Author Topic: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?  (Read 425885 times)

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Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1515 on: September 16, 2019, 03:14:19 AM »
I haven't seen Face/Off.  But the actor's phrasing was perfect.

This was the series finale.  Exekiel gets cut loose by the Feds but then stays with the motorcycle gang, inadvertently discovering who shot his mother, a guy in the Sons of Anarchy.  I barely remember the guys who were left in the cast.  That show had an amazingly high body count.  So much that they'd give Inspector Morse a run for his money.  The latter really managed to kill lots of people in Oxford each week.

The guy who plays Potter, the creepy FBI guy, is actually a gifted director, etc.  He makes my skin crawl, so he's also an effective actor.  There is something about the evil law enforcement cast that is shared by Sons of Anarchy and Mayans.  Ally Walker in the former has an affectation in her speech that makes me want to smother her with a pillow and Ray McKinnon who is common to both shows, is the male equivalent.  You just want to make him go away.  He's like a bad dream on two legs.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1516 on: September 16, 2019, 04:00:39 AM »
Series in Englandish? or Season in American? Funny you mentioned Drea De Matteo earlier, she's one of two characters on SOA who weren't murderers.

(The other was killed before he could kill anyone else)

go watch Face/Off, it's a garbage movie, but is stupid fun. A lot of people wish the roles were flipped, but most admit Travolta probably couldn't have handled bad guy playing good guy. Nicolas Cage on the other hand, is factually INSANE.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2019, 04:04:37 AM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1517 on: September 16, 2019, 05:13:29 AM »
Ah, Season finale.  I get confused sometimes, and I guess that "season" and "series" can mean two different things depending on which side of the pond you're on.  We watched the finale to season 1 of Jett tonight, too.  It was intense.  Reminded me of the show, Dynasty.  I'd  not really watched the show, but the one snippet I did watch was at the end of a season where terrorists broke into a wedding and machine gunned everyone.  It was such a cliff hanger and so over the top that I couldn't help but laugh.  Tune in next September to see who lived and who died.  Gak.  Lots of people get killed at the end of Jett, season 1, too.  Clearly, there will be more bad guys to deal with when it returns.

Nicholas Cage takes his acting seriously.  Travolta is another matter.  He's ok in Saturday Night Fever and Pulp Fiction.  Once I tried to watch Battlefield Earth.  That was a sorry mess of a movie.  What was he thinking.  It's tempting to blame Scientology, but no.  You have to lay the responsibility for what these guys do at their feet.  He is lacking in judgment.  That's it, pure and simple.  I can't say he is w/o talent, but unless he has someone skilled at the helm, it usually doesn't work out too well.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2019, 05:15:54 AM by 6pairsofshoes »

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1518 on: September 16, 2019, 07:11:49 AM »
No, with battlefield earth, it really is a religion thing, which makes it so much worse. Chump Hubbard wanted him to take the role as far back as 1982.

It was a very bad movie. Just... Very bad.

Hell, I liked Broken Arrow, the golly do I know?

Still, yeah, this is the TV thread. England considers them series, Americans think a series is the whole shebang.

For a SEASON, we call em' SEASONS.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1519 on: September 16, 2019, 09:51:45 AM »
I'm not sure how programming works in the UK, but the new television "season" used to begin in September, coinciding with the end of summer and when people would traditionally stay inside and watch tv in the evenings instead of staying outside and enjoying the longer days and nice weather.  So Fall = new season + tv.  Someone who knows more about the history of American television broadcasting probably could afford more insights into this.  I read so much re new "series" new "season" that they get mixed up in my head.  This board is hosted in the UK, but the series I was talking about were American ones so it's hard to know what nomenclature to use.  But you are completely right to notice these subtle differences and the clouding of meaning that my description used.

Right now I'm tired and need more caffeine.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1520 on: September 16, 2019, 07:14:20 PM »
Sorry if I came off as a pedant, but I was wondering if the show was cancelled. Thank you for expanding.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1521 on: September 16, 2019, 07:28:36 PM »
No need to apologize.  Your comment made me think.  Sometimes, especially late at night, I'll be tired and less exacting in my posts.  I love the show so I certainly hope it gets renewed.  Right now there's no discussion of what will happen.  It's on Cinemax and had generally positive critical response.

I really liked The Expanse and was gratified that Bezos picked the series up after it was cancelled by SciFy network.  Maybe we should pray to St. Bezos if this gets pulled for an afterlife.  I'm now onto season 2 of Mayans MC.  Of course EZ can't go back to Stanford.  Despite his "I took a semester off" pronouncement, the University is on the quarter system.  That's some sloppy writing, there.  They did something else on the show that flew in the face of reality, and I can't remember what it was.  But the "semesters" at Stanford was a glaring error that anyone familiar with the school would have picked up on.  Oh, and the name of the town where the Sons of Anarchy hang out isn't Paradise.  It's Charming.  I misremembered it.  Can you imagine naming a town, Charming?  Now I'm babbling.  Time to make dinner.  Quesadillas.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1522 on: September 17, 2019, 02:43:43 AM »
Six, photobucket appears to have even further blurred your avatar, I'm beginning to wonder if it will become a solid color. They're such shits.

