
General Category => Chaos => Topic started by: Robin-Graves on November 29, 2009, 07:30:44 PM

Title: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 29, 2009, 07:30:44 PM
Sitting at my freinds house ( yes folks, surprise!  I have a freind!) posting on this board while my frind is making an animated movie on his other pc.
 Oh,, and im smoking a ciggarette ( cigarette to you in Britain), and scratching my head out of sheer boredom.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 06, 2010, 05:08:10 PM
watchin season 2 of trueblood and eating watermelon

Sounds fun :) The watermelon around me has been terrrible :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on June 06, 2010, 09:12:41 PM
Sounds fun :) The watermelon around me has been terrrible :(

we were lucky this time around , it was really sweet !  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 07, 2010, 02:48:55 AM

I am getting used to the quiet again as the kids are now back in school.  I'm not sure if I like it to be honest?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on June 07, 2010, 04:48:25 AM
^ peace at last smokes?  ;D well grow to like it lol



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 07, 2010, 06:23:52 AM
I have to design and do the cutting list for a huge wardrobe I have to make on Wednesday.  While the kids were here I had an excuse not to do it and now I just have to get my head down and work out all the math (which I hate doing in metric but timber merchants demand it now!).

That means I shouldn't be here posting this, however, I am allowing myself another tea-break as I'm the boss after all.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on June 07, 2010, 06:24:44 AM
That's why i want to be self employed Smokes.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 07, 2010, 08:27:36 AM
Missing my little girl horribly. She went on vacation with my parents last night.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 07, 2010, 09:59:00 AM
you can  have my daughter for a while  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 07, 2010, 10:13:20 AM
/me thought better and changed his post
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 07, 2010, 10:17:45 AM
/me thought better and changed his post

 :D :D :D :D :o

trying to make heads  or tails of a audiobook that has been wrongly titled .
it has skipped a few chapters then rights itself  >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on June 08, 2010, 02:20:47 PM
Looking at Chester gazing at the computer and pawing the screen whenever text moves,he pretty much grabs anything that pokes out or moves.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on June 08, 2010, 02:59:17 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on June 08, 2010, 03:03:52 PM
Yeah I wonder if they think we are aliens Stylus looks at my screens scans down looks at mouse and keyword then gives me that WTF look. Try this one out I put a picture of her on the screen I could see her trying to work out what the hell is going on. Eventually I think she realized she was looking at a picture of her self. I tell yah this cat has brought so much fun in to the house ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on June 08, 2010, 04:57:34 PM
Funny you should say that Alien,i showed him a couple of pics of Socks.
   When he appeared on the screen,Chester looked at the screen intently and stood bolt upright,then tried to get closer to the screen.
   He knew it was another Cat,i don't know if he knew he was related.  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on June 09, 2010, 08:23:33 AM
Sounds fun :) The watermelon around me has been terrrible :(

I think you may like this :)

http://video.uk.msn.com/watch/video/cat-and-dog-share-watermelon/88p65p3s (http://video.uk.msn.com/watch/video/cat-and-dog-share-watermelon/88p65p3s)



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on June 09, 2010, 11:48:29 AM
Looking around disafora for friendly faces to talk to but nobody's around right now  :'(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 09, 2010, 12:37:21 PM
Hey hmed, how've you been?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: cz85b on June 09, 2010, 06:33:23 PM
BANANNA! What kicks brother?   :) :) :)

I was just thinking about you over on a thread that died last year.....  Call it fate... call it luck....  maybe even call it NON-luck.....

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on June 11, 2010, 05:44:51 PM
Getting pissed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on June 12, 2010, 04:50:06 PM
getting GMed  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on June 12, 2010, 05:56:47 PM
Just watched the final Lost.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 16, 2010, 07:52:48 AM
Just watched the final Lost.

Don't start me off on Lost - the cowpoo ending and excuse that the writers made used for it, was criminal.

Just a few questions that have been left unanswered:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on June 16, 2010, 08:53:01 AM
Thinking my teenager is gonna turn out ok. She just spent $75 of her hard earned money to take her Dad to see Clapton. Good kid if I do say so myself.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 16, 2010, 08:58:02 AM
Congratulations!! Her parents must've done something right.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 16, 2010, 09:04:28 AM

Watching the game, having a Bud.

Where's Dookie?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 16, 2010, 09:10:10 AM
Watching the unbelievable goal from Switzerland. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 16, 2010, 09:26:40 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on June 17, 2010, 10:32:33 AM
watching igor
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on June 17, 2010, 09:24:55 PM
Contemplating life and all it has to offer. Oh yeah, and deciding if I want to accept its offer.  ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on June 18, 2010, 08:00:56 PM
Im about to watch some football.
  See ya. ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 19, 2010, 05:54:07 AM

Eating crisps (potato chips), peanuts, drinking beer and watching football for a change.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on June 19, 2010, 08:21:46 AM
Really? Have you even showered in the last few days? Men.......I PM'd your wife to come up behind you and whisper in your ear real softly, "Go Team" and see what that does to your attention span.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 19, 2010, 09:08:24 AM
Really? Have you even showered in the last few days? Men.......I PM'd your wife to come up behind you and whisper in your ear real softly, "Go Team" and see what that does to your attention span.  ;D

You mean there is someone else in this house with me?  I hadn't noticed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on June 19, 2010, 09:54:59 AM
No your kids are just running around the neighbor with no adult looking after them while Daddy watches football.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 19, 2010, 10:05:04 AM
If it's like in Argentina the kids are watching football too.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 19, 2010, 11:23:00 AM
abusing big D  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 19, 2010, 10:26:37 PM
watching Sleepy Hollow and zoning 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on June 20, 2010, 03:52:42 PM
watching Sleepy Hollow and zoning 

Oh Sleepy Hollow DVD I hope  ;D One of my Joanne's fav's is that  ;)

Make a Coffee, & relax watch a Movie  :P :)



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 21, 2010, 07:37:11 AM
Sleepy Hollow was on regular cable over the weekend.  I imagine that's the one Skadi was watching.  On that note, is it just me but, I'll own a DVD of a certain movie for years and never have the desire to watch it, but when it comes on cable, I'll sit and watch it all day, even though I have a nice, unedited, uninterrupted copy on my shelf?  What's up with that?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 21, 2010, 07:50:33 AM
^ yup, that's where I was it.. I was too tired that night to bother with advanced technology like DVDs :D I just flopped down, enjoyed the air conditioning, and watched the first thing that popped on the tv.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 21, 2010, 08:48:09 AM
I saw it too (lounging in my lazy boy with the A/C cranked but I was already caught up between a Eureka marathon on SyFy (hate the new spelling), the Pick of Destiny on the Comedy Network, and NCIS marathon on TNT.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 21, 2010, 09:30:46 AM
^ we are very boring :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on June 21, 2010, 05:45:09 PM
Eating brats, garden tomatos and taters and trying not to puke cause Im SO full.  Need I mention da beers?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on June 21, 2010, 07:37:05 PM
02:35 watching Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman great show. Just wish I had some Green  :D

PS highly recommend this new show if you like to know about our universe.
Plus Morgan is such a cool dude  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 21, 2010, 07:40:46 PM
Just finished watching Invictus.  I really enjoyed the flick.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on June 21, 2010, 09:44:27 PM
Sleepy Hollow was on regular cable over the weekend.  I imagine that's  the one Skadi was watching.  On that note, is it just me but, I'll own a  DVD of a certain movie for years and never have the desire to watch it,  but when it comes on cable, I'll sit and watch it all day, even though I  have a nice, unedited, uninterrupted copy on my shelf?  What's up with  that?

 Your dumb lol  ;D :D
 Only joking though, it's because it's there on your shelf.
 & you can't be asked, to get it from there. Plus the fact there is  always poo on T.V. no matter, if it's cable or what ever :P  :) ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 22, 2010, 05:39:04 AM


Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 22, 2010, 10:07:55 AM
02:35 watching Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman great show.

^ I keep missing that show :(  I really want to watch it. The ads are unintentionally cool/funny to me for some reason... I think it's beause it's Morgan Freeman... and he promotes it so casually. Based on the ad..it could be a show on 'anything', and I'd want to watch it. Coincidenatally it's something interesting to me :P I need to write down what time it comes on.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on June 22, 2010, 12:27:08 PM
I watch a web stream, don't think I can give out the URL ? It's far from funny its very informative. All cool Morgan has to do is read the script which he does so well. 10.10 to Morgan Freeman and his new show.......

OoPs correction I downloaded the show just checked ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on June 24, 2010, 01:37:01 PM
Cursing myself for because I picked up a box of frosted strawberry Pop-Tarts instead of unfrosted ones at the store.  >:(  ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 25, 2010, 07:10:32 PM
Frrrrrreezing. No place is the right temperature. It's either too hot.. or, other places have their air conditioning so cranked it feels like a meat freezer :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on June 25, 2010, 09:27:58 PM
I can't sleep again so im taking pics of Chester's 1st steps onto the conservatory roof.




Looks more like his father as he grows.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 26, 2010, 02:55:18 AM
Sewing ribbons into ballet shoes.

Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 26, 2010, 05:57:27 AM
Just thinking how life change us...  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on June 26, 2010, 06:14:21 AM
Something i shouldn't be doing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 26, 2010, 07:48:41 AM
Something i shouldn't be doing.

Says the man who just posted pictures of his kitten :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on June 26, 2010, 09:14:10 AM
 ;)  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 26, 2010, 11:15:01 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on June 26, 2010, 11:42:13 AM
I SO over-indulged last night that I think Ill be taking a few days of. And its the weekend too......damn sensibility
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on June 26, 2010, 02:42:30 PM
Sitting down to a nice cuppa and movie.  I bought a new 1TB external HD today same one has the one I blew up. I got it down to a IC on the circuit board screwed to the HD chassis. SO I swaped them over and it worked, now I have all my data back yippee!!!!!
Impressed ? maybe not read on..

I repacked the new drive with fcuked circuit board and on Monday will take it back to the shop tell them it don?t work. Acting like I no nothing about computers  and stuff and get a refund..
Dishonest I know but I see it as WD will not sell me the dam circuit board so screw them ;)

Still impressed?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on June 26, 2010, 08:56:37 PM
Sitting down to a nice cuppa and movie.  I bought a new 1TB external HD today same one has the one I blew up. I got it down to a IC on the circuit board screwed to the HD chassis. SO I swaped them over and it worked, now I have all my data back yippee!!!!!
Impressed ? maybe not read on..

I repacked the new drive with fcuked circuit board and on Monday will take it back to the shop tell them it don?t work. Acting like I no nothing but computers  and stuff and get a refund..
Dishonest I know but I see it as WD will not sell me the dam circuit board so screw them ;)

Still impressed?

Nope only would be, if it was Microsoft you was screwing :)
Not Bill Gates himself, cause don't think your that type of guy  :) ;) lol



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on June 26, 2010, 09:04:36 PM
I got a feeling this is where Paul reveals himself as the MD of Western Digital UK oOpS  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 27, 2010, 02:23:54 AM
Sitting down to a nice cuppa and movie.  I bought a new 1TB external HD today same one has the one I blew up. I got it down to a IC on the circuit board screwed to the HD chassis. SO I swaped them over and it worked, now I have all my data back yippee!!!!!

Interesting idea.  I usually just swap the platter/s over to some dummy drives I have and backup the data to a new drive.  Crude, but it usually works.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 27, 2010, 03:33:54 AM
gardening to begin with.i have a winter flowering cherry tree and a rose i have manicured  ;)
then i must trim my Bonsai's
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 27, 2010, 03:51:41 AM

I am about to head out to this:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on June 27, 2010, 06:51:09 AM
gardening to begin with.i have a winter flowering cherry tree and a rose i have manicured  ;)
then i must trim my Bonsai's

Cool!  I love Bonsai's,hasd one myself last year,got a friend to look after it for a week,and it died.
  If you want something doing,do it yourself .
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on June 27, 2010, 11:22:52 AM
Happily enjoying an air conditioned house. I just finished weeding, harvesting veggies, watering (again) the garden because its going to be to be over 100 degrees for the next two days.  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 27, 2010, 01:18:33 PM
I am about to head out to this:


I had to google Tombola :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on June 27, 2010, 02:20:09 PM
decided to be the good guy and keep the external case to insert a 200 gig drive ;) now back to emptying that bag of green stuff lol
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on June 27, 2010, 02:22:21 PM
babysitting. i dont  think I'll volunteer  again
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 27, 2010, 03:36:30 PM
 :D  How old are the adorable creatures?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 27, 2010, 03:40:53 PM
LOL @ 'creatures' :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on June 27, 2010, 05:47:30 PM
babysitting. i dont  think I'll volunteer  again

Never volunteer for anything, nothing but heartache trust  ;) :)



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on June 27, 2010, 07:31:57 PM
:D  How old are the adorable creatures?

shes 10 months and teething . and she loves to bite .
Never volunteer for anything, nothing but heartache trust  ;) :)




yeah, ive learned my lesson
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on June 28, 2010, 02:48:21 PM
housekeeping moving files from drive to another  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 29, 2010, 02:40:46 AM

Fighting back my hayfever, and losing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 29, 2010, 07:37:26 AM
Fighting back my hayfever, and losing.

school run time
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on June 29, 2010, 11:53:27 AM
I use to suffer with hay fever very bad as a young lad at the age of 19 I had an experimental injection I don't remember what it was now but hey I don't suffer any more. in fact i can mow the grass till the cows come home and it don't effect me any more. So commiserations smokester oh what a curse!!!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on June 29, 2010, 05:50:43 PM
just done a 7 1/2 hr flight to NY  ATC chap said it was a very professional landing. So go to bed with smile on face......

Catch you later gang
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on June 29, 2010, 08:53:06 PM
Drinking grog and smoking a spliff and playing loud music,golly the Chinese neighbours and their noisy Dog.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on June 29, 2010, 10:26:41 PM
watchin reruns of dexter.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 30, 2010, 02:38:36 AM

Getting ready for my son's sports day.  This year, I am unequivocally NOT running in the parents race!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on June 30, 2010, 06:32:01 AM
Getting ready for my son's sports day.  This year, I am unequivocally NOT running in the parents race!

AAHHH Ha Ha, you are so easily confused!  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 30, 2010, 07:10:10 AM
AAHHH Ha Ha, you are so easily confused!  ;D

I have a bad back and chronic hayfever, and these days my moobs get wolf whistles.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on June 30, 2010, 07:27:05 AM
FYI: Never look up Moobs on google for pics to post. I think I might be sick.  :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 30, 2010, 08:00:43 AM
FYI: Never look up Moobs on google for pics to post. I think I might be sick.  :(

Now you said that I could resist doing it.  I'm glad I did though as I feel far better about my little bee stings now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on June 30, 2010, 05:15:11 PM
Cleaning Spam. >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 01, 2010, 04:53:26 AM

Paying bills online.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: indie180 on July 02, 2010, 04:26:48 PM
Drinking :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on July 02, 2010, 06:58:46 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: indie180 on July 02, 2010, 07:13:14 PM
Still drinking  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 02, 2010, 07:14:30 PM
That explains why the smile evolved in a grin!!  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: indie180 on July 02, 2010, 07:19:23 PM
It near 2.30 in the morning here, if I could get a smiley with droopy eye's that would be the next one  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: indie180 on July 02, 2010, 07:22:04 PM
The time clock's seem to be off by a couple of hours (by my time GMT)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on July 02, 2010, 11:27:20 PM
Morning cuppa spliff and not sure whether to watch DS9 or watch Chester and Ginger playing.
   She used the litter tray for the 1st time today,im really pleased.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 04, 2010, 12:23:57 AM
coffee  .  croissants peace and quiet
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 04, 2010, 04:17:32 AM

Eating Jelly Babies.

BTW. We can all change our clocks by going to the "Look and Layout Preferences" section and adjusting our time offset. Mine is set to 8 in the offset.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on July 04, 2010, 03:17:00 PM
Staring at the storm front on the weather radar trying to will it's pace with my mind waves so fireworks aren't rained out. I have awesome abilites like that 8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on July 04, 2010, 07:16:45 PM
Editing torrents.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on July 05, 2010, 08:59:51 AM
Resting after mowing the front and back lawns.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on July 07, 2010, 06:48:34 PM
watching the hills
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on July 09, 2010, 01:38:56 PM
Watching my dog Annie to see if she vomits after licking charcoal ash and grease from the drip pan thingy under the barbecue.   ::) Stupid dog, but I love her anyway.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 09, 2010, 02:53:43 PM

To be honest, I'm flopped in my chair too hot to post.  Writing this has taken me the best part of an hour.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on July 09, 2010, 03:47:17 PM
get well soon smokester I'm sitting on the ramp at Heathrow setup a flight to Hong Kong in the Queen Of The Skies. Just waiting for push back clearance,then will fly to Hong Kong then on to Thailand, Madagascar, Argentina,California & back to Heathrow.

I'm all alone now thats what i call a mad weekend ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on July 09, 2010, 04:43:39 PM
Watching my dog Annie to see if she vomits after licking charcoal ash and grease from the drip pan thingy under the barbecue.   ::) Stupid dog, but I love her anyway.

oh my gosh.. my dog was doing that too just a couple of nights ago :D And on the '4th', she chased down a smoke bomb, and leaped in the air and tried to grab a sparkler from my hand :o The day after the 4th I realized her whiskers were curly and short on one side because they must have singed from the heat of the smoke bomb >_<
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on July 09, 2010, 06:24:47 PM
oh my gosh.. my dog was doing that too just a couple of nights ago :D And on the '4th', she chased down a smoke bomb, and leaped in the air and tried to grab a sparkler from my hand :o The day after the 4th I realized her whiskers were curly and short on one side because they must have singed from the heat of the smoke bomb >_<
Dogs sure are crazy sometimes.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 09, 2010, 11:37:19 PM
Watching a marathon of "Lie To Me" on my computer.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 10, 2010, 04:50:57 AM
looking for a good free program to convert dvd to mp4 so i can stream to my ps3
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on July 10, 2010, 07:11:36 AM
avs tools?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 10, 2010, 07:23:09 AM

I'm getting ready for a 4yr old's party which thankfully is on Clapham common (couldn't bear to be inside with a bunch of screaming kids on a stifling day like today). 

I'm hopeful I'll return in one piece.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 10, 2010, 08:13:13 AM
Your body might come back in one piece but your brain might get shattered beyond repair.  ;D  Nah, it's usually fun
Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on July 10, 2010, 08:48:46 AM
Watching a marathon of "Lie To Me" on my computer.

Havent missed an episode yet. I dont know that its an exceptional show but I do love Tim Roth
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on July 10, 2010, 08:52:31 AM
get well soon smokester I'm sitting on the ramp at Heathrow setup a flight to Hong Kong in the Queen Of The Skies. Just waiting for push back clearance,then will fly to Hong Kong then on to Thailand, Madagascar, Argentina,California & back to Heathrow.

I'm all alone now thats what i call a mad weekend ;)

Do I know what you do for a living ABC? I just cant remember.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 10, 2010, 09:00:01 AM
He's an airline pilot!  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on July 10, 2010, 10:30:47 AM
I wish...... maybe in the next life. For the last 20 years  freelance editor cutting mainly news for all the main stations including some in America and Canada.  Truth is I never kept up with the technology change over so the last few years been mainly out of work. Good news I have learnt the new stuff and re made contact with the guys I use to work with. So will be back at it very soon. anyhow that's enough about me back to the flight deck...... ......... ;)

Hope you had a good day smokester it's about to rain hard here the sky as gone black......
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on July 10, 2010, 11:58:30 AM
Preparing the garden. Like Smokey, we'll be dealing hot weather. Today is supposed to be 102?, its already 82?. And tomorrow is supposed to be only 100?  ::). Then from this Monday to next Monday, temps will be between 99? - 97?. Thank goodness for air conditioning.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 10, 2010, 01:04:29 PM
And I'm preparing my orchids for below 0C (below 32F) for the next few days.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 10, 2010, 02:28:15 PM

I was fully prepared today with my collapsible table and a 6' umbrella (parasol) for the middle of it.  I also brought beer, snacks and plenty of icy water.

Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on July 11, 2010, 09:41:59 AM
I was fully prepared today with my collapsible table and a 6' umbrella (parasol) for the middle of it.  I also brought beer, snacks and plenty of icy water.

Spoiler (hover to show)

You could start a side business as a party planner ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on July 11, 2010, 10:22:51 AM
Or take a roll of raffle tickets and charge them a ?1.00 each :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on July 12, 2010, 03:43:44 PM
I'm eating some weird fruit treats someone gave me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 12, 2010, 04:44:06 PM

I am being hot and bothered again, it's like someone stole all the air.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 12, 2010, 06:17:20 PM
/me hides the vacuum tubes

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on July 12, 2010, 06:41:16 PM
watching the closure and waiting for housewives of nj to start @ 10.

I am being hot and bothered again, it's like someone stole all the air.
is it menopause? i was walking by these two girls today and one said to other that sometimes she gets angry at the air , that she just wants to punch and kick the air.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on July 12, 2010, 08:17:59 PM
Those last those 3 posts are poetic genius :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 13, 2010, 06:22:56 AM
Sometimes coming here is like warping into another dimension - actually it's more like 'all the time'.  Still, it's nice to get out and about eh.

Last night it was the calm before the storm when it gets hotter because the air is still, and no matter how hard you try to take a deep breath you can't get over the top of it.  It rained most of the night so it is cool and fresh today - a bit like me :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on July 16, 2010, 07:09:14 AM
Perusing here.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on July 17, 2010, 09:43:15 PM
Waiting for the guy to finish fixing the bathroom light so I can go shower water pressure allowing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on July 18, 2010, 01:46:12 AM
Being Awesome at 2:45AM :D

I have a long day ahead of me,......I really should be sleeping. O_o

Hey ya'll.  8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 18, 2010, 03:13:24 AM

I'm wondering if I'll ever bump into Hmed in real time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on July 18, 2010, 07:42:44 AM
I'm wondering if I'll ever bump into Hmed in real time.

Hiyer Smokes, all is well I take it?

I'm guessing no  ;D ;)



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 18, 2010, 07:45:04 AM

I'm remarkably well at the moment as it happens - considering how much I ate and drank at a barbecue yesterday.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on July 18, 2010, 07:47:30 AM
I'm remarkably well at the moment as it happens - considering how much I ate and drank at a barbecue yesterday.

What happen to my invite? :P
Let me guess, you would say lost in the post :)
Or your dog eat it  :D ;D



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 18, 2010, 07:55:18 AM

The mice ate it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on July 18, 2010, 07:59:11 AM
The mice ate it.

& guess the cat ate the mice, & the dog eat the cat,  :D ;D



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 18, 2010, 09:55:08 AM
Encoding videos to divx so I can watch them on a standalone.  I have to use various different encoders/converters depending on the source file, but one thing is always consistent, divx converter never handles any of them.  What exactly is that for?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on July 18, 2010, 10:15:56 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on July 18, 2010, 01:37:56 PM
Encoding videos to divx so I can watch them on a standalone.  I have to use various different encoders/converters depending on the source file, but one thing is always consistent, divx converter never handles any of them.  What exactly is that for?

Most part for avi format, plus others. I just use VLC  ;D



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on July 24, 2010, 10:33:26 AM
Just about to leave to go to the farmers market downtown, then Costco after that.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 24, 2010, 03:31:36 PM

Nursing a headache.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on July 24, 2010, 07:10:58 PM
wishing for rain so it damages/ruins my neighbors speakers for the rest of the summer.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on July 29, 2010, 03:40:18 PM
Watching warm family feeling irc discussion.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on July 29, 2010, 03:42:53 PM
unpacking and washing 2 weeks of dirty stuff  :'(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 30, 2010, 12:51:38 PM
Watching Hellboy - the animated series.  At least I was until the missus got a phone call.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on July 30, 2010, 09:10:17 PM
watching joe dirt
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on July 31, 2010, 07:21:47 AM
THAT is an classic comedy. Stupid in all the right places. My daughter watches this anytime she wants a good laugh.

Im getting ready to take Hazel for her shots. Gonna have a healthy baby after today.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on July 31, 2010, 12:06:13 PM
About to log off the computer, go pick a nectarine from the tree in the backyard, eat it and watch the mutts play and bask in the sun. No sun for me, though as I hate being in it. I'll bask in the shade.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 31, 2010, 02:57:20 PM

Just in from a Barby and regretting drinking half a bottle of Bacardi.

Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on July 31, 2010, 03:28:26 PM
lol smokester Just relaxing here catching up on threads.

Its good to be back catch you all later have a good weekend........
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on August 01, 2010, 09:51:03 AM
Cooking chicken in cream sauce and french fries.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on August 14, 2010, 02:03:21 PM
going to the library
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 15, 2010, 02:22:17 PM

Arguing with my goddamn children!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on August 15, 2010, 03:12:43 PM
I just read and article about how arguing is healthy..you're right in style.. and not clogging your arteries holding it in ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 15, 2010, 03:57:03 PM
I just read and article about how arguing is healthy..you're right in style.. and not clogging your arteries holding it in ;)

In that case I'm gonna live to a million.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on August 21, 2010, 08:02:38 AM
eating breakfast, then going to the farmer's market
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on August 21, 2010, 06:38:54 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 23, 2010, 11:39:59 AM
eating breakfast, then going to the farmer's market
love farmers markets  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on August 24, 2010, 01:31:15 PM
^ Especially since I grew nothing myself this year :D

I'm bored at work. 1/3 or the staff is out of town.. so, it's so non eventful it's bordering on tedious ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 25, 2010, 05:02:11 AM
I can't work because of the rain and so I am currently being driven mad by my kids (seriously..).  If I could have worked they'd have driven me mad there so I suppose at least here I'm comfortable - and have cakes to hand.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on August 25, 2010, 07:24:30 AM
Getting ready to forego 2 weeks of 12-9 shifts. Still dont know if Im being punished or not. I need to look into that.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on August 25, 2010, 08:14:13 AM
Going through my history.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 25, 2010, 12:59:40 PM
Getting ready to forego 2 weeks of 12-9 shifts. Still dont know if Im being punished or not. I need to look into that.

Ugh, what are you doing now oc1?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on August 28, 2010, 10:04:15 AM
Well its not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I love working nights but my parental side tells me that I should be at home with "the kid". At least be able to spend a couple hours a day with her.

And this morning Im doing the "I slept time 11:30 dance" feels like old times. Of course I was up till 3:00 catching up on all the media I had missed this week. But this is still my schedule of choice. Anna will be in college in 2 years and Im thinking I will resume my vamp like lifestyle.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 29, 2010, 08:18:38 AM
getting ready to party the night away at home
wife 40 today and friends coming around .
weather not to bad so plenty of German beer to be drunk that i bought back from holiday
Warsteiner to be precise, or wobbly as the army call it  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 29, 2010, 01:30:10 PM

I could do with some of that myself Goldie.

Right now I am devouring dessert.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on September 01, 2010, 08:47:43 PM
Trying to read awhile before i get too sleepy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 02, 2010, 12:56:19 AM
suffering with cramped  legs
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 02, 2010, 04:41:52 AM
Searching for my tea..

God I'm old if I can't remember where I put my tea down.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 02, 2010, 08:41:56 AM
Are they on your forehead?  No wait, that's your glasses.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 02, 2010, 04:08:43 PM
Checked my head and it wasn't there, in fact, that cup of tea has mysteriously and permanently disappeared - such is the way it rolls with me.

Right now I am wading through bike bits on Ebay.  Again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 02, 2010, 04:38:11 PM
Searching for my tea..

Are they on your forehead?

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on September 02, 2010, 05:17:51 PM
Are they on your forehead?  No wait, that's your glasses.

That's a low blow.. That's like 'grandpa old' :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on September 02, 2010, 06:31:18 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on September 16, 2010, 04:05:50 PM
Watching Question Time with all the Labour party leadership contenders on it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 17, 2010, 09:14:35 AM
who won
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on September 17, 2010, 03:03:58 PM
All the contenders came over pretty well, except for Andy Burnham. I'm afraid if he won the Labour leadership then Cameron would make mincemeat out of him. The audience seemed to like Diane Abbott and Ed Balls the most. We'll find out in two weeks who the new Labour leader will be, probably a Miliband.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 18, 2010, 01:37:24 AM
at the moment i'm sneezing like mad.
think i may have caught Smokey's cold over the internet  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 18, 2010, 04:05:52 AM
All the contenders came over pretty well, except for Andy Burnham. I'm afraid if he won the Labour leadership then Cameron would make mincemeat out of him. The audience seemed to like Diane Abbott and Ed Balls the most. We'll find out in two weeks who the new Labour leader will be, probably a Miliband.

I didn't think you were watching it Red as you seemed to be busy here (who said men can't multitask).  I was going to say to you then that Andy Burnham is the only candidate and all the rest are pretenders.  Although, I would like him with a soupcon on Ed Miliband.

I'm heading out for elevenses and beer on this perfect English day.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on September 18, 2010, 09:26:21 AM
Taking care of the CP.  Incoming asthma attack.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on September 18, 2010, 04:56:28 PM
Procrastinating taking shower, and trying to figure out if I should wear flats or heels.  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on September 18, 2010, 05:02:03 PM
wear heels, pack flats :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 18, 2010, 05:04:26 PM
Nodding off.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on September 18, 2010, 05:07:00 PM
wear heels, pack flats :P
I was thinking of doing that. I am definitely taking that advice now.  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on September 19, 2010, 09:35:15 AM
Are flip-flops an option?  ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 19, 2010, 10:30:33 AM
Ah, flip-flops! The most comfortable things for feet ever. I can't wait for the spring to come. Then I'll be wearing flip-flops till next autumn.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on September 19, 2010, 01:49:27 PM
Are flip-flops an option?  ;)
I only wear those around the house but I think I did see some people wearing them with summer dresses.

I went with the flat sensible shoes and I'm glad I did.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 20, 2010, 09:56:11 AM
1 wear flip flops all year around  ;D

headless chicken and children spring to mind at the moment.
sons cleared off to his mates.
daughters bedroom a tip and dinner is needed.  :-\
wife has reversed into another car  :-[

wish i was at work
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on September 20, 2010, 10:32:40 AM
I wear them all year too but mainly in the winter months as house slippers. Good footwear choice MD.  :D

Speaking of headless chickens!! I think I posted this before but its one of my favorite oddities.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_the_Headless_Chicken (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_the_Headless_Chicken)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 20, 2010, 10:34:12 AM
 :o what the  :D :D :D :D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on September 20, 2010, 10:35:47 AM
Is that not the most awesome thing!!! I even had my Girl Scout troop make a Christmas ornament in honor of Mike. Hilarious!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 20, 2010, 10:42:59 AM
you  made xmas ornaments  :o
must have looked good on the tree
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on September 20, 2010, 10:55:34 AM
The Troop does an ornament exchange every year called "The All States Ornament Exchange" where you have to design an ornament to represent the state that you picked. We choose Colorado that year and I found this tidbit and thought CLASSIC!! Looked something like this. We made it sparkle too. One of the funniest things we've ever done.

1. headless chicken and children spring to mind at the moment.
2. sons cleared off to his mates.
3. daughters bedroom a tip and dinner is needed.  :-\
4. wife has reversed into another car  :-[
Im going to attempt to translate this into American......
1. Things are crazy right now.
2. Son went over to his friends house
3. No idea - and I need to start dinner.
4. Wife backed into a car. Bummer.

How did I do?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on September 21, 2010, 05:28:02 PM
3. No idea - .

^ messy?

eating leftover pumpkin lasagna and dinking a corona :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 22, 2010, 02:52:18 AM

3. No idea

A 'Tip':

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 22, 2010, 10:38:13 AM
ohcheap - not too bad but a tip is very messy .

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on September 23, 2010, 05:49:23 PM
Watching mouses.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 24, 2010, 02:26:42 AM
Waiting for my mechanic to answer his Goddamn phone!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 24, 2010, 05:23:00 PM
Waiting for the shower >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 25, 2010, 12:42:37 AM
Waking up with a lovely cup of fresh coffee , then croissants  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 25, 2010, 07:34:26 AM
Writing up a shopping list.  Slowly.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on September 25, 2010, 08:14:27 AM
eating breakfast, then library, and farmer's market(if they haven't sold out by the time I get there)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on September 25, 2010, 08:37:31 AM
Looking for my papers. >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on September 25, 2010, 09:35:09 PM



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 26, 2010, 01:49:42 AM
trying to recover 3 months of downloaded torrents that were deleted by accident  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

hope convar works
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 26, 2010, 04:32:45 AM
Getting ready to spend a day at my mother's.  Should be fun with lots of nice things to eat and drink.

I'll roll past here later..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 26, 2010, 06:04:15 AM
I'm up to my third cup of tea.  More!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on September 28, 2010, 01:39:10 AM
Getting ready for bed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 28, 2010, 08:51:37 AM
Installing stuff for my son on his comp.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 28, 2010, 10:19:11 AM
Fighting the bad weather, the still uneducated dog, and an invasion of kids in the house.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on September 28, 2010, 05:17:18 PM
How to avoid bankruptcy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 28, 2010, 05:30:35 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 29, 2010, 06:58:24 AM
Eating last night's madras for today's lunch.

Best not talk to anyone at school in an hour.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 29, 2010, 08:12:06 AM
Going through all my tabs, why so many? :'(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 30, 2010, 03:19:18 PM
I'm repairing someone's HP laptop and yet again I'm doing it for free.  I am going to start telling people that I at least want beer for doing this crap as this is the 3rd one this week.

I've become that 'I know a bloke who can fix your computer' guy, and there are now far too many people bandying my name about.

And I'm ill >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on September 30, 2010, 03:27:29 PM
^ puh!  >:( You should definitely make them barter. Demand beer, doughnuts, and petrol/gas 8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 30, 2010, 04:15:39 PM
That isn't correct at all. I have a friend that offered to fix a kitchen cabinet door. I'll give him a bottle of wine as a thank you.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 30, 2010, 05:08:37 PM
That isn't correct at all. I have a friend that offered to fix a kitchen cabinet door. I'll give him a bottle of wine as a thank you.

Actually it's beginning to piss me off a bit truth be told.  If someone offered me a bottle of wine or a 4 pack of beer for helping them out, I would consider the work a pleasure as it would reflect the friendship involved and mutual respect.  Surely that is what it is all about?

I have just finished the laptop now and it has just turned midnight, and I really wanted to turn in early with a hot toddy to try and overcome this bug. Maybe I should sneeze on it for good measure?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 30, 2010, 05:17:50 PM
 :D ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on September 30, 2010, 06:25:15 PM
I have just finished the laptop now and it has just turned midnight, and I really wanted to turn in early with a hot toddy to try and overcome this bug. Maybe I should sneeze on it for good measure?

That might give it a virus.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 01, 2010, 02:43:57 AM
That might give it a virus.

True, but apparently not a very severe one.

I'll try and give it Herpes instead - which would also cover the 'What I am doing right now' part.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on October 01, 2010, 02:08:48 PM
Waiting for the GE Monogram specialist to come and repair our exhaust fan. You'd think 3 yr old kitchen appliances wouldn't start having problems so soon! >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on October 01, 2010, 03:29:24 PM
Trying to motivate myself to freakin clean something. My house is gross.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 01, 2010, 06:03:45 PM
watching iron man 2
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on October 01, 2010, 10:01:16 PM
Trying to motivate myself to freakin clean something. My house is gross.
I'm not quietly judging you from afar. (http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/6174/whistlingxn1.gif)... J/K  :-* Seriously, I know you can do it. Just think if you don't clean it now, it'll be even more gross, which requires even more cleaning. If I was there I would help you. (http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/8884/huggi0.gif)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 03, 2010, 01:39:18 AM
suffering , but i dont know why
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on October 05, 2010, 04:19:03 PM
Watching J Edgar Hoover document.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 06, 2010, 11:12:15 PM
Laundry, kitchen duty and Dias.

I love multitasking.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 07, 2010, 04:39:41 AM
Drinking tea and writing out my shopping list.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 07, 2010, 07:21:21 AM
getting ready to pick up me daughter.
shes 9 today  :D  :( 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 07, 2010, 07:46:37 AM
^ Very fun :) I hope she has a good birthday.

I am getting ready to work in an hour. In the mean time I'm pursuing zombie make up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 07, 2010, 08:34:18 AM

You don't want her to grow up? That's why you put the sad smiley, isn't it?  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 07, 2010, 09:15:52 AM
Or he's thinking of the hordes of sugar rushing 9 year old girls about to descend on a party.

Helping my sis out with her thesis.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 07, 2010, 12:16:20 PM
 ;D older to leaving home  :D :D :D :D :D :D
 :(  +
You don't want her to grow up? That's why you put the sad smiley, isn't it?  :)
  sort of
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 07, 2010, 12:38:42 PM
Quote from: goldshirt*9
:(  +   sort of

please don't tell me it's making you feel old... If that's it, you're being silly.. you're not old.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on October 07, 2010, 07:35:08 PM
Posting reply. :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 08, 2010, 12:56:46 PM
please don't tell me it's making you feel old... If that's it, you're being silly.. you're not old.

You're gonna have to speak up.  Goldshirt can't hear too well anymore.

Goldshirt, do you want some more soup?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 08, 2010, 01:14:49 PM
LOL. I'm afraid I've peed in my adult diapers.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on October 08, 2010, 04:13:48 PM
Preparing for bed
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 09, 2010, 08:50:38 AM
LOL. I'm afraid I've peed in my adult diapers.  ;D

Oh wow, is my face read...I believe I peed in YOUR adult diapers too!?!

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 09, 2010, 03:41:41 PM
Sipping a rather delightful triple Cognac.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 09, 2010, 09:42:20 PM
watching SNL
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 10, 2010, 04:16:51 AM
Cooking dinner.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 10, 2010, 06:10:55 AM
Sipping a rather delightful triple Cognac.
;D ;D what sort of cognac  ???

i'm looking to but a cpu for my motherboard.
bloody confusing
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 10, 2010, 07:10:59 AM
;D ;D what sort of cognac  ???

It's a bottle of Jules Gautret brought back to me alll the way from... Cognac! where my French neighbours are buying a house (they're going to get frequent visits from a rather large motorcycle I can tell you..).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 10, 2010, 09:58:08 AM
lucky sod  :D :D :D
beautiful place to visit and not very touristy
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 10, 2010, 05:39:54 PM
watching an emergency call at work, then hopefully getting to still leave at the right time
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on October 10, 2010, 06:52:10 PM
Drinking tea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 10, 2010, 09:33:05 PM
waiting for laundry and watching National Geographic's Into the Lost Crystal Caves
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 11, 2010, 02:20:33 AM
Heading out to work which I would much rather not be doing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 11, 2010, 09:56:33 PM
trying to stay awake
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 11, 2010, 11:03:22 PM
Lusting after shoes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 12, 2010, 02:26:08 AM
Same as yesterday at this time, and I'd still rather stay at home watching daytime TV and drinking beer.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 12, 2010, 07:24:40 AM
At work now for the past hour having been up all night working from home on servers...I'm tired.  :'(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 12, 2010, 07:39:20 AM
^ I was feeling sorry for myself that I only got 5 hours sleep... Now I feel worse for you :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 12, 2010, 07:41:23 AM
Hey Skadi!  I was reading through some X-Force comics recently and found this.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on October 12, 2010, 06:37:50 PM
^ "Mistress of the mountain lodges" makes it sound like she's a hooker.  :D

I'm watching live coverage of the Chilean miners rescue.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 12, 2010, 07:32:32 PM
They're finally getting them out?

I'm looking at shoes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on October 12, 2010, 07:48:38 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 13, 2010, 12:30:12 AM
Watching Vanity Lair and cringing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 13, 2010, 08:26:21 AM
^ "Mistress of the mountain lodges" makes it sound like she's a hooker.  :D

I'm watching live coverage of the Chilean miners rescue.

I found a pic of their rescue plan online.

Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 13, 2010, 10:42:26 AM
I'm watching live coverage of the Chilean miners rescue.

I was curious as how this was treated outside Latin America but I didn't take the time to explore it.
I only saw the rescue of the first two miners but it's amazing how they were in such good shape after such ordeal.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 13, 2010, 02:22:50 PM
^ "Mistress of the mountain lodges" makes it sound like she's a hooker.  :D

?The Lodge? is the name of the well endowed giant that lives over the next mountain range :D

I was curious as how this was treated outside Latin America but I didn't take the time to explore it.
I only saw the rescue of the first two miners but it's amazing how they were in such good shape after such ordeal.

They've been doing regular updates of the rescue efforts on a regular basis in the US. Then the rescue event was live. Although I only saw the second one come up also.. then I got too sleepy ::) I was never sure if we were getting all the political and worker's rights reporting.. we were mostly getting tech updates of the rescue prep itself.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 13, 2010, 02:25:21 PM
?The Lodge? is the name of the well endowed giant that lives over the next mountain range :D

I thought he was called 'The Todge'?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 13, 2010, 02:51:37 PM
The "Skadi" I posted is actually a Frost Giant from Asgard.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on October 13, 2010, 04:17:47 PM
I was curious as how this was treated outside Latin America but I didn't take the time to explore it.

It's been live from the beginning of the rescue and is still live now. They're saying there's bound to be a spate of movies about it, since some of the miners have interesting personal stories. I believe one of the miners had both his wife and his mistress turn up at the rescue, it'll be interesting to see which one he hugs first.

I did read something funny in the press this morning, someone suggested as a practical joke all the rescue team should wear Planet of the Apes masks as the men are brought up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 13, 2010, 05:11:10 PM
I believe one of the miners had both his wife and his mistress turn up at the rescue, it'll be interesting to see which one he hugs first.

What I've heard in the news here is that the wife didn't know about the mistress and that he asked for both of them to be there but the wife said she won't go, that she has dignity but she's glad he's OK nonetheless. It could be a novel made up by the press though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 13, 2010, 09:55:14 PM
That sounds so totally Pinoy...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 15, 2010, 07:22:56 AM
suffering  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 15, 2010, 09:02:21 AM
suffering  :-\

Ouch. Don't say that and don't elaborate.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 15, 2010, 11:30:40 AM
Don't say that and don't elaborate.  :D

Don't say that, it might be hemorrhoids!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 15, 2010, 12:27:53 PM
YAY! I'll delete my post! I'll delete it right now!!  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 16, 2010, 07:18:45 AM
suffering  :-\

Why and how?

And can it be made better by a drink or two?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 16, 2010, 03:53:36 PM
rodse my bike, bought tickets, picked flowers, ate lunch, rode my bike, unloading groceries, relishing my day off
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 17, 2010, 06:13:58 AM
Why and how?

And can it be made better by a drink or two?

just tired from too many early starts
but the drink was a excellent idea  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 17, 2010, 08:19:42 AM
I'm glad if your suffering was relieved by my suggestion. ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 17, 2010, 11:43:39 AM
Working, and sneaking peeks at American style Sunday football on tv.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 19, 2010, 06:06:06 AM
eatin' cereal :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 19, 2010, 04:45:14 PM
Nodding off intermittently.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 19, 2010, 08:28:43 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 20, 2010, 07:11:17 AM
rushing to leave for work. i set my alarm wrong and overslept :o i never do that, i don't know what's up with me :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on October 20, 2010, 07:10:48 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on October 21, 2010, 08:03:24 AM
I did that that today :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on October 21, 2010, 02:04:03 PM
Relaxing with a smoke and Tankard of grog after a busy day.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 22, 2010, 08:28:31 AM
Setting up the tent in the middle of the living room at 10pm so I can get squished between two boys isn't really my idea of fun.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 22, 2010, 08:33:59 AM
^ awww. It's super sweet. Someday looking back you'll think it was the most fun ever.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 22, 2010, 10:22:49 AM
Setting up the tent in the middle of the living room at 10pm so I can get squished between two boys isn't really my idea of fun.

But it's their idea of fun. So you did it and (I bet) you ended up enjoying it. Of course at 10PM us moms' patience isn't at a peak. ;D 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 22, 2010, 08:35:55 PM
We compromised. 

I brought out the mattress instead.  The rest of the details stays the same.  Squished between two boys.

Tent is for Sunday.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 23, 2010, 08:01:23 AM
Getting ready to work on my day off >_< I have to go hang out and shadow someone and show them around. Which is nice, because I've heard she's nice.. but also tedious on a day I'd rather be off. It means I might have Halloween weekend Saturday off when I'd htought I had to work.. which would be nice.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on October 23, 2010, 12:18:50 PM
Drying off.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 23, 2010, 03:08:25 PM
Trying to decide on which B horror film to watch this evening.  Methinks it's going to be House of 1000 corpses although I have seen it before some years ago.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 23, 2010, 04:34:51 PM
..checking to see how close the tornado watch is to me, and how severe or not my weather might get.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 24, 2010, 05:15:48 AM
Getting ready for a family day out at Poundland (it's the only place we can go with the kids where they don't bring on a heart attack).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 24, 2010, 05:40:36 AM
Getting ready for a family day out at Poundland (it's the only place we can go with the kids where they don't bring on a heart attack).
:D :D :D :D :D
try Skegness then, poundland heaven
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 24, 2010, 09:08:38 AM
feeling hyper
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 24, 2010, 06:28:56 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 25, 2010, 02:56:46 PM
:D :D :D :D :D
try Skegness then, poundland heaven

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 25, 2010, 11:55:41 PM
i buy all my gardening seeds / bulbs from wilko  ;D

coffee and waking up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 26, 2010, 07:44:20 AM
Staring out at the rain wondering how I'm going to entertain the kids today while stuck indoors.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 27, 2010, 12:49:24 AM
Staring out at the rain wondering how I'm going to entertain the kids today while stuck indoors.

of course its half term for the kids .
cake making is all ways fun

ours half term was last week .
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 27, 2010, 08:26:56 AM
deciding to blow $2 and hunt for an almond croissant
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 27, 2010, 07:58:28 PM
I just looooooooove chocolate croissants.

I am watching housewives of atlanta
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 28, 2010, 12:04:10 AM
Checking if PC works fine.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 28, 2010, 01:27:06 AM
messing and setting up my new apad
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 28, 2010, 02:20:03 PM
Drinking espresso in an attempt to stay up past 10pm..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 30, 2010, 12:58:13 PM
Going for a drive in the country.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 30, 2010, 06:58:21 PM
Kitchen duty after this post.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 31, 2010, 01:00:57 AM
drinking coffee and deciding whether to make cakes
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 31, 2010, 03:44:25 AM
Listening to the kids complaining about having to shower
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on October 31, 2010, 06:42:37 PM
Hiding in the dark.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 01, 2010, 07:06:36 AM
Relaxing after a hard 3hrs (alright, it was more like 2.5 hrs) at work :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 01, 2010, 10:31:26 PM
Getting ready for bed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on November 03, 2010, 01:27:16 PM
Wishing I were home in bed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 03, 2010, 11:44:35 PM
Getting ready to go to buy wrapping paper.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 04, 2010, 07:12:32 AM
waiting to go to school
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 04, 2010, 07:15:41 AM
waiting to go to school


I have spent the entire day shopping as well though, so I'm going to have a cuppa and relax for 40mins before the menaces get home.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 04, 2010, 09:15:03 AM
shop  :o

at the moment i am sweating like mad .

running is not good for you
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on November 04, 2010, 06:03:58 PM
Drinking tea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 04, 2010, 06:25:54 PM
Other than Dias?


I have eaten embutido, a burger patty, a fruit cocktail cup, a slice of chocolate cake, maja blanca and a Coke.

And I'm still hungry.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on November 05, 2010, 08:26:05 AM
running errands, then going to work
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 05, 2010, 09:21:16 AM
I have no idea.

I just want to sleep bt cna;t/

I need more to drink/
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 06, 2010, 04:11:06 AM
Pondering what I shall serve the inlaws for dinner?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 06, 2010, 05:24:08 AM
How well do you like them?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 06, 2010, 06:28:48 AM
How well do you like them?

A lot. 

I decided on Italian as I can buy stuff like pizza ready made, and only have to throw together some pasta and salads etc.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 06, 2010, 07:40:12 AM
Then yes, good food should be served.

I hated having my in-laws for dinner.  Not hate my in-laws, they always tried to be nice and polite to me.  It was just that having them for dinner meant fish soup every.single.time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on November 06, 2010, 01:57:36 PM
fish soup

Sounds...delightful.  :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on November 06, 2010, 02:00:24 PM
Watching Fringe.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on November 06, 2010, 03:36:06 PM
I can buy stuff like pizza ready made, and only have to throw together some pasta and salads etc.

I gathered they aren't Italian or they'd be affronted by eating pizza AND pasta in the same meal. I certainly wouldn't have a problem with that since I like both things so much better than fish soup.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 06, 2010, 03:54:48 PM
I gathered they aren't Italian or they'd be affronted by eating pizza AND pasta in the same meal. I certainly wouldn't have a problem with that since I like both things so much better than fish soup.  ;D

No they're are English and Caribbean, however, it was more a 'buffet' so they helped themselves to what ever they fancied.  Unfortunately so did I, and am now fit to burst!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on November 06, 2010, 09:02:18 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 06, 2010, 11:44:19 PM
Reading up on cocktail recipes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on November 07, 2010, 07:00:35 AM
Watching Arsenal v Newcastle
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 07, 2010, 08:04:43 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 08, 2010, 09:25:28 AM
freshly baked baguette + roasted chicken + Dijon mustard  + tomato + mushroom + stuffing  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on November 08, 2010, 10:29:37 AM
Envying goldshirt's meal.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 08, 2010, 06:52:44 PM
Getting hungry.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on November 09, 2010, 05:55:26 AM
Mooching around  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 14, 2010, 07:01:35 AM
Installing another cooked ROM onto my son's PPC (Blue Angel).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 14, 2010, 08:45:35 PM
Crying.  I can't stop crying.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on November 15, 2010, 04:35:22 AM
Crying.  I can't stop crying.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 15, 2010, 09:42:33 AM
browsing the forum on a screen the size of a box of cigarettes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on November 15, 2010, 11:06:29 AM
Trying to dry my cell phone since I let it drop in the toilet.  ::) ::) At least I had already flushed the toilet before it happened.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 15, 2010, 03:41:57 PM
Trying to dry my cell phone since I let it drop in the toilet.  ::) ::) At least I had already flushed the toilet before it happened.

I know a few men who have done that, usually when they are texting and peeing at the same time.  I would of thought it harder to do when sitting down though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on November 15, 2010, 03:45:31 PM
I heard you could put it in dry rice... I don't know if that actually works :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 15, 2010, 03:58:51 PM
I heard you could put it in dry rice... I don't know if that actually works :-\

I thought you did that to flash the system and unlock it?  I always wondered who these people were that had access to that stuff anyhoo?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on November 15, 2010, 04:05:38 PM
huh? have access to rice?

I put my router in the freezer once and it fixed it :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on November 15, 2010, 05:18:41 PM
I know a few men who have done that, usually when they are texting and peeing at the same time.  I would of thought it harder to do when sitting down though.

I stood up, flushed the toilet, and then I dropped it. I still don't understand how it happened.  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on November 16, 2010, 02:50:21 PM
taking a break.. eatin' yogurt and readin' a book
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 16, 2010, 04:45:39 PM
I am being pissed off about my knackered OS.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 16, 2010, 11:27:26 PM
Listening to the kids talk about Naruto.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 17, 2010, 09:32:18 AM
I am being pissed off about my knackered OS.
ouch whats up with it

Listening to the kids talk about Naruto.
naruto ???????????????????????????/
sounds like fun (not)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 17, 2010, 10:38:45 AM
They like Naruto a lot.  I go along with it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on November 24, 2010, 07:42:24 AM
holy cats, I have a Wednesday off :o I think it's been 11 months since I had a weekday off... it's really weird
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 24, 2010, 08:44:57 AM
ouch whats up with it

It got murdered by a virus or 3.

Right now I am dusting for a change.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 25, 2010, 12:06:57 AM
i am trying to wake up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 25, 2010, 02:14:49 AM
Packing my Laptop for some computer work this morning, and some tools for some carpentry this afternoon. 

All I need now is a clown costume and I'll be the consumate professional.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on November 25, 2010, 05:44:57 AM
i am trying to wake up

me too :P the absolutley only good thing about working a holiday today is I'll get paid time and a half
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on November 26, 2010, 08:45:14 AM
looking for my gloves
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on November 26, 2010, 08:57:25 AM
looking fo my hoodie
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on November 26, 2010, 09:00:40 AM
contemplating my joy of being messy vs. finding things when I need them :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on November 27, 2010, 10:03:31 AM
getting motivated
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 28, 2010, 12:01:04 PM
Wrestling with indigestion after lunch and my mum's.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on November 30, 2010, 01:16:14 PM
Watching West Ham v Man Utd
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 30, 2010, 11:03:58 PM
Surfing at an internet cafe.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 01, 2010, 06:41:30 AM
Compiling a quiz for the missus' Christmas party (not that I'm invited).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on December 01, 2010, 09:06:59 AM
Sweating! The oven should be banned since December 1st in the southern Hemisphere.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 01, 2010, 09:09:35 AM
getting warm
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on December 01, 2010, 06:38:41 PM
Wondering if my eyesight's getting fuzzy or is Diane Sawyer's camera lens getting even softer focus?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 02, 2010, 02:12:25 AM
Wondering how I'm going to do the shopping in a foot of snow?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 02, 2010, 06:51:13 AM
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. We have two feet of snow in Glasgow.


You picked a fine time to take a jaunt up north.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 04, 2010, 05:37:26 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D
about to indulged in a little photoshop  editing.

any one know of a good site for keyboard shortcuts.
so i can type
Roman numerals or such like.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on December 05, 2010, 11:21:55 AM
Looking up bunk bed designs and eating pizza.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 05, 2010, 01:59:54 PM

any one know of a good site for keyboard shortcuts.
so i can type
Roman numerals or such like.

Roman numerals are already on your keyboard (the standard alphabet) but look more authentic when you use a 'Roman' font.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on December 05, 2010, 08:16:55 PM
Looking for breakfast.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 06, 2010, 02:16:37 AM
Looking for breakfast.

Damn! I'm always forgetting where I put mine too although, I usually find it on the kitchen table where I left it. :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on December 06, 2010, 03:25:34 AM
Mine was in front of the TV.

About to shower.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 06, 2010, 10:22:12 AM
peeling spuds for making home made chips for the kids
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 06, 2010, 01:32:22 PM
peeling spuds for making home made chips for the kids

There is nothing better than homemade chips cooked in a chip pan.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on December 06, 2010, 08:57:51 PM
Amen! Those frozen ones taste like cardboard if you don't eat them the second they come out of the pan.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 07, 2010, 07:35:37 AM
Homemade chips fell out of favour here as so many chip-pans caught fire and caused a lot of serious fires.  Deep fat fryers then became fashionable as they were deemed safe, but when people realised they were such a bugger to clean they too fell by the wayside.

The resulting thing was the 'oven chip'! Bleh..  Although Aunt Bessie's are rather splendid.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on December 07, 2010, 10:00:33 AM
The resulting thing was the 'oven chip'!

This is what I end up doing most of the time because you can forget the whole thing in the oven for a long time without further work or worries. But it's NOT the same thing as real french fries/chips.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on December 07, 2010, 01:19:06 PM
We use a deep fat fryer, but then we do have to make a fair amount in one go.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on December 07, 2010, 09:03:13 PM
And that's the very reason why that thing is so useful when we fry empanadas (http://cociname.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/imagem-027.jpg). Is this the cooking thread?  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on December 08, 2010, 02:02:39 AM
I love empanadas!

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 08, 2010, 05:55:47 AM
I am in the process of constructing 2 bespoke counters for an Italian caf?, but I have no idea where I am going to gloss the base units as I usually do it in my garden (no effing chance of that today - or this year by the looks of it!).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 08, 2010, 07:11:02 AM

It sounds like the cause and results of a terrible attack.  EMP occurs, then "nada" works.

/me titters and skips away like a school girl
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on December 08, 2010, 08:12:26 PM
Gonna go clean up now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on December 08, 2010, 11:18:11 PM
I'm feeling rather pleased with myself at the moment. ;D Out of boredom, I just made my first batch of homemade caramel candy ever. Of course, now I have to wait to try it.  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on December 09, 2010, 05:55:52 AM
I'm feeling rather pleased with myself at the moment. ;D Out of boredom, I just made my first batch of homemade caramel candy ever. Of course, now I have to wait to try it.  :-\

How was it?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on December 09, 2010, 06:34:30 AM
I'm curious too!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 09, 2010, 01:52:25 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on December 09, 2010, 03:46:55 PM
Here ya go, dweez.  :)

How was it?
I'm curious too!

Very good. I'm having a hard time wrapping them because they're soft and sticky. Next time I think I'll cook it a little longer so they won't be as soft. And I'll use a bigger pan to let them set so they won't be as thick.

Overall, I'm happy with my experience.

We need a cooking thread... Anyone want to start one?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 09, 2010, 04:17:11 PM

We need a cooking thread... Anyone want to start one?

I've been think of that for sometime, considering I cook every night of the week.

Probably better to have a Food & Drink board where we could have a few threads like that.  Budget bartender would already be suited and maybe others?

I'll get it sorted out tomorrow.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on December 09, 2010, 06:12:33 PM
Probably better to have a Food & Drink board where we could have a few threads like that. 

I'll get it sorted out tomorrow.
Whatever you do, I'll be there. Thanks. :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on December 10, 2010, 12:00:47 AM
Not sleeping  :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on December 10, 2010, 12:50:46 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on December 10, 2010, 12:22:59 PM
Here ya go, dweez.  :)

Very good. I'm having a hard time wrapping them because they're soft and sticky. Next time I think I'll cook it a little longer so they won't be as soft. And I'll use a bigger pan to let them set so they won't be as thick.

Overall, I'm happy with my experience.

We need a cooking thread... Anyone want to start one?

They're gorgeous :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on December 10, 2010, 03:09:21 PM
^ Thank you, skadi!  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on December 10, 2010, 10:15:33 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on December 11, 2010, 07:07:19 AM
Next time I think I'll cook it a little longer so they won't be as soft.

Sometimes is due to the amount of moisture but another factor is the temperature at the moment of cutting. It's a similar thing with nougat. If it's too hot it's sticky. If it's too cold it gets brittle. It's been so long I don't make that I can't give you any actual advice.  :(
It sure looks yummy!!  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on December 11, 2010, 08:39:16 AM
Having a drink with friends.

Love it
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 11, 2010, 12:54:31 PM
Here ya go, dweez.  :)

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on December 12, 2010, 12:49:58 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 12, 2010, 03:13:38 PM
Nursing 2 cuts on my hand that I acquired while working today.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on December 12, 2010, 03:58:56 PM
Sometimes is due to the amount of moisture but another factor is the temperature at the moment of cutting. It's a similar thing with nougat. If it's too hot it's sticky. If it's too cold it gets brittle. It's been so long I don't make that I can't give you any actual advice.  :(
It sure looks yummy!!  ;D
True. I put it in the refrigerator to make it more firm for cutting and I found that the firmness was exactly how I want it next time I make it.

Thank you. It is.  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on December 12, 2010, 09:16:28 PM
Not much
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on December 12, 2010, 10:20:24 PM
Waiting for the U.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on December 14, 2010, 12:09:25 AM
Insomnia AGAIN!!  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on December 14, 2010, 06:23:33 AM
Watching the Golden Globe nominations.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 14, 2010, 07:36:31 AM
Salivating over the sfogliatine I just ate for lunch.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on December 15, 2010, 09:03:07 PM
Window shopping. ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on December 16, 2010, 06:49:52 PM
cooking dinner
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 17, 2010, 09:57:23 AM
surfing and about to have the first weekend off for a month
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on December 18, 2010, 11:16:21 AM
Sitting at comp with Sandy asleep on my lap this one

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 18, 2010, 02:51:49 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on December 18, 2010, 08:11:02 PM
Waiting for the U.

How sweet.  :P

oops, thought that said "waiting for U". haha.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 19, 2010, 01:13:31 AM
waking up , drinking fresh coffee
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on December 19, 2010, 05:08:10 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on December 19, 2010, 06:44:05 PM
How sweet.  :P

oops, thought that said "waiting for U". haha.

It can be fixed. ;)  Really hmed, you've been missed.

How's college?

This: Choose 3 from the 10 principles in the use of AED the ones you think are the most important and discuss why.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on December 19, 2010, 08:37:48 PM
Thanks. :)

Everything's alright. Just keeping busy and working on side projects.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Geemonster on December 20, 2010, 11:39:58 AM
Nothing much i've been walking in the Artctic weather all day.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on December 21, 2010, 04:55:22 PM
Windows shopping. ;D

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 22, 2010, 12:21:06 AM
coffee and waking up.

i have the ultimate W 7 edition
cheap off ebay  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 22, 2010, 01:01:32 AM
I have Windows 7 Enterprise I get through work...updating my netbook right now in preparation for heading home for the holidays.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on December 23, 2010, 12:10:05 AM
I love Windows 7. It's much better than Vista that's for sure. I was using XP for the longest time, I even downgraded back to it from Vista on my desktop from a years back.

cheap off ebay  ;D

ebay, or utorrent?

just kidding.  8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 23, 2010, 12:41:52 AM
i purchased W 7 for my desktop off ebay.
didn't want a "corrupted" o/s for my main pc.

my lappy runs a cough cough W7 dark edition from Big D  ;).
runs great even updates with no problems (up to now) , but if i get any trouble i'll
just convert back to Ubuntu ( which i am debating dual booting as i miss it  :'( ) .
debating as to when to install W 7 on my wife's lappy (she has Vista) as it keeps coming up with
"no operating system found" on boot up  :-[
sorts itself out on reboot but i think the hdd is about to go bang.

ps i know your kidding  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 23, 2010, 03:56:25 PM
I really have to move on from DOS.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on December 23, 2010, 04:12:39 PM
yessssssssssssssss no work for 2 days. I need to go buy groceries.. then I'm parking it :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on December 23, 2010, 04:29:35 PM
Being very very thankful to the rain that's cooling the air at least a bit. The last couple of days have been hot as hell!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 24, 2010, 01:18:37 AM
I really have to move on from DOS.
DOS as in pc or Dos as in lounging around ( i wonder if dossing is local to the Midlands ??? )

about to take doggy for a walk.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on December 24, 2010, 01:28:08 AM
i purchased W 7 for my desktop off ebay.
didn't want a "corrupted" o/s for my main pc.

my lappy runs a cough cough W7 dark edition from Big D  ;).
runs great even updates with no problems (up to now) , but if i get any trouble i'll
just convert back to Ubuntu ( which i am debating dual booting as i miss it  :'( ) .
debating as to when to install W 7 on my wife's lappy (she has Vista) as it keeps coming up with
"no operating system found" on boot up  :-[
sorts itself out on reboot but i think the hdd is about to go bang.

ps i know your kidding  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I loved Ubuntu. I ran it as my primary OS on my Sony vaio Laptop for a couple of months when Windows started to piss me off. It's my favorite flavor of linux so far, and it's pretty friendly to linux noobs like myself. Their new netbook edition looks pretty awesome, now i want a netbook just to fiddle with the OS  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 24, 2010, 02:20:23 AM
I loved Ubuntu. I ran it as my primary OS on my Sony vaio Laptop for a couple of months when Windows started to piss me off. It's my favorite flavor of linux so far, and it's pretty friendly to linux noobs like myself. Their new netbook edition looks pretty awesome, now i want a netbook just to fiddle with the OS  ;D

Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on December 24, 2010, 04:30:29 AM
( i wonder if dossing is local to the Midlands ??? )

No, but I'm sure a lot more of it goes on there.  ;D jk.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on December 24, 2010, 09:38:18 AM
trying to figure out if i've forgotten anything besides buttermilk before the stores close
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 24, 2010, 03:21:11 PM
No, but I'm sure a lot more of it goes on there.  ;D jk.

ha ha ha aha ah a
but true  ;D

going to bed and awaiting Santa
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on December 25, 2010, 09:02:33 AM
I'm crying, my laptop's heater/PSU doesn't work.  I could get a generic replacement for under ?10 from eBay, or one that claims to be genuine for just over ?20 from eBay.   :'(

I'm going to phone Samsung tomorrow to ask about my warranty, because those lazy bums are closed for Christmas :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on December 25, 2010, 10:20:50 AM
^ :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 25, 2010, 01:19:20 PM
Dozed off in the first 15 mins of the family film, so now on the coffee and other stimulants to see if I can catch up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on December 25, 2010, 03:16:44 PM
Designing an alternate universe Clue board game, and watching turkey cook.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 26, 2010, 12:36:18 AM
sounds fun.

Coffee and about to walk the doggy.
then clean up the house  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on December 26, 2010, 03:10:34 AM
going to bed and awaiting Santa

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 26, 2010, 04:30:59 AM
but nice
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 26, 2010, 01:07:10 PM
Trying to make it through all the new posts on here without a browser. Exercise in futility.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on December 26, 2010, 08:15:44 PM
Upping pix.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 27, 2010, 12:33:25 AM
changing passwords
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on December 27, 2010, 07:04:53 PM
but nice

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on December 28, 2010, 10:40:08 AM
Watching West Ham V Everton. It's just kicked off, hopefully there will be plenty of goals (in the Everton net).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 30, 2010, 10:40:50 AM
Watching West Ham V Everton. It's just kicked off, hopefully there will be plenty of goals (in the Everton net).

Sigh...  Still, we didn't let 'em beat us.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on December 30, 2010, 11:38:07 AM
Sigh...  Still, we didn't let 'em beat us.

Unlike Liverpool. I'm pissed off with the way we are playing this season. It's our lowest points tally at the new year since the fifties (the last time we were relegated). We've got United in the cup coming up, nothing like a good hiding from the old enemy to make our new owners get Mr Hodgson's P45 ready.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 08, 2011, 09:02:28 AM
have just finished trying to get my nephews laptop to work
it turned up with the wife ,
no charger  :-\
no external hdd to save college work to  :-\

found out it was a fake antispyware program
http://trojan-killer.net/internet-antivirus-2011-fake-anti-spyware-application-how-to-get-rid-of-internet-antivirus-2011-rogue/ (http://trojan-killer.net/internet-antivirus-2011-fake-anti-spyware-application-how-to-get-rid-of-internet-antivirus-2011-rogue/)

ha ha 20 mins and its gone. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
boot up
msconfig straight away ( before this program kills the ability to use it)
disable all entries at start up

look for a file ( unknown name  in list ) stored in your user (name ) temp file.
look for that file (named k ----  something ).te file name just doesn't look right  :-\
delete it.
reboot and thats it.
seems easy ,  but worked for me on his vista lappy. ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on January 08, 2011, 10:56:30 AM
Forum jumping and relaxing with a drink.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on January 08, 2011, 02:55:34 PM
Trying to fight the urge to have a large slice of Dundee cake.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on January 08, 2011, 03:02:20 PM
Finalizing seed selections.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 08, 2011, 03:07:28 PM
Trying to fight the urge to have a large slice of Dundee cake.

Earlier today I bought a load of Mr Kipling Xmas treats from Sainsburys at 70% off, but now I am really wishing I hadn't.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 09, 2011, 12:55:44 AM
watching Click on the BBC and drinking Harrods coffee.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on January 09, 2011, 07:04:37 AM
have just finished trying to get my nephews laptop to work
it turned up with the wife ,
no charger  :-\
no external hdd to save college work to  :-\

found out it was a fake antispyware program
http://trojan-killer.net/internet-antivirus-2011-fake-anti-spyware-application-how-to-get-rid-of-internet-antivirus-2011-rogue/ (http://trojan-killer.net/internet-antivirus-2011-fake-anti-spyware-application-how-to-get-rid-of-internet-antivirus-2011-rogue/)

ha ha 20 mins and its gone. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
boot up
msconfig straight away ( before this program kills the ability to use it)
disable all entries at start up

look for a file ( unknown name  in list ) stored in your user (name ) temp file.
look for that file (named k ----  something ).te file name just doesn't look right  :-\
delete it.
reboot and thats it.
seems easy ,  but worked for me on his vista lappy. ;D

Awesome, glad you sorted it out.  8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on January 09, 2011, 10:15:22 AM
Drinking tea from my magical silver mug.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 10, 2011, 08:34:20 AM

Awesome, glad you sorted it out.  8)
i look at it and thought  :P
still cannot believe how easy i removed it though  :)

Drinking tea from my magical silver mug.
if you rub it does the tea disappear  ;D

 just finished repairing my oven.
the conventional element blew and the wire burnt through. :-\
?23 and alls well now  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on January 14, 2011, 01:20:36 PM
Awesome.  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 14, 2011, 02:51:09 PM
looking to buy a cut throat razor
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on January 14, 2011, 03:40:21 PM
looking to buy a cut throat razor

 :o are you going to sweeney todd someone?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 15, 2011, 12:40:11 AM
 :D :D no i need to find a decent razor, useless at shaving.

i an about to go out with doggy and get wet
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on January 15, 2011, 11:39:56 PM
About to get booted off the PC.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 16, 2011, 08:00:46 AM

Fighting a headache.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 16, 2011, 11:27:53 AM
Fighting a headache.

Me too.  I've actually switched to my glasses (instead of my contacts) for the first time in years to try and alleviate it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on January 16, 2011, 12:59:52 PM
^^ I hope you two feel better, headaches stink :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 16, 2011, 01:57:00 PM
Fighting a headache.

I told you boy, you shouldn't have eaten so much chocolate cake.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 17, 2011, 08:47:18 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 17, 2011, 10:08:26 AM
I told you boy, you shouldn't have eaten so much chocolate cake.  ;D

If that was the cause I'll have to either give up chocolate or start liking headaches.

Anyone for a slice of migraine? 

Right now I am trying to tidy up sufficiently to make it look like (or that I can claim) I have been doing it all day.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 17, 2011, 01:29:43 PM
deciding if i want a headache and try to repair my parents pc
yet another fake antivirus ( maleware ) installation.
the people who devise these should be banned or even worse hacked and bombarded themselves with very nasty viruses
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 18, 2011, 07:31:25 PM
Backing up and swapping out my iPad with a replacement from Apple.  The screen on mine was a little loose on the side (I could depress it a little when pushing on it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 19, 2011, 03:51:33 AM

Web design.

Sometimes I think that computer work is more tiring than being on a building site.  Don't quite know why that is, but sitting in front of a monitor all day really burns me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 19, 2011, 09:05:46 AM
Backing up and swapping out my iPad with a replacement from Apple.  The screen on mine was a little loose on the side (I could depress it a little when pushing on it.
wow even apple sometimes fail  :-\

well i have a third android tablet for my daughter.
going to sell it and buy her a itouch or netbook
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 19, 2011, 09:06:52 AM
Web design.

Sometimes I think that computer work is more tiring than being on a building site.  Don't quite know why that is, but sitting in front of a monitor all day really burns me.

My sister is an engineer and used to build houses, etc. Now she's a web designer and says pretty much the same thing. I don't know anything about those 2 things though.  :D

Right now I'm cleaning up the mess the dog did. You don't want to know.  >:( >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on January 19, 2011, 09:39:05 PM
watching I used to be fat
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 20, 2011, 07:11:12 AM
watching I used to be fat

I don't understand. You've lost weight and you're looking at old pics or something like that?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 20, 2011, 07:19:03 AM
i would say its a tv program about ex-fat people
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 20, 2011, 07:23:38 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on January 20, 2011, 08:54:44 PM
Deciding between an HTC Wildfire and a Samsung Omnia.

I don't know which to pick.  Thoughts anyone?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 20, 2011, 08:55:53 PM
Sorry, been using an iPhone for the last 3 years so I have no clue as to any other new phones.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 21, 2011, 03:20:16 AM
Deciding between an HTC Wildfire and a Samsung Omnia.

A friend of mine bought a HTC Wildfire a couple of weeks ago as they are comparitively cheap.  He said it was a neat phone but he was disappointed with the graphics as he thought it didn't compare to the higher spec HTC phones in that department.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on January 22, 2011, 08:39:15 PM
I don't understand. You've lost weight and you're looking at old pics or something like that?

its a new reality tv show on mtv were they follow a new person each week for about 100 days and you see their transformation
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on January 25, 2011, 06:45:04 AM
Watching the Academy award nominee announcements.

Woohoo! Congratulations to Jeremy Renner and James Franco!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 26, 2011, 02:25:49 AM
Watching the Academy award nominee announcements.

Woohoo! Congratulations to Jeremy Renner and James Franco!!!!  ;D
put a full list up in the movie section.
reckon that the social network will win some  :-\
i honestly dont know of one person who likes / rates it
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MaxDreamer on January 26, 2011, 02:54:35 PM
put a full list up in the movie section.
reckon that the social network will win some  :-\
i honestly dont know of one person who likes / rates it
I'll put a list up.

I haven't seen The Social Network yet, but I will at some point.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: CMF on January 26, 2011, 05:38:44 PM
I logged back in here after almost three months of inactivity.  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 26, 2011, 11:29:12 PM
Good to see you back CMF!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on January 27, 2011, 01:28:48 AM
A friend of mine bought a HTC Wildfire a couple of weeks ago as they are comparitively cheap.  He said it was a neat phone but he was disappointed with the graphics as he thought it didn't compare to the higher spec HTC phones in that department.

I really want the Desire but can't afford it. 

Good to see ya back CMF.

Getting off now before I totally rant my head off.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 27, 2011, 02:15:03 AM
wife has the wildfire htc , poor battery life
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on January 28, 2011, 11:06:15 PM
Good to see you again CMF.  8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on January 29, 2011, 08:55:20 AM
Cleaning up my PC.  The bits and bytes part, not the physical machine.  It's a laptop, you see.  I'm too scared to mess about with the inside of a laptop.  I want want more space and more speed.

if you rub it does the tea disappear  ;D
If I'm also tilting it at an angle, yes :D

It's made of some kind of metal and it never gets hot, it's amazing!  I think it may be hollow of have some other kind of material inside of it.  I'd really like to cut it open to see.  I have another metal mug, but the handle plastic is made of plastic.  It's a travel mug really. The metal gets hot on that one :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 30, 2011, 04:58:56 AM
catching up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on January 30, 2011, 05:45:06 AM
Being an Insomniac.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on January 30, 2011, 08:44:39 PM
Trying to focus my eyes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 31, 2011, 03:38:30 AM

Searching for my soldering iron.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on January 31, 2011, 04:59:32 AM
Appreciating the e-edition of the Local Newspaper,contemplating on subscribing for $1/week.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 31, 2011, 06:00:16 AM
Being sad because I think my mouse is borked.  It's a Razer Boomslang CE 2007 and the left-click has started to act as a double-click or even a triple-click and lately, it has progressively gotten worse.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 31, 2011, 07:31:32 AM
shoot the mouse  ;D

off to school to collect the child
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on February 01, 2011, 07:44:48 PM
Get the cat.  It'll start behaving.

Just got back from the CP's school.  Had to bring him there because his teacher wouldn't let him come to class because of a henna tat that he got on his forearm.  Turned out that his classmates (jealous little buggers) were just scaring him.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on February 02, 2011, 05:53:20 AM
And where did he get the henna tat? :D

He's gonna be outta school for a good month before that fades off then.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 02, 2011, 09:56:53 AM

Moaning constantly about how ill I feel.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 02, 2011, 10:08:47 AM
waiting another hour for lunch.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on February 02, 2011, 10:40:33 PM
And where did he get the henna tat? :D

He's gonna be outta school for a good month before that fades off then.

His mommy paid for it but he chose the design.  Both kids have one actually.

And I went to his school, all the teachers said it was fine it being after the fiesta and all that.  They also said it was gonna fade anyway.  So, I didn't get to be a madam.

I'd take a pic but I left the cam at my grandma's house.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on February 03, 2011, 12:32:35 AM
Ah  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 03, 2011, 11:51:12 PM
Just finished moving my old computer (still a nice one, but I have my new build now...photos still to come) over and connecting it to my TV.  I'm a happy camper now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 04, 2011, 02:39:48 AM
...still a nice one, but I have my new build now...

Isn't it funny how we can't wait for the parts to arrive, and even sometimes pay more for swifter delivery.  And then wait for weeks before getting around to assembling the damn thing.

When I build a computer I have to wait until everything is just right - I can't push that feeling either, you just know when it is.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 04, 2011, 07:18:06 AM
When I build a computer I have to wait until everything is just right - I can't push that feeling either, you just know when it is.

Some people also feel these awkward feelings towards their cars... Yeah, I don't understand that either.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 04, 2011, 07:39:36 AM
Some people also feel these awkward feelings towards their cars... Yeah, I don't understand that either.  ;D ;D

Most men I know have that "can't do it until I'm ready" feeling about all work, especially DIY.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 04, 2011, 08:03:03 AM
I actually put the computer together the day I got the parts in.  It just took me 2 weeks to move the old computer to the TV.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 04, 2011, 09:43:07 AM
I actually put the computer together the day I got the parts in.  It just took me 2 weeks to move the old computer to the TV.

Yes I forgot you don't have children.

That you know of.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on February 04, 2011, 09:58:44 AM
That you know of.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 04, 2011, 12:40:49 PM
Dun dun dun.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on February 04, 2011, 04:13:57 PM
Yes I forgot you don't have children.

That you know of.


Most men I know have that "can't do it until I'm ready" feeling about all work, especially DIY.

I suffer from that as well, it's called lazy ass syndrome. :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 05, 2011, 01:55:34 PM
getting rather drunk
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on February 06, 2011, 01:58:31 AM
^On my way there.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 06, 2011, 03:06:18 AM
i am about to delve into the deep mess that is my daughters bedroom  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on February 06, 2011, 05:08:11 AM
Is that why you were getting drunk earlier?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on February 06, 2011, 08:26:33 AM
^^ :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on February 06, 2011, 12:05:51 PM
A few more and I will be that.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 07, 2011, 08:55:09 AM
i am about to delve into the deep mess that is my daughters bedroom  :o
Is that why you were getting drunk earlier?
^^ :D

most definitely  :D :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on February 07, 2011, 11:07:34 AM
most definitely  :D :D

Did you sort piles by object, or color? dolls/critters/hair brushes/trash? or, pink/pinker/pinkest/purple/rainbow/sparkle? :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 07, 2011, 01:47:06 PM
nope i sort in
paper = recycle bin
thats about it.
everything else on the shelf

what she can make from paper and sellotape is amazing  :D :o
she recently made a suspension bridge from paper / string / sellotape  :-\
it worked  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on February 07, 2011, 03:58:20 PM
^ oh.. well then, that's just an investment in her future... a structural engineer should make a nice salary :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 07, 2011, 05:16:25 PM
Grimacing from stomach pains.  Had fresh veggies for dinner and the gas is already building.  I know, not a pretty picture, sorry.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on February 07, 2011, 08:24:47 PM
Filling in forms.

My hand is cramping already.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 08, 2011, 12:00:27 AM
waking up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 08, 2011, 12:02:32 AM
Reading scanned comics and trying to think about sleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 08, 2011, 03:06:36 PM
Waiting for a package to be delivered.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 08, 2011, 07:31:46 PM
1) Evidently using this thread as a "Twitter" substitute

2) Loving my new Razer Mamba.

3) Loving SABNzbd because of how easily it makes my new PC arrangement (of having my download box connected to only my TV for a monitor)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on February 08, 2011, 11:54:14 PM
Scoring circus tickets.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 09, 2011, 03:01:55 AM

Waiting to work.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 09, 2011, 07:09:12 AM
Fighting a headache. I think I need to see an ophthalmologist.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 09, 2011, 01:19:22 PM
cooling down
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on February 09, 2011, 11:55:01 PM
Letting my hair drip dry.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 11, 2011, 12:56:05 AM
waking up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 11, 2011, 04:08:53 AM
Stressing about my lil girl's party this afternoon.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 11, 2011, 10:12:58 AM
Stressing about my lil girl's party this afternoon.

I've read in another thread she's 5 years old today. I hope you have a lovely party and she has a very happy birthday!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 11, 2011, 11:43:13 AM
Wish her a happy birthday from us smokes!!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on February 11, 2011, 12:07:05 PM
Happy Birthday form me also.. although that's probably weird for a five year old :D :P .. 'hey, some random person you don't know who lives and ocean away just wished you happy birthday..' I hope the stress goes away when the fun kicks in.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 11, 2011, 12:12:26 PM
No, but she certainly understands "Daddy's online friends" since he said they often watch over his shoulder when he's on the fora.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on February 11, 2011, 12:17:15 PM
No, but she certainly understands "Daddy's online friends" since he said they often watch over his shoulder when he's on the fora.

True. And I didn't mean she wouldn't grasp the idea. I meant it more like five year olds are more 'living in the moment'. I'm sure she'll be focused on her party that's up close and personal.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 11, 2011, 04:32:50 PM
Oh yeah, I can see it being a little weird for her. :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 11, 2011, 05:50:20 PM

Party was fantastic and my girl nearly burst she was so happy.

My daughter actually thinks this forum is my job; she always says "daddy's working" when people ring for me.  However, she does refer to the members here as "Daddy's mates" so she will consider all your birthday wishes as that of all our friends, so thanks very much everybody and I'll be sure to pass them on.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on February 11, 2011, 06:20:05 PM
^ bursting with happiness is awesome. You did good :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on February 12, 2011, 08:05:49 AM
Wonderful smokes!  Children's parties are just killer to prepare.  Like totally hate the work involved but love the excitement and joy it gives the little ones.  I'm glad my older boy is more practical though.  For his birthday last year, he chose a three year satellite TV contract over a birthday party.  This year, he just asked for a weekend away.  The U though...

Kids personalities are so different it's amazing how they can be related to each other.

Oh yeah.  Checking my mail for plane tickets.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 12, 2011, 09:19:01 AM
celebrating and drinking.
O and getting ready to go out
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on February 13, 2011, 11:26:26 AM
Drinking and posting.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on February 22, 2011, 09:46:03 PM
Scratching my balls and sniffing my nails.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on February 22, 2011, 10:14:55 PM

Waiting for my pics to up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on February 27, 2011, 09:24:30 AM
Scratching my balls and sniffing my nails.

With both hands? Or are you skilled at typing one-handed?  ;D


Waiting for my pics to up.

Gasp! of yourself?  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on February 28, 2011, 12:58:50 AM
Yes, mine.  Wanna see? ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 28, 2011, 07:21:00 AM

Chillin' after grafting.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on February 28, 2011, 12:57:00 PM
Yes, mine.  Wanna see? ;D

Sure. :)

Like Facebook pics right? Oooh, we can invite each other to facebook! :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on March 18, 2011, 07:50:01 AM
Yep, Facebook. ;D

I just got this on Yahoo Messenger from one of my old contacts and it's left me wondering.
who has the biggest pr0n collection (HD Preferred) only got around 300gb (80gb HD)... need to fill my book 2TB. txt me [number deleted]

Why was I included in his list and is it scary that I know who among them has the biggest pr0n collection?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 18, 2011, 09:37:37 AM
finding my baseball bat to smash up my ps3
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on March 18, 2011, 07:18:41 PM
I just got this on Yahoo Messenger from one of my old contacts and it's left me wondering.
Why was I included in his list and is it scary that I know who among them has the biggest pr0n collection?

 :D :D :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 19, 2011, 09:21:17 AM
opening a bottle of red wine.

awaiting 2.5 hours of sheer hell watching England play Ireland  :-\

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 19, 2011, 12:27:18 PM
crying into my wine.

the Irish were by far a better team. they came ,  they spoilt the party and justly won .

plus i got banned from facebook for sticking up for my country from other Celtic nations slating the english.
all the welsh joined in and starting slating the English. I am proud of my nationality  :)
Me being me had to reply and therefore got banned.
i have been called a bigot for this stance by people at work.
i am and have always been patriotic.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 19, 2011, 01:31:24 PM
I've watched so much rugby today that I now feel as tired as one of the front row.  I am going to have a pizza and a glass of the good stuff to see if that wakes me up enough to write something of consequence here. 

Well, there's a first time for everything eh
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on March 22, 2011, 12:23:36 AM
Looking for a hotel in Manila.  Gonna spend the night there  before flying out the next morning.  We're taking the kids ice skating.  So if any of you got tips, please share. ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on March 22, 2011, 01:32:51 AM
Looking for a hotel in Manila.  Gonna spend the night there  before flying out the next morning.  We're taking the kids ice skating.  So if any of you got tips, please share. ;D

ooh, have fun and be careful.  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 27, 2011, 10:42:18 AM
after a fantastic venison and juniper stew meal , bottle of chateau pichon-longueville 1997
i am definitely relaxing.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on March 27, 2011, 11:38:52 AM
Waiting for stuff to complete.  I still have to put away all the stuff.

Anyone wants pili (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pili_nut)?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 07, 2011, 09:08:59 AM

Anyone wants pili (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pili_nut)?

Will you deliver?

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: laama on April 08, 2011, 08:35:45 PM
With both hands? Or are you skilled at typing one-handed?  ;D

Multitasking. ;D

Smoking cigarette.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on April 08, 2011, 09:18:24 PM
Sure will.

At an internet cafe.  My ISP is playing dead again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 09, 2011, 12:54:02 AM
coffee > garden > walk dog > potting up plants  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 12, 2011, 09:51:57 AM
eating pizza
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 12, 2011, 12:03:51 PM
Just finished up some chicken vegetable soup.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on April 13, 2011, 08:37:43 PM
Anyone wants pills (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pili_nut)?

I'll have 3 please.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 17, 2011, 02:27:38 AM
throwing a cd player into the bin  >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 17, 2011, 07:48:31 AM
Attempting to get rid of the head and neck ache so I can stop shouting at everyone. Pain can make you do that.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 17, 2011, 08:17:16 AM
Attempting to get rid of the head and neck ache so I can stop shouting at everyone. Pain can make you do that.

Yes it can! I have a theory: the more central and upper the pain the more "dysfunctional" you get. You can have an acute pain lets say in your ankle and you deal with it but you have a slight toothache and you can't even stand people talking at you.  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 17, 2011, 09:15:34 AM
could be true.
when i ruined my ankle , i was in so much pain for so long i got to like it. scary
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 26, 2011, 02:28:08 PM
Yes it can! I have a theory: the more central and upper the pain the more "dysfunctional" you get. You can have an acute pain lets say in your ankle and you deal with it but you have a slight toothache and you can't even stand people talking at you.  :-\

That's a very interesting idea, and works perfectly when I think it through. However, the lower the pain the more "depressed" I feel, while the higher the pain the more "angry" I seem to become.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 27, 2011, 01:03:38 AM
waking up and about to walk the pooch.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 02, 2011, 12:15:09 PM
I'm on the famous northern line, better known as the misery line, heading home after a nice day out.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 02, 2011, 01:59:27 PM
never mind.

doing nothing  :-[
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: AlienBC on May 02, 2011, 02:36:06 PM
i got the night all to my self and no idea what to do...... dig out my 747 or watch a movie..........maybe movie the brain is sleeping  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 03, 2011, 12:35:04 AM
i got the night all to my self and no idea what to do...... dig out my 747 or watch a movie..........maybe movie the brain is sleeping  :D
when the kids / wife is out / in bed i always find y mind go's blank as what to do especially at night.
i end up flicking through channels of rubbish
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 03, 2011, 02:42:24 AM
when the kids / wife is out / in bed i always find y mind go's blank as what to do especially at night.
i end up flicking through channels of rubbish

I have so much to do and so little time. Even so, when I do get some time without interruption I end up drinking one cup of tea after another, eating an entire packet of chocolate digestives, and staring hard at the work I am supposed to be doing.

I do stare very hard though, which can be quite tiring.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 03, 2011, 12:22:28 PM
relaxing after my first day at a union course
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 06, 2011, 02:37:19 AM
Trying to motivate myself.

I need more tea I think.. and bickies.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on May 07, 2011, 08:36:29 AM
throwing a cd player into the bin  >:(

Do you really even need one?

Deciding how to divvy my time today.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 08, 2011, 05:27:40 AM
On the way to the mother-in-law's birthday gathering.  Should be fun as I believe they have beer.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on May 08, 2011, 05:34:11 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 08, 2011, 05:35:39 AM
there there there

i am apologising for not being around for the games.
Homework for a man of my age  :o  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 09, 2011, 12:47:17 PM
Burning the first 6 eps of Battle force 5 fused (season 2) to a DVD, but they are the only episodes I can get my hands on.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 09, 2011, 05:55:17 PM

Can't help you. But I miss them. Now my girl has moved on to Teen Titans when we're getting ready for school and I really REALLY hate them.

Right now I'm putting off making dinner. And it's VERY late.  :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on May 10, 2011, 02:08:27 AM
Teen Titans are annoying.   My kids don't like them.

At an internet cafe. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 10, 2011, 02:10:16 AM
Can't help you. But I miss them. Now my girl has moved on to Teen Titans when we're getting ready for school and I really REALLY hate them.

Right now I'm putting off making dinner. And it's VERY late.  :(

We watched all of Teen Titans including the films, and that was a theme song the kids really loved. 

We watched the first episode of BF5 (fused) last night but with only 6 eps available, the kids will have to savour them slowly.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on May 11, 2011, 08:46:10 PM
Teen Titans is/was a great show.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 12, 2011, 07:24:45 AM
not a lot
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 12, 2011, 02:16:33 PM
Teen Titans is/was a great show.

My kids adored it and the missus and I did too. There was the Japanese connection as well, with half the time the theme song being sung in Japanese which really got the kids interested.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on May 14, 2011, 03:44:19 PM
My kids adored it and the missus and I did too. There was the Japanese connection as well, with half the time the theme song being sung in Japanese which really got the kids interested.

Yeah, there's an episode in the first season entitled "Mad Mod" I believe, and there's a funny scene where the titans are being chased with Japanese music playing in the background. Also, there's a movie where they go to Tokyo.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 15, 2011, 12:13:53 AM
sobering up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 15, 2011, 06:09:30 AM
Reconfiguring all my software and recreating the cookies for all the sites I visit. Need more tea though..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 15, 2011, 08:21:22 AM
Cooking, cooking and cooking. I need something to drink. Not tea.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 15, 2011, 09:07:55 AM
I have a stonking headache else I'd have a beer.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 15, 2011, 09:31:03 AM
Trying to wake up and wipe the sleep from my eyes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on May 15, 2011, 11:04:37 AM
I have a stonking headache else I'd have a beer.

Maybe it's stress and a beer would help.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 16, 2011, 01:02:51 PM
writing up a grievance for a union member for work tomorrow.  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 17, 2011, 09:34:27 AM
Maybe it's stress and a beer would help.

I have a sneaky feeling it's too much "Angry birds" without my glasses.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 18, 2011, 12:14:27 AM
getting ready for the school run.
pack lunches, breakfast etc etc.

with a lousy headache as well , we really could do with a good storm to clear the air
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on May 21, 2011, 02:43:31 PM
Finishing my drink so I can go to bed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 22, 2011, 07:23:18 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 22, 2011, 08:34:49 AM
After my effing kids waking me up at about 6.30 this morning, I am at this moment struggling to even breath let alone stay awake. 

At least they may learn that if they want an easy life without the shouting, letting their dad have enough sleep on the weekend is a must!!!!!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 22, 2011, 09:03:50 AM
6.30!!!  :o  My girl woke up at 8.30 but since she wants to be with her dad on weekends I got to sleep all I wanted (10.30 btw). I can smell your envy smokes.  :D :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 22, 2011, 11:21:20 AM
I slept until 12:45pm.  Gawd it sucks to be you smokes. ;-)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 22, 2011, 01:11:02 PM
....I got to sleep all I wanted (10.30 btw). I can smell your envy smokes.  :D :D

"Envy"? It feels more like bloodlust :)

I really suffered today as I have been working really, really hard lately, and today was a day that I could have recharged.  All I have now is an over-tired caused headache.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 22, 2011, 01:18:33 PM
i know how you feel  :'(  twas up around 6.00 am myself .

i am finishing off a beer and off to bed i think. I have just finished the last of my Hine Cognac  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

sorry about the headache  :)  i feel a need for a storm to appear to clear the air .
hope you feel better soon

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 22, 2011, 04:17:11 PM
Now I have woken up a bit and feel quite perky. Just when I have to go to bed and try and sleep >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 23, 2011, 12:15:30 AM
school run then college
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 25, 2011, 02:21:05 AM
Off to bloody work again.  I think I was happier when I had the missus telling me to get off my fat arse. At least that didn't take all day!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 25, 2011, 07:51:42 AM
awaiting collection of daughter then homework  :-\

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on May 29, 2011, 04:35:57 PM
Waiting for the kids to wake up so I can go to sleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 30, 2011, 01:16:44 AM
Waiting for the kids to wake up so I can go to sleep.

