Author Topic: Artificial scarcity.  (Read 2784 times)

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Offline 8ullfrog

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Artificial scarcity.
« on: October 08, 2017, 03:33:10 PM »
Why the golly is artificial scarcity suddenly en vogue?

First with the god damn classic nintendos. Sega poo out a half ass product years ago that you still see on the shelf of low effort stores like CVS and Walgreens, but slap 30 nintendo roms in a box and people go nuts.

I called gamestop, because the employee at gamestop told me to call in a week, and the girl on the phone acted like I was the bottom for wanting to exchange money for goods, as if that is an imposition for a retail store. I asked how gamestop is handling distribution of these things, which seems like a better idea then calling at random times. I got the teenage sigh and then she said nintendo doesn't even tell them if they're getting any, which rings false. How the golly would a business survive on that distribution model?

And then there is the stupid Rick and Morty sauce. I wasn't going to drive an hour to the only store between here and Los Angeles in the off chance of getting one tiny sauce packet. I heard they limited each store to 20 packets, for something nerds have been hollering for since April.

So shitshow on Nintendo, and shitshow on McDonalds. Get your bless'ed poo together, you multinational soulless corporations! Stop making it impossible to give you money!

I don't want a switch, and I don't want buttermilk chicken tenders.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Artificial scarcity.
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2017, 04:41:08 PM »
What's in Rick and Morty sauce?  Figure it out and make it yourself.  Cooking is not rocket science.  Besides, think of the gasoline you'll save by foregoing the trips to McDonalds!

Here's the recipe.  It actually sounds pretty good.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 04:42:53 PM by 6pairsofshoes »

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Artificial scarcity.
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2017, 05:15:46 PM »
Yeah, babbish on youtube snagged the official mcdonalds instructions and made his own.

He went even further and made molds for his knock-off nuggets.

I could see dropping like, two bucks for a bottle of this stuff at walmart, like with taco bell sauce, but honestly, I don't think I've ever ordered mcnuggets on the sad road trip visits where I've visited mcdonalds. I get like, three of their cheapest, smallest burgers. But other people are losing their poo over it.

I'll admit, I'm losing my poo over the snes thing because Nintendo lied and said it wasn't going to be like this, when they fully intended it to be like this. Their retail practices are intentional shitshows.

I have zero interest in a switch, but I want that tiny snes a lot. I'm gonna spend quite a bit of time carless this month, and was hoping to get one to pass the time. But I'm not dropping the stupid amount of cash scalpers want. I think the cheapest one I saw was double retail.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Artificial scarcity.
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2017, 06:31:13 PM »
So it's something in the water. Here's one from reddit:
So FEMA set up food assistance for Miami-Dade residence, which is great because hurrican :)e Irma left many people without power for up to 2 weeks and many people had their perishable food spoil and on top of that many people missed many days from work so just replacing the food could be a real struggle.
There are about 2.5 million people with 21 percent in poverty. So that like 541,000 people who desperately needed the help and many more who were living paycheck to paycheck and needed that help as well.
So FEMA sets up an amazing number of 3 distribution sites. THREE sites to service more than half a million people!!! And instead of making the forms available online or something sane like that, people had to show up in person.
So this last Friday they had to shut down the line at 3pm because of the sheer mass of people. Saturday they shut down one of the distribution sites because of “safety concerns”, which was really people getting into fights about their place in line and people, mainly elderly, passing out in 90 degree whether. Today, the last day, more people kept passing out and more police presence had to be escalated.
This has been the most bungled attempt at humanitarian aid I have ever witnessed. I truly worry what FEMA is doing in PR and the US Virgin Island.