Author Topic: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?  (Read 425226 times)

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Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1350 on: April 07, 2019, 10:57:32 PM »
Isn't she Jayne Mansfield's daughter?  I sometimes turn on Law & Order SVU to sleep to in the middle of the afternoon.  There's an over the air network called Ion TV that likes to run back to back episodes of various cop shows all day.  They have a rotating schedule.

Sometimes I like to sleep for a half hour in the middle of the day and I find that various shows:  Judge Judy, True Crime Files, or SVU are all great to sleep to because they have a droning and repetitive aspect.  If they aren't on, I try for educational programs about sewing.  If that won't put you to sleep I can't think of what will.

As for that Boxing episode of BSG.  I also thought it was stupid, so it's funny that you escaped due to that.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1351 on: April 07, 2019, 11:17:19 PM »
Is ION o-t-a? I thought they were a budget pack-in for cable companies.

Not only is she her daughter, she was in the car, laying down. I don't like SVU simply because my life has been affected by that type of crime.

I found the Sesame Street cross particularly disturbing. Like John Mullaney says, We work Sex Crimes Ice.

And like I said yeah, I was so gung-ho, I told them to scan my hard drive. Because I burned those episodes off. [And did not download that particular episode. any time they made starbuck a martyr, I was like "pass" and she was a real joker in that one]

I miss those days, my buddy had his dad send us the new episodes of SG-1, which once again, I'm still on disk 3, S1 on my rewatch, and I suck.

But yeah, the boxing episode had the chief tyrol outtake where he goes "Yeah whatever, commander, Admiral, whatever the golly your name is"  And it's just gold. Total grease monkey finally goes off on the boss tone. I have a feeling Aaron Douglas and Wil Wheaton were equally commited to their roles. Wheaton said when he visited the Vegas Star Trek Experience, he sat at the helm and pretended to fly the ship. That's sad, AND amazing. like how does that even work?

I made an enemy today at the Goodwill. I bought S1 and S2 of Angel, and S3 had a missing disk. I've brought this to the front desk of goodwill twice, and they just put it back out again.

So I brought it to the attendants notice. She was not sympathetic, and just said "It's as-is honey"  Which I considered horse poo, so I got in the sales line, and waited. The lady at the desk has been there for a long time, sometimes we talk when she's on her smoke break. I showed her the missing disk, and said I understand if they want to sell it like that, but it should at least be labeled.

She pulled out some masking tape, and marked that "Movie 7 is missing". That's not... entirely accurate, but it's more than her bottom coworkers were willing to do.

Attendant gave me snake eyes the whole time.

She can kiss my as-is.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2019, 11:31:08 PM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1352 on: April 08, 2019, 05:35:31 PM »
Heart disease.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1353 on: April 08, 2019, 07:46:38 PM »
The Goodwill is hit or miss.  Sometimes you get a real sweetheart behind the counter and other times, not so much.

There's a chain up here called Thrift Town which is more fun.  I'm sure you'd find it entertaining.  They don't have any SoCal stores.

I saw the final episode of "You're the Worst."  It was predictable.  As series go, you could do a great deal worse.  It's on FXX.  I want to go back to the Man in the High Castle.  It sort of mirrors the Trump administration, at least the European power in charge of the Eastern U.S.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1354 on: April 09, 2019, 12:24:58 AM »
eh, I was put off back when YTW was announced, and that was when we paid for cable.

Mom watches wagon train daily, and it's shockingly horrible. Native Americans are treated as animals.

Today it was some family whose cistern went dry, and the dad was like the dubbed kung fu films, talking about shooting the horse.

The mosey on through cowboy thought that was poo, and the convenient criminal was a douser.

I thought they were making the douser dig his grave, but he was dousing.

Then the kid hit the cowboy with a shovel and got shot. I got excited for a bit, very few times does the little poo get what is coming, but they let him live. My headcanon is the wound got infected and the kid had to have the arm removed, learning his lesson.

Reminded me of Rust Cohle, from the fantastic true detective. "If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of poo, and I'd like to get as many of them out in the open as possible."

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1355 on: April 09, 2019, 01:03:43 AM »
YTW is sort of gendered in its intended audience. I suspect most viewers are women.  Same with The Good Fight, a spinoff to The Good Wife.  They're basically soap operas of one kind or another.  YTW is pitched to a younger demographic.  It's a damned sight better than Mad About You, which made me nauseated.  Several of my friends loved that show.  I wanted to throw loaves of bread at the tv whenever it was on.  There's definitely tv that fits into the "chick flick" category. 

When I was a child, my mother would turn on CBS in the afternoons and so I was treated to one soap opera after another.  The shows were formulaic and sometimes the writing was so over the top it was entertaining.  But they were regular and predictable.
When I was older, I figured out that many of the actors on shows like As the World Turns, did the show because it was a steady paycheck that allowed them to live in Manhattan and they often would get jobs on better shows like Law and Order.  I once saw one of the actors who played a doctor on that show walking down the street when I lived on the Upper West Side.

Wagon Train, eh?  There's some over the air channels here that have non stop westerns like Bonanza showing.  I used to watch Gunsmoke a long time ago, but it's pretty grim.  Bonanza isn't really my cup of tea.  I do like Westworld, though and look forward to its return.  I gather you aren't much of a fan of that show, either.  I could revert to reading, and probably will, but I'm tired and it's easier to watch tv than to pick up a book.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1356 on: April 18, 2019, 11:11:52 AM »
Currently watching Drifters, about a trio of shallow party girls approaching their 30's who mostly don't have a clue, run through men like tissues, and can't hold down a steady job.  They live in Leeds and disdain London, where most of their mates from University have migrated. 

