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Offline goldshirt*9

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2745 on: March 08, 2019, 12:21:58 AM »
Aquaman - as with most first films that set the scene, it was ok

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2746 on: March 08, 2019, 05:21:37 AM »
Captain Marvel

Horrible cam, Decent flick. I mean it's not amazing, and everything in the 1990's is happening in one time period, but I'm pretty sure that happened with every other "back in time" film.

The cam also doesn't have the post credits scenes, which Marvel have made mandatory viewing, rather than fun, how they used to be.

The twists were good, the de-aging was good, and the cars were hilarious. Fury drives a '90's impala. I thought they were uggo at the time. Now I think it looks like a decent sedan, compared to some of the crapboxes coming out now.

Sadly, Danvers is not a NIN fan, she just stole the clothes ala Terminator.

Nick Fury though, Holy crap is he awesome as a sidekick to Danvers. Not at all the Grim Jerk from his other appearances, Sam Jackson really has fun with it.

I really liked the 90's Quinjet, and they explain why they are so friggin' badass and fast circa Avengers 2012 here.

I honestly never thought I'd like anything to do with the Kree/Skrull war. I always thought both sides were assholes, and this film is far more nuanced.

So, don't watch the CAM. Either go see it, or wait for the official release. God, the constant russian overlays pissed me off so much...

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2747 on: March 29, 2019, 11:48:11 AM »
Lucky Number Sleven / Smokin' Aces.

A duology here, or twin film thing. Usually you get one artsy fartsy, one retardy Springery. Huh, I don't know what the modern day Springer analogy would be.

Kind of like Deep Impact / Armageddon (Sorry c Boss) or Olympus has fallen / White House down.

Ironically, in this case, both movies are both poo and amazing.

Specifically, Sleven seemed too clever for it's own good, First with Bruce Willis phoning in a story about a Kansas city shuffle, and then I wanted Morgan Freeman dead as soon as he started spouting cowpoo about shmoo.

Thankfully, the film walks away from that poo after a rocky start, and an enjoyable film follows. Not a great film, maybe not even a good film, but an enjoyable film.

Smokin' Aces

Honestly, I thought these were the same movie for a long time. Ryan Renolds once again turns in a performance for a movie far better than what is actually on screen, I really liked this movie.

Kind of hard to explain without spoiling stupid poo, the turn is actually pretty damn' stupid. If you ignore it, and just follow the central premise - Million Dollars on Jeremy Piven's head, then it's an okay film. I didn't care for the white supremecist killers, but pre- Captain Kirk Chris Pine was pretty good. I don't think the other two in his crew even had speaking lines, and they were annoying cartoon characters.

I feel like there was supposed to be more here than the film actually delivered. We see Piven with a chest scar, as if he's already had heart surgery, and the death contract specifies that the heart must be retrieved, but once again, it folds back into the stupid shitty twist that was no good.

Polar - Do not watch this movie. It's garbage. Part of why I watched the preceding two was to wash this bless'ed garbage movie out of my brain.

It's a mean spirited pointless romp about a Contract Killer organization killing off their hitmen on retirement because they don't want to pay pensions, as if a criminal damn' job comes with a pension.

This film is shockingly mean spirited, as if they were mad that John Wick existed first. They even have the protaganist adopt a freakin' adorable leathery monsterface dog, only to have him blow it's brains out in a shitty flashback, whose payoff isn't even worth it.

Seriously, that dog deserved better than being in this bless'ed garbage movie. I watched it on a streaming site and I still want my money back.

I actually searched why the movie sucked so bad. DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU USE BING. {removed descriptive text. I may have seen it, but there is no reason to project it into your brain.} I have no idea how to scrub this from my mind. Also I got some pretentious golly with a ledger joker poster behind him, but it's the other thing that has left me mentally scarred.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2019, 10:29:25 PM by 8ullfrog »

Offline Alfonz

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2748 on: March 30, 2019, 06:37:28 AM »
Galaxy Quest

Had somehow never seen this movie, it was entertaining enough but probably could be done better today.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2749 on: March 30, 2019, 11:31:23 PM »
Funny enough, I'd disagree. Not that Galaxy quest isn't a classic, but there's something that slowly drained heart out of movies, and it started shortly after GQ.

For instance, it think they'd cut out the entire Gorignak sequence, and the Thermians would have had deep cuts as well, for runtime. Any scenes where characters just hang out would be excised for firefights.

If you mean the effects, well one of the running jokes is that the effects on the original series were complete crap. When Nesmith fires on the alien ship because he's hung over, he just flat out says "Fire the blue particle cannons, fire the red particle cannons"

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2750 on: April 01, 2019, 08:59:27 AM »
ironically enough, JJ trek lifts quite a bit of the plot from galaxy quest. The weird spiny bad guy ship with bad steamy environmental controls, Bad guy sits around in the dark being EVIL. His primary form of entertainment being TORTURE OF HOSTAGES. Time travel is a PIVOTAL component of the story.

The Captain is a COCKY JACKASS who takes the situation TOO LIGHTLY resulting in HORRIBLE CONSEQUENCES. His first officer LOATHES HIM.

The PROTAGANIST ends up on an ALIEN PLANET and is chased by a GIANT MONSTER.

A cowpoo element (Element 13, or Red Matter) is central to the main plot, but is in reality a STUPID MCGUFFAN

Both ships travel through black holes even though that is a STUPID IDEA.

