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Chaos / Re: Amusing Spam Threats
« Last post by smokester on Today at 03:32:39 AM »
He's a dead scamp.

Hey, that's my uncle you're talking about!
TV / Movies / Re: Trailers that make it unnecessary to watch the show
« Last post by smokester on Today at 03:30:42 AM »
But there again the whole movie is about 2 minutes and 40 seconds long, repeated forty-two times!

Now you've spoilt it for everyone else.
General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by smokester on Today at 03:29:03 AM »
I don't think that a felon is allowed to run, here.

I blame the internet.

He'd run anyway.

Honestly, I truly blame the internet.
Make you laugh / Re: Things that DIDN'T make you laugh today
« Last post by christ on Today at 02:31:19 AM »
I'm beginning to question the existence of said unicorn. I mean, most people imagine them.

I was too, to be honest.

So I repossessed it on Friday, still without the software update complete. They can have it back when they are ready to do the work, and not before.
General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by christ on Today at 02:30:04 AM »
In my opinion, if Trump were to run for a political seat here in the U.K., he'd romp home.

This isn't an American thing, it's a "world gone bonkers" thing.

I don't think that a felon is allowed to run, here.

I blame the internet.
TV / Movies / Re: Trailers that make it unnecessary to watch the show
« Last post by christ on Today at 02:29:02 AM »

Pretty much the whole film squeezed into 2 minutes 40.

But there again the whole movie is about 2 minutes and 40 seconds long, repeated forty-two times!
Chaos / Re: Amusing Spam Threats
« Last post by dweez on Yesterday at 07:02:23 PM »
He's a dead scamp.
Make you laugh / Re: Things that DIDN'T make you laugh today
« Last post by smokester on Yesterday at 04:49:31 PM »
I'm beginning to question the existence of said unicorn. I mean, most people imagine them.
Chaos / Re: Amusing Spam Threats
« Last post by smokester on Yesterday at 04:45:53 PM »
Dear Sir/Madam ,

Good day, I am David Williams., a solicitor. I decided to contact you regarding this proposition. A client of mine, who is privy to his financial records died mischievously and without making a will in March 23, 2022. I am contacting you to be a beneficiary to my deceased client and I felt you can assist me in securing his fund as his next of kin, before the Security Firm declares it insolvent/liquidated. The deposit fund is US$48 million. The Security Firm where the fund is deposited has issued me a notice to contact the next of kin and also present a letter of administration, confirming that you are the next of kin and beneficiary of the fund domiciled with their Security Firm. If you agree to work with me and serve as his next of kin, then the modalities for sharing the funds between us will be mutually decided. I suggest a percentage of 50% for me and 50% for you. All legal documents to back up your claim as the deceased next of kin will be issued to you for submission !
to the Security Firm. All I requir

This will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Looking forward to hearing from you.reply me here with this

David Williams Esq

So, you have a client who is privy to his own financial records - there's a thing - and he died "mischievously".

What a way to go!
General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by smokester on Yesterday at 05:30:29 AM »
In my opinion, if Trump were to run for a political seat here in the U.K., he'd romp home.

This isn't an American thing, it's a "world gone bonkers" thing.
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