Author Topic: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?  (Read 426454 times)

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Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1455 on: July 31, 2019, 01:56:05 PM »
About a half hour and realized that it was just too formulaic.  I was bored.  There are some things that are simply a matter of taste.  I doubt you'd be able to put up with an entire episode of Sweetbitter, either.  Too girly.  I enjoyed Stranger Things, GoT, & like all kinds of crap tv (not that those 2 fall under those categories) but while Boys obviously had some money thrown at it, and I even have access to amazon prime, I opted for the bad Russian Sci Fi.  That was like a modern version of a tacky Godzilla movie with aliens who sort of reminded me of guys in rubber dinosaur suits stomping on models of Tokyo.  I found the superheroes in the evil corp franchise of The Boys sort of tedious.  Virtuous girl from Iowa with superpowers gets sexually harassed by bad superpower boy and there will obviously be a virtuous superpower boy to function as a foil, I guess.  I can go back and try to finish it, but it was so dull.  The part where speedy boy runs through nice girlfriend was sort of entertaining.  That was well done, but the plot line was trite and predictable at least as far as I got.  I hope you don't take offense.

One question, though.  Given Speedy Boy and nice girlfriend both have the same human bodies, it surprises me that the collision would only do damage to nice girlfriend and not to speedy boy.  Anyone who might care to share insights on the physics of this would be welcome to do so.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2019, 01:59:19 PM by 6pairsofshoes »

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1456 on: July 31, 2019, 09:05:02 PM »
Physics are partially suspended. They (Sorta) go into this deeper into the show, when Captain Superman (Homelander) explains why he can't just carry a plane. He actually makes some really good points. in an absolutely horrible situation.

The formulaic stuff at the start is intentional, it's your introduction to Vought America tm. Remember what I said about the veneer? Even that bank robbery right at the start there was "managed" if not outright staged. Note how Homelander tends to use heat beams like the laziest possible solution to a given problem (This gets payback in a reprise) (Actually two reprises) (God damn heat beams are horrifying)

Honestly, I would have mashed the first two episodes and shipped it as a movie. The fact that THIS title actually made it to an actual show is mindboggling.

I'd say skip forward to the religious episode, but you'd miss a lot you need to know if you just jumped to it. :(

Homelander gives a speech that is everything Trump actually can't say. Then flies over the audience in Jesus Christ Pose.

It's getting about a 73 score aggregate, people who don't like it have similar opinions to yours.

Shockingly, no one seems overly upset by the gore. It's mostly handled really well. I'd say the least well executed (heh) gore is that slow-mo Robin slurry.

Nothing wrong with Sentai, dunno how I'd feel about Russian Sentai, considering, you know, HISTORY.

And no, there is no virtuous superpower boy. Hughie does not get suped up like his comic book counterpart. They kinda make you think he might be a latent, then he punches a wall and reveals, nope, regular dude, totally just bent up his hand. He isn't exactly virtuous either. BOYS ain't police, BOYS are a hit squad.

Oh, and another point towards the bland formulaic, at one point Homelander repeats a Bush speech VERBATIM. He gets wild applause.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1457 on: August 01, 2019, 12:27:23 AM »
I totally get the ironic underpinnings of the show that attempts to make fun of the way media companies are cashing out every 30 seconds on some exalted comic book hero or another.  That's an interesting concept, but it's handled in a sort of heavy handed way.  Like Americans are too dumb to figure out irony.  But, then again, Donald Trump is President, so maybe the show's producers are not so off base...

I'll try a little more tonight if the Russians are too boring.  And it's likely they will be.  So far the rubber suited alien/robot thingy is pretty tacky as costuming goes.  I have to wait two more days until the next episode of Jett, sigh.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1458 on: August 01, 2019, 12:59:10 AM »
I always thought the yellow power ranger was a bit too manly. turns out, entirely different show! they just jammed in the American Teen poo.

One fun note, the monsters were played by... BRYAN CRANSTON!

He went on Colbert in a Red Ranger costume, it was fantastic. The movie series was quietly killed by China. No gay characters allowed.

That being said, I believe he was promoting Trumbo. I wonder how the studio felt about him going out as THE RED RANGER?

Sometimes I wonder what Chinese fuckery flies under the radar with tv shows, we hear about stuff like the TOP GUN 2 jacket being censored because China put up a lot of cash for the film, but it's crickets for TV.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2019, 01:01:25 AM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1459 on: August 01, 2019, 02:10:37 AM »
You're right.  It does get better with the second episode.  Kind of entertaining, especially after Translucent gets his due.

This is a show where we root for anyone who can put an end to the superheroes.  All, except for the girl from Iowa who enters the show with some scruples.  I wonder if she'll lose them.  The corporation is vile.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1460 on: August 01, 2019, 04:37:16 AM »
oh poor starlight.

If you want to go PM, I'd like to know your thoughts on the end of that first episode, because YEAOWTCH.

I am glad I was able to get you over the hump. Still feel bad Nihilism is in the blood here. You will feel bad at the end of this. Yet it will feel, valuable?

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1461 on: August 01, 2019, 06:36:22 AM »
So, years and years ago, I lived in boot town. US marines. Sandy Eggo.