 ??? ??? you working nights or something

about to have bacon sandwiches and take the dog out.
a typical english bank holiday monday WET
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on May 30, 2011, 01:42:01 AM
Not now.  I do work the night shift though.  Just another bout with insomnia.  I've been awake roughly 48 hours now.  And I thought I could catch up on sleep since I have 5 days off this week.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 30, 2011, 01:53:35 AM
i thought i was bad at sleeping
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 30, 2011, 05:04:09 AM
Fixing the son's computer without much success.  Seems to me that there a conspiracy related to all the computers in this house at the moment - maybe they're all pissed off with the new Android tablet?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 30, 2011, 09:28:34 AM
Fixing the son's computer without much success.  Seems to me that there a conspiracy related to all the computers in this house at the moment - maybe they're all pissed off with the new Android tablet?
ha ha ha ha a
i always find once 1 go's they all go  :D :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on May 31, 2011, 12:19:21 AM
I know!  When my PC crashed, the other PC broke too.  Then my sis' lappy followed.  It was weird.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 31, 2011, 03:19:14 AM
it must be catching.
 i installed Ubuntu 11.04  then
O NO what a system. everything has changed .
was bad enough learning how to use Ubuntu linux before and now the desktop has completely changed .
cannot find half of the programs.
now all the tool bar's have gone. all i have is a desktop.
sod it a fresh install is in order i think.

shouldn't have done a upgrade.i broke my own rule and am now regretting it
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 31, 2011, 10:30:55 AM
it must be catching.
 i installed Ubuntu 11.04  then
O NO what a system. everything has changed .
was bad enough learning how to use Ubuntu linux before and now the desktop has completely changed .
cannot find half of the programs.
now all the tool bar's have gone. all i have is a desktop.
sod it a fresh install is in order i think.

shouldn't have done a upgrade.i broke my own rule and am now regretting it

I hate the Unity Desktop.  You can change it back by selecting "Ubuntu Classic" at login.  It will remember the choice for subsequent logins.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on May 31, 2011, 01:53:20 PM
I hate the Unity Desktop.  You can change it back by selecting "Ubuntu Classic" at login.  It will remember the choice for subsequent logins.

I hope he reads this post first :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 31, 2011, 02:52:24 PM

I'm watching something really distressing on TV, and really wishing I hadn't.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on May 31, 2011, 07:16:00 PM
Waiting for breakfast to cook.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 01, 2011, 12:12:07 AM
I hate the Unity Desktop.  You can change it back by selecting "Ubuntu Classic" at login.  It will remember the choice for subsequent logins.
i never had the option at first on the updated version.
when i re-installed i found the option.

i think Ubuntu messed up on this edition :'( :'( :'( :'(

i will persevere for a while ( until i gave up or get stuck  :D)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 01, 2011, 03:41:44 AM
Getting ready for a day out in the park - Regents park that is.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 01, 2011, 06:22:18 AM
Looking out the window and not being able to see 50m. It's 5C and 100% humidity. Well, it's autumn by a giant river. What else can be expected?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 01, 2011, 03:25:05 PM
sitting  all alone in a empty house. :o scary
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 01, 2011, 09:15:43 PM
Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 02, 2011, 01:12:37 AM
 :o  :'(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 02, 2011, 03:33:52 AM

Don't do that again Dweezy, you poo the life out of me.

Recovering from a scare.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 04, 2011, 02:10:48 PM
having spent a good 5 hours getting use to the Natty Narwhal desktop ,
i can still say Ubuntu made a mistake.many people will just give up   :'(
i am getting use to it and the more i use it the more comfortable i feel with it.

plenty of help out there for advice and the grub install was fantastically easy .
more so than all of the other installs i have done.
all drivers picked up straight away. ;D

i could change my mind in the end though and stick with it  ??? ???
still learning though
any way a screenshot of my laptop running natty narwale
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 05, 2011, 08:45:03 AM
After riding 100 miles in the rain, I am now trying to calm down a bit.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 05, 2011, 11:50:29 AM
...riding 100 miles in the rain...

I hope not in your motorcycle.

Drinking the rest of my wine and asking myself why do I have to eat so much on Sundays.  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 05, 2011, 12:47:04 PM
Watching "In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale".  Hilariously bad.  So many big name actors and it's just...funny.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on June 05, 2011, 01:00:02 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 07, 2011, 10:29:42 AM
Researching "In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on June 08, 2011, 07:51:49 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on June 08, 2011, 11:35:05 AM
I am crying because KDE is resource hungry, I really wanted those wibbly windows :'(

having spent a good 5 hours getting use to the Natty Narwhal desktop ,
i can still say Ubuntu made a mistake.many people will just give up   :'(
i am getting use to it and the more i use it the more comfortable i feel with it.

plenty of help out there for advice and the grub install was fantastically easy .
more so than all of the other installs i have done.
all drivers picked up straight away. ;D

i could change my mind in the end though and stick with it  ??? ???
still learning though
any way a screenshot of my laptop running natty narwale
That looks kind of cool, with the icons on the side and them ones at the bottom.  The top bar looks nice as well, I'm going to look into putting weather on mine!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 08, 2011, 12:33:34 PM
well its unity on the side and top.
the bottom is the cairo dock
wibbly window is from the compizconfig manager (but i dont use it to be truthful , you can have too much bling  ;D)

try it using the live cd , but you almost have to relearn linux( where is everything hidden now  :D )

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 08, 2011, 11:35:02 PM
Eye candy (compiz) is nice at first, but after say, 20 minutes, you realize you hardly every actually see it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 09, 2011, 07:10:46 AM
Eye candy (compiz) is nice at first, but after say, 20 minutes, you realize you hardly every actually see it.
so true
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on June 17, 2011, 09:05:22 AM
It makes my computer's fan spin loudly, so now I just use it when I have people around :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on June 17, 2011, 05:06:30 PM
having spent a good 5 hours getting use to the Natty Narwhal desktop ,
i can still say Ubuntu made a mistake.many people will just give up   :'(
i am getting use to it and the more i use it the more comfortable i feel with it.

plenty of help out there for advice and the grub install was fantastically easy .
more so than all of the other installs i have done.
all drivers picked up straight away. ;D

i could change my mind in the end though and stick with it  ??? ???
still learning though
any way a screenshot of my laptop running natty narwale

Out of curiosity but what made you switch to ubuntu, and also, what OS are you migrating from?

I ran Ubuntu on my Sony Vaio for about a month and a half, got used to it and then disliked it overnight. I came to the realization that Linux is just too complex to act as a regular desktop OS no matter how simplistic and pretty the GUI seems to be. It felt more like a constant task than a medium in which I could do other things from.

I apologize in advance, I'm not trying to be a buzkill and I highly value "to each his own", just giving some input and would love to hear your experience with it. :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 18, 2011, 01:38:11 AM
Out of curiosity but what made you switch to ubuntu, and also, what OS are you migrating from?
i had a laptop and decided to try something new. that's all  :D i would love to say i didn't agree with the world domination of Microsoft and how it oppressed the advancement of freeware / shareware  ,BUT i can't  :D :D

and also, what OS are you migrating from?
Well i dual boot with windows 7 ultimate on my laptop, but i only use Windows 7 on my desktop ,as its a family pc and too many things run that as yet i haven't investigated in the Linux world.

I ran Ubuntu on my Sony Vaio for about a month and a half, got used to it and then disliked it overnight. I came to the realization that Linux is just too complex to act as a regular desktop OS no matter how simplistic and pretty the GUI seems to be. It felt more like a constant task than a medium in which I could do other things from.
I agree Linux isn't easy , but all i did on a PC was cruise the internet , music , films , get bored and i felt my brain was wasting away ( it is from alcohol but  ;)) i needed something more.
Some of the new Distro's are pretty stable and very user friendly , all they need is a new learning curve and now i have ALMOST everything i need on my Linux operating system on my laptop (still cannot find a way to connect to my Belkin Net USB Hub  :'( :'( )

I apologize in advance, I'm not trying to be a buzkill and I highly value "to each his own", just giving some input and would love to hear your experience with it. :)
No  apologise required  ;D

Up to now i have had fantastic luck with Linux with no major issues that i didn't cause myself  :D :D.
i have tried a few Linux distro's and found some impossible to use
solaris / haiko  :o :o these are way beyond me.
Mint / Ubuntu / pclinuxos / xubuntu are great .
I use Ubuntu 11.04 natty narwhal and again i had to relearn where everything is but i love it

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on June 18, 2011, 04:30:42 AM
Thinking of what to buy for dinner.  I want pizza but the place that sells them here make them skinny.  Besides, the way the kids eat, it'd cost me less to go to the only restaurant in the place.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 18, 2011, 03:20:52 PM
falling asleep
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 18, 2011, 04:24:29 PM
Trying to decide if I go out for darts or stay in and work on servers from home...probably darts.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 19, 2011, 02:22:47 AM
shuffling files around
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 19, 2011, 02:32:20 PM
going to run errands so I can have them out of the way >_>
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 19, 2011, 04:56:53 PM
Recovering from Father's day, well, more like "sobering up" really.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 19, 2011, 06:30:57 PM
more like "sobering up" really.

ahh.. I'm on the other end of things, and just getting started :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 24, 2011, 03:50:17 PM
Trying to decide on a hairstyle... Right now it's up, but I look like this pic, and it's out of my way, but I look vaguely eccentric.. which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Or, I could take it down and it would be curly, but more in my way... I can't make decisions today.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 25, 2011, 05:07:26 AM
In line with Skadi's thought, I'm considering shaving my head. I am keep to adopt a "Pitbull" look.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 25, 2011, 07:56:54 AM
Trying to decide on a hairstyle... Right now it's up, but I look like this pic, and it's out of my way, but I look vaguely eccentric.. which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Or, I could take it down and it would be curly, but more in my way... I can't make decisions today.

go for it,love wild individual  hairstyles  ;D

In line with Skadi's thought, I'm considering shaving my head. I am keep to adopt a "Pitbull" look.
hopefully sunday pm for my haircut.
its just about shoulder length at the moment  :P very nick kershaw  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 25, 2011, 09:15:00 AM
I need mine cut too. or layered at least

waiting for the storms to pass so i can be outside
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 25, 2011, 09:32:28 AM
All this talk of hair makes me jealous and sad. :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on June 25, 2011, 09:57:37 AM
All this talk of hair makes me jealous and sad. :(

You can have some of mine, it's always long and unruly :p
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on June 26, 2011, 04:04:58 AM
Me and dweez.  I had my hair cut really short and people didn't recognize me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 26, 2011, 04:19:41 AM
tidying up daughters bedroom  :'(
and then cook dinner  ;D

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on June 26, 2011, 04:43:43 AM
tidying up daughters bedroom  :'(
and then cook dinner  ;D

Be glad daughters stink less than sons. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 26, 2011, 06:01:30 AM
so true  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on June 26, 2011, 07:45:42 AM
Laughing my head off at something the CP said.

We were talking about the color pink and I said that I hated the color.  The CP dittoed and said that it was too girly and wondered why the King liked it.  I said I disliked it because it was too girly and I was a girl.  The CP's reply?  "Yeah, mommy.  You're kinda manly." ;D  My mom laughed and muttered something about "straight from the mouth of babes."
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 26, 2011, 09:00:52 AM
playing on elementary linux
http://elementaryos.org/ (http://elementaryos.org/)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 27, 2011, 01:44:19 PM

A lot.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on June 28, 2011, 09:34:18 PM

Enjoying the new smileys(or ies......?) apparently.

And listening to "The Unforgettable Fire"(1984) all day.

Piling up my studies for the next day in style.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on June 30, 2011, 12:53:39 AM
What sorta style?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on June 30, 2011, 03:20:30 PM
What sorta style?

And listening to "The Unforgettable Fire"(1984) all day.
Piling up my studies for the next day in style.

I was referencing the album but hey....
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on June 30, 2011, 07:34:02 PM
Trying to will the caffeine out of my system.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on July 01, 2011, 08:55:11 AM
Waiting for my hair to stop dripping.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 01, 2011, 09:43:31 AM
staying awake , struggling
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on July 02, 2011, 09:45:08 AM
Struggling to stay sober.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 02, 2011, 11:04:32 AM
Struggling to stay sober.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on July 02, 2011, 10:18:54 PM
I failed.

Cooking lunch.  Sigh.  I hate cooking.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on July 03, 2011, 01:10:12 AM
I failed.

Cooking lunch.  Sigh.  I hate cooking.

I love cooking.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 03, 2011, 06:36:27 AM
Creating my first wikipedia page.

Crazy syntax dudes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 03, 2011, 07:14:20 AM
Creating my first wikipedia page.

Crazy syntax dudes.

i hope you will be promoting  ;)

am giving up on Ubuntu Unity.
not that the desktop nor applications were hard / rubbish but
it was such a long time to boot up.
laptop on .
5 secs of bios
25 seconds of black screen ( and that was a short timing )
password login
30 seconds of Ubuntu wallpaper
15 seconds of awaiting desktop to start.

hooray were off at last.

it seemed like a eternity waiting.

so now i'm playing  with a little number called Zorin o/s based on Ubuntu
boots up in about 15 secs and runs everything out of the box  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on July 04, 2011, 12:18:32 AM
i hope you will be promoting  ;)

am giving up on Ubuntu Unity.
not that the desktop nor applications were hard / rubbish but
it was such a long time to boot up.
laptop on .
5 secs of bios
25 seconds of black screen ( and that was a short timing )
password login
30 seconds of Ubuntu wallpaper
15 seconds of awaiting desktop to start.

hooray were off at last.

it seemed like a eternity waiting.

so now i'm playing  with a little number called Zorin o/s based on Ubuntu
boots up in about 15 secs and runs everything out of the box  ;D

ARGH! Funny you should mention the new Unity UI, everybody in the linux community seems to HATE the new directions being taken with gnome, KDE, etc, and now with Ubuntu's drastic "dummed down" interface, everybody seems ready to switch over to Mac OS X! What gives? In all honesty, I'd rather have Unity over Windows 8's new look any day, at least with Unity, the "dummed down" aspect of it isn't so in your face as with Windows 8's new tablet orientated direction.

Personally, I'm anxious to fiddle around with Unity as it does look like things are shifting drastically and Linux is finally trying to appeal to users who haven't been coding straight out of the crib with 4 or C++ and Python books under their belt. And anyway, it's not that different from what Ubuntu was before, things have just been simplified or moved around for "better productivity purposes" which although subjective, I tend to agree with. I thing change is good, plus Ubuntu looks so purty now. :P

As soon as I get a decent build up and running I'm going to give Ubuntu another shot and fiddle around with it once again.

@Goldshirt, were you running it on a laptop? What were your specs? Unity is more demanding than the now dubbed "classic theme", which coincidentally, is why they decided to leave that classic boot as an option until 11.10 is officially out and about.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 04, 2011, 01:15:16 AM
yes i was running it on my laptop.
my specs are.
intel core 2 duo t6600 @ 2.20ghz 4gb ram 250hdd.
had no problem running it , just slow to start up. :-\
i liked Unity a lot. set up , everything worked.

I cannot run on my desktop as i have a nvidea graphic card and linux and graphic cards don't always mix.  :o

Have a look at Zorin linux ,based on ubuntu but quicker load up , plus you only have to install the dvd codecs and away you go.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on July 04, 2011, 05:53:44 AM
I love cooking.

Feel free to do it all the time for me. ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on July 04, 2011, 02:59:02 PM
yes i was running it on my laptop.
my specs are.
intel core 2 duo t6600 @ 2.20ghz 4gb ram 250hdd.
had no problem running it , just slow to start up. :-\
i liked Unity a lot. set up , everything worked.

I cannot run on my desktop as i have a nvidea graphic card and linux and graphic cards don't always mix.  :o

Have a look at Zorin linux ,based on ubuntu but quicker load up , plus you only have to install the dvd codecs and away you go.

Yeah, that's a little strange. Ubuntu has always been pretty flexible for me over other distros that I've tried in the past, with everything working straight from the start-up. Unity is supposedly a work in progress, not to mention the pre-configuration that might be going on in the background initial to start-up allowing you to choose the classic boot over Unity. Supposedly that option is going to be shed with 11.10 so I'm hoping Unity will be more streamlined by then.

Pretty true in regards to graphic card compatibility with Linux although Ubuntu is adopting very strongly as of late and if you visit system76 or ZaeReason you'll notice that the latest NVIDIA cards(as of late last year up to this year) are supported and can be integrated into a build of your choice. I really have to applaud that, and with all of the changes in interface and usability , Linux is really starting to look prettier and prettier as a Desktop OS for everyday use.



Edit: @Goldshirt, I've never heard of Zorin Linux, all the more reason to check it out, thanks.  8)

Feel free to do it all the time for me. ;)

Pfft - with a capital "P". :D

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on July 05, 2011, 02:58:08 AM
So much for loving cooking. :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 05, 2011, 11:13:45 AM
Yeah, that's a little strange. Ubuntu has always been pretty flexible for me over other distros that I've tried in the past, with everything working straight from the start-up. Unity is supposedly a work in progress, not to mention the pre-configuration that might be going on in the background initial to start-up allowing you to choose the classic boot over Unity. Supposedly that option is going to be shed with 11.10 so I'm hoping Unity will be more streamlined by then.

Pretty true in regards to graphic card compatibility with Linux although Ubuntu is adopting very strongly as of late and if you visit system76 or ZaeReason you'll notice that the latest NVIDIA cards(as of late last year up to this year) are supported and can be integrated into a build of your choice. I really have to applaud that, and with all of the changes in interface and usability , Linux is really starting to look prettier and prettier as a Desktop OS for everyday use.



Edit: @Goldshirt, I've never heard of Zorin Linux, all the more reason to check it out, thanks.  8)

only problem i  had was the start up time on my laptop.  :(
my desktop has a old graphic card so i kinda knew i'd hit problems  :-[ (NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT )
and this was the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10069997&postcount=1  (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10069997&postcount=1)
i pretty much leave it W 7  to be truthful as my wife would pull her hair out login into linux   ???
plus the family use tversity around the home from the desktop through ps3's.

nice lappys link , expensive though then again i suppose not ,look quality built :D
i did look at a laptop running http://www.ebuyer.com/product/265844 (http://www.ebuyer.com/product/265844) this but with a intel i5 and 8gb ram
for £366.00 ($550 ish ) but  have ran out though.

i have the same laptop with the above mentioned spec in previous post and it runs great.

zorin is very good.( built on 10.0 ubuntu) but not unity desktop.
only thing i couldn't get to work was the internal mic and now that's ok. ;D
does come pre installed with most things configured ( play on linux , wine , compiz ).
it will do for me until unity improves
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on July 05, 2011, 03:36:09 PM
Oh good, that looks pretty tedious if you ask me, it's cool that you found the fix though, I know I would have been going crazy trying to figure out why it was booting so slow on me. Right now I'm trying to figure out why firefox has been acting stupid on me a couple of months after I upgraded to Firefox 4.0 , and now I'm starting to convince myself that it has to do with my setup.

I cannot run on my desktop as i have a nvidea graphic card and linux and graphic cards don't always mix.  :o

I stumbled across this earlier(pretty awesome, I had no idea):


Supported products

Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver
275.09.07 Certified
Release Date:
Operating System:
Linux 64-bit
English (U.S.)
File Size:
49.2 MB (32-bit also available)

GeForce 500 series:
GTX 590, GTX 580, GTX 570, GTX 560 Ti, GTX 560, GTX 550 Ti, GT 545, GT 530, GT 520

GeForce 500M series:
GTX 560M, GT 555M, GT 550M, GT 540M, GT 525M, GT 520M

GeForce 400 series:
GTX 480, GTX 470, GTX 465, GTX 460 SE, GTX 460, GTS 450, GT 440, GT 430, GT 420, 405

GeForce 400M series:
GTX 485M, GTX 480M, GTX 470M, GTX 460M, GT 445M, GT 435M, GT 425M, GT 420M, GT 415M, 410M

GeForce 300 series:
GT 340, GT 330, GT 320, 315, 310

GeForce 300M series:
GTS 360M, GTS 350M, GT 335M, GT 330M, GT 325M, GT 320M, 320M, 315M, 310M, 305M

GeForce 200 series:
GTX 295, GTX 285, GTX 280, GTX 275, GTX 260, GTS 250, GTS 240, GT 240, GT 230, GT 220, G210, 205

GeForce 200M series:
GTX 285M, GTX 280M, GTX 260M, GTS 260M, GTS 250M, GT 240M, GT 230M, GT 220M, G210M

GeForce 100 series:
GT 140, GT 130, GT 120, G 100

GeForce 100M series:
GTS 160M, GTS 150M, GT 130M, GT 120M, G 110M, G 105M, G 103M, G 102M

GeForce 9 series:
9800 GX2, 9800 GTX+, 9800 GTX/GTX+, 9800 GT, 9650 S, 9600 GT, 9600 GSO 512, 9600 GSO, 9600 GS, 9500 GT, 9500 GS, 9400 GT, 9400, 9300 SE, 9300 GS, 9300 GE, 9300 / nForce 730i, 9300, 9200, 9100

GeForce 9M series:
9800M GTX, 9800M GTS, 9800M GT, 9800M GS, 9700M GTS, 9700M GT, 9650M GT, 9650M GS, 9600M GT, 9600M GS, 9500M GS, 9500M G, 9400M G, 9400M, 9300M GS, 9300M G, 9200M GS, 9100M G

GeForce 8 series:
8800 Ultra, 8800 GTX, 8800 GTS 512, 8800 GTS, 8800 GT, 8800 GS, 8600 GTS, 8600 GS, 8500 GT, 8400 SE, 8400 GS, 8400, 8300 GS, 8300, 8200, 8100 / nForce 720a

GeForce 8M series:
8800M GTX, 8800M GTS, 8700M GT, 8600M GT, 8600M GS, 8400M GT, 8400M GS, 8400M G, 8200M G

GeForce 7 series:
7950 GX2, 7950 GT, 7900 GTX, 7900 GT/GTO, 7900 GS, 7800 SLI, 7800 GTX, 7800 GT, 7800 GS, 7650 GS, 7600 LE, 7600 GT, 7600 GS, 7500 LE, 7350 LE, 7300 SE / 7200 GS, 7300 LE, 7300 GT, 7300 GS, 7150M /NVIDIA nForce 630M, 7150 / NVIDIA nForce 630i, 7100 GS, 7100 / NVIDIA nForce 630i, 7050 PV / NVIDIA nForce 630a, 7050 / NVIDIA nForce 630i, 7050 / nForce 620i, 7025 / NVIDIA nForce 630a, 7000M /NVIDIA nForce 610M

GeForce Go 7 series:
Go 7950 GTX, Go 7900 GS, Go 7800 GTX, Go 7800, Go 7700, Go 7600 GT, Go 7600, Go 7400, Go 7300, Go 7200

GeForce 6 series:
6800 XT, 6800 XE, 6800 Ultra, 6800 LE, 6800 GT, 6800 GS, 6800, 6700 XL, 6610 XL, 6600 VE, 6600 LE, 6600 GT, 6600, 6500, 6250, 6200 TurboCache, 6200SE TurboCache, 6200 LE, 6200 A-LE, 6200, 6150SE nForce 430, 6150 LE, 6150, 6100 nForce 420, 6100 nForce 405, 6100 nForce 400, 6100

NVS Series:
NVS 300

Quadro series:
6000, 600, 5000, 4000, 400, 2000D, 2000

Quadro FX series:
FX Go1400, FX 5800, FX 580, FX 570, FX 5600, FX 560, FX 5500, FX 550, FX 540, FX 4800, FX 4700 X2, FX 4600, FX 4500 X2, FX 4500, FX 4000, FX 380 LP, FX 3800, FX 380, FX 370 Low Profile, FX 3700, FX 370, FX 3500, FX 350, FX 3450/4000 SDI, FX 3400/4400, FX 1800, FX 1700, FX 1500, FX 1400, CX

Quadro Notebook series:
5010M, 5000M, 4000M, 3000M, 2000M, 1000M

Quadro FX Notebook series:
FX 880M, FX 770M, FX 570M, FX 560M, FX 540M, FX 380M, FX 3800M, FX 370M, FX 3700M, FX 360M, FX 3600M, FX 350M, FX 2800M, FX 2700M, FX 2500M, FX 1800M, FX 1700M, FX 1600M, FX 1500M

Quadro NVS series:
NVS 450, NVS 440, NVS 420, NVS 295, NVS 290, NVS 285, NVS 210S / 6150LE

Quadro NVS Notebook series:
NVS 510M, NVS 4200M, NVS 320M, NVS 160M, NVS 150M, NVS 140M, NVS 135M, NVS 130M, NVS 120M, NVS 110M

Quadro Plex series:
Model IV, Model II, D Series, 7000

Quadro G-Sync series:
G-Sync II

Quadro SDI series:
Quadro SDI

ION series:

C-Class Processors:
Tesla C870, Tesla C2070, Tesla C2050, Tesla C1060, T10 Processor

M-Class Processors:
Tesla M2070-Q, Tesla M2070, Tesla M2050, Tesla M1060
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 05, 2011, 06:32:01 PM
I understand several languages. That isn't one of them.  ;D

Right now I'm drinking a glass of wine and doing (trying to do) magic tricks with my daughter.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on July 06, 2011, 03:44:31 PM
I suggest you take her nose.

I'm clicking on youtube links.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on July 09, 2011, 01:53:19 AM
Wasting time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 09, 2011, 02:45:16 AM
deciding do i polish my sons car for prom or not.
i think not.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 09, 2011, 08:33:16 AM
Prom...!? Congratulations!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 10, 2011, 06:58:49 AM

I'm trying to figure out what Goldie meant by "Prom".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 10, 2011, 09:47:37 AM

I'm trying to figure out what Goldie meant by "Prom".
american style party for children / graduates
or in my case he finishes this school before moving to his next school
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on July 10, 2011, 02:05:06 PM
Trying to get sleepy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 01, 2011, 10:56:48 AM
sorting out my lappy
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on August 04, 2011, 02:15:56 PM
Catching up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 05, 2011, 04:15:16 AM
Getting pissed off about my neighbour's poo awful music being played too loud >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on August 05, 2011, 03:32:28 PM

I'm trying to figure out what Goldie meant by "Prom".

I thought you were joking for a second, I didn't know prom was a US established phenomenon.
Getting pissed off about my neighbour's poo awful music being played too loud >:(

Can't you call the popo for noise pollution?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 05, 2011, 05:15:04 PM
Over there, they're called "bobbies".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on August 06, 2011, 01:22:10 AM
haha, I swear I read that twice in a row as boobies. Man, I need a job. :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on August 06, 2011, 03:35:14 AM
Or you can stop thinking about sex.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 06, 2011, 04:32:14 AM
 ::)  ???

i am resetting the gears on my sons bike  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on August 06, 2011, 11:47:31 AM
I'm watching you...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 06, 2011, 01:57:01 PM
im trying to focus on you too  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 12, 2011, 05:04:08 AM
Over there, they're called "bobbies".

If you're talking about the fuzz?  It's after Sir Robert (bobby) Peel. They also used to be called "Peelers" for the same reason.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on August 14, 2011, 10:40:54 AM
Deciding what to eat.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 19, 2011, 12:02:18 PM
catching up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on August 20, 2011, 06:11:00 AM
See http://www.diasfora.co.uk/index.php?topic=3475.new#new ;D



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on August 20, 2011, 08:15:43 PM
Still working on my project proposal.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 21, 2011, 01:32:16 AM
Still working on my project proposal.
pray tell more
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on August 21, 2011, 07:22:09 AM
going grocery shopping

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 21, 2011, 08:55:39 AM
after 3 hours on the garden ( and a couple of cans of beer)
i was making the dinner and was just  finished my last can
of fosters and suddenly started to choke , managed to spit out a dead wasp  :o
decided to drink wine now  :D :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on August 21, 2011, 01:09:05 PM
pray tell more

Basically, it's a project one of the other supervisors want me to work on so that if the post I want opens up, I can rightfully claim to be full of initiative, have had the proper exposure, and can honestly say that I am an effective mentor.  However, since she's not my supervisor, I have to write a proposal to send to my supervisor who will rubber stamp whatever it is I put in there.

Trying to read my handwriting.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 21, 2011, 09:39:25 PM
well done , hope all go's well .
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 22, 2011, 05:45:41 AM
Suffering my children.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on August 27, 2011, 11:28:02 PM
Thanks gold.  It did go well.  The only question now is if it's going to be implemented for the entire department.  I hope they do just so I can pad my resume.  ;D

Trying to avoid work.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on August 28, 2011, 11:00:01 AM
Silly question to ask a Photoshopper lol well me any way :D



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 28, 2011, 01:57:58 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 28, 2011, 03:47:36 PM
Catching up on a week's worth of postings.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 29, 2011, 03:57:21 AM
Heading out to this:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 29, 2011, 08:33:27 AM
Remembering that in another life (it's been so long ago that it feels that way) I used to do show jumping. For a short while when I was about 15-16 yrs old and only because my family kept insisting (my grandad, mum and sister did it).
I hated it with a veangence. Hated everything about it specially the people that practiced the sport. And I don't particularly like horses either. Why is it most people are crazy for horses?  :-\

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 29, 2011, 01:24:57 PM
falling asleep
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 29, 2011, 02:26:10 PM
Remembering that in another life (it's been so long ago that it feels that way) I used to do show jumping. For a short while when I was about 15-16 yrs old and only because my family kept insisting (my grandad, mum and sister did it).
I hated it with a veangence. Hated everything about it specially the people that practiced the sport. And I don't particularly like horses either. Why is it most people are crazy for horses?  :-\

My missus has a real affinity to horses and in turn, so does my daughter.  I love all animals so don't mind their affection for all things equestrian, but if I get asked one more time by my little girl exactly when am I going to be able to afford one, I swear I'm going to ban them from all conversation.

Good news is I came home £45 in profit.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on August 31, 2011, 10:33:04 AM
Trying to muster inspiration.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on September 02, 2011, 06:06:33 PM
Reporting a snake sighting.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 02, 2011, 06:08:17 PM
Watching yet another NCIS re-run...not tired of them yet!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on September 02, 2011, 09:18:57 PM
Watching yet another NCIS re-run...not tired of them yet!!

Love that show, Abby corrrrrrrrrrrre :D
Haven't watched it in a while though.



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 02, 2011, 11:26:59 PM
Watching yet another NCIS re-run...not tired of them yet!!

my gran loves that show and abby is her favorite and she likes ziva
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 04, 2011, 01:28:27 AM
suffering post Indian meal garlic breath
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on September 11, 2011, 01:18:56 AM
Getting a drink of water after a bad dream, then going back to sleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 11, 2011, 02:03:51 AM
with tears in my eyes i am watching the news. :'(
9 / 11 10 years on
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 11, 2011, 09:50:07 AM
Rescuing the neighbor's cat from my garden. Again. Either she likes being rescued or she's a very silly cat.  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 11, 2011, 05:01:54 PM
Recovering from a work's barbecue (the missus' job).

I made a huge Dal and Rice but I fear all those lentils have made where I live a little.. windy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on September 11, 2011, 05:57:00 PM
I made a huge Dal and Rice but I fear all those lentils have made where I live a little.. windy.

er... thanks for sharing that? ???

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 11, 2011, 11:25:08 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 12, 2011, 05:53:08 AM
Oh, boy!! In Spanish that last word sounds doubly assertive regarding the subject. You don't want to know...  ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 12, 2011, 02:06:07 PM
er... thanks for sharing that? ???


Blimey! you've got good hearing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 14, 2011, 07:35:37 AM
my tinternet keeps playing me up  :'(
and the chap down a few houses has turned his open wireless off  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on September 14, 2011, 09:39:15 AM
my tinternet keeps playing me up  :'(
and the chap down a few houses has turned his open wireless off  ;D ;D

Well if your with Talktalk m8, I have had the same happening to me :(
Phoned them have technical problems, & are working to fix it :)



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 15, 2011, 07:44:00 AM
having a bitching argument with virgin internet provider
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on September 15, 2011, 09:01:25 AM
having a bitching argument with virgin internet provider

lol mate tell them PsPBuRnOuT said get your act together :D



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 15, 2011, 10:14:29 AM
Scraping paint and 2-part wood filler off my hands.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on September 15, 2011, 11:51:43 AM
Scraping paint and 2-part wood filler off my hands.

What you been painting m8?
The Town Red? :D



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on September 18, 2011, 10:05:55 AM
Patching things up between an girl friend and her probably, maybe boyfriend if I patch things up between them.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 20, 2011, 11:56:50 AM
Trying to find an electronic version of this stupid fat book.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 21, 2011, 07:11:03 AM
What you been painting m8?
The Town Red? :D




I wish, rotten window sills more like.

 ^You "peaved"?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 29, 2011, 12:12:42 PM
thinking how good i feel after a jog  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 02, 2011, 05:32:35 PM
just rode to test my new tire and brakes. Now, cooking dinner.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 03, 2011, 11:30:01 AM
Yawning. A lot.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 03, 2011, 12:10:17 PM
You know when someones yawns you start yawning too. But I've read the word yawning and I started yawning.  ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 03, 2011, 12:44:26 PM
You know when someones yawns you start yawning too. But I've read the word yawning and I started yawning.  ::)

You think you've got it bad, I've just read the word 4 times! In one form or another.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on October 03, 2011, 01:01:14 PM
Trying not to think about yawning.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 03, 2011, 09:30:10 PM
yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 04, 2011, 12:39:48 AM
 ::)  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 04, 2011, 05:28:21 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Skadi on October 04, 2011, 06:38:43 AM
^ cute :D

You know when someones yawns you start yawning too. But I've read the word yawning and I started yawning.  ::)

supposedly if you say purple right before someone sneezes.. it keeps them from sneezing
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 04, 2011, 08:00:58 AM
^ cute :D

supposedly if you say purple right before someone sneezes.. it keeps them from sneezing

If you say "purple" while sneezing, the person in front of you gets covered in snot.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 04, 2011, 10:07:54 PM
If you're kissing your honey
and feel something runny
and think that it's funny
It's not.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 05, 2011, 05:46:57 AM
Memorising Dweezy's post to tell my kids later.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 10, 2011, 02:35:20 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 10, 2011, 01:56:53 PM
Thinking of beer.  Or should I be in another thread?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 10, 2011, 02:35:43 PM
Working on my holiday.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 10, 2011, 10:46:04 PM
I was googling cute headphones. I found some but now Im googling to see if the site is legit to buy from.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 11, 2011, 12:48:05 AM
I don't know if you'd call them "cute" or not, but www.woot.com is having a special on "Razer Carcharias Gaming Headset".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 11, 2011, 01:58:08 AM
those are cool but I think I would look silly walking around the city with those on. I was looking for something like this http://www.focalprice.com/IPQ44X/Cute_Cartoon_Inear_Headset_Earphone_with_My_Melody_Design_Clip_for_iPhone.html?utm_source=CS&utm_medium=GM_US&utm_campaign=CS_GM_US_IPQ44X (http://www.focalprice.com/IPQ44X/Cute_Cartoon_Inear_Headset_Earphone_with_My_Melody_Design_Clip_for_iPhone.html?utm_source=CS&utm_medium=GM_US&utm_campaign=CS_GM_US_IPQ44X)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on October 11, 2011, 04:47:22 PM
Or these? (http://www.dealeurx.com/cute-hello-kitty-style-earhook-earphone-w-microphone-35mmjack113cmcable-p-63393.html?zenid=rki75dd1rdgn7fs4pja8cnjlo7)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 11, 2011, 07:52:55 PM
Or these!! (http://av.jvc.com/product.jsp?modelId=MODL028174&pathId=95&page=1)  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 11, 2011, 08:52:13 PM
Or these? (http://www.dealeurx.com/cute-hello-kitty-style-earhook-earphone-w-microphone-35mmjack113cmcable-p-63393.html?zenid=rki75dd1rdgn7fs4pja8cnjlo7)

I saw those and they are really cute and I do like hello kitty. but I like the ones that fit into your ear, because I get to throw them into my bag and I dont have to worry to much about it breaking.

Or these!! (http://av.jvc.com/product.jsp?modelId=MODL028174&pathId=95&page=1)  ;D ;D

I couldn't bring myself to spend 150+ on headphones lol. I'd rather by a handbag or something.

I take that back , I just found some really awesome earphones
http://www.monstercable.com/productdisplay.asp?pin=6114 (http://www.monstercable.com/productdisplay.asp?pin=6114)

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 12, 2011, 07:13:39 AM
i have  a set of denon in ear headphones and they are fantastic  ;D ;D

i am awaiting 11.10  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 15, 2011, 06:52:11 AM
Watching George Carlin.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 15, 2011, 09:19:43 AM
Trying to comb my daughter's hair. It's to her waist so it's not an easy task.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 15, 2011, 10:15:07 AM

Watching George Carlin.

In his old neighborhood. They want to name the street after him but a lot of ppl aren't happy bout it .
Trying to comb my daughter's hair. It's to her waist so it's not an easy task.

My niece crys (no tears) if you attempt to do her hair. But she'll stop if you turn on the tv.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 15, 2011, 10:20:05 AM
But she'll stop if you turn on the tv.

That's exactly what I do!  I moved the combing from the bathroom to the living room a long time ago.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 16, 2011, 04:35:16 AM
Trying to comb my daughter's hair. It's to her waist so it's not an easy task.

My daughter really tells her mum off when she brushes her hair, but never complains when I do it (I have a secret technique though).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 16, 2011, 02:45:39 PM
I have a secret technique though.

Do you really? Or maybe it's the same case as in my house where Mom is always The Witch and Dad is always Prince Charming.  ::) :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 18, 2011, 01:50:07 PM
Do you really? Or maybe it's the same case as in my house where Mom is always The Witch and Dad is always Prince Charming.  ::) :)

I believe it's a bit of both.

Right now I am nursing 2 new cuts that just want to keep on bleeding.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 18, 2011, 11:35:09 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 19, 2011, 11:16:40 AM
Taking a painkiller, putting ice in my ankle and asking myself how I'm going to take my kid to her afternoon activities when I can barely walk to the bathroom.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 19, 2011, 01:30:56 PM
Taking a painkiller, putting ice in my ankle and asking myself how I'm going to take my kid to her afternoon activities when I can barely walk to the bathroom.

Oh dear XT, I do hope your injury doesn't last too long. Unfortunately, in my experience, ankle sprains and the like tend to have their own agenda.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 19, 2011, 02:08:58 PM
Thank you smokester! If I don't walk and put ice on it I'm OK but when I walk it starts to swell and hurt. It's probably nothing important. At least I hope so.  ;D  I'm trying to avoid doctors as usual.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 20, 2011, 10:36:11 AM
Thank you smokester! If I don't walk and put ice on it I'm OK but when I walk it starts to swell and hurt. It's probably nothing important. At least I hope so.  ;D  I'm trying to avoid doctors as usual.

It doesn't sound too sinister although pain is rarely benevolent. You must rest it as much as possible and it may be time to activate your husband.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 20, 2011, 01:10:53 PM
I couldn't avoid walking a bit today (about 6 blocks and then I had to come back home). It didn't hurt that much but now it's more swollen.  ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 21, 2011, 09:06:33 AM
trying to dodge a cold that is hovering around me
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 21, 2011, 05:43:20 PM
trying to dodge a cold that is hovering around me

they say if you drink lots of hot fluids like tea and soup  etc. It will help, I've had this awful sinus infection for almost 3 weeks.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on October 22, 2011, 08:51:26 AM
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(




Even The Hardest Of Hearts Can Shed A Tear
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 22, 2011, 02:53:17 PM
Trying to beam down after doing an amount of work by myself today, that 4 men would have struggled with.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 22, 2011, 09:50:18 PM
putting together my first every sold item through amazon. :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 23, 2011, 12:55:45 AM
 ::) never sold through Amazon , well done

i am about to walk dog
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on October 23, 2011, 01:00:10 AM
::) never sold through Amazon , well done

i am about to walk dog

Just watch out, that the dog don't try to walk you ;D



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 23, 2011, 01:52:13 AM
you spying on me again  ;D ;D ;D ;D
my dog couldnt walk a barbie doll he's so small
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 23, 2011, 02:00:23 AM
Shaking like a leaf.

I was up late trying to work through a few issues we're having on our IM server at work but decided to call it a night and go to bed.  I go outside for one last cigarette (I never smoke inside).  I usually listen to a Bob and Tom podcast on my headphones (morning radio show) and play Angry Birds or something while I have the smoke.  I also don't turn on the porch light because it attracts moths.  As I was finishing it up, some movement caught my eye.  We have a lot of stray and abandon hats around our place so I figured it was one of them.  I looked over and quickly noticed that this particular cat, roughly 5 feet from me, has a white stripe down it's back.  As I turn my ipad toward it to use it's light to get a better look at it, I notice that quickly looks up at me.  It evidently had no clue I was there.  I try to slowly open the screen door and make my way inside, thinking that now that it knows I'm there, it's gonna scurry away as I'm not threatening it or anything.  Instead, it starts quickly coming at me.  I've never moved so fast in my life but I made it inside.  As I turn on the light and look out the window for it, I don't see it anywhere but I do start to notice a subtle smell of skunk spray.  Evidently I made it in just in time.

Needless to say, my heart is racing and I don't think I'm gonna be able fall asleep anytime soon.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 23, 2011, 02:31:55 AM
lucky you  ;D ;D ;D ;D
never seen a skunk in the flesh ( so to speak  ??? )
definitely a lucky escape, did it smell bad  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on October 23, 2011, 11:37:15 AM
you spying on me again  ;D ;D ;D ;D
my dog couldnt walk a barbie doll he's so small

Well get yourself a real dog then :D



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 23, 2011, 12:00:07 PM
out voted by the wife and kids  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 23, 2011, 12:33:19 PM
Shaking like a leaf.

....We have a lot of stray and abandon hats around our place....

Laughing out loud at that ^ :)

You scare easy Dweezy old chum.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 23, 2011, 12:40:29 PM
Hehe, not normally...it was just the circumstances.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 23, 2011, 02:10:46 PM
Hehe, not normally...it was just the circumstances.

Yeah. those stray hats can be quite unnerving.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on October 27, 2011, 04:52:45 AM
out voted by the wife and kids  ;D

Under the co-op thumb there m8? :)



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 27, 2011, 09:38:32 AM
arnt we all  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on October 27, 2011, 05:18:47 PM
arnt we all  ;D

Nope I have nobody to be under :(



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 30, 2011, 11:58:08 AM
Sniffling and scratching away at those damn mosquito bites.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 30, 2011, 12:03:28 PM
drinking cognac
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 30, 2011, 07:11:50 PM
Watching RED
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 30, 2011, 09:53:47 PM
off to work
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 31, 2011, 05:38:28 PM
Just got caught up on Doctor Who...loved it.  Got caught up on Sanctuary a couple days ago...hated it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 01, 2011, 12:38:30 PM
About to watch episode 37 of thundercats, and for the first time today I am going to sit down and put my feet up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on November 01, 2011, 10:56:53 PM
thinking about what I just thought about and how quickly I forgot it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 02, 2011, 12:25:30 AM
making pack lunches
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 03, 2011, 11:41:26 AM
Searching high and low for my safe's key.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on November 03, 2011, 12:08:56 PM
Searching high and low for my safe's key.

Have you tried, round your neck? :D ;)



Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 03, 2011, 12:40:55 PM
I found it under my bottle of Vecchia Romagna.  I can hear XT saying "Of course that's where it would be".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on November 03, 2011, 01:37:22 PM
See?! You should have drunk all the brandy. Then you would have thrown away the bottle and the safe's key would have been in plain sight. Ummnnn... Wait a minute...  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 03, 2011, 02:42:18 PM
See?! You should have drunk all the brandy. Then you would have thrown away the bottle and the safe's key would have been in plain sight. Ummnnn... Wait a minute...  ;D

Not entirely sure I'd still have sight at all. No doubt it would be fun though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 05, 2011, 07:13:23 AM
watching harry potter
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 05, 2011, 02:27:47 PM
Suffering after a second slice of Black Forest Gateau.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 11, 2011, 12:51:48 AM
Hankering for chocolate cake.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 12, 2011, 09:56:37 AM
after a visit to a French cafe for lunch
a simple baguette filled with pan fried chicken / French fries / French dressing.
a glass of house red wine.
i am definitely relaxing with a cheeky cold bottle of Provençal red wine  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 12, 2011, 03:01:32 PM
About to watch Chris Eubank Jr perform.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 13, 2011, 01:37:06 AM
he won
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 13, 2011, 06:35:59 AM
he won

His old man certainly liked the limelight.

Right now I am doing the Sunday lunch/dinner early, so I can go and drink beer this afternoon.

Always a good plan in my book.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 03, 2011, 04:03:47 AM
I'm thinking that has the last couple of days been the quietest the forum has ever seen?

I lot of busy people I guess.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 03, 2011, 05:04:54 AM
 ::) xmas shopping for your present  ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 03, 2011, 06:07:31 AM
::) xmas shopping for your present  ;)

I live in hope.  I generally buy my own presents these days, then give them to the missus to give to the kids to give to me.  That way the presents from the kids are always exactly what I want rather than things like a USB Henry etc.  And the missus doesn't have to spend a penny.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 03, 2011, 06:15:34 AM
always the best way
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on December 03, 2011, 02:10:39 PM
Sitting in heavy traffic.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 03, 2011, 02:54:13 PM
Recovering from a huge dinner - and dessert.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on December 03, 2011, 06:53:20 PM
what kind of dessert ?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 03, 2011, 10:53:01 PM
What's a "USB Henry"?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 04, 2011, 04:48:20 AM
what kind of dessert ?

I had a couple of mince pies and extra thick double cream.  Incredibly indulgent but as I lost over 7kg on the last job I was on, I figure I'm entitled to live a little.

What's a "USB Henry"?

Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 04, 2011, 05:07:59 AM
home work for Union meeting on wednesday  :'(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 04, 2011, 05:28:11 AM
Right now I am making a jack-in-the-box for my daughter's Christmas play (big enough to contain a child) and I have coerced the missus into decorating afterwards. I was going to make it out of timber but opted for a removal type, cardboard box in the end. The things I do for the school.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 04, 2011, 11:19:45 AM
for a moment i thought you had coerced the mrs into being in the jack in the box  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 05, 2011, 02:17:58 AM
Psyching myself up to go to work.

Me no want to..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 29, 2011, 09:31:46 AM
watching the mummy 3 with number 1 daughter  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 29, 2011, 03:09:48 PM
Trying to repair my goddamn spacebar. Hopefully only a few days until I assemble to new beast.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 29, 2011, 03:52:48 PM
I also picked this up recently.  Could come in handy for you.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 29, 2011, 05:40:29 PM
I also picked this up recently.  Could come in handy for you.


WTF!?  The same company wants like a million pounds for that over here.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 30, 2011, 12:11:44 AM
http://www.play.com/PC/PCs/4-/11841230/Microsoft-Bluetooth-Mobile-Keyboard-6000/Product.html?searchtype=allproducts&searchsource=0&searchstring=Microsoft+6000+Keyboard&urlrefer=search (http://www.play.com/PC/PCs/4-/11841230/Microsoft-Bluetooth-Mobile-Keyboard-6000/Product.html?searchtype=allproducts&searchsource=0&searchstring=Microsoft+6000+Keyboard&urlrefer=search)

same mother company Rakutan but slightly cheaper.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 30, 2011, 12:41:05 AM
Damn, you guys are getting screwed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 30, 2011, 06:10:54 AM
Damn, you guys are getting screwed.

That's why we riot  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 14, 2012, 12:46:28 AM
catching up and feeling a lot better
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 14, 2012, 04:19:44 AM
Getting ready to go to a place called Gambado (http://www.gambado.com/) for a 6yr old birthday party.

Not entirely sure I'm up for it :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 14, 2012, 07:16:57 AM
Getting ready to go to a place called Gambado (http://www.gambado.com/) for a 6yr old birthday party.

Not entirely sure I'm up for it :-\

Will there be beer?

I've been to a place like that last night. One of my nephew's 3 years old birthday party. There was a lot of beer and food. So I put up with it.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 15, 2012, 02:35:09 AM
dodging database errors and trying to fix router
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 17, 2012, 03:27:46 AM
Unlike Goldie I'm trying to find database errors.  Thankfully, without success.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 17, 2012, 07:22:24 AM
considering whether to buy a ssd for my laptop , which  have been waiting for
or a 500 mm mirror lens for the camera ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 17, 2012, 08:46:16 AM
Worrying about my son's teeth, or rather what the dentist is going to do to them.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 17, 2012, 12:22:32 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on January 17, 2012, 11:09:51 PM
watching Taboo
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 18, 2012, 07:26:28 AM
i was having a laugh at BIG D front page  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 18, 2012, 09:40:36 AM
Perusing the javascript on Big D's frontpage.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 18, 2012, 12:13:14 PM
have found similar on various  sites.
even my favourite wallpaper site
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 20, 2012, 03:38:46 AM
Tidying away stuff.  I wish I had a big rug to push it all under.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 20, 2012, 08:45:33 AM
getting ready to go out  :D :D
daughter is having a Brownie sleep over at the National Space Center.
so off for a meal and a drink me and the wife will go  :D :D.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 20, 2012, 08:51:52 AM
Woot.  Have a good night goldie!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 20, 2012, 09:02:04 AM
Seconded and any chance you can take me with you Goldie?  I don't get out much these days.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 20, 2012, 09:05:02 AM
i tell you what .
I'll have a pint for the both of you  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 20, 2012, 09:44:42 AM
i tell you what .
I'll have a pint for the both of you  :D

In my case you should make it a litre.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 20, 2012, 11:11:16 PM
And mine should be some Irish Whiskey or Bourbon...oh, probably too late now huh?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 21, 2012, 12:08:00 AM
never too late for a whiskey or bourbon

well i had a couple of these
followed by

bangers and mash for a light meal and all is well  :D :D
trouble is my feels like it wants to explode  :P I didn't have too many so must have been the glass of water I had with the meal  ;)
mouth feels like the bottom of a budgie cage  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 21, 2012, 01:27:18 PM
bangers and mash for a light meal

That's a light meal?!  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 22, 2012, 12:42:37 AM
twas for me  ;D ;D ;D ;D

At the moment i'm trying to decide if i want to keep Winstep Xtreme
http://www.winstep.net/xtreme.asp (http://www.winstep.net/xtreme.asp)
boy does it change your desktop  ???. at the moment i'm mixing Rainmeter and winstep with some nice results ( I think ??? )
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 24, 2012, 08:11:53 AM
Preparing for the school run which means my own time is now virtually over for the day.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 27, 2012, 11:14:15 AM
trying to sort out daughters clothes for a party tomorrow.
she keeps throwing me out her bedroom  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 28, 2012, 03:29:24 AM
about to catch a bus uptown for a shop  :-\
then a meal in a lovely French restaurant  :)
then to a real ale pub for a tipple or two  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 29, 2012, 03:32:54 AM
Preparing myself for preparing breakfast. Man I'm tired and look at the time..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 29, 2012, 06:53:54 AM
cruising internet
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 29, 2012, 06:56:21 AM
Watching Siena vs Fiorentina.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on January 29, 2012, 02:48:59 PM
Increasing caffeine intake, this is going to be a long ruddy night.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 30, 2012, 03:37:15 AM
Setting up a new site for someone although I am finding it hard to get started.

Hence this post.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 31, 2012, 08:44:26 AM
About to play pool with my son.  Tuesdays are now our regular game playing day as his sister is at her French class.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 31, 2012, 02:15:31 PM

at the moment i'm playing with the new Linux o/s on my laptop.
found a old 80gb hdd and away i go .

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 31, 2012, 06:35:56 PM
I was planning to be playing SW:TOR but evidently I'm just downloading the 20GB game files

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 01, 2012, 02:59:57 AM
Sitting in a noisy café drinking coffee and eating croissants - and playing on my laptop.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 02, 2012, 08:13:15 PM
Ok, so SWTOR is finally installed.  Couldn't play it last night because of dart league.  So when I get home, I find that I got my Diablo3 Beta Invite so tonight?  I played D3 instead of the game I payed $80 for.  *sigh*

As for D3, it seems to easy right now.  Hopefully that'll change/be fixed as the beta progresses.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 03, 2012, 06:21:22 AM
Trying to get warm.  I won't complain as my European counterparts would cuss me for complaining about a meager -2o temperature, while they are all freezing their nuts off.

Snow in Barcelona?  Well I never.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 03, 2012, 06:39:08 AM
My hot summer doesn't look bad now. I was watching an Italian football match yesterday and they kept on slipping so much in the snow/ice it was (almost) funny.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 03, 2012, 06:47:40 AM
My hot summer doesn't look bad now. I was watching an Italian football match yesterday and they kept on slipping so much in the snow/ice it was (almost) funny.

They had to cancel 4 games in Italy this week because of the weather - probably should have cancelled more.  My Italian pal goes to his mother-in-law's in Poland next Friday, and Mielec where he is going is a rather comfortable -16o as I write, which is a great improvement on the -26o that it was this morning. 

Looking forward to your trip Anton?

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 03, 2012, 08:26:36 AM
My Italian pal goes to his mother-in-law's in Poland next Friday, and Mielec where he is going is a rather comfortable -16o as I write, which is a great improvement on the -26o that it was this morning. 

Which means he'll be inside the house with his mother-in-law for most of his staying? Poveretto!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 03, 2012, 08:58:06 AM
Which means he'll be inside the house with his mother-in-law for most of his staying?

He lived there for about a year after it didn't work out in Italy (he and his wife left England when their daughter was born).  He tells me now that although he of course loves his extended family, Polish mothers pride themselves for never being 'wrong' which was unbearable. 

Personally I thought that all women are never wrong?


True but he only has to manage 5 days and then he has 4 days at home without the missus and offspring.  Just enough time to get wasted and recover.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 03, 2012, 09:37:18 AM
Personally I thought that all women are never wrong?

You can't win. You can't tie. You can't even stop playing.  ;D

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 03, 2012, 10:09:44 AM
You can't win. You can't tie. You can't even stop playing.  ;D

I heard that seven strong men had set off to the Himalayas in search of a copy of the rules but have never returned.  No one told them that as soon as a copy appears, it is more than likely outdated by a newer version.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 03, 2012, 12:31:46 PM
My tummy hurts I'm laughing so much.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 03, 2012, 03:16:51 PM
My tummy hurts I'm laughing so much.

That's because you have nothing to fear.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 04, 2012, 01:35:44 AM
trying to warm up after taking doggie out , its so cold
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 04, 2012, 04:45:31 AM
trying to warm up after taking doggie out , its so cold

^ up your calorie intake dude.  If for no other reason than an excuse to eat doughnuts.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 04, 2012, 09:56:08 AM
Trying to cool down after coming from the street bathed in sweat. A shower and a cold beer is what the doctor recommended.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 04, 2012, 01:48:52 PM
Trying to cool down after coming from the street bathed in sweat. A shower and a cold beer is what the doctor recommended.

You think you're so funny don't you XT  >:(.  I'm already up to my ankles in the white stuff.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 04, 2012, 02:24:45 PM
You think you're so funny don't you XT  >:(.  I'm already up to my ankles in the white stuff.

I wish I was. Right now (6PM) we have 35C and a sensation of 39C. We are having power outages due to heavy electrical use and one of the times the light came back apparently one of my AC units got fried.  :(
All in all 39 is better than the -20 you're having in Europe.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 05, 2012, 01:43:43 AM
off sledging  :D :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 05, 2012, 06:16:03 AM
I wish I was. Right now (6PM) we have 35C and a sensation of 39C. We are having power outages due to heavy electrical use and one of the times the light came back apparently one of my AC units got fried.  :(
All in all 39 is better than the -20 you're having in Europe.

Last night the snow was gorgeous and with a temperature of 3o, it actually was pretty perfect for kids and adults alike to play in.  The problem is that during the night some very fine stuff fell on it that was a bit like fine rain, and that has made it slushy and hollow.  That's my excuse to the kids against their incessant nagging to go out, and I fear that soon I'm going to lose the argument.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 05, 2012, 08:04:16 AM
That's my excuse to the kids against their incessant nagging to go out, and I fear that soon I'm going to lose the argument.

Give up. That's worse than arguing with the missus.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 05, 2012, 08:07:04 AM
Give up. That's worse than arguing with the missus.  ;D

I am putting on the extra layers as I speak.  The call of Moretti was just too much to bear.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on February 05, 2012, 11:54:25 AM
I'm being hungry.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 05, 2012, 12:41:56 PM
I'm being hungry.

About to watch Batman the brave and the bold.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 05, 2012, 04:12:26 PM
Gettin' ready for Superbowl. I wonder if I'll make it until the end or wuss out with an hour to go like I did last year.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 06, 2012, 07:41:22 AM
 ::) too long for me to watch.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 06, 2012, 07:46:01 AM
::) too long for me to watch.

I made it all the way as the game wasn't decided until about the last 4 seconds. Bit heavy headed today though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 06, 2012, 10:20:51 AM
in the last 4 seconds  :o
I remember watching a game in the USA, fell asleep , woke up , fell asleep and it still was going when i woke up again. ;D ;D
Love the game but it does drag on a live game.

have just watched the game winning touch down. ???
wonder if his coach praised or told him off  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 06, 2012, 12:56:04 PM
in the last 4 seconds  :o
I remember watching a game in the USA, fell asleep , woke up , fell asleep and it still was going when i woke up again. ;D ;D
Love the game but it does drag on a live game.

have just watched the game winning touch down. ???
wonder if his coach praised or told him off  ;D ;D ;D

I tend to pause it on my Sky box, make a cuppa and whatever and then go back after about 15 minutes.  That way I can forward past all the breaks and studio chat and see a quarter in the time it should take.  I have to repeat the process each quarter which is a drag, but it does help the continuity of the game for me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 07, 2012, 12:05:53 AM
sugar , i have Virgin's equivalent box and never thought of that  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 07, 2012, 09:54:45 AM
Playing pool with my son who sounds like Snarf (and now is his new nickname).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 22, 2012, 09:43:50 AM
I'm trying to create a navigation bar for a website that looks like wood, and has a couple of spiral plane shavings still attached to it at one end.

I figured that would look cheap and rough if I tried to do it in Photoshop so instead I am trying to build it in 3D and then render it out for my image.

I'm not sure yet whether it will work, but I am having fun trying.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 22, 2012, 04:02:27 PM

They're actually not a bad idea for a logo either.  I might try do make a simple vector version with a spoof brand name and perhaps model it on the image you posted as it doesn't look far off as it is - with it so compact and all.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on February 25, 2012, 12:48:38 PM
What's the logo gonna be for?

I'm trying to encourage a guy to pluck his facial hair instead of shaving it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 25, 2012, 11:57:13 PM
 ::) pluck his facial hair ouch
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 26, 2012, 03:57:07 AM
What's the logo gonna be for?

I'm experimenting with some marketing for myself if I decide to start a timber window specialist company for myself later this year. I don't know if I really want to go back to one of my former trades full time, but it earned me so much money last year I thought it was worth getting things ready at least.

Hopefully I'd have won Euromillions by then though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 26, 2012, 07:09:27 AM
A massive shortage in decent trade people.
If it makes you money then why not
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 26, 2012, 12:05:07 PM
Right now I am just bursting from my Sunday dinner. 

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 26, 2012, 12:59:40 PM
Taking a break from migrating virtual machines off of one storage space to another.  Got 11 of 22 done yesterday.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 27, 2012, 06:58:16 AM
I really never play computer games anymore (other than on my phone) but today I thought I'd install and fire up King's Bounty as I've had it for years but haven't got around to installing it.

I must say, it has eaten my day up alive.

That's not good is it?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 27, 2012, 10:21:30 AM
It could be worse.  You could be paying $15 a month to play it like I'm doing with Star Wars: The Old Republic.  So far, it's money well spent as I'm thoroughly enjoying it.  Even got this mouse to make the play experience better.


Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 27, 2012, 02:09:31 PM
Can you phone home with on mouse?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 28, 2012, 12:47:32 AM
Heh, no, but the buttons on the side correspond with the 12 keys consisting of the number row (1-0, - and =) which go with the user HUD in the game.

Did I play any tonight?  No, tonight I've been continuing the migration of virtual machines from our old SAN to the one that's replacing it.  Since Saturday, I've migrated 21 virtual machines.  1 left and the application admin wants to wait until next Friday in case anything goes "wrong",  I'm going to try and convince him tomorrow that nothing will.  Keep your fingers crossed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 28, 2012, 02:33:18 AM
I remember the days when I played games with all he different weaponry on the number hotkeys etc, and there were even some instances when you had to ask a friend (or rather yell at him) to switch spell or sword to one that would kill your adversary. That mouse would have been priceless back then.

I am now preparing one of the comps from my attic (a little 2.7ghz Dell Optiplex) for my daughter' s ballet teacher that unfortunately isn't very well with the dreaded BC.  Hopefully a computer will help her out to some degree.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 05, 2012, 10:23:54 AM
It could be worse.  You could be paying $15 a month to play it like I'm doing with Star Wars: The Old Republic.  So far, it's money well spent as I'm thoroughly enjoying it.  Even got this mouse to make the play experience better.


I quite fancy this one
http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/cyborg-r-a-t-3-laser-gaming-mouse-black-06764346-pdt.html (http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/cyborg-r-a-t-3-laser-gaming-mouse-black-06764346-pdt.html)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 06, 2012, 11:32:21 AM
What on earth the problem is with connectivity to the database?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on March 10, 2012, 08:24:19 PM
watching an idiot aboard and working on school stuff.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 11, 2012, 01:05:17 AM
waking up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 11, 2012, 06:28:06 AM
Just leaving for a 5yr old's party.  It is an Italian affair so hopefully I'll come home well fed and watered. 

And then some.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 11, 2012, 07:14:05 AM
and watered. 

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 11, 2012, 12:35:32 PM
trying and failing to get my wife's email set up on a ipad 2. :o :o
totally fail.something to do with Virgins settings i think
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 11, 2012, 03:35:25 PM

And then some.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 17, 2012, 08:35:01 AM
 ::) me too. I hate driving
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 18, 2012, 05:17:29 AM
Off to my Ma's for mothers' day.

Happy Mothers' day to all those who celebrate it today.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 18, 2012, 07:36:07 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on March 20, 2012, 12:42:17 AM
It's Mother's Day?

I'm just amusing myself online for now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 20, 2012, 07:04:57 AM
It's Mother's Day?

In some parts of the world. In many parts it's in May. In my country it's in October.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on March 23, 2012, 10:59:25 AM
May here.

Posting here because not only do I like you guys but I also miss y'all!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 23, 2012, 02:04:44 PM
We miss you too sub.  How everything is going well for you.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 24, 2012, 09:58:56 AM
? knows as my movie wont play .

need to find another as the TV in the UK is rubbish tonight
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on March 24, 2012, 04:01:49 PM
:( working on my midterm and it looks awful. I probably should take a break….
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 24, 2012, 04:56:35 PM
Feeling beat after hanging a new front door for my in-laws.  Not actually a new door but one their neighbour had just taken off and you have no idea how hard it is to hang a door that has already been hung somewhere else.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 24, 2012, 05:32:12 PM
...you have no idea how hard it is to hang a door that has already been hung somewhere else.

I do!! You're entitled to insult all you want while hanging said door.

Right now I'm taking a pain killer for my neck.  :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 25, 2012, 12:34:04 AM
Coming down with the flu or something and sneezing my head off.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 25, 2012, 06:55:54 AM
I do!! You're entitled to insult all you want while hanging said door.

Nothing in its new space lined up with the ironmongery of the old door.  Not the hinges, the mortice lock, the yale lock, the chain, the door bolts - nada.  Not only that, but after reducing the door width to fit the new doorway, all the locks had to be housed in another 1/2" deeper which left visible holes on the front which had to be filled. 

Ache even more today.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 25, 2012, 08:16:50 AM
Nothing in its new space lined up with the ironmongery of the old door.  Not the hinges, the mortice lock, the yale lock, the chain, the door bolts - nada.  Not only that, but after reducing the door width to fit the new doorway, all the locks had to be housed in another 1/2" deeper which left visible holes on the front which had to be filled. 

Ache even more today.

So basically all that could go wrong went wrong.  :)  At least you managed to make things work.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 25, 2012, 11:32:22 AM
Would have been easier to just get a new door.  That sounds like it was a true PitA.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 25, 2012, 01:23:37 PM
Would have been easier to just get a new door.

It depends on the door.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 25, 2012, 02:11:54 PM
So basically all that could go wrong went wrong.  :)  At least you managed to make things work.

That's what I do and why people ask.

Would have been easier to just get a new door.  That sounds like it was a true PitA.

I think my father in-law saw the door the neighbour had changed and thought he could make good use of it considering a new one in that material would cost about £90.  I think by the end though even he wished he hadn't asked as (as XT said) everything that could have been a problem, was a problem. 

It looked sweet once finished though which is the important thing.

It depends on the door.

Had a new door been solid oak for instance, it would have been no fun at all.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on March 25, 2012, 11:16:01 PM
Waiting for my meds to kick in.  Having a terrible allergy attack and it doesn't seem to be getting any better.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 26, 2012, 07:03:51 AM
Waiting for my meds to kick in.  Having a terrible allergy attack and it doesn't seem to be getting any better.

Hope it calms down for you soon Sub'.  What was it that triggered it?  Pollen, work, men?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 26, 2012, 08:38:58 AM
chilling and trying to find a copy of office 2010.
Sons school runs powerpoint 2010 and i have only 2007  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 26, 2012, 02:29:30 PM
Listen to yet another infant cough.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 26, 2012, 02:55:42 PM
That's it, her cough is too bad.  I'm going to have to bring her down and look after her while watching telly in bed.

Oh well, let's hope she's better tomorrow.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 26, 2012, 09:36:47 PM
Is she better today, smokester?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on March 26, 2012, 09:43:16 PM
trying to remember something , because I feel like I've forgotten to do something important.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 27, 2012, 06:38:30 AM
Is she better today, smokester?

She doesn't cough that much during the day when she has a cough, it's when she gets horizontal that it really kicks off. 

She was coughing until about 2am last night right next to me so I didn't get that much sleep. That said, it was at a much reduced rate than it was when she was upstairs in her own bed.

Hopefully I'll have a better night.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 27, 2012, 06:44:31 AM
Sorry to hear that smokes.  I hope she gets better soon.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 27, 2012, 06:46:41 AM
It gets worse as today I went to fit some windows only to realise I have ordered them at the wrong size.  Lost £500 in doing so :'(


 :'( :'(

 :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 27, 2012, 08:00:35 AM
Yay!! Sounds like returning them is out of the question.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 27, 2012, 10:20:23 AM
ebay them
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 27, 2012, 10:50:45 AM
They are made to measure and it's a chance in a million that they'd fit somewhere else.  I once threw away 3 sets, however, in that case it was the joiner who'd sent them wrong and he had to stump up for the new sets.

The company I use is sending me down some new ones at cost so once the job is all finished, I should still earn about £100.  Better than losing £500 but worse than earning £400.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 28, 2012, 07:34:51 AM
 ::) you never know.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 28, 2012, 10:59:16 AM
::) you never know.

I may well have got lucky you know, I'll know for sure tomorrow.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 30, 2012, 11:30:23 AM
Right now I am feeling like poo warmed up without the warmed up bit.  I am completely drained and lethargic and I am not entirely sure why - although I do have a good idea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 30, 2012, 01:57:05 PM
trying to get see if my 5 month old laptop is repairable  ???
for some reason it restarted in its protected neoprene sleeve whilst in its bag.
I heard a clicking noise after about 2.5 hours and found it  on .
BOY was it hot. :o
turned off and cooled it down in the open air.
Now nothing  :'( :'(
placed a new hdd in , removed the ram and refitted it.
took out the battery and tried to turn on ac power only.
nothing what so ever  happens.
The small AC mains light that appears when plugged in doesn't even light.
Can only guess the processor has burnt out ??
Well issed off i can tell you.
Have just bought a new hybrid hdd and more ram to fit ( luck would have it, not fitted as yet )
Hope i can bluff Ebuyer into a new laptop .
Still under guarantee and no idea if they can find out how it burnt out.
Well it didn't shut down as it should have , so a fault maybe with the laptop anyway.

And to top it all my desktop froze on a update and i had to reboot it  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
F*c* it wont boot freezes at boot up showing bios, well most of the bios as my spare  hdd / dvd drive is missing.

I'm off to bed , have had enough of anything electronic  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
this is posted from my wifes if you are wondering how i posted.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 30, 2012, 02:28:43 PM
S&%$, goldshirt! You say it's still under guarantee: Will they fix it?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 30, 2012, 03:38:55 PM
trying to get see if my 5 month old laptop is repairable  ???
for some reason it restarted in its protected neoprene sleeve whilst in its bag.
I heard a clicking noise after about 2.5 hours and found it  on .
BOY was it hot. :o
turned off and cooled it down in the open air.
Now nothing  :'( :'(
placed a new hdd in , removed the ram and refitted it.
took out the battery and tried to turn on ac power only.
nothing what so ever  happens.
The small AC mains light that appears when plugged in doesn't even light.
Can only guess the processor has burnt out ??
Well issed off i can tell you.
Have just bought a new hybrid hdd and more ram to fit ( luck would have it, not fitted as yet )
Hope i can bluff Ebuyer into a new laptop .
Still under guarantee and no idea if they can find out how it burnt out.
Well it didn't shut down as it should have , so a fault maybe with the laptop anyway.

And to top it all my desktop froze on a update and i had to reboot it  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
F*c* it wont boot freezes at boot up showing bios, well most of the bios as my spare  hdd / dvd drive is missing.

I'm off to bed , have had enough of anything electronic  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
this is posted from my wifes if you are wondering how i posted.

Surely your home insurance would cover that even if it was your fault (not saying it was though). I have claimed when I dropped my video camera which evidently was due to my own stupidity.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 31, 2012, 12:03:32 AM
I would imagine if it was the cpu that's bad, it would still start up, just not POST.  I bet something happened with the psu.

And now your desktop is having issues?  Damn.  Is it running Windows or Linux?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 31, 2012, 09:21:25 AM
I bet something happened with the psu.

You could be right but if there was anything left in the battery he'd be able to boot from that.

If it really got that hot it probably fried (deballed) the mobo.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 31, 2012, 11:56:34 AM
Battery still feeds the PSU so no, he wouldn't be able to boot.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 01, 2012, 12:47:09 AM
well as you can see I'm just back on line .
It was a update in Windows 7 to do with Office ( I think).
it just froze on me and after a reboot it did the weirdest of things  :o
At the Bios boot screen the system kept stalling at finding secondary hdd on boot up ,I disconnected what i thought was the hdd only to realize it was the dvd drive I removed by error.
It worked though and the system rebooted to my desktop (No idea why this worked, can only assume the system lost the plot on what drive did what ?)
ran the update again (a few times ) and all seems well.I use Auslogics http://www.auslogics.com/en/ (http://www.auslogics.com/en/) which I ran a few times to tidy the errors up and all is great .TOUCH WOOD  ;D ;D

Not as bad as i thought.
After leaving overnight ( I couldn't be bothered to look at the time of incident)
I thought I'd take out the battery and run with only the psu plugged in, what i thought was the laptop psu lead turned out to be the wife's HTC phone  charger. DERRR ME  ;D ;D ;D ;D
(I hate the amount of different chargers we have). After i realized this i plugged in the laptop charger and removed my battery and it started.
Battery must have got so hot it just used all the power up
I have charged the battery since and all is OK. Lucky Me  :) :) up to now !!
The only good thing to come out of all of this is, when i stripped my laptop i found I had 1 x 4gb ram not 2 x 2 gb as I thought.
So i ordered another stick of 4gb to max it out
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 02, 2012, 02:56:41 PM
Goldie, I'm not sure whether or not to laugh, but I did anyway.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 02, 2012, 03:11:32 PM
why not i almost cried  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 03, 2012, 12:20:19 PM
Drying off.  Flippin' British weather!!!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 04, 2012, 12:38:51 AM
trying to wake up and failing .
Why when I can have a lay in , I can't  >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 04, 2012, 02:41:52 AM
Getting ready for a day at Dean City Farm (http://www.deencityfarm.co.uk/Catalyst_Site/00_Home_Page/00_Home_Page).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on April 04, 2012, 07:13:05 PM
I haven't been to a farm since a goat kicked me in the nose
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 04, 2012, 09:31:14 PM
Owie!  Damn!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 05, 2012, 07:21:00 AM
I saw a goat once that thought it was a dog. Seriously.

Right now I have just finished the weekly shop and I am fit to drop.  I might load up King's Bounty 2 though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 06, 2012, 08:30:36 AM
shop till u drop  ;D ;D ;D ;D

i am awaiting the weekend
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 06, 2012, 08:42:43 AM
Cooking and preparing things to go out for the weekend.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 06, 2012, 09:08:32 AM
Finishing out the work week so I can relax.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 06, 2012, 01:28:45 PM
working to morrow morning and then off till wednesday  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 06, 2012, 02:32:50 PM
I'm off until the kids go back to school, but that really isn't a good thing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 07, 2012, 07:38:37 AM
 i'm at work until th kids are back at school   ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on April 07, 2012, 09:51:12 AM
I'm trying to decide whether or not I should be annoyed with the loud music coming from the neighbour's shed, he's playing the music from the Rocky films.  At least it's not drum and bass, or that one in which you take your clothes off because it's getting hot in here.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 07, 2012, 11:38:15 AM
getting ready to go to a engagement party.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 07, 2012, 11:51:13 AM

I'm getting angry about my neighbour's music too, and after half a bottle of wine that isn't a good frame of mind to get into.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 08, 2012, 02:31:34 AM
bacon buttie mmm mmmmmmmmmmm very nice
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 08, 2012, 07:01:11 AM
As it's another dank day, it's King's bounty - Armored Princess for me until the golf starts.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on April 08, 2012, 11:22:32 AM
Eating mango icebox cake but really wanting a proper meal.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 08, 2012, 07:50:32 PM
Eating mango icebox cake but really wanting a proper meal.

Is this (http://www.confessionsofachocoholic.com/dessert/mango-memories) a good recipe for that? It looks delicious!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on April 09, 2012, 03:48:10 AM
It's the basic recipe so it should work very well.  It's just cream, mangoes, condensed milk and graham crackers/crumbs.  Just press the graham cracker into a crust, mix the cream and milk and layer them.  Use the sweetest mangoes you can find.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 09, 2012, 04:47:14 AM
Just press the graham cracker into a crust

Strangely I can't easily get graham crackers in my country but I have in mind a substitute that could work very well. Thanks sub!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 09, 2012, 03:24:59 PM
Digestives and cheese  :) :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on April 11, 2012, 10:52:14 AM
I'm wondering if I should go with a lanyard for my ID or a pull reel.  Or whatever it is they call them.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 11, 2012, 01:48:13 PM
In God's Country™ we use digestive biscuits.

Laughing a christ.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 13, 2012, 11:13:58 AM
after a afternoon of removing bath sealant and re sealing  :'( :'(
I am relaxing
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 14, 2012, 09:58:36 AM
after a afternoon of removing bath sealant and re sealing  :'( :'(
I am relaxing

Damn! I was meant to do that 2 days ago but completely forgot about it.  Hey-ho, there's still beer so I might as well do it now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 14, 2012, 02:50:11 PM
 ::) may need a couple of beers
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on April 14, 2012, 07:44:40 PM
that's what i'm doing, Sat. night and all, may also help ease sinus agony  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 15, 2012, 01:28:12 AM
waking up to a beautiful morning of glorious sunshine  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 15, 2012, 12:05:17 PM
Ok. Today I did something well overdue which was to shave my hair off (Yep, I really did).  I have had long hair for 21 years but my balding has stepped up the attack so it had to go.

I really like my new look so I admiring myself in a mirror right now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 15, 2012, 12:23:29 PM
mmmmmmmmmm suits you sir
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 15, 2012, 12:26:24 PM
mmmmmmmmmm suits you sir

I thought with the bald patch/patches I'd look older but apparently I look younger?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 16, 2012, 08:28:26 AM
I thought with the bald patch/patches I'd look older but apparently I look younger?

Let me see if I understand: you look younger now that you shaved your head. That's generally the case.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 16, 2012, 04:02:02 PM
Let me see if I understand: you look younger now that you shaved your head. That's generally the case.

How much do I owe you for saying that?



I could redirect laser beams.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on April 16, 2012, 07:10:03 PM
your not going to get an earring and tattoo's now i hope  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 17, 2012, 12:11:08 AM

more like a solar sex panel
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 17, 2012, 04:24:42 AM
your not going to get an earring and tattoo's now i hope  ;D

Got tattooed when I was about about 15 and had earrings from the age of 11 (wild child indeed). Oddly, I was a skin'ead back then too so I suppose it's just another cycle.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on April 17, 2012, 05:49:24 AM
the wheel of life, your going full circle  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 17, 2012, 06:27:20 AM
the wheel of life, your going full circle  ;D

I wish my back would feel like it did when I was a teenager, I think that part of me has jumped forward 30 years..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 17, 2012, 07:25:02 AM
How much do I owe you for saying that?

Actually I'm trying to convince my husband to just shave his head and be done with it.
BTW, I wonder what dwezz has to say on the matter.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 17, 2012, 08:50:56 AM
Ok. Today I did something well overdue which was to shave my hair off (Yep, I really did).  I have had long hair for 21 years but my balding has stepped up the attack so it had to go.

I really like my new look so I admiring myself in a mirror right now.

We should get together and make an ass of ourselves.

(props to Rodney Dangerfield)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 17, 2012, 10:58:08 AM
We should get together and make an ass of ourselves.

(props to Rodney Dangerfield)

Is that because to bald heads together look like buttocks?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on April 17, 2012, 02:11:11 PM
Thinking about chocolate made me hungry.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 17, 2012, 09:19:22 PM
Is that because to bald heads together look like buttocks?

You are correct sir.

Was looking for the scene of the department store and bald male mannequin from "Easy Money" but most of the image search results were...let's just say "not appropriate".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 18, 2012, 03:38:51 AM
I have to confess that I didn't quite go for the 'cue ball' appearance, I actually gave myself (with help) a grade 1 as I wanted to appease my mother at the same time.  As I lose more hair though I'll probably end up going the whole way.

You know, when I was a kid there were only 3 bald people in the world: Yul Brynner, Duncan Goodhew and that little bloke from The Benny Hill Show - and I'm not completely convinced about the latter.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 18, 2012, 05:51:11 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on April 18, 2012, 07:25:35 AM
and Telly Savalas (Kojak)  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 18, 2012, 07:30:26 AM
and Telly Savalas (Kojak)  ;D

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten him.  Maybe because George had such a find head of hair you'd got the impression his brother was wearing a bald cap.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 18, 2012, 10:10:21 PM

Haha, good times, I do recognize Jackie Wright from The Benny Hill Show...and darned if this isn't a game thread.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 19, 2012, 12:12:10 AM
catching up after 2 days  with no internet
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 19, 2012, 04:03:08 AM
Waiting for the call from the timber merchants to say my delivery is on the way.  Problem is the client lives a literal stone's throw from Buck' Palace so the traffic is always bad there and I have no real idea how long it will be from the call to the drop.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on April 20, 2012, 06:43:13 PM
the client lives a literal stone's throw from Buck' Palace

Please throw one from me.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 21, 2012, 01:06:27 AM
Please throw one from me.  ;D
  ???  ;D ;D

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 21, 2012, 12:01:12 PM
Please throw one from me.  ;D

Bit too near New Scotland Yard to get away with that.

Right now I am recovering from a miserable day at work. Anything that could go wrong, did go wrong.  Now a 4 day job is going to take me 8 at least which essentially means I'm working for half pay.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 21, 2012, 02:57:20 PM
 ::) ouch
i am preparing to welcome my wife home and watch
one flew over the cuckoos nest
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 21, 2012, 03:10:22 PM
::) ouch
i am preparing to welcome my wife home and watch
one flew over the cuckoos nest

You've been missusless? You should have said and I'd have brought the beer and the porn round.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 22, 2012, 01:30:34 AM
now you say  :-[
she has been working a lot of late shifts at the old folk home.
In fact mostly lates of late  ;D ;D
It is the only time i get to watch the movie's i want to.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 22, 2012, 12:49:04 PM

In fact mostly lates of late  ;D ;D

If my missus did that I'd definitely sign up for Sky Sports.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 25, 2012, 02:36:57 AM
Looking for a thread to post in :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 25, 2012, 07:13:53 AM
drying out
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 25, 2012, 12:26:35 PM
Trying not to fall asleep on my laptop. Jeez, I need caffeine!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 25, 2012, 07:27:52 PM
Trying to install chrome and getting ready to play a little SW:TOR.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 26, 2012, 09:15:41 AM
Trying not to fall asleep on my laptop. Jeez, I need caffeine!

I'd never feel tired if I lived in South America.  Especially if I were in Peru or Bolivia.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 26, 2012, 09:51:56 AM
formatting a new hdd
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 26, 2012, 10:37:52 AM
I am recovering from another killer day at work.  Why do I underestimate the time it takes to do things so often, you'd think I'd have learnt by now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 26, 2012, 01:23:45 PM
 ::) you always wish for the opposite
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 26, 2012, 01:39:05 PM
::) you always wish for the opposite

Ok. I wish for an empty bottle of Cognac.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 26, 2012, 01:56:14 PM
me too  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: MisterAJ on April 26, 2012, 05:11:28 PM
Why do I underestimate the time it takes to do things so often
Most people in our modern western society tend to overestimate themselves and their own time managment.
I have observed this for quite some time.
you'd think I'd have learnt by now.
Implying anyone who has ever visited this place could learn from past folie.


as for this topic...

Havin' a beer, watching the world go insane with each passing day.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on April 26, 2012, 06:39:31 PM
Ok. I wish for an empty bottle of Cognac.
no trick to that, start with a full one, and before you know it, voila, wish fulfilled  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 27, 2012, 05:35:49 AM
receiving my sons 4 exam grades.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 27, 2012, 06:55:26 AM
Implying anyone who has ever visited this place could learn from past folie.

I tend to get there in the end - whenever that is?

Right now I am enjoying scraping the paint off my hands with the knowledge that they will stay relatively clean for another 2 days.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 04, 2012, 11:15:41 AM
working  out how to install a graphic driver on a old dell desktop W7
when the installer screen is bigger than the desktop  ???
plus i cannot alter the size of the installer screen
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 04, 2012, 02:59:13 PM
working  out how to install a graphic driver on a old dell desktop W7
when the installer screen is bigger than the desktop  ???
plus i cannot alter the size of the installer screen

You have to use the TAB + Enter keys and use a lot of guesswork.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 05, 2012, 04:55:35 AM
sorted it out  :)
cannot change the resolution though  :(
desktop no good for w7  :'(
the owner will have to put xp back on.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 06, 2012, 11:29:16 AM
sorted it out  :)
cannot change the resolution though  :(
desktop no good for w7  :'(
the owner will have to put xp back on.

Get a cheap graph card from one of the Chinese companies on Ebay, that supports the resolution you want.  Probably only cost £5.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 06, 2012, 12:01:00 PM
no appropriate slot on the desktop  ;D ;D 
is an an old dell dimension 2400.

reinstalled xp and it worked a treat.
for a friend's daughter. he wants to attached it to her lcd tv and hey presto
Internet tv at a fraction of a cost. :D :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 06, 2012, 03:38:27 PM
Trying and failing to beat K'Tahu even with an army full of dragons.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 07, 2012, 08:22:37 AM
I think i'm still sobering up  :-[
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 07, 2012, 12:31:16 PM
I think i'm still sobering up  :-[

I was out on the common today and had a beer and 2 Brandies.  Now I have just finished dinner and had a glass and a half of Shiraz, I too feel a tad squiffy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 10, 2012, 05:23:08 PM
having a mug of decaff Orange Pekoe and a smoke, patiently waiting 'till this time tomorrow night (Friday night=Lager  ;D )
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 11, 2012, 01:43:23 AM
I'm getting ready for work while the call from my bed is deafening. It's hard to ignore.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 11, 2012, 04:16:17 AM
cleaning up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on May 12, 2012, 10:51:22 AM
Trying to get some sleep. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 12, 2012, 11:00:14 AM
I am preparing the evening's entertainment, and shortly, also this evening's dinner.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 12, 2012, 02:06:20 PM
just going to fire up the barbie, beers are on ice for dessert  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on May 13, 2012, 11:50:13 AM
Looking for  drink.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 13, 2012, 12:31:24 PM
Looking for  drink.
I found it  ;D ;D ;D ;D
I am at the moment adding subtitles to mandarin movies
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 13, 2012, 12:40:09 PM
Your own?  Like a MST3K Foreign Film Extravaganza?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 13, 2012, 12:50:54 PM
I play most of my movies through a LG blue ray player.
it wont pick up the srt file .
so i have found a easy prog to add the srt file to the movie.
so far so good  :D

All i have to do is wait for the wife to go to work, as she hates subtitled movies

MST3K  never heard of until just now . :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 13, 2012, 02:47:55 PM
I went out for lunch today with the in-laws and other family, and I really overdid it with the beer, wine and Brandy.

I am feeling... rough.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 13, 2012, 07:35:59 PM
I believe the guys that did MST3k are the same ones who now do RiffTrax.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 14, 2012, 02:30:10 AM
I believe the guys that did MST3k are the same ones who now do RiffTrax.

I got a hangover and then you start speaking in tongues.  Not helping.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 14, 2012, 10:33:37 AM
twisted tongue more like  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 18, 2012, 09:13:27 AM
drinking a bud.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 19, 2012, 06:49:34 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on May 19, 2012, 08:19:59 AM

me too !
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 19, 2012, 10:49:01 AM
being tortured. hungover, tired (was at friends 'till 4 a.m.), just got in from taking my 84 year old mother shopping, going make something to eat, then assemble her new patio furniture (one of the many things she bought)   :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 19, 2012, 10:51:40 AM

I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air,
They fly so high,
Nearly reach the sky,
Then like my dreams,
They fade and die.
Fortune's always hiding,
I've looked everywhere,
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air.

Come on Red, join in now.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 20, 2012, 01:09:59 AM
Why does my mouth feel like the bottom of a budgies cage  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on May 20, 2012, 02:42:31 PM

I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air,
They fly so high,
Nearly reach the sky,
Then like my dreams,
They fade and die.
Fortune's always hiding,
I've looked everywhere,
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air.

I've always wondered why West Ham fans sung that particular song?  ???

I knew West Ham would only be away from the Prem for one season. I'm glad you're back up, Liverpool have sorely missed those six points.  :P

Come on Red, join in now.

Okay, but i'll change the song.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 20, 2012, 02:52:20 PM
Liverpool have sorely missed those six points.  :P

Points? Are you sure you don't mean managers?

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on May 20, 2012, 03:02:35 PM
Points? Are you sure you don't mean managers?

Liverpool are treating managers like a bag of Revels. Go through as many as possible and sooner or later we'll come across the best one (the coffee).  :)

Rumour has it Andre Villas-Boas will be offered the job within a couple of days. Rumour usually gets it wrong though and I'm worried we'll be lumbered with Roberto Martinez.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 20, 2012, 03:10:37 PM
Liverpool are treating managers like a bag of Revels. Go through as many as possible and sooner or later we'll come across the best one (the coffee).  :)

Rumour has it Andre Villas-Boas will be offered the job within a couple of days. Rumour usually gets it wrong though and I'm worried we'll be lumbered with Roberto Martinez.

Would you have confidence in Frank Rijkaard if he were up for job and of course, was offered it?  He also probably has first hand experience of good quality coffee.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: redlandslide on May 20, 2012, 03:29:05 PM
Would you have confidence in Frank Rijkaard if he were up for job and of course, was offered it?  He also probably has first hand experience of good quality coffee.

If I were involved in recruiting the new manager my shortlist would consist of Pep Guardiola, Guus Hiddink, Jose Mourinho, Jurgen Klopp & Rafa Benitez. Possibly also Andre Villas-Boas & Didier Deschamps. Whoever takes charge I'd install Jamie Carragher as a player/coach and future manager.  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on May 21, 2012, 11:23:42 PM
You guys have lost me.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 22, 2012, 03:08:43 AM
Waiting for a ton of timber to arrive at my house.

My daughter's room is tiny so I have designed a bed and small wardrobe that should accommodate her and her clothes until she is fully grown.  I'll take pics when I eventually start the construction.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 22, 2012, 11:00:40 AM
I'll take pics when I eventually start the construction.

You're planning on sharing them with us, aren't you?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 22, 2012, 11:50:21 AM
You guys have lost me.
me to. wrong shape ball
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on May 23, 2012, 09:49:03 PM
But aren't all balls round?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 24, 2012, 09:24:05 AM
But aren't all balls round?
no no no no
mine are oval or egg shaped. ;)  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 24, 2012, 02:52:55 PM
no no no no
mine are oval or egg shaped. ;)  ;D ;D

Play a lot of Rugby eh.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 24, 2012, 05:15:30 PM
or took a wicked kick in the family jewels at some time  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 25, 2012, 04:24:32 AM
I'm trying to convince myself that 11.20am isn't too early for a beer.  It is sweltering hot and I am working like a Shire horse, so maybe the 12pm rule doesn't stand in these situations?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 25, 2012, 07:20:36 AM
Play a lot of Rugby eh.
ooooooooooooo yes , use to.

at the moment i'm melting
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on May 27, 2012, 02:42:37 AM
Debating the merits of pansit or adobo for dinner.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 27, 2012, 03:54:22 AM
Debating the merits of pansit or adobo for dinner.

Why not just invite them both?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 27, 2012, 06:12:13 AM
packing the trailer for camping trip
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 27, 2012, 07:59:54 AM
restocking the fridge with more beer.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 27, 2012, 08:13:41 AM
pretty well emptied mine last night  :P
tea and cigarettes today  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 01, 2012, 03:13:29 PM
Yawning and then some. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on June 01, 2012, 06:51:21 PM
i'm drinking a tall boy can of something called Coors Light Iced Tea they were giving out free with Coors 12 packs, and its gross, lager with iced tea in it just doesn't work  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 02, 2012, 05:27:58 AM
Trying to imagine the above.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 02, 2012, 11:16:30 AM
its gross, lager with iced tea in it just doesn't work  :P

Trying not to gag.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 02, 2012, 11:25:12 AM
Researching some juicer recipes for the missus. With the holiday coming up in October, she's beginning to panic about her waistline. 

I could snigger but I won't.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 02, 2012, 11:27:40 AM
You louse! Poor woman.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 02, 2012, 11:30:18 AM
You louse! Poor woman.

I'll deny I sniggered till the bitter end you know.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 04, 2012, 01:38:24 PM
Just got in from a Jubilee party and I am enjoying the concert at Buck' Palace on TV.

Somewhere along the way I think I got old.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 10, 2012, 01:08:30 AM
drying out  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on June 10, 2012, 07:06:14 AM
^ what he said  :P ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 10, 2012, 07:40:50 AM
Fighting back a headache.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on June 10, 2012, 09:04:11 AM
Watching Leverage.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 10, 2012, 09:35:12 AM
about to watch footie
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 11, 2012, 10:23:11 AM
Trying to watch footie but I haven't tidied and the missus is home soon.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 11, 2012, 03:45:39 PM
Watched quite a bit of footie Saturday and Sunday. But not today.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 12, 2012, 12:50:26 AM
nothing much
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 12, 2012, 02:45:18 AM
I have to go to bloody Stratford again today and the Stoke Newington.  I could, quite seriously, get to Italy quicker.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 12, 2012, 05:32:44 AM
I have to go to bloody Stratford again today and the Stoke Newington.  I could, quite seriously, get to Italy quicker.