As to the semester thing, I call things by the wrong name a lot, maybe it was a minor beat to make Protagonist look a bit dumb? Nah, that's a stretch.

I've never picked up a hubbard. I know it's blasphemy, but I don't much care for Heinlein either. Really, all the "greats" of scifi have been too bloaty for me. I like a sharp concise narrative.

As to the siffy network, I really don't understand why networks bother with mission statements anymore, That one "fixer" who bounced from network to network made them all the same.

Reality garbage slate, pivot from your strengths, make the viewers angry and advertisers happy. It's a great big beige world. My dad would have been super pissed about History.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1523 on: September 17, 2019, 09:36:12 AM »
Whew!  I thought I was going blind for a moment, there.  I'll figure out what to do with that avvy and change it.

I've never read any L Ron Hubbard books.  There's so much to read, so little time.  They've always looked like doorstops.  I remember Dianetics.  That sounds like a diet regimen.  The association with the cult was enough to make me run the other way. 

What's sort of sad is to see EZ devolve into a thug, despite his idealism.  Gotta garrote this guy to please the club.  Better shoot my cousin to keep the Feds happy.  For once, I returned to SG1 to get some relief from the slaughter.  More irrational inconsistent stuff:  Sharday, or whatever the wife's name is, has Gou'ald who is dormant while she's pregnant with Apophis's kid.  Doc is totally cool with all this, and helps to hide the baby.  As if the Gou'ald in Sharday or whatever is deaf as well as dormant.  So they all go home la de da and the episode is a happy one.  I don't remember how the "I've got cancer and want you to work for NASA, Carter" Dad thing worked out, but that was the weak link in the episode.  What happened to that journalist anyway?  Maybe I got distracted during the 10 second denouement of that part.  You may remember this.  It was late. 

I'm off to figure out how to fix my avvy before it goes blind.  Damn.  I forgot how to use Dropbox.  Everytime I try to share the link, it doesn't work.  Chris told me how to do this and of course I forgot and can't find the photo I posted so I can look at the code to see what I changed.  Well, I found it.  Replaced link (https://) with [img] etc. and changed d=0 to raw=1 and it didn't work.  I'll have to figure out something else.

Hells bells.  I opened an IMGUR acct and tried to link it through there and no.  It doesn't like imgur link either.  Software of SMF doesn't like links to Dropbox or Imgur.  so I'm stuck.  This didn't help either.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2019, 10:17:24 AM by 6pairsofshoes »

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1524 on: September 17, 2019, 11:36:56 PM »
I had to tweak something on another site to get my imgur avatar to load, I didn't bother with an account though.

The SG-1 disc I was watching had some fun behind the scenes stuff. When the team is "frosted over" from a rough gate trip, they're sprayed with melted paraffin wax.

The generic tomb sets are just the mothership set redressed.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1525 on: September 18, 2019, 03:30:26 AM »
The body count on Mayans MC continues to climb.  Maybe these bikers should try Buddhism or something.  They're always so stressed out.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1526 on: September 18, 2019, 09:20:08 PM »
I got to episode 100 of stargate. Now I understand the references from the 200th episode. (Sci-fi picked up SG-1 after it left Showtime.)

Fun fact: Stargate was actually cancelled at the end of Season 5.

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1527 on: September 21, 2019, 12:18:28 AM »
i Would say peaky blinders but its getting a little predictable

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1528 on: October 02, 2019, 02:44:08 AM »
I needed a break from Stargate.  The stupidity factor was overwhelming.

So I'm back with Mayans MC after watching the end o Preacher.  Re:  Mayans.  What's up with all that Miller Light Beer?  It tastes like crap.  Bikers drinking that swill makes little sense.  I have been to the Miller Brewery in Milwaukee a couple times for tours.  The tours end in the "caves" where they offer you beer:  Miller Light and the sad substitution that used to be Lowenbrau but now is some watered down version of a mediocre lager.  A million years ago when I used to drink beer, I liked Lowenbrau, but that's back when it was imported from Munich and Miller didn't get in the way of the quality.  The high points of the Miller tour were the German OOM PAH band and the free beer at the end.  That plus the postcards they passed out. If you addressed and filled them out, they'd pay postage to send them for you.  But I digress.  Mayans is a good deal more entertaining than a lot of tv these days.  The Preacher got sort of goofy at the end, despite the bittersweet ending.  Oh well.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Reply #1529 on: October 02, 2019, 11:32:33 AM »
Miller lite is the #2 selling beer in America.  I'm somewhat surprised they don't have them drinking bud light. Whenever I was in a sticks bar, they went nuts for the bud light. It's bless'ed swill.

I'm up to season 6 of the gate. They actually got canceled at the end of 5, but negotiations for the move had already been in progress, so it was a soft landing.

They did do a somewhat light finale, everyone goes topside for dinner, but General Hammond has to stay on base.