.

70. Glitter clumping is a major problem that should be dealt with immediately.

71. Sheldon and Penny make a better couple than Leonard and Penny

72. Howard looks 'pretty good' when compared to Kripke

73. Sheldon is capable of affection: He hugged Penny
He let his mom kiss him goodnight

74. A friend is only a friend if he likes monkeys

75. Geek chic is on the up!!

76.Albert Einstein didnt have a drivers license.

77.Sheldon could not get a Drivers license at 16 because he was examining perturbed amplitudes in in equal force super symmetric theories leading to a re-examination of ultra violet properties of multi-loop n=8 super gravity using modern twistor theory.

78.Sheldon does not like whistlers.

79.Sheldon is paranoia when it comes to falling sick.

80.Schrodinger`s Cat is a great way to know whether you are compatible with your girlfriend!!!!

81. Smart is the new sexy.

82. Leonard is a magnificent beast.

83. Icee's are NOT the same as Slurpee's.

84. Leonard has a Bat signal.

86. When Penny says "shut up" you should, or you won't get laid.

87. Sheldon can't tell when someone is sarcastic.

88. Sheldon's money is guarded by "snakes".

89. Any guy with an IQ over 110 has a shot with Leslie Winkle

90. Howard's mom's house is NOT an Olive Garden.

91. When downing tequila shots, make sure you have a neck available, preferably of the opposite gender (or the same gender if you wish), for the salt part.

92. If your roommate prefers things authentic at a Reinaissance Festival, change your pillowcases right away.

93. Make sure no health codes are being violated before having sex at a Subway.

94. Some things just can't be explained outside the psychiatrist's office without rag dolls.

95. Sometimes, it IS Dr. Sheldon Cooper for the win.

96. Cheer up: ComicCon is only 9 months away.

97. Puffed Cheetos do not make for a lovely shade of lipstick.

98. Some people just don't care if you're mentioned in People Magazine

99. Most scientists are doomed to teaching 5th graders how to make volcanoes out of baking soda.

and most importantly...


101. You should not kowtow to mediocre minds!

102. The Planetarium doesn't have dinosaurs

103. Sheldon's spot is 0000

104. They prefer it if you have a child when Snow White comes to your house.

105. It is a little wrong to call a tomato a vegetable. It is very wrong to call it a suspension bridge.

106. Curry is a natural laxitive, and we all know how important a clean colon is.

107. Sheldon didn't invent 26 different dimensions. they're there. in every universe

108. Battlestar Galactica season 2 is better with the director's commentary

109. Penny is a killer beast at paintball

110. Leonard loves cheesecake,

111. Leonard is lactose intolerant,

112. Okay, Leonard loves the idea of cheesecake

113. Leonard did not enjoy 'Anything Can Happen Thursday'

114. If you become a sword master...sell it on ebay

115. ALWAYS read character descriptions

116. ALWAYS make sure the cheese is adjacent to the bread

117. Howard is a romantic

118. Howard can speak 6 different languages

119. Leonard is known as "no peanut boy" to all the Thai resturants in town

120. If you hear loud bumping noises coming from upstairs, they're obviously jumping on the bed

121. ALWAYS look through comics, they're might be one you don't have

122. A model of the Bottle City of Kamdor is much cooler when girls aren't around.

123. Make sure you read the description before spending $800 on a time machine.

124. Sonic death rays can't kill people, but they can piss off dogs

125. Sheldon must always know thusly: Knock knock knock "Penny" (or Leonard etc.) Knock knock knock "Penny" Knock knock knock "Penny." Opening the door prematurely doesn't stop him.

126. It is almost impossible to not sing along to the theme song especially at, "They built the pyramids!" and "BANG!"

127. Chicks don't dig card tricks.

128. Chef salads are how restaurants get rid of old cold cuts and cheese.

129. Jared asparagus is a madam to open.

130. When looking for a comic book start from the far end.

131. Coffee doesn't always mean coffee. Next season maybe we'll find out what it does mean.

132. Missy will grab you by the nads if you piss her off.

133. Paintballs are water soluble except on Pleather sofas.

134. If we were in the Matrix, the food would be better

135. Calling someone a rocket scientist is not a compliment

136. Adding "with all due respect" does not get you off the hook for insulting your new boss

137. Two Ding Dongs tomorrow will not help today

138. Skynet is kinky

139. Jenga is a suitable substitute for the internet

140. I'm Batman

141. Having 'Knock Knock Knock Penny' 'Knock Knock Knock Penny' as your ringtone gets you strange looks in town and restaurants.

