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Pringles Moa Burger

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--- Quote from: christ on August 27, 2021, 02:07:53 AM ---That's unusual.

"How do you tell if someone is a vegan"?
"You don't have to, they will tell you".

From my viewpoint being a vegan is like a lot of things that youths do; a way of demonstrating how politically aware one is, before reality has sunk in.

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--- Quote from: christ on August 27, 2021, 02:15:02 AM ---I don't disagree, but.

It is strange that people (generic, not specific) buy the cheapest meat available, whilst bemoaning the methods used to create that cheap meat. Some people seem to be completely unaware of their own part in this, finding it easier to blame politicians and fat cats. I find it amusing that I can stand in ASDA listening to two little old ladies doing their shopping whilst bemoaning the fact that the politicians have let the high street die.

Don't get me wrong, politicians and fat cats bear a share of the blame, but so do we, the consumer.

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When the movement here gathered pace Asda had to shut it's abatoirs as they were found to be some of the most inhumane in the country.

Your comment is on the money as I have always been involved in animal welfare but loved a well cooked half pound burger. It was at the point when the exposés came out about people in abbatoirs not giving a crap about where they shot the bolt, the bovine growth hormone being used to extremes (which caused mad cow disease - at least in part) and things like transporting cattle in crates from the north of Britain to France just so the French could slaughter them on French soil and call it French beef or whatever.

At this point a gave up meat so as not to be a hypocrite and in protest of the methods used.

I don't go on about it as people claim (I hear far more comments about eating meat from people that do) but some people do call me out on the error in my ideology which is I should eat organic meat as it would support that industry. Problem is, I'm good at giving things up when I put my mind to it.


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