Author Topic: Binge of thrones [spoilers likely]  (Read 3243 times)

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Offline 8ullfrog

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Binge of thrones [spoilers likely]
« on: October 07, 2016, 09:55:23 PM »
HBO Free weekend, so I've started watching thrones. So far I'm bored. Not really as captivating as I've been led to believe. Yeah, the lannisters damn' suck, but I don't really like anyone. I was a bit surprised when Sansa didn't throw her sister under the bus, considering everyone else has been an absolute poo.

Update the first: Mr. Fancy fingers tells sansa a scary story, Jon pals up with fatty, and people pose at one another fiercely.

Danerys finally steps up to shiny dickweed.

I like the advisor dude, even being a slave seller, he's yet to show open shitlordliness.

I've been wondering how tyrion gets away with talking poo at everyone, and he's finally stepped into the wrong bar.

Sucks, he actually seemed to like bran. I thought he was a bit of a poo climbing around like a monkey.

I'm really sick of the credits at this point.

Update the second:

The one dude I liked got a dagger in the fricken eye. damn' lannisters.

Meanwhile Tyrion continues to be awesome, smashing a dude's head in.

I don't like Cat at all, but the shared look between her and tyrion about how bless'ed batshit lysa is.

Thanks to mitosis, I know Ned ain't getting back to Winterfell, but I knew he was screwed when he went to visit the last person to meet with Jon Aryn.

That hand of the king badge looks like it would stab you every time you sit down.

Jory and Ned put up a hell of a fight, but the showdown was fixed from the start.

I wanted Jaime to at least pick up a scar, damn' pikeman.

Update the third -

Tyrion and Mord. Spinoff demanded. Naw gold!
Robin continues to be a creepy poo, Tyrion snakes out of going skydiving.

Dany has a symbolic dinner, I would have gone with Pizza.

Venereal, er Viserys gets his crown.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 03:18:00 AM by 8ullfrog »

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Re: Binge of thrones [spoilers likely]
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2016, 03:14:30 PM »
I watched episode 1 when it came out and that was that (did the same with True Blood). I found it's rise to fame hard to believe at first, but after hearing some trusted friends rave about it, I now believe that there must be more to it than the disappointing pilot.

Didn't read a word of you wrote above as I'm waiting for that bad bout of flu that keeps me bedridden for a week, then I'll also binge out and see what all the fuss is about.
Don't put off until tomorrow, what you can put off until the day after.

There is an exception to every rule, apart from this one.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Binge of thrones [spoilers likely]
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2016, 06:16:27 AM »
I was suspicious, but soon grew to like the series.  It's got a good deal of money and talent thrown at it and the title sequence, alone, is worth the price of admission.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Binge of thrones [spoilers likely]
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2017, 11:26:17 PM »
Wow, necromancy, but I've taken the show back up.

I had honestly forgotten much of Season 2 with the fact that the pace picks up severely around episode 9 of season 2.

We meet some new faces, and go some new places. Tyrion enters season 2 like a baller, I think that may have been the high point of the season.

People posing at each other continues to bug me, but these poses contain more menace, something which amps up severely in S3.

Red lady becomes quite terrifying, not that she was all that friendly to begin with. Theon spends the season being a whiny poo or a traitorous golly, depending on the scene. Brienne of tarth is pretty freaking awesome, but Robb and Catelyn continue to screw themselves most of all. And I had not notices until Theon's worst behavior that the credit sequences change based on updated events.

Harrenhall bugged me. I understand it's a ruin, but they could at least have dragged off the fallen towers. Jaquen was pretty cool, and pulled some pretty cool moves. Hot Pie not dying in every scene he is in was shocking.

Blackwater was bless'ed crazy. All I really need to say. Tyrion faced battle like a baller, he even went outside the gate, something even the hound decided was too hot.

Most shocking this season though, was the color contrast. Whenever we went from the southern kingdoms to north of the wall, or across the seas to Qarth, it's like a balm to the eyes from the dark and the grit.

Not to say things were happy in either place, but qarth really was a feast for the eyes, and the north was blindingly bright.

The payoff in qarth was particularly awesome.

One shitty thing is that dothraki and high valyrian is in subtitles, which my chromecast doesn't cast.

I'm on to season 3 now, but I'll hold back on that for another post.