Author Topic: So I keep figthing this creationist  (Read 23703 times)

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Re: So I keep figthing this creationist
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2013, 07:36:22 AM »
He is delusional he has a lot of friends, he just needs to reach out... ;)

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: So I keep figthing this creationist
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2013, 09:37:36 AM »
I tried reaching out once.

I still have the nail holes.

And occasionally, they weep.

People of faith and scientists are not mutually exclusive.  There are mysteries not solved/answered by science. 

On the other hand, arguing with idiots should be done sparingly and only when you've had a full meal and a good night's sleep.  Otherwise, you endanger your own health by indulging in excessive stress.

Offline tarascon

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Re: So I keep figthing this creationist
« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2013, 09:42:18 AM »
I tried reaching out once.

I still have the nail holes.

#ifdef FLAME
as if they knew. idiots!
#endif /* FLAME  */
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Vladimir: That's what you think.

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Re: So I keep figthing this creationist
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2013, 01:58:35 PM »
Faith is part of the human condition, too: arguing with someone that has faith in something is a pointless exercise. Having faith is not the same as stupidity, but not everyone is foolish enough to say that they need proof to believe (and, in truth, must people that think that they do require proof are really satisfied by something that is much, much less than actual evidence when it is really examined closely).

Just because science appears plausible, it isn't always (or even, actually, very often) right.

I am not what one would generally call a creationist, but I really do not understand how some (most?) people believe that something as complicated as binocular vision evolved spontaneously.

Darwin very effectively demonstrates how a bird with a longer beak gets more honey than one with a smaller beak, but has absolutely nothing to say about how bilateral symmetry "evolved", or why five is a good number for toes, but most "evolutionists" think "natural selection" => "primordial goo is demonstrably but a few steps away from humanity". balls, says I.

On a related topic: if a force needs a substrate to enable it to act, how does a proton attract an electron, when there is nothing small enough to act as a vehicle for the electromagnetic charge? This little poser stops no-one in the chattering classes from "knowing" what an atom looks like, and how it "works". This too is faith, if slightly disguised.

There is absolutely nothing in the modern canon of scientific knowledge that proves that creationists are unarguably wrong. To be sure, it is probable that not all varieties of all species are really separate, and there is a plausible excuse to say that, therefore, some evolve from others, but this does not mean that we have proved that a platypus evolved from mud.

"I believe in evolution, na-ni-na-ni-na-na, you are an idiot" is no better than the creationist argument, really.

Not that most creationists aren't idiots, but that is a different argument.

Evolution ain't that hard to fathom, it's just a process of trial and error. It fails far more than it succeeds which in turn gives the illusion that "we" are more evolved than other species.  My internal jury is out on that one.

I'm waiting for the first coming of Q as I really need someone/thing to sort out my back, and praying just isn't working.
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Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: So I keep figthing this creationist
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2013, 06:39:09 PM »
I'll remember that advice the next time I get a yen to wrestle something.   ;)