You could hire a Carioca taxi driver. But then maybe you're planning to get there alive...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 12, 2012, 08:24:09 AM
You could hire a Carioca taxi driver. But then maybe you're planning to get there alive...

Wouldn't matter either way as after a few minutes in East London my life wouldn't be worth tuppence.  Why they'd have the Olympics there I'll never know, might as well just have them in Ciudad Bolívar.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 13, 2012, 12:49:09 AM
trying to wake up
edit. have just seen the violence after the euro game last night.

makes me sick watching some of what happened.
the governing bodies should kick out russia / poland.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 13, 2012, 05:18:42 AM
trying to wake up
edit. have just seen the violence after the euro game last night.

makes me sick watching some of what happened.
the governing bodies should kick out russia / poland.

I think it might get worse.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on June 13, 2012, 07:43:18 AM
drove my niece to her summer job at a fast food restaurant, she just started last week, and hates it already (she's 16)  ;D
gulping a cup of tea, then going to plant flowers on my Father's grave.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 15, 2012, 01:25:50 AM
I think it might get worse.
hope not.

gulping a cup of tea, then going to plant flowers on my Father's grave.

thats nice. :D

getting ready for another gruelling day at work  ???
lifting 400 gram parts for 5 hours tires me out  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 15, 2012, 03:27:14 PM
Recovering from the England game.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 16, 2012, 06:43:09 AM
still have a headache  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on July 08, 2012, 09:19:27 AM
Eating my second batch of dinner.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 08, 2012, 11:12:44 AM
Preparing to cook.  I really shouldn't have pigged out on peanuts this afternoon, I feel sick now...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on July 09, 2012, 08:18:54 AM
trying to psych myself up to cut the grass, hateful job  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 10, 2012, 02:55:37 PM
Recovering after a 12hr working day.  I haven't done a day that long since... actually I have never done a day that long.

It a record!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on July 14, 2012, 06:48:23 PM
Trying to.
 Install ubuntu on my netbook. So far so good.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 15, 2012, 12:57:02 AM
Trying to.
 Install ubuntu on my netbook. So far so good.
good for you
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 16, 2012, 12:46:37 PM
Trying to make the kids..

Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on July 16, 2012, 01:04:34 PM
Trying to.
 Install ubuntu on my netbook. So far so good.
i was told Puppy Linux is nice and light for netbooks, and a good, easy introduction to Linux, though i haven't tried it on mine yet.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 17, 2012, 08:35:59 AM
Fuduntu is light, mostly cloud programs.
depends on your netbook spec
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 20, 2012, 12:54:34 PM
syncing Ubuntu one on my phone and desktop
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 20, 2012, 05:34:07 PM
Went for dinner here (http://www.alfornonewmalden.co.uk) this evening and now I am feeling really sick from eating far too much... and then some.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 21, 2012, 12:22:22 AM
Went for dinner here (http://www.alfornonewmalden.co.uk) this evening and now I am feeling really sick from eating far too much... and then some.
making me peckish
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 22, 2012, 01:51:05 PM
recovering from a weekend in Oxford.
drove down saturday, Shopped for a few hours in Bicester factory outlet village (well the wife did,I just loitered outside in the sun) so so meal at Villandry Restaurant http://www.bicestervillage.com/en/brand-directory/brands/villandry (http://www.bicestervillage.com/en/brand-directory/brands/villandry)
in fact a over priced chicken burger with frozen fries. :(
Still a lovely walk down the Isis river (the Thames anywhere else).
Had a couple of pints at the Isis pub and watched a few party barges go by and a wedding at the same pub.excellent place, then the pub Prince of Wales in Iffley  a very nice free house indeed.staggered home.
weather was great.
Baptist church for a naming ceremony on Sunday morning  :-\ this didn't go to well and off we went home early.
I don't want to upset anyone here with Religious views , so words were said and I and a few others walked out. :-\

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 22, 2012, 02:44:02 PM
^ sounds like you had a bit if everything there Goldie, including the fireworks.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 23, 2012, 11:02:33 AM
so true, i expect them next time i visit Oxford  :-X

ATM i am fitting a new Virgin super hub.
As you can tell i have fited it and an about to install my old wireless router in my sons bedroom.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 23, 2012, 08:29:50 PM
Trying to decide if I feel sh!tty enough to send and e-mail saying I'm working from home tonight or wait to see how I feel in the morning.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 24, 2012, 01:42:20 AM
about to make pancakes
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 24, 2012, 09:09:22 AM
Had a power cut last night from 12am till 2am. Now I'm getting a WiFi connection from the modem but bugger all via the hardwire?

3 out of 4 of the comps in this house are hardwired.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 24, 2012, 11:13:13 PM
Probably stupid to ask but, have you rebooted the computers having issues?  Actually disabling and re-enabling the network connection should suffice, but more often then not, a reboot is simpler to explain to people.  Do the wired computers get IP addresses via DHCP or have you statically assigned them an IP address?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 28, 2012, 03:23:19 PM
Probably stupid to ask but, have you rebooted the computers having issues?  Actually disabling and re-enabling the network connection should suffice, but more often then not, a reboot is simpler to explain to people.  Do the wired computers get IP addresses via DHCP or have you statically assigned them an IP address?

It was something to do with the Network mapping of the Win 7 machines (XP comps had no interruptions).  I deleted the internet network and then installed it again and all was back to normal.  Not entirely sure why that happened that way, but trying to refresh/reset services didn't resolve the connection? 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 28, 2012, 05:24:58 PM
Maybe it was using an old network route.  Hard to determine now but glad you got it working.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 29, 2012, 04:37:09 AM
watching dressage
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on July 29, 2012, 07:21:20 AM
tea, cigarette. little slow and foggy this morning  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 30, 2012, 07:43:33 AM
having a blistering argument with Santander banking
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 31, 2012, 03:43:28 AM
Awaiting a new washing machine.  They'd originally told me between 6.30am (I kid you not) and 5pm.  Apparently it's because of the Olympics even though they are only going from where Chek lives to here, which is all pretty much West London and the Olympics are in the East.

Good new is it's been whittled down to between 12pm and 3pm.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on July 31, 2012, 06:10:11 AM
sounds like the cable company  :P
everyone has a cellphone now, so always tell them to phone when their on their way, doesn't tie you down quite so bad.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 31, 2012, 10:15:47 AM
Meh, you all live in the civilised world.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on July 31, 2012, 10:30:07 AM
civilized isn't all its cracked up to be  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 31, 2012, 10:46:25 AM
awaiting lunch
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 31, 2012, 03:27:40 PM
Meh, you all live in the civilised world.  ;D

Civilised?  In my house maybe, but all the others are riff raff.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on July 31, 2012, 04:56:48 PM
sitting in front of the fan, it hit 29C today, humidex 35C, and sunny  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 01, 2012, 07:59:25 AM
sitting in front of the fan, it hit 29C today, humidex 35C, and sunny  :P
sell you a little of my cold weather, for a little heat from you
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on August 04, 2012, 10:00:31 AM
Watching Dark Side of the Moon with the CP.  My younger son had fallen asleep so I had to carry him in.

It's amazing how quickly they grow.  I now have difficulty carrying my older son to bed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on August 07, 2012, 06:36:18 PM
sell you a little of my cold weather, for a little heat from you
anytime, i'm a Fall/Winter person  :P
i have a 1 day safety seminar tomorrow in an un-airconditioned classroom full of people, with an exam after 8 hours, and it's supposed to hit 28C, humidex mid 30's, the temp alone is enough to get me sweating, but add an exam (need 85% to pass)  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 08, 2012, 12:44:46 AM
as you state,i do prefer a little cooler weather also.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on August 08, 2012, 04:54:04 PM
Trying to sleep.  Shhh! >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on August 08, 2012, 06:45:34 PM
^ your lucky, my bedroom is sweltering  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 09, 2012, 01:40:22 AM
catching up, then servicing my bike
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 09, 2012, 04:44:26 AM
Recovering from getting in at 2am.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on August 11, 2012, 08:02:49 AM
What did you do?

Planning stuff.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 11, 2012, 09:51:15 AM
after a epic 1 mile walk with the dog, stopping off at the local pub for 1 hour.
I feel shattered  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on August 11, 2012, 10:28:28 AM
trying to motivate myself to houseclean, but it's so darn humid it's hard to get started  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 11, 2012, 03:15:41 PM
What did you do?

Celebrated 3 birthdays in one but unfortunately I was on the new bike and couldn't drink.  I ended up just nattering till late and allowed myself a couple of light beers.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 12, 2012, 04:54:45 AM
just finished work and have the whole day to myself, wife off to Oxford for another christening
She's to become a godmother again
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on August 12, 2012, 08:13:24 AM
having a tea in front of the fan so i don't sweat too much, doesn't really make sense, i know, but need my tea  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 12, 2012, 09:31:27 AM
At my mother's celebrating her birthday.  Interesting thing is that I actually hail from North Finchley, and Anthony Joshua who boxes out of the same club I did when I was a kid, just one a gold medal.  North Finchley is a mile away from where my mother lives so I may go home that way and see if anyone has taken to partying in the street yet.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 12, 2012, 12:15:13 PM
he won a gold, well done to him.
I would have given him a silver, but what do i know of boxing
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on August 12, 2012, 12:46:22 PM
Getting all emotional over Youtube videos.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 12, 2012, 03:28:57 PM
Had to go out for a few hours for coffee and some pool (pocket billiards) cuz we lost power all along my road for some reason.  Nice day, no storms but power was out for 3 hours.  Power company gave no reason but as the power was out for a good length along this road (several miles) I don't think it was something as simple as someone crashed into a transformer pole.  Oh well, it's back now and I might take a nap.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on August 13, 2012, 12:53:15 AM
Thinking about where to eat.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on August 13, 2012, 06:47:59 AM
after a epic 1 mile walk with the dog, stopping off at the local pub for 1 hour.
I feel shattered  ;D ;D
Hows the dog feeling?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 13, 2012, 08:00:37 AM
Shattered and bruised.
had to fight him off my pint of bitter  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 16, 2012, 09:51:46 PM
Today I was going on my way to rent a costume for my daughter's school play and since it was nearly closing time I had to run. Yeah, actually run. I tripped and ended up sprawled in the sidewalk. I only scratched my palms but it was quite embarrassing.
Later tonight while we were getting home my husband let the costume drop in the curb. I'll just say it's been raining today and the plastic cover didn't cover the entire costume. So right now I'm washing and drying said costume.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 16, 2012, 11:03:44 PM
Dang, crappy day xtop.  At least it's almost over.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on August 17, 2012, 01:07:26 AM
I was reading this
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 17, 2012, 07:11:28 AM
Dang, crappy day xtop.  At least it's almost over.

Officially over. It lasted only half an hour (that's not a bad thing  ;D) and I already took the costume back to the shop. I put it in a big plastic bag since it's still raining buckets.

I was reading this

Genetically modified foods are such an interesting matter. In many aspects.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on August 17, 2012, 12:56:52 PM
I'm wondering if I should make a pot roast. It's 15:00 (3pm) here and it will take ~8 hours, but will I really want pot roast at midnight or later?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 17, 2012, 03:13:14 PM
Today I was going on my way to rent a costume for my daughter's school play and since it was nearly closing time I had to run. Yeah, actually run. I tripped and ended up sprawled in the sidewalk. I only scratched my palms but it was quite embarrassing.
Later tonight while we were getting home my husband let the costume drop in the curb. I'll just say it's been raining today and the plastic cover didn't cover the entire costume. So right now I'm washing and drying said costume.

Bugger! I hope your fall doesn't amount to anything as my recent and very embarrassing tumble, is still not completely better. Men can be such klutz.

I'm wondering if I should make a pot roast. It's 15:00 (3pm) here and it will take ~8 hours, but will I really want pot roast at midnight or later?

It's Friday night after all. Hopefully you don't have to get up for work tomorrow.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 17, 2012, 03:44:06 PM
Bugger! I hope your fall doesn't amount to anything as my recent and very embarrassing tumble, is still not completely better.

My shoulder is bothering me a bit but I'm OK.

I'm wondering if I should make a pot roast. It's 15:00 (3pm) here and it will take ~8 hours, but will I really want pot roast at midnight or later?

8 hours?! What are you cooking? A brontosaurus?  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on August 17, 2012, 04:18:15 PM
8 hours?! What are you cooking? A brontosaurus?  ;D

I dunno. It's a slow cooker (http://www.amazon.com/Hamilton-Beach-Quart-Oval-Cooker/dp/B003UV8L6G/ref=sr_1_6?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1345241616&sr=1-6). It cooks slowly.

Well, it's 6pm now and I never went to the store. Maybe pot roast another night.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 17, 2012, 05:38:36 PM
I dunno. It's a slow cooker (http://www.amazon.com/Hamilton-Beach-Quart-Oval-Cooker/dp/B003UV8L6G/ref=sr_1_6?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1345241616&sr=1-6). It cooks slowly.

Ah, I understand. Fancy btw.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 17, 2012, 06:19:03 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on August 17, 2012, 07:36:00 PM

¿Por qué?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 17, 2012, 07:48:05 PM
¿Por qué?

'Cos of this (http://www.diasfora.co.uk/index.php?topic=3263.msg214155#msg214155).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on August 17, 2012, 09:32:38 PM
Trying to memorize this---->
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 17, 2012, 09:36:11 PM
Putting pieces of paper into piles, sorting to file it away and doing my best to recycle as much as possible.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 18, 2012, 05:39:34 AM
I've just been called to fix a sink in the cafe on Clapham Common so I have to dash.  Good news is my usual fee is lunch for all the family + beer.  Not a bad deal considering today is the hottest day of the year.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on August 18, 2012, 06:34:15 AM
Gonna go for a walk, grab a comic, get the groceries, and head on home. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 18, 2012, 06:43:48 AM
It was too hot out.  I came home.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on August 18, 2012, 09:08:19 AM
house cleaning. supposed to get hot later, get it done, maybe go to the beach if the sun comes out.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 18, 2012, 11:00:33 AM
House cleaning: that's what I should do. But I won't.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 18, 2012, 11:53:57 AM
Making jam.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on August 18, 2012, 06:50:33 PM
having a few lager in front of the fan, very humid, watching Cops, and think i'll pop in a movie when its over, and have some crisps  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 20, 2012, 06:42:50 AM
Cops is a good show.

I'm listening to this and contemplating going back to bed.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmbbV9fXcgc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmbbV9fXcgc)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 20, 2012, 10:06:52 AM
Beer and BBQ in the garden with my mother and father in law and their dog.  Just me and the kids as the missus was out and I have really drunk too much beer.  Had 2 espressos and I am still squiffy.

Damn, it's only 5pm.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 20, 2012, 11:03:59 AM
Beer and BBQ in the garden with my mother and father in law and their dog.  Just me and the kids as the missus was out and I have really drunk too much beer.  Had 2 espressos and I am still squiffy.

I hope you didn't make a fool of yourself in front of the in-laws. I got mine accustomed to my "verbosity" when drink too much.  ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 20, 2012, 11:13:42 AM
I hope you didn't make a fool of yourself in front of the in-laws. I got mine accustomed to my "verbosity" when drink too much.  ::)

Other than nodding off occasionally I think I did ok.

Don't quote me though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on August 20, 2012, 05:02:54 PM
just did dishes, going to take out the garbage. it's still very humid  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 21, 2012, 04:34:00 PM
Other than nodding off occasionally I think I did ok.

Don't quote me though.

Too late.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on August 21, 2012, 09:40:33 PM
just did dishes, going to take out the garbage. it's still very humid  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 21, 2012, 10:03:12 PM
relaxing after a long day of working.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on August 23, 2012, 12:06:16 AM
Trying to get the energy to wax the floors.

I'm failing miserably right now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 23, 2012, 12:28:04 AM
Just do one thing at a time.  Think of the pleasure of the floors being waxed.  Then you can kick back and rest.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 23, 2012, 06:34:08 AM
After being on the phone to my bank for 2 hours, I am now attempting to calm down and get rid of the murderous thoughts.

How hard can it be to tie 2 accounts I hold, together?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 23, 2012, 07:48:46 AM
Feeling miserable. I've been ill since a couple of days ago (apparently with the flu) but last night and today have been terrible.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 23, 2012, 09:23:17 PM
That sucks.  Hope you are soon feeling lots better.

I'm relaxing after putting up two more batches of jam.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 23, 2012, 10:50:43 PM
Sorry to hear you've been under the weather xtop.  Hope it's not what I'm getting over.  I was only really sick for a day but I've had 3 days of bubble-head since.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 24, 2012, 03:40:17 AM
Feeling miserable. I've been ill since a couple of days ago (apparently with the flu) but last night and today have been terrible.

So sorry to hear that XT.  I hope your man is pampering you and demonstrating concern?.

Maybe we should start an infirmary thread for sick members, where everyone else can visit and send flower/grapes to.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on August 24, 2012, 06:35:25 AM
saying "i was not that" about twenty things, all starting with exactly that reference and pertaining to the couch.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 24, 2012, 08:21:46 AM
I hope your man is pampering you and demonstrating concern?.

Poor man, he wasn't feeling well himself and yet he took our kid to school, went to work, and brought food at night.

Right now I feel only moderately miserable.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 24, 2012, 09:45:02 AM
^ Well done picking your husband XT.

Right now I am painting the kitchen, and by the looks of it, my keyboard too.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on August 24, 2012, 10:02:01 AM
I robbed a bank and killed a bunch of cops. Now I'm going to buy some ammo and execute some hits. Grand Theft Auto IV
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 24, 2012, 11:54:13 AM
About to start dinner.  Chili king prawn salad tonight.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on August 24, 2012, 12:09:39 PM
Reading about Environmental Science, imagine that.   :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on August 24, 2012, 01:45:18 PM
after a long and busy day,i have to decide if I want to read a book or playing a silly game
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on August 24, 2012, 01:59:44 PM
cooling down and relaxing. hot, hard day at work, and decided to cut the grass when i got home so i won't have to do it Sat. or Sun.  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on August 24, 2012, 05:58:27 PM
it seems like your always cutting grass

watching Team Umizoomi with my neice
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on August 24, 2012, 06:02:07 PM
actually, it's been 6 or 7 weeks since a full cut, trimmed a few spots in the shade (where it grew a bit) with the whipper snipper last week. driest Summer here since 1965, farmer's are panicking  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on August 24, 2012, 10:06:44 PM
driest Summer here since 1965, farmer's are panicking  :-\
having the same problem here, and where do you live ?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on August 25, 2012, 06:20:57 AM
Eastern Canada (Prince Edward Island). you?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on August 25, 2012, 07:01:34 AM
north Italy near Como (Lombardy)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on August 25, 2012, 07:11:47 AM
Nice : )   I am doing my motherly duty, then reading the rest of my chapter work whilst I await the next mission provided by my young.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on August 26, 2012, 10:18:37 AM
Trying to come up with ideas for the ghost story my son wants me to write.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on August 26, 2012, 10:29:08 AM
Nice.  I want to write a ghost story.  I seem to write modern fiction though.  Anyway, I am moving a dresser out of my bedroom.  Reading more chapter work.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 26, 2012, 10:48:10 AM
after a week of touring north Germany , I am atm traveling over the north sea on my way home to blighty as i write.
Berlin was fantastic, Hamele in was also great.
but my internet connection on the ship is rubbish.

will post some pictures soon

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 26, 2012, 02:36:38 PM
I hope you had good weather.  I enjoyed my time in Marburg.

I'm taking a break from pulling pits out of plum pulp.  My hands smell good at least.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 26, 2012, 05:44:09 PM
About to grab an hour on Dragon Age and maybe even tell Leliana it's over and have it off with Morrigan.

I've already done that the other way round so they might be wise to me?...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on August 27, 2012, 04:22:14 AM
Hahaha.. I had quite the relationship with Allister.  Then I made him king...

I am stick scratching my behind, waking up.  Waiting to read a post from batz : )
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on August 27, 2012, 04:38:16 AM
It's been a while since I've played a Grand Theft Auto game (played em all) and I really stink at driving in GTA 4. I'm about to start this one mission for ~ 30th time. I keep crashing the motorcycle and losing the other bad guy. Rinse and repeat...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 27, 2012, 04:50:15 AM
about to crash on the sofa for a hour
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 27, 2012, 06:26:33 AM
Hahaha.. I had quite the relationship with Allister.  Then I made him king...

I am stick scratching my behind, waking up.  Waiting to read a post from batz : )

The "version" I have has the nudity mod and the "better sex scenes" too (it came with those installed - would I lie?), so romantic interludes are a tad more interesting.  The first and second time you see them at least.

Right now I am on a chocolate digestive binge.  Somebody stop me!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on August 27, 2012, 07:35:53 AM
one way, i've been eating strawberry white chocolate yogurt.  sounds gross, and probably is if you don't get this crappy light kind from yoplait.
I just got done walking, that was nice.  I didn't run, therefore my feet, shins, and behind don't hurt.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 27, 2012, 09:41:09 AM
I realy need to go our and have a beer and a pizza, or maybe even a beer and a beer.

So I will.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 29, 2012, 03:42:50 PM
Waiting for my PSU to arrive....WHERE IS MY PSU?!?!?!?!?!?!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 29, 2012, 04:16:48 PM
Waiting for my PSU to arrive....WHERE IS MY PSU?!?!?!?!?!?!

Supply and demand.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 29, 2012, 04:37:35 PM
When did "end of business day" become 7pm for shipping?  Grrrrrr.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 29, 2012, 06:45:43 PM
Ok, got the PSU (around 8:20pm) and have it installed...going to swap out keyboard/mouse/speakers/et al and *cross fingers* turn it on.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 29, 2012, 07:15:01 PM
Aaaannnndddddddd all is right in the world again.  But it so weird looking at my 2x28" monitors when I've been on a a 15" laptop or 12" netbook for 3 weeks.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 29, 2012, 07:32:27 PM
Well I'm turning in as it's gone 2.30am.

Bon chance Dweezo.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 29, 2012, 07:51:42 PM
Thanks smokes, I'll probably be turning in early too regardless of the fact that it's been 3 weeks since I played SWTOR.  I've gotten used to not having anything keeping me up and my body is telling me it ain't happening tonight.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 29, 2012, 09:23:33 PM
But it so weird looking at my 2x28" monitors when I've been on a a 15" laptop or 12" netbook for 3 weeks.

2x28"!!! That must be great.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 30, 2012, 06:08:44 AM
I ain't gonna lie...it's pretty sweet.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 30, 2012, 08:46:39 AM
2x28"!!! That must be great.

I have 3 x 19 which gives me an inch on Dweez. No wait! Correction, I have 3 x 17 which means I should keep my trap shut.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 30, 2012, 09:56:58 AM
 ::) tut tut.

sons laptop gone back to Asus for repair  power input broken. then his pc died  :-[
when it rains it pours
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 30, 2012, 02:30:28 PM
Suffering from indigestion.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on August 30, 2012, 07:26:30 PM
if you hang upside down it helps !

watching project run waaaay and reading a book.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 30, 2012, 08:59:49 PM
listening to Mitt Romney and wondering if I'll lose my dinner.  barf alert.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 31, 2012, 04:39:13 AM
about to garden and clean up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 31, 2012, 04:41:57 AM
Counting money to go and buy the school uniforms and shoes.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 31, 2012, 04:43:19 AM
Our kiddies are back at school already, daughter in uniform, son in any old thing he wants to wear.
prefer the uniform as its cheaper.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 31, 2012, 07:18:15 PM
It's Wednesday for my lot.  Any longer and I think I'd have built a small shed in the back garden in which to lock myself away.

May still do it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 01, 2012, 12:20:05 AM
I envy you the noisy chaos of children.

I'm having a glass of red wine before I turn in for the night.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 01, 2012, 03:09:17 AM
About to set off the Billericay to pick up a printer that I bought off Ebay. For a whopping 99p :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 01, 2012, 05:04:07 AM
About to set off the Billericay to pick up a printer that I bought off Ebay. For a whopping 99p :)

cheapskate  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 01, 2012, 08:43:25 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 01, 2012, 09:02:20 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 01, 2012, 09:14:44 AM
watching cycling in the para Olympics.
then daughter has friends over for a sleep over, wife has gone to work :-[
bottle of wine in the fridge  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 01, 2012, 10:57:14 AM
then daughter has friends over for a sleep over, wife has gone to work :-[

 :o  Good luck with that!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 01, 2012, 11:59:35 AM
having just watched the 400m freestyle swimming final, I am unashamedly in tears at watching such a great race
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 01, 2012, 12:13:48 PM
watching season 1 of game of thrones again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 02, 2012, 12:47:47 AM
drinking coffee
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 02, 2012, 01:04:23 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 02, 2012, 01:30:57 AM

get better soon, cold or hay fever
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 02, 2012, 06:30:11 AM
After doing about 120 miles on my new bike yesterday, I am now trying to stand up.
Flippin' racing position. It's not sensible I tells ya.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 02, 2012, 08:18:59 AM
After doing about 120 miles on my new bike yesterday, I am now trying to stand up.
Flippin' racing position. It's not sensible I tells ya.

At least you enjoyed yourself. My back ache bc I cleaned all the house yesterday and did a ton of laundry. (I have friends over today, ya know)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on September 02, 2012, 08:37:31 AM
tea. lot's of tea. a coworker called, dead battery in her car, and wants me to drive her to get a new one, and, no doubt, install it. so much for a relaxing Sunday.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 02, 2012, 12:44:14 PM
trying to build up the motivation to do something else.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 03, 2012, 10:51:28 AM
trying to stay awake
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 03, 2012, 11:34:50 AM
Listening to I see dumb people "dakwat Merah, while reading about this band ( materialism, personal struggle, current events, politics, and Christian themes)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chariot_%28band%29
now.  I am wondering how falldownboy is.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 05, 2012, 01:00:30 AM
updating my kobo reader via calibre library .
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 06, 2012, 12:38:00 AM
contemplating the origins and development of foam rubber (urethane foam?).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 06, 2012, 04:06:33 AM
 ::)  :-\
hard encoding subtitles to a chinese movie
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 06, 2012, 04:38:27 AM
Drinking beer before noon.

You can tell the kids are back at school eh..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 09, 2012, 12:30:50 AM
Getting ready to finish reading Moby richard.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 09, 2012, 08:12:56 AM
Just finished work and now scrounging around for some beer.

Who drank all the beer?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 09, 2012, 09:27:51 AM
updating mobo with some old English literature
nice site if anyone wants ( all in public domain so ok to d/load)
http://arthursbookshelf.com/ (http://arthursbookshelf.com/)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 09, 2012, 10:52:15 AM
updating mobo with some old English literature
nice site if anyone wants ( all in public domain so ok to d/load)
http://arthursbookshelf.com/ (http://arthursbookshelf.com/)

^ That's a handy link Goldie.  Thanks.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 09, 2012, 11:45:45 AM
Analytically pulling this one apart.


You are the bread and the knife,
The crystal goblet and the wine...
-Jacques Crickillon

You are the bread and the knife,
the crystal goblet and the wine.
You are the dew on the morning grass
and the burning wheel of the sun.
You are the white apron of the baker,
and the marsh birds suddenly in flight.

However, you are not the wind in the orchard,
the plums on the counter,
or the house of cards.
And you are certainly not the pine-scented air.
There is just no way that you are the pine-scented air.

It is possible that you are the fish under the bridge,
maybe even the pigeon on the general's head,
but you are not even close
to being the field of cornflowers at dusk.

And a quick look in the mirror will show
that you are neither the boots in the corner
nor the boat asleep in its boathouse.

It might interest you to know,
speaking of the plentiful imagery of the world,
that I am the sound of rain on the roof.

I also happen to be the shooting star,
the evening paper blowing down an alley
and the basket of chestnuts on the kitchen table.

I am also the moon in the trees
and the blind woman's tea cup.
But don't worry, I'm not the bread and the knife.
You are still the bread and the knife.
You will always be the bread and the knife,
not to mention the crystal goblet and--somehow--the wine.
Billy Collins
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 09, 2012, 12:22:27 PM
Reading about some post war modernists.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 09, 2012, 12:40:42 PM
updating mobo with some old English literature
nice site if anyone wants ( all in public domain so ok to d/load)
http://arthursbookshelf.com/ (http://arthursbookshelf.com/)

I was thinking, "What's a book site got to do with motherboards?!?!"
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 09, 2012, 05:46:26 PM
Watching football and relaxing with my little girl! :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on September 09, 2012, 06:10:02 PM
Welcome to Diasfora Autumn  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 10, 2012, 12:46:15 AM
:) thanks
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 10, 2012, 01:52:01 AM
Finishing up configuring 4 Windows 2008 servers (virtual machines).  My supervisor told me Friday that they needed to be ready to "hand off" on Monday.  They guy hosting the virtual environment didn't even have them provisioned for me until late Friday afternoon.  My head hurts.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 10, 2012, 09:04:03 AM
That sounds like a stress filled weekend, dweez.  Hope you get a break soon.

I'm drinking some of my dwindling Earl Grey supply and trying to wake up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 10, 2012, 10:43:13 AM
I was thinking, "What's a book site got to do with motherboards?!?!"
  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D you are so right, meant kobo  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 10, 2012, 08:18:55 PM
Caught up in season 3 of lost
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 11, 2012, 02:39:54 AM
About to go and lay a hardwood floor. 

Damn, I wanted to laze...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 11, 2012, 03:29:11 AM
thinking of a master plan
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 11, 2012, 07:13:16 AM
waiting for my tea to steep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 11, 2012, 07:36:32 AM
about to collect my daughter from school
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 11, 2012, 11:52:50 AM
Cursing my aching back.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 11, 2012, 02:00:00 PM
Watching horrible tv and snuggling with my little girl
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 11, 2012, 05:04:55 PM
Thankful I don't have any work that "has to be done" tonight (there's some I can do, but none that HAS to be done, like the past week).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 11, 2012, 06:22:25 PM
eating chocolate
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 11, 2012, 07:01:18 PM
Eating my first spicy meal since pregnancy!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 11, 2012, 11:55:49 PM
chillin : ) Thinking about the quality of friends I have found, it's stellar. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 12, 2012, 07:51:43 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 12, 2012, 01:11:02 PM
Waiting for an aeroplane.

Where I live we're rarely without one.  Overhead that is.

Stupid flightpath.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 12, 2012, 03:42:09 PM
Watching Lord of the Rings. Chatting with my husband at work... making a grocery list. tickling the sleeping baby... Multitasking ftw
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 13, 2012, 12:23:05 AM
An Ethiopian told me once that "multitasking is cowpoo"  He said if you throw the rock to kill two birds you will likely get none.  Your odds of getting a bird are greatly increased when focusing on the one bird.   ;D not that this is completely validated or anything, just reminded me of what he had said.  I always assumed my superior multitasking skills were something to talk about. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 13, 2012, 04:39:08 AM
....I always assumed my superior multitasking skills were something to talk about. 

I'm great at multitasking:  I can drink beer while watching football and simultaneously yell at the kids - and the missus when the occasion arises.

It arrived. I got on. It flew. I arrived.

Not waiting for an aeroplane any more.

... until tomorrow, and the cycle begins anew.

Are you somewhere exotic?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 13, 2012, 01:50:04 PM
An Ethiopian told me once that "multitasking is cowpoo"  He said if you throw the rock to kill two birds you will likely get none.  Your odds of getting a bird are greatly increased when focusing on the one bird.   ;D not that this is completely validated or anything, just reminded me of what he had said.  I always assumed my superior multitasking skills were something to talk about.

I actually agree when it cones to important tasks, but I almost always have my laptop on, tv playing something and games going on my ipod. Plus texting and chatting with friends on my phone. :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 13, 2012, 10:04:52 PM
Reading about this guy, it's a shame people die before I hear about them quite often.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 14, 2012, 02:17:32 AM
Laying in bed not sleeping. Wrist hurts. Toothache & headache. Fussy baby... Sigh.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 14, 2012, 04:52:58 AM
Reading about Tom Sims.  Damn, that's a shame.  I wonder if one of our founding members (Indie 180) knows about his passing.  I speak to him every now and then and will forward Bea's link I think.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 14, 2012, 06:33:36 AM
Did you see Jock and Linda while there?  Hope they are well.

I'm up too early, getting ready to go collect 30 pounds of tomatoes to put up.  There's my Saturday accounted for, too.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 14, 2012, 06:49:21 AM
Watching revenge and making googly eyes at my little one
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 14, 2012, 10:37:30 AM
not a lot at the moment
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 14, 2012, 11:51:56 AM
Nope. I'm in Jockonesia.

Just about to head out for the airport.

Don't forget to change your currency back.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 14, 2012, 02:18:40 PM
Back in God's Country™

I keep a ready supply of Jockinese money for my regular visits: saves losing out on the exchange rate.

I haven't seen Jock or Linda in years.

It's good to have you back home again, and in one piece.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 14, 2012, 06:25:15 PM
Pumping. Lol ew
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 15, 2012, 12:20:07 AM
A friend in the Cotswolds once told me that if I drove north for 8 hours it would begin getting quite damp.

Here?  I'd be in Oregon or someplace...  There's plenty of land in the States.  We rarely run out of it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 15, 2012, 12:31:58 AM
Relaxing in bed.  Night Six.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 15, 2012, 04:11:56 AM
as the weather is gorgeous, gardening
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 15, 2012, 04:17:32 AM
A friend in the Cotswolds once told me that if I drove north for 8 hours it would begin getting quite damp.

That's true as you'd be somewhere in the North Sea which has a tendency to get a little moist (unless you drive very slowly that is).

Right now I am just home from my daughter's ballet lesson and now I have to start doing non-verbal reasoning with my son.  Where's christ when you need him.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 15, 2012, 07:22:03 AM
Getting ready to feed a fussy baby.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 15, 2012, 07:44:26 AM
and now I have to start doing non-verbal reasoning with my son. 

What is that? Just shouting at him?  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 15, 2012, 09:22:03 AM
Contemplating canning 30 pounds of tomatoes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 15, 2012, 02:30:27 PM
What is that? Just shouting at him?  :D

I was out in the cafe today and an Italian friend of mine was doing an NVQ in numeracy (how he got to do it outside a controlled "test" setting is another story).  We were all going over some of the questions and it didn't take long, then my son brought out an 11+ non verbal reasoning mock exam and the table fell quiet. 

I can't believe how hard that subject is and is meant for 10 year olds.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 15, 2012, 10:08:44 PM
recovering from skinning and canning 30 pounds of tomatoes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 15, 2012, 10:35:04 PM
You da woman. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 15, 2012, 11:36:42 PM
Yarr.  I'm in bed. :))

I can't believe how hard that subject is and is meant for 10 year olds.
There;s a show about that:
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 16, 2012, 12:35:00 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 16, 2012, 03:59:58 AM
Laying in bed restlessly again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 16, 2012, 07:40:58 PM
contemplating smashing concord grapes, they followed me home.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 17, 2012, 08:19:02 AM
 ::)   :-\ grapes followed you home.

I am about to game for a little bit , then food then movie.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on September 17, 2012, 09:46:42 AM
waiting for my sister to show up then going to see a swimming pool
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 17, 2012, 09:53:01 AM
...going to see a swimming pool

No swimming in it?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 17, 2012, 10:19:12 AM
No swimming in it?

Maybe he meant "visit" that could translate as "see".

Right now I am recovering for a day at a grammar school where my son sat an exam, then a meeting at his primary about sitting the same exam issued by the State, and finally drinking too much wine at lunchtime.

What a day!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 17, 2012, 02:05:52 PM
Reading up on Academy schools.
the more i read the less i like. :-\

i need someone to speak to who go's to one.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 17, 2012, 02:45:02 PM
Reading up on Academy schools.
the more i read the less i like. :-\

i need someone to speak to who go's to one.

In London Academies have completely taken over. In Westminster for instance, not a single secondary-comprehensive type school remains.  I can't stand the fact that the individuals that run a school, can set their own value system without consideration for things like socioeconomics and culture.  I'm sure that everyone involved has the right intention and aim to do some good for the society, but I'd feel far more at ease if central government dictated a set of standards that had to be adopted by all schools, and then the bits and bobs could be left to the school administration's discretion (things like school uniform and school meals etc).

A bit like exactly how it was before academies.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 18, 2012, 01:49:53 AM
Apparently I have to pay for transportation now.My daughter is 11  >:(
The councils wash their hands of Academy school and any issues that happen.

Which ever government thought this one up wants shooting.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 18, 2012, 01:56:43 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on September 18, 2012, 07:55:35 AM
No swimming in it?
I have to decide which swimming pool I want to subscribe to so I want to see prices ,timetable etc. there are some of them not far from here, and I prefer one not too full of people
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 18, 2012, 08:31:20 AM
I prefer one not too full of people

I understand. Pools can be crowded in winter where I live.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 18, 2012, 08:52:25 AM
More people == more pee.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 18, 2012, 11:13:33 AM
Watching the secret circle and snuggling.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 18, 2012, 06:21:13 PM
watch housewives of nyc and attempting to write my resume
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 19, 2012, 09:31:16 AM
Munching on cheez its in front of the tv.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 20, 2012, 02:14:06 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 20, 2012, 02:18:10 AM
Being whiny
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on September 20, 2012, 03:18:27 AM
Gonna watch some DVR'd sitcoms whilst playing Dead Island for a while, then fall asleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 20, 2012, 07:19:16 AM
Desperately trying not to get out of bed
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 20, 2012, 09:32:51 AM
Desperately trying not to get out of bed

Pfft, amateur! Every time I try not to get out of bed i succeed magnificently.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 20, 2012, 10:05:09 AM
drinking sanka and watching house hunters
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 20, 2012, 10:21:25 AM
drinking tea and getting ready to go for the daily walk.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 20, 2012, 11:30:06 AM
Taking a short break from cleaning and organizing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 20, 2012, 12:21:43 PM
Pfft, amateur! Every time I try not to get out of bed i succeed magnificently.

Hell, I don't even have to think about it and I succeed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 20, 2012, 03:11:50 PM
I'm being annoyed because LibreOffice is useless with macro heavy excel documents.  I don;t want to restart my PC.  Bleedin' 'assle!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on September 20, 2012, 07:43:22 PM
drinking sanka and watching house hunters

Good Lord Mishca, how old are you? 72? I havent heard the word Sanka since my grandparents died. Ha!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 20, 2012, 08:23:14 PM
25. my grandma lives by her sanka , she would always ask for sanka when we'd go out but they would never have it, so we got the little travel packs. I had sanka today because sometimes too much of the good stuff gives me a headache
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on September 20, 2012, 08:45:11 PM
Of course I was just giving you a hard time but at least there was some accuracy in the reference. HA!! Never understood the whole Sanka thing, I think ordering decaf is just easier. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 20, 2012, 08:51:39 PM
me neither but grandma just has her brand loyalty. she'll only buy certain facial tissue and condiments. and if you can't find it then you can bet your bottom dollar we will be driving around to every store until we find the exact item she wants.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 21, 2012, 01:04:35 AM
Multitasking. Wishing I was asleep instead...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 21, 2012, 01:23:51 AM
I hurt.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 21, 2012, 03:40:53 AM

Me too.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 21, 2012, 04:23:33 AM
About to go and buy this for my mum's fella as it's his birthday on Sunday:


I hope it doesn't come in a box the size of a bus or I won't be able to get it on the bike.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 21, 2012, 05:30:41 AM

Looks like something I'd bought to myself.

Trying to clean up the house. Yesterday was my husband's birthday and last night the immediate family came over (almost 20 people). Geez, on a weekday! And now the house looks like it was hit by a tsunami.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 21, 2012, 06:07:48 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 21, 2012, 08:38:12 AM
Feeding the cutie pie
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 21, 2012, 09:57:42 AM
Drinking tea and waking up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 21, 2012, 01:40:15 PM
Trying to either wake up or fall back to sleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 21, 2012, 05:44:47 PM
Feeding the cutie pie

Funny, I don't remember eating anything. ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 21, 2012, 08:07:46 PM

Getting ready to assemble my living room.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 21, 2012, 09:17:51 PM
Reading this article.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 21, 2012, 09:52:44 PM
Waiting for dinner.  We made tomato sauce from the garden.  Soon spaghetti.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 22, 2012, 01:01:18 AM
after walking the dog, I am brewing some excellent coffee.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 22, 2012, 06:06:45 AM
Listening to the rain
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 24, 2012, 04:47:33 AM
Reading up on Academy schools.
the more i read the less i like. :-\

i need someone to speak to who go's to one.

Here's what removing support from schools and letting them run things themselves will bring you:


Another example of how Tory minded Tony Blair really was.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 24, 2012, 06:13:50 AM
Wishing breakfast would magically appear.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 24, 2012, 06:43:52 PM
"watching" V for Vendetta, again.  For an assignment.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 25, 2012, 03:56:50 AM
Being mechanically milked.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 27, 2012, 02:18:13 AM
Getting ready to take my son to another 11+ exam at Tiffin school (boys of course) in Kingston.

I'm nervous.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 27, 2012, 02:50:19 AM
Good luck

Sitting uncomfortably, thinking of everything I could be doing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 27, 2012, 05:48:27 AM
I'm nervous.

Of course you are.  :)  But probably he isn't so everything is going to be OK.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 27, 2012, 06:39:34 AM
Of course you are.  :)  But probably he isn't so everything is going to be OK.

When I went to take him at 10.45 to get there at 11.15 (cut off is 11.30), my bike decided not to start and then the battery died.  My neighbour happened to come out of her house while we were trying to bump start it which wasn't going to happen, and said she'd take him in her car.  It was a long shot as in a car the journey could take an hour but we had to try.  Traffic was not bad which is unusual and we were all happy thinking we were going to make it, when we hit a wall of traffic about a mile and a half away.  After 5 yards in 5 minutes the boy and I decided the run there instead. 

We got there at around 11.29.

Now I cannot find my battery charger for love nor money and will have to go and get him on the train. Before that though I have to try and get my sister-in-law to pick my daughter up.

Stoopid bad luck day.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 27, 2012, 08:10:12 AM
Stoopid bad luck day.

Crap. I hope it gets better.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 27, 2012, 05:25:43 PM
It all worked out in the end. I'm shattered from it though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 27, 2012, 06:02:03 PM
It all worked out in the end.

I'm glad to hear that.

Right now I'm trying to avoid preparing dinner. Usually I don't mind it but today I don't feel like cooking.
BTW, last night I burned my wrist and forearm with boiling water. It's a nice pinkish red today. I'm thinking... if it was a paid job I'd be on leave.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 27, 2012, 11:28:33 PM
Wishing for sleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 27, 2012, 11:35:24 PM
trying not to think.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 28, 2012, 04:33:55 AM

BTW, last night I burned my wrist and forearm with boiling water. It's a nice pinkish red today. I'm thinking... if it was a paid job I'd be on leave.  :D

I'd take the leave anyhoo. 

Right now I am celebrating the fact that after 5 weeks of sticking it to eNom, Softlayer and the incredibly shitty Mr Site, I have managed to get a .com domain successfully transferred into my account.

Only another 7 days and I'll be able to start work on a new Ballet site (my daughter's dance class).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 28, 2012, 06:52:57 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 28, 2012, 04:27:02 PM
trying to think.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 28, 2012, 04:36:12 PM
drinkin hot chocolate. and watching wanderlust
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 28, 2012, 05:40:18 PM
Trying to recoup from a very crappy day.  Had insomnia and didn't get to sleep until around 3:45am-4am.  Had to get up by no later than 7:30am because I had a Dell TS guy coming to replace a mobo in a new, yet problematic server.  Starbucks was busy so I got to work a little late and he was waiting for me so I put my coffee and breakfast sammich in my cube and took him to the testbed area to work on the server.  The location of the testbed area requires all visitors  to be accompanied by someone.  After about 3.5 hours, we discover that the replacement mobo is defective as well (bent pins on one of the cpu sockets).  Well, there is no more replacement mobo in the region so they had to have it driven in from West VA.  The tech comes back when the new mobo arrives around 2:40pm.  We start swapping it out and mutha *expletive deleted* if this mobo doesn't have bent pins on BOTH cpu sockets.  Also, discovered that someone bunged up one of the cpu heatsinks pretty good.

Anyway, this server was 1 of 2 that is supposed to be set up in a satellite office about 5 hours away.  The other server was perfectly fine and was taken to the office last weekend.  I've been fighting with this one for a 10 days and it's worse off now then when it started.  Fourth replacement mobo is scheduled to get here on Monday.

Damn I'm glad it's the weekend.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 28, 2012, 05:47:07 PM
that does sound like a really crappy day. What kind sandwich and coffee did you get from starbucks?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 28, 2012, 05:55:52 PM
I always get a Vente Caramel Mocha and usually get a plain bagel, toasted with cream cheese but they were out of them (Out of plain bagels at 7:50am?!?!?!) so I went with a Ham & Cheddar Artisan Sammich (http://www.starbucks.com/menu/food/hot-breakfast/ham-and-cheddar-artisan-breakfast-sandwich) which, after reading the nutritional info, I'll never get again.  After 3 hours, neither was particularly tasty.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 28, 2012, 06:03:21 PM
I'm not a fan of their breakfast sandwiches. I do however  like their donuts and the santa fe chicken sandwich. Carmel Mocha is one of my favorite starbucks drinks.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 28, 2012, 06:13:00 PM
I never used to drink coffee but when I was in college it was the "fashionable" thing to do so I'd get a Raspberry Caramel Mocah with a double shot of espresso.  Barely tasted like coffee but, since I have slight ADD tendencies...SQUIRREL!!!!...I'd get about 1/3rd of the way through it and was ready for a nap.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 28, 2012, 06:26:59 PM
I wasn't much of coffee drinker until I discovered starbucks caramel mocha frappuccinos in HS. its delicious !
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 28, 2012, 08:28:03 PM
Funny you mention this while I drink my pumpkin spice latte from starbucks!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 28, 2012, 08:29:19 PM
pumpkin was another fave when it first came out. I also ask for extra whip cream
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 28, 2012, 08:34:02 PM
I might go to Sturbucks (http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/food/story/2012-01-23/starbucks-expands-wine-beer/52758052/1)  :D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 28, 2012, 08:37:34 PM
I didn't know they serve wine now. They are charging for the things that I think made the expense of star buck coffees worth it. Like no more free extra flavorings.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 28, 2012, 09:10:54 PM
Never been a fan of pumpkin in any form.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 28, 2012, 09:13:53 PM
Omg i am a pumpkin fiend!! Probably due to my halloween bday...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 28, 2012, 09:25:26 PM
Really ? the pumpkin cake at starbucks isnt bad.

halloween birthdays are fun you get cake plus candy plus presents. which is like a win win win !!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hibliss on September 28, 2012, 10:08:43 PM
Drinking, what else?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 28, 2012, 10:13:05 PM
digesting ?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 29, 2012, 12:58:35 AM
pumpkin seeds are nice.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 29, 2012, 04:09:07 AM
Really ? the pumpkin cake at starbucks isnt bad.

halloween birthdays are fun you get cake plus candy plus presents. which is like a win win win !!

I didn't know they had pumpkin cake or i would have gotten that too! Actually a halloween bday sucks because everyone forgets and ditches you for othe parties. :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 29, 2012, 05:44:29 AM
Drinking, what else?

Welcome Hibliss.

Welcoming Hibliss.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 29, 2012, 05:47:55 AM
I didn't know they had pumpkin cake or i would have gotten that too! Actually a halloween bday sucks because everyone forgets and ditches you for othe parties. :(
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr thats not nice.
We would all come to your party  ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 29, 2012, 07:22:30 AM
Sorry to hear about the birthday party situation.  I have a friend whose bday is New Year's Eve.  She must feel ripped off, too.  Kind of like having your birthday on Christmas and not getting an extra set of presents...

As for Starbucks, I give them a wide berth.  I actually like the taste of good coffee.  Starbucks likes to sell coffee to people who will do anything to avoid tasting it.  My brother dislikes coffee but he loves Starbucks sweetened coffee drinks.  Why?  Because they taste like anything but coffee.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hibliss on September 29, 2012, 08:34:37 AM
Welcome Hibliss.

Welcoming Hibliss.

Thank you.

Thanking Smokester
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 29, 2012, 09:00:57 AM
Thank you.

Thanking Smokester


Touché-ing Hibliss
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on September 29, 2012, 09:53:51 AM
I'm hating Steam. I installed my new video card on the 26th and downloaded a free game that came with it from Steam. It won't load and play. Filled out a support ticket on the 27th. I got an email from support... "Thank you for adding a message to your question. We will respond to your message by email". It's the 29th and I'm still waiting. I'm thinking "What if I paid the $50.00 for this game and it didn't play?"
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 29, 2012, 12:34:28 PM
Cleaning.  I like pumpkins, never found a use for steam other than spiral knights.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 30, 2012, 04:31:30 AM
Sorry to hear about the birthday party situation.  I have a friend whose bday is New Year's Eve.  She must feel ripped off, too.  Kind of like having your birthday on Christmas and not getting an extra set of presents...

As for Starbucks, I give them a wide berth.  I actually like the taste of good coffee.  Starbucks likes to sell coffee to people who will do anything to avoid tasting it.  My brother dislikes coffee but he loves Starbucks sweetened coffee drinks.  Why?  Because they taste like anything but coffee.

Yes, I do agree. I go to starbucks for my sweet drinks because I generally don't drink coffee anymore. But when I do, I het it from a local roaster here in Milwaukee.

Thanks goldshirt. :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 30, 2012, 05:57:15 AM
I'm hating Steam. I installed my new video card on the 26th and downloaded a free game that came with it from Steam. It won't load and play. Filled out a support ticket on the 27th. I got an email from support... "Thank you for adding a message to your question. We will respond to your message by email". It's the 29th and I'm still waiting. I'm thinking "What if I paid the $50.00 for this game and it didn't play?"

I hate it when that happens, especially when it's a unique glitch.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 30, 2012, 10:55:06 AM
eating breakfast. watchin love it or list it
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 30, 2012, 10:43:49 PM
Researching some stuff
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 30, 2012, 10:44:24 PM
Heading to bed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 30, 2012, 10:46:15 PM
Night dweez!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 01, 2012, 12:01:09 AM
Having a glass of red wine and getting ready to go read for a while.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on October 01, 2012, 07:25:14 AM
Snuggle time with the wiggly worm!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 01, 2012, 08:40:03 AM
I'm just in from helping some friends move house and I am making toast to recharge my batteries. Same schedule tomorrow and the day after that so I'd better buy an extra loaf.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on October 01, 2012, 07:48:30 PM
Falling asleep sitting up...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 01, 2012, 11:57:00 PM
Thinking about going to bed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on October 02, 2012, 02:36:34 AM
Being awake, watching RE6 and typing out an extremely detailed and thought provoking paper. (I hope)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on October 02, 2012, 03:37:57 AM
Feeding the little girl
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 02, 2012, 04:11:21 AM
Regretting the absence of the "It's 3 a.m. thread"
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on October 02, 2012, 09:42:26 AM

Watching the att dude try to fix my box
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on October 02, 2012, 10:37:07 AM
Regretting the absence of the "It's 3 a.m. thread"

Be true to your sleep patterns and start a new one.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 02, 2012, 01:19:01 PM
Be true to your teeth or they'll be false to you. :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on October 02, 2012, 01:19:59 PM
Be true to your sleep patterns and start a new one.
+ 1
i can be there too sometimes
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 02, 2012, 04:15:45 PM
I'm puzzling over my lack of motivation.  I'm exhausted and can't bring myself to do much of anything today.  Maybe it's lack of sleep or the heat. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 02, 2012, 04:55:23 PM
Maybe some B12 will help?  It might be the weather.  I've heard people get lethargic at the onset of autumn/winter.

/me shrugs
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hibliss on October 02, 2012, 08:10:44 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on October 02, 2012, 09:32:51 PM
Playing non fora games.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 03, 2012, 12:33:17 AM
Be true to your teeth or they'll be false to you. :D
  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hibliss on October 03, 2012, 06:34:54 PM
Drinking, and getting ready to watch the Presidential Debates.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on October 04, 2012, 02:38:22 AM
are you watching those on television or the through the computer?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 04, 2012, 04:52:09 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on October 04, 2012, 06:23:22 AM
Trying not to wake the baby...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 04, 2012, 09:12:48 AM
Trying desperately to get 2-part filler off my hands. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on October 04, 2012, 03:53:00 PM
Wasting time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 04, 2012, 04:04:15 PM
Wasting time.

You're here so that would be.. impossible.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hibliss on October 04, 2012, 06:12:49 PM
Drinking....and watching football.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 04, 2012, 09:56:58 PM
Watching TBBT, Sherlock, and Person of Interest.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 04, 2012, 11:59:30 PM
waking up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on October 05, 2012, 05:38:27 AM
You're here so that would be.. impossible.
Indeed.  I was also on Youtube, looking up this London Look the telly goes on about.  :))

I'm trying to write an e-mail, but I've no idea how to begin.  I want to eat potato.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 06, 2012, 12:59:13 AM
Crack of dawn and freezing cold, and I'm about to take my son to another 11+ exam in Sutton this time.

Thank heavens for motorbikes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 06, 2012, 02:45:44 AM
transferring data from one external to another
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on October 07, 2012, 05:20:41 AM
going in the main square to sell orchids for Unicef
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on October 07, 2012, 08:15:46 AM
Reading in bed with baby and hubby
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on October 07, 2012, 03:31:12 PM
dishes, laundry, dishes and laundry.  laundry, then more dishes.  dishes and then laundry.
How the earth was made videos playing in the background when I am done listening to this song again,
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 07, 2012, 04:50:42 PM
making hot chocolate
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 08, 2012, 09:21:14 AM
going in the main square to sell orchids for Unicef

That's very admirable Bubu.  I'd like to do that in an Italian square too.

Right now I am typing quotations and falling asleep while doing so.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 08, 2012, 10:16:48 AM
going in the main square to sell orchids for Unicef
nice one.  :)

updating calibre library with new books
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on October 08, 2012, 04:35:05 PM
I am not going to wait for the Yodel man, I am going to bed.

Note to self: "In transit but possible delay" means tomorrow.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 08, 2012, 04:39:01 PM
"In transit but possible delay" means tomorrow.

In my country that means: whenever we give a f%&$.

I don't think they'd bother with a response now that I think about it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 08, 2012, 09:20:02 PM
Who the f*** is the "Yodel man"?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 08, 2012, 09:41:37 PM
sounds like hes the delivery guy or mail person
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on October 08, 2012, 09:55:09 PM
Who the f*** is the "Yodel man"?

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on October 09, 2012, 02:09:03 PM
Yes, all that :D

I'm enjoying this silence.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 09, 2012, 02:52:27 PM
About to play some cards and win some money.  Only a possible £1.50 off the missus unfortunately.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 11, 2012, 02:31:21 AM
On the way to lay a solid Acacia floor.

Damn I'm kinky...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 11, 2012, 08:40:32 AM
On the way to lay a solid Acacia floor.

Does it look like any of these (http://www.coloradocarpet.net/kentwood-acacia.html)? I've never seen it before. Visually potent. I like it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 11, 2012, 08:53:51 AM
off to parents evening
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on October 11, 2012, 09:50:08 AM
I'm trying to remember this really cool dream I had a couple nights ago.  It had space travel in it, and maybe aliens, but I can't be certain.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 11, 2012, 04:34:52 PM
Does it look like any of these (http://www.coloradocarpet.net/kentwood-acacia.html)? I've never seen it before. Visually potent. I like it.

Not quite as high standard material as those you linked to, but not bad at £23 per m2:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 12, 2012, 09:03:31 AM
nice .

Discussing which A levels son wants to do
Further Math's

His teacher in Chemistry insisted he could do this combination.
He has a PhD and a doctorate. So i assume he knows his stuff.

son is happy about this combination so all now is depending on his results.??

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on October 17, 2012, 03:07:18 PM
I was sitting at home, alone, getting myself seriously angry over something so trivial and irrelevant that I found myself laughing and now I'm in a much better mood.

This should put anyone in a good mood:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 17, 2012, 08:18:46 PM
Taking a break between the salad and the pasta courses.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on October 18, 2012, 12:03:29 AM
Trying to sleep
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 18, 2012, 12:32:26 AM
 ::) trying to wake up  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on October 18, 2012, 07:46:05 AM
reading all the post and don't understanding what's the time on the site, may be you mentioned already?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on October 18, 2012, 12:11:52 PM
trying to fix the keyboard on my netbook after installing a new SSD, i think it has something to do with the keyboard ribbon cable  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on October 18, 2012, 05:14:35 PM
Wondering where Autumn is.  : ) Busy busy, I know.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 18, 2012, 05:20:17 PM
Busy busy

Baby baby.  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on October 18, 2012, 06:44:45 PM
I'm still here!! Baby has conjunctivitis... (Which leads to pinkeye). Been moving in more, painting more... Life is boring, but I get to do interesting things soon! Saturday I have a girls date with the step mother in law and sis in law (and of course Adrianna) to watch movies, make pita pizzas Nd just have an old fashioned good time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 18, 2012, 06:57:42 PM
It must be nice to have more of a family again with older women around.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on October 19, 2012, 09:04:47 AM
It is. I have 20 women playing the mom role in my life and it's still not as hood as if my mom were actually around.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 19, 2012, 10:09:35 AM
Trying to watch the Legend of Korra.  Kinda disappointed with it but can't stop.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 19, 2012, 12:04:44 PM
loading books into calibrelibrary.
you gotta get them where you can as big d has gone
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 19, 2012, 02:51:18 PM
have you tired forums?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on October 20, 2012, 01:42:29 AM
loading books into calibrelibrary.
you gotta get them where you can as big d has gone
library . nu's shutdown certainly doesn't make matters any better.  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on October 20, 2012, 03:32:12 AM
^same problem here and still looking for a place  where to upload mine...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 20, 2012, 07:13:13 AM
most of the one's i visit have gone.
not all.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 20, 2012, 01:23:53 PM
anyone use ebookshares?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 21, 2012, 03:11:49 AM
anyone use ebookshares?
gave up on that site as it would never load.seems better now

epubbud  or freebookspot for various books.

other than that anywhere
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on October 21, 2012, 03:25:21 AM
same here using Internet to search titles and using FreeBookSpot, ebookshares doesn't have much in the English fiction area and I was never able to download anything from them. Because I am looking for a place to upload my books what do you think about http://www.viprasys.org ?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 21, 2012, 03:52:26 AM
cannot reach site  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on October 21, 2012, 04:18:58 AM
the link is working for me, try this one http://www.viprasys.org/vb/index.php?file=907919
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 21, 2012, 05:21:36 AM
much better
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 21, 2012, 02:47:31 PM
since we are sharing... dpgroup.org/ & mobilism.org
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 22, 2012, 01:13:39 AM
about to load the car for a week on the east coast.
Caister here i cone
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on October 22, 2012, 12:41:02 PM
since we are sharing... dpgroup.org/ & mobilism.org
I didn't know about dpgroup it seems really interesting, may be I know a name or two out there, are you registered too ?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 22, 2012, 02:53:43 PM
Yeah, I just registered as I couldn't get anything if your not a member.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 26, 2012, 08:09:57 AM
 ::) any good
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 26, 2012, 10:59:54 AM
I usually only read romance stuff.  Are you looking for any in particular I can check it out and see but it seems like ppl post new stuff daily.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 26, 2012, 11:39:17 AM
just wondered what its like generally. open to any type of ebook.

I was watching a you tube vid of my wife singing as LuLu last night in the club house  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 26, 2012, 12:18:12 PM
the have audio books and YA books even cook books and probably some other stuff. So I think that you'll probably be able to find something but they just posted a new rule that you have to post at least 5 books before you get access to the ebook section because folks have been lurking and reporting links
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 26, 2012, 12:31:07 PM
Laptopping in the lobby while the kids are at kids club.

And all this not 20 feet from the beach.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 26, 2012, 12:45:37 PM
So good to hear you're having a good time smokes!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 26, 2012, 01:09:06 PM
So good to hear you're having a good time smokes!

This has been my best "holiday" ever as I really have nothing to do but swim, eat, drink and enjoy the sun.

However, I am going to the Gros Islet "jump up" this evening and it is kweyol weekend (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jounen_Kw%C3%A9y%C3%B2l) here on the island (extra eating and drinking to be done by all living things), so I may have to shake a leg.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 26, 2012, 02:18:57 PM
nice rum ?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 26, 2012, 05:27:52 PM
Cleaning 9 pounds of strawberries to make jam. My fingernails are red.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 27, 2012, 12:24:45 AM
Did you use a knife to remove the caps?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 27, 2012, 12:26:54 AM
waking up with fresh coffee
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 27, 2012, 12:32:52 PM
Did you use a knife to remove the caps?

Yes, I did. I know there are special tools for that but I've never came across them to buy and try them.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on October 28, 2012, 07:43:32 AM
Trying to get some sleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on October 28, 2012, 10:25:33 PM
Trying to relax.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 29, 2012, 08:31:27 AM
Cleaning 9 pounds of strawberries to make jam. My fingernails are red.

How did the jam turn out?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 29, 2012, 09:35:46 AM
How did the jam turn out?

Fantastic! Thanks for asking. I give some to my mum and to a friend so I should make some more.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 29, 2012, 11:02:22 AM
Did you use pectin or just sugar and lemon juice?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on October 29, 2012, 11:03:51 AM
Thinking it's nice to see all you ladies on the daily. :  )
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 29, 2012, 11:35:09 AM
updating my laptop.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on October 29, 2012, 02:59:04 PM
and Gents.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 29, 2012, 04:37:06 PM
Did you use pectin or just sugar and lemon juice?

Just sugar and lemon juice this time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 29, 2012, 09:45:02 PM
Mmmmm, jam.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 30, 2012, 12:37:50 AM
waking up to fresh coffee
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on October 30, 2012, 10:28:50 AM
Worried if Subvinrosa is ok.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 30, 2012, 10:51:03 AM
Drinking coffee.  Why are you worried about subvinrosa?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on October 30, 2012, 02:16:35 PM
Fighting honourable battle.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on October 30, 2012, 03:15:09 PM
Tuned into Microsoft's live //Build/ stream
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on November 01, 2012, 11:39:47 PM
Drinking coffee.  Why are you worried about subvinrosa?

Hurricane maybe?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on November 02, 2012, 03:32:05 AM
I don't really know what happened where, or her Exact location, I hope she's fine.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 02, 2012, 07:57:45 AM
drinking tea
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on November 02, 2012, 10:39:22 AM
I am victorious.  I fought this deadly cold with great honour.

Now, to commence honourable battle with the mess in this house! >:(

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 02, 2012, 03:03:50 PM
removing "mate desktop" from my ubuntu set up
too many errors

much prefer Cinnamon
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on November 02, 2012, 04:26:33 PM
Haven't tried "Mate" yet.  I find going with anything besides what was installed by default on the distro tends to make it less stable.  Except for KDE which always seems solid, and ugly as sin.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 03, 2012, 01:21:19 AM
Haven't tried "Mate" yet.  I find going with anything besides what was installed by default on the distro tends to make it less stable.  Except for KDE which always seems solid, and ugly as sin.

yet many think its beautiful.

Mate was a pain in Ubuntu 12.04., tinternet wouldn't connect, various errors on opening files.
Where as Cinnamon went in a treat, simple desktop almost reminiscent of older ubuntu issues.Very editable indeed.
Still like Unity and gnome but find this rather easier on the eye.
The way Ubuntu is going I doubt I will be using it much longer. :-\ 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 04, 2012, 03:27:41 PM
I don't really know what happened where, or her Exact location, I hope she's fine.

She's in the Philippines.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 04, 2012, 08:49:31 PM
Trying to shake this headache.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on November 04, 2012, 09:16:21 PM
I can't sleep! >:(

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 05, 2012, 08:08:40 AM
I am Remuxing
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 05, 2012, 03:15:39 PM
Bursting from a massive Ruby Murray.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 05, 2012, 08:55:55 PM
I had to google that:

http://www.cockneyrhymingslang.co.uk/slang/ruby_murray (http://www.cockneyrhymingslang.co.uk/slang/ruby_murray)

I'm listening to music and slogging through Tzvetan Todorov's The Conquest of America again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on November 05, 2012, 10:07:43 PM
Watchin love it or list. I should havr just turned off the tv but I just had to make sure nothingenothing else was on
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 06, 2012, 03:29:21 AM
Savouring the last hour before I have to go back to work for the first time in 3 weeks.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 08, 2012, 10:13:16 AM
life is hard smokey  ;D

At the moment i am packing and drinking Marstons burton bitter.
I always pack better when i  have a drink  ;D ;D.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 08, 2012, 12:07:34 PM
life is hard smokey  ;D

At the moment i am packing and drinking Marstons burton bitter.
I always pack better when i  have a drink  ;D ;D.

I am going back in August and I am on the brink of booking it already.

However, the kids have to pull their socks up and accomplish a few things first, or it's Pontins for a weekend instead.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 11, 2012, 09:58:44 PM
Nice.  :)

trying to fathom out my new phone  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on November 11, 2012, 10:12:32 PM
Being happy as I was just informed by a friend/co-worker earlier that we have tomorrow off in observation of Veteran's Day.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 12, 2012, 10:00:16 AM
thats nice.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on November 12, 2012, 11:10:37 AM
Being not so happy.  Got a bit of a nasal thing going on.  Previous "tickles" like this have always lead to sinus infections (gawd help me).  Also, woke up to find out that, even though it's a staff holiday (class is still in session so business still goes on), no one seemed to tell my e-mail.  At least I can do all the work from home without having to actually go into the office.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 12, 2012, 11:12:41 AM
get some rest, dweez, have some nice chamomile tea and if the nasal thing continues, try salt water snorts (boil the water first, let it cool and dissolve some salt in it, then inhale it, one nostril at a time).  Not glamorous, but it helps with the sinus stuff.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on November 12, 2012, 11:44:24 AM
Falling asleep while feeding the baby
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 20, 2012, 10:36:49 AM
listening to my new dog snore whilst being awake ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on November 21, 2012, 09:52:07 PM
aw. my shihtzu farts and snores at the same time…

watching property brothers and drinking cold vanilla chamomile tea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 22, 2012, 10:07:53 AM
Oakie snorts all the time. such a squashed face
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on November 24, 2012, 01:41:22 PM
Preparing for bed.  I've got a long day tomorrow.  I hate weekends.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 25, 2012, 04:54:22 AM
sorting out mobile phone bills :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 25, 2012, 02:09:38 PM
I was a a party all day yesterday and didn't get home until nearly 1am (with the kids that was).

Right now I am suffering...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on November 25, 2012, 07:37:52 PM
Hope you feel  better.

Filling in a form for solo parents.  How do you explain on three lines why you're a solo parent?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 26, 2012, 09:36:40 AM
depending on your circumstances
you could only use 3 words.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 30, 2012, 02:40:01 AM

Filling in a form for solo parents.  How do you explain on three lines why you're a solo parent?

Wouldn't it be something along the lines of:

"So as to provide a stable and loving environment for my children. An environment where they can develop both academically and emotionally, without interference."

depending on your circumstances
you could only use 3 words.

"Husband a ****"?

Or in 2 words:

Irreconcilable differences.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 30, 2012, 06:14:58 AM
debating whether to put the xmas lights up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 30, 2012, 06:24:42 AM
Go ahead and do it.

I'm going back to bed, just as soon as that Miss A video ends...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on November 30, 2012, 10:05:22 AM
A curiosity subvinorosa, are you a male or a woman ? It is not so important but under your avatar you wrote male genre, while here they think of you as a woman, so I am confused...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 30, 2012, 10:23:16 AM
Sub' is a very nice young woman from the Philippines.

That said, I consider her one of the lads and in some ways.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on December 02, 2012, 06:22:06 PM
Moving all my stuff across the street to my new town house :D

Have an English final on Tuesday.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on December 02, 2012, 08:30:21 PM
that must be the easiest move ever !
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 02, 2012, 10:16:46 PM
I moved from one apartment to the apartment right next door (bigger and got a roommate).  It is actually one of the worst moves ever.  When you move across town, you load up the truck/trailer, then you sit and drive for 10-20 minutes where you unload, then you drive back to get another load.  When you move right next door, it's pretty much non-stop.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 02, 2012, 10:42:25 PM
Moving all my stuff across the street to my new town house :D

Have an English final on Tuesday.


That sounds pretty stressful, actually, moving before the end of the term.  Good luck on that exam and hope the move goes swiftly.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on December 03, 2012, 04:50:08 AM
Moving all my stuff across the street to my new town house :D

That sounds pretty stressful, actually, moving before the end of the term.

I've read somewhere that moving is a major cause of stress. The good part is you get rid of stuff you don't need. And maybe that thing about new beginnings.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 03, 2012, 12:36:49 PM
suffering with a head cold
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 04, 2012, 08:01:48 AM
I moved from one apartment to the apartment right next door (bigger and got a roommate).  It is actually one of the worst moves ever.  When you move across town, you load up the truck/trailer, then you sit and drive for 10-20 minutes where you unload, then you drive back to get another load.  When you move right next door, it's pretty much non-stop.

That's what happened to me when I moved 50 yards down the road.  I ended up carrying everything by hand and I even took the wardrobes and settee on a sack barrow.  I couldn't think of hiring a van for that small distance, although if I had, it wouldn't have taken 3 days and about the same amount of vertebrae.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 04, 2012, 09:26:32 AM
I've read somewhere that moving is a major cause of stress. The good part is you get rid of stuff you don't need. And maybe that thing about new beginnings.

Yes.  I've been in the same place for over 10 years, the longest sojourn ever.  I'd dread having to move, in part, because of the stuff I've accumulated.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on December 08, 2012, 11:44:33 PM
Mishca, I totally thought it was going to be the easiest move.  I am right with you Dweez and Smokes, this move was non-stop, stressful, and all around tedious.  I was saying that same thing Dweez, if we were only packing it on a truck, and moving it. 
Six, you are right, it's been terrible for my exam steady track.  I did feel confident in Tuesday's exam.  We will see if that was in vain, such as my research paper was.  I'll make it.  Thank you guys and ladies.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 09, 2012, 03:08:10 PM
Right now I am recovering from a day at my mother's in north London. It was a very nice family affair but of course I ate and drank far too much.

I'll call it practicing for Christmas and stop feeling guilty about the incalculable calorie count.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 09, 2012, 11:20:50 PM
Just finished watching the following video a friend posted on another forum...my mind is reeling.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on December 09, 2012, 11:56:13 PM
I want to know what the polar bear does next.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 11, 2012, 05:04:10 AM
going to work
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 11, 2012, 05:30:41 AM

And, coughing some more.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on December 11, 2012, 06:35:35 AM
I am in the same situation as yours, what are you doing for your cough?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 11, 2012, 06:48:37 AM
I am in the same situation as yours, what are you doing for your cough?

I found some throat/cough sweets in the medicine drawer which I broke into smaller pieces so not to have too many of them.  Each piece lasts about 10 minutes and then about another 10 minutes after that the coughing returns and I start all over again.

I bought some more honey earlier on in the hope that it suppresses the cough, but in all honesty that method has never really worked for me in the past or any other type of suppressant for that matter.

I heard that mixing the honey with butter and vinegar is supposed to work wonders, but it sounds a little too disgusting for me to consider right now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: subvinorosa on December 11, 2012, 07:47:13 AM
Have the flu I think.  Still take pei pa koa for my itchy throat.  Love the taste.

Oh, I'm looking for online bargains.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on December 11, 2012, 08:04:58 AM
Stuffy and runny nose, itchy throat, nasty sick taste.  Yeah, I follow.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: drago6650 on December 11, 2012, 01:52:49 PM
Best cure Brandy and Port followed by several more, may not cure it but sure makes you feel better
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on December 11, 2012, 02:11:56 PM
My usual response to sickness involves spending a lot of time in a heavy drinking and smoking establishment. According to my logic, if the tobacco and alcohol are capable of slowly killing something my size, just imagine what they will do to those tiny little sickness germs.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 11, 2012, 02:51:01 PM
My usual response to sickness involves spending a lot of time in a heavy drinking and smoking establishment. According to my logic, if the tobacco and alcohol are capable of slowly killing something my size, just imagine what they will do to those tiny little sickness germs.

You forgot the sprinkling of narcotics.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 12, 2012, 12:54:25 AM
thawing out from walking doggies
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 16, 2012, 05:30:28 AM
after 7 hours at work, i am having a beer  8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 22, 2012, 12:29:42 AM
Waking up, first time i have slept by 6am for a long time
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on December 25, 2012, 03:59:17 PM
I was playing Team Fortress 2, but then the laptop must've overheated because the darn machine switched off seconds before a win! >:(
And 13GB!  That's almost half the partition! :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 25, 2012, 04:58:57 PM
Up from a long nap after a great lunch at a local Chinese restaurant.  Now we wonder if we should bother with the big dinner we'd planned, or put it off till tomorrow and have leftovers instead.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 26, 2012, 01:57:59 AM
getting ready for a relaxing boxing day
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 26, 2012, 11:14:44 AM
Psyching myself up to go and cook dinner.

It ain't working...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on December 26, 2012, 12:08:30 PM
just ate haddock, i feel like a food chain disruptor!  but i love fish.
looking at these decorations with great anticipation to take them down and stop the war between my son and I, but it doesn't matter at much now, he has a train set, it's wooden, it's simple, but it's big to him :  )
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 27, 2012, 04:24:31 AM
Bored to death
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on December 27, 2012, 10:22:57 AM
I liked that tv show..^^
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 28, 2012, 07:21:51 AM
Recovering from last night meal / drinks out with work mate.
The real ale was fantastic, but the Indian curry was poor  :'( 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 31, 2012, 04:31:05 AM
Making 2 curry's for tonight ( Tikka / Korma)
prepping all the Samosa's / Onion Bargee's / Chilli Bombs and various other Indian finger food (all vegetarian) We have great Indian cuisine here, shops are great. :)
I am having 10mins rest  :)
just the chilli con carne / rice to do, until wife gets home and decides to feed the third as well.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on December 31, 2012, 12:16:33 PM
I am having 10mins rest  :)

 :o Only 10 min?!  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 01, 2013, 06:17:35 AM
Well nothing left of the curry's or the Indian nibbles  :'(
I wanted some for breakfast, had to make do with a couple of pizza slices  ;D ;D
No Budweiser beer left as well. Possibly why my head is pounding  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on January 02, 2013, 01:56:36 PM
Watching tv. Talking to the baby
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 03, 2013, 05:21:05 AM
Strapping my back up ready for the weekly shop.  Kids are off school so I can't use my bike and panniers as usual, so it's bags and the bus today.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 03, 2013, 08:54:03 AM
bags and bus, not a happy combination  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on January 03, 2013, 01:13:00 PM
Watching purple violets again..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 13, 2013, 05:11:56 AM
catching up and about to eat a sunday roast  :) yum yum
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 14, 2013, 07:23:42 AM
off to school
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 14, 2013, 02:10:33 PM
Trudging through the last 50 minutes of what has been a particularly frazzled Monday.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 15, 2013, 03:16:50 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on January 15, 2013, 04:08:31 AM

Aaah. Now I get it. Enjoy yourself. Skive away!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 15, 2013, 05:19:12 AM
Skive away!

Can I do it too? I want to go back to bed!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 15, 2013, 08:39:37 AM
warming up after collecting daughter
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on January 16, 2013, 02:56:18 PM
I'm not being silly.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 16, 2013, 03:08:20 PM

Aaah. Now I get it. Enjoy yourself. Skive away!

"skiving off" is what most British workers do.  1 in 3 apparently.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 17, 2013, 07:29:16 AM
"skiving off" is what most British workers do.  1 in 3 apparently.
as a union rep i would say its been going on for so long its custom and practice now  ;)  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 17, 2013, 10:39:27 AM
as a union rep i would say its been going on for so long its custom and practice now  ;)  ;D ;D

There is even advice (http://www.thecareerbreaksite.com/blog/10-ways-to-skive) on the art if you need it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on January 17, 2013, 03:44:46 PM
I'm reviewing my life choices.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 17, 2013, 05:36:12 PM
I'm reviewing my life choices.

Ohhh, me too I'm choosing right now! Is it gonna be beer or vermouth? Tough one.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 17, 2013, 08:43:59 PM
Writing job applications and trying not to take a nap.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 18, 2013, 10:06:34 AM
warming up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 20, 2013, 08:29:03 AM
drinking tea and waiting for scones to come out of the oven.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 20, 2013, 08:57:38 AM
Ohhh, me too I'm choosing right now! Is it gonna be beer or vermouth? Tough one.

My kids are both out at parties, so it's RUM!!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 20, 2013, 10:55:14 AM
Rum is better than Red Rum.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 21, 2013, 08:31:17 AM
Red Rum is dead i believe  ;D ;D
Having just set up a Blackberry phone contract for my daughter, I think i will lay down for a while.
These things give me headaches
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 21, 2013, 10:22:13 AM
drinking coffee, working on job applications, drying my hair.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 21, 2013, 02:19:38 PM
Playing KB Warriors of the North. Which, I might add, is shite.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 22, 2013, 05:18:59 AM
off to work
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 24, 2013, 09:39:58 AM
drinking tea and figuring out how to spend my birthday.

I'm probably going to go for a walk then come home and make several batches of marmalade:
meyer lemon and blood orange
key lime and meyer lemon
pear with ginger and vanilla bean.

That ought to take some time.  If I have some left over, I'll go back to tackling Heidegger again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on January 24, 2013, 09:44:24 AM
drinking tea and figuring out how to spend my birthday.

happy birthday 6!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 24, 2013, 09:48:01 AM
drinking tea and figuring out how to spend my birthday.

Is it today?! Well then have a very Happy Birthday!!  :)


meyer lemon and blood orange

I want some! I want some!  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on January 24, 2013, 01:13:33 PM
 Happy birthday 6 !!!! You bring the cake, I'll be here waiting :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on January 24, 2013, 02:12:15 PM
Happy B-day, 6
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 24, 2013, 05:01:04 PM
Happy b-day 6pairs!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 24, 2013, 10:04:42 PM
Thank you for all the well wishes.  Got two large batches of marmalade made, took a long walk with my best friend/husband, and had a nice lunch at a Chinese place near here.  All in all a good day.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 25, 2013, 12:53:56 AM
many happy returns
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 25, 2013, 04:13:54 AM
Happy belated birthday six.  I'm glad you had a good day and I hope your birthday boxing day (as my kids insist exists) is just as much fun.  And the other 363 days until your next one for that matter.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on January 25, 2013, 06:29:56 AM
rising from my bed--where i lay sick unto death for the last 4 days--to walk in the rain and get supplies for my train trip to detroit later today
if you hear of a massive pandemic rising between los angeles and motown, that'll be me*

*actually, i'm much *better*
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 25, 2013, 08:20:30 AM
enjoy the trip.

finishing my tea, sniff.  wishing I had more.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 25, 2013, 08:50:41 AM
get supplies for my train trip to detroit later today
if you hear of a massive pandemic rising between los angeles and motown, that'll be me*

WOW, that's a long trip! Have fun and take care.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 25, 2013, 08:56:22 AM
Listening to my kids squabble.

And so the weekend begins...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 25, 2013, 08:59:41 AM
For some reason, whenever my mother would be on the phone, my sister and I would start chasing one another around the house, laughing and screaming.  It drove her nuts.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 25, 2013, 10:36:39 AM
Just got home at lunch time.  Snow falling heavy again...whoopee.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on January 25, 2013, 11:43:23 PM
Laying restlessly in bed
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 26, 2013, 03:08:56 AM
Sitting in the ballet class. Man I'm bored.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 26, 2013, 08:29:33 AM
Plier, sashay!  Pirouette!

I'm waiting for tea so I can wake up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 26, 2013, 08:37:50 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on January 26, 2013, 05:22:29 PM
Waiting for the baby to finish eating so we can go grocery shopping.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 27, 2013, 07:52:47 AM
Just got home from work and I refuse to cook this evening on account of being pooped.

The trade off is that I will have to take the family out for food which will cost me.

Oh well.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 28, 2013, 06:39:00 AM
We have some simple easy stuff to fix in the freezer or the cupboard for those days when we are too tired to cook.

Last night we had "shake and bake" roast vegetables.  It did take a little prep work, but mostly sliced carrots, mushrooms, zucchini and baked potatoes.  I take the first three, slice them, throw them in a plastic bag with olive oil and then lay the slices out on cookies sheets in a 450 degree oven for a while until they slightly brown.  The baked potatoes are on the side.  It was surprisingly good and not much work.

When I'm lazier, we make some basmati rice and nuke some Indian food from Trader Joe's.  I'm assuming you don't have Trader Joes, but there's got to be some relatively inexpensive frozen food you can prep, jar of pasta sauce, spaghetti and cheese?  Or maybe it's all too much and with restaurant, there's no dishes to wash.  If we had the money, we'd eat out more, too.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 28, 2013, 07:07:50 AM
Or maybe it's all too much and with restaurant, there's no dishes to wash.

When I'm tired and I don't feel like cooking dinner we eat leftovers and add something simple like rice or potatoes or a salad. Then the kitchen is a real mess with a lot of plastic containers, more dishes to wash, and the countertop is maybe even more dirty than a usual day. I hate that!!
But we don't enjoy eating out that much.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 28, 2013, 08:31:15 AM
Thanks for the tips, they have been duly noted.

I'm pretty good at getting quality food onto the table in 15-20 minutes, but sometimes my brain just refuses to think about cooking at all and that's when I struggle.

My daughter ended up being so badly behaved shortly after we'd left the house to eat out, that we all had to come home. In the end I had to make a risotto which only contained 5% of the "love" that it should have, but I'm not sure anyone noticed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 28, 2013, 09:47:25 AM
just chillin
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 28, 2013, 05:04:45 PM
"5%-Love" Risotto is still better than "Chef-Boy-Do-I-Hate-My-Body" SpaghettiOs anyday.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 28, 2013, 07:50:23 PM

I'm making a thin noodle dish, capellini tossed in a sauté w/olive oil, julienned zucchini, sliced garlic, minced shallots, a few shakes of red pepper flakes, a few tablespoons of toasted pignoli.  Topped with some freshly grated pecorino romano.  It's cheap and good, not especially laborious.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 28, 2013, 08:06:02 PM
Sounds delicious too
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 28, 2013, 09:02:44 PM
"5%-Love" Risotto is still better than "Chef-Boy-Do-I-Hate-My-Body" SpaghettiOs anyday.
With meatballs and cut up a hot dog and DAMN!!!!! Thats my childhood
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 28, 2013, 10:14:04 PM
Some of my fondest childhood memories was my 4 siblings and I fighting over the 2 Chef-Boy-R-Dee pizza's my mom often made for a special dinner. (I loved my mom.  She tried her best but working ~80 a week in the factory and raising 5 kids alone with my grandma was tough).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 29, 2013, 04:57:25 AM
Some of my fondest childhood memories was my 4 siblings and I fighting over the 2 Chef-Boy-R-Dee pizza's my mom often made for a special dinner. (I loved my mom.  She tried her best but working ~80 a week in the factory and raising 5 kids alone with my grandma was tough).

It's odd that one of the most common kids meals over here when I was young, was beans on toast.  Now, if you were to serve that to your children it would probably be classed as child abuse.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 29, 2013, 07:18:27 AM
My brother somehow made it to adulthood on a diet of spaghetti-os and cinnamon toast. 

I'm trying to wake up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 29, 2013, 08:22:56 AM
It's odd that one of the most common kids meals over here when I was young, was beans on toast.  Now, if you were to serve that to your children it would probably be classed as child abuse.

That recipe has always blown me away. I HAVE to force myself to try it sometime rather than just trying to imagine it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 29, 2013, 08:42:46 AM
It's odd that one of the most common kids meals over here when I was young, was beans on toast.  Now, if you were to serve that to your children it would probably be classed as child abuse.
even better with melted cheese on the top  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on January 29, 2013, 09:14:22 AM
It will sound strange for an Italian, but when I was little we didn't know any pasta of pizza and my parents didn't like them for a long time when the habit start spreading in our place. We had a diet based on polenta, risotto, meats and the minestrone (the one I hated most)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 29, 2013, 09:37:18 AM
minestrone (the one I hated most)

I thought my husband was the only person on Earth that hated minestrone.  :D

My mother worked a lot (a lot!) so many times I ate at my grandparents house or what my grandma cooked and luckily she cooked like heaven.
I think I was at least 13 yrs old the 1st time I ate something packed or frozen. On the other hand I only ate candy twice a year or so. Hell, I only ate cookies twice a week!

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 29, 2013, 02:11:16 PM
That recipe has always blown me away. I HAVE to force myself to try it sometime rather than just trying to imagine it.

My missus still says I should give it to the kids when I complaining that I am really short of time, but I'd worry that the very next day they'd do a survey at their school about what they ate for dinner the night before.  That's the way my luck rolls.

even better with melted cheese on the top  :D

Now you're just showing off.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 29, 2013, 03:30:07 PM
I dont understand? Besides the carb overload, and the farting through class why would that be a bad thing?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 29, 2013, 03:50:05 PM
He's afraid the kids will accidentally paint him as a crappy parent (food-wise), I guess.  When I was a kid, we never really discussed food at school.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 29, 2013, 03:59:41 PM
I get it Dweez...... Just not sure how that dish could do that.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on January 29, 2013, 05:02:04 PM
Waiting for hubby to get home.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 29, 2013, 09:20:38 PM
Ah, gotcha oc1.  Same.  Seems like it'd be a decent snack/meal.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 29, 2013, 09:26:45 PM
While rib sticking-ly accurate I still feel a void in the "taste" sensation that is beans and toast.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 30, 2013, 01:01:53 AM
school run for the nipper and then a day of college for me
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on January 30, 2013, 02:51:30 AM
Up with the baby. Annoyed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on January 31, 2013, 02:14:38 AM
waiting for my nails to dry. painted them because I wasn't tired then once I finished I started to feel tired but I can not go to sleep other wise it will ruin the paint job. also watching a movie on cable called Adrenalin….. it will be over in 15 mins. plus its raining and really windy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 31, 2013, 07:19:04 AM
catching up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on January 31, 2013, 05:46:49 PM
Watching cougar town with hubby
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 01, 2013, 07:01:58 AM
After eating a lovely meal with wife in a excellent restaurant.
I am slobbing out
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 01, 2013, 08:32:08 AM
After eating a lovely meal with wife in a excellent restaurant.
I am slobbing out

Lunching and lounging.  It doesn't get much better.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 04, 2013, 09:01:58 AM
waiting for my scone to come out of the oven. 

Marmalades are ready for slathering.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on February 04, 2013, 12:32:58 PM
Nap with baby
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 04, 2013, 02:42:01 PM
Yawning and then some.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 06, 2013, 12:34:26 AM
school run in a while so chaos at home.
Oaki is going mad over a chew.
getting my college books ready
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on February 06, 2013, 07:12:18 AM
Laying in bed with my grumpy baby girl. Willing myself to get up and eat.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 06, 2013, 07:27:29 AM
Drinking tea and contemplating another go at converting book files.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 07, 2013, 12:35:34 AM
warming up after walking the dogs
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 07, 2013, 08:26:01 AM
Drinking tea and getting ready for philosophy class.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 07, 2013, 08:58:44 AM
Waiting for my son to finish singing club.

He'd better be leaning the words to "I'm forever blowing bubbles"..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on February 07, 2013, 09:32:40 AM
Watching Gilmore girls with my little baby girl.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Discover99 on February 07, 2013, 10:10:01 AM
watching the latest episode of the lizzy bennet diaries (modern vlog version of Pride&Prejudice)
it's amazingly well done!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 07, 2013, 10:40:20 AM
Making some soup for lunch.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on February 07, 2013, 07:46:44 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 07, 2013, 08:52:29 PM

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on February 07, 2013, 10:22:10 PM
Playing wheel of fortune with the hubbs
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 08, 2013, 12:45:29 AM
warming up yet again
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 09, 2013, 01:40:49 PM
Thinking how much we need this medicine to really exist.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 09, 2013, 02:03:59 PM
Drug is Dedouchefin: "Attacks douchebaggery at its root".  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 09, 2013, 03:29:21 PM
sobering up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on February 09, 2013, 03:39:02 PM
I just shaved the matted fur off my husband's cat and gave her a bath to get rid of the kitty dandruff... Made it out with only one scratch, but I feel like I worked out for hours!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 09, 2013, 05:44:29 PM
I feel like I worked out for hours!!

I bet you do! And I also bet the kitty feels the same way.  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on February 09, 2013, 06:02:51 PM
Who, who?  What, what?  O.O
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 10, 2013, 12:53:06 AM
drying out from walking dogs and drinking fresh coffee  :)
listen to the news, life is good.

And watching the dog savage the rubber chicken  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on February 10, 2013, 04:48:50 PM
I bet you do! And I also bet the kitty feels the same way.  :)

Yes and she hid for only a half hour or so and decided she loved me again. Probably she felt a lot better without knots. And it must be nice not to stink. :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on February 11, 2013, 10:05:00 PM
I feel pretty relaxed, but I am not doing anything.   :-X
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 12, 2013, 11:55:38 AM
having had a lovely valentine days lunch my wife made, I am going to lounge.

Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 13, 2013, 12:12:58 AM
Drinking a glass of red wine and thinking about what I'll read before bed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on February 13, 2013, 12:18:22 AM
I'm reading a YA nook recommended to me by my sis in law. It is actually captivating.

But as I'm on a break from that right now, just giving myself a pep talk about going back to work.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 13, 2013, 08:41:34 AM
about to rip my 3500 page essay for college.
boy did i get this one wrong  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on February 13, 2013, 08:55:16 AM
Settling back into my California lifestyle after 3 weeks in Detroit.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 13, 2013, 10:17:27 AM
drinking tea, getting ready to delve into Merleau-Ponty.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on February 13, 2013, 04:41:43 PM
I've been reading the first story of Drizzt Do'Urden in the book Homeland, by Drizzt Do'Urden.
Pretty good, as for now, I am drinking iced coffee
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on February 14, 2013, 06:24:48 AM
Sipping my coffee and wondering which book by Merleau-Ponty 6 is reading and is she hip to the work of Rosalyn Diprose. I'm also castigating myself for sounding like a puffed-up, phenomenological pedant... hehehehe.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on February 14, 2013, 07:13:03 AM
Wishing I was asleep
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 14, 2013, 07:46:50 AM
 ::) tiredness can be a pain.
atm i am eating dark chocolate digestive biscuits
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 14, 2013, 09:48:28 AM
oooh McVitties?

I'm having some earl grey tea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 14, 2013, 11:02:54 AM
Feeling like poo and trying to get up the strength to go out and get some OJ.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on February 14, 2013, 12:00:43 PM
stalking dweez (>winks<)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 14, 2013, 01:31:27 PM
oooh McVitties?

I'm having some earl grey tea.
so why is it called Earl Grey
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 14, 2013, 06:25:23 PM
Cuz the guy who first made it had a surname of "Grey" and he was an Earl?

/me shrugs
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on February 15, 2013, 06:24:52 PM
FTA "Legend has it that the tea was created in honour of Prime Minister, Charles Grey...".

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 16, 2013, 01:35:41 AM
He was a busy man.Also famous for
'The Representation of the People Act 1832'.

off now to do house work ttfn
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on February 16, 2013, 07:00:30 AM
so why is it called Earl Grey

cuz johnny cash is a dumb name for a tea?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 16, 2013, 07:02:31 AM
cuz johnny cash is a dumb name for a tea?

But it's a good name for a pawnshop.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on February 16, 2013, 07:05:58 AM
^ this is true.
how about pwn shop?  ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 16, 2013, 07:54:12 AM
I used to drink Jacksons of Picadilly.  It was the best.  Then Twinings bought them and it's nearly impossible to get now.  I think they scaled down production to a hard to get boutique brand.  It's even hard to find in the UK.  I do not have kind feelings toward Twinings as a result.

