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Household tips


Post your clever labor saving ideas here.

Here's mine.  The sock miracle.

Did you ever try to clean the enameled surface of your fridge because it had accumulated a layer of grease and dust, only to find that it just smeared around without coming off?  You use a cleaner designed just for that purpose, like Formula 409 or Fantastik, but it just sort of leaves a sticky mess and gums up your sponge.

Try using an old sock with the cleaner, instead.  The sock is porous and textured enough to absorb the grease.  Dispose of after use.  My kitchen needs cleaning.  Somehow pulling weeds seems more appealing to me lately.  I'm probably just sick of being in the house.

I personally use a product called Ultra Grime by Uniwipe. They're massive wipes that you can use for everything from cleaning floors to cleaning your tools. What's more, they contain Aloe so if you are leaving a job to go straight to the pub and there isn't a functioning wash area, you can use these to wash from your neck up and elbows down as well as run over you work clothes to bring them back to life.

There also great to use when siliconing.

BBQ'S  dont clean the grill straight away, soak overnight with a large old cloth with plain water. wash next day easy peasey


--- Quote from: christ on June 13, 2020, 04:04:47 AM ---I don't clean the barbecue at all - I brush off anything that looks too egregious, and rely on the heat to sanitise last times' grease etc. Adds to the flavour.

--- End quote ---

We let the old leavings burn off and brush with a wire grill brush.  Then use tongs to hold a paper towel with vegetable oil to wipe down any rust or grime that's left. 


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