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Offline 8ullfrog

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Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« on: August 15, 2019, 09:49:02 AM »
EPISODE: 100 days

So this is where I am now. Jack manages to find a world where he is happy, and is cut off from command.

It's truly good stuff, Jack deserves this over the SGC. It's the Ressikan flute from TNG with very real consequences.

And Teal'c does the complete insanity, you will die if you make the slightest mistake rescue play...

And in any other circumstance, he would be the finest brother ever, the fact that he was willing to risk all says that Teal'c is the truest of partners.

If The world had ended, then he would gladly watch the end with O'neill.

But it's a horrible consequence here. Jack has moved on from his extremely painful life on this planet. He's EARNED his rest.

But Teal'c has gotta rescue him. And like Always Sunny says, this makes Teal'c scallywag man. Because FUUUUUCK.

I mean like, Teal'c sees "bro is dead ya'll" and says "The body will be proof, until then, shove it."

At the same time, Jack's native GF is super urgent on the "throw away your old life" stuff.

DANG, Teal'c is ride or die. like "screw air, I want my buddy back"

I want a friend like that, because, once again, DANG.

Holy crap, O'neill is like "right back at you, bro"

And then Daniel has to explain it to the others, OW!

So essentially, yeah, over six months, O'neill came to believe the SGC was his past, only to rip that wound right back open, and he just has to smile and wave.

Damn, the psychologist for the SGC is either paid too little, or is incompetent. It's the second one, I know that's a future episode, ow ow ow.

AWW poo, vol. 5 is all episodes, no extras. Last time I ran into that, was the disk with my favorite episode, "Rules of Engagement"

In this case, it is simply five episodes on one disk. The DVD drive likes this one as much as that disk. Maybe MGM got cheap or greedy?

Wow, 1 minute into the next episode, and dang, Jack REALLY isn't reintegrating. Like, holy poo.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2019, 10:17:05 AM by 8ullfrog »

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2019, 11:02:48 AM »
Like, fast and the furious type holy poo.

He went from rule abiding officer to "RIP poo OFF THE WALLS AND RUN"

This was not warmly received by earth's allies. Like, they are super pissed.

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2019, 03:03:25 PM »
If Buffy had seriously been in heaven, they wouldn't have been able to bring her back.

One time an alien/demon tried to convince Captain Janeway on Voyager to give up on life and accept death. It wanted to eat her soul. I'm guessing one of those caught Buffy's soul after she swan dived. So technically the scoobies rescued Buffy.

I did like that they acknowledged Jack might not be ready to just reset to status quo. Payoff sucked though.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2019, 02:57:07 AM »
I saw the episode with culty Seth.  He looked like the kind of guy I'd run a mile to avoid worshipping.  Smarmy and gone to seed.  Kind of like some sort of unwholesome televangelist.

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2019, 04:24:40 AM »
S 3 ep 2.

Proof that the Goauld aren't too bright. I mean dude has a never ending cult, and kills them off periodically, presumably out of annoyance because he's so sleazy.

I mean I know we haven't really met any of the system lords outside of Apophis at this point, but Seth is a pretty good case in point of what they're like.

I very much enjoyed that episode, and the guest star dig a good job with the sleaze. I found out I mixed up linea and nirriti.

Linea was the prison planet madam, she's just evil, and apparently dabbles in age regression serums.

Nirriti is a goauld. She is super into genocide, eugenics, and an undergraduate degree in sexual harassment. YOU WILL SEE.

Seeing the old cars, which still seem current to me and make me wince, it's a weird sort of time capsule. I mean so much of the show is off planet, when they hang out on earth, things seem more strange than alien worlds. Carter has a super weird car, but they eventually replace it with a Subaru SPOILER ALERT.

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2019, 02:30:59 AM »
I just finished Legacy.  There could be a list drawn up of typical plot lines for these sorts of series:

slug like invaders who pollute human bodies with varied effects.  I think there was one in The Wrath of Khan, one of the Star Trek movies.  Then there's the Puppet Masters.

The prior episode with system lords and Thor sitting at the negotiating table with hapless Jack who has no clue how to negotiate.  Whoa.  To all those who think there is some arcane world wide conspiracy where the UN is trying to take over the world and run the US gov't via some undercover deep state operation I always say this:  Did you ever try to get 8 people to decide on which restaurant you want to go to for dinner?  So multiply that 100 times and see if you can figure out how the UN would ever get their poo together enough to decide to take over the government of various member nations.  Hell, look at the United States Congress and see how much they've accomplished lately.  So much for the evil minions who are poised to take over the world.  Ha!

