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Whats wrong with.........

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Looks like if you just use the code and not the full URL, then the "&t=3s" part isn't supported by the BB tags (the "&t=3s" tells Youtube to start the video at the 3 second point).

Here is the code I used to test and below it, how the forum displays it. Not how the 2nd one (with the & portion) is showing as not valid.

--- Code: ---[youtube]Hh9pm9yjmLs[/youtube]
--- End code ---

// a valid youtube URL//
Also, I tend to use the "Preview" option to see if I've formatted the tags properly to make things easier on me.

Or maybe I just tested it after smokes got the new plugin going. >.<

Thanks, smokes, dweez.  I did test and experiment in preview mode and I did try to eliminate the =3s at the end but it was apparently not enough, so without the &t=3s, it works fine.

One small triumph to lighten my day.  Thanks a bunch! 


--- Quote from: dweez on September 25, 2019, 12:44:42 PM ---Or maybe I just tested it after smokes got the new plugin going. >.<

--- End quote ---

Yes, I believe you did.

I tried all the variations but it didn't like any of them with six's link. I think maybe because it was ultimately linked to which might not have been in the code for the old plugin as other links from did.

All good now and the vimeo addition should prove useful.


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