I gave up and now order F&M in large quantities every year or so.  It isn't cheap, but I figure it's comparable to drinking good coffee.  There is no good Earl Grey tea sold in the U.S.  Williamson's is very good, too, but they have also had issues with supply.  I don't know if you can still get it.  The loose leaf tea is available in the UK, but not, as far as I know, in the U.S.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 16, 2013, 10:57:43 AM
we have a lovely Tea shop where i live.
Wife buys tea leaf's and i buy freshly ground coffee  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on February 16, 2013, 11:00:03 AM
Watching old episodes of burn notice and sipping my chai.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 16, 2013, 01:50:18 PM
Just finished putting my new office chair together.  Old one just up and broke on me last night.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 16, 2013, 06:39:47 PM
Wow. That sounds dramatic.  Hope the new one is sturdier.

I'm taking a break from cleaning the house.  The dust bunnies were threatening to jump me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 16, 2013, 07:15:46 PM
The old one was over 10 years old.  I was due a new one.  Got a Serta, it's nice, but I think I got some blisters putting it together with the Allen wrenches that came with it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on February 16, 2013, 07:17:05 PM
I'm late to the tea convo but I like twinnings lady earl grey tea. its one of my faves.

The old one was over 10 years old.  I was due a new one.  Got a Serta, it's nice, but I think I got some blisters putting it together with the Allen wrenches that came with it.

the delivery guys didnt put it together?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 16, 2013, 07:44:16 PM
I picked it up myself from OfficeMax.

This is the chair I got.  It was on-sale for $169.  I spend a great deal of my time in the chair so I didn't mind paying for a good one.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on February 16, 2013, 07:48:42 PM

I just read serta and I was like oh mattress and I assumed you meant the box frame thing, that comes with the mattress.. anywho….. great looking chair looks super comfy … I've put together a office chair before and Its really no fun at all.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 17, 2013, 12:25:20 AM
I'm not keen on Twinings Earl Grey at all, as it seems really acidic to me.

$200 for an office chair is somewhere in the low middle price range.  People spend hideous amounts of money on office chairs.  I often see the cheap ones sitting on the side of the road.  The most comfortable one I ever had was a Knoll International design that someone had left on the curb.  It had really nice leather upholstery and arms that were a good height.  I imagine shopping for a new one is not an easy matter.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 17, 2013, 04:52:44 AM
I have a day off at last.  It is also half-term for the kids so I think I'll take them out for the day with some of their friends, and no doubt we'll have lunch on the Common.

I believe they are serving Polipetti linguine today.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on February 17, 2013, 06:47:04 AM
But it's a good name for a pawnshop.

... or maybe Johnny-on-the-Spot Cash Pawnshop...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 17, 2013, 08:14:24 AM
I believe they are serving Polipetti linguine today.

Polpette e linguine I'll gladly take.  :D  Polipetti not so much. One of the few kinds of seafood I don't enjoy.
Now that I think about it: being a rainy Sunday it's highly probable that we'll eat linguine at my in-laws today.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on February 17, 2013, 10:09:06 AM
Looking for places to get a kitten or puppy
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on February 17, 2013, 12:38:54 PM
I have a day off at last. 
Hooray.  8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 17, 2013, 12:47:03 PM
Looking for places to get a kitten or puppy

I always prefer a rescue.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 17, 2013, 02:29:37 PM
Now that I think about it: being a rainy Sunday it's highly probable that we'll eat linguine at my in-laws today.

Nope, that wasn't on the menu after all. After an eating and drinking 5 hrs marathon I'm back home with a huge headache.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on February 17, 2013, 05:40:23 PM
I always prefer a rescue.

We adopted a one year old stray from the humane society
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 17, 2013, 08:39:33 PM
We adopted a one year old stray from the humane society

Good for you!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on February 19, 2013, 08:49:48 AM
We adopted a one year old stray from the humane society

Excellent! For the rescue: +1 :)
Every child should grow up with animal friends & vice versa. For mutual interspecies love:  +1
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 19, 2013, 09:04:56 AM
Tea drinking.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on February 19, 2013, 10:12:38 AM
Excellent! For the rescue: +1 :)
Every child should grow up with animal friends & vice versa. For mutual interspecies love:  +1

:) we are just hoping it works out with the other cat we have. She doesn't like other animals and most people outside our little family. Mostly ignores the baby...

Also enjoying my morning cup of tea and playing some crosswords.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on February 19, 2013, 11:46:10 AM
:) we are just hoping it works out with the other cat we have. She doesn't like other animals and most people outside our little family. Mostly ignores the baby...

Give her time to adjust (but you know that  :)). Critters are much better than most people when it comes to growing up fast.

I'm getting set to watch the latest episode of Walking Dead.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 20, 2013, 02:40:51 PM
Having a nice pint of real ale.
Plus we have a real ale show coming up in Leicester soon  :) :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 20, 2013, 03:22:19 PM
Perusing the fora and seeing goldie's post bomb.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on February 20, 2013, 08:10:29 PM
Relaxing after a hard day of work. Dinner's in the oven.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 21, 2013, 12:18:16 AM
getting ready for bed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 21, 2013, 04:43:19 AM
Year 2 and year 6 homework.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on February 21, 2013, 05:20:48 AM
I just subscribed to a gymn, I have yet to meet the coach and see what kind of exercises I can do
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 05, 2013, 05:02:22 AM
updating my HTC Windows phone to the latest spec(although HTC wont release the update as yet  >:( )
looks just like W8 without the size of the new phones
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on March 14, 2013, 05:55:10 AM
not wanting to go to work
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on March 14, 2013, 06:18:18 PM
Wondering what sort of forum drama I missed today. Seems like a doozie, whatever it was.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on March 14, 2013, 09:02:11 PM
Wondering what sort of forum drama I missed today. Seems like a doozie, whatever it was.

totally was wondering the same thing.


I can tell you my eyes are drooping and they are telling me I'm tired but my brain is saying listen hun, stay up and watch hit&run… so i think thats what I'm going to do right now…..after I brush my teeth. isnt just like weird that you feel refreshed and more awake after brushing your teeth ? well at least  I do, maybe its because of the mint? who knows…..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 14, 2013, 09:27:28 PM
I have suspicions, but I worry that it was a cry for help.

I'm going to have to cover up the bird for the night.  He's quite wakeful and playing with his toys.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on March 14, 2013, 09:34:15 PM
what kind of bird do you have? my vet has a parrot but he bites...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 14, 2013, 11:30:56 PM
A sweet little male budgie.  He's about 6 months old.  A really playful little guy.  Very affectionate, and with beautiful plumage.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on March 15, 2013, 05:02:58 AM
Writing this.  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 15, 2013, 05:42:57 AM
A sweet little male budgie.  He's about 6 months old.  A really playful little guy.  Very affectionate, and with beautiful plumage.

In captivity, budgerigars live an average of five to eight years, but life spans of 15–20 years have been reported.

I didn't know they could live that long.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on March 15, 2013, 09:13:20 AM
Aw budgie are very cute… are they low maintenance to care for?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 15, 2013, 09:41:09 AM
Yes, although you do need to interact with them if you have them singly, as I do, as they are very social flock-oriented animals.  I talk to, sing at, and play with this bird every day for a good while and feel very guilty if I don't.  He was alone last week for an entire day and was so happy when we came home.  He first buzzed our heads to punish us and express disapproval for abandoning him, then he was extremely playful and interactive.  We move his cage around the house to have him in the same room we are occupying and he eats when we do.  When I take a nap in the afternoon, so does he.  It's pretty funny to wake up to see a little bird with its head tucked under its wing, sleeping.  When I move, he stretches his legs and wings to rouse himself.

They don't cost much to feed, but like all animals, vet bills can be pretty expensive if they get sick.  A good avian vet is hard to find, although we have some brilliant ones about 45 minutes away.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 15, 2013, 10:00:02 AM
^What you're telling makes me go awwwwww....  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on March 15, 2013, 10:04:54 AM
Aw he sounds delightful. do you let him fly around the house occasionally or is his wings clipped?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 15, 2013, 11:43:05 AM
Budgies used to be the reserve of old folk here which tended to make them more endearing to kids (the old folk not the Budgies that is). Reading six's comments I'm seriously considering one myself. Maybe even two.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 15, 2013, 12:16:23 PM
At the moment i'm  watching red nose day  ;D ;D ;D ;D
simon callow getting married  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 15, 2013, 01:07:44 PM
The bird doesn't take up lots of room.  If I need to go away for the weekend, it's easy to leave it with a neighbor or have someone pop in once a day to change its food.

I never feel alone with this little animal around.  It's odd.  They make great companions.  They are intelligent, sympathetic, funny and they sing.  Mine imitates the neighborhood birds and mimics human laughter pretty well.  It occasionally goes off on these vocal riffs that sound like speech but I can't understand what he's saying.  He's young, though.  I have a friend whose bird would pick up odd phrases from tv commercials, and could say its name.  For all you footballers, my bird likes to get on the floor of its cage and bat marbles around with his beak.  They like sports on tv, perhaps because the crowd noises are like the sound of rain.  At least it means if you watch sport, the bird will join in cheering on your team.  At $20 a pop, what's not to like?

Simon Callow's last name seems to fit him.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 16, 2013, 01:08:55 AM
You could always take the bird on holiday with you .
Friends family take their rabbits / tortoise / dogs / Parrots with them  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 16, 2013, 02:29:33 AM
I have traveled a great deal with my former bird (now deceased).  But, given that I was charged $80 "handling charge" for the privilege of stowing the bird under my seat by the airline before they began charging for checking a bag, the idea of managing to take a bird along on a flight these days becomes a pricey one. 

Birds love to drive along in the car next to you in their cages, though, and if it's possible, we usually take it along on long weekend trips.  They chirp in the car, enjoy listening to the radio, etc.

I'm up in the middle of the night, contemplating going back to bed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 16, 2013, 02:49:45 AM
I am drying out from walking pooches
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 22, 2013, 08:28:42 PM
Rainy spring there?

I'm relaxing after dinner.  My iMac is in the shop and I'm back on my sweet little laptop.  I prefer the keyboard of this old MacBookPro to the huge wired affair of the iMac.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 22, 2013, 08:43:06 PM
6pairs, you need one of these.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 23, 2013, 12:31:05 AM
do i go out with dogs in the snow or throw them in the garden ?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on March 23, 2013, 07:02:13 AM
Falling asleep next to my daughter
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 23, 2013, 04:27:40 PM
Boiling the kettle for my hot water bottle.  They really are a wonderful invention aren't they.  Half a kettle of water keeps you warm all night.

Stick that in your pipe, British Gas!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 23, 2013, 09:18:59 PM
Listening to my ears ring.

6pairs, you need one of these.

I opted against them because a) no usb port and b) they eat batteries.
I don't like that the keys are completely flat and it's hard to orient one's fingers in them.  I spent so many years with a laptop that the new keyboard has been impossible to get used to.  I'm so much happier writing on this laptop. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 23, 2013, 10:09:27 PM
Ah, fair enough.  I can't stand a small form factor keyboard and the almost flat keys would probably bother me too.  I have a newer Mac at work but the keyboard is an old one that was left over (only got the computer in the transfer, not a keyboard or mouse) and I hate how it's formed too.



The way the keyboard arcs up is really annoying.  Luckily I found a program called "Synergy" long ago that allows you to share one keyboard and mouse over the network with any number of computers.  It's a Server-client model so you use the keyboard and mouse that is physically connected to the computer running Synergy Server.  Not really a big need at home but at work I use one keyboard/mouse with 6 monitors and 5 OS' (OS X, Ubuntu 12.04, Win8, Windows 2008 Server, and Windows 2012 Server).  Sorry, I can't speak enough good things about Synergy.

Link btw if anyone is interested.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 24, 2013, 06:26:54 AM
wasnt synergy on trouble a few weeks / months ago due to lack of money ??

that is a sexy keyboard  ;D

I am at present using calibra library to transfer books to my kindle fire hd
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 24, 2013, 10:02:31 AM
There's always a money issue as it's an open source projct.  I think you're referring a recent sponsorship they had dropping them.  Oh well.  It'll survive like it did a couple years back.  I've been an @ in their IRC channel on freenode for a few years now after joining the channel about 4 years ago and just hanging around to help.

As for the sexiness of that keyboard...
/me hands goldie some eyeglasses cleaner
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on March 24, 2013, 02:58:55 PM
On the topic of keyboards, I recently succumbed to the mechanical keyboard "fad" and splurged on a leopold tenkeyless with cherry mx blue switches (link below if anyone's interested). It's pretty cool but I still find my wpm drastically better on my regular laptop keyboard. Placebo effect, anyone?


Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 24, 2013, 03:22:41 PM
I currently use this keyboard at home...


And this one at work...


A recent IRC convo brought this ergonomic keyboard to my attention.  The guy said he almost had to give up programming because of the arm pain he was experience but it all but went away with this one.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 25, 2013, 11:11:16 AM
beam me up scotty  ;D ;D
holly Moses what a board.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on March 25, 2013, 07:23:12 PM
Recovering from a terrible workday.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 25, 2013, 09:02:23 PM
beam me up scotty  ;D ;D
holly Moses what a board.

Hehe, I know.  I imagine it would take some getting used to.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 26, 2013, 12:26:12 AM
I suspect the learning curve on that board would be rather shallow since its intuitively set up to fit the respective lengths of your different fingers.  I'd sure like to give it a try.

autumn, tomorrow will be better, I'm sure.  Hope you get some rest.

I'm not sleeping.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on March 26, 2013, 05:17:28 AM
Getting ready for my first physical therapy session.

Thanks 6!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 27, 2013, 07:49:07 AM
drinking tea and thinking about having a scone with jam.  mmmm....
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on March 27, 2013, 08:23:01 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 28, 2013, 11:26:38 AM

I'm "sitting" for the first time today, which sounds quite similar.

It isn't though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 28, 2013, 01:22:49 PM
listening my children talk on minecraft
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 28, 2013, 03:30:09 PM
listening my children talk on minecraft

I've banned Minecraft from the house, so my daughter takes her tablet out and plays it and exclaims "It's not in the house daddy!".

Cheeky mite.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 28, 2013, 04:23:14 PM
listening my children talk on minecraft

You're in my house?! Oh, you meant your children.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on March 28, 2013, 08:39:29 PM
Eating my one Easter treat. Peanut butter m&ms
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 29, 2013, 11:50:40 AM
Cleaning and organizing.  Trying to reduce the piles of paper and clutter here in order to vacuum.  Birds make a mess.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on March 29, 2013, 11:53:17 AM
NIce Smoke  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 29, 2013, 12:18:56 PM
Cooking limes.

Writing a financial report.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 30, 2013, 12:24:15 AM
coffee and looking out at the snow falling  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on March 30, 2013, 06:27:54 AM
Protein shake waiting for the little one to wake.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 30, 2013, 10:39:48 AM
I'm scrubbing and sanding and varnishing doors. A lot of them. I've been doing it in my spare time for the last 3 weeks. There are some new ones (which are a walk in the park) but the old ones can be a pain in.... my shoulders.  :D They are bothering me when I sleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 30, 2013, 11:18:54 AM
Rooting a nexus 7
scrub that dont need to, transferring books / movies to using existing software  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on March 30, 2013, 12:54:53 PM
I'm scrubbing and sanding and varnishing doors. A lot of them. I've been doing it in my spare time for the last 3 weeks. There are some new ones (which are a walk in the park) but the old ones can be a pain in.... my shoulders.  :D They are bothering me when I sleep.

You should treat yourself to a full spa day.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 30, 2013, 03:22:55 PM
You should treat yourself to a full spa day.

I'll settle for a hot bath and some hand cream. My fingertips are numbed and have the texture of sandpaper. I should were gloves.  ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 30, 2013, 09:18:01 PM
Well, at least know you're prepared for your cat burglar career.

(in case you missed my vein of thought, here fingerprints are sanded off)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 30, 2013, 09:48:44 PM
Well, at least know you're prepared for your cat burglar career.

(in case you missed my vein of thought, here fingerprints are sanded off)

Even before this I didn't have much of a fingerprint bc of the housework. Normally you have to scan your right thumb in the fingerprint reader when entering a country. Last time they had to scan all my 10 fingers. People around you start to stare at you.  ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 30, 2013, 10:52:20 PM
I used to play guitar a lot and I joined a group from my church that went to a prison to hold services.  When I got fingerprinted at the initial visit, my prints were just a blob cuz of all the callouses.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 30, 2013, 11:47:33 PM
preparing for a busy day
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 31, 2013, 06:44:08 AM
Taking a painkiller.  ::) :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 31, 2013, 09:06:36 AM
I do a good deal of sanding.  I always wear gloves.  It will tear your hand up.  It's hard enough work as it is, no need to remove your skin along with whatever else you are removing.

I'm drinking tea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 31, 2013, 02:31:37 PM
Taking a painkiller.  ::) :(

I hope it worked.

I am honestly so cold that I may retire with a couple of hot water bottles.

I really must buy a new laptop that I can take to bed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 31, 2013, 02:43:30 PM
I hope it worked.

I feel much better now, thank you, but probably bc time has passed and all I did today was eating and drinking.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 01, 2013, 02:56:11 AM
trying to drag number 1 son outa bed so he can get on with his delivery job
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 01, 2013, 02:17:15 PM
scaring myself watching a movie a shouldn't  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 01, 2013, 03:17:35 PM
Tyler Perry's How Medea Got Her Groove Back?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on April 01, 2013, 08:52:55 PM
scaring myself watching a movie a shouldn't  ;D

Does it feature Adam Sandler?  ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 02, 2013, 12:32:51 AM
I typed scaring not petrifying  ;D ;D

Waking up atm
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 02, 2013, 02:40:45 AM
I'm still in bed and it's 9.40am. Getting pissed off browsing on my phone though, so I should get up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 02, 2013, 06:30:16 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on April 02, 2013, 07:08:14 AM

I assume you're using a laptop...  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 02, 2013, 07:23:02 AM
only to shovel soil  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 02, 2013, 07:38:51 AM
Waking up late because my next-door neighbor had a loud, late argument with her ex-boyfriend. Grrr.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 02, 2013, 07:44:41 AM
Trying to motivate/persuade/coerce the kids into tidying up.

It would be easier to herd cattle.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 02, 2013, 08:53:44 AM
Maybe if you got a border collie?

I'm drinking tea and waiting for the scones to heat up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 02, 2013, 09:12:58 AM
Trying to motivate/persuade/coerce the kids into tidying up.

Other than that I tried shouting, threatening and pulling out my own hair and it didn't work either.

Maybe if you got a border collie?

Bark and/or bite the children? It might work. Nah, not even that will work.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on April 02, 2013, 03:42:12 PM
A sheep dog might be a little more secure, border collies always scared the bejesus out of me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 05, 2013, 03:21:21 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 05, 2013, 10:13:46 AM
wondering how in the hell i got suckered into driving wife and daughter to the O2 arena tomorrow so they can watch a concert whilst i on the other hand must kill time until they finished
whats even worse its 1 direction :-[
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on April 05, 2013, 10:17:37 AM
Waiting to go to work. I get to dig up a backyard today. Oh boy!
Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 05, 2013, 01:14:51 PM
wondering how in the hell i got suckered into driving wife and daughter to the O2 arena tomorrow so they can watch a concert whilst i on the other hand must kill time until they finished
whats even worse its 1 direction :-[

You know goldie? That's What Makes You Beautiful and a good father and husband.  :D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on April 05, 2013, 01:30:17 PM
Is the arena far from civilization? Maybe you could find some place to hang out while they enjoy the concert.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 05, 2013, 03:19:41 PM
wondering how in the hell i got suckered into driving wife and daughter to the O2 arena tomorrow so they can watch a concert whilst i on the other hand must kill time until they finished
whats even worse its 1 direction :-[

I was right by it yesterday.  So you're near me tomorrow?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 05, 2013, 04:13:53 PM
Maybe you could find some place to hang out while they enjoy the concert.

I'm confident he will find a pub.  ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 06, 2013, 01:16:40 AM
I was right by it yesterday.  So you're near me tomorrow?
Yes we are aim to get to the car park around 12 / 1 ish.
Wife and family go into the O2 around 6.30 ish when the doors open.

You know goldie? That's What Makes You Beautiful and a good father and husband.  :D ;D
I wouldnt go that far  ;D ;D

I'm confident he will find a pub.  ;)

I have been told there are lots of places to eat and such. Even a cinema, may go to the movies.

Is the arena far from civilization? Maybe you could find some place to hang out while they enjoy the concert.
http://www.theo2.co.uk/ (http://www.theo2.co.uk/)  lots around to do
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 06, 2013, 07:33:40 AM
Having an Aintree day (at home in front of the telly) culminating in the Grand National.

So far I am down £20 and it could be £50 in a couple of hours.

Wish me luck.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 06, 2013, 08:12:17 AM
Sitting in cafe rouge @ O2 getting the funniest looks, could be the life size image of Niall from 1 Direction sitting next to me.Wife and daughter have left me alone with it  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 06, 2013, 10:43:19 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 06, 2013, 03:37:14 PM
Sitting in cafe rouge @ O2 getting the funniest looks, could be the life size image of Niall from 1 Direction sitting next to me.Wife and daughter have left me alone with it  ;D

LOL  ;D  Don't drink to many beers. You might start talking to it.

Years ago a crazy neighbor of mine asked (or maybe stole?  :-\) a life size cardboard image of Luis Miguel from a record store and put it in her front porch. It was there "welcoming" people for more than a year!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 07, 2013, 01:51:34 AM
Lots of men was sitting around at the end of the night with life size cut outs of various band members  ;D ;D

trying to wake up after the long drive home last night in the dark , eye are still buzzing  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 07, 2013, 03:14:02 AM
there should be a thread called "what are you not doing right now?" (with the appendix:  "that you should be doing..." or it would be endless)

If that were the question, I'd say, "sleeping."  Instead, I'm here enjoying insomnia.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on April 07, 2013, 05:08:57 AM
I'll take you at your word.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 07, 2013, 09:53:09 AM
Leicester Tigers v Toulon
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on April 07, 2013, 10:32:18 AM
Watching my baby play... Because I feel terrible.she took a spill off the bed. :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on April 07, 2013, 06:36:07 PM
It happens babies are really sturdy though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 07, 2013, 06:56:21 PM
making marmalade.  getting ready to cut up some guava.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 08, 2013, 10:44:18 AM
falling asleep at keyboard  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 08, 2013, 11:05:50 AM
I was typing an e-mail once then the next thing I know, I jerked myself awake to find 45 lines of "k".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 08, 2013, 11:34:39 AM
I was typing an e-mail once then the next thing I know, I jerked myself awake to find 45 lines of "k".

dweez, that would make a great first line for a novel.  If you don't use it, can I steal it?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 08, 2013, 12:05:51 PM
good name for a book  :)
watching a documentary about Galileo and the church  ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on April 08, 2013, 07:30:13 PM
Feeling devious.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 08, 2013, 07:41:38 PM
dweez, that would make a great first line for a novel.  If you don't use it, can I steal it?

Lol, go right ahead.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 09, 2013, 07:24:33 AM
going to school to collect child
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on April 09, 2013, 09:06:27 AM
Wishing other people were around to talk to
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 09, 2013, 08:31:46 PM
Drunk on a bus at 3.30am. Happy days until the missus sees me. .
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 09, 2013, 08:47:13 PM
Ooooooohhhh, you're gonna get it!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 10, 2013, 08:40:45 AM
 ::) ha ha
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 10, 2013, 12:07:19 PM
I managed to wing it. 

I had to work with the hangover today which was absolutely awful.  The things we do for money eh..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 10, 2013, 03:50:22 PM
Ooooooohhhh, you're gonna get it!

He got something. The headache.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 10, 2013, 03:52:12 PM
He got something. The headache.

Not to mention the nausea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 10, 2013, 06:29:00 PM
Finishing laundry, digging to plant tomatoes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 11, 2013, 07:39:04 AM
bidding on a netbook on ebay
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on April 11, 2013, 08:27:48 AM
Good luck
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 11, 2013, 09:03:21 AM
not so far  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 11, 2013, 02:05:22 PM
Good luck
Wohoo you gave me some luck  :-*
Purchased a Toshiba NB200 Netbook, old but aim to install peppermint linux on it and improve the ram
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 11, 2013, 09:09:17 PM

I'm recovering from 5 hours of yard work.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 11, 2013, 09:59:05 PM
I'm recovering from 5 hours of yard work.

Wow, that's a lot of time for yard work! Really tough work. I hope it shows/was productive cause sometimes I've spent hours in the garden and it barely showed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 11, 2013, 10:31:59 PM

I'm recovering from 5 hours of yard work.

What, are you in prison?!?!

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 12, 2013, 12:04:39 AM
What, are you in prison?!?!


Silly man.  I had to trim the lemon tree, dig up weeds, plant tomatoes, mow the yard.  And I am still not finished.  So much to be done.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on April 12, 2013, 12:37:37 AM
Avoiding sleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 13, 2013, 09:45:52 AM
loading light linux distros on memory stick to try to install to netbook.
Peppermint / lubuntu seem the best,
about to try ubuntu ( as i run on laptop already)
Modify message
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 14, 2013, 03:00:00 PM
Taking up my son's trousers for his first day back at school tomorrow.

The things I do for love...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 15, 2013, 07:48:52 AM
loading light linux distros on memory stick to try to install to netbook.
Peppermint / lubuntu seem the best,
about to try ubuntu ( as i run on laptop already)
Modify message
was that me or someone else modified. ?
Finally decided on Peppermint linux, ran the fastest but only just over lubuntu
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 15, 2013, 08:10:09 AM
I checked the logs and non of the mods touched that post.  Also, if the post is older than 60 seconds or if it is modified by someone besides the original poster, the post always gets flagged with a "edited" message.  Based on that info, it looks like you modified it yourself right away (based on the lack of edit message.

I edited this post to show an example of the "edited" message, which should be right below.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 15, 2013, 11:11:19 AM
cheers .
I know I'm getting old but even i cannot think why
i typed "modify message" in place of something else  :-\
Its all a conspiracy you  know  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 20, 2013, 08:15:00 AM
drinking tea, listening to the bird making tiny chirping sounds while he rings his bells.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 20, 2013, 03:14:56 PM
Trying to get a grip of the nausea that has been plaguing me today.

Not feeling so great atm.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on April 20, 2013, 04:43:44 PM
^^ watched Dr oz and he says that if you massage in between flexor's on your wrist with your index and middle finger it will get rid of your nausea … it really does work

this might be the video http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/bone-spurs-coffee-nausea-and-walking-pneumonia

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 20, 2013, 05:15:42 PM
^^ watched Dr oz and he says that if you massage in between flexor's on your wrist with your index and middle finger it will get rid of your nausea … it really does work

this might be the video http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/bone-spurs-coffee-nausea-and-walking-pneumonia


That's great advice mish'. However, I have a sneaky feeling that mine's due to beer, chocolate cheesecake, espressos, chips (fries to you), mango sorbet and garlic bread - in no particular order...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on April 20, 2013, 05:20:05 PM
that all sounds good minus the beer...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 20, 2013, 10:08:07 PM
"Minus the beer". Don't we have a word filter in the forum for such blasphemy?!  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 20, 2013, 11:29:58 PM
someone mention beer
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on April 21, 2013, 12:18:21 AM
Staying up too late.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 21, 2013, 12:46:58 AM
Mmmmm, beer.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 21, 2013, 09:02:04 AM
drinking tea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on April 21, 2013, 10:45:04 PM
being bad.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on April 21, 2013, 11:12:02 PM
Cursing my friends school teacher daughter for not plugging in her laptop. She said it was plugged in before she went to bed but it wasn't. I can't finish installing MS Office, remotely.

Well, maybe not cursing her but come on kiddo...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on April 22, 2013, 07:02:34 AM
are you helping her for free? If so find a right penance...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 22, 2013, 07:46:02 PM
listening to my ears ringing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on April 22, 2013, 10:14:08 PM
I've just realized I'm a super hero.....
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on April 22, 2013, 10:27:10 PM
are you helping her for free? If so find a right penance...
Yeah, I couldn't charge her. I've known her all of her life. She's the same age and is friends with my daughter. Much love for her and her sister. Her folks are my closest friends.

I got her before she went to work this morning. Seems her son accidentally unplugged it when he was hiding from his sister. She plugged it in and I installed Office.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 23, 2013, 01:22:17 AM
Got a new air cleaner today, it's smaller than my old one.

I miss the old one, it looks like a TNG warp core :(

Also I was gifted a bottle of Jack for awesome services in the line of awesome.

So now I'm just enjoying that, laughing at poo, and being a general idiot.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 23, 2013, 10:41:09 AM
a free bottle of Jack - nice one
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on April 23, 2013, 11:13:24 AM
sorting through my music on my hard drive that i finally found
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 23, 2013, 01:28:50 PM
trying to find a linux distro to use on my netbook, I just keep hopping around atm  :-[
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on April 23, 2013, 04:00:57 PM
eating my leftover pulled pork sammich from the bar last night.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on April 24, 2013, 12:04:12 AM
feeling hyper and tired at the same time….
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on April 24, 2013, 01:22:59 AM
watching veronica mars from the beginning.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on April 24, 2013, 08:25:47 AM
watching veronica mars from the beginning.

It had been 3 years in between the first and second time I watched it and it was just as good, if not better, the second time. Still cant understand why it didnt last longer. Very good show!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 24, 2013, 09:00:53 AM
eating scones
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on April 24, 2013, 09:35:52 PM
continuing mars marathon.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 25, 2013, 12:12:19 PM
not a lot
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 29, 2013, 06:00:24 PM
Yawning and then some.

I was thinking of searching for UFOs, but I'm not quite sure where to start.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on April 29, 2013, 06:03:47 PM
Area 51?

Tv and cyber window shopping
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 29, 2013, 06:17:06 PM
Area 51?

I was hoping for somewhere closer, but I'll take a look west just in case.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 29, 2013, 11:43:29 PM
Having a glass of wine in a break from reading.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 30, 2013, 12:23:28 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 30, 2013, 02:41:40 AM
Planning my day.

So that'll be coffee, ... ok, I'm stumped.  Perhaps working isn't that bad after all?

Damn my days/weeks off without the kids.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 30, 2013, 03:09:18 AM
not alot
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on May 01, 2013, 07:29:36 AM
Last episode of Veronica mars.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 01, 2013, 10:32:02 AM
transferring info
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 01, 2013, 11:33:11 AM
cleaning up Transmission.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 02, 2013, 02:14:47 PM
Pondering life.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 02, 2013, 03:47:03 PM
Trying to figure out how to not get bent by my cell phone company. My contract is up in two days, and I want to continue my existing contract, none of their offers appeal AT ALL.

I don't even want a new phone, I like the one I've got.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on May 02, 2013, 04:08:08 PM
can 't you just not renew and still just pay the price your paying now?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 02, 2013, 04:39:48 PM
Trying to figure out how to not get bent by my cell phone company. My contract is up in two days, and I want to continue my existing contract, none of their offers appeal AT ALL.

I don't even want a new phone, I like the one I've got.

I had that same issue recently.  I found talking to the off-shore upgrade department it was their way or the highway, but speaking to upgrades here in the U.K, I was offered lots more phones and better deals.

In the end I managed to squeeze an S3 out of them and keep all the perks I had with a lesser contract. I did have to pay 50 bucks, but they came down from 150 so a grabbed it while it was hot.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 02, 2013, 05:14:43 PM
can 't you just not renew and still just pay the price your paying now?

That's what I'm aiming for, but they don't offer the contract I have anymore. I still have two days, so I guess I can call tomorrow.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on May 03, 2013, 10:18:08 AM
i hate when they do that 8ully.

i'm aching... my jaw hurts again. which makes my head hurt... which makes my neck hurt.. you get the point.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 05, 2013, 04:55:26 AM
On the way to La Baita for lunch.

And probably supper.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 05, 2013, 10:17:42 AM
i hate when they do that 8ully.

i'm aching... my jaw hurts again. which makes my head hurt... which makes my neck hurt.. you get the point.

autumn, you might want to check out this site re the jaw pain:
http://www.tmj.org/site/ (http://www.tmj.org/site/)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on May 07, 2013, 08:46:27 PM
its not tmj. its a botched wisdom tooth extraction....

it acts up when another shard is working its way out.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 07, 2013, 09:22:50 PM
That sounds terrible.  Can you go to another endodontist who can help with this?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 08, 2013, 12:23:49 AM
prepping for college
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on May 08, 2013, 01:02:46 AM
That sounds terrible.  Can you go to another endodontist who can help with this?

No, just gotta wait it out. I mean I could have another painful surgery but I'm not down for that. They come out pretty easily, just hurts...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 09, 2013, 03:05:32 PM
No, just gotta wait it out. I mean I could have another painful surgery but I'm not down for that. They come out pretty easily, just hurts...

That's just totally Rambo-esc.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 09, 2013, 09:22:55 PM
I have a root canal in a few hours.  :'(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 09, 2013, 09:50:35 PM
 ::) ouch and I thought going to work was bad
best of luck
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 09, 2013, 10:19:23 PM
Hope you get through that procedure quickly and with little discomfort.  Root canals are annoying and weird.  Hours of some person rooting around in yr mouth.  Tiresome.

I'm boiling guava.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on May 09, 2013, 11:49:02 PM
Getting sleepy, thank goodness. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 10, 2013, 12:33:13 AM
drinking wine and pondering life on line.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 10, 2013, 06:16:56 AM
I have a root canal in a few hours.  :'(

I hope he gets everything.  The 2 teeth I have gold capped (no, they're not at the front) still have a partial part of the nerve.  Even warm water is painful.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 10, 2013, 11:41:59 AM
::) ouch and I thought going to work was bad
best of luck

Thank you goldie. I'm really fine. Not any pain at any moment.

Hope you get through that procedure quickly and with little discomfort.  Root canals are annoying and weird.  Hours of some person rooting around in yr mouth.  Tiresome.

Indeed! It took almost 2 hrs.

Even warm water is painful.

What happened to me was very weird (although the endodontist told me it isn't uncommon): I was in an airplane 4 days ago and suddenly felt a short, powerful, painful shock of electricity in a molar (that's the best way to describe it) that literally made me jump in my seat. I had several of those sensations during the 1.5 hrs of flight. Then nothing during the 6 hrs in the airport waiting for our connection until I caught the other plane and the exact same thing happened again. It didn't bother me again since I got home.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 10, 2013, 11:53:36 AM
Was that air pockets or something in the tooth/root responding to pressure changes?  I've heard of this happening to fillings.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 10, 2013, 12:06:22 PM
Was that air pockets or something in the tooth/root responding to pressure changes?  I've heard of this happening to fillings.

That's my bet too. Pressure changes affecting the necrotic nerve.  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 10, 2013, 12:34:17 PM
Most root canals aren't painful in themselves, it's the injection of anaesthetic (novocaine or whatever) and the soreness in jaw muscles from having one's mouth propped open to an unusual degree for hours on end that usually bothered me afterward.

They are annoying, but you have to admire the person who knows enough to do one competently.  They take years of training.  I have often wondered what motivates people to go into dentistry.  It seems an odd calling.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 10, 2013, 12:51:37 PM
I have often wondered what motivates people to go into dentistry.  It seems an odd calling.

I think I mentioned before I come from a family of dentists (mother, father, uncles, cousins, godparents are dentists). The person that performed my root canal is the daughter of a good friend of my father's who's an endodontist and both her daughters turned out endodontists. Since they were little girls they used to play dentist with their dolls. Me?! It never, ever crossed my mind being a dentist. I hope I'd like it cause it would have made my life way more easy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 10, 2013, 03:40:41 PM
after 8 hours at a funeral and wake, off to sleep it all off
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 10, 2013, 03:55:18 PM
after 8 hours at a funeral and wake, off to sleep it all off

Oh, man, 8 hrs?!  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 10, 2013, 04:49:46 PM
Trying to watch Hannibal, but it ain't really doing much for me.

Maybe I'm just too tired.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on May 10, 2013, 06:51:33 PM
 I like it but it might be because of the eye candy
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 10, 2013, 09:57:12 PM
Trying to watch Hannibal, but it ain't really doing much for me.

Maybe I'm just too tired.

I'm struggling with the 3rd episode right this minute. I think I'm going to bed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 11, 2013, 12:28:29 AM
I guess its the tv series not the film
A little hung over ATM  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 11, 2013, 12:41:09 AM
I think I mentioned before I come from a family of dentists (mother, father, uncles, cousins, godparents are dentists). The person that performed my root canal is the daughter of a good friend of my father's who's an endodontist and both her daughters turned out endodontists. Since they were little girls they used to play dentist with their dolls. Me?! It never, ever crossed my mind being a dentist. I hope I'd like it cause it would have made my life way more easy.

My dentist's father was a dentist, his son is his assistant.  His partner sat next to him in dental school.  He's a real craftsman, gentle, and skilled.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: megamarkd on May 11, 2013, 12:49:49 AM
Printing flight itineraries.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 11, 2013, 01:51:21 AM
Printing flight itineraries.

Anywhere nice? I suppose it must be unless you're with Médecins Sans Frontières.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 11, 2013, 04:33:25 AM
Anywhere nice? I suppose it must be unless you're with Médecins Sans Frontières.
still would be different
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 11, 2013, 08:02:50 AM
My dentist's father was a dentist, his son is his assistant.  His partner sat next to him in dental school.  He's a real craftsman, gentle, and skilled.

Craftsmen. You've defined them well. My mom always says dentists must study and keep updated but if they're not good craftsmen...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 11, 2013, 08:23:01 AM
They basically perform sculpture on living beings.  That's pretty odd, but requires a strong nerve and steady hands.  My dentist is a big man (tall) but he is strong and gentle, always talking me through the procedures, so I'm not surprised or anxious.  That's a rare combination of skills, so I expect he's paid well.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 11, 2013, 08:28:11 AM
just finished second mug of tea, can't put it off any longer, have to open a bunch of lobsters i got for my mother for Mother's Day, hateful job, but she absolutely LOVES them  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 11, 2013, 08:40:21 AM
They basically perform sculpture on living beings.  That's pretty odd, but requires a strong nerve and steady hands.  My dentist is a big man (tall) but he is strong and gentle, always talking me through the procedures, so I'm not surprised or anxious.  That's a rare combination of skills, so I expect he's paid well.

I lost my front teeth when I was 16 and 4 bridges later, I have seen far more than my fair share of dentists' chairs.  I can tell you, sometimes that slip with their diggy things and drills etc.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 11, 2013, 08:42:38 AM
i find the most painful part is the bill  :P ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 11, 2013, 08:45:51 AM
i find the most painful part is the bill  :P ;D

Thank gawd for the NHS.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 11, 2013, 08:48:21 AM
doesn't cover dental here, just doctor and hospital visits  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 11, 2013, 09:12:03 AM
I'm going for a quick Moretti on the Common.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on May 11, 2013, 02:02:25 PM
sitting on the fronts of my feet in this chair.. that means I'm ready to move.. :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on May 11, 2013, 02:10:23 PM
Listening to the rain and the thunder....down under (had to say it)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on May 11, 2013, 02:13:07 PM
Hahhaha right after I posted that I got a message from my cell company warning about flashfloods til 530
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on May 11, 2013, 02:14:51 PM

purely coincidental, rainman.  8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 11, 2013, 02:36:45 PM
Mishca has "the gift"  :o ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 11, 2013, 06:49:19 PM
Eating cake.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 11, 2013, 07:04:44 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on May 11, 2013, 09:13:01 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 12, 2013, 07:11:33 AM
cheers OC  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 12, 2013, 04:35:43 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 12, 2013, 04:41:44 PM

Too much Cinzano Rosso and red wine for lunch.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 12, 2013, 04:56:23 PM
I reckon it's time for another glass and MOTD2.  And perhaps even a choccy biccy or 3.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 12, 2013, 09:37:01 PM
McVitties plain chocolate?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 13, 2013, 08:39:59 AM
McVitties plain chocolate?

Asda milk chocolate.

McVitie's are for rich folk.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 13, 2013, 10:32:02 AM
They don't export ASDA to the US.  McVitties is generally what we get, although I've seen Lyons from time to time.  That, and sometimes Carrs.

Americans don't generally eat digestive biscuits, although my husband is addicted to plain McVitties
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 13, 2013, 11:59:24 AM
digestive biscuits are fairly common in Canada, our culture seems to have one foot in the U.S and one in the U.K.  :)
off to give the lawn mower a tune up and cut grass, first cut this year, and so it begins.............. :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 13, 2013, 12:04:34 PM
They don't export ASDA to the US.  McVitties is generally what we get, although I've seen Lyons from time to time.  That, and sometimes Carrs.

Americans don't generally eat digestive biscuits, although my husband is addicted to plain McVitties

Asda = Walmart.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 13, 2013, 12:25:57 PM
I don't think I've ever seen digestive biscuits at Walmart in the US.

The patrons of that esteemed establishment most likely are unaware of their existence.  To wit:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 13, 2013, 12:29:36 PM
I don't think I've ever seen digestive biscuits at Walmart in the US.

The patrons of that esteemed establishment most likely are unaware of their existence.  To wit:

No doubt.  Here all the major supermarkets have their own brand of chocolate digestives (Tesco's are the best imo) and they range from about 35 to 45 pence a packet.  That is incredibly cheap you know.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 13, 2013, 01:51:13 PM
trying to do home work  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 13, 2013, 04:10:02 PM
It's Ramsey time again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 14, 2013, 12:09:33 AM
Drinking coffee and waking up.
Then removing tiles from bathroom wall  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 14, 2013, 12:59:27 AM
Lazing on bed when I should be feeding the kids.  I've hit the snooze 3 times, perhaps I should get up. .
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 14, 2013, 07:02:49 AM
trying to psych myself up for a dentist appointment in an hour  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on May 14, 2013, 07:55:17 AM
hanging around waiting to see if there's any tree work. damned if there is--damned if there isn't.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 14, 2013, 10:41:26 AM
hanging around waiting to see if there's any tree work. damned if there is--damned if there isn't.

Are you a lumberjack and are you ok?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 14, 2013, 10:49:17 AM
*snicker* he sleeps all night and he works all day  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 14, 2013, 02:13:59 PM
He cuts down trees, He eats his lunch.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on May 14, 2013, 03:47:43 PM
i go to the lava--treeee!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on May 14, 2013, 04:01:51 PM
YEt even more laundry, dishes, food preparation, cleaning in general, and packing. 

Nothin really.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 14, 2013, 11:50:59 PM
daughter is ill  :P cleaning up sick
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on May 15, 2013, 12:08:10 AM
My mom made me clean up my own throw up when I was a kid when I got sick and after that I always made it to the bathroom in time to puke.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 15, 2013, 01:15:12 AM
a cruel but worthy lesson.
As a child though its a little cruel.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 15, 2013, 03:07:02 AM
Cruel?  Yes.

Somebody who is so ill as to not be able to deal with their bodily misfunctions is hardly the person to be punishing for that failure.  Should I have bitched at my dying mother for not cleaning up after herself?  Following this logic, that should have been the case.  Worthy?  Hardly.  My mother was not a nice person, but she at least never punished me for being ill with the flu.  Her terminal illness was not pretty but I was glad, at least, to be able to clean up after her.  Why?  Because caring for the sick is a worthy thing to do.  It's hard to fathom how this kind of cruel punishment imposed on a sick child taught compassion or self-reliance for that matter.

Poor mishca.

I'm up not sleeping after nightmares.  Fun. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 15, 2013, 07:00:18 AM
My daughter has vomiting problems and always has had.  They think it is constipation related and recently put her on some stool softener which seems to have helped a bit.  That said, every now then she just has these episodes of vomiting without any other discernible symptoms, and while she makes it to the loo 85% of the time, sometimes it is is just impossible for her. The other 15% never a problem and would never be even if that statistic were reversed, in fact, it is nice to be reminded of the dependency your children for you as it is only too fleeting.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on May 15, 2013, 09:04:46 AM

Cruel?  Yes.

Somebody who is so ill as to not be able to deal with their bodily misfunctions is hardly the person to be punishing for that failure.  Should I have bitched at my dying mother for not cleaning up after herself?  Following this logic, that should have been the case.  Worthy?  Hardly.  My mother was not a nice person, but she at least never punished me for being ill with the flu.  Her terminal illness was not pretty but I was glad, at least, to be able to clean up after her.  Why?  Because caring for the sick is a worthy thing to do.  It's hard to fathom how this kind of cruel punishment imposed on a sick child taught compassion or self-reliance for that matter.

Poor mishca.

I didn't think of it as punishment but i guess no one wants to clean up after someone else's throw up. She wasn't cruel just bitchy from all the stress I guess for being a single mom and probably being unhappy , but that's just my guess.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 15, 2013, 11:06:24 AM
I can imagine it might have gotten to her on occasion.  My mother's death can best be described as a festival of bodily fluids.  Pelvic cancer did her in and I marveled that I didn't faint or vomit myself in the process of caring for her.  It was not a pretty thing to deal with and the attendant smells were pretty challenging.

The hospice nurses who came to help (she died at home) on occasion amazed me in their ability to just tune out the offensive odors and to extend such compassion on a regular basis.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on May 15, 2013, 11:58:19 AM
wow. I think its honorable and amazing that you took care of your mother through what was a emotional, physically draining experience. my sibling has told my mother that when she gets old and sick that they will not take care of her and they will put her in a home.  Which amazes me because she has always supported even though my sibling was a complete bottom as a teenager and still is as an adult.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 15, 2013, 12:28:46 PM
I think my daughter just has a 24 hr bug, she seems a little better now.
Both of my children hardly ever are sick ( think they have my wife's genes)
Missing sats exams is a problem, Thank the school she is allowed to go in tomorrow and do the exam she missed today and do tomorrows exams at the same time (she is not allowed to contact anyone though) , phew thank you school.
Have no problem cleaning up sick at all, have cleaned up a few children's friends sick up and never bother me.
I do draw the line at my wife's self induced drinking episodes though, although these are few and far between now. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Have left her on the bathroom floor a couple of times.Then again she has left me on the same floor as well  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 15, 2013, 12:53:29 PM
Cruel?  Yes.

Somebody who is so ill as to not be able to deal with their bodily misfunctions is hardly the person to be punishing for that failure. 

Very well said!

Me? I don't have a problem with bodily fluids and such. Although I've found (in my former line of work) that expectorated stuffs are the worst, at least for me. I know, too much information.  :D

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 15, 2013, 01:07:55 PM
reading and having a laugh
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-22542222 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-22542222)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 15, 2013, 04:01:53 PM
reading and having a laugh
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-22542222 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-22542222)

I wonder how many lightsabers have been confiscated by the police.   :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 15, 2013, 11:58:57 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on May 17, 2013, 08:27:46 AM
Trying to fall back asleep
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 17, 2013, 08:28:39 AM
It's parakeet room service time.  My bird is ringing bells for a fresh change of food, so I'll attend to it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 17, 2013, 12:24:30 PM
Fighting with my internet connection that's dropping out every few minutes!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on May 18, 2013, 01:16:51 AM
rooting for smokester in his fight!

also chatting in irc and getting sleepier
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: megamarkd on May 18, 2013, 09:22:02 PM
Anywhere nice? I suppose it must be unless you're with Médecins Sans Frontières.

I went to Brisbane for work and it was a nightmare trip that took over 12hrs due to one idiot I don't work with any more.

Back there tonight to pull down the show we built (Truck, Trailer and Tractor Show).

Fighting with my internet connection that's dropping out every few minutes!

I find computing a lot like my work; everything should work as described but never does and it is really rewarding to force it to do what it is supposed to do.  But unlike IT work, my current job pays me on-time and doesn't tell me I broke it harder than it already was by just cleaning it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on May 18, 2013, 10:07:59 PM
Converting all my old passwords to KeePass generated ones.
Hoping I didn't miss some important step and in 3 months find out I cannot access any of my sites because of something I overlooked.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 19, 2013, 12:33:16 AM
 ::) Am looking at that as well.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 19, 2013, 12:33:48 AM
Waking up after a local music festival as well
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 19, 2013, 04:29:28 AM
rooting for smokester in his fight!

The internet doesn't fight fair.  It kicks you in the goolies when you least expect it.

I went to Brisbane for work and it was a nightmare trip that took over 12hrs due to one idiot I don't work with any more.

Back there tonight to pull down the show we built (Truck, Trailer and Tractor Show).

I find computing a lot like my work; everything should work as described but never does and it is really rewarding to force it to do what it is supposed to do.  But unlike IT work, my current job pays me on-time and doesn't tell me I broke it harder than it already was by just cleaning it.

I forget now but are you a brickie?  I'm a chippy you know.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 19, 2013, 08:38:08 AM
brickie / chippy almost a company

I am having a rest from the sun in the garden. Lots of gardening today and maybe a wasps nest at the top of garden ?? not sure as it doesnt look like your average wasp in the UK google here i come.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 19, 2013, 08:47:26 AM
brickie / chippy almost a company

I am having a rest from the sun in the garden. Lots of gardening today and maybe a wasps nest at the top of garden ?? not sure as it doesnt look like your average wasp in the UK google here i come.

Are you an engineer?

There are some very weird insects about at the moment.  I had to shoo a fly out yesterday that was as big as a bluebottle but was bright red.  Looked menacing I can tell you.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 19, 2013, 08:51:55 AM
Are you an engineer?
A Quality Inspector for aerospace / gas turbine parts
I am a fully qualified baker/confectioner if your of need of, in a post Zombie / Apocalypse / desert island cast away sort of thing  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 19, 2013, 06:47:12 PM
Drinking iced tea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on May 19, 2013, 08:46:57 PM
I make terrible iced tea. Just awful. I make it a lot, and I can drink it because I have am accustomed to it, but anyone with remotely good taste would find it unpalatable.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 20, 2013, 12:24:14 AM
This is Yorkshire Breakfast Tea Decaf bags steeped in boiling water and chilled.  We drink it plain over ice.  Very refreshing.  Nothing fancy or complicated about it.  It's been hot here for a change.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on May 20, 2013, 12:25:12 AM
Avoiding sleep
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 20, 2013, 04:17:26 AM
Carpets are stinky today, so I'm shampooing them.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 20, 2013, 04:56:32 AM
You get a chance to see iron man 3 yet smokes?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 20, 2013, 04:59:39 AM
Nope, at least not at the cinema.  The chance of seeing it another format just isn't that appealing at this point.

I'm meant to be going to see Start Trek next Saturday though.  It was meant to be this Saturday just gone but the guy I was going with had football commitments.

PS. Do you ever sleep, 8ully?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 20, 2013, 05:05:11 AM
Apparently I'm a vampire.

I saw your video that was mis-posted over on the den, and it reminded me strongly of a bit from iron man 3, but it's a massive spoiler.

Star Trek is a much better film.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 20, 2013, 05:12:58 AM
Does this imply that there may be an End Trek at some point?

I like to throw in the occasional typo to keep it real.

That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.  Some folk blame their spellchecker..

Apparently I'm a vampire.

I saw your video that was mis-posted over on the den, and it reminded me strongly of a bit from iron man 3, but it's a massive spoiler.

Star Trek is a much better film.

I hear spoilers are rife around here.  I wear blinkers most of the time on account of dweez's love of streaking.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 20, 2013, 05:16:59 AM
I drink Windex now...it prevents streaking.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 20, 2013, 05:21:11 AM
Not a moment too soon.

How much do you have left?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 20, 2013, 05:22:31 AM
Well, if you were intending to see one in the theater, and "rent" the other from the future, I'd recommend "Renting" Iron man 3.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: megamarkd on May 20, 2013, 06:20:41 AM
Eating a muesli bar then going to bed.

I forget now but are you a brickie?  I'm a chippy you know.

Nah, I'm a mickey-mouse exhibition builder.  We do a bit of everything, especially on "fabrication friday" (any day that the materials have not been fabricated in the factory correctly).  When we build 'full custom' stands, we tend to work with pre-fabbed mdf pieces that we assemble and wall-flats.  We also work with various exhibitions systems like octonorm, maxima, syma and other, which are like a cross between giant meccano and lego.

We have got the contract for Microsoft launches and stuff for last few years, their "Open House" display was one I was pretty proud of, and one of the few I can find piccies of:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 20, 2013, 06:23:40 AM
You ever get to go full starship? or do they tend to want that open air look.

Unrelated question: I know you do music, but do you ever do any vocal work?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: megamarkd on May 20, 2013, 06:38:56 AM
We have built a rocket-ship, full three stage thing that came in five pieces, but mostly the stuff we build is all open at the top.  No roofs, just over-hangs/awnings and hanging ceilings (we build it on the ground and the riggers suspend it).
Just as we are not really builders, I'm convinced the designers are not real engineers.

I don't record my singing, y'alls ears would bleed ;)
Not really a lyricist, I'm too wysisyg.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 20, 2013, 06:54:14 AM
Well, if you were intending to see one in the theater, and "rent" the other from the future, I'd recommend "Renting" Iron man 3.

Actually next Saturday I'm meant to be working with one of my suppliers and won't be around for S.T. either.  I'll take your advice about Ironman, it suits me better that way to be honest.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 20, 2013, 07:27:37 AM
have a friend who is in the same industry
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 20, 2013, 09:29:44 AM
Nice pics, megamarkd.  Sounds like interesting, although demanding, work.

I'm trying to wake up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 20, 2013, 01:22:24 PM
Eating a muesli bar then going to bed.

Nah, I'm a mickey-mouse exhibition builder. 

I've done some exhibition stuff in the past, but it was mostly light stud work and 1/2 MDF or slat board.  I used to design product stands when I was the head carpenter for a branch of John Lewis. That was really nice work as you could use hardwood if you liked.

Very impressive, mega.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on May 20, 2013, 04:35:19 PM
waiting for hubbs to get home from work.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 20, 2013, 06:18:57 PM
Creating quotation and invoice templates in Word.

I really should go to bed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 21, 2013, 09:02:05 AM
I drink Windex now...it prevents streaking.

Vinegar works as well as that ammonia based cleaner and it's generally less toxic.

I woke up too early and I'm making an attempt at getting through my day without bumping into walls and other zombie like behavior.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 21, 2013, 02:01:06 PM
Half-way through Day 2 of "Securing Windows and Resisting Malware" security class.  Weeeeeeee.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 21, 2013, 05:17:50 PM
"Securing Windows and Resisting Malware"

I once fitted some double glazing for a Mrs Malwood.  I suppose if I'd spurned her advances we would be equally qualified.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 22, 2013, 02:56:07 AM
Reading scary stories. gah.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 22, 2013, 03:00:46 AM
Listening to the winds.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 22, 2013, 03:21:29 AM
Yeah, I closed and locked everything after reading a story about a skinwalker.

It got in by cutting out the screen in the cabins bathroom. And pretended to be one of them.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 22, 2013, 03:43:14 AM
From this i infer that you didn't?

I'm just glad you thought it possible. But alas, there were none to resist.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: megamarkd on May 22, 2013, 07:43:29 AM
Eating diner after doing a double shift; one bump-out and one bump-in.  Each job was only 3hrs but we get a 4hr min. call-out so I win 2hrs pay.  The thing is though, my crew is the best for the money the exhibition companies are willing to pay, so any other crew would have gone over the 4hr min. and cost them more than getting us in.  The companies are happy to give us money for nothing because of this.  Now all I need is to get those chicks that are for free that I was told by Dire Straits go with the money for nothing all those years ago....

Listening to the winds.

We got rain over this way, the noise should help me with my sleep acquisition.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on May 22, 2013, 02:27:17 PM
watching my little pony with the little girl. show is so silly.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 22, 2013, 09:20:27 PM
watching my little pony with the little girl. show is so silly.

Soon enough your daughter will fall asleep or go to other room and you'll find yourself watching that silly/insufferable/30th re-run episode and asking yourself what the hell am I doing watching this?!?!. It also applies for that hateful radio station when you're driving/riding a car. Believe me, you're going to hate that radio station.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 23, 2013, 12:07:18 AM
Getting ready to go back to Sir Walter Scott's Kenilworth.  I'm not sure if I really want to read it, but myrmidon, that's a word I've learned already from this book.  It's set in Elizabethan times.  The language is a bit of a schlep late at night.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on May 23, 2013, 01:25:27 AM
Soon enough your daughter will fall asleep or go to other room and you'll find yourself watching that silly/insufferable/30th re-run episode and asking yourself what the hell am I doing watching this?!?!. It also applies for that hateful radio station when you're driving/riding a car. Believe me, you're going to hate that radio station.  :D


Right now laying in bed sore. Trying to fall asleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 23, 2013, 06:57:08 AM
Worse still: soon after that you will find yourself watching to the end of the episode to see what happens!

I always do that with Columbos (original series), even though I've seen every episode a dozen times or more.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 23, 2013, 01:11:46 PM
Getting ready to go back to Sir Walter Scott's Kenilworth.  I'm not sure if I really want to read it, but myrmidon, that's a word I've learned already from this book.  It's set in Elizabethan times.  The language is a bit of a schlep late at night.
Kenilworth , just down the road from me.nice place to visit
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on May 23, 2013, 11:34:05 PM
Chatting away. Randomly playing games.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 24, 2013, 10:06:24 AM
Goldie, I don't know the building.  I should look it up.  I've had to enlist a dictionary to read this.  I don't know if it's because it was written in the 18th century, or because Scott liked to show off his vocabulary, but I  routinely have to look things up, which is sort of unusual.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 25, 2013, 03:29:29 AM
Another morning sitting in my daughter's ballet school.

I could murder a cup of tea.!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 25, 2013, 09:30:16 AM
I could murder a cup of tea.!!

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on May 25, 2013, 09:58:06 AM
Taking a break from playing Deus Ex: HUMΔN REVOLUTION
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 25, 2013, 01:17:07 PM
Watching Borussia Dortmund vs. Bayern Munich
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on May 25, 2013, 03:02:40 PM
Bayern won
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 25, 2013, 04:12:23 PM
Spoiler (hover to show)

Couldn't you hear the questioning inflection? 

That's the way I chose to read it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on May 26, 2013, 07:40:50 AM
When I posted that the game had just ended... so it was not a spoiler  8) 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 26, 2013, 09:24:07 AM
Actually, it was a spoiler to anyone who hadn't watched the game live/as aired and were DVRing it to watch later.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: bubu on May 26, 2013, 11:01:50 AM
 :o I am sorry, I didn't think about that... :-[
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on May 26, 2013, 03:24:51 PM
Sitting with friends and family.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 26, 2013, 05:32:47 PM
:o I am sorry, I didn't think about that... :-[

I'd actually forgotten to record it so it didn't bother me.  I'm not sure who else here would have been watching it anyhow.

Looks like it was only christ that may have been affected and he probably knew the score before a ball was kicked.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on May 26, 2013, 08:11:09 PM
its gross but im smelling my dogs fart as he just got up passed gas and then left the room. just like a guy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 26, 2013, 08:25:29 PM
I had a friend whose dog, Cheater, would come and make the worst smelling farts ever.  Some dogs are just not well constructed in the gastro intestinal dept., I guess.

I'm boiling verbena/apple juice in order to make jelly.  It will take hours.  But the house smells good.  I just had an amazing dinner made by my neighbors who invited us to a cookout.  Teryaki chicken thighs on the grill.  OMG.  And everything else was great, too.  Now I want a nap.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 26, 2013, 08:41:25 PM
I'm boiling verbena/apple juice in order to make jelly.  It will take hours.  But the house smells good.

I bet it does!! Do you add pectin to gel it?

Looks like it was only christ that may have been affected and he probably knew the score before a ball was kicked.

Then he should have told us to just skip to the 2nd half and don't waste time with the 1st one.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 27, 2013, 12:18:00 AM
No I don't add pectin.  I make an apple juice base by boiling apples and straining them first.  Then I add lemon juice and verbena infusion with sugar.  I think I started with about 25 cups of liquid and boiled it down to about 8 in a few hours.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 27, 2013, 05:37:27 AM

It sounds glorious 6p!!

I make an apple juice base by boiling apples and straining them first. 

There must be enough pectin there surely.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 28, 2013, 07:58:58 AM
Without the apple juice, I'd just get tea.

The jelly turned out well-- a good set, nice texture and color with a tangy lemony flavor.  I had to boil it down to about 1/3 of its original volume and it took hours.

It's good on scones.  I just whipped up a fresh batch.  I make scones once a week and we have them for breakfast every day. 

I'm having tea and smelling the fresh scones, getting hungry.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on May 28, 2013, 01:02:14 PM
Sounds delish. I'm not typically a fan of scones, but I'm guessing homemade is better than at a bakery. :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on May 28, 2013, 02:17:07 PM
Drooling at the thought of Scones... thanks guys :P

Going to freshen up a cup of coffee and relish in the fact that I quit smoking ciggs, again.  AND for heaven's sake, it is harder the second time! 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: megamarkd on May 29, 2013, 10:07:23 PM
Drooling at the thought of Scones... thanks guys :P

Going to freshen up a cup of coffee and relish in the fact that I quit smoking ciggs, again.  AND for heaven's sake, it is harder the second time!

Stay strong Sevra, and don't give in!

I'm getting annoyed at the amount of time it is taking for my "Aliens were behind the WTC attack" video.  It's been weeks now and I really love sci-fi movies!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 30, 2013, 09:30:19 AM
Good luck with quitting.  One day at a time, Bea.

The scones are simple and a variation on Delia Smith's recipe.  Flour, leavening, butter and some half & half.  I put homemade jam on them.  It's what we eat for breakfast every day.  Just one.  I bake about once a week and we reheat them before consuming.  We used to buy English muffins at the supermarket, but these are much better.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 03, 2013, 01:54:52 PM
trying to stay awake
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 03, 2013, 02:11:28 PM
trying to stay awake

I hope you're not driving a car atm.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on June 03, 2013, 07:26:20 PM
Burning a CD and finishing it up with Lightscribe.
Lightscribe is the cat's pajamas.
I'm sure tech has moved on to more wonderful and colorful things, but I am still down with the LS.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 04, 2013, 04:02:09 PM
Been in bed all day with food poisoning.  I feel like poo.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 04, 2013, 04:06:55 PM
Maybe you caught it off the MySQL database.  >.<

Jk, hope you feel better man.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on June 04, 2013, 04:08:11 PM
I've had food poisoning. I didn't like it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 05, 2013, 12:44:35 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 05, 2013, 10:32:50 AM
Been in bed all day with food poisoning.  I feel like poo.

 :o Do you suspect what caused it?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 05, 2013, 03:02:52 PM
Day Two laid up and as weak as a kitten.  The general opinion is that it's a bug as   apparently it's been doing the rounds. Personally, I thing i've been biologically warfared.

I really miss beer
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 12, 2013, 12:47:56 PM
working out what to get my father for fathers day
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on June 12, 2013, 01:53:00 PM
trying to get motivated.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 13, 2013, 11:43:56 PM
catching up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 14, 2013, 04:49:39 AM
Maintenance, running scans for malware. SAS, MBAM and MSE.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 14, 2013, 12:37:27 PM
 ::) thats time consuming
And i am about to do some research on Diabetes's.
stupid company thinks they can discipline a friend who has this for having time off work  ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: megamarkd on June 15, 2013, 06:43:29 AM
Can I say "your mum"?  I mean I know I can say it but am I the first to say it?  Or is it even worth saying?  I'm not pretending to be high-brow when it comes to my entertainment, but do you all appreciate me lowering the tone of the conversation by throwing that cheap line into the mix?

Let me know if it's something I should keep for when a friend asks me the same question upon answering the phone, otherwise my answer is engaging the intellectual equivalent of jacking off.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 15, 2013, 07:51:18 AM
Praying for a wrinkle in the space time continuum so my tea will steep sooner than usual.  I'm tired and cold and really want a cup.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 15, 2013, 08:42:51 AM
Appreciating megamarkd.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 15, 2013, 10:09:16 AM
Can I say "your mum"?  I mean I know I can say it but am I the first to say it?  Or is it even worth saying?  I'm not pretending to be high-brow when it comes to my entertainment, but do you all appreciate me lowering the tone of the conversation by throwing that cheap line into the mix?

Let me know if it's something I should keep for when a friend asks me the same question upon answering the phone, otherwise my answer is engaging the intellectual equivalent of jacking off.

I have no problem with type of humo(u)r at all as long as you can accept my response of "You had access to a backhoe to dig her up?"
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on June 15, 2013, 05:57:25 PM
Not a valid youtube URL
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 16, 2013, 07:52:05 AM
I'm rather enjoying Fathers day and the lack of cooking that comes with it - not to mention the abundance of chocolately things and booze.

Watched sport for about 3 hours straight too.

Happy Fathers Day.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 16, 2013, 08:03:47 AM
Happy Fathers Day.

Have a very happy day, smokes!! 

And also to all Diasfora members that are fathers and grandfathers:
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 16, 2013, 08:48:59 AM
Not a valid youtube URL
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on June 16, 2013, 05:41:23 PM
When I was little I used to love that little duck. He always cracked me up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 17, 2013, 08:16:54 AM
watched Despicable me at the week end, so good  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on June 17, 2013, 09:07:43 AM
getting ready to wash the dog.

first step: get out of the chair.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 17, 2013, 03:07:35 PM
Right now I am being exhausted.  Had to do some navvy work which wiped me out, then when I got home I fixed the puncture on my bike and installed new indicators.

That was an 11hr day all in all.

Need - more - beer.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on June 18, 2013, 06:16:03 AM
Waiting for baby to nap so I can go back to sleep
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 20, 2013, 08:37:23 AM
 ::) thats nice.
After walking the dog, had a pint, am relaxing
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on June 20, 2013, 11:22:10 PM
Listening to a new pandora station I made.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 21, 2013, 09:05:55 AM
 ::) hope its good  :)
ATm i am hiding from my daughter as she is so hormonal  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 21, 2013, 03:29:22 PM
I am completely wasted.  I really have to find a way to get back into the land of the living.

Sleeping might do it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 21, 2013, 08:00:35 PM
Taking a break from the Xbox.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 21, 2013, 10:14:35 PM
I am completely wasted.  I really have to find a way to get back into the land of the living.

Sleeping might do it.

Rest up man.  I'm sure you'll have emergencies tomorrow, just like usual.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 22, 2013, 04:59:49 AM
Rest up man.  I'm sure you'll have emergencies tomorrow, just like usual.

Thankfully I have a day at my mother's so unless I get called in the next 10 minutes, I am unavailable.

Whoops, the phone's ringing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 22, 2013, 06:38:41 AM
off to a wedding
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on June 22, 2013, 07:36:55 AM
I'm looking for a nice wardrobe.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on June 22, 2013, 07:40:00 AM
watching my daughter try to drink her bottle and play with a toy, and only barely succeed. :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 23, 2013, 02:29:53 AM
sobering up  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on June 24, 2013, 10:51:28 AM
Reading my lease agreement, and finding something that helps with the stress of court today... That's you guys :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 24, 2013, 11:25:36 AM
hope all is well .
ATM finishing college homework on European Union rights in comparison with the UK.
Reads harder than it is.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 24, 2013, 04:41:21 PM
Staring at my empty wallet after paying for the stuff my son needs at the secondary school he starts at this year.  I went there today with £260 and came home with £6 - and there's still more to pay.

With his travel to a school to zones away, the whole move is going to cost me £1000.
He's more than worth every penny.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 24, 2013, 05:01:42 PM
Staring at my empty wallet after paying for the stuff my son needs at the secondary school he starts at this year.  I went there today with £260 and came home with £6 - and there's still more to pay.

With his travel to a school to zones away, the whole move is going to cost me £1000.
He's more than worth every penny.

Money well-spent then!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 24, 2013, 11:10:46 PM
Staring at my empty wallet after paying for the stuff my son needs at the secondary school he starts at this year.  I went there today with £260 and came home with £6 - and there's still more to pay.

With his travel to a school to zones away, the whole move is going to cost me £1000.
He's more than worth every penny.

It's heartening to hear you say that.  I expect he'll succeed with that kind of support, too.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 25, 2013, 03:47:22 PM
It's heartening to hear you say that.  I expect he'll succeed with that kind of support, too.

He'd better as I've invoiced him.

I should really fix the double-u on this keyboard..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 26, 2013, 12:28:52 AM
Christ that's so expensive.Off Monday to my daughters new school, other than a free bus pass Uniform and kit is what i have to pay for.
Son is at VI form and has to dress casually smart(no shorts) so not too bad, I see university coming up in a couple of years though  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 26, 2013, 10:21:54 AM
 ::)  ;D
i am looking at more homework, teacher is such a task master
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 26, 2013, 01:33:29 PM
I'm on the Rum course.  Coffee next.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 28, 2013, 11:02:29 AM
Bottle of Red French Plonk and a post bomb
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 30, 2013, 03:54:49 PM
Settling down for the Confederations Cup final.

I'm torn though.  I'd like to see Brazil win, but I would also like to see a European team victorious.

Come on Spazil!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 30, 2013, 04:10:26 PM
Settling down for the Confederations Cup final.

They're both having defense problems. Hopefully we're going to see several goals. Specially if Casillas keeps reacting in slow motion.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 30, 2013, 06:50:35 PM
Confederations Cup final.

Spain really needed to be brought down a peg or two. Or three.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 01, 2013, 04:03:48 AM
Spain really needed to be brought down a peg or two. Or three.  :D

The party's over for them now. I believe though that it was Italy, not Brazil, that chinked their armour and let the pain in.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 01, 2013, 07:25:59 AM
The party's over for them now. I believe though that it was Italy, not Brazil, that chinked their armour and let the pain in.

They chinked their armour alright but about the pain...I don't know if they felt it then since they were pretty cocky before the final. The comments of people in the Marca forum made me LOL last night.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 01, 2013, 08:34:09 AM
rushing around, dinner to new school visit for daughter
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on July 01, 2013, 08:42:03 AM
I don't use a password to log in to my computer I just turn it on and the Windows opens to my desktop. My WD TV Live media player wants a password to access it. I'm trying to figure out a workaround.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on July 01, 2013, 09:29:58 AM

Create a new user on your machine with a password, and only use that user for your WD TV Live.

Duh, I'll give it a go, thanks.

*Worked a charm, thanks again.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on July 01, 2013, 03:34:27 PM
Finally!  I can go for a pee! :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: megamarkd on July 03, 2013, 03:57:29 AM
Trying to make a stupid transfer work.  For some reason I can't connect to anyone for any reasonable length of time, if at all.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 04, 2013, 01:05:12 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 04, 2013, 02:15:12 PM

Run out of beer?

I'm having another one of those days when I've worked too hard, shopped, cooked and now I am feeling like a popped balloon. 

Only another 6 weeks until St Lucia.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 18, 2013, 10:29:36 AM
not quite, better now

updating / hacking samsung galaxy s advance phone.
updating windows htc phone

then i will choose which is better to keep
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on July 21, 2013, 12:28:58 AM

In the few interviews I've seen, Jerry Seinfeld seems kind of condescending and arrogant, but in this series of web shorts he seems like an alright guy.

He talks to a wide range of comics he respects and chooses a different classic car for each episode.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 21, 2013, 01:53:22 AM
drying out, from walking the dogs
have also had to order a replacement battery for Samsung gt-19070.

Cannot get onto Ubuntu Forum, anyone gets hacked

(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/Untitled_zps845ae0e3.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/Untitled_zps845ae0e3.jpg.html)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on July 21, 2013, 06:06:07 PM
Laundry, chatting on IRC, listening to music, sorting through photos.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: SACPOP on July 22, 2013, 01:20:18 AM
I admit it, I finally gave Bing a chance and I like it.
It's not necessarily better than Google, but so far it seems just as good, IMO.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 23, 2013, 05:08:07 AM
due to the weather report i am getting ready to go to work not on my bike
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on July 23, 2013, 05:21:11 PM
I admit it, I finally gave Bing a chance and I like it.
It's not necessarily better than Google, but so far it seems just as good, IMO.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on July 23, 2013, 05:42:45 PM
I'm waiting for the washing machine.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 24, 2013, 12:57:31 AM
awaiting college
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 24, 2013, 07:14:25 AM
Waiting for HM Revenue to answer the phone. 15 mins so far so only an hour or 2 to go..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on July 24, 2013, 07:20:16 PM
I have my game paused now but I'm trying to kill a level 63 Vermivorous the Invincible (http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Vermivorous_the_Invincible?file=Vermivorous_the_Invincible..._x2%2521) with a level 60 character. He's bigger than the farmhouse I'm trying to hide in.

(http://i.imgur.com/dH2Bhcu.png) (http://imgur.com/dH2Bhcu)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 28, 2013, 04:25:45 AM
Off to my muvver's for the day.  Sould be fun but I have that bloody sore throat and cough back.

Damn the hayfever spin offs.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on July 28, 2013, 08:59:15 AM
The bacon is ready to take out of the oven. Going to start the eggs and toast.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: megamarkd on July 29, 2013, 10:56:05 PM
Enjoying the attention I am receiving from a long term fan of mine.  I am a little concerned over his multiple personality disorder, though.  In the past he has corresponded with me using the name Truth Jones (http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSalvation1000) but now he is using HERP DERP (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC09LTA3uudEPhoTjMTGB6lQ)

I try my best to make him happy.  Just the other day he asked if I could make a thread about him, but I haven't the skill to glorify the man in the manner befitting such an amazing individual, so I am mentioning him instead.  I'm sure he will find out that I at least honoured his existence in this thread.

What I'm thinking is, if we all subscribe to his YouTube channels, he will be extra happy that he is so loved.  So if y'all could mosey over to his latest YT channel, HERP DERP (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC09LTA3uudEPhoTjMTGB6lQ), and click the red button to subscribe, I'd be mighty obliged....

(If he doesn't see it, someone please let him know it's here.  I know some of you know who I'm talking about, and are maybe his friend.  If that is the case, can you please encourage him to go the full 9 yards and send me death threats?  Then we can work on getting into the news headlines)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on July 30, 2013, 12:20:40 AM
This channel has no videos.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 30, 2013, 04:00:17 PM
Is Herp threatening or just playful? I would subscribe to his channel but I fear it wouldn't end well.

Right now I here is both body and soul.  I've been working so hard lately that I am either too tired to concentrate in the evenings. or too physically spent to make it to the computer.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on July 30, 2013, 04:37:34 PM
Packing.  Tomorrow is the last day when everything will be out.  I'll see you all in a couple days if the satellite takes that long.  DirectTV ahoy, I'd suppose. 

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 30, 2013, 05:10:29 PM
Good luck Beatrix!  I hope satellite internet is better now than it was several years ago (one can only hope).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on July 30, 2013, 05:28:54 PM
Thanks Dweez.  And those were my sentiments exactly about the satellite.  We'll see.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on August 02, 2013, 11:06:46 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 03, 2013, 02:52:31 AM
I ripped my chin open. I used my cell phone's front facing camera to view the wound, and used New-skin to seal it. Hurts like a madam, but I realized then that I am living in the bless'ed future. I used the optics from a cell phone to replace a hand mirror and a light source, and I used a vial of liquid to seal the wound rather than a band-aid.

Get me a bless'ed replicator and I'd be happy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: megamarkd on August 03, 2013, 04:28:06 AM
I ripped my chin open. I used my cell phone's front facing camera to view the wound, and used New-skin to seal it. Hurts like a madam, but I realized then that I am living in the bless'ed future. I used the optics from a cell phone to replace a hand mirror and a light source, and I used a vial of liquid to seal the wound rather than a band-aid.

Get me a bless'ed replicator and I'd be happy.

Yeah, the future that we were promised in the 80's would be here by the 90's is finally here.  Though virtual reality is pretty lame still.  If Nintendo could out out a 3d head set in the 90's (as much as it was unbearable after 30min), someone should have been able to make one that leaves the VirtualBoy for dead by now.

Replicators are coming soon, I'm sure.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on August 03, 2013, 12:53:16 PM
being completely unproductive.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 11, 2013, 12:51:24 AM
looking at a forest of a garden, ironing the size of Mt Everest
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on August 11, 2013, 11:23:05 AM
Downloading movies
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 13, 2013, 09:14:57 PM
deciding what to do as i'm up way too early
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on August 13, 2013, 09:21:30 PM
listening to more gossip about myself.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on August 14, 2013, 12:46:16 AM
Making coffee, have to wake up milady in a half hour.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 14, 2013, 10:18:23 AM
Preparing to can 25 pounds of San Marzano tomatoes.  I wish I were finished.  That's a heap of tomatoes to skin and a whole lotta cooking.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on August 14, 2013, 05:29:45 PM
Looking for a movie.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 14, 2013, 11:52:49 PM
Listening to jars of tomatoes boiling on the stove.  They have to cook for another half hour and I'm tired.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 15, 2013, 10:47:08 AM
grabbing a couple of minutes on pc, so busy atm
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on August 15, 2013, 09:21:22 PM
staring at my screen...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 15, 2013, 09:53:46 PM
Procrastinating the next big project mostly because the tomatoes exhausted me.  I was cooking them until midnight.  Now I'm set for canned tomatoes for the next year or so, but it's a lot of work.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on August 16, 2013, 10:31:36 PM
Killing zombies
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 17, 2013, 04:38:17 AM
nice one  :D the more you kill the less i have to later if i can stay awake  ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 20, 2013, 09:32:21 PM
boiling verbena leaves
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on August 20, 2013, 10:04:42 PM
E-mailing a link to Clean Screen (http://www.formation-massage-stage.fr/outils/nettoyeurecran/cleanscreen.swf) to friends and relatives.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 21, 2013, 12:59:23 AM
i remember that from somewhere. pretty good  ;D
whilst restoring a couple of ipods to sell i am drinking fresh coffee whilst having a summer cold.I hate summer colds, worse than winter ones
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on August 21, 2013, 09:20:13 AM
Killing Varkids in Borderlands 2.

(http://i.imgur.com/dH2Bhcu.png) (http://imgur.com/dH2Bhcu)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 21, 2013, 10:57:47 AM
Trying to keep from sweating out completely.  I'm under the weather today with some kind of bug and it's making me supa-warm.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on August 21, 2013, 12:22:55 PM
I'm feeling sleepy, but I need to stay awake for another hour!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on August 21, 2013, 12:38:33 PM
Grinding for xp.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 22, 2013, 01:22:31 AM
awaiting with son on exam results
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: FDB on August 31, 2013, 07:26:58 PM
Playing Civ V...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 03, 2013, 05:02:28 AM
getting  ready for work
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 04, 2013, 12:46:38 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 04, 2013, 07:55:45 AM
Falling sleep on my husband's laptop (yes, the HDD in my laptop is officially dead) after sleeping only several periods of 10 mins last night at the hospital. My mom had a hip replacement yesterday and she's pretty much the bionic woman now with 2 prosthetic hips and 1 prosthetic knee.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 05, 2013, 01:07:39 AM
hope she recovers great
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 06, 2013, 08:22:52 AM
hope she recovers great

Thank you, goldshirt. She's pretty weak and had minor complications but at least she's home since yesterday afternoon. My sister came from Buenos Aires last night and now it's her turn of taking care of our mom. I'm dead tired!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 06, 2013, 09:19:47 AM
have a good kip then  :)
ATM i am drinking scrumpy  :) :) very nice
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 14, 2013, 06:23:45 AM
I'm going to go out now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 16, 2013, 11:24:24 PM
waiting for this demo to finish downloading. I bet if I stopped surfin the net for a bit, it would happen faster.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 16, 2013, 11:25:29 PM
I'm being awake at six in the morning.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 17, 2013, 04:54:59 AM
 ::) i know how you feel
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 18, 2013, 10:54:19 PM
Waiting for the dog to go poo.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 19, 2013, 01:00:32 AM
starving myself, due to having a ultrasound at lunch.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 19, 2013, 06:57:59 AM
I hope it's nothing serious, goldie, and that you are planning a nice meal afterwards.  I had a PowerBar for lunch at 2 p.m. yesterday.  It kept me from starving, but it's hardly a reasonable substitute.  The older I get, the less I like to skip meals.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 19, 2013, 10:28:22 AM
I had to starve myself this morning for a blood test.  After that I didn't have enough time for a proper breakfast, so I ate a slice of toast, a peach and a banana.  And I made so many mistakes today.

I am trying not to get distracted.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 19, 2013, 11:29:49 PM
fading, fast.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 22, 2013, 01:02:06 PM
I hope it's nothing serious,
hope not. Doctor will inform tomorrow, May be Gallstones  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 23, 2013, 09:04:37 AM
Need to buy spinach, bread and something else I can put in a sandwich, must go Tesco.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on September 23, 2013, 09:24:22 AM
Taking a break from killing zombies.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 23, 2013, 11:01:46 AM
trying to remember to breathe.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 26, 2013, 12:24:00 PM
David Beckham uses a looping track on his iPod to remind him when to breathe in and breathe out.  Have you tried that?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on September 26, 2013, 12:28:02 PM
i have not. thank you for the tip.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on September 27, 2013, 09:38:09 AM
You're welcome :)

Right now, I'm going trying not be be annoyed.  I received this e-mail:
CheapSmells is now allbeauty.com!
New Name, Same Fantastic Beauty Bargains...

We’re celebrating by giving you up to £10 Off Your Order Until Sunday!
I'll have to log into GMail and change my filters again!  GMail is sloooow!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 28, 2013, 07:40:09 AM
trying to remember to breathe.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 28, 2013, 06:16:48 PM
Math homework, :D see you cool cats later
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Costalca on October 05, 2013, 04:14:27 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 06, 2013, 01:45:36 AM
nothing atm
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 20, 2013, 12:23:26 PM
Year 3 homework.

Later, I have to help with year 7 stuff. That should be fun..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 21, 2013, 12:35:11 AM
best of luck.
I am atm thinking what to do for the week besides decorate the hallway.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on October 21, 2013, 06:30:33 PM
Watching tv with grams
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on October 21, 2013, 09:27:00 PM
Waiting for midnight to download DLC for Borderlands 2.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 22, 2013, 12:11:23 AM
trying to focus
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 24, 2013, 08:29:04 PM
Making lentil stew and waiting for dinner.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on October 24, 2013, 08:30:53 PM
mmm... letting my mouth water a bit.  :P soup

Actually just finishing a little math homework. 

Please take care ya'll :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 24, 2013, 09:01:12 PM
It's chilly and a friend gave me a ton of dried lentils so I've been experimenting with various soup combinations.  Not hard and they are very nutritious.  It smells great while it's cooking.  We are having it w/a salad and some warm bread.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 25, 2013, 05:05:33 AM
I've been experimenting with various soup combinations.

I bet they're all yummy. You could share the recipe if you have the time.  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 25, 2013, 09:53:58 AM
aching lower back, 3 hrs delivering leaflets with daughter :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 26, 2013, 03:15:01 AM
I'm still working on the recipe, but mostly it contains garlic, onions, jalapeno pepper, cumin seeds, cumin and corriander powder, some paprika, salt, bay leaf, tomato, carrot, celery, and usually some greens thrown in at the end.  The lentils, about 1 c. get washed down with a box of chicken broth (1 quart).  The vegs, begin w/onions, garlic, get cooked in a little oil until they are translucent/tender, then I throw the lentils in w/tomatoes (small can) and the stock.  This cooks for about 1/2 hour and then the greens go in (chard, beet greens, spinach, kale, any of this works.  2 heaping cups cut.)

Oh, and I should get back to work, even though it's after 2.  I'm sort of tired so I wandered over here.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 26, 2013, 10:16:19 AM
I'm still working on the recipe, but mostly it contains garlic, onions, jalapeno pepper, cumin seeds, cumin and corriander powder, some paprika, salt, bay leaf, tomato, carrot, celery, and usually some greens thrown in at the end.  The lentils, about 1 c. get washed down with a box of chicken broth (1 quart).  The vegs, begin w/onions, garlic, get cooked in a little oil until they are translucent/tender, then I throw the lentils in w/tomatoes (small can) and the stock.  This cooks for about 1/2 hour and then the greens go in (chard, beet greens, spinach, kale, any of this works.  2 heaping cups cut.)

Sounds delicious!! I'll try that when I have the chance. I'll leave out the cumin and try adding a bit only on my plate cause my family seems to think cumin is only good for empanadas.  :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on October 26, 2013, 08:46:50 PM
My dogs are barking. I'm soaking them in a Dr. Scholl's foot spa (with infrared heat).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 27, 2013, 01:51:15 AM
had to read that twice  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Well the clocks went back an hour, I still feel so tired
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 27, 2013, 03:05:34 AM
We don't switch back until next week.  I'm so terminally sleep deprived, I doubt I'll notice.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 27, 2013, 04:14:06 AM
its a killer if you constantly get up early / becomes earlier  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on October 27, 2013, 12:05:34 PM
Making lists.  Need to plan!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 30, 2013, 01:11:44 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Autumn on October 30, 2013, 02:35:43 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 30, 2013, 03:29:20 PM
Feeling pretty down.  A good friend from college died of cancer.  He's been sick off and on for years, but it came as a shock.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 27, 2013, 12:22:58 AM
sorry about that.always comes as a shock even when you know it coming.

I am trying to wake up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 27, 2013, 02:04:15 PM
me, too.  I'm really tired.  Maybe I should have a nap.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 28, 2013, 12:24:21 AM
happy that the last xmas party is over. can relax and chill
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 29, 2013, 09:46:37 PM
Relatives gone home and now my "holiday" can genuinely suck.  Clean up the apt and get back to work.  I'm bummed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 29, 2013, 11:31:55 PM
you could always look forward to next xmas lol.
listening to the rain on the roof.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 31, 2013, 06:57:14 AM

Damn it's turned chilly.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 31, 2013, 12:09:39 PM
Having a film day.
Bed early as wife working all day tomorrow, 4th bottle of bubbly gone down well.
Movies in order
Kinky Boots
The Worlds End
3 Days of Normal,

May hit another, may not

PS,don't have a reply button on tablet ??
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 02, 2014, 12:04:23 AM
Thinking about work.  Wondering where everyone is.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on January 02, 2014, 04:59:56 PM
Making a pot of chili and playing Borderlands 2.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 02, 2014, 10:53:01 PM
Grumbling about the hack group that decided to turn their attention toward the EA login servers ruining my SWTOR fun tonight.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 03, 2014, 08:29:21 AM
suffering from too much walking in a short time, feet and back is killing
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: chekovsulu on January 04, 2014, 08:19:44 PM
I'm not sleeping.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 05, 2014, 12:17:10 AM
 ::) ditto
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 17, 2014, 09:24:53 AM
transferring books to my new ereader.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on January 19, 2014, 08:19:18 PM
Watching this:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_375355&feature=iv&src_vid=sTVA2Wjx4P8&v=hLzElLKedcc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_375355&feature=iv&src_vid=sTVA2Wjx4P8&v=hLzElLKedcc)

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on January 19, 2014, 09:09:36 PM
Yeah, I watched theRadBrad's walkthrough when I got stuck while playing the Metro games. I hated always looking for filters and masks. It seemed to be a cheap mechanic.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 20, 2014, 11:28:50 AM
playing scrabble online via the phone
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 14, 2014, 08:26:07 AM
Suffering Atrociously with a bout of extra strong Man Flu  :'(
Its a lucky this women are immune to this dreadful affliction   ;D ;D

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on February 14, 2014, 08:28:19 AM
^ Feel better asap...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 14, 2014, 08:42:20 AM
trying to drown the virus with alcohol.
No fun on Valentines day though  :'(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Maudibe on February 14, 2014, 09:44:13 AM
Watching the new season of House of Cards and smoking a bowl
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 15, 2014, 01:05:14 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Maudibe on February 15, 2014, 08:25:28 AM
Drinking coffee and wishing I never quit smoking
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on February 15, 2014, 12:06:02 PM
Hating the Hallmark Channel.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 16, 2014, 12:57:31 AM
eatin crackahs
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on February 16, 2014, 05:05:27 PM
riding out a snowstorm, lot's of shoveling to do tomorrow  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 17, 2014, 08:06:57 AM
hope not too bad.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on February 17, 2014, 02:05:39 PM
Free Will
Any many many more.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 17, 2014, 11:52:05 PM
I am not sleeping
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on February 18, 2014, 06:51:48 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 20, 2014, 07:31:39 PM
procrastinating work.  I'm so tired of the neverending aspect of it.  I need a break.  I feel guilty doing my laundry.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Maudibe on February 21, 2014, 10:00:58 AM
have a six pack my buds are here and we are pumped for Canada to kick some American tail in the hockey semi-final. Well it's over 1 zip.  On to the Swedes for gold hopefully
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on February 21, 2014, 02:25:11 PM
Spring cleaning.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on February 21, 2014, 04:07:29 PM
have a six pack my buds are here and we are pumped for Canada to kick some American tail in the hockey semi-final. Well it's over 1 zip.  On to the Swedes for gold hopefully

I guess your Canadian hockey players are better than ours.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Maudibe on February 21, 2014, 05:33:10 PM
lol good one. Did you see the game?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 21, 2014, 11:51:26 PM
being a zombie and not being able to sleep
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on February 22, 2014, 04:10:59 AM
lol good one. Did you see the game?
No, sad to say, too wrapped up in a damn video game to watch TV.

That was my favorite game. I skated defense in an outdoor league from my teens to ~28. Football, baseball (later softball) and hockey kept us off the streets and in the bars.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 23, 2014, 02:39:31 AM
recovering from a micro brewery tour yesterday  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 24, 2014, 12:51:29 PM
recovering from a micro brewery tour yesterday  :-\

Was that you in my kitchen?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 26, 2014, 11:00:17 AM
Sugar, didn't think you spotted me  ;D ;D
went to
http://www.tunnelbrewery.co.uk/ (http://www.tunnelbrewery.co.uk/)
who apparently sell a lot in London posh bars.
Their 7.0% Special Shrew bottled Ale is to die for. In taste and not being able to stand up after a few  ;D ;D ;D ;D.
Brewer was a chef and recommended chocolate with this Ale.
Wife was so happy. Beer and Chocolate together. sheer bliss
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on February 26, 2014, 01:03:36 PM
Was playing State of Decay. $10 on Steam sale.
The DayZ servers are updating and I need some zombie love.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 12, 2014, 01:42:10 PM
Trying to fathom new Samsung Smart TV.
Where do the valves go :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 13, 2014, 12:51:15 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on April 13, 2014, 07:42:44 AM
sipping coffee
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 13, 2014, 09:18:39 AM
tea.  toast on the horizon.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 27, 2014, 02:31:10 PM
Drinking hand made ginger rum.  It really is OMG.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 27, 2014, 03:39:57 PM
Drinking hand made ginger rum.  It really is OMG.

Sounds sooo good.
Specially because it's been 5 days I haven't drank alcohol cause I'm taking antibiotics. 2 more days, only 2 more days!  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 30, 2014, 01:08:23 AM
Sounds sooo good.
Specially because it's been 5 days I haven't drank alcohol cause I'm taking antibiotics. 2 more days, only 2 more days!  :D

I got this stuff up by Marigot Bay (Dr Doolittle country) and is better than any spiced rum I've ever tasted.  The lady there did 5 or 6 different types too. If I'd known you can now bring home 3 bottles per traveller, I'd have bought one of each.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 30, 2014, 03:49:13 AM
eatin' peanuts
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on April 30, 2014, 04:28:59 AM
Watching videos.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 30, 2014, 05:41:45 AM
I got this stuff up by Marigot Bay (Dr Doolittle country) and is better than any spiced rum I've ever tasted.  The lady there did 5 or 6 different types too. If I'd known you can now bring home 3 bottles per traveller, I'd have bought one of each.

Do kids count? That could have been 12 bottles. Woohooo!
I've bought a very good flavored cachaça once (made with local "especiarias").
Just as rum, cachaça can range from barbecue alcohol to very good.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 30, 2014, 04:17:32 PM
.....barbecue alcohol ....

I always believed it was only me that did that.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 30, 2014, 04:31:19 PM
I always believed it was only me that did that.