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2019, 04:55:13 PM »
Jack acts stupid to make other people solve problems. Whenever he drops that mask of stupidity, the person on the other end of his attention is in danger.

Part of that is an acting choice, RDA didn't want to read technobabble, so he'd flub the line intentionally until Michael Shanks or Amanda Tapping took the line.

Oddly enough, this makes Carter and Daniel have more time to shine, and show their intelligence or specific fields of expertise.

I'm pretty sure at some point Jack actually does reference Wrath of Khan. The episode I saw night before last had a direct line lifting of post witch kill OZ.

They were told repeatedly by MGM to stop referencing OZ, so they just ad-libbed them so the script writers and directors wouldn't get in trouble.

I think a lot of legacy was written around putting Daniel Jackson in a loony bin. A lot of the time, I don't like the framing devices in stargate, like they could shave half the episode off if they just got to what they wanted to do instead of dressing it up first.

Then again, maybe they filmed the good stuff and then were left with more time to fill. I think they said that once on a BTS.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2019, 02:21:29 AM »
So Apophis is back from the dead.  The system lords really have a bug up their collective posteriors.  And Apophis' plans for interplanetary domination are sort of not panning out.

I do have a question though.  Last we saw him, he was old, grey and dying.  Now, he's back to being young with some odd green plate on one side or his face.  What's up with that?

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2019, 05:07:33 PM »
I think that was one of the few times the SGC straight up lost. Sokar used a particle accelerator to slowly microwave earth. Season 2, Episode 18, Serpent's song.

They had to give Sokar the corpse of Apophis. Presumably he stuck him in the sarcophagus and brought him back.

I don't know why he has a face plate.

You know what, I've got nothing going on tonight, I'll dig out S3 and see if they mention the face plate in the dvd commentary (I normally hate dvd commentary)

You're creeping up on the Dom DeLuise episode. Fun fact - Christopher Judge could not be on set with Dom DeLuise without cracking up, they had to film around that. Yes - Teal'c was unable to remain stoic. The episode was directed by his son. It wasn't a vanity project either, Peter DeLuise turns in a lot of the better episodes of the series including, Jolinar's Memories, and The Devil You Know. My other favorite director on stargate is Martin Wood, he turns in some really cinematic ones.

Well, that was a short trip, those episodes don't have commentary. Special feature for that disc is "Secret Files of the SGC - The Stargate Universe"

Honestly I'm surprised this was the episode you had questions about. Not Point of View? When long hair Carter mentions they got called in with Dinner on the table, and how most of the major cities have been wiped out, but not Colorado Springs yet, and that the dinner might still be on the table, that was one of the best bits.

Rules of Engagement is a dumb episode, but it's one of my favorites. "Maize is indigenous to North America!" Weird, it's "corn and cotton" on the DVD. "And that information could save your life one day." Plus also love the Teal'c superiority sneer.
"You may begin your torture" "It's already begun, the infamous tuna torture"
My computer hates that disc though, rattles. I have to jam a bobby pin into the front panel of the PC to stop it.

When I attempt to eject the disk, the bobby pin reminds me of it's existence.

S7 Vol 2 does not rattle.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2019, 10:54:13 PM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2019, 11:30:50 PM »
Sokar looks like an extra from Insane Clown Posse.  The make up with the delicate veins around his chin and the odd eyes along with the Max Factor pancake white makeup definitely puts him in the "gone to seed, should have laid off the beers about 10 years ago" camp.

He hates everybody and everything and just wants everyone to suffer and die.  To that end, he's an effective character.  Now Apophis really loves that eyeliner and the new makeup really detracts from his beautiful eyes.  He has such an expressive face and the faceplate really interferes with it.

The episode where Point of View? Carter and O'Neill were married messes around with the Friends factorial where you spend time figuring out how many different romantic combinations of the small number of characters you can manage and still not beggar belief.  The two characters actually seem well suited to one another, but they're fictional so who knows?

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2019, 12:36:27 AM »
Yeah, no, it was a hard rule from the REAL Air Force. Not allowed under regulations, so they vetoed that relationship officially. I think when they went under the alien lie detector they were almost removed from service until O'neill said "We care about each other more than we're supposed to" but he is fully in agreement with the regulations.

