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Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2865 on: January 21, 2020, 09:47:22 PM »
Die Hard 2

John McClane incurs a considerable amount of paperwork in this film, and the one person I wanted to die (The tow cop) does not die.

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2866 on: January 23, 2020, 09:06:09 AM »

Doctor Sleep - Enjoyed this a lot

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2867 on: January 24, 2020, 11:05:00 AM »
the last full measure. A tremendous film and worth a watch.
Be aware tissues are needed

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2868 on: January 27, 2020, 12:55:34 AM »
Dark Waters, A decent film shocking as true well worth a watch  Big business sucks

Just Mercy,  Well acted, was ok nothing new in a film as have seen before ref miscarriage. Again a decent watch

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2869 on: February 04, 2020, 01:20:50 PM »

Last Christmas.  A tad late but a first attempt by E.Thompson who was surprised they agreed to film.
Lots of cameos, plenty of wham. A tv movie to be honest

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2870 on: February 26, 2020, 12:24:33 AM »
I feel guilty, I finally watched one of the "Free ad-supported" movies on youtube, and it was only an hour into the film I realized my AdBlock was still up.

That's dangerous, I've heard of people losing their entire google account pulling such poo, but too late.

We watched Ronin. I liked it, but did not like that Diedre did not get any comeuppance.

It turned out, I was mistaken, the east german sniper is never identified, so maybe she didn't murder an ice skater in cold blood. Also, in the original ending, she DID get comeuppance, but test audiences boo-hooed it, and it was removed.

Also, Natasha McElhone is going to be playing Dr. Elizabeth damn' Halsey in a HALO series. HOLY poo. That's like, Deuteragonist!

First with Halsey, monsterous bless'ed actions in conscripting FIVE YEAR OLDS, and molding them into supersoldiers, but then she ALSO has to play Cortana. Cortana is a thief, and she keeps what she steals.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2871 on: March 25, 2020, 01:39:17 AM »
I doubt that's California.  More likely Canada.  California license plates look nothing like what's on the back of that vehicle.

Thanks for saving me the trouble.  I'd never heard of that movie, and now I don't have to even waste a few brain cells considering it.

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2872 on: March 25, 2020, 03:18:35 AM »
Doesn't much look like CA to me, more like a backlot on a studio.

And yeah, California plates look nothing like that. We get reflective rectangles, tend to be center low mounted.

so a plate would look like

|          4XXX342

I believe most have the California in red cursive on white plate. Vanity options include yellow lettering on blue plate and yellow lettering on black plate.

I've not been to Canada, but those plates do look like the ones in the highlander series. I believe they shot in vancouver, but pretended to be either the fictional US city of Seacouver, or Paris... France. Not to be confused with Paris, Texas.

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2873 on: March 25, 2020, 08:58:02 AM »
I was thinking that the first screengrab was more like California with the hills in the distance and that part of the road is on a pretty steep hill making me think of San Francisco, the other screengrabs come from a part of the film that looks remarkably like South Africa with its corrugated metal roofs and the architecture it looks like one of the smaller townships.

There's street signs unlike anything posted in CA.  The vegetation and architecture (particularly the walls along the street and the odd little green concrete balls adjacent to the driveway) don't look right.  Of course my knowledge of the state is limited to the I-80 pathway running to the east from San Francisco, the Bay Area, the roads to Mendocino, and the interstate between the Bay Area and Los Angeles.  I've been around L.A. and its close dependencies.  There may be parts of CA that I've not seen, but not with cars bearing such license plates.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2874 on: March 25, 2020, 09:53:18 AM »
I've been everywhere man, breathed the open air man.

I still say backlot.

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2875 on: March 26, 2020, 03:59:55 AM »
have watched nothing of new as yet, waiting to be sent home from work.
Have a few new ones and most will be poo

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2876 on: March 27, 2020, 11:37:32 AM »
I tried to watch bloodshot, but it was too dumb.

The twist was good, but the movie was not.

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2877 on: April 06, 2020, 12:17:03 AM »
Bloodshot had decent effects but a Vin Diesel film from start to finish

Alien on the bottom of the Sea. Some good effects but thats it

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2878 on: April 14, 2020, 06:33:05 AM »
So, I mentioned suffering through the elm street series, and it was total poo.

New Nightmare was way shittier than I remembered it. Like I thought it was meta or something, and it flirts with that, but it's in the realm of "scary to an eight year old".

Seriously. Crap movie, Wes Craven was straight up his own ass on that one.

It kind of ruins Scream for me, just more him jacking off, directly into camera.

For instance, "Heather" in New Nightmare gets both abusive phone calls, and weird burned pictographs in the mail, before anything spoopy goes on.

And it's not addressed. Stop paying attention and just play along.

Ernest Scared Stupid is a more honest horror movie than this poo.

I'm not kidding. Ernest Scared Stupid is honestly a scary movie.

But yeah, artists "tooting their own horn" aka, jacking themselves off? That's all New Nightmare is.

Freddy is discarded for this new, fairy tale jackhole version of the character, with a more organic glaive.

Now, that's something I always found stupid about F13, how they kept making the mask more goopey, when it didn't matter.

It's scarier to keep poo simple.

The Elm Street prior to New Nightmare introduced both a glove with standard razor blades (they're short) and the concept that EVERY TOWN has an Elm Street.

New Nightmare flat out discards that, aside from a nightmare scene.

I've vomited too many words on this bless'ed thing.

I'll say the scene where Heather becomes Nancy, with the gray hair streak, and wardrobe change, is legitimately creepy, but the movie immediately shits it away.

Like, they should have done 15 minutes of Heather being an actress, and then gone down the nightmare path of her being Nancy.

Jamming in the husband and kid, it's more of that weird poo from the prior film, where the female protaganist just had to accept motherhood... to survive.

Honestly, all the meta poo in scream was recycled from this unimpressive film.

I just end up feeling bad for Heather Langenkamp. Her line in the original film - "I'm into survival" is so much better than the series.

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2879 on: April 15, 2020, 12:36:24 AM »
A very powerful film from start to end