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Never-Ending Fiction Quiz

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OK, I'll bite.  ;)

"...the green, sticky spawn of the stars." Green and slimy (of course!).

Spoiler (hover to show)R'lyeh: coordinates given as S. Latitude 49° 51′ S, Longitude 128° 34′ W....
Fact ...In 1997 Navy sensors detected a very large noise (being picked up on two different sensors 3000 miles apart) being produced at Latitude 50° S, Longitude 120° W. This sound (now known as 'Bloop') is not thought to correspond to any known living or non-living source, and as such, remains unexplained.

Spoiler (hover to show)Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
>> The Bone Clocks is a novel by David Mitchel told with multiple narrators. Two of them are Hugo Lamb who uses the pseudonym "Marcus Anyder" for criminal activities and Crispin Hershey, a very bitter and very funny failing writer.
Answer one of the two questions below (or both if you'd like):

1. The name Anyder is mentioned in Thomas More's Utopia. What is it?


2. Crispin Hershey paraphrases a poem by Shelley--"Look on my works, Richard Cheeseman, and despair!" Which poem does that line refer to?


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