Anyway, we were at some harry potter poo to impress a girl (I wanted to go to SIN CITY) Instead we saw goblet of gobshites.
Anyway, during the previews, there was a jake jyllenhall preview. Prince of Persia.

little c once let me out of the hoosgow on demonoid with a sick burn out of POP, something about being the ever devotional servant. I always mix it up with the buffy the vampire slayer "I am, as always, your degenerate son"

MOVING ON, preview was all prince of pershiee, and I just bellowed out in DI cadence "GOT DAMNIT SWAFFORD"  and the entire theater boiled in laughter.

Specifically, Jake Jillyhall portrayed Lt. Swafford, one of the least impressive, and at the same time, MOST impressive Marines of the Gulf War.

So that went well.

I'm watching SG-1 on DVD, and they did a damn sight better than the real world ATF dealing with a suicide cult.

But I'm pretty sure I saw a canadian special. Specifically, a lot of canadian actors end up in a lot of poo because of residence.

Specifically, I think I saw Alessandro Juliani. SG wiki tells me I'm wrong, but at the same time, when they rescued the hostages from the manhole in SG1 Season 3 - Seth, the only thing I could think was Michael Hogan from BSG bellowing "GODS DAMN IT LT. GAETA!"

Because yeah, one of the hostages looked like Felix Gaeta.

Man, if anyone got bent over in Scifi, it's Lt. Gaeta, he went from being like, the DATA, to getting screwed on the regular.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1462 on: August 01, 2019, 11:25:26 AM »
oh poor starlight.

If you want to go PM, I'd like to know your thoughts on the end of that first episode, because YEAOWTCH.

I am glad I was able to get you over the hump. Still feel bad Nihilism is in the blood here. You will feel bad at the end of this. Yet it will feel, valuable?

I picked up in the middle of the first episode and continued to episode 2 so I'm fuzzy on where one ended and the next began.  The takedown of corporate culture is entertaining.  The sad guy who blows up translucent seems to be undergoing a transformation.  The CGI guys seem to really like the tool that allows them to distribute bodily fluids in a realistic fashion.  Nice software that.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1463 on: August 01, 2019, 08:01:18 PM »
yeah, the pounding pulse thing was either a fake-out, or just meant to indicate he was stressed. I was totally looking for hidden stuff to indicate superpowers too.

Remember when he punched the wall? It didn't cave in like when Starlight was training, his hand just got bloody.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1464 on: August 02, 2019, 03:45:03 AM »
Homelander is a real richard.  He's brilliantly cast as a gone to seed golden boy.  So plastic and phoney.  His abandonment of the passenger jet was classic.  The take off on big money sports is also well done.  But none of that can hold a candle to the vile representation of big money Christian festivals.  And the VietNamese nail salon chick who got shot up with Compound V is pretty entertaining.  Stuff gets out of hand, and that's a good thing.  Weaponized babies in incubators is also a nice touch. 

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1465 on: August 02, 2019, 08:15:50 PM »
In the original, the eye beam baby was one of the most bent up things I think I've seen. I'd post about it in the other thread if you're interested. If not, cool. They changed it for the show. Yes, the scene of baby death laser is TONED DOWN from what originally happened.

Yeah, Antony Starr  is F'kin NUTS in this. He isn't really gone to seed though, he was just bred wrong. They go into that in a later episode.

You might not have noticed it, but the Pound for Pound screen before the super race was near identical to the UFC Pound for Pound shot. The fighters face the camera looking serious, and their height, weight, age, and reach are displayed in the middle. Brilliant touch, but it's only on screen for a few seconds.

Also just the sheer bless'ed futility of it. That wasn't worth being a spectator sport at all. No one could even see it!

The festival was the episode I actually wanted to get you to see, so I'm glad you "enjoyed" it as much as I did. The worst part is, no one is really going to listen to what Starlight said. They'll milk it for PR, but no one is going to take much away from it. They much Prefer Homelanders speech. It's closer to what they actually believe.

The Female is pretty faithfully carried over from the book, But my memories of anything but the big shock moments are starting to fade. But yeah, she rips people apart in both incarnations.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1466 on: August 03, 2019, 12:41:01 AM »
Yeah.  The religious festival is like a Trump rally.  And you are right, what's hilarious about the race is that nobody can see it.  I'm up to episode 6.  I'll watch a couple more tonight.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1467 on: August 03, 2019, 06:28:06 AM »
hah, a couple is it.

I mean, I know TNG turned in some serious clunkers. Anything with Troi, the weird damn ghost alien that screwed everyone in Dr. Crusher's maternal line...

But TNG did turn in 22 a season. Now we get... 8.

Also just saw this;

« Last Edit: August 03, 2019, 06:48:31 AM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1468 on: August 03, 2019, 10:23:53 AM »
"They pick your bones like locks inside a tomb..."  that's some nice writing.

I have a half hour of the last episode left.  I suspect that evil goes unpunished.  But won't say more as I will finish it tonight.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1469 on: August 03, 2019, 10:55:33 AM »
On one hand, Corey Taylor has a neck like a thigh, and the soul of a poet.

On the other hand, he literally ruptured a testicle screwing around doing Dokken covers. Not even Dokken want to do Dokken covers.

Slipknot is nuts. And I love their music.

Meanwhile in religious cowpoo, Rick Wiles (Is he important?) Says that if you eat meatless burgers, it will screw up your DNA so Christ won't be able to redeem you.

This isn't customer service at some retail location, your EVERLASTING SOUL should be worth more than trying new foods.

Yoda said it better than any preacher. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.

Okay, read more, he's a bless'ed nut. Not that I needed more to know that.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2019, 10:57:24 AM by 8ullfrog »