So this alternate Carter, who is not in the military, represents the path he can't take. They got some good moments in there. Both Carters checking their hair, feeling somewhat insecure, it's some great stuff. There's a moment in 7 I'll not ruin for you, but there are some small things that make the show so much better.

Sokar though, Sokar is bad. Not as in, He's eeevil, bad as in he's a friggin' Saturday Morning Cartoon villain. There's an upcoming baddie I hate way more, but Sokar was poo. Like, he's a bald evil sadist? Cool, works, we Know the Jaffa and Goauld do not discriminate on hair.
He's got white pancake makeup and evil veins? Like, how are his veins evil?  They never explain why Sokar looks like a rotten egg either. He just is.

Like, I could totally see a Goauld rocking a prison planet, they can't all be scientists! And I know for a fact there is a lot of evil money to be made in evil private prisons, even in reality!  Hell theme? Sure, makes sense! But that bless'ed makeup...

I just noticed you seem to prefer character studies and quieter, more toned down plots. And Point Of View has that for like, 3/4 of the episode.
Of course it's stargate, so they had to kick things into high gear at the end there, but POV was one of the episodes I liked more than others. I wouldn't say it's in my favorites, but that one scene when they talk about dinner was fantastic.

Sorry, Apophis keeps that look for the rest of his run. In one BTS I read, they talked about how he was actually blind for the three days of shooting they did for his death scene with those contact lenses, and he still acted the hell out of it. That choked gasp he gives when he dies was so good they reused it in Rules of Engagement.

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2019, 01:38:51 AM »
Tonight's episode:  Foothold.  Phallic Creatures from the black lagoon take over the Stargate in the mountain and adopt the appearances of the key players in the mountain.  Carter saves the day.  She's smart and resourceful and evil booracrat from D.C. helps expel aliens.  The part where the doc is torturing the larval goua'ld is pretty entertaining.  It rasps at her in protest.

Sometimes I can't tell if Richard Dean Anderson still thinks he's cast as McGyver or what.  He has the smartass thing down.

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2019, 02:30:52 AM »
Dom de Luis was pretty funny.  So much of  this is just lite n laffy.  I guess that's preferable to the Star Trek deadly serious variety.  The pie scenes were particularly entertaining.  I can get the pie being delicious, but the blue jello is a bit too much.

In the previous episode Skaara gets freed of his Gou'ald.  That's nice.  Also most good looking men from more advanced situations find Samantha hot.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2019, 08:39:11 AM »
I have noticed that Stargate tends to avoid the cheesecake, but use the Jaffa to deliver beefcake.

We only really get to see female Jaffa in season 7. Aside from Teal'c's wife. Wow, that's butchered.

I very much liked Teal'c drinking the entire coffee pitcher.

As to blue jello, I was sick a lot as a kid, so I ate a lot of blue jello, was my favorite. Berry, I think.

Most of the men who are attracted to Carter die. Sorry, bit of a spoiler alert. Amanda Tapping was aware of this. In one funny BTS, after a kissing scene she talks about him being doomed and how she's the black widow of stargate.

I guess the trick is dying reasonably intact and having access to a sarcophagus. I think they overplayed the sickness and megalomania of sarcophagus use so people would shut the hell up about SG-1 stealing one for the base.

Having resurrection in your writers book might sound good, but it presents many corners you can write yourself into, and cheapens death.

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Re: Stargate: SG-1 - Season 3.
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2019, 03:10:15 AM »
Maternal instinct.  Pretty alien woman in a ray of light kicks Gou'ald ass, saves special baby.  Her assistant is a particularly annoying guy of Asian descent who spends the greater part of the episode spouting cryptic koan type comments.  Jack's desire to hit him with a cream pie is shared by many.  Daniel assumes a new ability to light fire with his mind, but it's really just pretty alien lady messing with his head.

Crystal Skull.  Daniel's grandpa gets to hang with the big luminous aliens who are related to the Jolly Green Giant, except they are albinos.  Daniel gets to spend the entire episode out of phase with the rest of SG1.  Grandpa gets sprung from the asylum.  Instead of going on about heterotopic spaces, he jumps at the chance to go hang out with the big white guys with the deep voices.  Aliens speak ancient mayan dialect, proclaiming that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."  They don't much like the Gou'ald either.  The crew's susceptibility to radiation comes and goes. 

Mayans MC will be next after this stepped pyramid starts to fall down.