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Stop Calling it Climate Change. Start Calling it Global Warming.

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--- Quote from: christ on May 26, 2023, 09:43:48 AM ---
What works (or may possibly work) in the megalopolises of the coasts is unworkable in the red flyover states.

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Most rural areas used to have village centers that had passenger rail transportation, but that declined after WW2, so that now, if you don't have a car, you're out of luck.  I feel for the elderly who can no longer drive, since the commercial centers have also been emptied out by big box retail chains that located on the periphery.  So even if you could live in a small town, the likelihood that you could walk to the grocers or to obtain services is pretty slim.
 It's really a failed system in so many ways and it's an ecological disaster in slow progress.  Cheap electric cars might help a little but this system has been set in place and pretty much continues.  Otherwise, you have to hope you can order everything delivered via amazon or Instacart, should they deliver in those areas.

It doesn't work in the coastal areas, but they're ramming it through anyway.

To get to Los Angeles from Northern California, the quickest route is through the central valley on Route 5.  This goes past several commercial feedlots for cattle, most memorably, through Coalinga.  There are sad steers standing around in large spaces devoid of grass or any natural vegetation.  You can smell the stench of their bodily waste for many miles.  We close the car windows and ensure that the air is circulating internally in the car until we are well past the area.  Ick. 

I suspect these animals are fed corn (not the grass or hay natural to such ruminants) and antibiotics, and it gives one pause, or at least should, for consuming any mass produced beef.  I believe the methane emissions from these practices are pretty substantial.  I have no idea if poultry production produces similar results.


--- Quote from: 8ullfrog on May 26, 2023, 05:42:34 AM ---....Bike lanes in residential neighborhoods have resulted in traffic nightmares, and more and more an entire anti-car movement becomes more popular....

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This system was rolled out around about COVID time and is now pretty much the  status quo:

It was worse than that.

Imagine that, but the bike lane serpentines across the road like ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and drivers are just supposed to "proceed with caution"

My bad, they were to "Yield to bikes".

They made them tear it out, and the bikies called them all redneck fascists.

Also, the S serpent bike lane was neon green.

On the street I used to live on they jammed a roundabout nobody approved, and then had to pay massive amounts of money to rip it out because they literally did it without approval.

The residents were livid.


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