This is what happens when the cook isn't coming to the party:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 09, 2014, 09:35:56 AM
I'm off to Wimbledon for a night with the dogs. 

I might watch some greyhound racing too...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 10, 2014, 01:21:36 AM
working.  grrrr.  no rest for the wicked.  I mean, weary.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 14, 2014, 08:05:41 AM
I drank 1.5 bottles of viognier and 2.5 pints of beer last night, so today (whatever day it is, I can't remember) I am totally mashed.

And now I have to add a new word the word censor..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 15, 2014, 06:11:24 AM
going back to bed.  good night.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 18, 2014, 02:06:50 PM
after 2 days of music and meals, bed to sober up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 28, 2014, 01:37:26 PM
Yesterday my best friend had surgery to remove her uterus and ovaries. I was up all night looking after her at hospital. I took a nap when I got back home but woke up desoriented, hungry and with a headache. So right now I'm having ibuprofen with leftover cannelloni.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 28, 2014, 09:40:15 PM
Leave the gun, take the cannelloni.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 29, 2014, 08:52:34 AM
Yesterday my best friend had surgery to remove her uterus and ovaries. I was up all night looking after her at hospital. I took a nap when I got back home but woke up desoriented, hungry and with a headache. So right now I'm having ibuprofen with leftover cannelloni.

I hope your friend recovers swiftly and completely.

Did you sprinkle the ibuprofen like parmigiano?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 29, 2014, 10:52:52 AM
I hope your friend recovers swiftly and completely.

She's recovering very well indeed and the doctors say she'll be fine, thank you!

Did you sprinkle the ibuprofen like parmigiano?

LOL, no. I'll try that next time.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 31, 2014, 09:21:57 AM
Glad to hear your friend had a successful surgery.  I hope she has a swift recovery.

I'm drinking tea in an effort to wake up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 31, 2014, 02:03:18 PM
Glad to hear your friend had a successful surgery.  I hope she has a swift recovery.

She's doing really well, thank you 6p.

I'm drinking tea in an effort to wake up.

Pretty much the same thing but I'm drinking mate.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 31, 2014, 04:18:08 PM
...I'm drinking mate.

I'm drinking too, mate.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 31, 2014, 04:47:51 PM
Now I'm drinking Fernet & Coke. What?! I'm sticking to herbs.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 31, 2014, 04:52:39 PM
Now I'm drinking Fernet & Coke. What?! I'm sticking to herbs.  :D

I'm on the strong stuff.. Barry's Tea that is.

I had the Vecchia Romagna after dinner.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 31, 2014, 04:57:03 PM
I had the Vecchia Romagna after dinner.

Uhhh... nice!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 01, 2014, 12:35:38 AM
washing clothes  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 01, 2014, 03:29:34 PM
I'm trying (desperately) to get my widi set up working.

Man! that technology is so hit-and-miss.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 07, 2014, 04:57:24 AM
deciding if should sell my
pipo s1 7" tablet
pipo m8hd 10" tablet
toshiba netbook
olympus pen camera and lens x3
sony 35 mm camera / lens and kit

All i need is a
1x backlit e reader
1 camera and lens

need to "down size" to a easier amount  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 22, 2014, 06:58:26 AM
updating Tom Tom with new maps and such.
Should i buy live road services for £47.50 for a year, only need for 1 week when i go germany  ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 22, 2014, 10:02:44 AM
what is tom tom?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 22, 2014, 10:32:47 AM
Tom Tom is a GPS brand.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 23, 2014, 03:32:10 AM
all gps are overated in my view, give me a good old fashion map
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 23, 2014, 11:01:01 AM
correction, good old fashion up-to-date map. :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 24, 2014, 12:39:06 AM
correction, good old fashion up-to-date map. :D
  :) :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 24, 2014, 11:07:51 AM
Looking for a new video game to play. :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 25, 2014, 09:22:55 AM

The piper's son.

You'd have thought he'd have managed a clean getaway.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 28, 2014, 01:43:30 PM
all gps are overated in my view, give me a good old fashion map

A good all fashioned (updated  ;)) map saved me when going through a maze of highways in Miami. Road work, detours and closed ramps: the GPS went completely crazy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 29, 2014, 03:06:13 AM
I'm helping the missus with the washing and ironing.. by spurring her on with the offer of going out for brunch.

I'm such a catch.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 29, 2014, 05:02:25 AM
I hope that you made the offer time-dependent.

Yeah, I told her to sodding well hurry up!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 11, 2014, 11:41:21 PM
awaiting to take son to his school for a trip to cern. http://home.web.cern.ch/ (http://home.web.cern.ch/)
Lending him my camera so hopefully lots of pictures to show next week.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 12, 2014, 08:53:37 AM
awaiting to take son to his school for a trip to cern. http://home.web.cern.ch/ (http://home.web.cern.ch/)
Lending him my camera so hopefully lots of pictures to show next week.

Looking forward to see them.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 12, 2014, 11:57:51 AM
I'm not a full on science geek, but I'd love a tour of CERN.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 21, 2014, 01:43:08 PM
he went and came back and couldnt go underground at cern.
Apparently they only admit 12 people a day and even though they had written confirmation the party of 25 could venture underground they were refused.
Teacher is hopefully going to lodge a complaint and demand money as  compensation.
Have a few photos of above ground of Cern if you want to see them ?
let me know and ill upload and post a link to photo page
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 21, 2014, 04:06:36 PM
You'd have thought the people at CERN would be good at math.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 21, 2014, 06:40:34 PM
Boiling bing cherries for jam.  Gotta stay on top of them so I'll take off now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 22, 2014, 09:23:14 AM
Boiling bing cherries for jam.

Oh, that jam must be glorius!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 22, 2014, 10:42:54 AM
I'm going out for supper again as the missus thinks I'm made of money.

She's wrong, for once...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on July 22, 2014, 08:11:40 PM
Using TeamViewer I just helped an old gal get her Facebook games to play. ::) Now I'm trying to finish the Abyss Odyssey game. I suck so bad I can't even get to the final boss battle.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 25, 2014, 04:10:30 AM
Listening to Funkadelic.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 25, 2014, 09:37:23 AM
Listening to Funkadelic.

Nothing like starting the day with a little P-Funk.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 25, 2014, 01:03:41 PM
That'll get you ready for the day (and a jump on the weekend).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 26, 2014, 02:14:59 AM
sobering up, friend from Nigeria visited and bought a bottle of Gambian Vodka with him  :o :o :o :o :o
O my head
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 26, 2014, 01:05:02 PM
Do Nigerians have the same custom as Russians (i.e., once you crack open a bottle, you don't stop until it's empty).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 26, 2014, 03:39:46 PM
Most of my African friends don't drink at all.  Probably because of their deep rooted religious beliefs, but even my club going crew didn't get bladdered like the rest of the European folk.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 26, 2014, 11:57:01 PM
Do Nigerians have the same custom as Russians (i.e., once you crack open a bottle, you don't stop until it's empty).
no he just drinks a lot.
Most of my African friends don't drink at all.  Probably because of their deep rooted religious beliefs, but even my club going crew didn't get bladdered like the rest of the European folk.

Friend lives in Gambia moved from Nigeria as it is so bad their.
It takes something to beat the European people from getting bladdered at every opportunity
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on July 27, 2014, 10:52:28 AM
Playing Borderlands 2 on the Xbox.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 27, 2014, 01:22:02 PM
It takes something to beat the European people from getting bladdered at every opportunity

This made me LOL.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on July 28, 2014, 07:41:07 AM
Do Nigerians have the same custom as Russians (i.e., once you crack open a bottle, you don't stop until it's empty).

I don't know about that but it sounds normal to me.  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 12, 2014, 05:49:31 AM
I've been put on hold!

Thank goodness for the speakerphone function as I can listen to their muzak without getting arm-ache.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 12, 2014, 11:24:05 AM
I've been put on hold yesterday. After a 30 seconds speech I was told the aprox. waiting time was 2 minutes. I had to hear that at least 4 times.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 12, 2014, 03:36:07 PM
I've been put on hold yesterday. After a 30 seconds speech I was told the aprox. waiting time was 2 minutes. I had to hear that at least 4 times.

We call those "Northern Line" minutes as they used to be the longest minutes in the known universe. Some still haven't exhausted from 1986.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on September 12, 2014, 10:50:12 PM
Bought a new HDMI cable. Trying to troubleshoot why the media player, Xbox and cable will no longer play through the Onkyo receiver. They all work when plugged directly into the TV through the TV's speakers. The receiver's radio works by itself.

* \o/ Got it working. Must have been a bad HDMI cable.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 13, 2014, 12:31:07 AM
nice one.

I am trying to get my eyes to work, I awoke early and then fell asleep. Dog woke me up and I feel lousy now
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 13, 2014, 02:37:02 AM
I'm about to go and deliver leaflets for my Daughter because she has a stinker of a cold. :-[

gives me time to listen to an audiobook and chill out
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 16, 2014, 03:00:57 PM
I'm about to go and deliver leaflets for my Daughter because she has a stinker of a cold. :-[

gives me time to listen to an audiobook and chill out

My daughter went down with a cold on Saturday too. I think it was being reintroduced to the germ farm that is better known as "school".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 19, 2014, 12:49:11 AM
stretching left leg and awaiting new phone.  :-\

had a tumble other night on the cycle left knee bruised and such. Cannot get pic of shoulder left arm
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/333_zps2bc958ed.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/333_zps2bc958ed.jpg.html)
bled like a bute and all the dogs did were lick the blood off  ;D
did a 360 head over heals. back wheel knocked out of the stays.
2 days off work and broken phone
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/22223_zps900f66bc.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/22223_zps900f66bc.jpg.html)

may look at suing local  council as cycle path overgrown , lack of lightening , a high edge to cycle path with wood chocks holding them in.
Only want money for phone all else is ok

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on September 19, 2014, 06:14:05 AM
Better a broken phone than a broken bone; that leg looks busted!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on September 19, 2014, 07:09:27 AM
 that looks bad. youre lucky you didn't break anything
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 19, 2014, 10:19:07 AM
just my pride  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 03, 2014, 03:08:18 PM
Sorry I missed this latest accident update, Goldie. I hope you've mended now and from a medical perspective, it looks like what you've done to your knee is something that 4 pints of ale a day for a week should fix right up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 03, 2014, 03:56:52 PM
I took my daughter to a pijama party. It's not even 7 PM and I have a ton of things to do. But I'm drinking grappa and preparing myself a bath. I DON'T CARE about anything else!! I'll worry later.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 03, 2014, 04:44:24 PM
....I'm drinking grappa ....

Today in the u.k, an anti-alcohol pill was made available on the NHS to help people cut back on their drinking.

I hope they don't have an expiry date.

Link (http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/heavy-drinkers-to-be-offered-lifesaving-pill-that-helps-reduce-alcohol-consumption-9771600.html)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 04, 2014, 12:49:11 AM
Jeez, Goldie, that looks like a pretty substantial fall.  I hope the bruises are mending and that you are recovering.

xtopave, a long bath sounds like a good way to relax.  I'm getting ready to read a little Game of Thrones before I turn in for the night.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 04, 2014, 01:09:04 AM
Other than the bone hurting when i knock it, I'm getting there  :)
I am although suffering from sleep deprivation  :P.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 04, 2014, 07:18:07 AM
Today in the u.k, an anti-alcohol pill was made available on the NHS to help people cut back on their drinking.

I hope they don't have an expiry date.

Link (http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/heavy-drinkers-to-be-offered-lifesaving-pill-that-helps-reduce-alcohol-consumption-9771600.html)

Quote from that link:

Men would qualify to receive the treatment if they consume 7.5 units of alcohol per day - around three to four pints of standard strength lager.

It would be offered to women who consume five units a day, which amounts to around half a bottle of wine.

Quote from Wikipedia:

Side effects
    Common: drowsiness, hypertension, tachycardia, dizziness, nausea, vomiting
    Occasional: fever, hypotension, vasodilatation, chills, headache
    Rare: agitation, arrhythmia, bradycardia, confusion, hallucinations, myoclonus, itching

Half a bottle of wine a day looks way less harmful than all that!  :D

I'm kidding, of course it's more complicated than that. I didn't know this drug existed. Interesting.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 05, 2014, 05:38:36 AM
so agree Xtopave, drink looks better for you,
as I'm off to have a bottle of Marstons Old Rodger ale at 7.4%
 ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 07, 2014, 03:25:37 PM
I've beated a new record. I sanded and varnished the wooden garage door in 2 hours! I'm going to hate my back and shoulders tonight.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 07, 2014, 03:45:02 PM
I've beated a new record. I sanded and varnished the wooden garage door in 2 hours! I'm going to hate my back and shoulders tonight.

That is worryingly quick.

When you say 'sanded', do you mean you needed to roughen it up to create a key for the top coat of varnish?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 07, 2014, 06:06:31 PM
When you say 'sanded', do you mean you needed to roughen it up to create a key for the top coat of varnish?

Oh, indeed I meant that! Although the lower quarter was starting to suffer so I had to work a bit more on it. It was pretty quick anyway, wasn't it?
There are a lot of unfinished stuff in my house yet I have to work on things I've already done some months ago?!?!
Run, rabbit run. Dig that hole, forget the sun. And when at last the work is done
don't sit down, it's time to dig another one.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 11, 2014, 06:26:41 AM
I take one child to drama school at 10am, then I rush home to take the other to ballet/modern/tap lessons.  It isn't until this time in the day when I can sit down with tea and a flapjack and watch a bit of sport.

Unless my daughter is watching Doc McStuffins - like she is now...

Roll on bedtime.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 12, 2014, 12:55:41 AM
 ::) it slows down when they get older, then you cannot get them out of their bedrooms  ;D

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-29518975 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-29518975)
reading this and thinking what a quirky country we live in.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 12, 2014, 03:19:00 AM
::) it slows down when they get older, then you cannot get them out of their bedrooms  ;D

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-29518975 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-29518975)
reading this and thinking what a quirky country we live in.

When we were kids we used to go to speakers corner to take the piss out of the "nutters". When I was a teenager I used to pass it and slow down to listen a little but always had to rush off to a better things. As a young man they just used to piss me off with their radical opinions so I didn't hang around for long enough to get angry.

Now that I'd probably be calm and mature enough to listen and debate, I don't have the time to get up there.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 12, 2014, 05:39:44 AM
the 3 ages of man  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 18, 2014, 11:03:28 AM
Sitting down. I'm mentioning this as it is the first time I've been able to all day.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 18, 2014, 02:43:42 PM
Trying to figure out what to do with a sick (dying?) bird in my back yard. Last night I found it in the threshold of my back door. It didn't look that bad so I let it be. When I woke up, the 1st thing I saw when I looked out the window was another hornero (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rufous_hornero) kicking the poo out of it! It was attacking the sick one with its beak and feet. When I got outside the bird was already hiding in a corner. Now it's in really bad shape. I laid some breadcrumbs near the bird but that's how far I went.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 18, 2014, 03:29:01 PM
Trying to figure out what to do with a sick (dying?) bird in my back yard. Last night I found it in the threshold of my back door. It didn't look that bad so I let it be. When I woke up, the 1st thing I saw when I looked out the window was another hornero (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rufous_hornero) kicking the poo out of it! It was attacking the sick one with its beak and feet. When I got outside the bird was already hiding in a corner. Now it's in really bad shape. I laid some breadcrumbs near the bird but that's how far I went.

It sounds like it's in shock and hasn't got long left. I have tried to save 3 or 4 birds that have mysteriously appeared in my back garden in bad shape, I've even built a sanctuary type bird house in the tree there and placed them in that with food and water.

By morning they have always perished.  I think once they've given up, they've given up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 18, 2014, 10:39:24 PM
It sounds like it's in shock and hasn't got long left. I have tried to save 3 or 4 birds that have mysteriously appeared in my back garden in bad shape, I've even built a sanctuary type bird house in the tree there and placed them in that with food and water.

By morning they have always perished.  I think once they've given up, they've given up.

On top of all it rained this afternoon. The bird is nowhere to be seen. In the morning I'll do the sensible thing: I'll send someone else to look for it.  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 19, 2014, 10:48:32 AM
On top of all it rained this afternoon. The bird is nowhere to be seen. In the morning I'll do the sensible thing: I'll send someone else to look for it.  :)

Just don't send the cat.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 19, 2014, 02:29:18 PM
As you predicted the little thing was dead this morning.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 19, 2014, 02:44:54 PM
As you predicted the little thing was dead this morning.

Ok, now send the cat.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 19, 2014, 03:19:21 PM
Ha!  I suspect that cat would be bored, and perhaps, sickened by contact with the dead bird.  Where's the fun in not being able to stalk and kill something?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 20, 2014, 10:00:33 AM
Cats don't mind scavenging, they're just not meant to.  A bit like Giant Pandas shouldn't be vegetarians.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 21, 2014, 06:34:02 AM
A bit like Giant Pandas shouldn't be vegetarians.

Sometimes they're forced to try new food.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 21, 2014, 02:47:51 PM
Sometimes they're forced to try new food.

I hope he was hungry as if it was the jacket he was after, I'd have shot for criminal fashion sense.

Don't pandas know that black and white is fine just like it is.  Never try mixing blue with it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 25, 2014, 01:16:55 PM
So funny , don't they know they are wild creatures ;D ;D ;D ;D

I am wondering where to put all this Alcohol I we purchased from Germany. ;D

(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/CameraZOOM-20141025110035277_zps06d834a9.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/CameraZOOM-20141025110035277_zps06d834a9.jpg.html)
Xmas Jagermeister mmmmmmmmmmmm
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/CameraZOOM-20141025110203428_zps2d741bc9.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/CameraZOOM-20141025110203428_zps2d741bc9.jpg.html)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 25, 2014, 02:23:02 PM
I am wondering where to put all this Alcohol I we purchased from Germany. ;D

Damned! That's the kind of souvenirs I love!  :D

What's the bottle in the left (square cap) if I may ask? Is it Amaretto Disaronno?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 25, 2014, 04:29:45 PM

I am wondering where to put all this Alcohol...

If you haven't figured out where to put alcohol by now, you never will old boy, you never will..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 25, 2014, 07:04:24 PM
I bet by now the supply has been cut by about 20%. ;-)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 26, 2014, 01:32:23 AM
What's the bottle in the left (square cap) if I may ask? Is it Amaretto Disaronno?
Yes it is, Wife likes it.
We found some more.  :o
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/10735653_10152879789546177_1225385278_n_zpsff3c48d4.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/10735653_10152879789546177_1225385278_n_zpsff3c48d4.jpg.html)

13 litres Vodka Fjodor, 3 bottles of vodka Smirnoff / Finlandia , 2 half bottles of Bison Vodka
2 litres of Jagermeister, 1 bottle Xmas edition Jagermeister ( apple+cinnamon)
6 litres Wine, Various bottles of Beer / Real Ale. Assortment from Germany (real ale a pressie)
1 litra Disaronno, 1 litre Pimms elderberry and blackberry.

2 litres Hennessy Special Cognac, I Litre Hardy's VS cognac, 1 litre Courvoisier cognac, 1 litre Baron Otad cognac.

price of
Vodka was €7.00 (approx £5.51)  :o  Jagermeister €11.00 (approx £8.66)
Hennessy was £25.00 litre. Hardy's was £21.00  Courvoisier was £23.00 Baron Ota was £26.00
cheaper than England
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 26, 2014, 05:23:27 AM
I hate amaretto but the rest:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 26, 2014, 03:36:00 PM

13 litres Vodka Fjodor, 3 bottles of vodka Smirnoff / Finlandia , 2 half bottles of Bison Vodka
2 litres of Jagermeister, 1 bottle Xmas edition Jagermeister ( apple+cinnamon)
6 litres Wine, Various bottles of Beer / Real Ale. Assortment from Germany (real ale a pressie)
1 litra Disaronno, 1 litre Pimms elderberry and blackberry.

2 litres Hennessy Special Cognac, I Litre Hardy's VS cognac, 1 litre Courvoisier cognac, 1 litre Baron Otad cognac.

price of
Vodka was €7.00 (approx £5.51)  :o  Jagermeister €11.00 (approx £8.66)
Hennessy was £25.00 litre. Hardy's was £21.00  Courvoisier was £23.00 Baron Ota was £26.00
cheaper than England

Or more commonly known as "breakfast".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 27, 2014, 12:28:49 AM
Hair of the dog and such  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 28, 2014, 11:38:30 AM
Hair of the dog and such  ;D

With that much booze the dog must have a crew cut.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 29, 2014, 02:59:31 AM
will post as soon as possible  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 30, 2014, 09:57:15 AM
Supergluing a loom band loom before my daughter notices I stood on it.


Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 31, 2014, 12:23:38 AM
 ::)  ;D ;D ;D ;D odds on she will notice, smart kids are  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on October 31, 2014, 05:22:47 AM
odds on she will notice

Not only she will notice. She will find fault with the job and he'll have to buy a new one AND a 1000 bands to go with it! ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 31, 2014, 04:47:15 PM
O ye, of little faith. Even I can't see the repairs.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 26, 2014, 05:05:31 AM
Insomniac party.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on November 26, 2014, 05:31:31 AM
Coffee and toast with strawberry preserves.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 29, 2014, 01:24:29 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 30, 2014, 12:33:34 PM
Just settling in from a rather wonderful day in Reading.  That place has come on leaps and bounds.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 30, 2014, 11:55:09 PM
Awaiting a lift to visit Derby for a Mental Awareness 3 day course. 8)
Should be fun
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 11, 2014, 11:47:17 AM
I'm getting ready to gatecrash an evening laid on by a pharmacy connected to my wife's workplace.  So many of her colleagues bailed on it that they are glad she's bringing me.

They obviously have no idea what I'm like around free booze.

Apparently all they're giving me to eat is a can-o-peas? I hope they're minted.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 11, 2014, 04:57:58 PM
There'll be horses doofers too, doubtless. (I never knew that horses had doofers!)

Nope, neither was there peas.

What a bless'ed liberty!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 12, 2014, 05:35:19 AM
collecting son  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on December 12, 2014, 06:27:36 AM
Taking a break from mindless killing (Far Cry 4).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 12, 2014, 04:31:36 PM
Yawning and then some. 

I really should turn in, but I'm a sucker for punishment.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 12, 2014, 11:59:56 PM
about to venture into the cold dark morning  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on December 13, 2014, 09:00:19 AM
Wondering if anybody's heard from subvinorosa lately.

Psst...has anyone?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 13, 2014, 10:22:04 AM
Wondering if anybody's heard from subvinorosa lately.

Psst...has anyone?

She pops in occasionally, but I haven't seen her for a while.

I think she may have been to the other place more recently. In fact, I'm certain she has.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on December 14, 2014, 07:52:43 PM
Playing Styx

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 15, 2014, 02:29:12 AM
I've played that!

I play this version:


I thought you were going to say you've sailed on it.  But I guess that's the wrong neighbourhood for you.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 15, 2014, 08:52:55 AM
Definitely not my part of town.

Portsmouth, Hades, same difference.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 17, 2014, 09:48:47 AM
Yeah - but I am on the other side of the water from both!

And I can travel to both by foot.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 18, 2014, 11:44:18 AM
your not called the great sage and onion for nothing  ;D

I am working out 5 interview days for Number one son at various universities.
Birmingham / Nottingham / Leeds / Manchester / Loughborough.
Didn't know so many taught Chemical Engineering  ;D.
Still think he should go for Maths  :-\ but hey ho up to him.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: hmed2390 on December 22, 2014, 05:23:36 AM
She pops in occasionally, but I haven't seen her for a while.

I think she may have been to the other place more recently. In fact, I'm certain she has.

Ah, that's right. The other place is back now. God, I'm so out of touch with everything lately.  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 23, 2014, 10:48:29 AM
(http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff519/Jdarby5872/6b9a2074b17f822661c315f704293003.jpg) (http://media.photobucket.com/user/Jdarby5872/media/6b9a2074b17f822661c315f704293003.jpg.html)
not feeling too good
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on December 23, 2014, 12:12:38 PM
not feeling too good

I guess there will be no booze for you this Christmas.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 24, 2014, 12:43:30 AM
sadly you may be right   :-[.  Always find when i have the Man Flu I find it hard to drink.

Sneezed in the night and woke up stuck to my pillow  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on December 24, 2014, 05:01:21 AM
Always find when i have the Man Flu I find it hard to drink.

You shouldn't even try.
Anyway maybe the worst has passed, goldie.
I've found cetirizine, ibuprofen and hot soup work like a charm for me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 24, 2014, 05:32:55 AM
Drugged up at the moment . try soup later :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 24, 2014, 10:22:34 AM
Sod that! Man flu only responds to a bucket for all booze.  Chases the bugger right out of there, so it does.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on December 24, 2014, 04:51:09 PM
Sod that! Man flu only responds to a bucket for all booze.  Chases the bugger right out of there, so it does.

Maybe that only works for you bc you're Rambo.  ;D
BTW, how is your hand?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 24, 2014, 05:04:47 PM
Maybe that only works for you bc you're Rambo.  ;D
BTW, how is your hand?

Curling the ring finger is still very sore and it aches quite a lot overall. However, I only need the index finger and the thumb to hold a glass.

The Cervicogenic headache I've had for 2 weeks is killing me, though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 25, 2014, 12:08:59 AM
had a few last night down the local pub.
Didnt kill anything except my wallet :-\

glad the hands getting there
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 25, 2014, 09:52:41 PM
Cervix means neck.  But you already know that.

I'm enjoying having just consumed an amazing dinner of duck with roast vegetables followed by freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

I think I need a nap. 

Merry Christmas, everybody.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 26, 2014, 12:16:50 AM
Cervix means neck.  But you already know that.
Merry Christmas, everybody.
Mmmmmm never heard it called neck before.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 26, 2014, 11:58:36 AM
Mmmmmm never heard it called neck before.

It's basically C1 to C7 - aka the Cervical vertebrae.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 27, 2014, 12:44:37 AM
more confused than ever.
I understand what the cervical refers to.
But the cervix is something else, unless it has a double meaning in the medical profession.

Anyway lets move on.

Myself and the  dog are looking at the snowy garden and thinking the same thing.
Lets wait a little longer till we venture out for a stroll   :)
"Titus" Oates I am not  ;D ;D  :D :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 27, 2014, 06:41:45 AM
more confused than ever.
I understand what the cervical refers to.
But the cervix is something else, unless it has a double meaning in the medical profession.

Anyway lets move on.

Myself and the  dog are looking at the snowy garden and thinking the same thing.
Lets wait a little longer till we venture out for a stroll   :)
"Titus" Oates I am not  ;D ;D  :D :D

Cervix it latin for neck. I think the cervix you mean is called so because is essentially the "neck" of the uterus.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 28, 2014, 12:22:37 AM
There's a joke in there somewhere about head, but I'm not going there.
I thought you had already posted one. ;)
Thats what confused me, and I am easily confused  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 28, 2014, 03:33:31 AM
First roast dinner of the festive period prepared for wife's return from work later.

I know the word "FIRST" springs out at you and I also am a little shocked at this ,but Christmas day was a first for myself and family to eat out at my parents for the first time in years (I cannot even remember the last time), not from never being asked but I do like Christmas lunch at home  :)

Sod that! Man flu only responds to a bucket for all booze.  Chases the bugger right out of there, so it does.
Still struggling with the Flu. Lowest Alcohol units have been drunk by myself for years.
Even 2 Kegs of real Ale are left gathering dust in the garage unopened  :'(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 10, 2015, 11:11:02 AM
I've just cut the grass under a scorching sun (thermometer says 35C in the shadow!!) and now that I've finished it got cloudy.  ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 10, 2015, 12:49:39 PM
I've just cut the grass under a scorching sun (thermometer says 35C in the shadow!!)

Grrrr! Have you no heart, woman!?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 10, 2015, 04:03:21 PM
Grrrr! Have you no heart, woman!?

I sweated like a pig but, yeah, I prefer hot weather than cold weather.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on January 10, 2015, 04:19:44 PM
watching Drunk History................ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drunk_History (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drunk_History)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-mU4pf3ywU&list=FLwuwNlVS8LI6LvROYbqqE6w (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-mU4pf3ywU&list=FLwuwNlVS8LI6LvROYbqqE6w)

Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 11, 2015, 03:08:49 AM
 ::) Any good, watched the advert but unsure if worth a watch.

Recovering from a few beers with my son and family,
He turned 18 yesterday  :'(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 11, 2015, 07:57:37 AM
Recovering from a few beers with my son and family,
He turned 18 yesterday  :'(

Ooh, that's a milestone. Congratulations to both of you!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 12, 2015, 02:16:56 AM
::) Any good, watched the advert but unsure if worth a watch.

Recovering from a few beers with my son and family,
He turned 18 yesterday  :'(

Hopefully you scared your man-flu away while you were at it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 13, 2015, 08:06:47 AM
did my best.  ;)
He's 18 I'm older not much of a milestone for me  ;D ;D

ATM after throwing wife's old laptop away I am formatting and installing to a hdd enclosure.
Good to have a spare portable hdd.
Not worth doing the 80gb but the another 250gb may be use able  :-\

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 13, 2015, 11:42:53 AM
It's the missus' birthday so I'm about to go out for dinner and make my wallet suicidal.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 13, 2015, 12:38:59 PM
happy b/day to her and your wallet  ;D

My son has passed his driving theory test.  ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on January 14, 2015, 05:28:32 AM
It's the missus' birthday so I'm about to go out for dinner and make my wallet suicidal.

Happy belated birthday to Mrs. smokester! Did you have fun?

My son has passed his driving theory test.  ???

I've heard that in many European countries getting the driver's license is quite expensive.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 14, 2015, 10:24:22 AM
Happy belated birthday to Mrs. smokester! Did you have fun?

She did as she was showered with pressies and then I took 6 of us out for dinner (Panahar (http://www.panaharindian.co.uk/)).  I really need to give my funds a rest as they've been bleeding for too long.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 14, 2015, 10:37:09 AM
I've heard that in many European countries getting the driver's license is quite expensive.

depends how good you are,
1 Lesson £20.

ATM struggling to stay awake again
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on January 24, 2015, 08:08:46 AM
Just finished the Saints Row IV campaign. Deciding on whether or not to play the DLC now or start another game.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 24, 2015, 02:23:42 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 25, 2015, 04:15:19 AM

There has been some weird stuff going on with the site of late.  Just little loading errors that instantly resolve, but they're weird nonetheless.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 25, 2015, 04:36:23 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 25, 2015, 04:24:17 PM

That's a coincidence.  My missus is recovering from an operation so I'm on ironing duty for a couple of weeks.  I wouldn't mind but I've spent the last 14 years denying I know one end of an iron from the other.

The game's up. Damn!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 26, 2015, 12:19:55 PM
Dont mind the ironing but hate putting clothes away.  :o

About to shower and read for a hour or so
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 31, 2015, 02:02:42 AM
tinternet as I will not watch Big Brother on the tv on catch up >:(

then nothing planned all week end
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 03, 2015, 01:08:51 AM
winding down from intenso day, not bad, really, but it takes its toll.

I'm tired.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 08, 2015, 01:34:06 AM
looking forward to a bright sunny day
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 13, 2015, 02:06:06 PM
Watching TV with the kids later than usual as it's the start of the half term hols.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 13, 2015, 03:23:20 PM
falling asleep
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 14, 2015, 12:14:10 AM
eating crackers
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 14, 2015, 01:07:14 AM
fresh coffee before I walk pooches  :)
then the whole weekend watching rugger
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 14, 2015, 07:28:02 AM
Filling my buffet plate and opening beer in readiness for the rugby kick-off.

Oh what joy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 15, 2015, 12:56:01 AM
recovery from night out
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 17, 2015, 02:32:10 AM
car shopping  :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 17, 2015, 03:47:04 PM
Wanting to play Grimrock 2, but the missus wants us to watch something on TV.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on February 17, 2015, 09:43:30 PM
Hiding in a locker, on a space station, from the monster in Alien Isolation while I take a break.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 18, 2015, 01:12:04 AM
 ::) best of luck
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 18, 2015, 11:20:08 AM
Hiding in a locker, on a space station, from the monster in Alien Isolation while I take a break.

I have Grimlock time at last.

Time to fry me some ogre!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 18, 2015, 05:00:19 PM
Hiding in a locker, on a space station, from the monster in Alien Isolation while I take a break.

LOL, for a nanosecond I read "hiding from a hooker".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 19, 2015, 01:34:16 AM
 ::)  ;D ;D

Suffering from waking up too soon. Head is so fuzzy, plus have to go for a yearly check up at dentist  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 20, 2015, 04:11:04 AM
"hiding from a hooker".

That would defeat the object.

Right now I am doing something that involves a hot pain au raisin and a latte.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 20, 2015, 06:58:58 AM
Pain au raisin! Yummy indeed!

I'm searching my pantry for yeast. It's home-made pizza tonight. I like fresh yeast better but I'd have to go out and buy some.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 20, 2015, 08:36:51 AM
Pain au raisin! Yummy indeed!

I've progressed to Red Stripe and a packet of cashews.

I was born not to work.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 21, 2015, 01:05:25 AM
remembering Yesterday I purchased a car  :-\
fastest time ever. took only a measly 1 hour  :o
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/10991276_946850578668049_5586507206618270616_n_zpsaf1916e4.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/10991276_946850578668049_5586507206618270616_n_zpsaf1916e4.jpg.html)
Rather large though, wife thinking of next trip to Germany for the booze  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 21, 2015, 11:24:02 AM
Nice wheels, dude.

Looks like a nice drive for a distance run - like mainland Europe. Looks like she could carry a fair bit home too.

Too many wheels for me tho'.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 22, 2015, 06:52:21 AM
Germany is calling or a caravan
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 22, 2015, 12:00:23 PM
Germany is calling or a caravan

Do you ever come back from a holiday needing a holiday?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 22, 2015, 01:42:42 PM
always. :)
Work is a necessary interruption to my social life 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 22, 2015, 01:42:54 PM
Any holiday visiting family is like that for me.  Especially when I have to travel 2 or 3 times during the "vacation" because my family is spread out.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 22, 2015, 02:15:37 PM
Any holiday visiting family is like that for me.  Especially when I have to travel 2 or 3 times during the "vacation" because my family is spread out.

People ask me why I always keep going back to St Lucia.  The reason is I've seen the island frontwards, backwards and from side to side, so all I need do while I'm there is sit on my rump and drink beer.

European holidays have a tougher and more hectic schedule than when I'm at work.  I'm fried when I get back to blighty.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 21, 2015, 08:02:22 AM
drinking tea and working.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 21, 2015, 11:29:58 AM
recovering from a heavy friday night ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 22, 2015, 09:57:42 AM
recovering from a heavy friday night ;D

I'm recovering from an 8 hs wedding party I went to yesterday. Fantastic party. Amazing food and drink and we had so much fun! The headache isn't that much fun though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 22, 2015, 10:29:39 AM
I'm busy not having a social life like you lot.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 01, 2015, 02:28:22 PM
Sitting in my caravan in Wales drinking bubbly :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 01, 2015, 03:24:13 PM
Sitting in my caravan in Wales drinking bubbly :)

Nice, goldie! Have fun!  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 02, 2015, 10:28:51 AM
Sitting in my caravan in Wales drinking bubbly :)

Tŷ Nant?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 04, 2015, 08:43:02 AM
nope champers  :)
although plenty of fresh water at night  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 05, 2015, 12:38:53 PM
struggling to remain awake, with the weather turning blustery, my body is going into hibernation mode  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 05, 2015, 04:15:31 PM
struggling to remain awake, with the weather turning blustery, my body is going into hibernation mode  ;D ;D

My new gas barby nearly took off! As it is, it blew over denting the crap out of it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on May 06, 2015, 06:16:10 AM
Listening to Thomas Tallis and sipping coffee.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 06, 2015, 08:23:23 AM
well at least 50 shades boosted classical music. ;)

Love choral work, Frequently listen to The Sixteen  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 16, 2015, 07:09:02 AM
Studying the form:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 17, 2015, 02:41:25 PM
A whole week of courses  :-[
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 18, 2015, 12:51:52 AM
A whole week of courses  :-[

Hey, it's better than digging a ditch.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 18, 2015, 09:15:15 AM
it's a holiday today here in Canada, Victoria Day, beautiful Spring day, sunny, low 20's C, so of course i got drafted my my elderly Mother to take her for a drive in the country, to a little village restaurant about an hours drive each way  :-\
oh well, they do have delicious homemade food, including rolls, biscuits, pies, etc. and fresh lobster caught daily.....
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 18, 2015, 09:43:29 AM
Hey, it's better than digging a ditch.
keeps you fitter.
First day over and my brain cell is twitching.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 18, 2015, 04:53:28 PM
and fresh lobster caught daily.....

I'm jealous.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on May 18, 2015, 04:57:26 PM
I'm jealous AND hungry.

It looks like you had a lovely day, townie.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 18, 2015, 07:17:03 PM
lol! i'm a blue collar kinds guy, i got a hot hamburg (but there it has 2 patties), upsized the fries to include mozzarella cheese and gravy, and a slab of homemade pecan pie. my mother of course got the lobster burger with potato salad, and a cup of seafood chowder with a biscuit. lobster season just opened here a month ago, fishers are selling them out of their trucks for $6/pound, cheaper than most meats these days.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 19, 2015, 03:00:45 PM
.... fishers are selling them out of their trucks for $6/pound....

That price is from an alternate universe.  Even at Billingsgate Fish Market we'd pay £10 ($19 Canadian) for a relatively small one.

Nevermind as I'll have plenty of Spiny lobster so savour while in St Lucia!! 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 20, 2015, 12:26:26 AM
show off  ;D
never tried lobster  ??? closet i get to seafood is a fish finger
waking up to another grey day  :-[
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 20, 2015, 06:42:39 AM
you're not dead yet, goldie.  There's still lobsters to be had.

I recommend them.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: townie2 on May 20, 2015, 02:40:31 PM
good dipped in A) melted butter B) lemon juice C) vinegar or best of all, D) melted butter with a squeeze of lemon in it. if anyone ever wants to know how to cook their own live lobsters (taste the best by far) let me know, a fisher was giving out sheets with instructions a few years ago and i kept mine, works flawlessly.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 22, 2015, 03:49:41 PM
Trying desperately to stay awake.  I am losing the battle fast, though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 01, 2015, 08:10:59 AM
so tired after a week abroad. the sun has just drained me  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 01, 2015, 05:17:30 PM
I've just got home from an evening out with OC's daughter. 

Man! the stories she had about her mum/mom...

Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 02, 2015, 12:22:31 AM
I always just threw them in a pot of boiling water.  They don't take long to cook, and they are delicious.  It's been a good while since I've had them.  There seem to be more lobsters on the East Coast.

And dipping in butter is good, although they're so rich, it seems like overkill.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 03, 2015, 05:13:15 AM
When my isp was down and told us that they would continue to be down for the night, I took the time to do maintenance on the router, which I have honestly never done. I usually just slap a network security key and silly network name on there, and then do the old tech support reset whenever it goes down.

well, I realized that this tablet runs a newer version of android, and with a bit of prioritization, I might be able to get back over here. And so it is.

Hi, again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 03, 2015, 08:53:30 AM
I've just got home from an evening out with OC's daughter. 

Man! the stories she had about her mum/mom...
Do tell lol
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 03, 2015, 03:20:10 PM
Do tell lol

I was joshing.

I do know a whole lot more about landscape architecture though.

Hi, again.

Nice to see you 8ully. Missed ya.

About bloody time too, you lazy git.

My mac isn't doing the internet very well.  I've read the issue isn't that rare.

I have fixes for Yosemite which i'll try as soon as I have more than an hour of awake time left in me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 03, 2015, 03:36:24 PM
Try as I might, I can't make sense of that.

First "and" should have been "isn't".  I'm really, really tired.  Really.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 04, 2015, 12:43:40 PM
not a lot atm.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 05, 2015, 02:30:54 AM
I have a 10am start so I finally have a chance to check in here.  Mind you, it's 9.30 so I'd better get ready to go.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 05, 2015, 10:40:57 AM
hunting for a new washing machine.
Old one still has the wifes clothes locked in  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 05, 2015, 12:33:53 PM
Lol, that's hilarious.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 05, 2015, 01:24:50 PM
 ::) not for the wife, has her work clothes in   ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 05, 2015, 04:21:31 PM
Old one still has the wifes clothes locked in  :P

There's a manual release under the bottom plate.  You just tug it to override the lock.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 05, 2015, 10:25:54 PM
If I'd have known that last night would have stopped me breaking lock
After removing top.
Machine gave up the ghost to be honest. Lasted years and electrics
Were playing up. Front panel lights could have been used as disco lights.
Rushed round to Curry's and bought one. Good job sale was on.

If I'd had time I would have removed drum to use as a wood burner in garden
Work great.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 15, 2015, 12:17:04 PM
I've contracted the flu from my missus and  now I feel shite.

Can her blame for it?  I may as well try, eh.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on June 15, 2015, 02:04:57 PM
dying of hunger
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 16, 2015, 08:43:28 AM
resting due to extreme exertion
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 16, 2015, 08:38:05 PM
Back on my computer after almost a week of waiting for a new PSU.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 17, 2015, 02:24:36 AM
Back on my computer after almost a week of waiting for a new PSU.

Your kit must need some wattage?  I bet your PSU cost a pretty penny.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 17, 2015, 09:28:02 AM
looking up
"page fault in non paged area" related to coprocessor driver error
You gotta hate pc's  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 18, 2015, 11:06:26 PM
Your kit must need some wattage?  I bet your PSU cost a pretty penny.

The PSU that died was 1000W Cooler Master that came with the case and was always more than I needed.  I got an EVGA 750W that happened to be on sale at NewEgg at the time for $59.99.  So far, so good.  I'm fairly happy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 18, 2015, 11:28:54 PM
I'm getting eaten by zombies.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 19, 2015, 09:22:41 AM
nom nom nom

I on the other hand was cutting up wood for the burner in the garden.
This excess wood is from where I am at present revamping certain area's to build a mans hut / bar  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 19, 2015, 11:50:42 AM
I'm getting eaten by zombies.

Not to worry as pretty soon you'll be one of them.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 19, 2015, 11:49:53 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 20, 2015, 12:10:46 AM
suffering from a night at the local with wife and son
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 21, 2015, 01:43:58 PM
I'm admiring my new "Clock Fan" that I was given for Father's day and trying to fathom how the hell it does that?

Very clever item and a great pressie.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 21, 2015, 05:08:45 PM
I'm admiring my new "Clock Fan" that I was given for Father's day and trying to fathom how the hell it does that?

Very clever item and a great pressie.

Google gives me this (https://www.google.com/search?q=Clock+Fan&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=IUOHVbapJuiRsQScm4II&ved=0CCcQsAQ&biw=1138&bih=522). Is it like that? Awesome!

BTW, Happy Fathers Day to all the daddies in Diasfora!  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 21, 2015, 09:47:10 PM
Thanks smokes.  I google "fan clock video" and 30 minutes later I realize I've fallen down the YouTube rabbit hole.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 22, 2015, 01:12:36 AM
After the dog attack yesterday I have realised my left knee is killing me.
Inside of left knee is swollen.
A dire Fathers day for me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 22, 2015, 07:17:07 AM
Shame on you. Duckduckgo FTW.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 22, 2015, 02:34:34 PM
Google gives me this (https://www.google.com/search?q=Clock+Fan&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=IUOHVbapJuiRsQScm4II&ved=0CCcQsAQ&biw=1138&bih=522). Is it like that? Awesome!

It is. The bendy arm version.  It really works too, in both respects.

Thanks smokes.  I google "fan clock video" and 30 minutes later I realize I've fallen down the YouTube rabbit hole.

Be careful down there. I can imagine all sorts of nasties that may be lurking.

Shame on you. Duckduckgo FTW.

I only use that when using TOR.  Mainly 'cos I'm lazy.

After the dog attack yesterday I have realised my left knee is killing me.
Inside of left knee is swollen.
A dire Fathers day for me.

Some guys get all the luck. Just not you and me old chum.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 28, 2015, 09:55:58 PM
I just had a nice dinner and am waiting for dessert.  The apricots are ripe so I made a tarte.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on June 28, 2015, 10:02:45 PM
I just had a nice dinner and am waiting for dessert.  The apricots are ripe so I made a tarte.

Do you grow radishes ?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 29, 2015, 08:05:10 AM
awaiting the knock of the old bill to discuss dog attack
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 29, 2015, 10:59:21 AM
awaiting the knock of the old bill to discuss dog attack

Teach you not to attack dogs.

They're tough up north. I mean, they even let the police in.

Right now I'm dozing.  It's the hot weather, you know.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 29, 2015, 12:09:04 PM
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: drago6650 on June 29, 2015, 02:56:51 PM
We were promised a heat wave, so geared up for a barbecue tonight....unfortunately no one told the N.E. England it should have been hot.... >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 30, 2015, 10:44:19 AM
Vary hot in the shires
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on June 30, 2015, 11:04:32 AM
very humid here in so-cal
am waiting for someone to drop an envelope of cash thru my mail slot (i wish)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 30, 2015, 02:58:45 PM
Hotter than the Caribbean here in London.

Consequently, I'm sweating and humming...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 30, 2015, 03:15:47 PM
That global warming issue must be real cause it's winter here in the southern hemisphere and it was 20C this afternoon.  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on June 30, 2015, 03:34:03 PM
Making chow and waiting for The Discovery of Heaven film to buff.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on June 30, 2015, 03:44:44 PM
The Discovery of Heaven

The Bond flick gave you the idea?

I'm worryingly waiting for the anesthesia to wear off. I had an implant surgery today. Of the dental kind.  ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on June 30, 2015, 06:16:51 PM
Yep. I found it when I was looking up Krabbe's filmography. Plus I'd read the book years ago but didn't realize it'd been made into a film.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 19, 2015, 07:01:58 AM
Celebrating my son's 13th birthday and waiting for this:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 19, 2015, 10:34:48 AM
LOL. You are really afraid of him doing a fraction of the things you did when you were a teenager, aren't you?!  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 19, 2015, 02:34:41 PM
LOL. You are really afraid of him doing a fraction of the things you did when you were a teenager, aren't you?!  :D

You really wouldn't believe some of the things I was up to when I was 11, let alone 13.  In fact, I can hardly believe them and I was there!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 19, 2015, 08:38:02 PM
You really wouldn't believe some of the things I was up to when I was 11, let alone 13.  In fact, I can hardly believe them and I was there!!

It was the 70's. I might believe them.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 20, 2015, 02:29:13 PM
It was the 70's. I might believe them.  ;D

Wild times indeed.  Sometimes Minecraft may even be a blessing.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 27, 2015, 04:00:35 AM
I'm off to Epsom for the season finale!

More lolly down the drain, no doubt.  It's great fun nonetheless!!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 27, 2015, 08:48:31 AM
win for me.
ATM I am bathing my left eye, 4 hours at hospital yesterday and found out have a blocked pore in my left eye.

I look like Quasimodo   :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 27, 2015, 03:48:41 PM
I lost.

Never mind, there's always Ascot.

Hope your eye gets better quickly, Goldie.  Eye trouble can be quite upsetting.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 28, 2015, 12:15:20 AM
hot compresses on eye to break up blockage.  ???
getting there.

ATM trying without much luck to find a plasterer who will turn up to give me an insurance quote for my living room ceiling. :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on September 28, 2015, 11:58:06 AM
hot compresses on eye to break up blockage.  ???
getting there.

Ooohh, like in chalazion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalazion)?! I repeteadly had it for about a year or 2 when I was 10 or 11 yrs old. REALLY annoying. And I lost almost all my eyelashes in the process. Luckily they grew back.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 29, 2015, 01:02:57 AM
at first I thought so but it was this
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blepharitis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blepharitis)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 29, 2015, 09:21:04 AM

ATM trying without much luck to find a plasterer who will turn up to give me an insurance quote for my living room ceiling. :P

That's odd. Insurance jobs are the best as you can bump them up a bit without upsetting the client.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 30, 2015, 03:04:14 AM
just cannot get one to turn up, and a decorator as well  :o
must all be rich ;)

After buying my Oneplus from ebay found scratch on screen and therefore not as described.
Seller offered full refund but I must pay for return postage and I am out of pocket already buying case/screen protector.
Not happy so left appropriate feedback and ebay now wants to know why and fill in a return request form.
I don't want to return at my cost (apparently Ebay will not insist seller pays) and be left with various cases etc.
Ebay rules suck at times.
Other than that the phone works a treat running cyanogenmod o/s.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 30, 2015, 07:44:28 AM
just cannot get one to turn up, and a decorator as well  :o
must all be rich ;)

After buying my Oneplus from ebay found scratch on screen and therefore not as described.
Seller offered full refund but I must pay for return postage and I am out of pocket already buying case/screen protector.
Not happy so left appropriate feedback and ebay now wants to know why and fill in a return request form.
I don't want to return at my cost (apparently Ebay will not insist seller pays) and be left with various cases etc.
Ebay rules suck at times.
Other than that the phone works a treat running cyanogenmod o/s.

I have had that situation at least 4 times.  On each occasion I have outright refused to pay the return postage as it was the seller's responsibility to get me the item as described.  On each separate occasion I have told Ebay that was my stance too, explaining to them that is a ridiculous idea to expect me to pay for return postage . I mean: what if I'd ordered an SD card and they sent me a giraffe - would I have to pay the return postage in that instance? If not, then like hell am I going to pay it under the same (in principle) situation for any item.

Each separate time Ebay stepped up and paid the return postage.

I think I even posted my exchange with them on here.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 01, 2015, 10:20:51 PM
If someone sent me a giraffe, I don't know where I'd put it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 02, 2015, 03:14:38 PM
If someone sent me a giraffe, I don't know where I'd put it.

In the spare room, 6, in the spare room.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 02, 2015, 07:43:40 PM
In the spare room, 6, in the spare room.

They'll have to send one of those along with the giraffe, as I have neither.

I'm making jelly.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 03, 2015, 12:33:56 PM
I'm drinking cider.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 03, 2015, 12:54:58 PM
I'm drinking cider.
NIce :)

I am setting up a pebble smart watch I have treated myself to
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 03, 2015, 03:47:20 PM
Now I've moved onto Rum.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on November 03, 2015, 07:35:05 PM
Watching how-to videos and reading FIY articles, trying to figure out why our washer quit running.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 04, 2015, 12:33:06 AM
Red wine.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 04, 2015, 03:09:43 PM
Writing up more estimates.

Sometimes it feels like I do an 18 hour day..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 04, 2015, 04:52:43 PM
Sitting down for a break.  Just cranked out a batch of quince jelly and now have other stuff to do.  The house is a wreck.  Oh, how I aspire to be able to hire cleaners.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 05, 2015, 03:14:42 PM
That's probably why you'll feel busy: you seem to have mislaid six of the hours from the 24-hour days that most of us have to put up with.

I don't consider recreatin' and sleeping as "doing". Although, in a former life I used to.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 06, 2015, 03:53:24 PM
Just got home; about to turn in.

A solitary post today, so it seems.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on November 06, 2015, 06:00:35 PM
Sitting, after installing an AC in the rain.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 07, 2015, 07:46:36 AM
Trying to find a copy, stream or DVD of Slugterra: Eastern Caverns.  It appears I can only do one of these 3, and only if I go to Canada to do it.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 08, 2015, 01:00:24 AM
wishing i hadn't stayed up so late  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 14, 2015, 12:30:15 AM
eatin' crackers
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 14, 2015, 12:33:43 AM
Saturday + no work = lay in but Dog + up at 4am = no lay in  :-\
feel so tired.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 18, 2015, 09:16:19 AM
Being a post dame.  Drinking Earl Grey.  Blame it on the caffeine.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 18, 2015, 11:26:06 AM
trying 10
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on November 19, 2015, 04:42:23 AM
Killing Super mutants.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 19, 2015, 08:25:25 AM
dumping office 2013 and installing libre office, just couldn't get the s/n to work
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 20, 2015, 02:16:07 PM
Turning in early for a change...

God, I'm old!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 21, 2015, 12:52:27 AM
about to take dogs out for a stroll, Christ it's cold
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 21, 2015, 04:10:18 PM
I've just got home from my daughter's dance school Christmas performance.

It never fails to warm me up.  Inside, at least.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 21, 2015, 11:20:04 PM
Watching Rick and Morty on demand, but they keep changing which episodes are available.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 22, 2015, 12:41:58 AM
I've just got home from my daughter's dance school Christmas performance.

It never fails to warm me up.  Inside, at least.

Sweet.  I'm sure it was splendid.

I'm sitting awake after a very long day, too tired to go to sleep, if that makes sense.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 13, 2015, 01:19:11 PM
struggling to stay awake after going to work at 4.00 am, what an absolutely  ridiculous time to go to work :-[ :-[
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 14, 2015, 05:08:34 AM
struggling to stay awake after going to work at 4.00 am, what an absolutely  ridiculous time to go to work :-[ :-[

At least you have the milkmen to keep you company.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on December 15, 2015, 07:57:12 AM
Took my shower. Getting ready to go in for a MRI and a heart stress test.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 15, 2015, 08:09:21 AM
Took my shower. Getting ready to go in for a MRI and a heart stress test.

Good luck.

Are you just getting a once-over for peace of mind?  My missus keeps pushing me to have a "well man" check but I'm not sure I want to know if something isn't right.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 12, 2016, 12:56:16 AM
It's better to know sooner than later if something is wrong.

I'm having a glass of red wine and getting ready to watch some instructional math videos on youtube.  I know, sounds like big fun, right?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 12, 2016, 05:02:27 AM

Feeling chipper today are we?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 12, 2016, 07:27:07 AM
This is accounting.  Hardly "maths," although mathema, as you know, simply means lessons.  I'm still trying to wrap my brain around how money going out of a Cash account is recorded as a Credit, while that coming in is a Debit.

Accountants are very strange.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on February 12, 2016, 03:52:17 PM
mathema, good one.
Debit is existing (if only virtually) where as credit is an existing amount in action, so a variable of whether the amount will change, it could cancel, or not go through for some reason.  Therefor credited until the exchange, and I believe taken out at the end of each statement month or period. As different from Debit because that comes off the bank total that day.
HUH.. although this website says Debit is derived from debitum, meaning something owed.  Or Debt......OH, I get it it is deb-ted because the bank owes it to you.    I love words.  Credited because you owe the bank.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 13, 2016, 12:30:27 AM
Nah.  For accounting, Cash or Asset accounts have a natural balance that runs in the debit category, so increases tend to be posted there.  So if you get money coming in, it gets recorded as a debit.  Demented, but it has to do with how Cash accounts are factored against the other accounts in the double entry method, and in the larger context of the accounting equation.  I'm sitting through youtube videos of people giving lectures on this as my professor is not so great (English is a second language for her) at explaining some of these subtleties.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 14, 2016, 03:59:33 AM
Valentines day so I'm adoring my wife.  Especially as she surprised me with a bottle of rare VSOP Hine cognac.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on February 14, 2016, 08:18:45 AM
Got my valentine headlights for her Sebring convertible. I've heard polishing the plastic doesn't last long so I got her new ones.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 14, 2016, 11:09:16 AM
Got my valentine headlights for her Sebring convertible. I've heard polishing the plastic doesn't last long so I got her new ones.

Are they heart shaped?

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 14, 2016, 01:00:44 PM
rare VSOP Hine cognac.
sheer quality, I hope you are adoring her  :)

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 14, 2016, 02:21:12 PM
sheer quality, I hope you are adoring her  :)

For another few hours at least  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on February 15, 2016, 01:50:09 AM
Are they heart shaped?


No, but she loves that car. Came home from work yesterday with the top down. :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 15, 2016, 10:35:10 AM
drinking tea and admiring my Valentine's day flowers.  a nice surprise
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 15, 2016, 10:53:58 AM
No, but she loves that car. Came home from work yesterday with the top down. :)

What has that to do with the car?

Oh. I see.

Naughty girl.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 16, 2016, 12:32:09 AM
Naughty girl.  ;D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on February 16, 2016, 01:23:25 AM
Looking over some long term, supplemental insurance. Gettin old. Probably a good idea.   
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 16, 2016, 04:57:29 AM
....Came home from work yesterday with the top down. :)

No wonder you buy her presents.

Looking over some long term, supplemental insurance. Gettin old. Probably a good idea.   

At my age I'd settle for medium term.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on February 16, 2016, 08:31:25 AM
Well, I could get 'short term' as well (long term doesn't kick in til after first 6 months), but, experts are saying don't waste your mulah on short term, your savings should take care of that. Anyway, $140.00 a month to have your insurance monthly paid (company pays insurance IF I'm working, otherwise it's $1200.00 a month), plus, nice extra income coming in for 5 years seems like a smart thing to sign up for. Gets taken out of paycheck pre taxes which is also nice.

Ok, just pulled the trigger. I'm on board.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 16, 2016, 10:21:24 AM
Well, I could get 'short term' as well (long term doesn't kick in til after first 6 months), but, experts are saying don't waste your mulah on short term, your savings should take care of that. Anyway, $140.00 a month to have your insurance monthly paid (company pays insurance IF I'm working, otherwise it's $1200.00 a month), plus, nice extra income coming in for 5 years seems like a smart thing to sign up for. Gets taken out of paycheck pre taxes which is also nice.

Ok, just pulled the trigger. I'm on board.

May you live long and prosper, Schmoogs'.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on February 16, 2016, 12:25:49 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 17, 2016, 03:43:07 AM

I really miss that man/vulcan.

Right now I am trying to convince my 10yr old daughter to use her pinky when learning Für Elise.

However, she does what she wants.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on February 17, 2016, 05:39:51 AM
Right now I am trying to convince my 10yr old daughter to use her pinky when learning Für Elise.

However, she does what she wants.
I used to play Für Elise on the marimba.  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 17, 2016, 06:33:23 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 18, 2016, 03:46:04 PM
I used to play Für Elise on the marimba.  :P

I've always thought that instrument sounded (by name) like a latin dance.

Interesting nonetheless. Did you use the Stevens technique?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 19, 2016, 09:36:24 AM
...or the Picard Manoeuvre?

There is no getting away from Star Trek around here.

Just as it should be in my opinion.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on February 19, 2016, 03:05:00 PM
Did you use the Stevens technique?
Yes I did. Had to Google 'Stevens Grip'. We called it the 'Musser Grip'. As opposed to 'Standard Grip'. 

I actually prefered the Vibraphone. Here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khwF8v6voIE) is a clip of one of my childhood heroes playing with Chick Corea. I always wondered why he used the 'Standard Grip' since I always thought the 'Musser Grip' to be superior. Musser grip is newer, maybe it wasn't taught when he was a youngster? Anyway, he's a hometown hero (from Indiana).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 19, 2016, 04:18:16 PM

I actually prefered the Vibraphone. Here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khwF8v6voIE) is a clip of one of my childhood heroes playing with Chick Corea. I always wondered why he used the 'Standard Grip' since I always thought the 'Musser Grip' to be superior. Musser grip is newer, maybe it wasn't taught when he was a youngster? Anyway, he's a hometown hero (from Indiana).

Very nice.

I'll post that link using the tags so it's easier for me to watch again in the future:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 19, 2016, 05:45:46 PM
I took a stroll in the the Keukenhof Park...


Now I'm having dinner at the 1300 Taberna in Lisbon...


And then I'm going to spend the night in an albergo in Monterosso al Mare...


What?! I might own a private jet!!  ::) ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on February 19, 2016, 07:26:34 PM
Wow, that image of the tulips is so vibrant, it looks fake at first.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 19, 2016, 07:38:37 PM
I made a burrito.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 20, 2016, 01:58:04 AM
Eatin' corn chips.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on February 20, 2016, 03:32:15 AM
Waiting for Tom Clancy's The Division - Beta server maintenance so I can get back in the game.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 20, 2016, 09:06:22 AM
I took a stroll in the the Keukenhof Park...


Now I'm having dinner at the 1300 Taberna in Lisbon...


And then I'm going to spend the night in an albergo in Monterosso al Mare...


What?! I might own a private jet!!  ::) ;D

You're the only person I know who can post in her sleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on February 20, 2016, 06:56:58 PM
Stopped & had an omelett. On my way home.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 21, 2016, 12:29:55 AM
trying to male sense of the EU referendum  :o :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 21, 2016, 04:34:41 AM
trying to male sense of the EU referendum  :o :o

There is no such thing as male sense. Ask any woman, they'll tell you so.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 21, 2016, 11:29:44 AM

In my experience that either doesn't work or is just another name for "observation".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on February 21, 2016, 01:50:06 PM
Watching the Daytona 500 on my PC, dang commercials.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 22, 2016, 09:55:53 AM
Male sense. QED.

Who's male?

Right now I am being very disillusioned by my local constabulary.  It seems one must be murdered before they consider it an assault.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 23, 2016, 09:16:28 AM
Honestly doubt they would class it as an assault then.  :(
hope all's well
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 24, 2016, 12:40:58 AM
drinking red wine and contemplating my next move
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on February 24, 2016, 07:26:35 AM
You & your hubby playing chess?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 24, 2016, 10:15:54 AM
You & your hubby playing chess?

That's a euphemism I haven't heard before.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 24, 2016, 08:42:33 PM
Knight jumps queen?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on February 24, 2016, 10:36:39 PM
Bishop takes Queen. "check"
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 25, 2016, 12:12:29 AM
my husband is usually asleep when I post on here.

so my next move is to read something edifying.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 25, 2016, 07:53:26 AM
Drinking a beer as my m'bike is now in the shop for a couple of days.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 25, 2016, 08:07:34 AM
not all bad then.
i on the other hand am suffering from 2 month's of serious union business trying to save people from being sacked.   :P :P
permanent headache atm, but researching old but valid policies/procedures is interesting.
Amazing what a can of worms you can pull out of the bag ( pardon the expressions)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 25, 2016, 08:14:33 AM
not all bad then.
i on the other hand am suffering from 2 month's of serious union business trying to save people from being sacked.   :P :P
permanent headache atm, but researching old but valid policies/procedures is interesting.
Amazing what a can of worms you can pull out of the bag ( pardon the expressions)

Good luck with that.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on February 25, 2016, 02:35:51 PM
Just finished The Walking Dead: Michonne Episode 1. Looking for another game to play.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on February 25, 2016, 07:00:54 PM
Trying to find the hidden animal in this pic:




Answer in the spoiler:

Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 25, 2016, 09:44:26 PM
Sure they didn't photoshop the cheetah in the bushes to the left of the tree into the top of the tree?  Looks like the same shape.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 25, 2016, 11:59:49 PM
Given it was the first thing I saw, it was hardly hidden.

I'm sitting here at 11 p.m. trying to figure out what to do next.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 26, 2016, 03:44:38 PM
Sipping on my Hine.

Why not, eh..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 26, 2016, 07:39:28 PM
Wow, you're limber.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on February 26, 2016, 10:02:13 PM
Just arrived in KC. Goodnight...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 27, 2016, 07:21:16 AM
Wow, you're limber.

We're a euphemism a day here.

Just arrived in KC. Goodnight...

Is that a raw chicken outlet?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on February 27, 2016, 07:25:11 AM
Is that a raw chicken outlet?
KC, MO. Headed back to IN.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 27, 2016, 12:53:07 PM
Waive from the car!!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 27, 2016, 01:08:48 PM
Waive from the car!!!

OMG! It's the OC.

Truly nice to see you.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 28, 2016, 08:54:48 AM
OMG! It's the OC.

Truly nice to see you.

Hey Buddy!!! Long time no type! Just stopped by to see if anyone wanted to discuss the Oscar race. Maybe someone will chime in over the next few days. Also left a few funnies behind for a laugh. Cheers!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 28, 2016, 04:09:27 PM
Hey Buddy!!! Long time no type! Just stopped by to see if anyone wanted to discuss the Oscar race. Maybe someone will chime in over the next few days. Also left a few funnies behind for a laugh. Cheers!!

To be honest, although I have virtually all the films on that list, I've only managed to get around to watching one of them. And you guessed it: it was The Martian.

I'd Oscarize it anyhow.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 29, 2016, 12:33:47 AM
So nice to see OC1 here again.  Chris Rock's intro speech was pretty entertaining as well as enlightening.  There's nothing so effective as helping people laugh at themselves to teach life lessons.

I doubt I've seen a single film on the list.  I gently pointed this out to my husband, who said he'd go to the movies with me.  That was an accomplishment.  I usually only see films with friends as he works too much and tends to want to rest in the evenings.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 29, 2016, 02:15:11 AM
welcome back OC too long away

I have hit that time of life where in the UK you receive a  letter from the Doctors to attend a "well man clinic".
They give you a MOT for most things.
wish they could just give you a pill for most things.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 29, 2016, 02:47:08 AM

I have hit that time of life where in the UK you receive a  letter from the Doctors to attend a "well man clinic".
They give you a MOT for most things.
wish they could just give you a pill for most things.

It's all downhill from there old bean.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 29, 2016, 04:29:27 PM
So nice to see OC1 here again.  Chris Rock's intro speech was pretty entertaining as well as enlightening.  There's nothing so effective as helping people laugh at themselves to teach life lessons.
Agreed. Did you find it unusual how the audience laughter was hit or miss. Heaven forbid any kind of authenticity should prevail.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 29, 2016, 08:51:16 PM
As little as possible. I'm at the new place, on a heart monitor. My stuff gets here tomorrow, so I bought some books. I like the really dumb action books.

The new shower kicks ass, and doesn't look like something out of Fight Club.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 01, 2016, 01:26:42 AM
Did you, your mom and roommate move house?  Or is this a new place just for you?

At any rate, showers are important, and things are looking up if this one is markedly better.  I hope they get things resolved re:  your ticker.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 01, 2016, 03:31:07 PM


You'd have thought she'd have at least one pair with heels.

I have.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 04, 2016, 03:18:59 AM
I honestly don't think there is anything wrong with my heart, I asked when they hooked up the monitor and the nurse said if they had found anything urgent on the ultrasound they would have contacted me immediately. I'm still not entirely clear on which procedures are required by my health plan and which I can tell to golly off. I honestly think this heart doc is soaking the system.

I'm a bit more worried that someone called adult protective services and sent sherrifs to my front door. I also had to meet an adult protective services worker after that, and she didn't have any bless'ed answers either.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 06, 2016, 12:36:45 AM
looking at https://zeronet.io/ (https://zeronet.io/)
interesting concept
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 07, 2016, 11:30:16 AM
looking at https://zeronet.io/ (https://zeronet.io/)
interesting concept

Indeed it is.

I'm wondering why the hell I wanted to get back to work.  It's bloody painful!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: tarascon on March 07, 2016, 02:29:40 PM
Not calling these guys.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on March 12, 2016, 11:04:29 PM
You'd have thought she'd have at least one pair with heels.

You are not looking closely enough. They ALL have heels!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 13, 2016, 02:01:10 PM
You are not looking closely enough. They ALL have heels!

I suppose she's also wearing a mini skirt?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 13, 2016, 11:49:53 PM
trying to get over the lack of sleep. 4 hours a night isn't enough.
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/avatars/6650e9fc0f02869a350b295d172c7472_zpsgcagcrru.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/avatars/6650e9fc0f02869a350b295d172c7472_zpsgcagcrru.jpg.html)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 14, 2016, 05:54:54 AM
trying to get over the lack of sleep. 4 hours a night isn't enough.
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/avatars/6650e9fc0f02869a350b295d172c7472_zpsgcagcrru.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/avatars/6650e9fc0f02869a350b295d172c7472_zpsgcagcrru.jpg.html)

Preach it, brother!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 14, 2016, 01:08:08 PM
trying to get over the lack of sleep. 4 hours a night isn't enough.
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/avatars/6650e9fc0f02869a350b295d172c7472_zpsgcagcrru.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/avatars/6650e9fc0f02869a350b295d172c7472_zpsgcagcrru.jpg.html)

That's the same for me. For the last 20 years I've had Jeri Ryan on my mind when I go to bed!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 15, 2016, 12:26:29 AM
That's the same for me. For the last 20 years I've had Jeri Ryan on my mind when I go to bed!!
:) :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 16, 2016, 02:14:46 PM
Posting a virgin post.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 17, 2016, 01:56:56 PM
One that doesn't go all the way?

One that had no company until now. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 17, 2016, 05:04:20 PM
One that doesn't go all the way?

Wouldn't that be a "tease" post?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 18, 2016, 06:51:00 AM
I'm wondering why I got up so early.  I gave up and am drinking tea.  I will be a zombie today. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on March 18, 2016, 11:29:29 AM
Holy (Sch)moly. Somehow I made this coffee too strong. Extra 'creamer' didn't do the trick. Had to dilute it with some H2O. I almost never have to do that for I really like my coffee very strong with lots of 'creamer'. Not sure what I did wrong. Just opened a fresh bag of Starbucks House Blend. Maybe this batch got roasted too long.?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 18, 2016, 03:29:26 PM
I'm really trying to relax, but the after work beer, the glass/es of wine with supper, and the brandy digestif have all left me really thirsty.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 19, 2016, 01:01:00 AM
shouldnt have finish that bottle of rioja wine. :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 19, 2016, 10:46:16 AM
shouldnt have finish that bottle of rioja wine. :-\

Very true. You should have let me do that.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on March 19, 2016, 11:47:00 PM
Drinking coffee. Have to get her up for work at 3:00 AM (~14 minutes).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 20, 2016, 12:09:31 AM
 ::) 3.00 am that use to be my kind of shift.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 20, 2016, 03:40:02 PM
::) 3.00 am that use to be my kind of shift.

3am used to be about the time I was allowed on the decks.  Best timeslot in a club in my opinion.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 20, 2016, 04:02:22 PM
I'm tempted to throw this laptop out the window but if I do that I'll have no other option but to go iron the clothes. So I'm holding back.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 21, 2016, 08:11:24 AM
iron the laptop  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 21, 2016, 02:43:00 PM
I'm tempted to throw this laptop out the window....

It may well fix it.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 22, 2016, 08:38:09 AM
prepping the car for the Welsh expedition roofbox and cycle racks fitted
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 22, 2016, 02:52:51 PM
I have so many cuts and nicks on my hands I can hardly use them.

I need to immerse them in a healing solution. Saline perhaps?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on March 22, 2016, 05:27:33 PM
I have so many cuts and nicks on my hands I can hardly use them.

I need to immerse them in a healing solution. Saline perhaps?
Dude youve got the same internet as us. Look it up!!! Ha!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on March 22, 2016, 05:35:27 PM
3am used to be about the time I was allowed on the decks.  Best timeslot in a club in my opinion.
Just to give you an idea how long its been since this was my timeslot when I read this the first time I read "Pam used to be about..........." Oh Lord.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on March 22, 2016, 05:50:19 PM
Posting a virgin post.

This is Anna Nicole Smith. Named for her deep love for our old man Vince. Sadly Vince cant..... well you know.....
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on March 22, 2016, 05:53:08 PM
I suppose she's also wearing a mini skirt?

Yes. Its relative to your animated persona.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 23, 2016, 03:32:19 PM
Yes. Its relative to your animated persona.

In that case why aren't in a leotard?

Dude youve got the same internet as us. Look it up!!! Ha!

Yes, but, I can hardly use my hands.

Ues but
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 24, 2016, 01:17:28 PM
It's like English but without all the words.

I have no idea where those writing artefacts came from. It's like my hands were all swollen and cumbersome and just mashed the keyboard randomly.

No change there, then.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 24, 2016, 11:54:03 PM
deciding as to when i will collect son from birmingham University this good friday morning  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on March 25, 2016, 12:07:02 AM
Killing zombies.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 25, 2016, 11:22:57 AM
that scares me just
looking at the picture
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 25, 2016, 02:47:43 PM
Wondering how I'm going to survive the cavity that's appeared in one of my molars.  My dentist appointment isn't until the 4th of April.

I think the pliers will be out well before that...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 26, 2016, 01:44:16 AM
Dentek or a numbing agent? I know Dentek is made in Italy, no clue on the numbing agents, but those taste horrible.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 26, 2016, 02:31:41 PM
Dentek or a numbing agent? I know Dentek is made in Italy, no clue on the numbing agents, but those taste horrible.

So far it's just about holding up. There's a little pain in my cheek indicating an infection, but as we are in the midst of the bank holiday weekend, there's not much I can do about it anyway.

I'm going to force an appointment on Tuesday.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on March 26, 2016, 02:38:49 PM
password retrieval, me thinks. 
Nicole Kidman on IMDB, looking to see if I could recall a movie she may have been in.... not seeing anything familiar... you know what's coming right? 
Nicole Kidman, The crush I have for Val Kilmer since Willow is the only reason I could stand watching her acting in Batman forever... If you were going for "90's comic movie acting emphasis style" Shame and   disdain firstly for the style is rooted in some western acting. Secondly, the delivery of that exact style, done right proper by jim carry and tommy lee, same movie, same set.. Drew Barrymore?  maybe you would have if you could have, but who knows how you act or whom you shun when no one looks.. ..Tom probably doesn't know, eyes all wide shut.  Nicole you are no Tabitha, grr.. a shiny "new" Bewitched/
I really need to grind on Meryl Streep movies, "Marvin's Room" was touching to me, I liked Leo's acting... that one, that blonde one.  Although I loved his hair classic and darker (almost brown) as Calvin Candy.
  So, she made it  with Anthony Hopkins?.. I'm not sure I've witnessed him kiss onscreen. . can't be.. I'm not reading right now though.
I watched her fitting the villainous fantasy role in The Golden Compass, although It was under acted again, (a great character) I just liked her look... ever gonna come around to a second, no point I guess, the time gap is too long to keep the feel of the movies belonging together.  They would have redone the whole thing had people not complained about something to do with discrimination or bad world view or bad taste or something.. I forget.
Either way, Cold Mountain was amazing.  (go ahead, look about and wonder why it's raining : ) I don't remember if she was good or not, I was way too into the story.  hm... that said,
I admit I love her in practical magic.  She would be good with a mystic eccentric role, yet natural/relaxed and non-materialistic (it's overkill to make her wealthy, she ferments absolute zealot already)
OR a fantasy villain...  less glam, more psycho.. like Julianne.

But good luck since Charlize Theron is entitled to all time villain and fantasy villain, but I guess I can't have her every time.
Julianne Moore - Classic, Classy, A Class ACT. 
Wonderful Movies, and a woman I could just love for her natural acting and career choices.  Don Jon, watch it.  I want her to do a "Mr. Brooks" as a killer.

So apparently I am picking apart Nicole (not hard), and removing said thoughts by wooing Jullianne and Charlize.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on March 27, 2016, 08:54:56 PM
Nicole Kidman isn't a good actress IMO. And she should have stopped doing things to her face a long time ago. But I liked her in Practical Magic too.
Julianne Moore? It must be just me. Everyone else seems to think she's fantastic.  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 27, 2016, 09:25:03 PM
Moore is good in Vanya on 42nd St.  Chekov enacted for a small audience.

I'm taking a break from drying my hair.  My arms are tired from mowing and weeding.  Too much yard work.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 29, 2016, 09:13:52 AM
....I'm taking a break from drying my hair.  My arms are tired from mowing and weeding....

You have to mow and weed your hair?

Nicole Kidman isn't a good actress IMO. And she should have stopped doing things to her face a long time ago. But I liked her in Practical Magic too.
Julianne Moore? It must be just me. Everyone else seems to think she's fantastic.  :-\

I don't think either of those actresses have any particular screen presence. I'm not saying they're not good actors, I just think the script brings them to life rather than the other way round.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 29, 2016, 02:42:52 PM
I have rather thick curly hair, so at times it seems as if it needs to be mowed and weeded, but I was referring to the oxalis-ridden back yard.  Our angel neighbors loaned me the power mower.  Normally, I can just use the manual push mower, but the weeds and runaway nasturtiums had achieved jungle level growth.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 30, 2016, 03:35:08 PM
I have rather thick curly hair, so at times it seems as if it needs to be mowed and weeded, but I was referring to the oxalis-ridden back yard.  Our angel neighbors loaned me the power mower.  Normally, I can just use the manual push mower, but the weeds and runaway nasturtiums had achieved jungle level growth.

Japanese soldiers still inhabit by back garden.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on March 31, 2016, 06:50:51 PM
Watching American Idol. Not impressed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 01, 2016, 12:07:04 PM
I'm vegetating after a hard day's graft.  The missus has offered me a couple of jars and curry, so I'd better wake up pronto.

But I'm sooo tired.

Beer and curry tho'...

I'm getting there. Deep breath and all that.

I think I've started talking to myself.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 02, 2016, 10:13:33 AM
Beer and curry tho'...

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 02, 2016, 02:22:50 PM

I got there in the end. In fact, for the first time we left the boy to look after the girl and we went out for drinks as a couple before bringing the food home.

Free babysitting has arrived!!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 03, 2016, 01:18:26 AM
recovering from a hectic weekin wales.
Arrived with storm Katie and left in sunshine.
So windy that my Awning was ripped from our hands and put a hole in the side of the caravan, water leek in the bathroom, and a front window split in two. :P  We are not happy bunnies  :'( :'( :'( :'(
Was a great relaxing time other than this.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 03, 2016, 10:06:36 AM
recovering from a hectic weekin wales.
Arrived with storm Katie and left in sunshine.
So windy that my Awning was ripped from our hands and put a hole in the side of the caravan, water leek in the bathroom, and a front window split in two. :P  We are not happy bunnies  :'( :'( :'( :'(
Was a great relaxing time other than this.

Sounds like it tested you a tad.  Sometimes though, a challenge can make things taste a lot sweeter once it's overcome.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on April 03, 2016, 03:44:35 PM
Did anyone See Don Jon???????
Maybe I am simple.
Hope everyone likes johansson ;}-
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 03, 2016, 06:49:35 PM
recovering from a hectic weekin wales.
Arrived with storm Katie and left in sunshine.
So windy that my Awning was ripped from our hands and put a hole in the side of the caravan, water leek in the bathroom, and a front window split in two. :P  We are not happy bunnies  :'( :'( :'( :'(
Was a great relaxing time other than this.

What a pity, goldie. Hopefully, in a few months, you will forget about the storm, you'll fix your caravan and dare windy Wales again.  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 04, 2016, 12:36:08 AM
Wow.  That sounds pretty intense.

Hope you can get the damages fixed without too large an outlay of cash.  At least nobody was hurt.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 04, 2016, 01:01:11 AM
Hope you can get the damages fixed without too large an outlay of cash.  At least nobody was hurt.
window is between £200-300. as we have to  order from a specialist. The hole no idea ?

Off again in a few weeks  :) :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 04, 2016, 03:24:47 PM

Off again in a few weeks  :) :)

Bring duct tape.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 05, 2016, 01:41:18 AM
Bring duct tape.
standard kit nowadays
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 05, 2016, 11:39:18 AM
Ahh....the old days when we used to fix everything with a piece of wire...  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 05, 2016, 01:09:03 PM
Ahh....the old days when we used to fix everything with a piece of wire...  :D

The old days?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 05, 2016, 02:09:34 PM
use to use wire but found i couldnt hammer the nail into it  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 05, 2016, 03:55:42 PM
Ahh....the old days when we used to fix everything with a piece of wire...  :D

You reminded me of 'La Poderosa' in The Motorcycle Diaries.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 05, 2016, 05:40:34 PM
You reminded me of 'La Poderosa' in The Motorcycle Diaries.

Ha!! I rest my case. We fix it with wire! Very Argentinian let me tell you. That and political corruption. We master that art.  ::) ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on April 05, 2016, 11:04:01 PM
i do love wire, i tend to use duct tape, and the aluminum tape, also electrical tape and zip ties.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 06, 2016, 08:15:39 AM
I use anything that works  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 06, 2016, 12:45:24 PM
I'm a cable tie kinda guy myself.  I found 2 in the street the other day that were like 60cm long. If I put them together I could use them as a belt.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on April 06, 2016, 06:39:47 PM
Suffering through American Idol. My gal and I started watching it together season one, when we first got together. I'm glad this is the final season. Don't like the final 2.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 06, 2016, 11:59:41 PM
I'm a cable tie kinda guy myself.  I found 2 in the street the other day that were like 60cm long. If I put them together I could use them as a belt.
A clear win in my opinion, found freebies are the best.
Where I live we have a lot of flyers delivered by various people who throw the elastic bands on the street. I now never buy elastic bands  :) :) these always come in handy, wife tells me off for doing this.
I also cannot pass by a skip without looking in to see if anythinf is still usable  ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 07, 2016, 07:46:09 AM
Noooo why am I awake?

I have an unscheduled scheduled doctors appointment today, and it was the robot. I wasn't supposed to have another appointment for two weeks. If they ask for blood I'm telling them to get bent. I feel sunburned on the inside.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 07, 2016, 11:14:03 AM
Maybe you have fallen in with a group of vampire doctors who have figured out a way to support their habit non-lethally.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 07, 2016, 01:07:06 PM
after a day remodelling my garden, my back aches  :-[
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 07, 2016, 02:59:58 PM
after a day remodelling my garden, my back aches  :-[

My back aches just reading your post.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 08, 2016, 12:51:19 AM
They made my main pill smaller, but rite aid keeps giving me the old version, so my doctor was like "wtf" because it's a different formula and has less of the stuff that makes me feel like I have a sunburn inside.

Another pharmacy phuckup, they gave me the old dosage of my antidepressant. I'm hoping that is why I've been feeling so bleh. At first my doctor hought I was drinking again.

Answering pm's on my phone is a pita, so I'll just answer the one I got here. Yes, having a mental disibility diagnosis does make dealing with the government harder, and they can get fairly invasive. I think I already wrote posts on the unscheduled sherriff hide and seek in my old house and the unwanted visits from adult protective services.

Either way, my doctor is nice and seems to generally care about my wellbeing.

The mental health services department, despite being in the same building are a sad contrast.

The stigma is alive and well.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 09, 2016, 12:04:42 AM
My back aches just reading your post.

No fun sawing 125 mm round logs with a bow saw, kinda lose the will after the 20th cut.
Now deciding how to build a "man/women cave" on the space I've cleared. Wife thinks i'm a Heath Robinson builder and I so agree  ;D ;D
Basically a pub in the garden. Wife and I have differing opinions  :o :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 11, 2016, 02:42:48 PM
No fun sawing 125 mm round logs with a bow saw, kinda lose the will after the 20th cut.
Now deciding how to build a "man/women cave" on the space I've cleared. Wife thinks i'm a Heath Robinson builder and I so agree  ;D ;D
Basically a pub in the garden. Wife and I have differing opinions  :o :o

A pub in your garden eh. What about a pool table and a dartboard?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 12, 2016, 12:31:16 AM
A pub in your garden eh. What about a pool table and a dartboard?
A dartboard I could fit, pooltable would be a little large unless christ could promise me sunshine not rain  ;)

flooring goes down today
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 15, 2016, 03:02:08 PM
A dartboard I could fit, pooltable would be a little large unless christ could promise me sunshine not rain  ;)

flooring goes down today

I've seen all weather pool tables at festivals I've been to. They can be a lot of fun when you're squiffy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 16, 2016, 12:49:02 AM
could always improvise with footballs and fishing nets  ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 16, 2016, 04:51:48 AM
could always improvise with footballs and fishing nets  ???

Man! You have a big garden.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 20, 2016, 12:10:37 PM
No it only looks big to a short a$$ to me  ;D ;D ;D

ATM I am doing college work for my Union course, boring to say the least  8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 20, 2016, 12:15:32 PM
Boiling citrus.  I'm on a marmalade making tear.  Have to process over 20 pounds of fruit.  The two batches I made yesterday turned out well.  Now onto grapefruit/meyer lemon marmalade and some lemon curd later.  If only I don't run out of time as I have to go to a dinner party tonight.

Oh, and goldie, you are not alone.  I have a bunch of accounting work to do.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on April 20, 2016, 02:00:58 PM
Just got home from doing a breathing test, waiting on my Honeywell True HEPA Air Purifier to be delivered.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on April 21, 2016, 12:52:23 PM
When it has filtered out all of the air, what is left?

Filters dust, smoke, pollen, allergens... returns cleaner air.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 21, 2016, 02:48:29 PM
Right now I'm rekindling my love of JD.

Alright, truth is, I've run out of rum and brandy. 

JD is still good, though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 21, 2016, 04:45:33 PM
I've run out of rum and brandy. 

I've run out of rum and grappa. A grappa 3 anni invecchiata. I wanted to cry when I drank the last drop.  :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 22, 2016, 12:32:04 PM
I've run out of rum and grappa. A grappa 3 anni invecchiata. I wanted to cry when I drank the last drop.  :D

I know the feeling.  When that rare Hine went, the last shot could have been used for sacrificial purposes it was so important.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on April 22, 2016, 01:27:09 PM
Been dusting for hours. Ceiling fans, electronics, what-nots, shelves, AC filters... :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 23, 2016, 12:25:26 AM
 ::) it never ends
taking son back to University.
then off for the weekend to a friends party at some farm somewhere in Worcester, have been told shotguns and clay is involved  ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 23, 2016, 03:38:27 AM
Shouting at my kids for not trying enough - or at all come to think of it.

I have learned that spoiling children is more damaging to them in the long term than oppressing them.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 24, 2016, 02:39:46 AM
That reminds me of a joke. 
Q:  How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?
A:  Only one, but the lightbulb really has to want to change.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 24, 2016, 12:15:51 PM
That reminds me of a joke. 
Q:  How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?
A:  Only one, but the lightbulb really has to want to change.

It's about time that joke was recirculated.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on April 25, 2016, 12:19:47 AM
Been dusting for hours. Ceiling fans, electronics, what-nots, shelves, AC filters... :P
Thanks for the reminder, I need to check the filters as well.... And dust items other than surfaces and wood.  The top of the cabinets for instance.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 25, 2016, 03:22:09 AM
drinking tea
it's the middle of the night.  can't sleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 25, 2016, 01:27:05 PM
Of course not - you'd spill your tea.

Which is a cardinal sin. Or at least it should be.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 25, 2016, 07:12:37 PM
Met my new Psychiatrist, he didn't know what the golly psychiatric probation was either.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 26, 2016, 02:42:43 PM
Met my new Psychiatrist, he didn't know what the golly psychiatric probation was either.

That could be a good sign. Perhaps he's more interested in the patient than the politics.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 27, 2016, 06:06:00 PM
Shouting at my kids for not trying enough - or at all come to think of it.

I have learned that spoiling children is more damaging to them in the long term than oppressing them.

That reminds me of a joke. 
Q:  How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?
A:  Only one, but the lightbulb really has to want to change.

These 2 posts made me think of what my sister and I (kind of an inner joke) say when we talk about our children upbringing:


Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 28, 2016, 02:50:12 PM
These 2 posts made me think of what my sister...

There are 2 XTs.  That's just not fair on the rest of womankind.

It has to be done right though: oppression can spoil too. (qv. Margaret Thatcher)

I'm at the complicated stage of parenting: whereby they relish punishments and complain about rewards. 

Why is that every generation thinks it invented reverse psychology?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on April 29, 2016, 11:39:54 AM
There are 2 XTs.  That's just not fair on the rest of womankind.

I thank the compliment but I'm not sure about that.  :)

Anyway we're very different. I'm more type B and she's more type A. Of course she would strongly disagree and jump my throat. She would do that while making some phone calls, shouting at suppliers and going to the gym.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 29, 2016, 03:02:03 PM
I thank the compliment but I'm not sure about that.  :)

Anyway we're very different. I'm more type B and she's more type A. Of course she would strongly disagree and jump my throat. She would do that while making some phone calls, shouting at suppliers and going to the gym.

She'd fit right in around here. That describes 99% of my client list.

I prefer to go to the pub and watch the joggers from afar.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 12, 2016, 02:19:36 AM
Have just found out that my son had an exam yesterday and as normal were given past papers to look through and revise from.
The professor then found out they had been given the actual exam they were to sit, to revise from  :o
Needless to say chaos followed and a new exam was issued for the students to sit.
Apparently a second year student found it online and printed it off, nothing malicious it was just an mistake.
What is the education system coming to

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 15, 2016, 01:02:01 AM
I have to sit a 3 hour exam tomorrow, online.  Can't stop once I start.  It's canned, on a website linked to the textbook.  Lazy professor.  The software provides questions and marks the test for her. 

I doubt I'll take a second class from her.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on May 15, 2016, 01:51:31 PM
I'm grilling a hamburger on my new George Foreman grill.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 15, 2016, 02:29:37 PM
My back went out again today (slipped disc sort of thing) so I'm hobbling around from room to room.  It's only the 3rd time it's happened in 6 years, but when it does, damn does it hurt!!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on May 15, 2016, 09:26:14 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 15, 2016, 10:42:16 PM
Sorry to hear about your back, smokes.  I hear it's simply awful, as you can't really move without using it.  My stepmother used to suffer from this occasionally and it pretty much put her out of commission when it happened.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on May 16, 2016, 07:21:18 AM
I want to break something over this tablet and typing an hour two paragraphs twice, and somehow screwing it up once by copy paste, and then I was logged out for inactivity the second round...oh and I just spilled my coffee. So in short,
Guten Morgen Six, it is well to see you Lady.
I'm so sorry smoke, I have had back issues with having children and weight gain, so I wanted to implore you that I lost 40 lbs and greatly improved my circulation and bones by rehabilitive stretching, at home and carefully.  I studied myself up on stretch and yoga techniques for beginners and just started with what I was able for.
Also, get ya a physician that has a masters in rehabilitive chiropractics. As apposed to a general chiropractor. 
Pray you can graduate to yoga and feel sustainable, either way, I'll be around to share your pain.. .. I just miss using my PC for typing.
Oh and I have been reading ancient history this morning, wondering about questions that are not asked, or obvious
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 16, 2016, 10:07:59 AM
Ha Ha. Welcome to tablet hell.

If I replaced my desk I could set up the awesome giant machine. But I am lazy from the bloodletting and leeches.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 16, 2016, 02:39:15 PM
I've had the whole kit and caboodle on my back only to have a consultant that couldn't have been more that 12, tell me to lose some weight and do some pilates.

It's an occupational hazard and I originally buggered it when I was 16 and a labourer.  From then it's just been all downhill.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 17, 2016, 07:55:09 AM
sports physio's are the best and alcohol ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 17, 2016, 12:25:17 PM
My mom had a good portion of her spine replaced with screws, she'll be on pain pills until she dies. It's a small hell situation. One doctor "fired" her as a patient as she (the doctor) did not like my mom's adherence to a "pain plan". Now the big boogey for the state is oxycontin. Mom is thankfully not on those.

 One option presented to me with my condition is pain pills, but honestly I'd sooner go back to drinking than engage in that poo show. That being said, I'm in bed right now doing golly all.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on May 17, 2016, 01:55:08 PM
Opiates pretty much suck, in my life anyway, and I don't take them save death pain or teeth.  I don't think there is much that falls directly under "pain pill" that isn't hard on your entire body =---> degenerative on your nervous system, endocrine system, or brain cells/comprehension loss, psychologically and physically addictive .. The poo show is a nasty flic.
My mom has a broken rib, a sciatic nerve pinch ( doesn't let up often ) and degenerative disc disease.  I love her, but I know what the pills do to her body and I know her well.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 19, 2016, 12:27:20 AM
Nice to see you, Bea.  Sorry about the tablet.  I have an original iPad that I picked up from a guy on craigslist, used.  I use it quite a bit, but I find the slow processor pretty frustrating.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 19, 2016, 11:36:47 AM
I still like my Samsung Slate 7, but my peepers cry out for bigger numbers and letters.  Damn getting older.  Why can't we have 3 score years and ten with all our bits in good working order.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on May 21, 2016, 09:22:35 AM
:) ello
I'd say missing a keyboard is the pits of the situation.  Then again, I cannot sign into noid-dom without Ethernet access.  Can't run it through two rooms and two hallways without disturbing mothers OCD, so I have to get under the house to splice it & run it to my room.... Haven't got to that yet...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 21, 2016, 03:27:40 PM
I was watching the David Haye farce fight.  After it he was calling out Shannon Briggs?  It appears I'm not that old after all...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on May 22, 2016, 05:29:14 PM
 ;D hehaha, farce
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 23, 2016, 10:06:07 AM
I'm writing up more estimates while I have the chance.  I really need a secretary and a Dictaphone - in no particular order.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 23, 2016, 03:29:14 PM
In your trade I would have thought that you meet any number of Dicks to phone.

