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Local News

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I thought I'd start a thread featuring the local news of our members.  I don't think we're busy enough  to have individual thread for each item - so this topic can just roll on when you have a newsworthy item.

Right at this moment the streets around my house stink of ash.  An hour ago you could hardly breath outside due to the marvellous Battersea Arts Centre being ablaze.  It's about half a mile from my house and the people all around the area are all close to tears as this place was in the hearts of all that grew up around here.


--- Quote from: smokester on March 13, 2015, 11:47:37 AM ---Right at this moment the streets around my house stink of ash.  An hour ago you could hardly breath outside due to the marvellous Battersea Arts Centre being ablaze.  It's about half a mile from my house and the people all around the area are all close to tears as this place was in the hearts of all that grew up around here.

--- End quote ---

Such a pity! It must be despairing to see something you cherished being destroyed by the fire. At least they say people weren't hurt.
Fire can be such a devastating force. Actually this is currently happening in my country:

So far 34.000 ha (about 84.000 acres) of ancient forests have been destroyed and the fire threatens Parque Nacional Los Alerces

They say it was started intentionally. Sadly I suspect the fight is ineffective and even indolent.


--- Quote from: xtopave on March 13, 2015, 03:11:20 PM ---
Fire can be such a devastating force. Actually this is currently happening in my country:

So far 34.000 ha (about 84.000 acres) of ancient forests have been destroyed and the fire threatens Parque Nacional Los Alerces

They say it was started intentionally. Sadly I suspect the fight is ineffective and even indolent.
--- End quote ---

Restricting the sale of fire stricken land for 10 years seems a sensible move if real-estate speculation is the motive for those fires.  Personally, if that were ever proved I'd expect much stronger action.  Maybe even reintroducing the fire to the property agents that started it?..


--- Quote from: smokester on March 13, 2015, 03:45:05 PM ---Maybe even reintroducing the fire to the property agents that started it?..

--- End quote ---

Oh, I get it. With a torch in their... Never mind.

I went to the BAC yesterday for a drink (they have a bar) and I was surprised just how "business as usual" it was.  The grand hall at the back is of course completely burnt out, but they've cleaned up the front half of the building and are putting shows on as best they can.

The beer was great too.


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