Both movies were followed by a TV series revival.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2751 on: April 02, 2019, 02:54:43 PM »
For lack of something better to do, "Leaving Neverland," the 2-part 4-hour documentary about two men who, as children, became close to Michael Jackson for a short time.  I was very skeptical of this, mostly because of the hoopla surrounding the deceased celebrity, and what seemed to be a peculiar about face by two children who swore in court on a stack of bibles that the singer had done nothing inappropriate with them during their unsupervised visits.  The men explained that they were in the graces of the star for a while until he grew bored with them and replaced them with other boys.  In the documentary, they describe a series of inappropriately intimate behaviors between man and child that are against the law in most states.

I just finished part 1.  It could easily have been edited to half its present length. The descriptions of Jackson's behavior by the families and his alleged victims, two former aspiring child stars, were believable.

One comes away with a disturbing perception of the power of celebrity and of people's willingness to jettison common sense in the presence of big stars.  Would you let your 7 year old daughter sleep with a 40 year old pop singer of the opposite sex?  No?  Well, why would the same prospect for an arrangement involving your son of tender years with a man four or five times his age not set off warning bells in your head?  The parents seem to realize in retrospect that they should have been more vigilant.  Apparently, being overwhelmed by glamour and generosity was enough to dampen any apprehensions they might have had.

The children were so into Jackson and the parents did nothing to persuade them to channel their energies into a healthier direction.  The two boys were very talented dancers, but the pelvic thrusts and crotch grabbing that might have been acceptable in an adult male pop star seemed especially inappropriate in the dance routines of 5 year old boys.  Call me old fashioned, but that, alone, had me scratching my head and asking, "what is wrong with these people that they let their child perform like that in public or anywhere else?"  Not ok for a 5 year old.  No.  Not in Australia.  Not in America.  I can't help but feel the parents were partially to blame by being willing participants in the larger sexualization of children that such routines implied.  The whole business is unwholesome in the extreme.

What is more inexplicable about this is that these events took place quite a while after the original Thriller album (1982) which met with such justifiable critical acclaim and before there was a whiff of anything especially off about Jackson.  The children's involvement began a half decade later (1988 for James Safechuck and 1989 for Wade Robson) during a period when the star's odd behavior had begun to manifest itself via repeated and increasingly damaging plastic surgeries and other juvenile displays.

So it's not like anyone with a half a brain couldn't have seen that there was something off about the guy.

In sum, all this documentary manages to do is to put to rest any doubts any of us may have had about the fact that Jackson was a deeply damaged human being who took advantage of young children to their detriment.  There's some twisted and very sad events described in this.  But it's so slow and so long that I kept falling asleep in the middle of it, so not the most riveting thing to watch late at night.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 10:52:05 AM by 6pairsofshoes »

Offline goldshirt*9

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2752 on: April 04, 2019, 08:10:21 AM »
The Highwayman   was ok not as bad as i thought and loved the photos of the original people at the end.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2753 on: April 04, 2019, 09:50:42 AM »
"Let's make the car a place of quiet Tommy-gun loading"

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2754 on: April 04, 2019, 11:31:43 AM »
The Highwayman was ok not as bad as i thought and loved the photos of the original people at the end.

That looks like it might be entertaining.  And a good deal more engaging than another couple hours watching a documentary about a pedo.

Offline goldshirt*9

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2755 on: April 09, 2019, 12:43:34 AM »
Vice 2018   I enjoyed a lot, interesting with touches of humour

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2756 on: April 09, 2019, 01:02:40 PM »
I liked that film.  It's been a while since I saw it.  Christian Bale did a good job in that role and the makeup was amazing.  Steve Carrell is no Donald Rumsfeld, though--that part didn't work for me.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2757 on: April 19, 2019, 05:45:50 AM »
True Romance

Got damn that is a coked out movie.

I've heard that True Romance and Natural Born Killers were originally one long Tarantino Road Trip script.

Can't say I see it. All four "heroes" are idiots, but Woody and Juliette were just mean spirited. I felt like I needed a shower after NBK, this film is a bit more triumphant.

Clarence and Alabama are just morons in way over their head.

I really like the finale, and James Gandolfini is pretty freakin' dark here.

The Dialogue has aged poorly. We are introduced to our Hero Protaganist talking about how he isn't gay, but if he had to, he'd golly Elvis. It's not a sympathetic portrait, and honestly, he doesn't get much better.

Alabama doesn't come off much better, a hooker of four days, who has fallen in love with the john.

Gary Oldman is as usual, a chameleon, but I'm kinda pissed he killed Sam Jackson so early, I wonder what that character might have become. Maybe a hunter of the cursed suitcase... Wait, Wrong movie.

I'm honestly surprised I've never seen the movie before, but Tony Scott was a hell of a director. He hits the notes that bless'ed hack Michael Bay wishes he could.

So it's flawed, but definitely worth watching. And Brad Pitt is useless. That was fun.

Offline Alfonz

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2758 on: April 20, 2019, 11:06:57 PM »
The Highwaymen.

Entertaining enough. Haven't seen Costner in much lately so it was good to see him in a recent film. Well worth the watch, especially if you know the history of these two outlaws.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Reply #2759 on: April 21, 2019, 12:28:29 AM »
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. How the poo did I never see this before? It's hilarious! I was shocked to find out it was Shane Black's directorial debut.

I'm also shocked I'm so fond of a movie in which Robert Downey Jr pisses on a corpse.

little c would like it, it plays back a lot like Long Kiss Goodnight, and was made to spite the people who called that film a failure. Shane Black is great.