142. There once was a brave lad named Leonard, with a fi-fi fiddle dee dee. He was going to face a giant, while Raj just wanted to pee

143. Leonard and Sheldon are not gay. They think Patrick Stewart is the sexiest man alive.

144. Penny double dips her egg rolls.

145. Kurt will pants you if you upset him.

146. Watch out for fish night lights, they are coming to a pet shop near you soon.

147. Howard would have to consult his rabbi and manufacturer about getting his robotic penis cirumsised.

148. Scrambled eggs are as good as they are going to be.

149. Sheldon's mom's special ingredient is Lard.

(Maybe we need to change this to "200 things we learned from The Big Bang Theory")

150. Kurt is a Homo Habillis just discovering his opposable thumbs.

151: starwars should only be watched in ordor, the way george lucas intended to dissapoint.

152. Tweety Bird tawt he taw a Romulan

153. If Kurt (Penny's ex) were any bigger, he'd have moons orbiting him!

154. All Sheldon needs is a healthy ovum and he can grow his own Leonard Nemoy

155. Leonard Neemoy eats at The Cheese Cake Factory

156. A former Soviet physicist can get a job as a janitor in the USA

157. Leornard does not hunt

158. Raj is apparently a big Cyndi Lauper fan.

159. Howard can get a free trip to Europe if he's OK with being used like a cheap tart.

160. Sheldon's shirts are always folded neatly. He even has a device for it.

161. 10 or 20 more times, and Sheldon can reach the top of that rock wall.

162. The extension cord on the guys' apartment can only stretch so far.

162. Leonard and Penny will make a great couple...slowly. (in direct contrast to #71.)
« Last Edit: July 26, 2009, 04:25:23 PM by ohcheap1 »

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Re: Things we've learned from The Big Bang Theory
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2009, 03:13:21 PM »
I actually prefer this next line for the Star Trek V thing...

163. Raj: "Star Trek V is the basis by which all badness is measured."

164. Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.

165. Captain Sweatpants does not help the argument that comic readers aren't weirdos.

166. 1234 is not a secure password.

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Re: Things we've learned from The Big Bang Theory
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2009, 03:33:57 PM »
Ok, so previously I'd only ever seen one episode of TBBT but I've recently downloaded seasons 1+2 and am almost done with them.  I must say, this is a hilarious show and I'm glad I decided to watch it before it got canceled.
* dweez sheds a tear for "Firefly"

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Re: Things we've learned from The Big Bang Theory
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2009, 04:38:12 PM »
Canceled? I dont know WHAT youre talking about this will be a fruitful and long lived show.  ;)

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Re: Things we've learned from The Big Bang Theory
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2009, 05:11:26 PM »
I'm just saying...all the shows I like end up...getting...

Spoiler (hover to show)

Offline CMF

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Re: Things we've learned from The Big Bang Theory
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2009, 10:54:31 PM »
dweez, I must disagree: Seinfeld, It's always sunny in Philadelphia, Breaking Bad, ....
Firefly is merely one of the examples of bad management made by Fox. Fox sucks. Luckily, The Big Bang Theory is on CBS and they are happy for now. And let's not forget that Chuck lorre also made other successful shows: Two and a half men, Dharma and Greg, etc... As for Two and a Half Men, I think it is finally time to cancel it, but Lorre got it renewed for three more seasons  :o
So, I think that The Big Bang Theory has some future after all  ;)

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Re: Things we've learned from The Big Bang Theory
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2010, 03:41:49 PM »
I never seen the show did i miss anything???

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Re: Things we've learned from The Big Bang Theory
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2010, 10:55:28 PM »
I never seen the show did i miss anything???

Oh yes.
And you missed a whole trend there was in the fora here to have pics and sigs from The Big Bang Theory.