Tis very true. Although, most of them phone me. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 24, 2016, 12:18:04 AM
 ::)  ;D ;D
having a coffee looking at the sunshine
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 25, 2016, 12:17:54 AM
Awoke, feel like 92 though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 25, 2016, 04:47:03 AM
Just did my tax returns in 2 hours. I thought it would take the day at least.

The only downside is a finished before midday which is the earliest I can crack open a beer.

"What next, self flagellation?" I hear you ask...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 25, 2016, 04:31:57 PM
Psychologist said I need to keep to a set schedule.

Regular doctor tomorrow, case manager day after.

Essentially meetings every day but yesterday.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on May 28, 2016, 10:46:11 PM
Finally playing a shooter game with friends. 
Hey 8ully, what's good?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 29, 2016, 05:55:54 AM
Hey 8ully, what's good?

I believe the answer to that would be "burritos".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on May 30, 2016, 06:56:39 AM
Making chili mac and playing Victor Vran on PC.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 30, 2016, 02:55:44 PM
Eating leftover stir fry and rice.  I just did a few hours of gardening.  Finally got the bulk of tomato plants in the ground.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 11, 2016, 07:00:21 PM
A while back I robbed the video card and power supply from my old computer. Since then I have a new card and PSU in my newest PC. I'm just getting around to putting everything back and getting the old one back up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 11, 2016, 08:28:43 PM
Just fed the dog. He did a snorting little shuffle dance up to the food and then headbutted it 3-4 times before scarfing it down.

He also got in a fight with a blanket because he backed into it and it startled him.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 11, 2016, 11:32:54 PM
That dog sounds a riot.

I found enough parts to put the old PC back together. Installing Windows 7 now, update to 10 next.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 12, 2016, 12:40:57 AM
He does not play with toys. If you throw him a chew toy or ball he gives you a look of disdain. If it wasn't for his ewok face I'd swear he was a cat.

Aside from a first  night stinky piss he's behaved in house, which is a huge anxiety relief.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 13, 2016, 05:21:37 PM
I'm watching E3 2016 live on YouTube.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on June 14, 2016, 11:47:36 AM
Watching Megamind with my daughter. . she gave up about ten minutes in.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 16, 2016, 08:46:16 AM
Cleaning cupboards, back is killing me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 16, 2016, 09:19:50 AM
drinking tea.  contemplating taking a nap.  I got up too early.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 16, 2016, 09:36:51 AM
breathing a sigh of relief
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 16, 2016, 03:16:00 PM
My grandson (4) has watched that about a bazillion times.

Did he watch it on fast forward?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 17, 2016, 03:42:50 PM
Time isn't an issue if you have the knack.

Is that a new type of portable video player?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 17, 2016, 08:03:49 PM
Just fed the dog. He did a snorting little shuffle dance up to the food and then headbutted it 3-4 times before scarfing it down.

He also got in a fight with a blanket because he backed into it and it startled him.

That dog sounds really funny.  How old is he?  I wasn't sure if he was a puppy or an older rescue dog.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 18, 2016, 03:42:26 AM
It isn't generally available.

That wouldn't deter my daughter.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 24, 2016, 12:00:21 AM
watching the Leave campaign gloat.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 24, 2016, 02:47:53 PM
Everyone, and I mean everyone, in the Remain campaign should resign, retire, and hang their heads in shame. They had a basically unloseable position, and through arrogance, disdain, disinterest and bullying they managed to drive the country into the arms of Nigel-bloody-Farridge.

I don't really care one way or the other (I really can't see how it affects the average Joe in the street), but if what the Innies have been saying is true, then I hold them - each and every one of them,  but with Osborne at the head of the queue - personally responsible.

What staggering incompetence from folk that believe themselves to be capable of running a country. They couldn't run a bath.

Now there is going to be a real battle to stop the remnants of the political establishment turning this country into a fascist idiocracy.

Obama sealed it for me.

Here's a true story: today I spoke to at least 6 of my clients (all flooded out from yesterday) and every one of them was bemoaning the result and some had even turned to drink (well, an afternoon bottle of Corona with their girlfriends). I then spoke to a few suppliers who were saying things like "we're screwed" and had similar conversations with some industry counterparts. I had started the day telling folk I voted out but ended it having to dodge around the question/answer. Then it dawned on me, not a single person I had spoken to was English. There had been some French, some Moroccan, some Iraqi, some Polish, some Italian and one Irish.

I then went shopping in Asda and spoke to my friend on the fish counter who is English, and he couldn't give a poo that we left the EU. As you say, to average Joe, life goes on.

I had to deal with an estate agent this afternoon who had a face longer than a horse's, who had to ring his clients and tell them that 15% had just been wiped off the value of their houses.

Happy days I say. That is unless they rip London out of the U.K and make it a mini country within the EU.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 25, 2016, 10:43:53 AM
Obama sealed it for me.
Obama changed his attitude and stance very quickly.
Agree with Christ, another campaign ruined with arrogance, had the facts and figures yet wouldn't quote and state them with passion.
Well, as always with the English lets muster on and get on with it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 25, 2016, 06:15:37 PM
American liberals are tearing hair and gnashing teeth.  Everyone fears that a Trump presidency is next, given the unexpected vote in the UK.  I hear strong arguments for both sides, but also realize that there is a protracted period of negotiating what this means for the UK, and in the meantime, there is space to back away from this vote.  I'm just contemplating upping my tea supply, given the good exchange rates.  It's hard to get Fortnum & Mason in the US, and frankly, it's usually worth it just to order a lot and pay shipping costs.  The exchange rate has been pretty steep for us as of late.  It's now down to 1.36 (dollars to one pound), whereas when we were there 5 years ago it was more like 1.75.

I'm having a quiet afternoon, having just produced an apricot tarte and it's cooling in the kitchen.  I contemplate going out to get some vanilla ice cream to have with it, but perhaps that would be overkill.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 26, 2016, 08:44:53 AM
Watching Ireland lose.

I'm not happy about it but if France were to lose, God knows what would happen to Hollande.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 26, 2016, 11:38:09 AM
Cooking a burger on the George Foreman grill and killing zombies.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 26, 2016, 03:02:53 PM
Cooking a burger on the George Foreman grill and killing zombies.

Perhaps the smell of the burger is what's attracting them?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on June 27, 2016, 03:02:53 AM
Enjoying the education provided whenever you folks have discussions on politics, abroad current events, especially Europe, and lots of other things I don't know. . .
As for me, I have been long interested and reading into the original races, cultures, civilizations, and religious beliefs. 
Apparently, on my days off my biorythmic system stays on third shift. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 27, 2016, 07:34:00 AM
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/comp-trump-boris_zpsqnrfbeiz.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/comp-trump-boris_zpsqnrfbeiz.jpg.html)
next leaders ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 27, 2016, 10:35:56 AM
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/comp-trump-boris_zpsqnrfbeiz.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/comp-trump-boris_zpsqnrfbeiz.jpg.html)
next leaders ???

Rumour has it they were separated at birth.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 27, 2016, 10:07:04 PM
This should be a gif with busey rising from the bottom. If I had my PC set up I'd make it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 28, 2016, 03:53:40 PM
Interesting that everyone seems to think that BoJo is a shoo-in - odd when most all of the reporting we see is how we should't be leaving and the same commentators seem to blame him. Do we all manage to have the same contradictory thoughts - we all regret voting out, but will still elect BoJo?

I thought they'd be an early General Election which would mean that even if BoJo was to lead the tories he wouldn't automatically be PM (for long).

Mind you, GoBrn hung on in there, dint he.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 01, 2016, 12:32:44 AM
Didn't "BoJo" nod out?  What to do now with the big mess.  At least it's entertaining.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 01, 2016, 07:50:22 AM
Don't you laugh at us: you have a Trumpnado or Typhoon Billary a-comin' your way.

You should make movies for SyFy. Or do you already?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 01, 2016, 08:39:51 AM
Rumour has it they were separated at birth.

This should be a gif with busey rising from the bottom.

What are they? The Three Blond Stooges?

Didn't "BoJo" nod out?  What to do now with the big mess.  At least it's entertaining.

Don't you laugh at us: you have a Trumpnado or Typhoon Billary a-comin' your way.

My shoulder devil: Revel in their suffering!
My shoulder angel: Everything bad happening up North will golly us up big time. Just as anything bad happening South. Or East. Or West. Or inside. That shoulder angel sounds suspiciously like my cortex.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 02, 2016, 01:04:50 PM
I'm watching Wimbledon (The Championships) on TV and I'm surprised to see people there wearing thick coats and even scarves. Isn't it summer in England right now?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 02, 2016, 02:10:25 PM
Yup. ... and that is appropriate were for a British summer.

And now the match has been delayed due to rain. That doesn't surprise me.  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 03, 2016, 11:43:15 AM

It's perfect for tennis today so they're cramming.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 03, 2016, 12:42:57 PM
I'd like to think that autocorrect got my attempt at weather. But it may just be senility.

I hate autocorrect.

You are probably more than aware that I don't use it. If I did, whether it's humanly possible or not, I think I'd make more mistakes.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 03, 2016, 03:22:23 PM
I have autocorrect shut off, but still have words occasionally corrected. In nearly every case, it's not the word I meant to type.

Heat has me sapped, really want a beer. Have to remind myself I don't drink anymore.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 03, 2016, 05:08:50 PM
I'm making greengage plum jam.  The French call it Reine Claude.  It's boiling away in the kitchen.  The last batch turned out well.  I threw in some vanilla beans for this batch.

Made some fresh scones today so breakfast tomorrow ought to be rewarding.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 07, 2016, 12:24:47 AM
trying to decide what in ear headphone i want to purchase.
I wont spend a lot as they break easily and i like to hear the music not the bass.
looking at SoundMAGIC’s 50s / 10s or Sony MDR-EX650AP.
Normally i use Denon but they no longer produce my model
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 12, 2016, 03:18:06 PM
I'm contemplating whether to tidy my desk area up and then have to search for what I need, or allow the mess to continue to grow exponentially knowing that I can find anything I want in minutes.

Not sure how that works, but it does.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 13, 2016, 08:03:48 AM
opening a purchase from Ebay,
The Way 2010 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1441912/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1441912/)

Totally love this film
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 13, 2016, 04:28:44 PM
I'm contemplating whether to tidy my desk area up and then have to search for what I need, or allow the mess to continue to grow exponentially knowing that I can find anything I want in minutes.

Not sure how that works, but it does.

My daughter seems to favor that same system. I wouldn't have a problem with that if cleaning the area wasn't so difficult. When I finally clean it (not after threatening to throw everything to the street) I find not only dust but crumbs, candy papers, chewed gum and an overall stickiness that might be a mixture of juice and chocolate.  :P

The Way 2010 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1441912/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1441912/)

Totally love this film

I mean to watch that!

I'm making greengage plum jam.

I had to google that. Are they less acid than "normal" red plums? Of course your jams sound heavenly, as usual.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 15, 2016, 08:19:32 AM
feeling sad with all the hate in the world
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 15, 2016, 01:10:40 PM
....overall stickiness that might be a mixture of juice....

I tend to drink beer at my desk.  I never spill a drop.

feeling sad with all the hate in the world

These days you need to learn survival skills just to walk from one street to another.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 15, 2016, 04:36:47 PM
... especially if one is near a pokéstop.

I have absolutely no idea what that is but it does sound a little suggestive.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 15, 2016, 06:58:38 PM
Freakin' Pokemon Go is blowing up over here.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 16, 2016, 12:32:24 AM
... especially if one is near a pokéstop.
Christ your so right, Other than me my entire family go's out hunting Pokemon. A great way to get the kids out and about but everywhere we go their hunting P's  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on July 16, 2016, 01:52:05 AM
Paperwork. . takes me hours. 
I just got a new apartment, and I'm working a remodeling job too. 
Sorry I've not been posting or responding, life will settle down soon. 
Good evening, good luck :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 16, 2016, 11:14:52 AM
Wink wink nudge nudge

I see, it's something to do with saying things in the wrong order?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 16, 2016, 10:52:03 PM
The new apartment sounds nice but of course, moving is tons of work.  I don't envy you that.

I'm loading some comedy onto a flash drive to sit and watch.  I have to drive across America tomorrow night (and the following 4-5 days).  I'm sort of looking forward to that, although it's a schlep from California to the East Coast.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 17, 2016, 09:18:03 AM
Say no more, know what you mean ...

My lips are peeled.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on July 17, 2016, 02:50:20 PM
Still remodeling, getting pooped. I don't have to work till tomorrow though.
I'll just be happy not to move again this year.  Drive safely Six.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 17, 2016, 03:17:59 PM
The new apartment sounds nice but of course, moving is tons of work.  I don't envy you that.

I'm loading some comedy onto a flash drive to sit and watch.  I have to drive across America tomorrow night (and the following 4-5 days).  I'm sort of looking forward to that, although it's a schlep from California to the East Coast.

Like Bea' said, I hope you have a safe journey.

It would sound like even more fun on two wheels.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 18, 2016, 08:36:51 AM

A lot!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on July 18, 2016, 11:45:14 AM
Making Skyrim a little safer. Killed the main protagonist Miraak in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn DLC.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 19, 2016, 01:48:09 AM
 ::) scare me looking at that character

ATM, sweating so early, almost like being on the Bahamas except for the work/no ocean.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 19, 2016, 05:13:03 AM
It's 4o hotter than St Lucia.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 21, 2016, 01:29:27 AM
It's 4o hotter than St Lucia.

could have been 20o hotter, still not the same though. :'(
dont worry you will be there soon
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 21, 2016, 04:52:32 PM
Better pack your thermals so you don't suffer from the chill when you get there.

Long Johns on the beach.. Now there's a look I'd never considered.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 21, 2016, 06:03:52 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 22, 2016, 07:18:17 AM
LOL, that postcard is creepy. Not only the women have ghostly faces but the men look like convicts. The one in the right reminds me of Petiso Orejudo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cayetano_Santos_Godino)!!
On the other hand, smokester in long johns in the beaches of St. Lucia is an image more disturbing.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 22, 2016, 04:49:42 PM

On the other hand, smokester in long johns in the beaches of St. Lucia is an image more disturbing.  ;D

Hey, I can make anything work.

Although, I'm struggling to make the muffin top look good.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on July 23, 2016, 01:08:24 AM
Don't worry smokes, from personal experience, it's possible. 

Just watched dirty dancing with my coworker, time to get back to the paperwork.  Last night of the work week for me, see you all Monday night, if not sooner.  Good luck.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 23, 2016, 07:50:49 AM
Don't worry smokes, from personal experience, it's possible. 

I was thinking of vajazzling it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on July 23, 2016, 11:58:48 AM
I was thinking of vajazzling it.

I hope you're vajazzling your muffin top. And 5 mins ago I couldn't possibly have imagined I would type that sentence.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 23, 2016, 03:43:52 PM
I just asked my missus if she'd heard of "that" word and, to my amazement, she had and explained it to prove it.

WTF? I must have led a sheltered life.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 24, 2016, 12:46:03 AM
you would have been more shocked if she had shown you  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on July 25, 2016, 11:46:21 PM
I didn't know what it meant but I know bedazzled, and I'm a generally wise las. . don't think I need urban dictionary for that one, or do I?
I'm cleaning, a lot.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 26, 2016, 11:52:02 AM
Blame Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 26, 2016, 04:02:57 PM
Blame Jennifer Love Hewitt.

There's a whole encyclopaedia of female nether region terminology on that page that I'd rather avoid.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on July 26, 2016, 11:59:47 PM
And it looks dumb.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 27, 2016, 04:02:29 PM
Right now I'm giving up trying to use the internet. Something is up with the broadband and it's hit or miss whether a page loads or not.  This might not even get posted.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on July 28, 2016, 12:22:15 AM
Consider it posted ;D.
I'm doing the mopping and the scrubbing. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 28, 2016, 08:12:58 AM
ATM I am awaiting a facetime video call from daughter who is in Sorrento Italy, alright for some. ;D
Also my son to phone from Wales who is with girlfriend, again alright for some  ;D
Where as I am watching rain falling on my plants.

Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 28, 2016, 03:16:53 PM
Nope. Didn't see it here.

I fixed it. YAY!!

Spoiler (hover to show)

I'm telling.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 29, 2016, 12:03:39 AM
went out last night with friends for a curry and a drink.
I walked out the of the pub post having a argument over Brexit with some UKIP chaps.
Wife woke up at 4am on the sofa, whereas I awoke in bed.
Never going out on a thursday night again  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 30, 2016, 12:07:51 PM
went out last night with friends for a curry and a drink.
I walked out the of the pub post having a argument over Brexit with some UKIP chaps.
Wife woke up at 4am on the sofa, whereas I awoke in bed.
Never going out on a thursday night again  :o

That's sound like a good night all round to me.

Booze, curry, an argument that wasn't with your missus, and all the bed to yourself for most of the night. You couldn't buy that night if you tried.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 31, 2016, 02:11:22 AM
 ::) so agree
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 31, 2016, 12:37:40 PM
I have been at my in-laws today and had to drive.  It's one of the only times I've been with my father in law (who is Jamaican) and not shared some Brandy or Rum at the end of the day.

Anywho, I've rushed home to remedy that.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 01, 2016, 01:50:16 AM
Myself and the wife decided to go on a groupon deal to a local hotel spa.
Bosworth Hall
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/111_zpsxcmjcqmx.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/111_zpsxcmjcqmx.jpg.html)
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/222_zpsstl46u9b.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/222_zpsstl46u9b.jpg.html)
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/ImageGen_zpsenz9whpv.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/ImageGen_zpsenz9whpv.jpg.html)
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/769292_zpsym9fehkc.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/769292_zpsym9fehkc.jpg.html)

looked good, close to home, next to a lovely little village.
Had a great meal in a local pub at lunch and then for a dip in the pool.
The trouble started when we had the carvery evening meal, was like a bad day a Butlin's self service restaurant, he cutlery was stuck to the table from not being cleaned. Again at breakfast as well.
Room smelled of damp and had mould over the bathroom and window, Had to put the 2 singles to a double myself and had to request the bubbly drink and chocolates and towels from reception.
All in all a poor hotel/spa. I and the wife gave a stinking review.

Only good thing came out of it was the Wife obtained plenty of Pokemon from the opposite park  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 01, 2016, 05:41:55 PM
That's sound like a good night all round to me.

Booze, curry, an argument that wasn't with your missus, and all the bed to yourself for most of the night. You couldn't buy that night if you tried.


That's sound like a good night all round to me.

...an argument that wasn't with your missus...

I've heard you boys prefer a purple eye to passive-aggressive tratment and snide remarks.  :D

Room smelled of damp and had mould over the bathroom and window

I hate that!
The place looks very nice in the pics. Don't you hate when that happens?  ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 06, 2016, 01:31:01 PM
Packing. Up at 4.30am so I'd better get it right first time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 07, 2016, 02:13:11 AM
Yeah, that pool is even cloudy in the picture. Glad you managed to rack up some mons though.

Right now it's too hot to sleep, and the 360 is giving me two red rings. Google says this is an overheating issue.

Microsoft presents 3 options.

1. Make sure the system has clear ventilation and is not obstructed. Image shows 1990's entertainment system, in one cubby is the 360 with a towel jammed next to it by a soccer ball.

My 60 is on an ikea end table, and I put a 20 inch hampton bay floor fan behind it. Roommate calls it the B19.

2. Shut the system off for one hour before trying again. This is like "have you tried restarting it" level tech support, and I doubt it will help, but why not, I'm game.

3. The last option is to buy a replacement system. I dunno, I might. Mom likes watching movies on the thing, might be worth buying a used 360s. Either way I'm hosed.

I've been able to get the thing to start up and play some music, but launching a game, even the emulated ecco the dolphin demo, crashes the machine. Dunno if it's the gpu or cpu, but it's pissing me off.

I thought about saying frog it, and buying the one s like I was considering earlier, but it turns out almost none of my games are on the reverse compatibility list. No gta, no saints row before IV, no skyrim, hell, no bethesda other than the fallouts, and I think only one of the mass effect games.

I'm just glad the only dlc I had were a gamer pic and sonic 2. I never bought ecco because I've never got past the first level anyway (sega games always kicked my ass).

Times like this make me want to drink. Coming up on a year now. Actually it's exactly a year.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on August 07, 2016, 02:46:59 AM
Did you give up PC gaming?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 07, 2016, 03:29:56 AM
Still need to dump the old desk and clear some room, right now the desk is packed with boxes above and below. I think that tiny god machine has clocked at maximum, 10 hours uptime, and most of that was the 10 update.

I did finally get all the boxes out of the living room, so I should definately get on that.

I drank a v8 in the dark and it was one of those spicy ones, I need to read labels better when I buy stuff, I grabbed like, six of them, and assumed they were all regular. It's cooler now, so I think I'll be asleep within the next 20 minutes. Leave the 360 for tomorrow.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 08, 2016, 06:58:24 AM
Trying to get a response from Hewanorra to see if they can locate my phone.

I doubt it and I can't worry about it. I can afford another one but it's unfortunate that it was only 2 weeks old.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 08, 2016, 07:32:55 AM
lost or stolen
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on August 09, 2016, 11:22:00 PM
I grabbed like, six of them
They might let you exchange them at the store if you explain your position.
And, I'm happy it's been a year.
I believe I've drank about four times this year.  It's never really been my go-to, though..
Work is smooth enough, here in a week and 3 days I'll be off thirds and missing my night shift downtime, but I'll be around and working with this company still.  I'll be on call here and part time in the town I live in. 
The children are well.  My son is enjoying his new school, and I am so pleased with the service and with his teacher, as well.  Very in tune with Autism.  And he will be swimming every friday.  He likes his bedroom, and I'm letting him choose what color we will paint it.  He also has discovered how fun a large cardboard box can be.
My daughter is starting in home aba (applied behavior analysis) therapy next month at my parent's home with my mother. Therefore she's living there, and my apartment is an efficiency.  I spend five days a week with her still.  And she's going to the same school as the last four years. She's adjusting well, during bath time last night she was all smiles and laughter, comforted and secured by life. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 19, 2016, 12:38:04 PM
The children are well.  My son is enjoying his new school, and I am so pleased with the service and with his teacher, as well.  Very in tune with Autism.  And he will be swimming every friday.  He likes his bedroom, and I'm letting him choose what color we will paint it.  He also has discovered how fun a large cardboard box can be.
My daughter is starting in home aba (applied behavior analysis) therapy next month at my parent's home with my mother. Therefore she's living there, and my apartment is an efficiency.  I spend five days a week with her still.  And she's going to the same school as the last four years. She's adjusting well, during bath time last night she was all smiles and laughter, comforted and secured by life.

That's so good to hear, Bea. When kids are well, all is well.

Trying to get a response from Hewanorra to see if they can locate my phone.

I doubt it and I can't worry about it. I can afford another one but it's unfortunate that it was only 2 weeks old.

I might be better than you at destroying phones but not as good as you at loosing them.  :D

I'm spending all my free time watching the Olympic Games. I've just watched USA vs Italy (volleyball). Amazing match.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 23, 2016, 04:41:46 PM

I'm spending all my free time watching the Olympic Games. I've just watched USA vs Italy (volleyball). Amazing match.

I missed virtually all of the Olympics while on holiday. However, Mr Bolt was rarely off screen in St Lucia.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: xtopave on August 23, 2016, 05:10:42 PM
I missed virtually all of the Olympics while on holiday. However, Mr Bolt was rarely off screen in St Lucia.

He's bigger than a rock star all around the world!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 23, 2016, 08:43:37 PM
I believe I saw the S. Korean team do the Usain's "Lightning Bolt" after winning a game in the Little League World Series.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 26, 2016, 02:07:00 PM
Usain unifies the Caribbean. You'd think he was born on every island.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 27, 2016, 09:17:20 AM
Today I go see a doctor who is not my doctor, who decides if I remain insured.

Last time I did this, the mustard stained coat cross eyed jerk said I was "fine" and shut it off, just because my condition is not visible.

Thankfully, the county overrode the state, but they were only able to extend it one year.

Guess where the requalification is..

Eh, my doctor is a freakin rockstar. She tore into the lab when they bounced me for not fasting. They said it would screw with my lipid numbers, doc wasn't checking for lipids. She'll tear into these assholes too.

Seriously, it's in a chiropracters office. Look up the episode on chiropractic medicine that penn & teller did if you want to be horrified.

Either way, wish me luck.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 27, 2016, 11:00:22 AM
Today I go see a doctor who is not my doctor, who decides if I remain insured.

Last time I did this, the mustard stained coat cross eyed jerk said I was "fine" and shut it off, just because my condition is not visible.

Thankfully, the county overrode the state, but they were only able to extend it one year.

Guess where the requalification is..

Eh, my doctor is a freakin rockstar. She tore into the lab when they bounced me for not fasting. They said it would screw with my lipid numbers, doc wasn't checking for lipids. She'll tear into these assholes too.

Seriously, it's in a chiropracters office. Look up the episode on chiropractic medicine that penn & teller did if you want to be horrified.

Either way, wish me luck.

Luck, dude.

You certainly know how to keep it interesting. That's for sure.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 28, 2016, 07:02:15 AM
recovering from a two week sun and alcohol session.
A little rain as well  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 11, 2016, 07:05:06 PM
Thinking of whether I want a nap or dinner.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 12, 2016, 03:18:43 PM
It's not much past 10pm and I'm done for. It looks like it's the news and then zeds.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 13, 2016, 09:32:08 AM
Eating a scone w/greengage plum jam.  Yum.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 13, 2016, 02:32:47 PM
Eating a scone w/greengage plum jam.  Yum.

Add some clotted cream to that and I'm all in.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on September 13, 2016, 05:57:38 PM
Add some clotted cream to that and I'm all in.

Im practicing..... Cottage cheese?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on September 13, 2016, 05:58:25 PM
Watching the Kim Dotcom trial on YouTube.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on September 13, 2016, 05:58:36 PM
Eating a scone w/greengage plum jam.  Yum.

Plum jam I can figure out, greengage? Nope no idea. Yes I will cheat now and look it up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on September 13, 2016, 05:59:00 PM
Watching the Kim Dotcom trial on YouTube.

No idea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on September 13, 2016, 07:03:17 PM
No idea.

Dotcom was the founder of now-defunct file hosting service Megaupload but has subsequently been accused of criminal copyright infringement and a host of other charges, such as money laundering, racketeering and wire fraud, by the U.S. Department of Justice. In January 2012, the New Zealand Police raided his home in Auckland and placed him in custody in response to the US charges. Dotcom was accused of costing the entertainment industry $500 million through unlicensed content uploaded to Megaupload which had 150 million registered users. Dotcom has denied the charges, and is currently fighting attempts to extradite him to the United States
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on September 14, 2016, 06:55:44 PM
AAAAAHHHHH!! Now thats what I call a good story!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 14, 2016, 08:14:26 PM
There is little doubt that Mr. Dotcom is scum and a criminal, but I do not like that media cartels can have people rendered unto them based on the lost sale argument.

I buy my cd's at thrift shops now because I can't be bothered to download music anymore. Bitrate, lossless? I get to choose my way.

But the music cartels don't see a cent from me. Is that a lost sale? Do I "owe" them the $12.99 a pop I didn't pay for the cd's?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 15, 2016, 04:14:55 AM
Watching Snoop Dogg narrating nature shows.  http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/snoop-dogg-narrates-planet-earth-like-a-true-o-g/84896755/ (http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/snoop-dogg-narrates-planet-earth-like-a-true-o-g/84896755/)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on September 15, 2016, 04:30:55 AM
I think the US charged Dotcom with racketeering to extradite him to the States at the behest of the Hollywood copyright holders.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 15, 2016, 10:21:34 PM
I think I hate goblins more than cazadores.

Caving in oblivion.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 15, 2016, 11:52:37 PM

Is that what you mean by cazador, or is it more idiomatic?  You're so close to Mexico, I can't be sure.  I'm drinking red wine and listening to music on youtube
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 16, 2016, 12:11:41 AM
Cazadores are used as a level ranged barrier in fallout: New Vegas. If you don't know what you are doing, they poison you and you die fast. And they actually exist, but are thankfully not the size of an average man.

Goblins hide in twisty mines, gang up on you, and do melee strikes that keep you from running away or healing yourself, so you flop around angrily, then reload your last save.

And their cheating bless'ed shamen are even worse.

Oblivion is about 10 years old, but I occasionally fall back on it. It runs a little better on the 360 slim, but there are still bugs that can lock up the console.

I've actually postponed turning in my mages guild permission slip because mom wants to see a particular wizard die, and I aim to oblige her tomorrah..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 17, 2016, 03:23:03 AM
None of this happens in Tetris.

True, but it is equally as frustrating.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 19, 2016, 07:23:10 PM
Praying that a good fairy will fly into my apartment with dinner already cooked.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 20, 2016, 07:55:18 AM
 ::) if you lived closer  :)

suffering in picking the bins contents up yet again from the dog.  >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 20, 2016, 03:29:13 PM

suffering in picking the bins contents up yet again from the dog.  >:(

Move the bins or the dog.

Or get a part exchange for a cat.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 23, 2016, 08:52:26 AM
be easier for daughter to close a door  :'( :'(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 23, 2016, 04:40:08 PM
be easier for daughter to close a door  :'( :'(

That depends on whose daughter we're talking about.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 30, 2016, 10:43:28 AM
drinking coffee.  some days there is not enough caffeine in the world.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 30, 2016, 01:22:41 PM
I'm sitting down for the first time today. How I can attend to 5 clients in a day is a mystery. Or perhaps it's a miracle.

At my age I'm going with the miracle option.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on September 30, 2016, 03:09:25 PM
I haven't had any Mountain Dew for about 1.5 months now (previously was on at a minimum 60oz a day (3x 20oz bottles)).  I started a new diet (Keto diet) and had to give it up.  All I've had since Aug 19 is water and coffee and I honestly don't miss it.

Oh, right now I'm watching Star Trek Beyond.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 02, 2016, 04:36:15 AM
Oh, right now I'm watching Star Trek Beyond.

me to,
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on October 02, 2016, 09:20:26 AM
Drinking coffee and looking for a new video game.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 02, 2016, 02:50:50 PM
I'm dedicating an hour to paperwork.

It's odd that these days paperwork rarely involves any paper?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 02, 2016, 07:52:08 PM
The garden tomatoes were accumulating so I skinned them and now am cooking them in a sauce with fresh basil and parsley.  I'm looking forward to dinner!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 03, 2016, 11:00:23 AM
The garden tomatoes were accumulating so I skinned them and now am cooking them in a sauce with fresh basil and parsley.  I'm looking forward to dinner!
be round in a mo  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 03, 2016, 03:02:14 PM
The garden tomatoes were accumulating so I skinned them and now am cooking them in a sauce with fresh basil and parsley.  I'm looking forward to dinner!

In have to say that even though I just finished a dal and rice that couod feed the 5000, what you just wrote made me hungry again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 03, 2016, 11:15:25 PM
The sauce was wonderful, probably because the tomatoes were really sweet.  I threw in lots of garlic, grated carrot, onion as well as fresh basil & parsley.  It cooked for a couple hours because the tomatoes had lots of juice.  The house smelled great.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 13, 2016, 12:01:13 AM
sipping coffee
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on October 15, 2016, 06:39:19 PM
Overclocking my video card.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 16, 2016, 12:43:30 PM
I'm about to watch the 1954 version of An Inspector Calls.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 18, 2016, 12:37:32 AM
Binge watching The Good Wife.  I'm embarrassed to admit it, but it's relaxing to watch before bed.  I usually play Tetris while it's on.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 21, 2016, 01:07:14 AM
Found $10 in a shirt pocket, am now going to bed.

Beats the lottery!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 26, 2016, 12:50:33 AM
collating daughters food tech ingredients together, why she cannot do it the previous night I have no idea  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on October 26, 2016, 01:52:31 AM
Coffee and a fudge brownie. Perfect for a person with high blood pressure and diabetes. ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 27, 2016, 12:46:15 AM
Coffee and a fudge brownie. Perfect for a person with high blood pressure and diabetes. ::)
   ;D ;D ;D ;D

coffee and catching up on interweb thingy
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 28, 2016, 03:50:19 PM
The Leprechaun Rubic's cube.

Takes bloody ages!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 28, 2016, 09:52:26 PM
not sleeping, awoke at 3.30am lasted till 4.30am in bed gave up got up  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 29, 2016, 04:05:00 PM
All green?

Didn't he sing "Let's Stay Together"?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 29, 2016, 11:12:04 PM
Not moving halloween up, but I did slap on a costume in sharpie. I heard a band of goblins (rugrats) trick or treating on the wrong damn day.

And I've decided to fire the mental health department I've been assigned to. It's been six months since I've seen one of them, they only call to cancel appointments, and attempting to call them back is futile, thanks to their outsourced call center. (The verizon voice mailbox for this number is full -click-)

Less anyone think I'm doing this AMA, I got my real doctor to clear it.

Since I've been off the crazy pills a week, I had myself a stone cold one.Stone IPA, because you're not bless'ed around.

Eh, Jury duty should be fun, I've decided my opening negotiation point is, if they've judged me competent they should give my bless'ed gun back, the thieves.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 30, 2016, 10:53:57 AM
I'm applying for a secondary school for my daughter. It's a tricky business and it would have been a lot easier if she'd done better in that test.

Laptops, tablets, Smartphones and TV made sure that didn't happen.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 30, 2016, 03:23:18 PM
So... remove the distraction and retest? Explain that this is more important than any youngin crisis she may be embroiled in?

My SNES found itself in the car trunk a few times when I was a kid. It wasn't actually the problem, but my mom sure as hell thought it was.

It was actually my sleep cycle and poo diet, along with a misdiagnosed learning disability. They declared from on high, ADHD, and forced me to take ritalin.

I bombed quite a few tests before it was discovered that I have a learning disability, but good luck getting the state to recognize or acknowledge it. They still haven't, the gits. They're willing to say I'm disabled as long as I don't seek aid. When I do, there is nothing wrong with me but "some fatigue."

Sometimes "trying harder" does not produce better results, not everyone can "pull themselves up by their bootstraps."

Every time my mom demanded a retest, their initial response was that it was "impossible" which really meant "this will make our madam math teacher look bad." Eventually a psychologist gave me the RAT, an alternative test. Suddenly, outside of the shitty meatpack classroom of my poo school, my performance increased. After that I was bounced out of that school.

And madam math teacher got her revenge. Her husband was my student advisor at the next school. Every interaction was a battle. I never got any of the electives I wanted.

I feel bad thay you find yourself in a shitshow like this, but hell, she's worth fighting for, right?

I used to wonder why I was such a bitter and angry person, looking back, how could I have turned out any other way.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on October 31, 2016, 04:02:36 AM
Cussing AMD. We bought a 29" ultra-wide monitor with AMD FreeSync for my old PC. It has an AMD 7870 video card in it. Come to find out FreeSync is supported on the 7000 series cards but not on the newer 7800 series cards. >:(

AMD FreeSync™ technology puts an end to choppy gameplay and broken frames with fluid, artifact-free performance at virtually any framerate. 

Behold the next breakthrough in PC gaming performance. The FreeSync™ technology in select AMD APUs and GPUs resolves the communication issues between processor and monitor, eliminating image tears and choppiness for effortlessly smooth gameplay. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 31, 2016, 08:39:30 AM
recovering from riding my new road bike, talking a little high atm
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 03, 2016, 11:23:29 AM
So... remove the distraction and retest? Explain that this is more important than any youngin crisis she may be embroiled in?

My SNES found itself in the car trunk a few times when I was a kid. It wasn't actually the problem, but my mom sure as hell thought it was.

It was actually my sleep cycle and poo diet, along with a misdiagnosed learning disability. They declared from on high, ADHD, and forced me to take ritalin.

I bombed quite a few tests before it was discovered that I have a learning disability, but good luck getting the state to recognize or acknowledge it. They still haven't, the gits. They're willing to say I'm disabled as long as I don't seek aid. When I do, there is nothing wrong with me but "some fatigue."

Sometimes "trying harder" does not produce better results, not everyone can "pull themselves up by their bootstraps."

Every time my mom demanded a retest, their initial response was that it was "impossible" which really meant "this will make our madam math teacher look bad." Eventually a psychologist gave me the RAT, an alternative test. Suddenly, outside of the shitty meatpack classroom of my poo school, my performance increased. After that I was bounced out of that school.

And madam math teacher got her revenge. Her husband was my student advisor at the next school. Every interaction was a battle. I never got any of the electives I wanted.

I feel bad thay you find yourself in a shitshow like this, but hell, she's worth fighting for, right?

I used to wonder why I was such a bitter and angry person, looking back, how could I have turned out any other way.

I'm so sorry you had to deal with this missed diagnosis.  I've taught plenty of really bright kids with learning disabilities.  They make themselves pretty obvious once you have been exposed to a few because the symptoms are really typical:  smart oral responses but fractured syntax and lots of misspelled words as well as short answers.  Most students did fine with a little more tutoring or longer test times.

Smokes, I'm with 8ully on the limitation of access to electronic devices.  I think they tend to interfere with students' abilities to concentrate deeply on learning and foster a short attention span.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 03, 2016, 01:37:40 PM
Um, not really what I meant. It's a parental option to remove screens, but it tends to be a bit of a boogeyman.

Unless they're texting and driving, in which case you run over their phone as they watch.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 03, 2016, 11:48:55 PM
It's not a boogeyman at all.  I've seen students spend lectures playing games on FB instead of listening or taking notes with their laptops.  The effects were apparent in their grades. 

It's hard to ban laptops and phones in class, but I really think students retain more if they use pen and paper to take notes.  There's a cognitive step involved in graphic representation of what they just heard.  It's necessary to process something in order to write it down.  This is not the case with random tapping of keys on a computer and as for highlighting books, that's also utterly ineffective.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 04, 2016, 02:22:46 AM

It's hard to ban laptops and phones in class, but I really think students retain more if they use pen and paper to take notes.  There's a cognitive step involved in graphic representation of what they just heard.  It's necessary to process something in order to write it down.  This is not the case with random tapping of keys on a computer and as for highlighting books, that's also utterly ineffective.

And the boot time for a notebook and ballpoint is remarkable.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 04, 2016, 06:23:58 AM
And the boot time for a notebook and ballpoint is remarkable.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on November 04, 2016, 10:47:45 AM
Trying to make room on one of my hard drives by deleting a copy of Windows that used to run one of my PCs. So many files that require you to take over ownership to delete. I have too many applications installed on that drive to just format it and start fresh. Been on it for about 4 hours. :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 04, 2016, 08:19:01 PM
I fear windows platform machines are in my future.  There's software that won't run on a Mac.  I may do some kind of Bootcamp or split drive so I can run it, but Windows strikes me as frustrating and clumsy, or at least not as intuitive as the GUI on the Mac OS.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 07, 2016, 01:37:00 AM
ATM recovering from a weekend away in Dublin.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 07, 2016, 06:53:07 AM
I run Windows 10 in a VM (VMWare) on my MBP to get access (pun intended) to the few remaining Windows only applications that I need. It works flawlessly, and doesn't require rebooting or repartitioning in any way. It takes up quite a bit of space though.

Windows 10 would be the least frustrating and clumsy version of Windows, if it worked properly. There are a bunch of half-baked ideas that will likely be good when they are finished (like "Settings" which only half works)

Quoted for posterity.

Right now I am searching for more Naproxen.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 10, 2016, 11:59:52 AM
I am tempted to dual boot with MInt KDE as i have lost all interest in Windoze except running itunes for the wife and daughters phones/ipad ???

I am debating to go out for a birthday drinkypoos  ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 11, 2016, 12:45:07 AM
Horribly wasting time.

On oblivion fof 360, you can set the amount of items to sell to one by tapping the left bumper.

My mercantile skill was piss poor, as I tend to hoard items in rpg's. I got my hands on the "Robe of glib tongues" which slaps a +8 on merc, then grabbed a pair of "boots of the swift merchant, which adds +10 merc points.

Since merc is set by number of transactions, rather than amounts, I loaded up on iron arrows, because they aren't worth poo.

According to a wiki, you need 25550 transactions to go from prison escapee to master merchant. Since I graduated from the walter white school of alchemy, I had a shitload of potions to go with the arrows. With the robe of sales and shoes of fypm, I managed to get mecantile to 78, which tripped thd ability to invest in stores. And even better, unstuck me from a snag on the mages guild questline.

I think this might be my last go-around for oblivion, the merc grinding really sucked out the fun.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on November 11, 2016, 01:21:59 AM
Thought you might like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition (Xbox 360). The Legendary Edition has all the DLC. Cheapest I could find was at Walmart (https://www.walmart.com/ip/Skyrim-Legendary-Edition-Xbox-360/24412703) for $17.07.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 11, 2016, 02:49:40 AM
Skyrim in concert is currently at the London Palladium.

Woss all that about then?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 13, 2016, 05:41:16 AM
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm concert of a game mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Getting lunch ready after a 18 mile cycle ride on a beautiful day
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 13, 2016, 06:14:17 AM
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm concert of a game mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Getting lunch ready after a 18 mile cycle ride on a beautiful day

I had a 4 mile drive.  Same sort of thing, right?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 14, 2016, 02:24:58 AM
That's a helluva golf shot.

It's all in the buttocks.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 14, 2016, 06:47:37 AM
The lesson here being not to stand in front of the golfer.

Actually, when I'm hitting the ball that's the best place to stand.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 14, 2016, 08:18:59 AM
The lesson here being not to stand in front of the golfer.
I did hit someone once off a drive, straight in the privates. :o He wasnt too happy
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 16, 2016, 12:34:29 PM
resting after erecting ikea wardrobes / beds for 2 days and still not finished  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 16, 2016, 02:49:30 PM
I'm relieved after a hospital appointment that could have revealed something very serious. It didn't so I'm off the wagon.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 18, 2016, 12:09:20 AM
Congrats!  I'm glad you're ok.

I'm having a glass of red wine and thinking of watching tv.  It's a chilly evening.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 18, 2016, 04:55:27 AM
nice one
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 19, 2016, 10:56:32 AM
Thanks 6, it was scary there for a week.

I'm have a well earned glass of XO brandy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 21, 2016, 10:05:37 AM
I totally get that.  I had an MRI for a suspicious problem with a salivary gland that could have been malignant.  The specialist I was sent to was an insouciant richard who couldn't be bothered to tell me my test results for a week.  Fortunately, I had an appointment the next day with my gynecologist who logged in and reassured me that the results were normal.

There should be a special circle in hell for doctors who don't tell worried patients that they are ok as soon as they know test results.  I fired the specialist and got another referral to somebody much better.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 21, 2016, 03:42:25 PM
I totally get that.  I had an MRI for a suspicious problem with a salivary gland that could have been malignant.  The specialist I was sent to was an insouciant richard who couldn't be bothered to tell me my test results for a week.  Fortunately, I had an appointment the next day with my gynecologist who logged in and reassured me that the results were normal.

There should be a special circle in hell for doctors who don't tell worried patients that they are ok as soon as they know test results.  I fired the specialist and got another referral to somebody much better.

My experience was sort of the other way round. I went with an internal bleed which the very young doctor (who works with my wife) got all panicky about and put me on the 2 week rule (that's the NHS serious condition rule that gets you seen pronto).

Turns out it was almost unquestionably the Naproxen I was taking for my back.

I'm back to normal now and glad that you are ok too, six.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 21, 2016, 09:05:59 PM
I'd be very careful about taking too much Naproxen.  My Dad had really bad arthritis and depended on it as a painreliever.  I suspect it was what killed him as he inexplicably dropped dead of a heart attack at 74, although he was active and in relatively good health, otherwise.  Naproxen has been linked to heart failure, but especially in adults over 60.  I'd just be careful.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 22, 2016, 11:00:28 AM
We don't, either, as a rule.  Except when the ENT specialists are hopelessly incompetent.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 23, 2016, 01:43:18 AM
watching it rain again
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 23, 2016, 02:48:19 PM
Sitting in a waiting room. LiteSpeed still blocks my phone if I don't type in index. Just a heads up.

403 forbidden error.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 23, 2016, 02:54:17 PM
Over here we don't tend to go to gynaecologists with salivary gland issues. Mayhap that's what's wrong with the NHS.

We don't, either, as a rule.  Except when the ENT specialists are hopelessly incompetent.

Had to dig christ's post up out of the bin to make six make sense.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 23, 2016, 04:26:22 PM
Home again. Mom asked me to get stuff out of the trunk. FOund a frozen pizza that had rotted. Lovely!

Goodwill raised all the tv dvd's xfrom 4.99 to 7.99, so the manager who told me it was just one show was lying, and knew he was lying.

They had a subwoofer that matches some speakers I have but wanted 39.99 for just the woofer. I remember that set cost 39.99 at retail, and came with all the cords.

Someone needs a kick in the balls and a pink slip.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 23, 2016, 07:51:26 PM
A very long time ago, the Goodwill was a real treasure trove of cool stuff.  Now it's a big room full of overpriced crap.  I will occasionally go there and mostly for housewares.  Their used jeans are nearly $10, which is ridiculous. I've seen used WalMart clothing there that was more expensive than when new at WalMart.

I suspect you can pick up DVDs on Amazon.com for less.  There's a listing for complete Monty Python (8 discs) for $13.  I doubt the Goodwill would let them go for so little.  It used to be that they trained disabled people by having them repair and reupholster furniture and other donations.  But now, unless stuff is in perfect shape they won't take it.  I cleaned out a house this summer and couldn't get them to take books or furniture.  Unbelievable. 

The story of the rotted pizza in the trunk made me laugh.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 23, 2016, 09:42:52 PM
Worst part is I would take pizza over leftovers any day, so it was like a small golly you from the universe.

I've got that 21 pilots song heathens stuck in my head.

And I am really starting to hate typing on a touch interface. How tactical officers on starships manage not to just boil diplomatic envoys is beyond me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 24, 2016, 12:55:33 AM
off to the dentist
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on November 24, 2016, 10:39:52 PM
About To Encode More Music, After I Jump Off Here.
Don't Worry I Won't, Jump From A To Greater Height  ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 25, 2016, 12:33:48 AM
I have a small skin injury on my right index finger, so must wear a bandaid.  It's  playing havoc with my "magic mouse."  I keep having to click it multiple times to get the cursor to go where I want it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 25, 2016, 12:49:19 PM
Dog bit me kn right index finger, playing 360 difficult. Share your pain.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 26, 2016, 12:11:11 AM
I didn't realize you still had the dog.  Sounds like he has a big personality.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 26, 2016, 04:05:52 PM
I have injuries on virtually every finger. They are all tolerable but what is not is when something caustic splits my cuticles. That pain I just can't bear.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 27, 2016, 09:59:38 AM
Pretty much anything that ends in -ticles can be extraordinarily painful.
  ;) ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 27, 2016, 05:30:46 PM
Pretty much anything that ends in -ticles can be extraordinarily painful.

Especially when split.

Right now I have just finished watching the second episode of season one of Z-Nation.  The first episode in the series (the pilot I suppose) wasn't half bad, but this second instalment was just pants.

I think that's it for me with that show.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 01, 2016, 03:03:06 PM
Crimbo tree up this evening and a magnitude of tinsel pinned just about everywhere.

This year really has flown by.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 02, 2016, 06:40:04 AM
ours is not as yet but i feel it coming
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 02, 2016, 09:12:09 AM
golly 2016 man, my fear is that it's just the warm up. Cancer is killing errybody. Almost got my mom. Thank god for dermatologists.

Z-nation is put out by Asylum. They make horror movies where you're like, Is this a porn? On TV? And then it's not, and it's like assholes at comicon trying to act.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 02, 2016, 01:10:48 PM
golly 2016 man, my fear is that it's just the warm up. Cancer is killing errybody. Almost got my mom. Thank god for dermatologists.

Z-nation is put out by Asylum. They make horror movies where you're like, Is this a porn? On TV? And then it's not, and it's like assholes at comicon trying to act.

You're right about the cancer. It's like it's upped its game lately.

Z-Nation needs to make it's mind up. I'm all for a comedy horror as long as it's consistent.  You can't have scary zombos on the one hand and then dozens that can hardly walk and fall over in a breeze on the other. It confuses my brain.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 03, 2016, 05:57:02 PM
It's whatever they can afford that week. As I understand it, "asylum" has been audited several times for hollywood accounting.

For instance, by hollywood accounting, the Harry Potter series has yet to make one dollar of profit. But they have lawyers that could make satan back down, like the episode of Metalocalypse where he band tries to buy blues skills for merchandising rights and some sort of "store credit" with the band.

He says he needs to sleep on it, and bails as fast as he can.

Which actually benefits the band, as all the previous people to sign he contract went on murder sprees. I'm thinkin fine print.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 15, 2016, 02:15:36 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 15, 2016, 08:52:54 AM
throwing the dughters shoes in the street as she cannot be bothered to put them away, so i fell over them
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 15, 2016, 04:59:46 PM
Burn them and replace them with something hideous! Or spray them down with glow paint!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on December 15, 2016, 11:41:51 PM
My New Setup  ;D What You Think Guys?

Radeon Software Version - 16.12.1
Radeon Software Edition - Crimson ReLive
Graphics Chipset - AMD Radeon(TM) R7 Graphics
Memory Size - 1024 MB
Memory Type - DDR3
Core Clock - 758 MHz
Windows Version - Windows 7 (Service Pack 1) (64 bit)
System Memory - 12 GB
CPU Type - AMD A10-7860K Radeon R7, 12 Compute Cores 4C+8G

(https://s25.postimg.org/wy5jbd8jf/My_New_PC_01.jpg) (https://s25.postimg.org/wy5jbd8jh/My_New_PC_01.jpg)

(https://s25.postimg.org/49x6lvvqz/My_New_PC_02.jpg) (https://s25.postimg.org/tspiywfb1/My_New_PC_02.jpg)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 16, 2016, 12:40:40 AM
Eatin' crackers.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on December 17, 2016, 01:05:18 AM
My New Setup  ;D What You Think Guys?

Looks good for your artwork. I like Windows 7 but I like Windows 10 more.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 17, 2016, 07:39:35 AM
Looks good for your artwork. I like Windows 7 but I like Windows 10 more.
until i get a new pc my opinion is W10 sluggish.

recovering after a pint of ale after a bike /hill ride  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 17, 2016, 08:46:03 AM
I'm waiting for my replacement fridge to be delivered (mine is dying and spewed water all over the kitchen a couple days ago) and then I get to start my holiday break (heading to NC then IN).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 17, 2016, 04:07:24 PM
I'm waiting for my replacement fridge to be delivered (mine is dying and spewed water all over the kitchen a couple days ago) and then I get to start my holiday break (heading to NC then IN).

Good luck and bon voyage.

My New Setup  ;D What You Think Guys?

Radeon Software Version - 16.12.1
Radeon Software Edition - Crimson ReLive
Graphics Chipset - AMD Radeon(TM) R7 Graphics
Memory Size - 1024 MB
Memory Type - DDR3
Core Clock - 758 MHz
Windows Version - Windows 7 (Service Pack 1) (64 bit)
System Memory - 12 GB
CPU Type - AMD A10-7860K Radeon R7, 12 Compute Cores 4C+8G

(https://s25.postimg.org/wy5jbd8jf/My_New_PC_01.jpg) (https://s25.postimg.org/wy5jbd8jh/My_New_PC_01.jpg)

(https://s25.postimg.org/49x6lvvqz/My_New_PC_02.jpg) (https://s25.postimg.org/tspiywfb1/My_New_PC_02.jpg)

Beats what I use although I am still a Win7 diehard.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 18, 2016, 10:21:31 PM
Listening to a musician that speaks to me so deeply I think we are the same person. But she is articulate and I only hope I will one day be on that level. Cheers to old friends who are moving forward. Slow down a bit and wait for me please.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 18, 2016, 10:34:26 PM
throwing the dughters shoes in the street as she cannot be bothered to put them away, so i fell over them

Little you. Thats all you can contribute it to. Or little wife maybe. Lol!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 19, 2016, 01:09:08 AM
Little you. Thats all you can contribute it to. Or little wife maybe. Lol!!

it did feel good at the time, and i now dont fall over her shoes. She puts them away
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on December 19, 2016, 11:15:36 AM
Good luck and bon voyage.

Beats what I use although I am still a Win7 diehard.

That Would Make Me, diehard 2 lol [Sorry, Say First Thing That Pops In My Head :D ]
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 25, 2016, 02:36:46 PM
I'm going to a friend's house for Christmas dinner and because I agreed to make chocolate mousse for dessert, I have to whip some cream for the topping.

That stuff is like a heart attack in a bowl.  I used Julia Child's recipe:
4 eggs, a stick and a half of butter, 3/4 c. sugar, some strong black coffee, some orange liqueur, chocolate, and then some whipped cream for the top.  Maybe if I wash it down with enough red wine, it will unclog my arteries.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 26, 2016, 12:30:25 AM
 ::) bet it tasted nice though
ATM watching an obituary about George Michael, having passed away last night  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 02, 2017, 09:37:39 AM

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 03, 2017, 12:44:23 AM
recovering from a weekend away in wales for New Year
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 03, 2017, 09:00:55 AM
drinking tea and waking up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 04, 2017, 02:40:57 PM
Painstakingly (and painfully) pulling tiny metal splinters out of my fingers. They come from new, self-tapping screws that you have to hold to get started.

Screws just ain't what they used to be..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 05, 2017, 12:33:42 AM
It sounds like you could do with a good pair of gloves.

I'm listening to music and contemplating watching some random tv show.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 05, 2017, 05:34:15 AM
off work with man flu.
Normally i would have soldiered on at work, but we have no work and I've done this already pre xmas.
 I thought sod them.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 05, 2017, 06:56:18 AM
It sounds like you could do with a good pair of gloves.

If you hold a self-tapping screw (or any screw for that matter) while wearing gloves, as soon as you start the cordless screwdriver the screw grips the glove and spins it into a tourniquet. Mashes the glove to bits instantly. It's better to have a screw holder attachment for the drill, but they don't last long before breaking.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on January 05, 2017, 11:28:29 AM
I'm building a gaming PC for a friend's grandson. It took a YouTube video for me to be able to remove the cover where the optical drive goes. It took a little more force than I was using. Amma dumma...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 06, 2017, 11:29:47 AM
Pretty much all engineering challenges can be overcome by using a bigger hammer.

Not just engineering challenges, I may add.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 07, 2017, 12:34:22 AM
Pretty much all engineering challenges can be overcome by using a bigger hammer.
obviously you have seen Rolls Royce build aircraft engines  ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on January 07, 2017, 09:26:46 AM
Does Moore's Law apply to hammers?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 07, 2017, 03:28:00 PM
Does Moore's Law apply to hammers?

Actually they become more poo each passing day. As could be said for most tools, or at least the steel used to make them.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 08, 2017, 01:17:06 AM
glancing through the news headlines. What A f11ked up world we live in
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 10, 2017, 11:53:55 AM
drinking tea.  I regularly log on to FB in the morning and it's the same old gnashing of teeth and poking fun of the incoming nightmare of President Trump.  so yes, the world has gone to hell in a handbasket.  I'm tempted to check into a convent for the next 4 years until this whole thing blows over.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 10, 2017, 03:19:43 PM
drinking tea.  I regularly log on to FB in the morning and it's the same old gnashing of teeth and poking fun of the incoming nightmare of President Trump.  so yes, the world has gone to hell in a handbasket.  I'm tempted to check into a convent for the next 4 years until this whole thing blows over.

Come to the U.K. Europe wants nothing to do with us, the U.S has put us to the "back of the queue" and we only have one electable political party left.

Life is now far more simple.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on January 11, 2017, 08:06:01 AM
  I'm tempted to check into a convent for the next 4 years until this whole thing blows over.

Make that 8 years. ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 11, 2017, 01:37:06 PM
I would dispute this - I don't think that we have any. But as The Donald™ has shown, you don't have to be electable to get elected.

Whilst that may be true, I'd bet you any amount you like that the same wouldn't apply to Nick Clegg. Ever.

That monkey would have finished typing the complete works of Shakespeare and have moved on to Tolstoy before that'd happen.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 12, 2017, 08:02:15 AM
warming up after a COLD wet ride home. :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 12, 2017, 02:18:22 PM
Got back from doctor, vaccinations hurt like hell, I have to get them all because they don't show up in my records, doctor thought I was an antivaxtard.

Tetanus hurt like hell and I was told it may hurt for days.

Asked him to fill out the lawyer paperwork, fairly simple poo from blood tests, he said flat out he "doesn't do" disability.

Not sure what to do next. I've tried doing nothing, and I'm all out of ideas.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 13, 2017, 10:17:54 AM
I'd look for another doctor.  Is there a free clinic you can access?  If you can get the results of your bloodwork from doctor #1, dr #2 should be able to state what's in front of him/her on paperwork.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 13, 2017, 11:19:06 AM
Still have to do labs, they had too many people yesterday.

Walked 1.19 miles, did not find enlightenment. Want beer and carne asada.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 14, 2017, 12:21:16 AM
coffee,walk dogs,cycle ride,relax ish  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 14, 2017, 12:26:48 AM
Still have to do labs, they had too many people yesterday.

Walked 1.19 miles, did not find enlightenment. Want beer and carne asada.
I walk 4 miles a day.  I have not found enlightenment, but it helps keep the weight down.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 14, 2017, 09:59:59 AM
There is a difference between "unelectable" and "Liberal".

Yet somehow the two words together seem a perfect fit.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 14, 2017, 12:27:24 PM
Fuckdows update took control of my pc. Now the wireless adapter doesn't have a "compatable" driver, the lock screen I had hacked off is back, and the computer won't recognize my tablet either, so I can't get an updated driver.

Microsoft says use another computer and a flash drive, as if I have another computer. What the golly is wrong with those assholes?

And then my tablet got stuck in camera mode. If I had a local microsoft store, it would be molotov time.

WOOHOO! I told my tablet to ignore that it can't run exe files, then went into some mtp cowpoo and turned it into a storage device instead of a camera, then loaded the wireless driver that way.

It's the same driver as before. I don't bless'ed understand how windows update did this.

Oh, and this whole nightmare is because my S5 doesn't like unencrypted sd cards. I just wanted to load some tunes up to walk the dog!

Ok, now I'm pretty sure it doesn't like any sd card, and can't format them.

Wow today hates me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 15, 2017, 01:30:52 AM
Good lord.  You actually make me glad to own a Mac.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on January 15, 2017, 07:55:19 AM
Windows Update locked me out of my PC. I didn't have a password when I set it up. Used netplwiz.exe to bypass entering a password every time I loaded Windows. After the update I had to enter a password that didn't exist. Reset my Microsoft password but it wasn't recognized by Windows. A clean install is nice but a PITA to set up the browser and passwords for sites, install programs like Outlook for email... The one thing Microsoft did right was the implementation of Windows.old. I have everything backed up on other hard drives but copy/paste from Windows.old to the new install made it just a little less painful. It took a few days to copy it all over and delete it from Windows.old so there's more room on the 250GB SSD my OS is on.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 15, 2017, 11:45:50 AM
Mine started rejecfing the password, so I set a pin. Made for ultra fast startups until windows update reinstalled the lock screen. I had used group edit to lock down the lock screen, but I hear the "anniversary" update undoes that.

Mom spilled coffee on her earbuds, and I don't know how to get the sticky off. It's on he cord and not the earpieces, thank god.

And my phone continues to reject micro sd cards.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on January 23, 2017, 04:34:22 PM
Windows Update locked me out of my PC. I didn't have a password when I set it up. Used netplwiz.exe to bypass entering a password every time I loaded Windows. After the update I had to enter a password that didn't exist. Reset my Microsoft password but it wasn't recognized by Windows. A clean install is nice but a PITA to set up the browser and passwords for sites, install programs like Outlook for email... The one thing Microsoft did right was the implementation of Windows.old. I have everything backed up on other hard drives but copy/paste from Windows.old to the new install made it just a little less painful. It took a few days to copy it all over and delete it from Windows.old so there's more room on the 250GB SSD my OS is on.

1.Why You Using By Passing Software?
2.Why Reset Your Microsoft Password?

I Have Now On A Dual Boot System :)
Win 98 And Win XP, Just Kidding Sev7n And Ten.
Also Created System Image Using Acronis True Image 2017.

By Way Which Worked, Kind Of lol
Cause When I Tried It Out, It Didn't Create The Boot Files.

So I Used CMD To Repair The Boot.
Using The bootrec Commands :D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 26, 2017, 10:59:58 AM
drinking tea
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 26, 2017, 04:02:37 PM
Catching up on paperwork.

Should have done it earlier but it was mothers day and the missus took precedence.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 04, 2017, 01:30:41 PM
second day into a H&S course,
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 13, 2017, 12:41:15 AM
backing up all of my wife's apple devices  >:( >:(
She didn't warn me about all the updates she'd ignored as well  >:( >:(
And please transfer all of my ipad apps / movies / etc etc to my new ipad  :o :o :o :o
As you all know here I am not a fan of Apple products (except the ipads as they are the bees knees) because as I dont use them a lot I dont know what i'm doing with them.
The time is coming where I am going to have to go over to the dark side and buy a phone, so I do know what i'm doing with them :'(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 13, 2017, 10:07:18 AM
I didn't know that I had to "activate" voicemail on my replacement phone, so I haven't been getting any voicemails. Good thing my doctors office uses text reminders, or I'd be screwed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on April 13, 2017, 12:24:34 PM
Battling on ebay for A1278 logic boards....hopeless  ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 13, 2017, 07:13:46 PM
They have them on amazon from 120 to 870.

The last time I dealt with ebay customer support, they said that the problem would be resolved in my favor, but that my account would probably be closed over the issue [they took the maximum 30 days to issue my refund]

I flustered the support agent by saying "go ahead." I don't think that was the expected response.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on April 13, 2017, 07:34:46 PM
Thanks, I'll do a little digging on Amazon.

I've had my battles on ebay also, people winning my auctions and then refusing to pay because they didn't see the issue prior to bidding. Happened 3 or 4 times to which ebay claims they can do nothing, they even tried to issue the sellers premium  >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 14, 2017, 07:18:08 AM
Send 'em over, I'll sort it.
dont temp me, doesn't help that i dont know my way around W10 and dont own anything apple except an ipad mini, which all i use for is books and the odd film.
Wife had the audacity to state, STATE I need an iphone not an android one  :o :o :o :o

Now I am trying to use either icloud / photo sharing for her ipad.
Who the hell wants 60 gb of photo's on their ipad and phone :o :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on April 14, 2017, 08:34:36 AM
There should be an option to automatically upload your photos as they're taken, you can then keep the device less cluttered and use iCloud if you wish to retrieve a picture at any time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 15, 2017, 12:19:11 AM
seems the icloud photos shows uploading my photos but cannot see them on ipad.
will have to sort out after my holls
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 18, 2017, 11:10:30 AM
I've had 4 cell phones since the iPhone 3G was released (3G, 4, 5, and 6) and probably could have skipped upgrading one of those cycles.  "Android" friends can go through that many in a year.  And just to clarify, this is coming from a non-Mac Zealot (only Apple products I own are iPhone and iPad...everything else is Windows or Linux).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on April 19, 2017, 03:04:10 PM
My last and only Apple phone was a 4C, the device was solid and reliable, the OS was fast and stable. Deal breaker for me were the restrictions of the media software, primarily itunes. I like to be able to insert my SD card into my machine, copy a bunch of albums onto it, and plug it into my device and have instant access without needing to input my Apple ID numerous times to add some folders. My Androids last me two full years before the need to upgrade, I'm not interested in some of the features that seem to wow the kids.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on April 19, 2017, 04:13:04 PM
Running back and forth between home and the laundry mat.  .  . trying to believe that its worth being home a moment when I make these multiple trips back and forth. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 19, 2017, 04:20:02 PM
When I used the laundromat, I used to take stuff to read.  I'd hole up and focus.  The laundromat is blissfully absent of distractions.

Why do you go home?  Kids?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on April 19, 2017, 04:36:44 PM
Kids and things to do before I need to drive.  I drive someone to work every night :)
My new job is 9 am to 2 pm but mostly I don't get home till three and I will be working later for a couple weeks.  It's hard to get anything done when I get home at ten thirty at night, but this driving situation is also coming to a close soon as well, most nights anyway. 
It's good to see you Six.  I was reading 8ully's thread about Thrones and I have a lot to say and no time to type :) I'll be back soon.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on April 20, 2017, 05:54:49 PM
I think that you mean either 4S or 5C.

As you would expect, I use iTunes Match: all my music everywhere on all devices. The only SD card I have is in my camera, and I haven't used a camera other than my phone in years. Keychain means that I only enter my Apple ID when I get a new device. The ecosystem is pretty solid once you have drunk the kool-aid. (As all y'all're probably aware I'm a non-Mac Zealot like dweez. I happen to have a few more Apple devices than him, but that must be a coincidence.)

4S sounds right  :-[

I'm not anti-Mac, I have 2 MacPro work stations and my wife and I both have MacBook Pro's. I use the work stations for video editing with Final Cut Pro 10, and resurrected the 1st MacBook Pro from the dead to help do some of my video work on the fly, my wife liked the machine so I found one for her also. My son is a huge iOS fan, he has made several attempts to "show" me how simple the integration between computer and phone is, but to me it still appears to be a long drawn out process that requires additional software at the computer end, perhaps that has changed since the last lesson  ;D

All of the flagship phones seem to have pretty decent cameras these days but I would still like to grab a mirrorless (MLC) camera, if for nothing more than the focal length I can get with the lenses. The Olympus OM-D looks like a nice unit.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 21, 2017, 03:29:35 PM
The battery for my mbp fell apart, because it was glued together. That's one bit of apple design I don't care for.

I'm gonna see how many episodes of thrones I can get through before the "scheduled" power outage. gits, I just bought a gallon of ice cream.

6 1/2 episodes, bless'ed chromecast.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 22, 2017, 11:54:23 AM
I've had 4 cell phones since the iPhone 3G was released (3G, 4, 5, and 6) and probably could have skipped upgrading one of those cycles.  "Android" friends can go through that many in a year.  And just to clarify, this is coming from a non-Mac Zealot (only Apple products I own are iPhone and iPad...everything else is Windows or Linux).

The only reason us Android folk go through so many phones, is because there are far more sweets in the Android candy shop.

My phone (Moto X Play) which I have had for about a year, is holding up far too well. I really want it to start having battery or OS issues so that I have an excuse to buy a Moto X Force - which is now ridiculously cheap for what it is. You may well ask why I don't just but the phone I want now, rather than wait for the expiry of my current phone. Truth is: my wife bought me the X Play so I have to cherish it for a while longer..

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 23, 2017, 01:11:57 AM
The only reason us Android folk go through so many phones, is because there are far more sweets in the Android candy shop.
so true. I am still loving my Oneplus One.

BUT I must admit as the years roll on and my family pester me more about their Apple products
I do see why alot of people own them. You can buy any accessories for a Apple phone, whereas Android do vary on where they are from
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on April 23, 2017, 06:17:41 AM
The Apple kids are no different, with every new release of iphone it becomes a "must have".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 23, 2017, 08:43:26 AM
That's just basic "upgrade mentality", always wanting/needing the latest and greatest, not really an Apple-specific characteristic.  That said, yes, the Apple-heads do take it to the ultimate extreme.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 23, 2017, 10:13:34 AM
I'm an applehead and think the company lost its way about a decade back, which saddens and annoys me because I'm essentially lazy when it comes to finding new tech products, and it takes time to check out various versions of similar items from different companies, checking specs, trying out the products, etc.

I have a first generation Powerbook that is comfortable to use because there is a thin strip of plastic around the outer edge that makes resting my forearms on it easy.  It's still running, albeit on limited functionality as it can't run new Os, being stuck somewhere around SnowLeopard or thereabouts.
Then Jonny Ive got a wild hair to be "ecologically responsible" and came up with the aluminum unibody.  There are videos of him waxing poetic about this great innovation.  I seriously question just how ecological this is when you take into account the amount of energy it takes to convert Bauxite into aluminum, to produce the extruded aluminum blanks, then to tool each body individually, polish, check allowances and that sort of thing.  On the plus side, you can recycle aluminum, so that's a little less waste at the end of its life. 

Another failure is in the realm of "human factors" (ergonomics).  When I was interested in buying a new laptop, I declined, because the unibody has a harsh sharp edge where the upper and lower cases meet.  When it's open, they chafe my skin as I rest my arms on the body to type.  It was a deal breaker.  I opted for an iMac instead.  If I get a new laptop, it's unlikely to be a Mac.

My iPhone 6 rarely recognizes my finger print.  I routinely have to type in a number code to gain access, which is annoying and inconvenient.  It demands that I upgrade to iOs X even though I would prefer not to.  It won't leave me alone and there's no way to turn off these insistent and disruptive reminders in the Settings.  Still, it takes good photos and I like many of the features.  It's a little large for my hand, but I can understand the tradeoff between screen size, visibility and making it physically comfortable to hold or to slip into one's pocket. 

I also am not so keen on the lack of support for older devices.  Got an original iPad?  Well we can't be bothered to issue upgrades to iOs for you, so deal with it.  That's the general attitude they have, and I can't help but think that it's elitist and privileges people with money.  "Can't afford to buy our latest product?  Well too bad."  We're a business, first and foremost, despite all our warm and fuzzy advertising.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 24, 2017, 12:21:26 AM
thinking its my first day back at work  ???
roll on 4 weeks till off to Wales again
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 24, 2017, 04:37:25 PM
I have been editing the code of a "support ticket" software installation to make it an online facility to ask for work to be done. It looks and works pretty well and now I can answer clients instantly from my phone with worrying about emails.

Happy days!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on April 24, 2017, 06:20:41 PM
That's just basic "upgrade mentality", always wanting/needing the latest and greatest, not really an Apple-specific characteristic. 

True, think GeForce GTX 1080 Ti  ;D.....never ends, at least until you don't have the $1000 for the next release. 

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on April 25, 2017, 03:09:43 PM
True, think GeForce GTX 1080 Ti  ;D.....never ends, at least until you don't have the $1000 for the next release.

I know, my 980 Ti is so outdated.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 25, 2017, 03:28:51 PM
True, think GeForce GTX 1080 Ti  ;D.....never ends, at least until you don't have the $1000 for the next release.

That is a shitload of spondulix to be spending on just the graph card. How much is the rest of the kit worth?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on April 26, 2017, 08:15:31 AM
I know, my 980 Ti is so outdated.
That card will work well for a long time still, no more fighting with the missus  ;D

That is a shitload of spondulix to be spending on just the graph card. How much is the rest of the kit worth?
That card is the current epitome of graphics cards, these guys are serious hard core gamers and custom PC enthusiasts, many of them will buy two of those cards and custom liquid cooling loops are the norm. Things have changed substantially over the past few years for the custom PC guys.
Anyhow, I estimate roughly, another $1000 USD minimum in components so as not to underpower or create performance bottlenecks. But if one wanted to max out frequencies and voltages, then another $1000 USD could be spent on case and liquid cooling components.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 26, 2017, 04:27:43 PM

That card is the current epitome of graphics cards, these guys are serious hard core gamers and custom PC enthusiasts, many of them will buy two of those cards and custom liquid cooling loops are the norm. Things have changed substantially over the past few years for the custom PC guys.
Anyhow, I estimate roughly, another $1000 USD minimum in components so as not to underpower or create performance bottlenecks. But if one wanted to max out frequencies and voltages, then another $1000 USD could be spent on case and liquid cooling components.

I was recently building a new comp up from a barebones system with the online company I use, just to see what it would cost and how much of an upgrade it would be from my current machine.  When I got to the graph cards the first one offered was a PNY Tesla P40 Module 24GB GDDR5.

When I saw the price I nearly shat myself...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on April 26, 2017, 05:14:23 PM
I was recently building a new comp up from a barebones system with the online company I use, just to see what it would cost and how much of an upgrade it would be from my current machine.  When I got to the graph cards the first one offered was a PNY Tesla P40 Module 24GB GDDR5.

When I saw the price I nearly shat myself...

That's a workstation or server accelerator card, (I did have to look it up), £7,920.49  :o

Pretty pricey considering it has no video output.  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 26, 2017, 07:26:54 PM
Yeah, those are made for number crunching (think super computer).  Several years back, a group where I work built a super computer using nVidia cards for gpu acceleration.  It's pretty spiffy but ancient by today's standards.


Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 27, 2017, 01:11:19 AM
I am at the moment falling to bits :'( :'(
As Bette Davis stated
“Old age ain't no place for sissies.”
doesn't help local doctors are a nightmare to get in to see
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 27, 2017, 01:50:29 AM
Replying far too late to bea, but the thr8nes thread can only move forward if someone bumps it, and holy poo did a lot happen in s4. I want to say poor shae, but she moved right on to tywin. Yuck.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on April 27, 2017, 05:40:04 AM
Yeah, those are made for number crunching (think super computer).  Several years back, a group where I work built a super computer using nVidia cards for gpu acceleration.  It's pretty spiffy but ancient by today's standards.


Incredible! And to think that machine ranked 221. What happens to these machines when they become obsolete? Are they able to re-use or donate the parts?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on April 27, 2017, 07:31:05 AM
I only overclocked my Intel Core i7 4790K to 4.5 GHz. so I didn't go the closed loop water cooling route. Instead I went for the Corsair Hydro Series H100i v2 Extreme Performance Liquid CPU Cooler. Cheaper (spend the money on the video card) and easier. Gaming on Ultra settings the CPU stays 50~55 °C. Think I could bump it up to ~5 GHz. and it would run fairly cool but I haven't found a need to.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 27, 2017, 08:42:30 AM
Incredible! And to think that machine ranked 221. What happens to these machines when they become obsolete? Are they able to re-use or donate the parts?

I'm not sure what generally happens to the old equipment.  I know with the "Big Mac" supercomputer we made as a "Proof of Concept" to prove it could be done, the 2200 (quantity) G5 iMac towers were given back to Apple and they sold them at a premium.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on April 27, 2017, 09:49:06 AM
I only overclocked my Intel Core i7 4790K to 4.5 GHz. so I didn't go the closed loop water cooling route. Instead I went for the Corsair Hydro Series H100i v2 Extreme Performance Liquid CPU Cooler. Cheaper (spend the money on the video card) and easier. Gaming on Ultra settings the CPU stays 50~55 °C. Think I could bump it up to ~5 GHz. and it would run fairly cool but I haven't found a need to.


I'm hearing 5GHz is possible but most guys say that 4.8 is about the average max, not because of cooling but because 1.3V is the max with a 48X ratio. Wish I had one to try out myself, I saw that the i7 4790 silicone lottery chips were easily hitting 6GHz by ratio, but they're probably expensive as hell.
You're running a safe bet at 4.5, it'll last a while.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 27, 2017, 03:26:49 PM
Anywho, the experiment I talked of earlier weighted in at £2000 (with this (https://www.novatech.co.uk/products/evga-geforce-gtx-1060-sc-gaming-6gb-gddr5-graphics-card/06g-p4-6163-kr.html) graph card). I decided against it as I'm not entirely sure how it would have changed my life, and 2K is not to be sneered at.  However, all this talk has got the "upgrade" juices flowing again to I may have to rethink. Either that or my daughter has slipped something in my tea as she's more keen than I am to upgrade.

I think that might have something to do with my old once going begging if it does transpire.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on April 30, 2017, 06:37:05 AM
Anywho, the experiment I talked of earlier weighted in at £2000 (with this (https://www.novatech.co.uk/products/evga-geforce-gtx-1060-sc-gaming-6gb-gddr5-graphics-card/06g-p4-6163-kr.html) graph card).

I think the Radeon RX 580 beats the Nvidia GTX 1060. Amazon UK (https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=MSI+RX+580+ARMOR+8G+OC+GAMING+Radeon+RX+580)

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 30, 2017, 01:40:01 PM
With all this money, why are draw distances and AA still poo?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on April 30, 2017, 10:05:24 PM
My guess is unoptimized games and/or game engine. I'm playing Ark Survival Evolved right now and optimization is nill, draw distance is constant pop-ins when you're on a flyer or sprinting. Wildcard just keeps adding DLC, new dinos and nerfing things like critter health, stamina and speed. They even added a giant fish that hates rafts. I lost 2 large rafts this week. But they're not optimizing what they have. Still in Early Access 2 years later.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 30, 2017, 11:32:05 PM
I bless'ed hate pop in. Once or twice I got a car going fast enough in vice city that the road textures didn't load, but I'm pretty sure that was an older hardware thing, I think it was back in the single digit geforce days.

One time my rip of gta3 didn't load textures at all, so it was a white hell. But it was only 98 mb!

I just left a bad review for rude employees at jack in the box. They weren't wearing nametags, but I'm sure as poo two fat latina women aren't named "jonathan".

When they weren't too busy with their conversation, they shorted ingredients on my burgers, and didn't bother giving my mom dressing for her salad.

It's weird, their day crew make food so well it could be used for the advertising, and the wrapping is damn near oragami.

Night crew don't give a golly.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on May 01, 2017, 09:38:45 AM
I took my mom shopping and stopped for a burger afterwards also, poor mom left her purse in the restaurant by mistake and didn't realize it until i was dropping her off, we sped back to the restaurant to find out that there still exists some humanity in this world.  :)   
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 02, 2017, 12:57:07 AM
coffee , dogs walk, rest
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 07, 2017, 03:10:57 PM
Gonna make myself a ginger and cinnamon tea made with milk and honey, and turn in.

Damn! I sound old.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on May 07, 2017, 07:45:34 PM
Trying to find a stable overclock for my video card so it will play a game that isn't optimized (Ark: Survival Evolved) at 60 FPS (frames per second) without crashing or starting a fire.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on May 09, 2017, 07:48:25 AM
Trying to find a stable overclock for my video card so it will play a game that isn't optimized (Ark: Survival Evolved) at 60 FPS (frames per second) without crashing or starting a fire.

Does that game evolve, as in online progression, or have you not finished it yet?

I'm readying up all my MacBook Pro's to sell on eBay, probably sell my MacPro's as well but locally, the shipping for those tanks would far outweigh the cost of the machines.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 09, 2017, 03:20:54 PM
Trying to find a cheaper version of an Arbortech Allsaw.

I'm not paying a grand for that!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on May 09, 2017, 09:30:26 PM
Does that game evolve, as in online progression, or have you not finished it yet?

I think there's supposed to be an ending eventually. As it is now, and for the last 2 years, it's in early access.

Early Access Game
Get instant access and start playing; get involved with this game as it develops.

Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.

In other words, they're still screwing up what they have now instead of optimizing it. That  said, according to Steam, I have 2,119.1 hrs on record.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 10, 2017, 12:55:18 AM
Trying to find a cheaper version of an Arbortech Allsaw.

I'm not paying a grand for that!

thats a piece of kit, no TAX relief if you buy new
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 11, 2017, 03:22:29 PM
thats a piece of kit, no TAX relief if you buy new

It certainly is.

I'd have no problem buying it if I needed it more that a couple of times a year. As I don't, it's the 9" angle grinder again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on May 11, 2017, 09:21:20 PM
keeping my eyes open. i'm sure this doesn't constitute as being awake.
: ) keep smiling.  I make people smile at work all the time, seems to be the only way to really communicate to eachother. 
besides, it has this unique capability of making me laugh in the face of adversity. i like that part a lot.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 13, 2017, 12:30:15 AM
looking for an Iphone 6 plus or 6s. Wife is determined to ween me away from my Chinese android phone  ???.
The thing is with Apple phones is simple, you can buy all the accessories you need for anything you do. Outdoor/Swimming/Cycling/car and 9/10 they work with anything designed to work with a phone.
Any other design is hit or miss and my Chinese phone is even worse. 8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on May 13, 2017, 05:40:25 AM
looking for an Iphone 6 plus or 6s. Wife is determined to ween me away from my Chinese android phone  ???.
The thing is with Apple phones is simple, you can buy all the accessories you need for anything you do. Outdoor/Swimming/Cycling/car and 9/10 they work with anything designed to work with a phone.
Any other design is hit or miss and my Chinese phone is even worse. 8)

That confuses me, whether you prefer iOS or Android, the latter of the two mobile OS's is the better option for compatibility, especially across multiple platforms. Not sure which accessories you're thinking of but I don't think there is too much out there that isn't Android compatible.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 13, 2017, 06:02:10 AM
Apple phones have the market for cases/attachments whereas android phones are a variety of shapes and manufacturers and if you buy chinese android phones then the choice is even less.
Because of the "variety" of Android versions as well not all work with fitness trackers/speakers.

I have a Oneplus one and am looking to move to a more user friendly phone that i can buy the all-weather/fit to my bike/car attachment requirement I have.The Oneplus hasn't these options  ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on May 13, 2017, 07:01:41 AM
Cases yes, attachments---no. But I suppose if you're looking at specific Apple compatible devices then you'll find what you're looking for.  I believe the the iPhone 7 has withdrawn the 3.5mm jack which caused quite an uproar, but others are also doing the same. People are scrambling to get USB C to 3.5mm convertors instead of just going the wireless route with BT devices, talk about moving backward! I guess in some peoples defense, they may have spent a fair bit on "wired" headsets and aren't in a position to purchase a wireless set ATT. I use wireless everything, and have been since BT headphones became both reasonably priced and good quality, same with my car, not to mention the tickets for using your phone while driving are outrageous!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 13, 2017, 07:25:39 AM
I'm a big fan of wired technology. Not because it's old-school, but because it's fairly bulletproof and way easier to configure.

Plus my Beats are wired.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 14, 2017, 12:50:24 AM
Cases yes, attachments---no.
attachments for the cases to fit on about anything i ride / swim / hike, not the headphones and wireless connectivity  :) :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on May 14, 2017, 06:14:34 AM
I'm a big fan of wired technology. Not because it's old-school, but because it's fairly bulletproof and way easier to configure.

Plus my Beats are wired.

The only issue I've ever had with wired devices is the wire  ;D

My first listing on eBay was purchased by a scammer, took 5 days to get the item relisted. First the guy was in Macon County, Georgia, then he was in Nigeria. Sent a couple of fake PayPal confirmation of payment notices informing me that I need to mark my item as "sold" and to proceed with the shipping arrangements to Nigeria in order for my PayPal account to show the transaction. If I wasn't so busy and eager to sell my laptops I would send the guy a nasty package, but I know that would jeopardize my account.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 14, 2017, 03:26:17 PM

My first listing on eBay was purchased by a scammer, took 5 days to get the item relisted. First the guy was in Macon County, Georgia, then he was in Nigeria. Sent a couple of fake PayPal confirmation of payment notices informing me that I need to mark my item as "sold" and to proceed with the shipping arrangements to Nigeria in order for my PayPal account to show the transaction. If I wasn't so busy and eager to sell my laptops I would send the guy a nasty package, but I know that would jeopardize my account.

^ That's not good.

I'd sent him a piece of my mind ... if I had it to spare.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on May 14, 2017, 03:46:27 PM
Sent him a few nasty emails, no reply of course  ::)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 15, 2017, 12:38:51 AM
Should have sent him a p-p-p-powerbook
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on May 15, 2017, 05:41:22 AM
This is not true.

There are some Android variants that have good compatibility with some other things, but in fact most Android devices aren't even compatible with each other (except in marketing speak).

If something says it is iOS compatible, it is.

If something says it is Android compatible, it might be. It is almost certainly compatible with some flavour of Android on some type of device, but there is no guarantee that it works with your device and your flavour of Android.

I don't mind Apple-bashing, but at least it should have some basis in truth.

Not Apple bashing at all, I'm just not aware of devices that make claims to be Android compatible that turn out not to be. PhoneArena seems to tout Android as being the better of the two for compatibility, even though they seem to be biased toward iOS. Compatibility is the primary reason I choose Android, in my experience everything works off the shelf as claimed including external storage cards. Maybe you guys are referring to specialized devices that are made specifically for Apple devices?  I'd like to see some specifics.

BTW, I'm not an Android lover by any means, I actually loved WP but that's a dead soldier in this discussion.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 15, 2017, 08:10:04 AM
looking for an Iphone 6 plus or 6s. Wife is determined to ween me away from my Chinese android phone  ???.
The thing is with Apple phones is simple, you can buy all the accessories you need for anything you do. Outdoor/Swimming/Cycling/car and 9/10 they work with anything designed to work with a phone.
Any other design is hit or miss and my Chinese phone is even worse. 8)

People you do realise i stated accessories for the phone as Apple phones do have the majority of the market.

That confuses me, whether you prefer iOS or Android, the latter of the two mobile OS's is the better option for compatibility, especially across multiple platforms. Not sure which accessories you're thinking of but I don't think there is too much out there that isn't Android compatible.

Never mentioned compatability or which was better Ios or Android.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 15, 2017, 02:17:24 PM
Drive-by greeting.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 15, 2017, 03:33:01 PM
This is not true.

There are some Android variants that have good compatibility with some other things, but in fact most Android devices aren't even compatible with each other (except in marketing speak).

If something says it is iOS compatible, it is.

If something says it is Android compatible, it might be. It is almost certainly compatible with some flavour of Android on some type of device, but there is no guarantee that it works with your device and your flavour of Android.

I don't mind Apple-bashing, but at least it should have some basis in truth.

I guess that it depends on what "compatibility" means.

An SD card may fit into an Android device, but it definitely won't fit into an iPhone, and 3.5 mm plug headphones won't fit into an iPhone 7 either. But silliness aside, I think what I mostly mean by "compatibility" is "will it work", not "will it plug in". Something with a micro-USB plug will likely fit into an Android phone/ tablet but not into an iOS device. Something with a lightning plug will likely fit into an iOS device but not into an Android.

... but getting what is on the other end of the cable to work with the phone/ tablet is where the issue may lie.

With iOS, if it plugs in, it will likely work. With Android, it depends if your version of Android is compatible with what you are trying to use. "Android-compatible" normally has some small print (as, of course, does "iOS compatible") about which versions are supported: with iOS this will likely catch 90%+ of the user base, with Android the percentage is often (much) smaller: for something requiring the latest version of Android the percentage is likely <10 for up to a year.

Version       Codename       Distribution (Jan 2016 Data)
2.3.3-2.3.7    Gingerbread 1.0%
4.0.3-4.0.4    Ice Cream    1.0%
4.1.x          Jelly Bean        4.0%
4.2.x                                5.7%
4.3                                   1.6%
4.4            KitKat              21.9%
5.0            Lollipop            9.8%
5.1                                   23.1%
6.0            Marshmallow    30.7%
7.0            Nougat             0.9%
7.1                                   0.3%

... and I have no idea what "cross-platform" issues arise, as I am unaware of any. Apple <-> Apple is seamless, Apple to other stuff is largely functional if not as easy. (WhatsApp rather than iMessage, for example).

This is true. A lot of apps that I use are not compatible with all my android devices. This is one of the reasons I bought a Windows tablet rather than an android one. I can get all my software -- especially things that I need on site -- configured perfectly with various (USB) testing equipment. They are meant to work on android devices, but never perform the same from one day to another.

Luckily, I mainly use my phone as a phone so it matters not what system is on it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on May 15, 2017, 04:09:15 PM
I'm not sure anymore if we're talking about software/apps or ad-on devices  ;D

Anyhow, +1 for the Windows tablet, I purchased a Surface 3 and have a Surface Pro 3 on the way for the wife, those will replace my MacBook Pro's.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on May 15, 2017, 07:29:33 PM
Do you like the surface pro 3? I was thinking about getting one... I like the new burgundy one and the one that flips to tablet style .
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 15, 2017, 07:45:42 PM
Work provided me with a Surface Pro 4. I love the convenience of it and so far it's functioned great. I'm not the typical use case though as I primarily use it to remote into my office tower. I'm only now trying to branch out and use it more as it was originally designed.

That said, I think any of the two-in-one type lightweight tablets would be just as handy since it's just a jump system for me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on May 16, 2017, 03:14:16 AM
Do you like the surface pro 3? I was thinking about getting one... I like the new burgundy one and the one that flips to tablet style .

Mine is a Surface 3, the 10.3" version with the intel Atom processor. So far I'm really liking it, it's a full version of Windows 10 so you don't have to rely on an app store to add apps. Admittedly I do not have much on my machine but so far it's been very fast and I love how it instantly switches from PC to Tablet mode. My wife's Surface Pro 3 should be arriving within a day or two, it has the intel i5, 4GB RAM, and 256SSD, and a 12.3" display. Reviews were very good, but the one downside is that the Type Cover is an extra cost and they're not cheap. Most people have said that if you're getting a Surface the Surface keyboard is a must have.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 16, 2017, 05:29:35 AM
I agree. I almost exclusively use it with the keyboard.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on May 16, 2017, 05:51:41 AM
I haven't quite decided yet if it's better to just fold the keyboard back or detach it and reattach it backward so the keys are facing inward against the back of the unit.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 16, 2017, 07:57:26 PM
I typically just leave the keys facing out. The keyboard disables when it's folded all the way back so I just leave it as is.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 17, 2017, 07:57:07 AM
nice to see the tablet reviewed and liked.

the rain is falling heavily atm, Noah is waving to me as he passes by  ;D ;D

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 17, 2017, 02:51:32 PM
For those who remember, I bought the Samsung Slate 7. It has served me really well while on the go, but I think the time has come for a Surface pro.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 21, 2017, 09:13:35 AM
Drinking tea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 22, 2017, 11:46:15 AM
finished homework off to chill
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 25, 2017, 12:34:55 AM
getting ready to run the gauntlet of the M1 on way to Derby.  :'( :'(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on May 27, 2017, 05:13:52 AM
Couple last minute things and then off to Montego Bay for a week.  8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 27, 2017, 04:08:28 PM
The furthest I'm going any time soon is to the pub.

Bon voyage, Alfonz!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 28, 2017, 01:58:27 AM
Have fun, Alfonz.

I'm listening to an old Annie Nightingale show.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 28, 2017, 03:06:42 PM
I seem to be a bit of a pub glutton at present. I;m just back in after 3.5 pints so I;m recovering yet again.

What the hell, it's Christmas after all.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 02, 2017, 10:00:31 AM
I seem to be a bit of a pub glutton at present. I;m just back in after 3.5 pints so I;m recovering yet again.

What the hell, it's Christmas after all.

I want some of that beer.
After a week in the Welsh hills we have returned to washing clothes and more clothes.
Bonus is there must have been a power cut as the virgin box has recorded nothing for the wife
Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 10, 2017, 01:28:01 AM
I seem to be a bit of a pub glutton at present. I;m just back in after 3.5 pints so I;m recovering yet again.

What the hell, it's Christmas after all.

It seems that 3.5 pints is exactly the amount needed to offset the apostrophe key by a cm.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 11, 2017, 04:57:16 AM
It seems that 3.5 pints is exactly the amount needed to offset the apostrophe key by a cm.
  ;D ;D ;D ;D
have just planted a few chilli plants in some plastic 25 ltr pots.
placed pots on side cut a wedge out of the length and planted the chilli canes to support and attached
canes to the tuns. A real Heath Robinson but hey ho the tubs are free and it works
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 17, 2017, 12:04:04 AM
Cleaning my room looking for the chromecast. Plus side, two boxes combined into one! Numerous small things I forgot I was even looking for! Downside, no fkin chromecast.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 17, 2017, 01:01:33 AM
I'm listening to Kenny Garrett.  He's an amazing jazz saxophonist.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 17, 2017, 05:00:41 AM
just finished cycling home from work, OMG so hot
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: mishca09 on June 17, 2017, 09:49:01 PM
Playing tomb radier ... Although I'm sleepy and have work tomorrow a d have to get up early
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on June 18, 2017, 06:21:07 AM
At work, not working.....yet.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 18, 2017, 11:03:41 AM
Admiring the 2ltr Nissan Qashqai I bought today. Not from new obviously, but it is in marvellous nick.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 19, 2017, 12:15:14 AM
Admiring the 2ltr Nissan Qashqai I bought today. Not from new obviously, but it is in marvellous nick.

they are a lovely drive
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 19, 2017, 03:03:59 PM
Shoulda got a Jaaaaaag.

