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What she thought she was selling -
"I'm a hard headed decision maker, willing to make the hard decision"

What she actually said -

"I hated that dog".

So it was a ritual killing to soothe the call of blood.

Yeah.  She's super tone deaf.  I watched her in an interview with some CNN reporter and she seemed like someone who really loved makeup and enjoyed avoiding answering tough questions.  She's also super loyal to Trump, despite any questions about his potential conviction on any number of indictments.

I think "I hated that dog" is going to sink her.  Nobody in their right mind who is an animal lover (and that's about 90% of Americans) would think shooting a wayward puppy in a gravel pit is the appropriate solution to an adolescent dog who could have benefitted from the right training for a different owner.  I think that it reveals more about the owner than the puppy.

So putting her second in line to having access to the nuclear codes would be kind of a bad decision.  I can foresee the thought processes that stem from her solution to that dog:
Having troubles with North Korea?  Nuke 'em. 
Putin getting out of hand?  Nuke him.  But in that scenario, the gravel pit is planet Earth and the rest of us will have to suffer the consequences.  She sure isn't leader material.


--- Quote from: christ on May 01, 2024, 12:49:34 PM ---The general public are not the target for the current crop of "Republican" politicians, their core (if not only) audience is the large body of Americans that are fed up with "progressive leftism"; the same body of people that truly and deeply believe any and all conspiracy theories, and don't care for democracy because it lets the woke-left dominate thinking through the deep state and subversion of the media. And for those people she absolutely definitely is leader material. As far as they are concerned, she has the courage to do things that are unpopular with the pinko-commie-fags, and the strength of character to stand by her beliefs. I find it odd that the same constituency that supported and fuelled McCarthy currently prefer Russian leaders to elected American ones.

These "Republicans" are betting the farm on that core audience outnumbering the rest in a count, so that they can permanently subvert democracy in their favour.

--- End quote ---

I agree with you except on the last point.  The genius of the modern GOP is that they are a minority party that has managed to prevail against the will of the majority of voters by taking advantage of spurious redistricting that splits Democratic leaning districts in ways that favor GOP candidates, and also there's the train wreck of the Electoral College.  A majority of Americans would never have suffered a first Trump administration, let alone the threat of a second one.  I can't explain South Dakota and Noem's electoral success.  Maybe the water has been polluted via too many agricultural chemicals and the brains of the populace have been affected to vote against their own interests.


--- Quote from: christ on May 02, 2024, 11:55:59 AM ---True - I should have said "outvoting in an election", rather than "outnumbering".

--- End quote ---

Noem is accusing (whatever unflattering term for the mainstream media she can come up with) of "fake news" or distorting the facts.  It's kind of hard to distort facts when she's laid them down in print.  Maybe she's had one too many Botox or collagen injections and they've affected her ability to think.


--- Quote from: christ on May 03, 2024, 12:47:39 PM ---Again - her supporters have the memory of a goldfish and so believe what she says; and they have completely forgotten the original statements: and because they have been conditioned to disbelieve the "lame stream media" they ignore those statements when the LSM repeat them (and in fact consider that it must be false, because it is in the LSM).

... and to her, her supporters are all that count because they will re-elect her. (How can they not, when the opponent is an "America-hating pinko-commie cigarette"?)

--- End quote ---

Here you go, Jordan Klepper interviews some low information voters.


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