There's little to like about them at the end of the day, but somehow it's funny and I keep watching it.  Two more episodes and I'll be done.  Then I can go back to reading Balzac and Herodotus.  If that sounds like a strange mix, it is, but I think it would require years of analysis to explain it.

Offline Schmoogsley

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1357 on: April 18, 2019, 03:34:37 PM »
Then I can go back to reading Balzac and Herodotus.
Balzac eh? lol When I was in college, there was this guy we called Balzac (for reasons I can't mention). Anyway, he thought we were calling him 'Ball Sack'. LMAO! Boy, that was a deep dig into the past. Not trying to lead on as if I was an avid Balzac reader, I remember it as 'required reading'.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1358 on: April 18, 2019, 06:16:55 PM »
Balzac is a brilliant writer with a great sense of human foibles and a very dry wit.  Lost Illusions is just wonderful. 

I was thinking of Drifters and it reminds me a bit of Trailer Park Boys, only with minimal jail time and a female cast, none of whom has any penchant for pets.  I love TPB, and maybe that explains why I kept watching Drifters, even though the characters are generally not as charming.

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1359 on: April 18, 2019, 06:53:51 PM »
Ha, I forgot about Trailer Park Boys. I've watched it a few times, cracked me up pretty good. "That's a nice phucking kitty!" lol Is that a Netflix show? I opted out of netflix a few years ago because I just didn't have time for it. I already have Amazon Prime Video & Cable TV (Comcast). When I'm working, I only get Mondays off. This current disabled life will become a faded memory in a month or 2. God, at least I sure hope so. Idleness doesn't go well with me (Demons love idle minds). Or however that old saying goes.

Going to bed early tonight. Damn thunderstorm kept me up last night. Had my torture session today (have physical therapy every Thursday). I'm afraid of that little girl. She likes to hurt me.  :(

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1360 on: April 24, 2019, 03:45:53 AM »
This thread should read, "what tv shows are you watching."

So I have been looking for programs to fill in late night viewing between airings of GoT, American Gods and The Good Fight.

I blasted through Fleabag, which wasn't too bad.  Now I'm watching the Australian "Wonderland."  It's like "Friends" but with surfers and 2 days of beard growth worn on guys who seriously think they can dress like that and still be bankers.  Great god.  I kind of want to tie them all in a sack and throw some concrete blocks in the bag to insure they sink when I toss the whole cast overboard.  It features sensitive acoustical guitar music as well as impossibly pretty actors.  The women are generally idiots except for lawyer girl who is irresistibly attracted to visiting Brazilian surfer, a guy who is the most handsome (quien es más guapo?).   The interjection of insulin coma inducing sensitive music makes me lunge for the mute button.  This is twaddle, starring people that you want to hit with a cold dead fish every second they are on screen.

I can't stop watching it.  And in that I'm reminded of that train wreck, "Earth Final Conflict."  No matter how much it sucks, you just can't look away, somehow hoping it might redeem itself.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2019, 08:59:59 PM by 6pairsofshoes »

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1361 on: April 27, 2019, 12:14:51 AM »
GoT  :) :)

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1362 on: April 27, 2019, 03:00:55 AM »
I can respect that.  It's a billion times better than Wonderland.  Oh to see Cersei show up in Sydney and tear these guys a new one.  Or an invasion of White Walkers on the beach would be good.  Don't they have salt water crocodiles down under?

Why is there no better tv at the moment?  I read until I'm too tired to read more and then I resort to tv. 

Offline Schmoogsley

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1363 on: April 27, 2019, 04:00:34 AM »
I'm glad others enjoy my home theater because I don't.  :-\ lol, oh gawd. 99% of TV/movies I think are absolute garbage. I very rarely can sit through an entire movie. I'll sit to watch a movie that most say is the greatest movie in the history of mankind and wonder what the hell is wrong with me. Then, I'll watch a movie that I'm absolutely sure will be crapola, then, I love it (Guardians Of The Galaxy). That's why I don't pay attention to reviews or anyone's opinion because it's so hit or miss with me. I feel like such an oddball. Oh well, I still love reading, researching the Internet, and listening to music. Can't say adding theater was a complete waste. Kids get a kick out of it. Oh, that's another thing, I LOVE the Minion movies. LMAO! Hell, I don't know what's wrong with me. This is why I don't report much on TV or movies on here. I loathe the majority of it. My idleness these past 3 months has confirmed this. Oh well, I think I have healed enough to start my next project; building a drumkit. Music and building stuff. That's always been my passion.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2019, 04:31:51 AM by Schmoogsley »

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1364 on: April 27, 2019, 08:21:18 PM »
Er, isn't most of Cersei's power inherited? Drop her in your scrubby soap show, and they'd probably hit on her.

Might be amusing if they don't actually speak English in Westeros. Like she's screaming at Scrubby #3 and he's like "WHY ARE YOU IN MY DISGUSTINGLY OVERDECORATED CONDO?" -I have not watched Wonderland, but you said surfer banker, so I assumed Condo-

Instead, wonder what would happen if DROGON had a little visit.

Like they're in, I dunno, some bless'ed office building, discussing a lost account or whatever the golly upscale bankers madam about.

Drogon grins, smashes the window with his little bat finger thing they have, then roasts and eats them. Like a toasted sub!