Needed the 7 seats. That just isn't a Jag thing, is it?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 20, 2017, 12:24:36 AM
have you used the camera whilst reversing  :)  pretty good i thought
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 20, 2017, 01:22:55 AM
It looks like a pregnant skycar from mass effect. Since you're a tradesman, why didn't you go for a van? Unless this was cheaper than a van, in which case I shut my damn fool mouth.

I broke down and bought the eight dollar part my roommate busted in the shower. After two months, his solution [put rubber bands around broken part so shower vaguely "works] almost had me thrusting my fist through his skull in a mortal kombat fatality.

The white version was six dollars, but my mom wanted chrome finishing. Insert eyeroll smiley, I'm on mobile.

I pointed out a plumber would charge $90 to $130 to do this job in our area and was soundly ignored.

I pointed out how roommate broke the last part, and was ignored again. How do I know this? I heard the showerhead spraying out of the tub, which is the first step of his shower breaking ritual.

It held up this time, but if it breaks again, I'm buying the $6.00 prison issue showerhead and tossing this hose rig in the bless'ed garbage.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 21, 2017, 12:30:44 AM
Need? Pah. Need isn't a Jag thing. WANT!!. Want is a Jag thing.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 21, 2017, 03:10:09 PM
have you used the camera whilst reversing  :)  pretty good i thought

It doesn't have one fitted although it trips in on the screen when in reverse. Apparently it's a small module and a cam that's easily fitted by the number plate. I actually fitted one to my Vivaro and I hooked it up to my flashing roof light switch. It's a blessing parking that beast.

It looks like a pregnant skycar from mass effect. Since you're a tradesman, why didn't you go for a van? Unless this was cheaper than a van, in which case I shut my damn fool mouth.

I also have a Vauxhall Vivaro fully racked out for all my tools.


Seen it and nearly been in it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 22, 2017, 12:44:01 AM
I broke down and bought the eight dollar part my roommate busted in the shower. After two months, his solution [put rubber bands around broken part so shower vaguely "works] almost had me thrusting my fist through his skull in a mortal kombat fatality.

The white version was six dollars, but my mom wanted chrome finishing. Insert eyeroll smiley, I'm on mobile.

I pointed out a plumber would charge $90 to $130 to do this job in our area and was soundly ignored.

I pointed out how roommate broke the last part, and was ignored again. How do I know this? I heard the showerhead spraying out of the tub, which is the first step of his shower breaking ritual.

It held up this time, but if it breaks again, I'm buying the $6.00 prison issue showerhead and tossing this hose rig in the bless'ed garbage.

Check with your local water company.  They may give you a free low flow showerhead.  We got ours from there and it's surprisingly nice.  They're easy to install, too.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on June 22, 2017, 09:53:59 AM
Eagerly searching for an RX-480, or R9 295X card. Nothing in stock anywhere and the used prices are well above new  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 22, 2017, 03:06:02 PM
It's the crypto-coin tards, they drove up prices across the board for their "mining". AMD says prices have "stabilized" but that probably just means they all got the fancy cars they wanted.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on June 22, 2017, 03:37:13 PM
Ethereum. I considered it briefly, an RX 480 (or similar) will yield about $150US/month for 24/7 mining. It would take 3+ months to break even on the investment, plus the electricity usage as an ongoing expense, and then just hope that the electricity rates do not go up any more than they have in the last year and that the Ether market remains stable. Too much of a gamble, but I'd still like to to try it out with a less powerful card, just to see what it's all about.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 23, 2017, 02:40:29 AM
I got a XFX Radeon GTR RX 480 DirectX 12 RX-480P8DBA6 8GB 256-Bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 CrossFireX Support Black Edition Video Card at Newegg for $274.99 (11/2/2016) but they're out of stock now. :( Now I see a few used 480s on Amazon for over $600.00. >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on June 23, 2017, 03:18:51 AM
Should sell it brick, or throw together a cheap mining rig to see what all the fuss is about.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 23, 2017, 03:27:57 AM
Reminds me of the bless'ed video game speculators. Yeah, it might never sell, or they might get $200 for a game they bought at a swap meet for five.

Speaking of video games, lost two hours in skyrim. Assault charge for firing an arrow into a hiding draugr. Would the prosecution have you believe this undead horror with a hatred of life was simply napping? cowpoo.

I napped most of the day because of labs.

San Ysidro health center can eat a fat bag of dicks. I fired them as a provider because they stopped letting me see my awesome doctor and made me start seeing a glib condescending dickhead nurse who thought he was auditioning for a TV show with his plastic smile.

Six months later and they are still denying record transfer. I cought them in a lie because I filled out the release TODAY.

I said I wanted to make a complaint and was told I am not allowed to make a complaint against the medical records department because of policy. I should go piss in their fax machine and say I'm giving them a urine sample, since five signatures on one goddamn page is insufficient.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 23, 2017, 06:48:09 AM
having a rest and a cup of joe  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 23, 2017, 07:23:31 AM
Should sell it brick, or throw together a cheap mining rig to see what all the fuss is about.

It's not really mine. I bought it for a gaming PC I made for my old lady. I want to live. ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 23, 2017, 07:52:46 AM
Is there a stats disabler mod for skyrim on PC? I'm really tired of these assault charges on mudcrab and draugr. damn' thalmor busybodies tryin' to keep a hard working dragonborn down!

That being said, I bent the golly out of the law in markarth. Used a fairly expensive invisibility potion to get a shot in on a foresworn agent. If no one sees the hand that fired the shot, was any shot fired at all.

Kinda pissed me off, on previous saves I was able to dodge the city guard and oneshot the golly.

Maybe it's like the ancient dreamcast ads. They're learning, even though I blank the charges. They know I'm up to something, but can't prove it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 24, 2017, 12:41:39 AM
Does this work?

Set to high value to fight; "0" to be free   player.setcrimegold [number]


Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 24, 2017, 06:18:32 AM
catching up on Glastonbury
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on June 24, 2017, 04:20:58 PM
Installed two air conditioners. I'm cleaning up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on June 24, 2017, 06:07:24 PM
Binge-ing Grimm Season 2.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 25, 2017, 04:21:03 AM
Fitting a new choke cable to my Thunderace. Ok, I'm about to fit a new choke cable to my Thunderace. Right after I finish my tea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on July 12, 2017, 04:24:25 AM
Trying to dry out my mechanical keyboard. I spilled a full glass of water on it. The mouse is working but the keyboard is borked.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 12, 2017, 07:48:32 AM
Trying to dry out my mechanical keyboard. I spilled a full glass of water on it. The mouse is working but the keyboard is borked.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on July 13, 2017, 08:06:49 AM
The backlights on the keyboard were blinking off and on and it wouldn't work. I blew as much water out of it as I could with compressed air and set it upside down on a pillow. Plugged it in today and everything works as it should. The dang thing isn't even 3 months old yet.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 13, 2017, 09:42:09 AM
Realtors do this to brand new laptops all the time. No it's not a lemon. Yes you voided the manufacturers warranty. No you didn't drop it, HP authorized a fluid check, and the burn pattern is modern art. $800 and a lighter, or you being a drunk hag with merlot.

I never said these things, but if they demanded my manager he did, it was great.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 13, 2017, 03:31:33 PM
The backlights on the keyboard were blinking off and on and it wouldn't work. I blew as much water out of it as I could with compressed air and set it upside down on a pillow. Plugged it in today and everything works as it should. The dang thing isn't even 3 months old yet.

Lucky it was water. Orange juice is a whole different story and if you're an even bigger idiot like me, we're talking Baileys. There ain't no coming back from a Baileys spill.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 13, 2017, 04:54:42 PM
Lucky it was water. Orange juice is a whole different story and if you're an even bigger idiot like me, we're talking Baileys. There ain't no coming back from a Baileys spill.

That's a double whammy. Dead computer AND wasted Bailey's.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 14, 2017, 04:55:38 AM
NO Onion in the fridge, how can i have a cheese and onion sandwich with out Onion  :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 14, 2017, 09:47:54 AM
Drinking tea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 14, 2017, 04:09:36 PM
Nah. He will have licked the Baileys up.

Pffft. I snorted it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 14, 2017, 04:13:16 PM
Like a pro!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 14, 2017, 10:24:15 PM
Huh, thought I'd replied to the onion bit. My bread went bad, so I melted cheese over tater tots. Delicious, but probably not nutritious.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 14, 2017, 11:51:09 PM
Huh, thought I'd replied to the onion bit. My bread went bad, so I melted cheese over tater tots. Delicious, but probably not nutritious.
had to look this up. look nice to me, sod the healthiness of them
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 15, 2017, 12:06:09 AM
They are sort of like hash brown pillows that are frozen and then cooked in the oven.  A guilty pleasure to the potato lovers among us.

I'm drinking a glass of Red Wine, having  rewatched the last episode of Season 2 of Trailer Park Boys.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 16, 2017, 08:40:41 AM
I'm about to do another survey, this time without my digital measure!

Perhaps I'll just drink red wine and watch some TV. Sounds heavenly to me at the moment.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 17, 2017, 12:16:29 AM
I am recovering from red wine
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 25, 2017, 12:31:41 AM
 ;D drinking red wine and getting ready to watch Southland, a cop show.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 29, 2017, 12:37:26 AM
deciding what to do today
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: kayos0826 on July 29, 2017, 05:02:57 PM
trying to decide if I have to fart or go poop
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 29, 2017, 05:46:53 PM
Nothing worse than a "GNL (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=GNL)" (definition 2).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 29, 2017, 11:58:22 PM
 ::) learn something new everyday

recovering from a party around my parents as my father has built a bar and opened it  :) :).
dodging the rain drops, it was a good night
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on July 30, 2017, 01:24:29 AM
Getting ready to get some sleep after being sucked into a 4 hour work task I though I'd just spend 30 min on.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 30, 2017, 02:53:49 AM
Everybody got their dues in life to pay... but sometimes it's like "stop you are actually killing me" and then your employer says "so you CAN make it in" like they caught you, and the jig is up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 30, 2017, 03:16:25 AM
Ranting about RideLondon.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 31, 2017, 12:22:29 AM
Ranting about RideLondon.
Didn't quite have the ambience of  "Tour de France".  :)

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 31, 2017, 12:34:44 AM
getting ready to watch GoT.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 31, 2017, 09:10:49 AM
Be interested to hear what you think of it. Especially when you get to the chicken scene.

Don't worry, the chicken in question is for eating, and already dead. I know Mash had a fairly traumatic chicken scene.

I bent up, bad. We have two hair cutting machines, both made by remington. When lazy, I use the one with a vaccum attached.

I looked at it, and decided 9 was longer than I'd like, and went with a 3. On the other machine, this leaves more of a trim look than a cut.

Well I was wrong, this machine goes more towards the travis bickle look.

Now I'm wondering if I should shave the rest or ask my mom to try and save the hair on top of my head, since it's the sides I've bent up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 31, 2017, 04:33:34 PM
Nodding off on the sofa.  Now I have no chance of watching anything on TV and will have to turn in.

I hate it when that happens.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on July 31, 2017, 04:44:36 PM
I know Mash had a fairly traumatic chicken scene.

Kinda flipped me out when I realized the chicken wasn't a chicken afterall  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 31, 2017, 11:57:43 PM
I watched it.  Maybe I was tired.  Don't remember any chickens.  Cowards, yes.  Poison lipstick?  Check.  Non-chicken chickens?  Nope.  Maybe I need to watch it again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 01, 2017, 04:21:32 PM
I'm savouring the last moments of this age before I become a year older tomorrow.

Methuselah ain't got nuttin on me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 02, 2017, 04:09:11 AM
Methuselah? Young pup.

Sort out the weather, boss. It never rains on my birthday but I fear you missed the memo this year.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 02, 2017, 04:49:37 PM
Bright and shiny here. Mom unloaded a podcast worth of vitriol on me, but I got a sandwich out of it, so yay sandwich.

Also. Racism. She usually hides it well, but apparently it's a day of stereotypes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 03, 2017, 12:03:46 AM
A corrective to bright and shiny:  The Great Stink.  I'm reading about the history of sewers lately.  Before they built the various embankments, they used to dump raw sewage into the Thames.  Not a great move when it comes to protecting the water supply for a large city.
https://soundcloud.com/yaleuniversity/dickens-darwin-disraeli-and-the-great-stink-of-1858 (https://soundcloud.com/yaleuniversity/dickens-darwin-disraeli-and-the-great-stink-of-1858)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 03, 2017, 12:10:45 AM
A corrective to bright and shiny:  The Great Stink.  I'm reading about the history of sewers lately.
https://soundcloud.com/yaleuniversity/dickens-darwin-disraeli-and-the-great-stink-of-1858 (https://soundcloud.com/yaleuniversity/dickens-darwin-disraeli-and-the-great-stink-of-1858)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 03, 2017, 05:13:41 PM
A corrective to bright and shiny:  The Great Stink.  I'm reading about the history of sewers lately.  Before they built the various embankments, they used to dump raw sewage into the Thames.  Not a great move when it comes to protecting the water supply for a large city.
https://soundcloud.com/yaleuniversity/dickens-darwin-disraeli-and-the-great-stink-of-1858 (https://soundcloud.com/yaleuniversity/dickens-darwin-disraeli-and-the-great-stink-of-1858)

It's not a pretty river and it's pretty hard to love.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 04, 2017, 12:44:59 AM
No.  It's rather inaccessible.  And hearing of the history of human pollution doesn't really endear it to one, but it serves as both transportation venue and impediment.  I am reading about bridges and tunnels lately, and the rail system.

Found today a youtube documentary by Sir Peter Bazalgette, "The Great Stink."  There's apparently been a good deal of interest  in recent years about public works.  Bazalgette's grandfather designed the sewer system that was encapsulated in the Victoria Embankment. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 04, 2017, 11:56:11 PM
off on holls, bye bye
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 09, 2017, 04:13:55 PM
"Loving" a river led my imagination on a very colourful set of thought experiments, thank-you.

... but to summarise my mental adventure, I can see how loving a river is hard difficult.

Not a angler I take it?

There is always the Severn Bore. That can inspire a pilgrimage.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 10, 2017, 03:47:51 PM
"a angler"

'an angler', then.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 10, 2017, 11:12:42 PM
My sister used to have to travel to Seoul on business a lot and she'd come back with wacky souvenirs.  One, a hat featuring a leaping trout with a hook in its mouth said, "Let's angling together."  Somebody in the garment factory must have gotten his English expressions out of a dictionary without checking on particular idioms.

I expect that the volume of such trespasses would curl chrisT's hair.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 10, 2017, 11:19:54 PM
That's a niche market in and of itself. Dunno if I like it being called "engrish", that just seems pointlessly racist.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 11, 2017, 02:06:50 PM
Making apricot jam.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on August 13, 2017, 11:21:45 AM
Checking in to see what you all are up to, granddaughter is screeching her head off  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 15, 2017, 03:04:00 PM
Checking in to see what you all are up to, granddaughter is screeching her head off  ;D

I hope she's not 23.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on August 15, 2017, 05:12:16 PM
I hope she's not 23.
She's not gonna make it to 23 if she doesn't stop the tantrums  ;D

J/K, she's 3
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 16, 2017, 04:22:28 PM
She's not gonna make it to 23 if she doesn't stop the tantrums  ;D

J/K, she's 3

The terrible twos tend to last about 17 years. But I'm sure you already know that.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 16, 2017, 10:42:11 PM
Checking in.  Haven't been able to raise the site in days.  Keep getting error messages.  Weird.  Nice to be back.  Gotta get back to work now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 18, 2017, 09:42:28 AM
debating whether to call social services to come and take daughter away.
Tell her mother to Pizz Off and then expect to go out started an avalanche of arguments  :-[ :-[
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 19, 2017, 04:48:12 PM
27. And counting.

The boy turned 15 today and I'm still waiting for him to realise that this coming academic year he has the rest of his GCSEs to sit, and then he has a couple of years of A levels to ace.

Instead, he's chosen this time to pour all his money (my money really) into building a gaming computer that he believes won't interfere with his studies.

He's meant to be clever, you know..

debating whether to call social services to come and take daughter away.
Tell her mother to Pizz Off and then expect to go out started an avalanche of arguments  :-[ :-[

Daughters eh (and apparently grand daughters). Can't live with 'em and can't live with 'em.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on August 19, 2017, 05:29:43 PM
The terrible twos tend to last about 17 years. But I'm sure you already know that.

She has been diagnosed with severe autism, we have no idea how she will be in the future, but it's a rush at this time to get her into behavioural modification programs, they apparently have had good success with children when they are young.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 20, 2017, 01:33:14 AM
It must be very difficult figuring out the best way forward in your situation.  I hope that the program you've found is very effective and that she has a full and happy life.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 20, 2017, 05:15:43 AM
have just repaired a mixer tap in the kitchen
when you turn on a little water then none  ???
good old you tube showed me the way to fix it. Worse thing was unscrewing the tap body  :o :o needed a good wrench to loosen it   (the whole mixer tap moved which scared the living out of me) and all's well.   :) :)

need a good drink to get over the exertion  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on August 20, 2017, 06:46:02 AM
It must be very difficult figuring out the best way forward in your situation.  I hope that the program you've found is very effective and that she has a full and happy life.

Looks like it will be a good program for her, the primary focus at this time is speech and language, she doesn't talk yet but certainly has no problem making all the correct sounds at her will. Formulating words just isn't happening yet. Thanks for the encouragement  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on September 21, 2017, 09:05:48 AM
Relaxing before work tonight
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 21, 2017, 10:13:44 AM
Hi Bea!
I'm drinking coffee in an effort to rejoin the living.  Some days it seems there's just not enough caffeine in the world.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 21, 2017, 03:44:21 PM
Hi Bea!
I'm drinking coffee in an effort to rejoin the living.  Some days it seems there's just not enough caffeine in the world.

Personally, I'm a big fan of armodafinil.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 22, 2017, 11:49:28 AM
changing the bell on my wife's bike
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on October 09, 2017, 08:06:11 PM
Eating ice cream
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 09, 2017, 08:17:58 PM
Cleaning the removable plates on my new-to-me foreman grill.

The cheeseburger sucked, but that's what I get for buying frozen pucks [store wanted like nine dollars for meat]

F that noise.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on October 09, 2017, 08:31:20 PM
I eat a cheese burger at work once a week.  Try thawing the frozen patty first w/o a microwave, take it out in the mornin to cook that day.
Gonna play dragon age till I get sleepy.  Goodnight 8ully
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 09, 2017, 08:35:23 PM
I had a chicken burger for dinner.  Aidell's with caramelized onion.  On a bed of rice with some cherry tomatoes.  It was pretty good.  They freeze well and aren't hard to whip out, thaw and cook.

Now I'm fighting the urge to sleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 17, 2017, 02:21:21 PM
Take away Franco Manca and a large Mauritian rum for me.

Might turn in at 9.30pm and act like a really, really old man.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 21, 2017, 12:14:09 AM
Too much Tiger last night (Ale) suffering atm.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on October 31, 2017, 04:56:51 PM
Getting settled in back from my vacation.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 01, 2017, 08:12:09 AM
not a lot
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on November 01, 2017, 04:59:45 PM
Scouring the local on-line auction, it's an all day affair but the deals on brand new home and home renovation products is incredible.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: drago6650 on November 02, 2017, 05:55:52 AM
Just back from a wedding in Peniscola in Spain, the service was held in the castle that was used in the film for El Cid (which I think most of you will remember :) The food at the hotel after was excellent started with a selection of 20 different tapas followed by a five course sit down meal all drinks free all through afternoon and evening. Fantastic weather, location, food and company.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 02, 2017, 08:11:13 AM
trying to stop "you have had an accident" phone calls
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on November 02, 2017, 10:16:34 AM
Just back from a wedding in Peniscola in Spain, the service was held in the castle that was used in the film for El Cid (which I think most of you will remember :) The food at the hotel after was excellent started with a selection of 20 different tapas followed by a five course sit down meal all drinks free all through afternoon and evening. Fantastic weather, location, food and company.

That was some big wedding, you've been gone for two years!  ;D

Glad you had fun, good to see you again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 02, 2017, 11:56:26 PM
Nice to have you back, drago.  That looks and sounds like a great wedding.  The description is making me hungry.

I'm thinking about Eric Gill, the typographer responsible for the font used for the BBC logo.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on November 04, 2017, 01:54:29 PM
Good to see you Drago.  I eat quite a bit at work six.  Had fish last night and chicken. 
Relaxing with my family before I work tonight.  Evening to you all, see thee soon.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 05, 2017, 04:40:44 AM
just finished work and then food shopping , now relaxing  8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 09, 2017, 05:05:06 PM
My company's Xmas party tonight and I'm a little drunk.

I lied about the "little" bit.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 10, 2017, 04:01:32 AM
My company's Xmas party tonight and I'm a little drunk.

I lied about the "little" bit.

ATM Im wondering how i got home in one piece in the snow and I am definately not going out in it
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 10, 2017, 03:48:02 PM

ATM Im wondering how i got home in one piece in the snow and I am definately not going out in it

Went to a restaurant that's half a mile from the house and I took my little boy who now measures 6 foot and is built like a Maori. If my legs had given way he'd have probably thrown me home.

Hardest part about getting home was carrying the Xmas present the staff bought me. I didn't open it with them (I should have, I know) but I think it's a 5 litre bottle of booze.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 11, 2017, 02:02:25 AM
"Xmas" - what's that? (it sounds like a skin disease).

It was the day after. Christmas just had too many letters.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 11, 2017, 10:56:35 AM
Thinking of an ad campaign to go with the treatment for this malady.

"Do you suffer from moderate to severe Xmas?  Well Adlibitol can help significantly reduce the symptoms if taken twice daily."  Santa could be their spokesperson.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 12, 2017, 02:01:14 PM
Yup. But the first six are the important ones!
;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on December 14, 2017, 06:53:07 PM
smiling.  : ) watching vikings and checking out the christmas tree that took me hours. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 15, 2017, 09:47:04 AM
Replacing my Fitbit Surge strap, the dreaded "bubbling" around the face appeared and Fitbit just didn't give a t0sz even I purchased 8 months ago from ebay.
Hey ho all is better now and the strap looks a lot better
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 16, 2017, 11:03:35 AM
I was nursing recovering from my overdoing it last night, that is, until I went out for an Italian lunch and drank another bottle of vino.

Now I'm trying to recover, but I'm not sure what from.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 21, 2017, 12:38:02 AM
last day at work today until jan 2nd Huzzah
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 29, 2017, 04:18:05 PM
Last day of work until January the second.

I'd have much preferred saying that at the same time as Goldie did.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 30, 2017, 12:47:16 AM
being your own boss and running a business isnt as glamorous as people think. its hard work.

Last party last night and cannot await a day on the sofa watching films or such.
O I forgot out at lunch today for an early 21st birthday meal for my son.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on January 01, 2018, 11:37:42 AM
Still thinking about wine.  I've wanted some all season.  Rearranging my daughter's bedroom, actually converting the guest bedroom I to her bedroom, and packing the rest of her room up.
She has as many books as her mama. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on January 01, 2018, 05:02:46 PM
Still another week off, lots to do around the house. Making a new kitchen but I need to open up some walls. In order to properly install the LVL or GluLam, I need to carry the load through to the basement floor since the existing wall does not rest over the main support beam of the house, so I made 24" x 24" x 12" footings through the sketchy basement floor.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 02, 2018, 01:43:19 AM
work today  :P :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 02, 2018, 11:33:25 AM
Still another week off, lots to do around the house. Making a new kitchen but I need to open up some walls. In order to properly install the LVL or GluLam, I need to carry the load through to the basement floor since the existing wall does not rest over the main support beam of the house, so I made 24" x 24" x 12" footings through the sketchy basement floor.

Good news is it's all wood!

Right now I am booking a weekend in Napoli. I think it's done but apparently I have to wait for confirmation from the hotel.

You'd think lastminutedotcom would have it down pat by now, but it seems all they are really skilled at is taking a payment.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 06, 2018, 02:40:33 PM
Worked all day - Tunman Thai at night.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 06, 2018, 03:24:03 PM
Just got back home after 2.5 weeks on vacation in NC and FL. Sucks.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 07, 2018, 11:56:56 PM
I'm glad you had a nice vacation.  Look at it this way.  If it didn't end, you wouldn't appreciate it as much.

I just came back from the darkside_rg where I hadn't gone in years. I used to pop in there regularly.  I was happy to see it still there.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 08, 2018, 07:35:25 AM
thawing out
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 09, 2018, 03:49:20 PM
"Tunman Thai" being your superhero alter ego, one supposes?

("Tumnan Thai"?)

That's right. My superpower being ear piercing, eye watering, nose bleeding and brian freezing dyslexia.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 09, 2018, 08:22:39 PM
That's right. My superpower being ear piercing, eye watering, nose bleeding and brian freezing dyslexia.

Your dyslexia freezes Brian?!?! Um, who's Brian?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 10, 2018, 12:07:12 AM
I don't know who Brian is either, but I'm getting cold just thinking about him.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on January 10, 2018, 08:25:02 AM

I just came back from the darkside_rg where I hadn't gone in years. I used to pop in there regularly.  I was happy to see it still there.

I'll have to pop in there myself, I would have thought them long gone along with Kingdom kvcd et al.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 10, 2018, 02:48:02 PM
Your dyslexia freezes Brian?!?! Um, who's Brian?

It was thrown in there to validate the dyslexia claim.

He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

There can be only one.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 11, 2018, 03:03:55 PM
I'm packing a light bag for a weekend in Naples.

Got to get up at 3am goddamnit!!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 13, 2018, 12:51:53 AM
you heard the saying
" see Nappies and die"  ;D ;D

I hope you had a great time .
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 15, 2018, 01:40:15 PM
That isn't how you spell nappies.

I should have to see another nappy for at least 20 years.

you heard the saying
" see Nappies and die"  ;D ;D

I hope you had a great time .

It was absolutely perfect.

How often can you say that after a trip.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on January 29, 2018, 08:33:40 AM
Going to sleep.  I work thirds :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 30, 2018, 12:27:48 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 30, 2018, 03:38:43 PM

crying over my bank balance.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 31, 2018, 01:52:45 AM
crying over my bank balance.

i have given up on mine, wife and daughter have control over it
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 03, 2018, 12:19:13 AM
glancing at the rain,
But on the bright side 6 Nations kicks off today
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 05, 2018, 07:57:38 AM
If you didn't earn so much, you wouldn't have to pay so much tax. After all 30% of nuthin' is nuthin'

you know maths then  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I am trying to heat up after cycling home, still cold
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 07, 2018, 08:19:50 AM
still trying to warm the old bones up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on February 07, 2018, 12:42:51 PM
Trying to get sleep for third shift.  It's my birthday, and I came to say thank you for meaning so much to me.  I cherish the people I have met here.  Love to you all.  And a song too.
A tribe called red - Red skin girl
See you soon, my friends
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 07, 2018, 01:15:34 PM
Happy b-day, Bea! I wish you a wonderful day and restful sleep!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 08, 2018, 08:15:16 AM
Trying to get sleep for third shift.  It's my birthday, and I came to say thank you for meaning so much to me.  I cherish the people I have met here.  Love to you all.  And a song too.
A tribe called red - Red skin girl
See you soon, my friends

hope you had a good day  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 08, 2018, 02:37:54 PM
Happy belated, Bea.

Had a try out with contacts today but it didn't go so well. The size and roughness of my hands vs teeny, weeny little floppy lenses, resulted in many self inflicted pokes in the eyes and many many lenses on the floor.

I'll stick to being blind and vain.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 09, 2018, 06:32:49 AM
I'll stick to being blind and vain.
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/goldshirt9/WVM-June-2016-Mary-Fran-LIFE-Image-1-1_zpsyfnnqvpe.jpg) (http://s245.photobucket.com/user/goldshirt9/media/WVM-June-2016-Mary-Fran-LIFE-Image-1-1_zpsyfnnqvpe.jpg.html)

happens to us all (the blind mostly for me)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on February 22, 2018, 08:19:25 AM
Drinking coffee, letting Facebook get the best of me with the "They they they" chanting.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 22, 2018, 10:24:20 AM
having just replaced all my garage lighting I am resting.
Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 24, 2018, 07:53:05 PM
Trying to figure out why I haven't been able to get to Disafora from home for over a week now (posting this from work connection).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 25, 2018, 12:37:35 AM
cooking fresh croissants and building up the courage to take dogs for a cold walk
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 25, 2018, 07:01:54 AM
Trying to figure out why I haven't been able to get to Disafora from home for over a week now (posting this from work connection).

What you doing going to disafora anywho. diasfora is where it's at.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 25, 2018, 02:36:38 PM
Oops, please forgive the typo.

Not sure what is going on but I'm blaming Comcast and the repeal of Net Neutrality.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 26, 2018, 12:24:05 AM
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-43195160 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-43195160)

I know it well,
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 27, 2018, 12:55:21 AM
due to daughter having a cooking exam I must take her with a thousand pots+pans+food to school in rush hour through a village with one road  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 27, 2018, 01:17:05 AM
I used to have an absolutely killer cooking set that nested perfectly, had temp gauges, and never let me down. But... roommates.

I slept through the day, which scares me sometimes. Missed out on the Mcnugget sauce.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 27, 2018, 11:45:55 AM
Trying to figure out if I was conned by the bloke that sold me "J"

("J" is a 2010 XJ, to go with "K", my 2000 XK8)

So let's get this straight. You are now officially John Prescott?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 28, 2018, 09:50:13 PM
I used to have an absolutely killer cooking set that nested perfectly, had temp gauges, and never let me down. But... roommates.

I slept through the day, which scares me sometimes. Missed out on the Mcnugget sauce.

I blame the dark cloudy weather.  I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how to install Windows via Virtual Box on a Mac.  Boy am I a moron.  So through some miracle, I got that to work.  Why?  Because I'm taking a class and the textbook has a cd with ancient software that requires a Windows platform.  So I obtain Windows 10, and to my amazement, I get it up and running.  Wow.  So I insert the cd and after about 15 minutes of trying to figure out how to open it in Windows, I manage it.  Then, after it finally loads, it tells me that I'm running an Os too advanced for the software.  So now I have to create another Virtual Box drive with Windows 8.  Right now I just want to sit in a corner and drool.  Time to give up for the night and watch TV.

Still.  I'm amazed at what I can manage to do on this ancient iMac.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 01, 2018, 01:15:44 AM
you could try windows xp / 7 if that old a cd.
also doesnt apple allow you to install windoze via their app or similar
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 01, 2018, 11:21:13 PM
Thank you, both, Chris and goldie, for those suggestions.  To enhance my experience, my optical drive has given up the ghost, so I had to order an external one that should be delivered tomorrow.  The cd goes in and just pretty much sits there, won't load.  There isn't anything wrong with it, unless it's the shiny surface of the labeled side that prevents the drive from grasping it in order to spin up and read it.

So, this afternoon, I went to the computer lab in the library and they wouldn't let me open the software on the school computer.  Go figure.  It's the textbook and required software for a computer course and they won't let me use the computer lab to do my work.  The IT people have to approve this. They're worried about viruses.

The textbook has been used for the last 3 years, but they looked at me like I'd just beamed down from a star cruiser when I explained that I just wanted to use the school's computer to do coursework. 

So after all these computer olympics, tonight I just feel vanquished.  Think I'll read some old science fiction.  I was reading Ringworld by Larry Niven but I got bored after about 50 pages.  Think I'll take it to the free neighborhood library and let someone else have at it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 03, 2018, 12:40:04 AM
is the "cd" info you want not online anywhere ?

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 03, 2018, 04:53:26 PM
Watching stuff on my new 50" Samsung curved TV, and wishing my eyes were UHD.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 04, 2018, 12:32:38 AM
Watching stuff on my new 50" Samsung curved TV, and wishing my eyes were UHD.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on March 04, 2018, 08:56:15 AM
Just back from a week in the tropics, trying hard to readjust. I need a vacation from my vacation.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 04, 2018, 04:12:58 PM
is the "cd" info you want not online anywhere ?

Sadly, no.  I did just get the new optical drive in the post.  So I can download the information and set up Windows 7 so I can finally do the homework.  Frankly, you'd think that a course that was teaching business computer techniques would take into account that some businesses do use Apple computers, or at least make some accommodations for Apple computer students.  The idea that I can't go to campus to do this work in a computer lab is absurd.  If the lab isn't for this, then why do they even have one?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on March 04, 2018, 08:42:16 PM
I still cant pronounce is diasfora haha, still.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 04, 2018, 10:27:24 PM

It's easier than doing taxes for dead people.  Nice to see you (tarascon says hello & he was asking about you).  I hope you are thriving, Bea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 05, 2018, 07:56:53 AM
Just back from a week in the tropics, trying hard to readjust. I need a vacation from my vacation.
you always need a holiday to get over a holiday  ;D ;D

" The idea that I can't go to campus to do this work in a computer lab is absurd.  If the lab isn't for this, then why do they even have one?"
had a similar problem with my son, he could access and use De Montfort University library but not borrow or remain in their library  :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 20, 2018, 09:54:59 AM
I couldn't get in here yesterday.  Can't figure out why.  Got "forbidden" and 403 errors.  Odd.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 21, 2018, 09:20:32 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 30, 2018, 12:01:44 PM
I couldn't get in here yesterday.  Can't figure out why.  Got "forbidden" and 403 errors.  Odd.

I checked the logs both for the software here and through our hosting package. There is nothing showing out of place or any errors reported. The one thing that has changed is that SSL was installed so we have https (secure) access to the site. This is a fairly recent thing but I think it does coincide with some of your access issues. If it happens again, try both versions.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 30, 2018, 08:14:56 PM
I used to get that a lot on mobile. My phone seems to remember the site fairly well now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 01, 2018, 11:12:37 AM
Thinking that someone should wish y'all a Happy Easter.  Hope you are all having a good day.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 01, 2018, 05:38:53 PM
Having a pretty good Easter due to finally having a break from work.

That and having my family over and plenty of good food and drink of course.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on April 02, 2018, 02:19:29 AM
I'm a little later folks, happy Easter, godbless
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 03, 2018, 12:53:41 AM
last day off work, soon be the weekend  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 04, 2018, 11:50:11 AM
last day off work, soon be the weekend  ;D

I just finished a 9 month contract and thought life would get easier doing lots of smaller scale work for a while.

What an utter load of bullcrap thinking that. It's just work multiplied.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 04, 2018, 12:25:04 PM
I just finished a 9 month contract and thought life would get easier doing lots of smaller scale work for a while.

What an utter load of bullcrap thinking that. It's just work multiplied.
at least you have work
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 04, 2018, 04:12:30 PM
But you are free of THAT contract.

One of the reasons I never use Charon as my follower in FO3 is because the first thing he does once you hold his contract is blow the head off his previous contract holder. Just seems like poor foresight.

Plus then I wouldn't get dogmeat, bestest companion.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: brickbatz on April 06, 2018, 01:17:24 PM
I put 2 new radiator fans and 3 new case fans in my PC. I'm enjoying watching the CPU and GPU temps drop to ~half what they were.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 06, 2018, 10:50:50 PM
awake  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 07, 2018, 03:39:22 PM
But you are free of THAT contract.

Almost. But the damn snagging it proving difficult to clear.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on April 10, 2018, 08:57:20 AM
I gutted my kitchen in mid-March, right down to the brick. Re-wired for the new configuration and am slowly but surely getting it put together. It's difficult to get major renovations done while working full time, bless my wife though, she's been very patient cooking with portable appliances and washing dishes in the upstairs bathroom.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on April 10, 2018, 07:16:11 PM
^ :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 12, 2018, 03:32:36 PM
Shoulda gotten it right first time. Bloody builders.

The property was huge and my brief contained all the major work. Once finished, you are left with an artist's brush touching up all the knicks and knacks that become like painting the Golden Gate bridge.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 12, 2018, 10:38:06 PM
The property was huge and my brief contained all the major work. Once finished, you are left with an artist's brush touching up all the knicks and knacks that become like painting the Golden Gate bridge.

start one side to the other and then back to the beginning then back to the other side then back to the.....
I know what you mean.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 13, 2018, 12:54:02 AM
The property was huge and my brief contained all the major work. Once finished, you are left with an artist's brush touching up all the knicks and knacks that become like painting the Golden Gate bridge.

I had a great uncle who once worked as a painter on the Golden Gate Bridge.  I think he was a frustrated artist.  He used to draw cartoons on the asphalt of the street for us.  I remember him drawing Popeye and Olive Oyl. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 16, 2018, 10:26:06 PM
Excuses, excuses. Bloody builders.

(The Forth Rail Bridge used to be the metric for continuous labour - when did this change?)

May 28, 1937, apparently.  Isn't the Firth of Forth a place similar to the Golden Gate?  Opening from a bay (tidal estuary) to an ocean?  The currents are very intense and there are rapid changes in weather there.

What am I doing?  Round three of my insanely complex income taxes.  We have to submit about 15 schedules, no kidding, and to three separate states.  Back to the slog.  It's due tomorrow, thank god, so there will be an end to this.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 17, 2018, 04:29:26 PM
Excuses, excuses. Bloody builders.

(The Forth Rail Bridge used to be the metric for continuous labour - when did this change?)

I don't give excuses, I give "explanations".

One could say they're cleverly disguised excuses, but that way round it's the client that has to make the decision once all the information and options are available to them. My conscience stays clear.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 17, 2018, 05:27:00 PM
The day Volkswagen was founded? Wow, what a coincidence.

What a coincidence indeed.  If only I could find an image of a Volkswagen driving across the Golden Gate bridge on opening day...
http://goldengate.org/exhibits/images/facts-and-figures-opening-day.jpg?pda=true (http://goldengate.org/exhibits/images/facts-and-figures-opening-day.jpg?pda=true)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 18, 2018, 10:42:43 AM
basking in the  sunshine while it lasts
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 18, 2018, 03:44:37 PM
basking in the  sunshine while it lasts

If it lasts till Friday, everyone will be complaining about the heat.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 19, 2018, 08:33:37 AM
So there is this guy, criminal really, who uses my phone number for poo. My phone company charges $15 to change numbers, so I just curse at whoever calls me looking for him. It's kinda fun. Collection threats and Lawyers abound, and I just told walgreens that I think he's a real damn' piece of poo.

Apparently he either hits people with cars, or is hit by cars frequently. Reminds me of the insurance scam activity in saints row.

I'd love to talk to the guy for five minutes, to explain my displeasure with him.

I did have fun cursing at the Florida power and light employee who said he was going to ruin my credit. I guarantee the bumper car fool had poo credit to begin with.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 20, 2018, 12:49:12 AM
This sounds like identity theft to me.  I'd try calling the phone company, explaining what was happening and asking for help.

I'm learning how to use an HP12C financial calculator. It has a memory and is programmable in a cool retro 1980's techie way.  It's still very much in use.  Somebody on Freecycle gave it to me to help with an applied math course I'm taking.  Big fun.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 20, 2018, 04:05:51 AM
That's how I found out they charge $15 to change the number.

Reddit has a section showing texts where girls give out wrong numbers on purpose, funny stuff

Old tech really does have a charm. I've played my 89 gameboy a lot more than my psp 3000 (mainly because the 3000 blocks homebrew, but I think I prefer simple games while mobile.

Plus, your new skill is useful and applicable. Sometimes I lose to myself in tetris, damn s pieces.

I made a noodle dish for dinner, but did not enjoy it. Otherwise, nothing interesting to report.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 23, 2018, 12:12:21 AM
recovering from spending the weekend on a friends narrowboat, with a couple of beer festivals thrown in for fun.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 23, 2018, 10:49:51 AM
recovering from spending the weekend on a friends narrowboat, with a couple of beer festivals thrown in for fun.

Wow! those narrowboats must be spacious.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 24, 2018, 12:11:40 AM
micro is the way to go  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 25, 2018, 02:56:48 AM
I'm currently on an East coast train on the way to Newcastle.

Not a nice day as I'm travelling to the funeral of a good friend of mine who took his own life on the 11th.

Not really looking forward to this at all.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 25, 2018, 10:54:50 AM
I'm currently on an East coast train on the way to Newcastle.

Not a nice day as I'm travelling to the funeral of a good friend of mine who took his own life on the 11th.

Not really looking forward to this at all.

So sorry to hear about your friend, smokes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 26, 2018, 12:25:07 AM
I'm currently on an East coast train on the way to Newcastle.

Not a nice day as I'm travelling to the funeral of a good friend of mine who took his own life on the 11th.

Not really looking forward to this at all.
sad but best of
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 27, 2018, 04:17:58 PM
The funeral ended up quite a lot of fun. Sure there were very sad moments, but on the whole everyone celebrated the memories of their friend/relative.

There was even too much booze for me! I know now that Geordies really know how to party.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 28, 2018, 12:32:10 AM
The funeral ended up quite a lot of fun. Sure there were very sad moments, but on the whole everyone celebrated the memories of their friend/relative.

There was even too much booze for me! I know now that Geordies really know how to party.
Never too much booze
Always remember the good / funny times

Spent most of a day off friday trying to get a infection in my tooth sorted out   :o :o
Now am looking at the rain and thinking I am not going to get the caravan out for a once over  :-\ :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 01, 2018, 12:04:08 AM
They should set up schools, then, to share their expertise.

I'm trying to decide whether to go to bed, work, or just screw around until I'm tired.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 01, 2018, 01:13:12 PM
Oh yes.

And how to sport a T-shirt in high winds and freezing weather.

Oh indeed they have. All across the northeast.

I didn't realise that St James' Park was so central to the city. It's true that everything revolves around football in Newcastle - literally!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 02, 2018, 03:34:24 PM
... or tube top and miniskirt!

And you should see what the women wear!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 04, 2018, 01:15:57 PM
Circled the sun again, against best efforts.

I intentionally fudged the details on my Facebook profile, my guess is a relative corrected it. Still, facebook asks for charity contributions on your birthday. My guess is those charities are run by ferengi and zucky gets a kickback.

So I'm still here. Dunno how I feel about it. Still didn't get the portal cake, so that's 11 years running.

It's literally the only thing I ask for, every year. One time an aunt said she would get one, and did not. Zinger!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 05, 2018, 12:41:00 AM
Circled the sun again, against best efforts.

So I'm still here. Dunno how I feel about it. Still didn't get the portal cake, so that's 11 years running.

Well, I, for one, am pleased that you are still around.  You brighten up the place.  Happy birthday!  If I were closer, I'd bake you a cake.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 05, 2018, 01:29:06 AM
Coupdn't  find chromecast and mom wanted to see the marvel movies before IW, she saw the new spidey, Tom holland, talking poo on man buns. And she hates man buns.

I added up redbox rental fees, said golly that, and bought another chromecast.

IM1 and 2 tonight. She kept asking why the house was still there, apparently she's seen 3 on TV.

Tarin tiny, fk it, leaving it, movies don't make sense to her, she still wonders how Travolta made it from the uzi bath to the diner.

I think I mentioned this in the movie thread, but you can see if thanos killed you in the new one. I got spared (maybe for my birthday)

One crap thing, chromecast apparently has a blacklist for some sites, including my favorite, onitube.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 05, 2018, 04:25:40 AM
Everybody knows the sun circles the earth.

Happy Bidet 8ully!

I found out last night that a  friend of a friend is selling his old Merc. When I say old, it's actually like a brand new car with a gazillion extras that this guy has fitted. He's selling it today in Manchester but after i dropped him home last night and actually saw the beast, I want it so, so bad it hurts.

Unfortunately/forunately (depending on your position), this guy is an engineer for the Italian armed forces and he is too honourable to let the original buyer down - even with a 4 hour drive to drop it off.

I'm very sad........
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 18, 2018, 12:23:36 AM
detoxing, After a week in the frying pan of south Spain visiting family (where it only dropped below 30° after 12.pm) I drank too much.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on August 18, 2018, 06:41:45 PM
Onto my 3rd week of holidays, Mom has been very ill so I've been at her place every day. Hopefully they figure out what is wrong with her this week, when I go back to work she'll be alone for the better part of the day and can't really do much for herself.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 19, 2018, 12:29:22 AM
hope all goes well for you
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on August 19, 2018, 09:35:11 PM
Laying in bed watching breaking bad.  I feel pretty good.  Hello Six, I hope you and your husband are well. 
8ullfrog, it's high time I send you a p.m.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 19, 2018, 10:09:40 PM
9 pm here, so like 34 am east coast.

where in bb you at?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 20, 2018, 01:08:14 AM
back from  Los Angeles.
the temp on the way back at a pitstop north of the city (100 mi north) was 105 fahrenheit.  It's 59 now, here.

A grueling visit, lots of hard physical labor disposing of a relative's belongings in the intense heat.  Now I'm having a campari and soda.

Bea, it's great to see you back on here.  I love breaking bad.  It's really good.
Alfonz, I'm sorry to hear about your mother.  I hope they can find a treatable diagnosis.  It's worrying to have to deal with these issues.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on August 20, 2018, 05:49:14 PM
Ha. You are good, 8ully. 

Thanks you Six, I appologize for being distant, life catches up.  Sometimes i log on and don't know what to say.  I really wish I could speak to you and 8ully as I do my everyday friends I see.  I'm really close nit with the people i love.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 30, 2018, 01:01:19 AM
The new Gmail loading screen was driving me up the wall so I set it to basic HTML. I kinda dig it. It looks like poo, but loads fast. Which is what I want out of webmail.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 02, 2018, 02:56:01 AM
I went into the settings to see if I could replicate what you did, but there was no html only option.  Did you do this via the browser?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 02, 2018, 08:39:41 AM
 ::) use bluemail, great app.

ATM trying to calm down after a truly heated debate with senior bosses at work.They seem to think they are doing us a favour making redundancies so greater flexibility with no more incentives is a great deal for the remaining workforce. ???
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 02, 2018, 11:08:42 AM
Thanks for the suggestion.  I mostly access email from home on my desktop.  Maybe 8ully was talking about gmail on the app.  I was unable to make any adjustments on the desktop to it.   

My iPhone 6 battery isn't holding a charge much.  I have a genius bar (ha ha) appointment on Thursday to see about swapping it out.  Hopefully they won't charge me through the nose for it.  I thought it might be free or cheap, but I can't remember. There was some announcment a while back about the new iOs deliberately slowing the 6 and fussing about the battery, but my mind is a swamp these days.  Too much to keep track of.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 02, 2018, 02:19:22 PM
Google rolls out "features" in a non clear manner, they do their A/B testing without those pesky ethics. You of course, agreed to this in the EULA.

The latest update is to the main desktop gmail experience. While it is on it's pointless loading screen, you can click view basic html (slow connections) and it will make gmail very ugly, but very fast.

Right now I'm trying to figure out how to hard reset chrome on android, all the instructions I am finding, including directly from the help menu IN chrome android refer to the desktop solution.

Mom installed a sweepstakes app. yeah. And my roommate had an unsolicited attempt from gotomypc which he says he never installed.

Holy crap this week is not fun. And it's only Tuesday.

There was a free or discounted iphone battery replacement program, but they said it won't be continued much longer. I don't have an iPhone, so I don't have those dates handy.

Of course, they were shamed into this. Eh, at least it has precident, I had to swap the battery on my G4 Pbook. I really miss that thing. It still works, but the internet hates it, so it is a paperweight.

As to bosses, I am very sorry you're going through with that goldshirt. I watched a CVS employee get yelled at by a manager for working the register instead of stocking shelves. He was the only register open.

It seems do more with less has become do more with nothing. And like it! damn millenials!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 03, 2018, 03:15:43 AM
About $25 if you get it done before Christmas.
Thanks.  I thought I'd hightail it to the Genius Bar after my next door neighbor informed me that they had decided that swapping the battery was too much work, so they gave him an iphone 7 instead.  That sounded promising, so I figured, at worst, I'd get a new battery, at best, a new phone.

goldie, your bosses sound like a collective bunch of dicks.  I had a job at a library where they decided not to bother hiring replacements for 2 full time people in my dept but to make all of us do the extra work.  Morale dropped to a new low and it was awful to see the change in attitudes as people began resenting one another, making snarky comments behind one another's backs.  I soon got sick of the place and moved on.  Went back to school instead of that, but I was much younger.  I'm sure that, for you, it's not an option, but a major problem.  Still, if changing companies is a possibility, I'd be looking into it as soon as it became feasible.

8ully, I did see the option to change gmail in the lower right hand side of the screen and swapped -- it is quicker, although the lines are smaller and closer together.  It reminds me of the older gmail.  God only knows why they opted for the bloated new loading screen.  How many moments of our lives will we waste watching that fat envelope fill in the screen?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 03, 2018, 02:11:01 PM
Exactly! And the reason it looks old is because it is, that's good old HTML, without any bloat.

I miss the HTML internet. JavaScript is a bag of dicks. And no one wants a bag of dicks.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 04, 2018, 11:22:19 PM
A choir of castrati might have some use for them.

I think that if they're going to name a script after coffee, it should at least keep you awake, or failing that, amused.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on October 12, 2018, 05:23:36 PM
Still don't know what to say, so that pretty much also sums up my usages of gmail, and other internet options where I would miss a certain platform.  And to be blunt, my personal intelligence level has a far shorter span than the lot of yous.  Soon though, I'll have two p.c.'s to play with. Storage and such.  It'll take me a few months yet for internet, maybe two but I doubt another holiday season will see a better income, or increase in possible savings.
Despite having limited options i have devised a way to use gmail when is necessary and avoid this phone until i get a computer back, reasonably, I do still youtube and pintrest to death and post to friends, social media is kindly if you venture slowly, and I could care less for stigmas, thanks to good friends, again;) life is a therapy, I'm sure.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 14, 2018, 04:51:41 AM
Some companies have internet services for low income individuals for as low as 5 or 10 bucks a month.  Here's a link.  https://lowincomerelief.com/how-to-get-free-internet-almost/ (https://lowincomerelief.com/how-to-get-free-internet-almost/)

I'm drinking warm peppermint tea during a regular middle of the night waking.  Go to sleep at 12, wake up at 3.  Oh joy supreme.  What's annoying is that I'm pretty much too tired to get anything productive done.  Just sort of sitting here like a zombie until I can go back to sleep.  So, hello.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on October 19, 2018, 04:12:09 PM
I'm looking forward to my tea and an episode of Penny Dreadful.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 19, 2018, 04:25:19 PM
I really liked Penny Dreadful.

I'm making fig/orange marmalade.  The house smells great.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 19, 2018, 11:51:06 PM
I'm making fig/orange marmalade.  The house smells great.

had on holiday a fig wrapped in bacon baked / fried  OMG it was divine. must find recipe
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 31, 2018, 06:17:22 PM
Waiting to entice young children to take away as much candy as they can carry.  I hear their happy little voices outside.  I hope there are some good costumes this year.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 01, 2018, 08:16:43 AM
No one came to us this Halloween. Very hit and miss over here
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 01, 2018, 03:04:35 PM
No one came to us this Halloween. Very hit and miss over here

This year I saw that folk had trick or treat signs on their doors and our bell never rang once. Considering I live in the thick of it and had no random callers, I think it's changed now to invitation only.

Very sensible if that's the case.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 01, 2018, 06:36:08 PM
Neighbors decided to use their driveway as a party venue. full stack speakers, drunken espanol caraoke, and more oompa oompa than an oompa Loompa. You haven't truly learned to hate achy breaky heart until you've heard it en espanol with oompa oompa added for additional bile inducement.

I hate that music so very much.

It's not the first time they've done this, there was a birthday party two weeks ago where they did the same thing. I don't want to be that racist who calls the police on neighbors being "ethnic".

Not to mention, the driveway is a postage stamp.

I didn't get any trick or treaters, and I had the flu, so no candy for me.

I did have some broth though. Partied hard on halloween, when I really would have preferred to sleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 02, 2018, 04:54:39 AM
ATM I am being bombarded by Apple updates on pc and pad and families phones  :(
just when backing up photos to drive  :-\
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 02, 2018, 09:58:10 AM
drinking tea and looking at accounting problems
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 02, 2018, 11:41:01 PM
accounting problems

never ends, my children have now grown up, I did think I would be richer  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Freemake updated and I lost the use of adding subtitles to films, looking for a code  :(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 03, 2018, 09:27:55 PM
Neighbors escalated. Punched my mom's window out. They were screaming at her, she was screaming at them. I had a look at the crazy madam, her eyes were like that old howard stern poster. Essentially not someone who can be reasoned with, so I shut the window, and she punched it out.

Most laid back interaction I've ever had with the police though. Met a nice neighbor who backed up the fact that I did not escalate and simply closed the window.

Also shared that CB threatened to have her boyfriend kill my mom, which I missed.

I don't know if there will be anything done about this, but I worry about getting evicted fairly constantly, since they could just raise the rent two hundred and fill the place the next day.

Really wish I could afford to move. We're not even on the ground floor! I mean my room is, but mom isn't.

it's like this


second level  --- APT           Hill
                                         Hill CB PARKING
                              Me End Hill
-------------------------- ---- ---- ---
    AHOLES     Postage driveway
      PA SYSTEM Postage driveway
LOT OF APARTMENTS                                             
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 03, 2018, 09:52:25 PM
That sounds terrible.  Maybe you can take out a restraining order on the violent neighbor.  Real estate in CA is horribly expensive.  We managed through extraordinary good luck to buy our apt with other tenants in the building in a good neighborhood at a reasonable price, cheaper than renting in the same area.   Prices just keep rising since tech people are moving here with young families as San Francisco is outrageous and Silicon Valley even more egregious.  I expect there are parallel pressures where you are.

It's a shame that people are so inconsiderate of others living in close proximity.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 03, 2018, 10:19:51 PM
She doesn't live here. I think her mom lives in the house of assholes?

Her boyfriend deals under my mom's window, out of his truck, and when he plays the OOMPA OOMPA music she yells shut the golly up. Usually he scurries off like a cockroach, but always comes back. He turns in super wide and super fast, I would laugh if he hit the building.

My guess is amphetamines, from the way her eyes were bugged the golly out, and that she damn near spidermanned up the wall, but I don't want to throw out accusations like that to a cop, so I just said "crazy".

One thing about the gentrification that bugs me is the nike hat white athletic clothes women either madam about the area, or that other people like them are also moving there. Like they don't see that the problem wasn't LA, the evil was in their heart the whole time.

It's weird, I have a lot of Mexican neighbors, and they might as well be ghosts considering how often I see them. We might nod at each other when getting the mail, but I couldn't even tell you which apartment they live in.

Not bottom house though, it's like sealab 2021.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 05, 2018, 09:36:24 PM
Ha.  I don't have cable tv so I miss out on these gems.

I'll have to look into SeaLab 2021, as it sounds demented.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 06, 2018, 11:30:42 AM
They took animation from a 1972 Hanna-Barbera cartoon and cut it together with crazy. These are the people who bring you Archer.

Radio Free Sealab was the pilot, so it shouldn't be too hard to track down. The show lost focus when the voice actor Harry Goz died. They tried to keep going, but it wasn't at the same level ever again.

There is an episode where Captain Murphy is trapped under a vending machine, his only companion a scorpion with hallucinogenic venom, and a robot Roomba. The Roomba does not help, and merely collects Captain Murphy's teeth when cans are launched at his face from the vending machine.

Flavors include Mingus Dew and Bebop Cola. Sometimes Archer has some CRAZY references, and Sealab doesn't skip leg day.

https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6gp4bw   RADIO FREE SEALAB.

It's mirrored, so a few jokes might not register, and the ads on dailymotion are HORRIBLE.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 06, 2018, 08:03:09 PM
It sort of reminds me of the early Woody Allen film, "What's up tiger lily?," in which he dubs new dialogue over a Japanese spy film.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 06, 2018, 08:04:26 PM
But unlike Woody Allen, Sealab is funny.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 07, 2018, 12:12:29 AM
Yeah.  Spies vying for the recipe of the world's best egg salad vs Mad Dog DJ.  Hard to pick.   The idea of the FCC blowing up radio pirates is sort of entertaining.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 10, 2018, 12:24:46 AM
Girding ones loins for a weekend of fun
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 10, 2018, 06:20:10 PM
Wouldn't that result in an unpleasant weekend?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 11, 2018, 12:10:31 AM
depend how you look at it
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on November 11, 2018, 10:36:28 AM
Chilling at a coffee shop working on a linux server. I still can't get onto Diasfora from my home network (or the coffee shop; I'm VPN'd into my work network) and haven't really had the time to do a deep dive as to why.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 12, 2018, 01:50:58 PM
Prolly 'cos smokes tried to promote you, but failed and managed to ban you from 3/4 of the intarwebs.

Hey! it's you with the mad voodoos.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 12, 2018, 06:27:16 PM
My TV died again. I don't know what I'm doing to the damn things.

anyway, it was doing six blinks, so I thought it was a BIOS code.

Nope, every site agrees, it's the same damn thing as everywhere else when a TV won't work. Inverter Board or Power board. Either way, $225 to fix, regardless of model, and the people who do the repair work say "just buy a new one".

So I took a shop vac to it. No dice.

So I just held the power button in, kind of a little tantrum. You know the one "I DON'T CARE WHAT IS WRONG JUST WORK!" that sort of thing.

And it powered on. I'm using it right now. For once being stubbornly angry about something resulted in a positive result!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 12, 2018, 08:33:09 PM
Maybe the next time it dies, you should bury it in the Pet Sematary, but then, once revived, it would only show horror movies.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 13, 2018, 12:42:07 AM
They're remaking the movie. Gave away one of the bigger "twists" in the trailer. I hate that practice.  I tried doing a factory reset on my tv and learned two things. One, it was a budget set, the factory reset is for the higher end sets and Two, I shouldn't have done that, because it'it's dead again.

I read up on it a bit and it turns out this is a protection mode because it didn't like some voltage that went through it. But much like Mafia protection it doesn't come with instructions so I have no idea when I will be able to use it again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 13, 2018, 02:42:35 AM
There's all kinds of fora online for people who like to DIY fix it stuff.  I assume you've already checked these?  Perhaps the manufacturer might help?  It's criminal that there's no easy alternative to replacing electronic components.  It's so wasteful.

I'm getting ready for bed after futzing with a problem for two hours and only getting it partially right.  I'll have to get on it in the morning when I'm not so stupid with fatigue.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 13, 2018, 04:43:51 PM
Discontinued. Read up, most manufacturer practices use capacitors rated for the life of the warranty. The upgraded caps are 99 cents a pop, so $15 for all of em. Unfortunately, the caps are fine. Swapped power cords, no dice.

I might try plugging it in in the kitchen, but I'm not exactly holding my breath.

New annoyance is browsing shopping websites, they really need to stop making 720p sets.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 14, 2018, 08:25:54 AM
 ::) ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 14, 2018, 06:05:39 PM
I thank you for the offer. Found a 32 inch for $160 on Amazon, and it turns out my insurance will cover amazon purchases for four years after mfr warranty.

Got out the dell warhorse.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 15, 2018, 12:00:14 AM
That's a relief.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 15, 2018, 02:29:00 AM
Now I get to worry about porch pirates!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 15, 2018, 07:19:08 AM
They're a real problem around here.  Normally I'm home.  Some people have opted to have deliveries made to amazon lockers, which are more secure.  It's a PITA, but at least the stuff will be there when it's shipped to you.

I've had people steal potted plants off of my front porch a couple times.  It doesn't say much for the general morals of humanity that somebody would walk off with one of a matching pair of large pots filled with cheap-o spider plants.  And, that doesn't begin to address their poor design sense.  They should at least have stolen both of them to avoid asymmetry.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 16, 2018, 07:14:38 PM
I woke up to a knock on the door, confused, I opened the door, and the mailman handed me my TV. My alarm didn't go off.

So I got to skip calling the local post office, which is a good thing. My last interaction with them was... not pleasant.

Guys, I think 32 inches might be a bit overkill for a monitor, but it's FANTASTIC. I blew like 3 hours just watching old bsg clips on youtube.

Modifications had to be made to get everything to fit, but I ripped a side panel off a desk in the garbage, and used it as a riser for my computer. It now lives under the kitchen table my desk.

Hardest part was prying the industrial staples out of the fiberboard. Pliers and hammer action!

Sooo, definitely overkill on the size, but as far as purchases go, I'm happy with this one.

It's TCL, which is essentially Roku. It's MIC, but the company is headquartered in CA. The screws for the stands were surprisingly decent. Maybe they ship all the crap screws to home depot.

I did have to get with the times a bit as far as interface goes, no VGA on the set. Also no RGB, but it came with an adapter.

Another neat thing is that if I put the roku app on my phone, I get (mostly) wireless headphones! I wish Vizio did that.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on November 19, 2018, 10:06:06 AM
Your card should have HDMI, yes? That's a decent connection, especially if you're just using the TV speakers, one cable and no worries of connecting separate audio cables.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 20, 2018, 12:38:11 AM
It does. I like it.

Tonight was nice, no stress amplification in any way.

I did have to shut off steam cloud backing up my saves, I manage to bork saves in Bethesda games hardcore. I don't even mod, I guess the engine doesn't like how I climb everything, which is weird.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 23, 2018, 06:26:22 AM
Up in the middle of the night.  Can't sleep.  And after all that turkey, you'd think I'd be in a food induced coma, but no.  This is annoying.  That, and the ants in my sink.  I don't get it.  It's wet outside, so they come into my plumbing fixtures.  Can't they get enough water out there?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 23, 2018, 06:56:22 AM
They exist to inconvenience you.

I was sick, so I had cold leftover pizza for thanksgiving. I'm glad my mom managed to go to an actual thanksgiving.

I found out an important NPC I was supposed to meet in my game died because I went into a place called scorpion gulch. I had a laser shooting robot, so I wasn't phased, but NPC guy died and fell into what is known as "blue hell" in gaming.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 23, 2018, 11:28:38 PM
not sleeping and trying not to allow the flu to take control of me
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 27, 2018, 03:15:49 PM
I'm contemplating doing some paperwork. Actually, I'm contemplating doing a lot of things but this is as far as it gets with me these days.

I need my youth back.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 28, 2018, 07:50:01 AM
looking at the weather atm, :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 28, 2018, 07:16:24 PM
Cleaned my computer. There's a burnt out spot on the mainboard related to the front panel, but those ports were busted out when I got it. Computer is now spinning out cool air instead of hot angry air.

Stupid dust, I never invited you to the party!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 29, 2018, 03:02:47 PM
I hate dust. Especially in the summer when you can see it in the air.

Right now I'm doing my first Christmas present reconnaissance.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on November 29, 2018, 05:04:25 PM

Prolly 'cos smokes tried to promote you, but failed and managed to ban you from 3/4 of the intarwebs.

Hey! it's you with the mad voodoos.

Classic smokes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 30, 2018, 05:13:09 AM
Right now I'm doing my first Christmas present reconnaissance.

Its only november  :o :o :o :o
The lads Porsche will still be available next week  ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 30, 2018, 05:24:05 AM
I had a very annoying roommate who was broke as poo, but still had a 1980 928.

His problem? He was a chef who found Jesus. And talked about it loudly and constantly. Also his skills slipped. Loser put srachia on everything.

Point is, there are probably cheap Porsches out for people who know where to look.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 10, 2018, 04:31:14 AM
Got a rare day off and instead of getting a start on my paperwork, I've spent the last 3 hours wading through eBay.

I wouldn't mind but you can hardly get a good deal on there these days.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 10, 2018, 11:23:26 AM
 ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 10, 2018, 07:17:10 PM
Got a rare day off and instead of getting a start on my paperwork, I've spent the last 3 hours wading through eBay.

I wouldn't mind but you can hardly get a good deal on there these days.

They used to have a subdivision called half.com.  That appears to have gone the way of the Dodo.  I tried to find a book on ebay and the prices were ludicrous.  It was not a rare or out of print book.  Used to be you could pick stuff up on there for next to nothing.  Now everything is nearly full retail or worse.  There's an alternative site I have used once in a blue moon, blujay marketplace (eblujay.com) but they don't have as much stuff for sale.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 10, 2018, 07:31:48 PM
Not exactly a new thing, I used to buy playstation games on ebay, but they saw the speculation in the SNES market and decided they wanted some of that action. Games went from $15-$20 to $200 overnight.

And the games were still only worth the prior price point.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 16, 2018, 07:20:38 PM
Baking.  A couple batches of cookies, some scones and now Congo Bars.

We're having reheated pizza for dinner.  Taking a day off from studying before plunging into the next exam prep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 17, 2018, 12:54:48 AM
Testing the new RJ45 plug I have just crimped to the cable that connects this computer to the intarwebz.

Yay! it works!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 17, 2018, 01:50:07 AM
Oh man, that's the one tech thing I am absolute poo at. I mean I can get the wire order down just fine, but the physical crimp, I screw that up every time.

Same thing with the real fiddly poo on a mainboard, I'll thread that needle once, but after that I just hope stuff doesn't stop working.

I also can't cut a pizza without ruining it. So pressure application is one of my weak fields.

I applaud your networking prowess!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 19, 2018, 08:51:21 AM
Testing the new RJ45 plug I have just crimped to the cable that connects this computer to the intarwebz.

Yay! it works!

Crimpin' ain't easy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 19, 2019, 12:34:56 AM
A whole weekend with nothing planned Yippee.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 19, 2019, 01:35:15 AM
I had a great meal with nice wine at a friend's house.  Afterwards, we went for a walk.   San Francisco hills offer a way to walk off dessert and there was a light drizzle.  It was so mild and beautiful.  When I first came out here, it was Chinese New Year and there were fireworks going off in the sky over the city.  There were daffodils blooming, even though it was late January.  They are blooming now.  Some things don't change, happily.

Now I'm home with a glass of seltzer, contemplating late night tv viewing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 20, 2019, 01:02:23 AM
sounds very nice place. One place that is on my bucket list.

I am Contemplating whether to go for a cycle ride or relax, I popped my left calf last week running just before we flew to Benidorm Spain :-[. will probably relax and set fathers pc up.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 20, 2019, 04:02:40 AM
Ouch.  I hope you heal quickly.

I'm having some peppermint tea and trying to decide whether to read some more about forced death marches in Hitler's Willing Executioners or to see more BSG.  I think it'll be death marches tonight.  This book is grim and I have about 100 more pages of pain and suffering before moving onto something else.  It was illuminating but kind of stressful for bedtime reading.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 29, 2019, 03:16:41 PM
I just gave the tax man a small fortune and I still have to face the VAT consequences.

I might throw it all in and just spend my days here instead. I used to do that in the early days of D. Back them all I needed was a couple of chaos threads to post in and I was good.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 29, 2019, 05:25:18 PM
You could always watch Battlestar Galactica! :P

But there are a shitload of spoilers in that thread. Mostly retroactive, I try not to reveal anything before it happens.

This morning I got to argue with a representative for my health insurance subsidiary. They DEMAND I go to the doctors for a yearly assessment. I retort that I went in October. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

I don't have a car, and the bus service sucks. The only concession I got was to push it to feb 27th. Feckers.

VAT seems like it lies to you right there in the name. Value Added Tax. The golly value does it add? A subtraction from the wallet, one supposes. It's like a Negative Value Tax! BUT THAT DOESN'T SHORTEN INTO A NAME WITH A VOWEL!

Maybe you could klingon it up? A Neg'Vat! A blade with which you only cut yourself.

These meat suits are cowpoo, I can't even RMA my stomach.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 30, 2019, 12:10:50 AM
chilling with coffee and pc.
Looking for a few items I need to go winter mountaineering, like everything though too many ads and crap info
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 30, 2019, 04:40:28 PM
When I lived in the Bay Area I really enjoyed Mt. Diablo. Then again, we were there in April I think? Neither extreme. People who go High Hrothgaring make me think they're nuts, and Summer Rock climbers are equally nuts.

Well, the rock climbers rarely require subsequent oxygen.

You aren't wrong about ads lately though, holy bless'ed poo, it's like they EXPECT you to use an ad-blocker to make the sites functional!

I'm holding off on two very minor purchases because January was mucho spendo, and I need to move them over to Feb. They might be gone by then, and I'll be sad, but the dog has been in and out of the vet too much for me to be buying anything recreational.

So I guess I'm coveting? Is that the right word?

Oh, and just now, I arced my computer. Spent the money on rubber tweezers, used metal ones to remove a dust bunny from front panel because it was on hand.

God that was dumb. Thank god it started back up. Mouse is more responsive now. Dafuq does that mean? I'd disconnect the front panel completely, but... power button.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 02, 2019, 08:21:14 PM
Sitting in a dark room. I may have mentioned heavy condensation on my window in inclement weather before, well today was it's last day. The frame has some holes in it, for what function I know not. Either way, they decided to become spigots.

Thankfully, I'd rearranged my room the last time things got damp, and no electronics were harmed in the catastrophe. We called in an emergency to the realty company, and they sent over some dudes. They drilled somewhere way above the frame, and now it's got a black plastic curtain on the OUTSIDE.

Blinds might be ruined too, but I pulled them during the deluge.

So far, the repair is working great, I sincerely hope it continues to hold.

This of course, triggers anxiety. I do not want to be squeaky wheel. But it was an emergency.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 03, 2019, 12:02:14 PM
Wow.  Black plastic instead of replacing the window properly so it's not going to leak more?  Sounds like a prelude to mildew.

I'm drinking tea.  It's citrus season.  I have been cranking out about 4 batches of marmalade a week.  Different citrus.   This morning, I had some navel orange and blood orange with meyer lemon & hibiscus.  Two marmalades: one on each half of a scone that I made.  There is a wonderful bittersweet quality to citrus.  I used to buy Frank Cooper's Oxford Marmalade but it's not so great to me any longer.  Here's the ingredients to their rough cut Oxford Marmalade.  They like to rest on the fact that the family product goes back to the 19th c. but their ingredients today say otherwise.
"Glucose-Fructose Syrup, Seville Oranges, Sugar, Acid: Citric Acid, Acidity Regulator: Sodium Citrate, Gelling Agent: Pectin, Orange Oil."

For this marmalade (Seville Orange) I use sugar, oranges, and if it seems appropriate, a little lemon juice.  That's it, and maybe some spices to give a little variety (star anise, vanilla bean, rum) as I tend to make several batches in a season.  I guess the commercial varieties add some of these odd things:  gelling agents, sodium citrate, citric acid, etc. to extend shelf life or to save money?  Why they use glucose-fructose syrup instead of pure cane sugar is most likely because it's cheaper?  Go figure.  I had to look it up as in the states most such products use High Fructose Corn Syrup, and many health conscious brands have taken pains to announce that their products do not contain this ingredient. 

There is a lot of confusion around the terms glucose-fructose syrup, isoglucose and high fructose corn syrup which are often used interchangeably.

GFS may be called differently depending on the country and the fructose content. In Europe, due to ‘isomerisation’ process, GFS with more than 10% fructose is called isoglucose. In turn, when the fructose content exceeds 50%, the name changes to Fructose-Glucose Syrup to reflect the higher content of fructose.

In the United States, the syrup is produced from a maize starch, usually with either 42% or 55% fructose content, hence it is called High Fructose Corn Syrup.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 03, 2019, 02:55:38 PM
lol, maize. I know it's not a stargate reference, but it reminds me of my favorite joke in the series.

The team finds a base camp of American soldiers desperately fighting Jaffa. They assist in the battle, and are swiftly tased and captured.

The "American" forces are actually infiltrators, and are weirdly stiff. One in particular thinks he's got being an American down solid, and boldly proclaims that Maize is indigenous to North America!" O'neill snaps back "And that information may one day save your life"

Shame HFCS is put in everything. Like WHY is it in bread? Like in soda, it makes sense, if not healthy. But BREAD?

So today everyone but me is sick. I feel POWERFUL.

I don't think the black plastic is meant to be a permanent solution, just an emergency temp job until the regular crew can roll around.

Then again, the new property management people have REALLY bad yelp reviews.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 04, 2019, 12:28:00 AM
Ha.  When I was in England I was surprised to hear wheat referred to as corn and corn as maize.  It helped explain why "John Barleycorn must die," though, as they were talking about barley/wheat spirits, I guess.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 16, 2019, 09:16:28 AM
I'm about to download and hopefully install a MS cumulative update. Every time one of these pops up, I cringe in fear. For about a year I couldn't install updates at all because one of them would loop - it would download a bad copy of the update, attempt to install it, fail, and roll windows back. I called it the groundhogs day update. I think it was the much maligned "Fall creators update" which broke the registry hack that got rid of automatic update and the lock screen.

It survived!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on March 06, 2019, 03:45:26 PM
I'm happy to be home.
  Other than that I really have nothing going on for just today.  I've already been to work and back. We eat dinner in about a half hour.
Going back to work at the wedding venue.  Seasonal work though, closes for winter. Have a live in with me, an 18 year old girl I've know as a close friend for some years now.  She'll be working the same job, got her started at 9.25, and that's good since minimum wage is still 7.25 here, or something. 
So to conclude, I'm relaxing in the good news <3
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 11, 2019, 02:14:30 AM
I finally have a day off from what has been a brutal contract. 

Pretty much seen off any remaining vertebrae that might have been in some kind of working order, but there's always the hope of an advanced alien encounter that may have the technology to repair such injuries. Modern medicine certainly doesn't stand a chance.

Anywho. So right now I'm posting here for a change.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 11, 2019, 07:22:11 PM
Hope you can find more time to take it easy, smokes.  Your work sounds pretty grueling, physically.

I'm trying to recover from having those damned drops put in my eyes during a routine exam this afternoon.  It's supposed to wear off in a few hours but my eyes still feel the effects and even typing on this backlit screen is a chore.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 11, 2019, 09:18:04 PM
My mom's spine resembles that of the Borg queen. Plus Cadaver bone, which is super creepy.

If you can do anything to protect your back smokes, anything at all, please do so.

She was a tradeswoman, Wallpaper. Fell off scaffolding because one of the other people working on a house messed with her poo.

I would gladly gut that person. She stepped where she should have been safe, and someone found the supporting structure "inconvenient".

I've taken that step myself several times when working off a moving truck. One time I was moving what resembled a mine cart on scaffolding because the flooring was substandard. Scaffold snapped, and I went from a shallow ramp to "Solid drop, cart in your gut". They tried to make it up to me by giving me a laptop. Fellow worker stole everyone's cigarettes on the job, sat on the truck lift, jammed it, and stole the laptop on his way out. Wasn't even a good laptop. I wanted it because it was the same model I had in high school. Unit ran Windows ME. Windows was already solidly 7 at the time.

In a more infurating note, one time when moving furniture out of a house, a coworker jammed a couch into a wall. He blamed me, thinking he was in the clear.

False. My Uncle knew the customer was going to be a chrome plated joker, and kept me on the truck playing item tetris and managing the moving blankets. golly that guy too.

Another time I was working too hard pushing a load up the ramp into the truck, and literally shredded the shoes I was wearing. I felt Super Stronk, but in reality, I was Super Dumb. That load could have easily killed me, and I should have asked for help.

A less depressing story, one time a madam refused to pay because she said the work was unsatisfactory, judge told mom "tough poo"

She lived on the edge of a canyon. Her patio furniture took flight into the canyon. All of it. damn' madam.

6, get off the screen. I know they told you to keep that stupid plastic filter on and to avoid light for 21 hours. That being said, why the golly is it 21 hours and not 24?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 11, 2019, 10:55:22 PM
She said 3-4 hours.  It's been about 9 and I still feel the effects.  I came home and sat in a dim room for much of the afternoon, then took a nap.

Walking the 2 miles home was sort of dicey in that there are uneven sidewalks and busy traffic intersections.  The film intended to protect my eyes did much to blur my vision, so I had to peek over it to see if cars were coming and that sort of thing.  I finally got into a residential area where it was safer.  I was glad to come home, and had a couple of naps.  I don't know if it was the time change or the drops.

I'm sorry to hear about your mother's back.  That's simply awful that a client would mess with the supports and cause such an accident.  Your moving job sounds like it sucked.

The older I get, the more I try to recognize that I'm not made of iron and that I need to be more mindful of picking up heavy objects or subjecting myself to unnecessary physical risks.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 12, 2019, 01:04:21 PM
It wasn't a client, it was someone working on something else in the house. Sometimes you have to block off a doorway because you're working on the ceiling over the doorway, or arch, or whatever. In that case, the guy didn't want to go through the front door. Which, I kinda get that, tradies tend to go in through the garage, but he made a decision on what inconvenienced him, and seriously hurt her.

As to the eye film thing, I dunno, last time mom got her eyes messed with, it was 21 hours. Maybe it's different for different stuff. When they screw with my eyes they use this weird orange jellyfish goo and a blue lightbulb. Apparently it lets them look at nerves?

When I went to give the dog his goodnight kiss, he decided to remove my lip.

So I had to go buy liquid stitches at CVS, the clerk was shocked, I looked like a horror movie survivor. Then I had to go back, because I bought the worthless spray version. (Brush version is legit, spray breaks the second time you use it)

Oh, AND the refund on the spray was denied, clerk said you have to swipe your license for refunds. I was in gym shorts and a blood soaked tank top.

So today sucks, and I'm using straws. Also, golly you CVS.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 12, 2019, 05:13:33 PM
Yeah.  Orange/yellow stuff w/blue light for glaucoma test, then to really view your retina, they have to put an additional drop in that basically paralyzes your irises or whatever the thing is that opens or closes your pupils, and that causes them to dilate your eyes.  I guess the natural reaction to light shining in your eyes is to constrict the opening, but that thwarts the effort to examine it, so you get the fun second drops.  I hate the whole business.  And really, it interfered with my reading a bit, so I just basically went to bed early.

I have to go back because I could not see the little flashes in my left eye for a test of peripheral vision.  Had they given me the test before putting the drops in my eyes I don't think I would have had so much trouble.  But this is a school I go to -- usually the students are extremely professional and correct.  I suspected the woman I saw yesterday was not up to her game or whatever.  She graduates in May so I don't think it was lack of experience.  They have an opthamologist come in (the supervising professor) and do a review of the exam so you get checked out twice.  I went because the frames in my glasses broke and I needed to get the lenses swapped out with a second set of frames I'd purchased a long time ago.  This turned out to be handy because they didn't charge me for it and I don't really need another prescription so I came home with better fitting glasses.  Still, it's good to have one's eyes checked periodically and they generally give excellent care.

CVS used to be a much cooler place but they have a new CEO and he's obsessed with the bottom line.  They've adjusted the computers so you really get jerked around with returns.
 Not that I did much returning of merchandise, but now I tend only to buy things there that I doubt I'll take back because of the hassle and the reduced amount you get back in case you use store credit or coupons. 

I'd still take that stuff back and raise hell about the way you were treated.  Here you are in a medical emergency and they're jerking you around because the medicine they sold you was ineffective and you forgot in your state of shock to bring a driver's license?  I'd have asked for a manager and complained.  That's pretty outrageous.  I hope your lip heals quickly.  That sounds pretty traumatic.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 14, 2019, 09:23:12 PM
Doctor was super pissed until I explained the dog is on steroids. She said "oh" and then told a few stupid human stories about steroids. Then she stuck her finger in my mouth to make sure I wasn't lying when I said the bite didn't go through. She did say she wanted me on antibiotics, so I'll be doing that.

Then I got a proper case manager. Turns out the Case manager I had wasn't specific enough, which like, yeah, she quit six months ago and I never got a new one.
 The lady who helped me was like a master of schedule Tetris AND cutting through cowpoo, I want to be her when I grow up.

So now I have a proper case manager.

No needles today, which I always consider a win, but I need to schedule an ultrasound. I couldn't find my paperwork on the endoscopy, so it's back to digging through Rubbermaid boxes, since it was before the move.

Also dropped off the samples with green lids. I had a real hard time getting that one done, and spent an entire day just eating steamed apple slices. Did the trick. Obviously don't google foods that make you poop, because people post all sorts of wacky nonsensical stuff that could possibly damage you.

Just Fiber.

A note: I mixed up carbs and fiber before my last appointment, and was unable to "produce". I think my doctor wanted to smack me in the head for that one.

So, very busy day, and if anyone thinks I overshared here, well, sorry.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 15, 2019, 02:16:27 AM
Resisting going to sleep.  There's always something going on somewhere that I know I'll miss.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 16, 2019, 01:41:45 PM
Dang, AMOX-CLAV is kicking my ass.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 17, 2019, 12:28:43 AM
waking up
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 17, 2019, 09:07:00 PM
Snagged a bunch of DVD's behind the goodwill. Civil war, Thor Ragnarok, a bunch of other ones.

When I was done an old lady came up with a cart and yelled at me in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish, but I'm guessing she wanted all of them. Tough poo lady.

They were discards from the library. No clue why Ragnarok was already dumped.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on March 17, 2019, 09:19:29 PM
In bed.  Goodnight y'all.
I hope your backs, and eyes, and systems checks are all a go in the morning. 
I have a long week of planning coming.  Spring break right?  Not for me man, not for me.  Along cleaning. Appointments, work day change ups and separated parents collaborates.
I've decided to stay at the liquor store, as well as working the wedding venue.  Gonna do a little work at riverbend this summer.  "Gotchur beer right here! " Happy Saint Patrick's day. 🍀
I've also been playing more guitar.
Amen 8ully, I'm kinda salty at the recycling center in town myself.  Some person picks up the clothes I have set aside for my 12 year old daughter. I tell her they are mine, and get funny looks.  I would have done the same.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 18, 2019, 12:09:09 AM
Hah, the whole time I had my "pull" pile, I was expecting some politician to walk off with it, but I was lucky. By the time old hag showed up, I was done.

Well I thought, had to go back for one of the disks of blacklist season 1. By all regards, it's a horrible show, but James Spader is a national treasure.

I knew that Shatner freaked out in one episode of Boston legal when he thought someone said Klingon, but Spader kicked the 4th wall in the nuts.

An actress had quit the show for a "movie career" that didn't happen, so she went back. Her character says she hasn't seen Shore in a while, to which he replied. "Yes, not for a season, funny how that works". In another, Shatner says he can't wait until next week, and he hasn't seen Shore that episode.

If you get a chance to watch the "Ultron replaced with Robert California" video, do so. It's a trip.

I walked away with a tall stack, but perhaps you should roll up with a duffel bag?

I think every liquor store should throw snakes at it's customers on St Pats. It's more legit than Green Beer.

I tried to complain about the price of Mozerella sticks on facebook. Facebook then posted it as a sale ad of me selling "Sticks". I then had to navigate the Facebook sales market to remove the post.

Specifically, the bag of mozerella sticks got shrink-rayed, AND they increased the price. to $7.99.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 22, 2019, 09:18:16 AM
I was wondering if the rate of entropy was enhanced in my cup of tea, which seems to require reheating every 30 seconds.  Then I wondered if this was what was implied in the Second Law of Thermodynamics so I went to Wikipedia to look it up and realized I was too tired to figure it out right now.

So I need more caffeine.  Got to go reheat my tea again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 23, 2019, 12:35:44 AM
You need the infinite improbability drive.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 23, 2019, 01:24:10 AM
While making my dinner, a meatball sub, I went to take it out of the toaster oven, and it managed to invert itself.

Didn't even have the room to feckin' do that, but it did, and so I had to scrub it out.

Take a damn' break entropy, call it 30 years, and just golly off!

I had to stand and wait for a bus in the rain for about an hour and a half yesterday, when the bus was supposed to run every 15 minutes.

I was too tired to argue about it, but the driver whined at each stop that it wasn't his fault. I didn't give a golly, I just wanted home. I also hated how a bunch of shitbirds tried to crowd me about 2 minutes before the bus showed, when I'd been stood there for so bless'ed long. I almost backhanded a 6-8 year old. He was being a condescending little golly to his mexican nanny, and I just wanted him to walk into traffic.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 23, 2019, 02:02:24 AM
You need the infinite improbability drive.

I had to look that up.  Never read that book.  Sigh.  The video is very funny.

8ully, I'm so tired of all the rain and the endless pumping of my basement.  Sorry about your sub.  Your experience of waiting for the bus reminds me of what it was like in Athens.  Healthy grown men shoving little old ladies out of the way to get on the bus first.  Jesus wept.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on March 24, 2019, 12:12:01 PM
I'm at work at the liquor store, watching western television on grit.
We the moment, it's "heaven with a gun"
Salright, I like bonanza, gunsmoke, and rifleman.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 24, 2019, 04:45:21 PM
Is gunsmoke the one with Marshal dillon? I watched one of those, he went down to Mexico after a fugitive, got mad at the Mexican border patrol dude who accompanied him, and punched a soldier in the face, starting a brawl.

So they thew him in a dungeon, and it just ended there. Next day was a doctor appointment, so to me, he died in that dungeon. Can't track down a spoiler because there's about the 600 episodes.

6, I mistakenly read hitchhikers as a series, and it was a slow ramp down for me. Just read the first one.

I'd only read dead serious Sci-fi up to that point, so the Penguins blew my mind.

Looked up the Gunsmoke thing, it's "extradition" pts 1 and 2.  He bribes his way out.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 24, 2019, 11:48:04 PM
A very long time ago, I lived in the midwest and had an old B&W TV that only got one channel.  At about 11 every night, Gunsmoke came on, so I watched it.  Dillon, Festus (the loveably goofy sidekick) and Miss Kitty, the barmaid/hooker with a heart of gold who is maybe the sheriff's love interest?  We used to speculate on these things.  It was a slow show with some kind of moral crisis that was always resolved in the half hour or so that it ran.  It was filled with unbeautiful dusty odd characters that had sort of blown into town and ended up there.

Maverick was so stylish by comparison.  I used to run around singing the theme tune to that show, it was so catchy.

If I ever get to read anything fun again, I'll think about the Hitchhikers Guide.  I'm taking too many classes right now and realize slowly that I'm a mathematical moron.  I'm like the Doña Quixote of math.  Won't give up, keep tilting at windmills on the off chance that I might eventually master something.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 24, 2019, 11:54:59 PM
Alright, so what you're telling me here is that you NEED the Hitchhikers guide.

I have some brain damage, 3 month early baby. Math has always been a bit like a lit fireplace poker right between the eyes.

So the central premise of Hitchikers was a balm on my soul. I think that's part of why I don't like the followup books, it hits deep.

Can't pass the GED, can't pass the CHSEE. Mine was the first year where the state said "Tough poo".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 25, 2019, 02:03:46 AM
That annoys me, that you were not given a chance to repeat a failed exam that has such potential to boost your earning power.  How idiotic.  Incidentally, did you have anyone certify that you have learning disabilities that should have given you special accommodations while you took the two exams?  If not, then there was a problem with your original testing conditions that should allow you to have a second bite at the apple.  What happened to you sounds, on its face, that it wasn't just unfair, but they may have violated federal laws (ADA compliance).

I'm taking advanced accounting courses and I'm actually doing well in my classes, but given how frustrating the last chapter's exercises were, I feel enormously stupid.  My other academic work has been in history, so I'm fine with reading texts.  Analyzing a set of values and determining which formulae to apply to describe and/or predict what is required is another skill entirely.  My friends with doctorates in mathematics are not nearby so I can't ask for help.  I hope that if I go to office hours (a 2 hour round trip commute) the professor can help me with this difficult section.  What frustrates me particularly is the tendency of the textbook to tell you to just use a spreadsheet instead of offering you a step by step approach that lays it out algebraically so you can visualize the operations.

Tomorrow I think I'll take a long walk and not do any homework.  The lawn can use mowing, so that would be good as long as it doesn't rain again.  I want the ants gone.   They've taken up camping out in my kitchen.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 25, 2019, 08:11:02 PM
I'm writing you a prescription for borax and hitchhikers guide.

I may not understand the math, but I empathize with the frustration. Used to be like a lit fireplace poker between the eyes for me.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 17, 2019, 07:03:11 PM
I'm watching South Park. lol UGH! Been idle on disability for 3 months. Driving me nuts. Thinkin about flying down to Florida and visiting my sister. Might as well. She lives in Orlando. (https://oi1266.photobucket.com/albums/jj530/Squonk12/Forum%20Images/icons/Dunno_zpsryql10zt.gif)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 17, 2019, 09:49:09 PM
You can go to DisneyWorld!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 17, 2019, 10:06:07 PM
You can go to DisneyWorld!
Yeah, I probably will. I LOVE Disney World. lol It's the same sister, if you remember, who moved to California a few years ago (can't remember the town, Bully knew where it was). Well, they moved to Florida. lol Hell if I know.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 17, 2019, 11:09:38 PM
I like bonanza, gunsmoke, and rifleman.
Hilarious Bea. I've been on disability and mentioned to Bully I found myself watching a lot of westerns. lol Mostly on Grit. Including Bonanza, Gunsmoke, and Rifleman. Anyway, I, by happenstance, found this site again after being lost for 2 years. lol Sure hope all is well with you. See ya around. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 18, 2019, 11:57:19 PM
i hate my dogs, first lay in and the Bichon got me up early  :( :( >:( >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 19, 2019, 01:35:56 PM
Meijers have standing rib roasts for $5.99 lb. Couldn't pass that up. Just roasted one up to perfection. Ate too much. Ugh!  :-[
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 20, 2019, 12:55:00 PM
Eating Breakfast at Lunchtime.

Tea and toast with marmalade.  It's a beautiful day.  I'll most likely go pull weeds and probably plant a few tomatoes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 20, 2019, 02:04:09 PM
Soaking my coffee thermos in soapy water.
I mentioned in another thread I take a thermos with me to work. I just thought a minute ago, 'did I remember to empty and clean my thermos after I fell on the ice back on 01/28?' Umm, no. Yuck!
Anyway, years ago, as a rookie, I had the typical coffee thermos with a cap/cup. Well, ever tried to drink coffee out of a cup in a tractor/trailer? Yeah, well, I now have this setup. Works great. I chose the fat model so it won't fall over when it sits on the floor of the cab next to me.


Yeah, I know, I have too much time on my hands.  :-[  I need to get back to work.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 20, 2019, 07:12:40 PM
Just finished a quiz and now am reviewing material to prepare for another exam.  Taking classes online is really hard because if you get stuck on something or have trouble with applying a certain formula, there's no help.  emailing the professor is generally like shouting into the wind.  I rarely hear back from them.

This is so tiring.  I go outside and yank weeds for 10 minutes every now and then and come back only to go at it again.  The professor is basically absent.  I get robotic software to teach me, which means I end up paying a few hundred bucks to teach myself the class, and get credit for it.  Seems sort of counterproductive.

I often would take a thermos type cup to school and then forget to wash it out for a few days.  I think a good scrub with some baking soda might help disinfect it and remove rancid oils.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 20, 2019, 07:48:05 PM
Listening to Alison Krauss, enjoying some Tillamook Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese w/crackers, and a cup of Joe. Why am I drinking coffee so late? Why not? LMAO! Never been idle so long like this. It's very strange. Retirement is about 15 years from now, I hope I am better prepared.  :o
Hey Six, what are you studying for? If you don't mind me asking.  :-X

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 21, 2019, 01:00:21 AM
drinking a cup of fresh coffee and awaiting another glorious day of sun.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 21, 2019, 01:48:07 AM
Time to go to bed this Easter morning.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 21, 2019, 11:56:00 PM
have a good one
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 22, 2019, 12:10:04 AM
Watching the news about the latest on the Sri Lanka bombings. Latest count: 290 dead. Path of least resistance; churches & hotels. So disgusting. Horrible cowards.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 23, 2019, 05:59:03 AM
eh, rather watch this

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 23, 2019, 08:38:50 AM
Having my usual morning start off; Coffee & toast. Oh how I love coffee and toast. I know it's not the healthiest choice, but, I'm doing much better all in all. I mean, I used to eat Pop Tarts for breakfast. My favorites were: 1. Blueberry, 2. Brown Sugar Cinnamon, 3. Chocolate. Many vices I have conquered. I used to drink like a fish, smoke like a chimney, and eat like an elephant. Until the Grim Reaper payed me a visit. Funny how you don't give a damn until that dude visits you. Whole new attitude. Hey, I lost 100 lbs. and I'm off all my meds. Well, I still take a baby aspirin everyday.

Actually, you have a point there Bully. I'm going to stop watching the damn news, at least while I'm still idle. Also, I don't know jack about DC, Marvel, etc..., but, that Brie Larson sure has pissed a lot of people off. lol 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 27, 2019, 12:14:27 AM
coffee and silence
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 27, 2019, 03:02:40 AM
drinking cold seltzer.

bought a soda stream.  I like it extra fizzy.  Cold fizzy tap water.  Thank you Joseph Priestley.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 27, 2019, 04:24:52 AM
The usual for me in the morning: Coffee, eggs, and toast. I think I might have some of that blueberry jam as well. I'm glad jams and jellies seem to have a nice long (refrigerated) shelf life. It's a rare treat. One time I had some jelly that started to return to it's sugar (granulated) state. I guess it didn't gross me out too bad because I ate the entire slice of toast.

Murphy's Law: Dropping your toast over a dozen times and it only lands butter side up once.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 27, 2019, 09:40:51 AM
If they are canned properly, most fruit jams & jellies have a very long shelf life.  In the fridge, some will occasionally crystalize for some odd reason.  You can pop the jam into the microwave for a short blast and the crystals will disappear.  I don't recommend this if they're in a plastic container, but the glass jar will be fine.  10-15 seconds, depending on the strength of the microwave, should be enough.  Best to go for the minimum.

I'm drinking tea.  Trying to wake up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 27, 2019, 12:30:21 PM
Well, I forgot about the bread I baked yesterday. That sure augmented my pleasure.   :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 27, 2019, 03:36:39 PM
I went to Goodwill. They had America: The Book in hardcover. I really wanted it, but I already have it in paperback, so I passed. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it.

There was a "joke" that we'd end up with a Vice President who was a sidekick on a UPN sitcom called "The Gooch".

That made me think about Orange Man and Supreme Court Justice "I LIKE BEER" Cavanaugh. who used to get drunk with PJ and the Squib.

They also had a foreman grill with removable panels. I already have one, but I dig the different design. I popped the panels off, and gross. Also apparently I have the fancy one. The ones I saw today had what looked like camp stoves under the plates. One set had weird plates that weren't the Teflon most of em have. It also had a temp slider.

I was gonna buy it, even with the gross camp stove, but got a TXT veto. So I didn't.

They replaced half the DVD's with board games and tchotchkes. golly tchotchkes. Stupid room filling GARBAGE. I can not begin to describe my bizarre hatred for that crap. And I used to collect action figures!

Like I know DVD's are being sunset as technology, but digital still kinda sucks. There's a sense of sloth when you can just shove a circle into the machine and have it send back a TV show or movie.

You don't have to search down a site. You don't have to dodge 50 redirects. You don't have to find an uploader that isn't a joker. You don't have to download. You don't have to seed. You don't have to search down a codec because this uploader used bless'ed matroshka and didn't label it. WinRAR does not come into the equation.

I'll miss it when it's gone, just pushing play was so nice.

That being said, they had the standard edition of 360 Saints Row III for $2.99. Dude left his receipt inside, like I do. Original dude paid $43.00 for it. Like, I remember that being standard 360 pricing for a long time, but dang.

I had my own problems with SR III, I usually get the ultra mega edition a year after the fact, so I can get a cheap yet complete experience. my supposed "New" copy had a bad second disk. When I went back, they tried to just give me another used disk 2, I made them cut open a fresh one, because golly paying New price for Used product.

God, that was years ago now, and just seeing that receipt made my blood boil. Maybe I need a nap.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 28, 2019, 10:59:05 AM
I'm drinking tea and trying to wake up.

Goodwill around here is really annoying.  Lots of overpriced crap that people mostly couldn't sell at their yard sales or on craigslist.  Used clothing, most of it bland and ugly, that is priced higher than regular retail at discount department stores.  I've seen brand new t shirts at WalMart that were cheaper than the stuff they sell at Goodwill.

I'm wondering about whether you check out yard sales and people moving from the area unloading great stuff for next to nothing.  This seems like the season.  I bought a beautiful rug a week ago for $10 only to find it was too big for my apt.  So I listed it on craigslist.  Hopefully it will be gone in a week.  While I was listing it someone listed some high end kitchen wares for free.  I contacted them and was the first to respond.  It was a nice couple who were moving to Barcelona for work and giving away their stuff.  I got some helpful things for my kitchen.  There's so much money around here that people regularly do stuff like this, especially this time of year. 
I expect the greater San Diego area would be similar, especially with the Navy people coming and going.

craigslist is crazy.  Someone once listed a free ticket to see Cesaria Evora.  Their son decided last minute he wouldn't go.  I wrote and met them and attended the concert with them.  I brought some nice chocolate candy for their son as a thank you gift.  The concert was amazing.  She died soon afterwards so it was like some kind of fateful stroke of good fortune.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 28, 2019, 01:37:20 PM
Boy, you hit that right on the head, Six. Goodwill over here sucks ass. So do the flea markets. (Stuff people are selling after they have cherry picked the golly out of it). Heading early to a garage sale I would guess would be your best bet.

In fact I know Goodwill managers cherry pick the poo. I saw them do it when I had to do my community service many years ago.

Anyway, went to the NRA Convention today (something to do) Boy, I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. The Convention Center is freakin HUGE!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 29, 2019, 12:01:56 AM
For some reason, the NRA convention seems like it's ripe for a Hunter S Thompson type gonzo journalism piece, preferably written while under the influence of hallucinogens.  The times are less innocent but the whole landscape is just so weird and sick.  How else to describe it?

It sort of recalls the first time I went to Las Vegas.  I was a college kid and thought I was jaded and had seen it all, but that place really humbled me.  There were people who looked like my grandfather hitchhiking out of town because they'd gambled away everything they had but the shirt on their back, including the pink slip to their car.  There were legalized brothels on the outskirts of town.  And after such knowledge, what forgiveness?

My friend who was there with me told me crazy stories, like the chunks taken out of the telephone poles outside of his sister's house were caused by the dogs leaping at the poles, grabbing them with their teeth and hanging horizontally like flags.  I'd expect that Indy with a bunch of AK-15 loving guys beating their chests would be a good deal like that.  Biting the second amendment and hanging from it like flags...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 29, 2019, 02:25:59 AM
Yes, exactly. It's all you can see for miles. People swaying in the wind with their 'Ak-15s'. It truly is a sight to behold. Or, was it the acid I took.? Too bad we can't get Hunter S. Thompson's take on it, but, we know what he did with HIS 'AK-15'. Fortunately, we still have the 'funny pages'.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 01, 2019, 08:50:06 AM
Tracked down the review that helped me pick a TV to buy, and settings guide.

I had bookmarked it, but it vanished. bless'ed edge.

So I made a notepad document with the recommendations and url.

I always jack the brightness for thrones, because they appear to have cut the lighting budget for Season 8.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 01, 2019, 02:35:09 PM
Thinking what I should get my Niece for her graduation party this Sunday (MBA from IU). Ugh! Money is so impersonal.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 01, 2019, 03:50:41 PM
I like to give people movies.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 01, 2019, 03:55:22 PM
Hey, I could give her an invite to Diasfora.  ;) 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 03, 2019, 06:12:13 AM
Today is laundry day. UGH! I am NOT going to put it off and buy yet another pack of underwear. lol I swear, I think I have enough underwear to last 3 months now.  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on May 04, 2019, 04:53:47 AM
Getting ready to install a new window in one of the bedrooms before I drywall the room.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 04, 2019, 10:51:43 AM
Removed all the drum shells out of their boxes and inspected them again. They've been stored away for about 6 months. I think I'm just going to take them to an auto body shop and have them clear coated. I could do it but I'm definitely not going to do the 12 coats lacquer/wetsand/buff method again. I thought about doing 3 coats Polycrylic. I would be fine with that, however, even that would be a pain. I can get one of those small portable paint booths (they look like tints). Spraying wouldn't be the problem as much as a place for them to dry. Yeah, if the auto body shop is reasonable, I will just let them do it. Or a furniture refinisher. I will check around.

I should have gone to the Kentucky Derby today. Is only a 2 hr. drive from here. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 04, 2019, 01:05:01 PM
Asked my mom to pick up a mystery slurpee for me. She said "It's probably just bless'ed mango"

She was right.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 04, 2019, 02:56:54 PM

It's a good idea to have lots of underwear and socks so if you get really busy, you can put off laundry for a while.

It's a gorgeous day and I'm sitting in front of a computer.  I think in another quarter hour I'll take a walk or something.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on May 05, 2019, 04:54:23 AM
Removed all the drum shells out of their boxes and inspected them again. They've been stored away for about 6 months. I think I'm just going to take them to an auto body shop and have them clear coated. I could do it but I'm definitely not going to do the 12 coats lacquer/wetsand/buff method again. I thought about doing 3 coats Polycrylic. I would be fine with that, however, even that would be a pain. I can get one of those small portable paint booths (they look like tints). Spraying wouldn't be the problem as much as a place for them to dry. Yeah, if the auto body shop is reasonable, I will just let them do it. Or a furniture refinisher. I will check around.

I should have gone to the Kentucky Derby today. Is only a 2 hr. drive from here.

Yes, drums would be a difficult task due to their shape. I have had great experiences with polyurethane. It has an extremely high gloss, goes on flat, and is easy to apply, however the better choice in polyurethanes is the oil based product. The water based poly works very well also, is a touch easier to apply, and clean up is obviously much easier but I found that the water based product has a tendency to yellow over time whereas the oil based poly remains crystal clear.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 05, 2019, 09:53:45 AM
Hmmm, glad you informed me of the water based stuff. I've seen others use it and was amazed how nice a water based urethane could look, however, I do not want it to yellow over time. Now, on darker woods, I do NOT like crystal clear finishes because it looks 'plasticy' to me. On lighter woods, like my maple shells, I have found I like it. Either way, I've decided to punt and have a pro do it. I'm not as gungho in my old age. lol Besides, I will still save a ton. I'm just happy, after inspection, the shells are good enough quality for clear coat.  ;)

Ok, time to get ready for my Niece's graduation party.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 07, 2019, 10:38:22 AM
Ok kids, spread out and roll your mats out; it's nappy time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 12, 2019, 12:08:00 PM
Remembering that tarascon said to send his regards.  Still no internet.  I think that his mother's death has been sort of hard on him.  I keep trying to convince him to move back to Cali from the cold wilds of MI, but so far, no luck.  The real estate is cheap but the winters are brutal up there.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 12, 2019, 12:33:14 PM
I remember tarascon. Haven't conversed with him in a decade. lol (Yes, it's been that long. We are getting old).  :-\ Northern MI is breathtakingly beautiful. Great place to be IF you are an outdoorsman and don't mind the very cold Winters. However, your neck of the woods is the most prime in the country. I sure as hell can't afford to live there. Holy poo! Hell, you can still buy very nice 3 bedroom ranches for under $100,000.00 here. Yeah, Cali will have to remain a great place to visit. Would be nice to get tarascon's perspective however.   

Ok, I am enjoying my last cup of joe for the day, watching the news. UGH! How depressing. *click*
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 12, 2019, 02:14:34 PM
It is perverse, the price of real estate here.  A 1 BR condo starts at $650k in our neighborhood.  There's no way I would have been able to afford this place at current market values and the same applies to most of my long time neighbors.

When houses do go for sale here, 3 BRs start in the low $1m range.  You can't touch a 2BR 1BA for under $800k.  It's obscene.  And the techies from SF are coming over and driving up prices, which makes it worse.  This is a nice middle class neighborhood but now the only people who can afford to buy are lawyers, doctors and software engineers.

I've had to stop watching most of the news, lest I go out and start tossing molotov cocktails.  If I were a young woman I would move to England to get away from the Handmaid's Tale type changes in reproductive rights.  So much for the women's movement.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 12, 2019, 03:07:46 PM
Had to run to the drugstore. Didn't check the weather before I headed out the door with my cargo shorts and T-shirt. Holy poo! It's bless'ed 49°(F) outside. It was 80° just the other day. Typical weather this time of year.

I've had to stop watching most of the news, lest I go out and start tossing molotov cocktails.
I only watch local news anymore. I will get my metered dose of World News from the Internet.  ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 18, 2019, 11:22:45 AM
YouTube flat out locked me up on a "buy" page. For deep blue sea.

I was like "Deep Blue Sea? The one where sharks eat Samuel L. Jackson? Why the golly is YouTube pushing this?"

Then I remember someone rickrolled me with the "My head is like a shark's fin" video by LL Cool Jay on April Fools.

Man, they sat on that hard sell for a while. I closed the tab and started over. No more hard sell.

But seriously, I blow HOURS zoned out to Russian car crash videos, and they thought the path to my wallet was Deep Blue Sea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 18, 2019, 01:13:47 PM
Holy crap, it's hot and humid out. Summer is here. Got the AC cranked. Electric bill is gonna shoot back up. Was nice for past 3 months to have a low electric bill.

Enjoying my last 'cup a joe' right now. With some cheese and crackers. Finishing up this large brick of sharp cheddar I got at Sam's Club oh like 2 months ago. I can't remember the brand name. I always put the cheese in a ziplock baggie after I first open it. It's really good. I know it's a 24 month aged cheese. I do remember that. It has a slight goats cheese flavor to it. Lately, my favorite cheese has been Tillamook Special Reserve Extra Sharp Cheddar. Gettin more of that next. Have to go to Kroger to get it though and it's really expensive there.  >:(  Maybe I should buy it online.  :P  My favorite cheese is Blue Cheese or Gorgonzola, but, I've been in a cheddar phase lately. I used to buy Gorgonzola exclusively because many years ago it was always cheaper than Blue cheese. Now, they are the same so Blue or Gorgonzola doesn't matter. Whatever is on sale.

Why do I shop at Sam's Club? Because it's so close I could literally walk there. And, their coffee bean prices are outstanding.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 18, 2019, 01:24:46 PM
Krogers got Colby. Black label, green border, red print. I thought it was sharper than tilamook. Haven't been out to a Kroger since the car died.

Might be mixing the name up, I know Colby is some crap bland cheese mix for fat people. Like the people who would call Jack cheese "ethnic".

Spent 15 minutes scrubbing my roommates mouse, he hit one of those "Call Microsoft immediately at 1-900-INDIA" potholes, and I just, couldn't use the mouse.

I don't know if I can help him anymore, the thing looked worse than a romero zombie left out in the sun. And it started out Silver and black. Just a simple 2 button scroll wheel dell USB, and I've never seen a mouse that bad.

Like even in the nightmare 4chan images, those mice aren't as bad.

I'm thinking I'm gonna have to charge him $200 next time he asks for help, plus he needs to buy new hardware (mouse and KB)

Because golly.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 18, 2019, 01:32:06 PM
Yes, I agree with you. The Tillamook has a milder flavor. I normally go for the really strong cheeses (like the one I'm chowing on now). Didn't try Tillamook til few months ago. Seems more like a traditional type cheddar, but, I did enjoy it. After that, I will probably go back to Blue cheese for awhile. Sam's Club sells an Amish Blue Cheese in a large tub. I normally get that. Kroger is not a good place to buy cheese. $$$
However, you better be a real cheese lover if you buy a large brick from say Sam's Club. Throwing away half of it a year later isn't very economic either.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 19, 2019, 12:27:05 AM
8ully, I find it comical that you are talking about mice and cheese in the same paragraph but the one has nothing to do with the other.

Tillamook is good for a supermarket cheese.  I'm spoiled for choice around here.  I recommend checking out Trader Joe's for inexpensive good cheese.  They have decent quality and selection.  The Double Gloucester (a mild orange cheese with onion and chives) is the bomb and the Madrigal (a mild swiss type) are both really good.  We sometimes get their pecorino romano to grate over pasta.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 19, 2019, 12:54:19 AM
There's a Trader Joe's about 10 mins. from me. I've never been there. lol  I need to get my butt there and check them out. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 23, 2019, 12:02:33 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 25, 2019, 11:57:09 AM
Just got banned from a brand specific forum. lol golly 'em.

Having second thoughts on grilling this chicken. It's freakin hot out. Screw it, I'm doin it. Better grab my hat. Don't wanna burn my freshly shaven head.  :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 25, 2019, 12:02:41 PM
Ok, Mother nature says hold on a few minutes. (Thunderstorm getting ready to roll in)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 25, 2019, 03:15:11 PM

Caught this dude crawling on the ceiling. I'll let him be. Spiders are good, they eat bugs. Only time there is a problem is when they get close to my bed, then, I have to deal with them.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 26, 2019, 12:22:34 AM
so interesting

so sad
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 03, 2019, 07:04:08 AM
Sitting in my boxer briefs having my morning coffee watching the local news. The mayor is in some hot water, AGAIN!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 06, 2019, 11:22:49 PM
Getting ready to head back to the MedCheck. I'm thinking I need to be put on some antibiotics. *sigh*

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 07, 2019, 12:10:03 AM
yep looks infected
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 07, 2019, 05:15:34 PM
Yeah, ok, I'll fess up. The sutures were supposed to come out over a week ago.  :-[  My bad.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 08, 2019, 12:59:03 AM
ATM Drinking coffee looking at the rain thinking me and the dogs are gonna get wet
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 08, 2019, 01:20:43 AM
Just had my first cup a joe as well. Boy, this new grinder is nice.
Nothing planned today. Foot already looks better. lol. 1 more week and I'm back to work. Can't believe I'm happy to go back to work.
Wish I could have a dog. My company doesn't allow them (in the trucks). I see drivers who take their dogs with them all the time. How cool.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 13, 2019, 07:08:26 AM
Having a new toilet installed today. Isn't that exciting?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 13, 2019, 07:49:00 AM
Having a new toilet installed today. Isn't that exciting?
depends how you look at it  ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 13, 2019, 08:00:14 AM
I went out and asked them when they think they'll be getting to my unit. He said around noon. That's good, cuz I had to go in there and drop a bomb.  :o  If I was next, I would have gone somewhere to do my business cuz I'm cool like that.  8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 13, 2019, 01:35:38 PM
I like my new toilet. It's fancy. I'm a fancy lad.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 15, 2019, 03:58:18 PM
Hall closet was getting bad, so I laid down the law. Linens go on one shelf, random poo on another.

This got MAJOR pushback from the peanut gallery, who wanted a divided but shared shelf. I laid down the fact that if I'm cleaning it out, I'm doing it my way, and did.

Holy poo I'm weak, just two shelves in a linen closet wiped me out. Did get the job done though. There was a lot more random poo in there than I thought. The combined random poo shelf is now stuffed to the gills, but I actually know where the pillowcases are. Rock over London, Rock on Chicago.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 15, 2019, 04:04:56 PM
I hope you feel better soon.  My house is a mess.  I have to get rid of a ton of stuff.  Listed some things on craigslist that I hope to be able to sell.  There's a lot that needs to go out of here and I need to get started on it.

The sun is finally out so I might venture to a store, but with crutches and a boot, it's not very fun to drive and clump around trying to shop.  Maybe I'll just scrub the kitchen floor, instead.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 17, 2019, 09:33:41 PM
Just woke up from a nap. Spent 6 hours earlier today jumping through hoops to get recertified so I can go back to work. I passed. Amen. Back on the road Wednesday. Gave me a raging headache. Is better now. Some ibuprofen should knock it the rest of the way out. I am starving. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 18, 2019, 12:27:29 AM
Congratulations on being allowed to return to work.  I'm sure you've been chomping at the bit to get out of the house and back on the road.

I'm having a glass of red wine, unwinding from a relatively pleasant, productive day.  Contemplating what to watch.  TV or not TV?  That is the question...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 18, 2019, 12:56:35 AM
Thanks Six. Anyway, I vote 'No TV'. Gonna be quite a while before I even turn the telly on again. Belly full here. Definitely reminded of why I went 7 years without. And you are correct, I AM ready to get back in the game.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 18, 2019, 12:36:14 PM
I was helping a guy troubleshoot a game problem and discovered they added 1080 support to GTA III, it looks bless'ed FANTASTIC.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 18, 2019, 09:23:14 PM
Trying to decide what hardware to get for my drumkit project. Will be starting back on this project once I get a few weeks of work under my belt. Going with 4 coats clear Polycrylic on the shells. Will be good enough for me. Yeah, I know, several layers of lacquer, wet sanding, buffing, etc... is the best, which I've done in the past, however, well, golly that. lol (How's that for a run on sentence?) 
Past 3 months I've been going through/testing many (over a dozen) sticks. Even chopping, weighting, etc..., to find the right balance for me. Narrowed it down to 2. Been doing a lot of practice on my practice pad. I have 4 different pads. Decided on the Vater. Anyone need some practice pads? lol 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 19, 2019, 12:35:08 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 19, 2019, 03:06:32 AM
Planning a visit to see Mr. Sandman.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 19, 2019, 10:57:44 AM
He seems to have determined that I was persona non grata last night.  I had lots of trouble sleeping.  Oh well.  I did get a start on the Hyperion Cantos, at least.

I'm drinking tea, hoping it dulls the effects of insufficient sleep.  Sometimes being tired results in unusually productive days.  We'll see. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 19, 2019, 01:23:36 PM
Well, Doctor Sleep is in production right now.

Ever read sandman slim? It's a little bro-ey for urban fantasy, but I enjoyed it. Dude gets sent to hell with soul intact. Dude does pretty well in hell. Dude comes back to earth to get revenge on the people who sent him to hell.

I am trying to work on my closet. It's stuffed as hell, I haven't worn any clothes out of it in years now (Tanks and T-shirts, I used to wear Hawaiian shirts due to insecurity with my weight)

On top of that I've got odds and ends going back to '95, and I could probably double the storage space just by rotating the boxes.

It's definitely a challenge, but it's not like I've got anything better to do.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 19, 2019, 03:16:34 PM
Already got rid of all MY hawaiian shirts.  8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 19, 2019, 04:33:19 PM
the screen protector fell off my Gameboy. Apparently they just glued it on, and the glue gave up the ghost.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 19, 2019, 05:26:21 PM
Most of my closets require a pith helmet and a machete just to get near the door.  I've been slowly working on trying to get some of the more accessible items thinned out.  I keep going to the charity shops and making donations but I suspect the contents have figured out a way to reproduce when I'm not looking.

I took a nap and am baking muffins.  Fussy recipe.  It's like sour cream coffee cake in individual muffins so I have to layer each one and add streusel, then add more of this thick batter on top without making a complete mess.  Not so easy.  The proof will be in the pudding.  But the ingredients are good so I have some hope that it will be good.  I doubt I'll make this again as it's too messy.  I think a regular coffee cake would have been less trouble.

We're eating salad for dinner so I won't feel so guilty to sample one.  Guess I'll go wash greens while I wait for the muffins to bake.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 20, 2019, 12:36:44 AM
Already got rid of all MY hawaiian shirts.  8)

NOooooooo so in demand and trendy in the UK atm. Quirky is good
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 20, 2019, 07:33:02 AM
Well, I made it. (to Harrisburg). Was easier than I had hoped.  :)  Goodnight.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 20, 2019, 10:32:35 AM
If you had time to hang out for a few hours in Harrisburg, there are some sweet little shops and restaurants not far from the Capitol.  Midtown Scholar Bookstore/Cafe, and there's an interesting little market (like old time marketplace with stalls) Broad Street Market 1233 N 3rd St.  Harrisburg is laid out on a grid so it's fairly easy to navigate.  Nice places to stroll by the river.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 20, 2019, 01:50:07 PM
Roast Beef Sandwiches. If you walk into the place and it doesn't smell like blood, walk out.

My aunt lives in Harrisburg, but she's off on an RV adventure across the east coast right now. You may have passed her on the road :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 20, 2019, 03:57:34 PM
Sometimes I think it would be way cool to cruise the country  in an RV. Just not sure. One thing it for sure, you can spend a poo ton on an RV. Would have to get a used one. I bet they depreciate horribly.
Ok, better get ready to head home. So, that's what I do now; to and from Harrisburg 3 times a week. More mileage than the KC bid I had for years. If this bid wears me out, I can just hop off in 3 months onto something else since this bid cycle is halfway over. For now, "chaching!".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 20, 2019, 06:10:27 PM
And the freshest roast beef sandwiches a man can buy. Shame the radio stations suck.

Mom's been on a goodwill kick. Yesterday I saw they had a copy of Medieval II with the first disk missing. I took it to the desk, explained the problem, and expected it to be shitcanned.

Then I went home and thought about it. bottom roommate #7 walked off with my copy, but I thought I had one of the disks, so I went digging. sure as poo, it was that disk.

And of course, the lazy employee put it back on the shelf instead of poo canning it. $5 wasn't too bad a price, it's running $20 on amazon.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 20, 2019, 07:45:29 PM
I was based in Harrisburg one summer about 15 years ago and it was entertaining to explore the city.  It's kind of depressed, economically, but there were some decent restaurants because the people who worked at the state capitol often wanted somewhere decent to go after work.  There are some sweet little historic houses there.  I went to the Broad St. market for good coffee and there were also Amish stalls with meats and other farm produce if you wanted to get some salads or a sandwich.

The Midtown Bookstore Cafe is a block or so away.  There were plenty of bars & restaurants in the main downtown area, to the west and north of the Capitol complex.  I remember having some very good fried calimari at one of the local pubs there.  I have a real nostalgic affection for the place.  It was a short term job but very interesting and I met some nice people in the process.  I don't know if you get to stay there, but I expect that if you are driving an 18 wheeler, it may not be very practical to get around there.  I do remember there was an island where you could park and walk back downtown.  There was a gorgeous metal truss bridge that had been partially wiped out by a big flood and the half that remained went to the island where they have baseball games as well as parking.

It's a curious place.  I remember one day seeing a Baltimore Oriole in a tree on that island.  It was beautiful.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on July 02, 2019, 05:38:14 PM
Well, I just sent Eckridge a nasty email. lol Nearly every time I want to buy some 'Thick Cut Eckridge Bologna', they are out. Most of this time they are also out of stock in the back. This has been going on for over 6 months. Very annoying. So, today, they were out of course, I asked the meat manager and he said they were out. I told him my experience and annoyance. He said, "I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do". WOW! Ok dude, we'll see about that you lazy golly.  >:(
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 02, 2019, 05:49:49 PM
He really is a lazy golly, he could have at least told you what day they get shipments.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on July 02, 2019, 05:59:05 PM
Well, from now on, I will take a snapshot every time they are out and send it to Eckridge. lol I don't like being a richard, but, this really has been going on for months. Unreal. I will let you know how this progresses. They bent with the wrong guy. "I WANT SOME BUTTS!" (https://youtu.be/aEURsGD0-WQ) lol
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 02, 2019, 06:38:53 PM
It's the manager. He's obsessed with spoilage shrink. He's decided how much sells, which actually fluctuates. People want certain foods during certain parts of the year. When it's hot out, a cold sandwich is a gift from heaven.

Try and get the store manager, you've already tried the meat department. Store managers aren't the warmest, but they do put boot to ass.

I remember back when Pepsi and Coke decided 24 packs were a thing of the past, and 20 packs were the wave of the future. Truck shows up loaded with 20 packs. Store manager refuses delivery.

Coke guy says this is what "people" want. Store manager relays that customers have told him to "go golly himself" for not having 24 packs, and he's done eating poo to make vendor happy.

And that's why Grocery Outlets have 20 packs.

Other customer screaming products - When Ice cream was shrunk, people screamed at everyone. Because we all scream for ice cream, and the grocery shrink ray is bless'ed cowpoo.

Uncrustables. If you buy uncrustables for your kids, you're an bottom, and so are your kids. Ever have a mom AND a kid shriek at you? I have.

Turned out, we didn't even carry them. madam thought she was at VONS. Shortly after, we started carrying them. I wish we hadn't.

I don't know if your store does order pickup, that's a bit after my time, but if they do, slap it on your order, then they have to ship it in.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Schmoogsley on July 03, 2019, 12:43:25 PM
6 lbs. ground beef. (Ground Chuck 80/20)
hamburger buns.
2 large (party size) bags Lays Potato Chips.
cheese slices.
large tub cheese balls.
large watermelon.
bag of Tootsie Pops.

Ok, that's all I'm bringing.  ;D

Sam's Club was packed.  >:(


RIP Arte Johnson
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 16, 2019, 03:18:38 PM
Rotated mom's room 90 degrees. If she gets rid of a table or two, she'll be able to do wii fit.

Her yoga instructor keeps cancelling, so I think it would be helpful.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 27, 2019, 03:17:50 PM
Making black currant jam.  Lots of work for very little jam.  They're fussy little suckers.  You have to destem them from 2 ends and they have seeds.  Oh well.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 28, 2019, 02:55:41 PM
Fine detail work is a hell of a skill. I wonder if that would translate over. You'd probably be better at cracking cases on laptops than I am.

The trick is not to physically crack the case. lot of stupid plastic folds when there should have just been case mating points, like god intended.

poo, the older iPod's were pressure mated. Thick ass fold sprongs. Spellcheck says that isn't a word, I disagree. It's PERFECT.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 29, 2019, 03:30:25 AM
Would you agree that the older ipod's were sprongy?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 29, 2019, 06:12:56 AM
I popped my HP iPod (Wow did Fiorina mess that one up) with no training. Yeah, I ruined it, but I learned a lot.

Specifically, it's all metal sprongy things keeping it shut. you just pull the two apart extremely carefully.

Plus, it was already dead, had the frowny face, triangle exclamation point "YOU'RE bent" icon.

Specifically the hard drive was dead. It's in a box somewhere. Maybe someone else could do something with it, but I've got trust issues.

Certainly not worth the $90 people were charging for battery replacements back then.

Still my favorite ipod model, that headphone placement was PERFECT.

I used to read books on that screen, which seems nuts to me now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 29, 2019, 08:50:27 AM
I have a 2008 vintage iPod that has a dead battery.  It would cost more to replace the battery than to buy a replacement iPod.  Jonny Ives likes to pride himself on his emulation of Dieter Rams in the design ethos that Apple adopted with the product lines that he oversaw.  But one of the tenets of Rams' 10 Principles of Good Design is that it should be "Umweltfreundlich" or ecologically sensitive.  Creating devices with batteries that cannot be easily changed hardly falls under that category, nor does designing machines that are no longer supported after 8 years.  I guess they use the fact that they'll recycle your old devices for free to assuage their collective consciences.  But the rampant consumerism underpinning Apple's relentless promotion of new product lines and its link to planned obsolescence is enough to give Rams as well as Victor Papanek (author of the 1971 recycling friendly Design for the Real World) brain tumors.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 29, 2019, 08:00:41 PM
Yup, that certainly isn't a free service, it's just frontloaded in the price at purchase. California already does that. You get a $25 "fee" tacked on whenever you buy electronics.

Most of my CD players could be taken apart with a jewelers screwdriver, I fixed stuck lasers that way all the time. Not so in the brave new world.

That was before I knew anything about electronics, I'd just gut the thing, poke at loose wires, then reassemble the thing. Unless something was physically cracked or torn, I got at least another six months out of the devices.

Today I went to goodwill late, around 6 PM, and watched a lady wheel out the exact size file cabinet I need. That wasn't fun.

Of course they didn't have two. They tend to ship those things out to other stores. They do have as many iHome stereos and alarm clocks as future landfills may require!

I know people got those as Christmas gifts from well meaning relatives, but has anyone ever used one? In "the wild" Aux cord is king.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 05, 2019, 03:57:00 PM
A week and a half into my electrical course and I already have 2 days of exams to look forward to this week.

So, guess what? Yep, I'm cramming!

My head hurts ... a lot!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 06, 2019, 12:27:50 AM
I have a 2008 vintage iPod that has a dead battery. 

plenty of vids showing how to change and change the memory to cards. A serious upgrade  then install rockbox on it.
Pure fun
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 06, 2019, 12:32:56 AM
I have watched the videos.  Not quite sure I'm up for it, but I do like to tinker with things and I hate the ooga booga mystery surrounding electronics.  Other than making sure I don't electrocute myself, I'd like to be able to replace the battery.  I rewire lamps from time to time and that's pretty satisfying, although I don't have the same challenges with miniature parts and making sure everything goes back together again.

Right now, it's a paperweight, so I won't be losing anything by attempting the battery replacement.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 06, 2019, 03:15:52 AM
Peeling open an ipod requires a lot of patience. I did it once, and I wrecked the poo out of the thing.

I did a bit better with the PSP, but I had a phone call when I was trying to install the 6th screen replacement I had ordered, and wrecked a bracket with the tool set that I had.

It's some serious fuckery, and not for the feint of heart.

Specifically, it was the HP iPod.

I really love the second gen nano, with the metal shell. Mine had a screen bleed that REPAIRED ITSELF. I've never seen anything like it, but am thankful. I now store it screen down to avoid future fippery.

I still have my MBP, but the battery is deader than a doornail, and the display was a victim of what is now called "3rd hand smoke". You can't refurb that.

I doubt I'll ever be in the apple market again, but it was fun while it lasted.

Please Mr. Lottery, just one Six million dollar win, I promise I'll be responsible and not a hooting yahoo with it!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 06, 2019, 10:27:28 AM
Yeah.  I can see a trail of tears with that iPod, so I have been hesitant to crack it open.  As for old tech.  I have two iPods, a first generation iPad, a 1st gen. watch, an old MBP (pre unibody) and the jewel in my collection, a Powerbook 92 that still runs.  I keep it so I can boot up floppy discs and because it has a really good Water Balloons game.  It has a 256 Mb HD.  My iPhone 6 is my first smartphone and it's still fine.  Apple will stop supporting it so I'll use it until I can't any longer.  After that, who knows.  $1k for a phone is a bit steep, so hopefully they'll produce something cheaper by the time it's no longer useful.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 07, 2019, 12:31:15 AM
I have no real idea what old tech I have, but I (almost) never throw anything away. I have (at least) a second-gen iPod, a U2 iPod, a couple of iPod minis, an iPod nano or three, and whatever that stick of gum iPod was I have one of them too. I have cables for most of these things too! That's when the iPhone arrived, and somewhere we have a 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5S, and a 6. I still use the X, the wife is still using the 6S. We have two (or maybe three?) iMacs on the go, and in the loft there are many and various others going back to the LCII that was the first computer I bought new (battery is dead in that, too). Laptops? I've had a few, but I think these are the things that mostly get thrown away (to remove the temptation of spending £100+ on a new battery for a machine worth maybe £20): I have kept the 17" Powerbook as a slice of vintage computing, and there is doubtless an iBook and at least a couple of other Powerbooks/ MacBook Pros lying around somewhere to go with the one I use day to day.

... and then there are iPads, and apple watches - boy it sure starts to add up after a while, doesn't it!

A museum will be asking to borrow these
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 07, 2019, 03:06:57 AM
That's generally how museums work :P
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 07, 2019, 06:28:49 PM
I have an Apple TV 1st gen and have never been able to get it to sync with my Samsung smart tv and my computer.  I expect it's hopeless now.  Is there any reason to keep it?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 07, 2019, 06:52:34 PM
You might be able to hook it up dumb style, I'm guessing the "smart" was what got depreciated and locked out.

Hell, the Samsung TV I have rejects anything but a $120 wifi adapter that is now fully obsolete.

I'm still learning stuff about my TCL TV. "forgetting" the wireless network isn't under the wireless settings, but the "Advanced configuration" settings.

I had to use a stupid tile interface instead of directly going to my PC, but that was under the "Power" settings. Specifically "Power on to HDMI 1".

It's like these things are designed to be difficult.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 08, 2019, 08:35:06 PM
If you don't, then you won't have it.
"Throw it away and hell you'll pay."  -- Marvin Marvinview, Collector's Corner.

Wow.  Photobucket really does suck.  And now I've forgotten how I have to doctor the link via dropbox.  I have a brain like a sieve sometimes.  So I go establish an account with imgur and still, no success.  Maybe I should go have a lie down and see if I wake up smarter.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 08, 2019, 09:27:30 PM
I had to factory restore my mom's phone, she lost a ton of really great pictures of the gremlin. There was one of him in a green Christmas hat, and the rage in his eyes was just fantastic.

He's got those stubby little legs, but in his brain, it was straight up "DRACARYS!"
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 09, 2019, 12:46:40 AM
I'm getting ready to kick back with a glass of wine and watch tv on my computer.  I live in the future.  I don't even need a tv to watch tv.  Yay!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 09, 2019, 12:52:47 AM
I had to factory restore my mom's phone, she lost a ton of really great pictures of the gremlin. There was one of him in a green Christmas hat, and the rage in his eyes was just fantastic.

He's got those stubby little legs, but in his brain, it was straight up "DRACARYS!"

google photos is free and a must
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 09, 2019, 12:59:46 AM
My S5 was backed up in full, including wireless network password. Apparently her droid was configured differently. I always figured getting the pictures off would be a nightmare, considering the damn phone didn't even have a card slot, but the problem rendered the phone unusable. Even getting it to do the factory restore took like two hours.

On the plus side, the phone is much zippier now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Alfonz on November 12, 2019, 04:54:11 PM
google photos is free and a must

Google Photos is cancelled, now I'm forced to manually upload all of my pictures to Drive. Since I started hobbying with a DSLR I don't really use my phone all that much for taking pictures, but if I want any of them I need to make sure I back them up before disaster strikes. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 14, 2019, 12:49:03 AM
If I could draw a cartoon of myself it would be one of those line drawings with squiggly lines indicating inability to process overly abundant information.  I'm deep into the vagaries of estate taxes and attempting to understand how to calculate generation skipping transfer taxes on estates over 11.18 million.  The textbook isn't helping and most of the videos online are for people who have the money and need to hire an accountant to figure it out for them, so it dumbs it down instead of explaining how to calculate it.

I have an exam on Monday so I have to be able to understand and apply this.  But after a fun evening of dealing with fantasy inheritance problems, I'm going to watch some sci fi or french serial killers to take the edge off.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 14, 2019, 01:35:46 PM
In the US, no inheritance tax is imposed on estates up to 11.18 million.  (The lifetime gift and inheritance exclusion amounts are combined in the US).  A million dollars will buy a modest 2 bedroom 1 bath house around here, so it sort of makes sense that the threshold is at that level.  But I basically agree with you, in principle.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 14, 2019, 06:40:51 PM
I just feel like that policy would somehow be maliciously twisted or even reversed.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 15, 2019, 11:38:42 AM
My one policy, when I get elected, is going to be to introduce 100% inheritance tax on everyone with more than £1million. Dynasties shouldn't be allowed, as inherited money is to blame for most of the world's inequality, so stamp them out.

-- it would also make estates over £1million much easier to manage.

I agree with this.

Unless I owned a property worth over a mill', in which case you can bugger orf!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 17, 2019, 12:15:44 AM
looking at the darkness and thinking
do i have to walk the dogs ?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 17, 2019, 12:32:22 AM
I like walking the dog in the dark. He seems to behave a little better.

If I don't get him out in the 8-10 PM window, I can expect a surprise on the floor. He likes a normal schedule.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 17, 2019, 01:09:19 AM
If my bird doesn't get out to play enough, he barks at me like a deranged little feathered dog.  It's really annoying but it gets my attention.  At least I don't have to take him outside to walk him like a dog.

Sometimes he barks just for the hell of it, and he nods like mad while he's doing it, as if for emphasis.  Maybe he's just the reincarnation of James Brown. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 17, 2019, 10:00:33 AM
You need look no farther than the offspring of the current occupant of the White House to find Exhibit A to support that argument.  You won't find me taking issue with that.  I tend to fall on the "you can't take it with you" side of things.  Better to endow a charity than pass it on to people who will just build hideous architecture with gilded furniture in their penthouse and foster delusions of grandeur as to how they've worked so hard to obtain the money they actually inherited from dear old Dad.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 19, 2019, 12:21:01 AM
I just passed part 2 of a grueling 3 part exam.  One more to go before I can be done with this for the time being.  I'm certainly learning a lot in the process.

Time to kick back before I get back into it again. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 19, 2019, 12:24:02 AM
well done
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 22, 2019, 01:48:28 PM
I plan to change my brake lights this weekend.  There are plenty of youtube videos about how to do this.  It's not rocket science.  So I have to go to the auto parts store and pick up the bulbs and steel myself for this.  Mostly it involves removing screws, a faceplate, a few bolts and pulling the plastic assembly away from the fender to access the bulb.  Sounds simple enough but there are always little wrinkles that impede progress.  Wish me luck.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 24, 2019, 12:49:44 AM
you tube is great for these little and not so little jobs, best of
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 25, 2019, 10:16:40 PM
First I have to fix the struts that hold my hatchback (boot lid or whatever you guys call it) open, lest it fall on me while I'm working.  It's particularly liable to slam shut on my head when it's cold outside and we are expecting a cold front soon.

amazon shipped those new struts to me in a day or so. I first thought somebody must have sent me flowers, because of the shape of the box, until I remembered that I'd ordered auto parts.  So much more romantic to have a well functioning machine.  I think they just screw into the lid hatchback lid and side of the car, so it should be pretty straightforward. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 28, 2019, 10:42:26 PM
I'm on the last Big Box DVD set of SG-1, Season 8. I think I'll actually manage to finish the entire series before the new year. I'm a little disappointed season 9 and 10 use the more common slim DVD cases to jam them into less space, there's something about those boxes.

I'm sure when I eventually have to move, I'll be less fond of those boxes. 6 is the smart one here, she has the show in digital format!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 29, 2019, 02:29:06 PM
drinking Asbach brandy
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 29, 2019, 11:43:05 PM
Bout to start Season 9, it's in the slim cases, you still get five DVD's per season. Another plus is the big boxes were $9.99 each, this one was $3.99.
My guess is they counted the cases 5 v 3, but who understands the arcane thoughts that go into goodwill pricing?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 30, 2019, 04:25:48 PM
I just passed part 2 of a grueling 3 part exam.  One more to go before I can be done with this for the time being.  I'm certainly learning a lot in the process.

Time to kick back before I get back into it again.

Yesterday I passed the second and hardest part of my 4th electrical qualification, the C&G 2391. I now only have the practical assessment part to completely hold that qualification, and this after passing the 2393, the 2382 and the 2392. It's been 5 weeks of complete head f*ck as the learning curve can only be described as a vertical, straight line, but the feeling of accomplishment has wiped out the weeks of stress.

Half of my class failed and there were other guys doing their 5th resit and I feel for them, but for me, I can now get on with Christmas without any distraction.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 30, 2019, 09:37:11 PM
I'm so happy to hear of your successes. Let's hope they rub off on me.  I have the 3rd part to take on Friday, so I'll be studying like crazy until then.

Enjoy the well deserved rest.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 30, 2019, 11:43:15 PM
well done Smokes, another feather in the cap so to speak
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 01, 2019, 12:35:01 AM
Congrats smokes! And good luck, 6!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 03, 2019, 04:16:09 AM
great work and commitment
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 03, 2019, 08:19:25 AM
Thank you all so much!

It's all a bit surreal as whenever I try to think some kind of scenario when sort of initiating a dream, I now end up running through Ohm's law calculations or rewiring wherever it is I am while in the dream. God knows how many times I've had to fix Seven-of-Nine's workstation..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 03, 2019, 08:28:19 AM
Well done smokes.

Thanks mate. Better keep that one.

The boy got a blank from Oxford today but got an interview at Imperial. He has already got offers from Manchester, Leeds and Birmingham. All 4 of those are Russell Group so he still ain't doing bad.

The toss up is now is if he gets into Imperial it is probably is the best university and he could stay at home, work for me and I'd probably pay his fees  - so he could leave uni' debt free. The downside is he'll be at home. Or, he could take Manchester if he gets in which would mean living there, working to pay for his own upkeep, and probably just get a student loan for his fees as it would cover some of his living expenses too. The upside is he'd be able to leave home.

Personally, I'd like him around but I can feel that's a bit selfish.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on December 03, 2019, 11:53:00 AM
Personally, I'd like him around but I can feel that's a bit selfish.

You're allowed to be selfish when it comes to spending time with your kids. Either way, it sounds like you and the missus did good so whichever way he goes, he's well prepared to face the world.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 03, 2019, 03:31:02 PM
You're allowed to be selfish when it comes to spending time with your kids. Either way, it sounds like you and the missus did good so whichever way he goes, he's well prepared to face the world.

But is the world prepared .....
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 04, 2019, 09:32:02 AM
Let him go. If you don't do it now it gets progressively harder (both for you and him).

Every kid deserves to have his college years away from parental supervision.

While that's true, these days your university years put you into debt for decades. He has the opportunity to negate that and then be in a position to bail once and for all.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 04, 2019, 09:43:51 AM
I mean, if he wants the independence, all power to him.

But I'd kill to have more time with my dad. And that's not hyperbole. Like line up the convicts, I'll make Khorne proud.

Thank you for supporting your son, he seems to be on an impressive track. And you gave him those tools. I salute you.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: JackFrost on December 05, 2019, 01:04:08 AM
Um, sorry to interrupt, as this seems like kind of a serious conversation I'm butting into, but:

Wow! You guys are still here after all this time?

I came back to see if my Top 20 Comics thing was still here since we're almost to 2020 and I wanted to see how stupid I was back then. Saw you all posted as recently as yesterday and just had to at least say "hello". Found my password still works and here we are.

I've only read the last couple of pages and I feel reluctant to offer an opinion, but I will join the others, smokes, in being impressed with both your and your son's accomplishments. Well done, lads.

At any rate, apologies again for cutting through...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 05, 2019, 01:25:09 AM
Wow! You guys are still here after all this time?

I came back to see if my Top 20 Comics thing was still here since we're almost to 2020 and I wanted to see how stupid I was back then. Saw you all posted as recently as yesterday and just had to at least say "hello". Found my password still works and here we are.

I've only read the last couple of pages and I feel reluctant to offer an opinion, but I will join the others, smokes, in being impressed with both your and your son's accomplishments. Well done, lads.

At any rate, apologies again for cutting through...

Nope.  You are enjoying the fruits of a fertile imagination.  But welcome back, anyway.

You are alone in the universe, a universe where smokester is an ideal dad who worries about the future of his promising progeny. 

I say, a) let him go if it's the best place for him to study, and he feels strongly about attending the place and has good reasons for it
and b) if he's cool with staying home while he attends a local school, then fine.  The economic advantages are obvious and he seems like a bright kid who can do a cost benefit analysis among other skills.  Don't feel guilty about that.  But let him decide.  I think it's great that you are so supportive.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 05, 2019, 04:27:53 AM
Um, sorry to interrupt, as this seems like kind of a serious conversation I'm butting into, but:

Wow! You guys are still here after all this time?

I came back to see if my Top 20 Comics thing was still here since we're almost to 2020 and I wanted to see how stupid I was back then. Saw you all posted as recently as yesterday and just had to at least say "hello". Found my password still works and here we are.

I've only read the last couple of pages and I feel reluctant to offer an opinion, but I will join the others, smokes, in being impressed with both your and your son's accomplishments. Well done, lads.

At any rate, apologies again for cutting through...

Wow! Your post was a pleasant surprise. Really it was.

Thanks for the compliments and I can't stop thinking back to the photos I posted of my kids building an igloo on Clapham Common back in the early days when the old guard were all active. Now my son is about 6'2" and rolls off advanced mathematics like it was going out of fashion (such a far cry from igloo construction in both ways), I'm not sure whether I should feel proud of the progress or woeful of how old I've become in what seems like a very short period of time. I suppose I should remember that I went through my latest endeavour expecting about another 15 years in the workplace, so I'm not completely over the hill yet.

Nope.  You are enjoying the fruits of a fertile imagination.  But welcome back, anyway.

You are alone in the universe, a universe where smokester is an ideal dad who worries about the future of his promising progeny. 

I say, a) let him go if it's the best place for him to study, and he feels strongly about attending the place and has good reasons for it
and b) if he's cool with staying home while he attends a local school, then fine.  The economic advantages are obvious and he seems like a bright kid who can do a cost benefit analysis among other skills.  Don't feel guilty about that.  But let him decide.  I think it's great that you are so supportive.

I was chatting about this (our forum debate) with him last night and he thinks he'd probably utilise the facility to stay in "halls" for the first year, and then move back for the remaining 3 (he's applied to do a 4 year degree with a built in masters) to minimise outgoings and be close to the work I'd give him. Seems like a good plan but has no one mentioned to him the existence of the opposite (or same) sex, romantically speaking? That could dictate your "living" situation.

It isn't really debt, per se, but more of a specialised tax. If a graduate doesn't earn enough, the outstanding sum goes away, and if they do earn enough they are subject to a special-to-person supplemental tax for a while, to pay (some part of) the money to the guvmnt. It really isn't like a mortgage.

-- you can certainly contribute to him to ensure that the debt doesn't get too high anyway, if that is your intent (but beware - students have a habit of spending their income on things other than reducing their debt! Your contribution would likely be better in paying his tuition/ rent/ fees rather than in real beer tokens)

Thankfully, he kind of thinks like me in as far as debt and would prefer to stay away from it if at all possible. This is in stark contrast to his sister who get advances on her allowance, and then gets advances on advances. She's a walking credit card in the making.

I could employ him at £100 per day and I'd still earn twice that on his input as he's better skilled than most I employ as he's worked hands-on with me since he was in single figures. He also, while liking an occasional beer, has a bit of an aversion to overdoing it as he thinks I drink too much. Point being that it wouldn't really be helping him out as a gesture, it would be good business all round and whatever he chose to do with his income would be entirely his own affair. I'm pretty sure that it would go on something "techy".
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 06, 2019, 10:46:07 PM
I passed that exam.  I submitted the test and then covered my eyes because I was afraid to see the results.  When it said I'd passed, I couldn't believe it.  It was so hard, demanded so much knowledge and I really felt overwhelmed at times by it.  At least I can put that class to bed for the term.  And maybe I'll get a job as a result of the additional qualification.

I'm watching an old episode of Inspector Morse that has lots of people getting hit over the head and pitched into vats of beer at a brewery.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 07, 2019, 12:09:48 AM
Well done 6
Sorry Smokes what does your son want to study ?
My son is in his last year of UNI (5 years) and is having a few interviews for jobs afterwards in the profession he studied (cannot believe how any dont get a  job in their subject  ???)
The debt is the debt not to worry about.
If he studies at imperial let him have the first year in Uni digs and see how it go's. They need thay bonding with fellow drunks
sorry future leaders
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 07, 2019, 02:06:03 AM
Thanks, Goldie.
Smokes, I'm getting ready to go to Germany for about 10 days with a friend I met in my first semester of college.  Those relationships forged at school can be very beneficial and last a lifetime, so I encourage you to let him go if he's inclined.  It's an opportunity for him to strike out on his own in a sheltered environment and to meet new people.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 07, 2019, 04:44:16 AM
I passed that exam.  I submitted the test and then covered my eyes because I was afraid to see the results.  When it said I'd passed, I couldn't believe it.  It was so hard, demanded so much knowledge and I really felt overwhelmed at times by it.  At least I can put that class to bed for the term.  And maybe I'll get a job as a result of the additional qualification.

I'm watching an old episode of Inspector Morse that has lots of people getting hit over the head and pitched into vats of beer at a brewery.

Congratulations six but was there ever any doubt. I bet you smashed it!

Well done 6
Sorry Smokes what does your son want to study ?
My son is in his last year of UNI (5 years) and is having a few interviews for jobs afterwards in the profession he studied (cannot believe how any dont get a  job in their subject  ???)
The debt is the debt not to worry about.
If he studies at imperial let him have the first year in Uni digs and see how it go's. They need thay bonding with fellow drunks
sorry future leaders

He's doing 4 A's (he's actually the only person left in yr13 doing 4) which are: math, further math, computer science and economics. He's applied to do math and computing at uni which is a 4 year course with a built in masters.

The thing is, I got him some work experience at Lloyds of London and a week at BNP (I.T side) and both the banking and I.T side were suitably impressed with him. He doesn't really want to be a banker as I.T is his forté by a country mile, but, as I'm sure you know, if he ever had designs to live in London and have a family etc, he'd need to be in the real top earners. That's really why he took economics but LSE didn't really offer him a course that Imperial the others could.

It's tragic how with the world in it's current state, young adults can't really just pursue their dreams without financial consequence. When I left school you could have chosen to be a florist and still have been able to buy your own home, car and raise a family.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 07, 2019, 12:09:56 PM
He sounds like he's going to have a bright future.  Investment banking is a way to amass a good deal of money in a short time.  London is pretty densely populated.  I'm sure it's great when you are young, but probably rather expensive as a place to raise kids.  Your son sounds pretty driven as well as practically minded.  So he'll be fine, no matter what he decides.

We were in London about 10 years ago and staying near Bayswater/Notting Hill.  We walked by a realtor's and were amazed that rents were advertised at the per week price.  I guess giving monthly or annual prices would melt people's brains.  We were shaking our heads.  Rents are really high around here, too, driven by the exodus of Silicon Valley/San Francisco people seeking cheaper real estate (and having the ironic effect of driving up once had been barely affordable prices into the absurdly expensive).  I can't imagine what you need to do to buy a house there. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 07, 2019, 03:07:42 PM
On and average wage in London, you'd spend from between half and 2 thirds of what you earn on your rent alone. If you wanted to buy, a one bedroom flat would cost upwards of £350,000 and I'm being conservative with that figure.

In reality this means if you just wanted you own 1 bedroom pad without any plans for a family, you'd need to be on about £100,000pa just be able to qualify for a mortgage. If you wanted a 3 bed to start a family, you be looking at about 1.3mil which would mean a salary of around £400,000pa.

The situation is just ridiculous and it's not going to get better any time soon.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 07, 2019, 09:25:25 PM
It sounds only slightly more expensive than around here where a 1 BR condo costs around $650k or slightly under 500k pounds.  The question is what do you have to do to earn enough to pay for it?  And I'm talking about 780 square feet with one bath.  With condos there are associated fees that are added to the mortgage, etc.  So, yes, it's similar in that so much of the earnings is devoted to housing that there's not much left over for other things.  It's not clear how this came about as this used to be a relatively affordable area, but no longer.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 09, 2019, 04:05:53 PM
I had a pre-assessment day today to give an insight into the main practical assessment which is the final part of my C&G 2391 course. It's tomorrow and I drew the short straw and have to start at 8.20 in the morning (it's 4 hours long).

I would say I'm a little nervous as there was so much we had to go through today that I could hardly keep my notes up with the pace. Considering we have half that time to do it for real in the proper exam, it a little unnerving.

Anywho. On topic: I have been wading through tons of material trying to better arm myself for the battle tomorrow. It's quite odd that no one is very forthcoming with info on how it goes. It like this unsaid rule that you have to pass it on your own as much as possible as that's how it is when you're in the real world. You simply must be competent when dealing with potentially dangerous things.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: JackFrost on December 10, 2019, 12:28:40 AM
Nope.  You are enjoying the fruits of a fertile imagination.  But welcome back, anyway.

Maybe I'm simply overthinking it, but I've re-read this several times and I'm not making a connection with your post and what I said. ;D

Thanks for the response nonetheless.

Wow! Your post was a pleasant surprise. Really it was.

Thanks for the compliments and I can't stop thinking back to the photos I posted of my kids building an igloo on Clapham Common back in the early days when the old guard were all active. Now my son is about 6'2" and rolls off advanced mathematics like it was going out of fashion (such a far cry from igloo construction in both ways), I'm not sure whether I should feel proud of the progress or woeful of how old I've become in what seems like a very short period of time. I suppose I should remember that I went through my latest endeavour expecting about another 15 years in the workplace, so I'm not completely over the hill yet.

Let's just get this outta the way up front: Goddamn it, I still miss Demonoid.

"The Old Guard"  ;) Like I said, I'm astonished that people are still here using this forum and that all my stuff is still here and my password works. I've been meaning to take a gander at the forum games to see how they ended...

You guys/gals were such a fun bunch and I'm still unsure why any of you tolerated me. ;D

Anyway, good luck on your course tomorrow (which is likely today, now that I think about it), smokes.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 10, 2019, 05:09:51 AM
could be worse, I'm still signed up on that poser site, and you've lapped me what, six times here?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 11, 2019, 02:05:18 AM
Anyway, good luck on your course tomorrow (which is likely today, now that I think about it), smokes.

Thanks Jack but after the ordeal I was left feeling violated. It was truly a madam to get through.

I won't know whether I've passed until just after Christmas, I believe. Yesterday I was sad but today I feel that if I have to resit, I can approach it armed with all the measures I have to take so as not to trip up like I was yesterday. I might even look forward to it.

Hit them with a stick. Hard.

That's good advice as most sticks are non-conductive.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 14, 2019, 12:19:19 AM
cup of Joe toast  waiting for the daughter to arrive home after her night out  :o :o
youngsters of today out all hours then sleep all day  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on December 17, 2019, 06:21:42 PM
Watching the animated star wars series "clone wars"
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 23, 2019, 03:31:47 PM
I got the call last week informing me that I'd passed that final exam which cheered me up no end. I needed that too as I'd been coerced back into working at least 3 weeks prior to when I'd intended. I am still having to work now and Christmas is well and truly upon us. It seems no matter how I plan, I will always find myself overstretched and missing out on personal time.

Ok, I know, I'm moaning on. I'll stop now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 23, 2019, 03:39:48 PM
Congratulations on passing the exam.  We could use an electrician right now.  I think a switch is out and I don't quite feel equipped to deal with it.  Two back to back light switches that control ceiling lights to kitchen and dining room.  I tried changing bulbs and checking fuses (we live in a 1912 house with original wiring).  The only thing left is the wall switch.  I don't think it would be that hairy to change it but I don't have a voltometer and feel out of my depth.  Electricity isn't anything to mess around with.  I can rewire a lamp but that's about the end of my expertise, so I know how much you had to master to get your certification and I take my hat off to you.

It's because of your skill and expertise that you are so in demand.  Hopefully you can take some time off over the holidays.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 23, 2019, 10:21:50 PM
With the old stuff you want people who know what they're doing.

For instance, the last house we owned was built in the 1970's, and they cut corners EVERYWHERE. We had to hire a contractor just to unfuck the place.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 25, 2019, 04:30:32 AM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 01, 2020, 01:56:16 PM
Ok, all new proudest moment coming up ... my daughter represented Wandsworth in the London New Years Day Parade today. She is part of a small dance school that was asked to parade for our borough and she looked wonderful. Didn't really get any pics as 9 out of 10 were of the back of her head (there were tens of thousands of people to fight through to get a glimpse) but I saw her section on the televised broadcast so at least I have something to hold dear.

Incidentally, there were many American (and other international) troops parading:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 01, 2020, 04:02:52 PM
That's really cool.  I'm sure you are proud of her and justifiably so.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 03, 2020, 04:27:49 PM
Well done junior smokette.

Thanks guys.

I just found this online and my daughter is the taller one in darker skirt that does the double spin while going out of shot:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 03, 2020, 05:15:50 PM
Awesome! So happy for you and your family and proud by proxy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 04, 2020, 01:08:05 AM
excellent Smokes , must be so proud
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 04, 2020, 04:39:56 AM
Yep, on the day I was a very happy dad. Must have told my entire phone book.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 29, 2020, 09:21:06 PM
It was a nice cool afternoon so I no longer had the excuse of the world feeling like an oven.

So I got a walk in. I still miss Goodwill.

The former site of the Jack-in-the-box is growing extremely quickly, and it appears they took the car strike to heart, or maybe it's not going to be a Jack-in-the-box anymore.

They've inset the building quite a bit from the former, where there used to be a few outdoor tables and some grass, it now almost appears they are going to put a track in around the building, single lane. I can't tell where the indoor seating would go, so again, not sure it will be a JITB in future.

The Starbucks across the main road has a drive-thru, maybe they're just modernizing the design or have switched the side of the building the window will be on.

Other than that, I noticed mask usage is more uniform, but I did see several people wait until exiting their cars to put their masks on. I leave the house with it firmly affixed.

Much ado was made about the beaches reopening here, and some guy got bent up by a shark at my old hometown beach. My entire life, I don't think there's been so much as a shark SIGHTING, let alone an attack.

Oh how they've gentrified my former beach, I can't even recognize it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 30, 2020, 09:37:25 AM
feeling like a bag of nails thrown around a tumble dryer  ???
The older i get the more i agree with

“Old Age Ain't For Sissies. Taken from a Bette Davis quote.”
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 04, 2020, 09:00:27 AM
Drinking tea.  Trying to wake up.  I like my caffeinated beverages strong.  I steep this stuff overnight.

Some days there's not enough caffeine in the world...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 07, 2020, 01:18:18 AM
Cleaned the innards of the PC to the best of my ability, I've had a few system hangs.

It was pretty bad. I used up the compressed air on the fans, not realizing how low the can was.

I really like the fans on this machine, there's an intake, there's an exhaust, there's even a cradle over the ram. I've never much cared for Dell in any way, but this machine has held up amazingly well.

Used the shop vac to try and clean the board, but it wasn't too good for nooks and crannies. I always say I'm gonna buy an attachment for the thing, but never have.

Ended up using a long flathead to dig out some of the dust bunnies. I believe the cause of the system hangs was a lint traps worth of dust on the inside of the machine. I was kind of surprised how much of the poo congregates around the board points where the interface panel is.

Once I was done, I slapped everything back together, and booted up.

Had two system hangs in 20 minutes. Was very upset.

But the machines been running fine after those two hangs, might have been a fluke. Really hoping it was a fluke.

But hey, if you haven't cleaned your machine lately, I highly recommend it.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on May 07, 2020, 03:56:11 AM

The only time I ever see my son with a hoover is when he's cleaning his tech. One day he'll extend to the carpet.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 15, 2020, 04:19:24 AM
I'm gonna shut down for the night, but one of those bless'ed sneaky windows updates got in. I know because the shut down icon has that unholy bless'ed yellow orb next to it.

I mention it because past windows updates have messed this PC up pretty bad, I remember once having to wait six months for Microsoft to unfuck a "feature update" and even then I had to do a clean install to unbrick the thing.

One can always hope this update will streamline booting and increase performance... Nah, I can't be that wildly optimistic.

So if this update naffs me, I'll see you all around.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 15, 2020, 11:49:49 AM
I had an update on the new laptop take several hours to actually finish installing and rebooting. Good luck, 8ully.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 15, 2020, 07:07:35 PM
Studying for an exam and doing laundry.  Keeping busy is helpful.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 15, 2020, 07:30:30 PM
The machine lives!

I notice absolutely no difference.

Crap, I've been bamboozled, it's downloading five more updates now. Turns out I'm on an old version 1903, and it wants 1909.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 16, 2020, 12:27:18 AM
Windows 10 is one OS I just cannot get my heat around for some reason, if wasnt for the wife's Apple products I would go fully Linux.After buying a new desktop that is
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 16, 2020, 02:11:17 AM
Well, I'm finally on 1909.

At one point the damn spinning wheel actually rolled back from 60 to 57%

It took about four hours just to download the update. The first try it just... vanished at 90%. Yeah.

I watched a David Cross special on my phone the second time and watched the disk access in task manager to make sure it wasn't just lying.

I've got a NEEEEEEEEEEW problem.

My keyboard and mouse are only initializing once windows boots. If I need to get into my BIOS I'm effing screwed. I wonder where I put my USB to MiniDin connector... back around 2011. I know it was 2011 because the THOR movie was on the display TV's at fry's when I bought it.

One thing I like about Linux, is even when poo goes wrong, you can actually see what it's doing. No bless'ed hoola hoop or percentages of LIES.

At least performance doesn't appear to be impacted, performance is still fairly zippy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on May 16, 2020, 08:43:40 AM
Do you have a powered keyboard? I've had similar (though not often) issues in the past and plugging in a no-frills, basic keyboard always got me functionality.

I would love to switch over to Linux fully but I like PC gaming and last I checked, Linux still wasn't fully viable for this (though it has come a long way). Also, for my new laptop (Razer), the Synapse software is only supported on Windows and OS X. Definitely not a showstopper for moving to Linux but this, with the "still in progress" gaming status, are cons against switching over.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 16, 2020, 03:44:16 PM
Razer USB black widow 2011.

Turns out the adapter I bought is the opposite of what I need (D'oh!)

Also, Microsoft just released a 2004 ISO, so all that updating was pointless.

Well, not pointless I guess, but certainly futile.

I tracked down the OTHER adapter I had, was back when USB mice were first being sold, Female USB to Mini-D
realized I followed the color coding and had plugged the keyboard into the mouse port.
Flipped it over, rebooted
Guess the keyboard doesn't get along with the adapter, I have read that Razer products can be fussy.
So I unplugged everything BUT the keyboard and display. I also switched to what I consider "USB port 1" but I'm sure that's wrong.
Got into BIOS! Yay! All that digging was for nothing, but I'm up some lighter flints, a CR2032 battery, many USB cables, and I managed to properly disable the Dell SAS poo.

So now - Windows boots. Little faster than before this line of adventure started, nothing impressive. I have BIOS access. Keyboard is responding normally, no "keystick" no phantom failures. Mouse is operating properly, Wifi adapter never gave me any problems.

Considering I started with a non booting machine, I'd say the results are pretty good!

Still rather it just work normally every time I hit the power button. But even the SNES had occasional issues.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 02, 2020, 08:47:54 AM
I'm currently having my birthday.

So far so good; got 2 bottles of brandy and some West Ham face masks.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 02, 2020, 12:38:45 PM
Happy birthday, smokester! Sounds like you're ready for a great time!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 02, 2020, 12:57:30 PM

Many thanks old chum. I'll print it and put it with the rest.

Happy birthday, smokester! Sounds like you're ready for a great time!

I am as we've just bought enough Indian food to feed the 5000 and I forgot to mention that one of those bottles of Brandy was from 1964. That was some year.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 02, 2020, 08:51:49 PM
Happy birthday, smokes!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 02, 2020, 11:03:36 PM
Congratulations on another circumnavigation.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 03, 2020, 02:17:31 AM
Thanks six and 8ully.

Oddly, I've enjoyed this birthday more than any other over the last 10 years or so. I think the family went overboard due to all the surrounding misery.

I've been truly pampered.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 03, 2020, 02:58:02 AM
I think everyone's pulled together a little closer through all this.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 03, 2020, 10:27:14 AM
I think everyone's pulled together a little closer through all this.

But not too close...social distancing and all that. :-D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 03, 2020, 08:09:41 PM
They bought you nappies! How thoughtful. Makes binge watching and drinking possible without missing anything.

And maximizes time management.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 04, 2020, 09:09:44 AM
Thanks six and 8ully.

Oddly, I've enjoyed this birthday more than any other over the last 10 years or so. I think the family went overboard due to all the surrounding misery.

I've been truly pampered.
Because your worth it
22 again congrats
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on August 08, 2020, 07:07:43 AM
Thanks six and 8ully.

Oddly, I've enjoyed this birthday more than any other over the last 10 years or so. I think the family went overboard due to all the surrounding misery.

I've been truly pampered.

The way it should be, everyone not just this one ;)
Happy belated mate :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 08, 2020, 03:22:58 PM
The way it should be, everyone not just this one ;)
Happy belated mate :)

Thanks PsP. I still have many chockies (although a bit melted at the mo') and booze so I'm kinda still in the zone.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 10, 2021, 04:49:11 PM
I'm resting after doing battle clipping back overgrown plants, mostly decorative shrubs that were allowed to grow too much and that were invaded by wild vines, with the occasional snails and termites thrown in.  I made a pile of clipped branches and vines that was as tall as me.  There used to be a gardener here who came twice a week.  I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out what the hell he did most of the time.  The plantings show long term neglect. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 12, 2021, 04:07:47 PM
As I have stopped consuming alcohol from Sunday to Thursday, no prizes for guessing what I'm doing right now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 12, 2021, 10:47:05 PM
thinking why am i awake atm
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on March 13, 2021, 04:13:15 AM
thinking why am i awake atm

Cause you're not a sleep ::)  ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 13, 2021, 12:31:34 PM
thinking why am i awake atm

Extending your Saturday.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 13, 2021, 11:45:23 PM
Must be extending my sunday as well
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 16, 2021, 05:56:39 AM
Drinking tea.  Getting ready to go for a walk.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 17, 2021, 07:44:52 AM
drinking coffee with the dog on my lap
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 27, 2021, 03:33:53 PM
Had a spectacular Thai takeaway and downed half a bottle of a splendid Pinot Grigio.

Sometimes life ain't half bad.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 27, 2021, 04:32:34 PM
I miss Thai food.  Sounds delicious.

I made vegetable soup.  It was good.  And I was too tired to prep anything else.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 27, 2021, 11:17:46 PM
love Thai, way better than Chinese which i find bland (could be where we buy from though)
During this previous year I and the Wife always get the kids to order deliveries, they are so faster and can find any sort of food.
I can find the local chippy and thats it
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 13, 2021, 05:45:58 AM
I was going to post here last night saying I was finally back in the pub. Problem with posting was I was holding a glass.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 13, 2021, 01:56:58 PM
Fighting my way out of a food coma.  We went out to a restaurant for lunch.  It was out of doors.  Now I just want to sleep, but should get up and do some work.  We haven't been out to eat for many months so this was kind of celebratory.  It was almost like having life be back to normal, except for the masks.  I miss being around other people.  Hopefully this thing will come under control so most of us can get our lives back.

My husband got his second jab today so we are both done with COVID shots for now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 13, 2021, 11:50:28 PM
Hit the local monday as again on furlough, Very well managed and did enjoy a fresh pint in the garden
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on April 20, 2021, 11:29:40 AM
Sitting in a waiting room fresh out of labs and into endocrinology
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 20, 2021, 08:54:20 PM
Sitting in a waiting room fresh out of labs and into endocrinology

I hope your health is ok, Bea.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on April 21, 2021, 10:14:53 PM
I'm alright enough, no diagnoses thus far, no major issue, just havent had health care in many many years.  Therefore, many many tests to do, n such.  My thyroid is apparently over active, although from the weight I've gained this passed two months you'd think it was underactive, irony.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 21, 2021, 10:51:39 PM
I haven't seen a doc in over a year.  I have a backlog of preventive care to deal with when I get home.  That will be fun, getting poked and prodded.

I hope they get the thyroid under control.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 22, 2021, 10:56:39 AM
virtually impossible to see a doctor near me also.
a phone call , zoom (or similar) or sent to a special clinic if that bad)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on May 01, 2021, 10:00:53 AM
I'm taking vitamin d tablets and the endocrine doctor says it's very normal and should level out as time goes by.
I hadn't had medical insurance since the kids were born, now illinois has given it to me.. that in mind, I'm not rushing back to Indiana, but making plans to move my son here with his sister and I in about 6 months. 
Now that I have a primary care doctor, she wants all the blood and tests, all of them! 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 13, 2021, 07:38:21 AM
Watching Euro 20201.

Let me come right out and say it: I think England is going to win it this time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 13, 2021, 02:35:23 PM
I think that you will find that the tradition is to go out to Germany on penalties. Or get tonked by Italy.

Traditionally we lose our opening game ...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 14, 2021, 03:04:35 PM
... and traditionally Raheem Sterling doesn't score.

These youngsters. No respect for tradition.

There seemed to be missing hanging effigies of Gareth Southgate too.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 22, 2021, 03:10:50 PM
Come on England!

Yep, I'm watching the footie.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 23, 2021, 11:54:56 AM
well we won, next round soon
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 24, 2021, 12:00:34 PM
well we won, next round soon

Would have been better if we'd lost badly and come 3rd in the group. Not looking forward to another Germany clash.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 25, 2021, 01:25:47 AM
At least Southgate is on hand to take a penalty.
;D ;D :o

Would have been better if we'd lost badly and come 3rd in the group. Not looking forward to another Germany clash.

If you want to be the best , you need to beat the best (although Germany atm are hanging on like ourselves )
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 25, 2021, 02:04:29 AM
At least Southgate is on hand to take a penalty.

Just as long as he doesn't give it up to Henderson.

If you want to be the best , you need to beat the best (although Germany atm are hanging on like ourselves )

While that may be true, I'm selfish and ultimately just want more time in the pub when it's fun to be there.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 21, 2021, 08:36:52 AM
Melting again.
Furlough till a week monday then 3 days compassionate leave for a wife's fathers funeral.
I can feel my kidneys screaming at me now
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 22, 2021, 02:04:54 AM
My neighbors keep running a charcoal grill, and the exhaust comes through the window so I have to keep it shut.

I imagine I feel a bit like cheese on toast lately.

Sorry for your loss.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 22, 2021, 03:29:12 PM

I tried to resist, but can't.

"...a wife's fathers funeral"? "a"? This implies either more than one wife, or one wife with multiple fathers. Or possibly one wife, one father, multiple funerals. I can't figure it out, so I am going to have to ask.

Could have been my wife, in light of recent events.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 23, 2021, 12:59:26 AM

I tried to resist, but can't.

"...a wife's fathers funeral"? "a"? This implies either more than one wife, or one wife with multiple fathers. Or possibly one wife, one father, multiple funerals. I can't figure it out, so I am going to have to ask.

Like I said my kidneys are screaming at me not to drink any more alcohol  :o
A bad typo MY WIFES FATHER FUNERAL or an inlaw, but with all the infighting from a certain family member I am surprised anything will be going ahead. Amazed that or not so amazed tbh how a person can change when the thought of inheritance money appears. Wife has been having a bad time with a family member   :-X :-[

More than one wife  :o :o :o :o :o :o trouble keeping up with this one  ;D ;D
how people have a few partners on the go I cannot imagine the hassle.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 24, 2021, 01:36:06 AM
Thank's for clearing that up!
I think i needed to   :) :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 24, 2021, 04:10:50 AM
Where there's a will, there's a way distant relative.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 24, 2021, 08:29:27 AM
Where there's a will, there's a way distant relative.

 ;) ;)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 24, 2021, 10:00:04 AM
Condolences on the loss of your father in law, Goldie.

I'm listening to rain and birds chattering.  You can carry on conversations with the birds here.  They call back when you imitate them.  Later I'll make some soup.  It's a quiet Saturday, very welcome after total stress fest of a week.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 24, 2021, 10:26:07 AM
Bit of a Two Birds One Stone situation.

Figured out where the dog was, and shot my new desktop wallpaper.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 24, 2021, 11:48:22 PM
In my current and ongoing role as executor for my father in law, my experience is that "where there's a will there's a lot of wannabe relatives".

Unfortunately "no will" one wannabe relative  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 25, 2021, 02:12:26 PM

Figured out where the dog was, and shot my new desktop wallpaper.

Better that than the other way around.

You've missed your calling old chap.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 25, 2021, 03:16:04 PM
Unfortunately "no will" one wannabe relative  :o

Death and the related free for all with "stuff" can really bring out the worst in people.  Sorry you have to go through this.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 26, 2021, 12:14:52 AM
Death and the related free for all with "stuff" can really bring out the worst in people.  Sorry you have to go through this.

thanks all, wife is going through hell atm.
Im just here to support her :)
When their mother died she didnt live near her yet accepted a large amount of money without a quibble, where as now the opposite because her sister wants all the money as she lived near him and is doing nothing to help, I suppose living the life of never working and having hand outs encourages this attitude and her children's.
Doesnt matter that my wife has to travel to Oxford to sort all the monies / paperwork out etc etc. :(

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 29, 2021, 07:59:39 AM
Meant to have a day off but I forgot that it's my life were talking about and I've been called to a job.

Maybe tomorrow I can put my feet up.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 29, 2021, 08:01:53 AM
Meant to have a day off but I forgot that it's my life were talking about and I've been called to a job.

Maybe tomorrow I can put my feet up.

hopefully friday tipple as well
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 29, 2021, 10:07:26 AM
hopefully friday tipple as well

Call out wasn't too bad so I may have a Friday tipple on a Thursday.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 29, 2021, 10:37:06 AM
Call out wasn't too bad so I may have a Friday tipple on a Thursday.

A win win
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 31, 2021, 03:12:13 PM
I've been working for some friends that own the Twickenham Tandoori. It's only Saturdays due to other commitments and every time I'm there they ask what food I want to take home.

Talk about a "kid in a sweetshop". The last 2 times I've brought home enough food for Saturday, Sunday and even lunch on Monday.

Today was no exception.

Damn I'm fat!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 02, 2021, 09:19:42 PM
Lucky you.  We love Indian food.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 03, 2021, 04:35:34 AM
"Wuhan: Chinese city to test entire population after virus resurfaces"


NO surprise tbh, be around for a long tim eto come
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 03, 2021, 05:20:59 AM
But as anyone that tests positive will either disappear or be sent off to a re-education camp, or both, the numbers will doubtless remain low.

In regards to COVID, the sentence "handful of positive coronavirus cases" has got to be an oxymoron.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 03, 2021, 11:15:11 AM
In regards to COVID, the sentence "handful of positive coronavirus cases" has got to be an oxymoron.

tis China,  A hand full there would be a few thousand here  ??? ???
Bet no one criticises their man in charge  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 06, 2021, 03:30:40 PM
Early night as tomorrow is the day of my dental surgery. Apparently it will take about 5 hours and will be quite unpleasant.

On the flip side, the Donny Osmond tribute act is on schedule.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 06, 2021, 06:38:46 PM
Early night as tomorrow is the day of my dental surgery. Apparently it will take about 5 hours and will be quite unpleasant.

On the flip side, the Donny Osmond tribute act is on schedule.

Wow.  I hope they knock you out for that, or at least give you something that makes you not care.  Good luck.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 07, 2021, 12:00:13 AM
Early night as tomorrow is the day of my dental surgery. Apparently it will take about 5 hours and will be quite unpleasant.

On the flip side, the Donny Osmond tribute act is on schedule.

best of with the dental work

"Donny Osmond tribute act"  Tribute acts for everyone  today
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 07, 2021, 10:21:28 AM

Six and a half hours in the chair with bone chiselling and drilling plus gums peeled back like a banana and then tugged back into place to be stitched? Needed something much stronger to be honest.

Didn't get it though, just that diasipan (Idon't know how to spelll it) and ibuprofen.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 07, 2021, 03:05:11 PM
Glad it went alright for you smokester. The only dental surgery I've had was getting all my wisdom teeth pulled which I was knocked out for (none were compacted...impacted? whatever) and a root canal which went extremely well (despite all the horror stories I had heard).
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 07, 2021, 06:36:42 PM
Diazepan is a mild tranquilizer.  It's also known as valium.  I'd want to be unconscious for that kind of procedure.  Gak.  Hopefully, you won't be too uncomfortable going forward.

I'm glad it's in the past. 

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 07, 2021, 11:59:44 PM
good to hear all is good.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 08, 2021, 01:39:43 AM

I've never been "opened up" like that. Did you try telling them to get you some bless'ed Laudanum?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 08, 2021, 06:11:53 AM
Have a picture in my head ref
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 08, 2021, 07:10:21 AM
Mayhap that’ll learn you to brush and floss in future. Damn kids.

40 years ago someone did that for me. Only, they stowed the floss and used the thick end of a couple of pool cues instead. That was the beginning of years of pain from bridgework and its inevitable decay etc, pain that from now on should be short lived (smokester makes sign of the cross).

The surgery was unpleasant to be sure. They roll the skin of your upper palate back like a duvet at the end of your bed on a hot night. Macabrely, I couldn't help touching the exposed bone with my tongue while they weren't looking.

Ok, this morning the pain is down from a 7/8 to a 4/5. No real bleeding any longer and the bruising pain around my mouth isn't so restraining so I'm getting back to being the #1 chatterbox in the house - if not the borough.

All in all it really wasn't that bad. In 3-4 months I get the final porcelain bridges and I post pics.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 08, 2021, 08:41:41 AM
I remember the days of backing out of pubs holding pool cues. I somehow managed to avoid eating them, though.

That may not have been the case if you'd been force fed them by 3 Scottish Marines.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 09, 2021, 06:34:05 AM
Those were exactly the sort of people that I tried to avoid conflicting with.

The Scottish?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 09, 2021, 02:32:42 PM
Those particular marines.

They moved in the shadows so they were hard to spot.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 10, 2021, 03:19:19 PM
Sneaky beggars.

True, but quite handy in a war.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 11, 2021, 03:09:52 AM

All in all it really wasn't that bad. In 3-4 months I get the final porcelain bridges and I post pics.

I really spoke too soon there. The following day I was quite swollen and the trauma to the upper gum was really painful and hasn't got much better. A little worried now about the healing progress but I have my first review tomorrow so I'll know what exactly "normal" should be.

Not quite as chipper to be honest.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 11, 2021, 11:24:51 AM
Suck it up, buttercup.

Been told to avoid straws.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 11, 2021, 11:27:11 AM
Try rinsing with warm salt water.  It will help the gums heal.  Sorry for the pain.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 11, 2021, 02:35:54 PM
Try rinsing with warm salt water.  It will help the gums heal.  Sorry for the pain.

That's actually part of the post-op regimine. Thanks though.

It's all very weird - like you have one massive tooth that aches along the entire gum.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 12, 2021, 11:08:33 PM
number one son has been informed he may be or certainly will be going to Sandhurst in September.
So his graduation is finally on the 3rd September in Birmingham on  friday  :o :o
then 5th in Ironing board Sunday at Sandhurst (look it up  ;D ;D)
Between now and then a shopping list for his required items  :-\ :-\.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 13, 2021, 08:41:45 AM
Congrats, goldie.  Is this kind of like West Point or the Naval Academy?  Do they give students full scholarships?  At the U.S. counterparts, students receive full tuition and a stipend, so it's very competitive to gain access.

I hope your son flourishes there, but I'm sure you have lots to do in preparation now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 14, 2021, 12:36:12 AM
Congrats, goldie.  Is this kind of like West Point or the Naval Academy?
I would say West Point as it produces Officers for the Army

Do they give students full scholarships?  At the U.S. counterparts, students receive full tuition and a stipend, so it's very competitive to gain access.

He has 18 months training to be a officer and he / they have to sign up to join the Army. They dont get tuition or scholarships, just paid a wage as a working person would.

I hope your son flourishes there, but I'm sure you have lots to do in preparation now.

Me too  ;D ;D
We know a few ex serving personnel who have helped him with sound advice and he is actively fit and healthy. Main problem is he still lives like a student and has a floor robe  :o :o :o.
Wants to go in the Engineers and hopefully help with any humanitarian disasters where the Army will be offered.

Jobs are a little tight ATM for what he did want due to 2 years of covid, So fingers crossed  8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 25, 2021, 01:12:23 AM
Awaiting my DNA results from Ancestry.com.
Wife purchased for my birthday and will see how much Scottish/Irish and where ever else DNA in me.
Quite excited really as ATM they are extracting the DNA from the sample.
Only thing is they are very slow in doing the test results
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 25, 2021, 01:18:47 AM
Got a bottle of Jim Beam and a head cold. MORTAL KOMBAT!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on November 25, 2021, 04:59:07 AM
This is presumably when you find that you aren't related to your mother, and three of your children have postman DNA?

I remember when the Pequots where on a global mission to find decendants (to share in their wealth) and this could be done due to the fact that all native american tribes had DNA with discernible differences. This was apparently opposed to European DNA that was "standard" across the countries so I wonder now how they can tell if you are 2.73% Lithuanian?

As it's essentially a math thing, whatever they tell will change over time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 25, 2021, 09:49:45 AM
Bloody hell Christ that one vanished quickly ( or did you think a tad inappropriate ???)
Anyway - You could be correct  ;D ;D
Alas my son is a Taller "mini me" and the daughter is also a "mini me" of my wife and the resemblance's are uncanny .
Spoiler (hover to show)
But my Friend has had one and he comes up more Germanic that anything.
I just wondered that's all and didnt what else I wanted for my birthday.
And Yes Smokes - "As it's essentially a math thing, whatever they tell will change over time" friend has regular updates which do change due to the amount of people taking the "test".

Sorry 8ull about the cold, Love a hot Totty which Jim Bean could be used for 8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 25, 2021, 11:53:53 AM
I trust you were aiming at "Hot Toddy"!

(My post disappeared as smokes had quoted it, nothing to do with its content)
which ever they fancy  ;D ;D

O just seemed faster than normal, no probs
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 11, 2021, 12:22:20 AM
celebrating an A- in my crazy difficult course. :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 11, 2021, 12:41:32 AM
celebrating an A- in my crazy difficult course. :)
congratulations for your A  :) :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 11, 2021, 01:57:36 AM
Thanks, goldie!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on December 11, 2021, 06:44:03 AM
celebrating an A- in my crazy difficult course. :)

How are you celebrating? A knees-up is out of the question ... apparently.

Well done, six!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 11, 2021, 10:29:11 AM
Thanks, smokes.  Watched the final episode of season 2 of El Cid and drank some red wine.  Ordered a pizza for dinner from our fav. pizzaria.  That was living large for a change.  Because of Covid, we rarely go out to restaurants.

The number of cases is increasing substantially in the U.S., even in areas with high rates of vaccination.  It's troubling.

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 13, 2022, 03:21:36 PM
Mrs smokester's birthday today and she took the day off so we had a nice relaxing day and an even nicer evening out. Anyone would think the world was normal.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 14, 2022, 11:22:16 AM
She'll appreciate that compliment. However, if it were true it'd just be creepy.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 14, 2022, 12:06:07 PM
Happy belated B-day to the missus, smokes!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 14, 2022, 09:09:58 PM
I hope you both had a fun time on her b-day.  Send her my best.  People she doesn't know on the internet want her to enjoy life.  That should be reassuring.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 15, 2022, 04:18:29 PM
Thanks all, she really did appreciate the sentiment.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 16, 2022, 02:39:18 PM
Congrats, young Goldie. (Even if I don't know which one he is)

Do you not remember Goldie's avatar?..
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 16, 2022, 07:51:09 PM
Nice looking group of young kids.  That's great that your son is one of them.  I hope he thrives there.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on January 17, 2022, 03:07:10 AM
Remember? What is that?

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 17, 2022, 09:25:48 AM
Who are you, and what are you doing on my lawn?

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on January 18, 2022, 01:51:14 PM
Chillin after work, enjoying the day and not being sick, being thankful
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 29, 2022, 05:35:35 AM
Pulling out what little hair I have, Employment web sites are the most intrusive sites I know. soon as you have registered BANG the amount of emails.
The info i need to find from over 40 years ago ??????????
Have qualifications but no certificates and no idea where to find them :-\
Plenty of courses and certificates I can provide, but who wants Union courses inc employment law. THEY would run a mile from me
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 29, 2022, 10:35:16 AM
I'm sorry you have to go through this, goldie.  Save some of that hair for later, though.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on January 29, 2022, 03:54:22 PM
This really sucks man! Sorry, this poo is happening to you.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 03, 2022, 08:33:30 AM
I have Parents Evening in an hour except it's not in person but via video chats. To be honest this is my first video meeting that I have had due to COVID, in fact, it's really my first video meeting of all time. I've only ever chatted to my son or a friend or 2 via Skype or Discord.

Bit nervous to be honest as I haven't really tidied up ...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on February 03, 2022, 09:45:22 AM
You should be able to easily put up a virtual background or the meeting app might have a "blur" feature. Test it ahead of time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 03, 2022, 10:48:48 AM
You should be able to easily put up a virtual background or the meeting app might have a "blur" feature. Test it ahead of time.

It was too late for that so I placed the cat in background as a distraction. Didn't really work out as she constantly meowed for her dinner - not to mention the cat.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on March 06, 2022, 04:04:24 PM
Wondering how everyone is doing.
I’ve had to move a bit more and I’ve been working pizza delivery constantly, got a great manager. 
I’ll stop in and read back on this post.  Hope it finds you all well, my friends.
I’m watching emperors new groove with my daughter.
Peace ✌🏽 and ❤️
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 06, 2022, 08:26:28 PM
Thanks for the update, Bea.  I am sorry you had to move again, but am glad to hear you like your new job.  Not much going on here except that they're relaxing mask restrictions.  I still wear mine in stores, etc. but have been visiting friends more, so that's been nice.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on March 10, 2022, 06:12:17 PM
It’s Indiana again.  So far my vaccine stands while I deliver pizza.  The only place people wear masks here are doctors offices or 1 out of every twenty people wear one for a couple reasons I’ve considered. 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 11, 2022, 12:07:41 PM
Sorry to hear you've had to move again, Bea.  I know how disruptive that is.  I send good wishes to you and your children so you can find a stable and permanent dwelling in a place near your job.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on March 17, 2022, 03:27:27 PM
Thanks Six.  I’ve got ahold of it.  Paperwork takes forever but eventually pays off to a place of our own, that’s what’s most important right now.  Thank you for your thoughts always.
To be honest I’ve been relaxing in Kentucky a couple days out of the week whilst the man I am seeing is out working during the week.   On the porch now, just cleaned up after dinner and it’s a lovely evening.  It’s convenient, he owns a piano.. : )  somehow I am reminded of my childhood and not seeing my dad all week, I’ve a lot of things to work out in my heart, but he’s patient and kind.
It’s definitely a step up from my cousins couch 🛋 but I don’t mind as long as my daughter has a bed to sleep in and a future estate 🏡 we’ll see how far we can get, I still figure we are better off on our own.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 18, 2022, 06:49:20 PM
Kentucky can be really lovely.  I'm glad you are finding some time to kick back and relax and that you have found someone you like.  Keeping fingers crossed that housing eventually works out for you.  Having to worry about having a roof over one's head that they can afford is a stress that we can all live without.

I'm listening to the news.  It's not happy.  We just had a big salad for dinner and it was so nice to be able to throw that together and be done with a decent meal with nothing pressing to do for the rest of the evening.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 20, 2022, 02:57:30 PM
Got all my books together and my new workwear ready for my course that starts tomorrow.

Looking forward to sitting down during the day again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 20, 2022, 10:12:13 PM
best of
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 22, 2022, 11:05:03 AM

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on March 22, 2022, 12:49:00 PM
For me, it's rough to get back to a regular "homework" schedule after so many years of no such thing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 22, 2022, 03:39:27 PM
For me, it's rough to get back to a regular "homework" schedule after so many years of no such thing.

I had to do a module on asbestos awareness and I got through all 4 sections with a 100% on the first attempt. Considering there are only 6 modules and 3 weeks to finish them, I might treat myself to a night off tomorrow.

That's way more productive than I was at school.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 22, 2022, 11:53:00 PM
Homework = stress inducing because you have to get it done by a deadline.

I'm exhausted from a day of hard physical labor and too tired to go to sleep (if that makes any sense) so I'm on here.  Maybe I will try a small glass of wine.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 24, 2022, 03:47:51 AM
Not sleeping.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 25, 2022, 12:32:41 AM
Not sleeping.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on March 26, 2022, 02:20:57 PM

Ditto ditto but in my case it's due to there not being enough hours in the day.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 27, 2022, 11:27:27 AM
Drinking morning tea.  I have had insomnia a lot lately, so I'm inhaling various sci fi books.  Last week I read the first of the Kithamar trilogy Age of Ash by Daniel Abraham.  Now I'm on to Network Effect, one of the murderbot novels by Martha Wells.  They're both worth reading.  I guess I'd call Age of Ash more of a fantasy novel as it relies on some vague medieval historicism instead of flying through outer space.  Abraham is half of James SA Corey, the compound author behind the Expanse series.  He's also collaborated with George RR Martin on various projects.

I am eating a vanilla Balducco panettone that we warmed up in the oven for breakfast, the insomnia is interfering with my regular baking of morning pastries.  Cream scones are on the list of projects this week for sure.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 27, 2022, 10:03:42 PM
preparing to go to wwork
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: Beatrix on March 30, 2022, 08:54:11 PM
Age of Ash sounds pretty good :$
Thanks Six, I’m glad to have a moment to enjoy nature about once or twice a week.  We have a skatepark here in town and I spend a lot of time there with kids. 
Our apartment is ready for us to move in Friday, thank G0d
: ) glad to be around
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 31, 2022, 10:45:15 AM
Glad you have a new apt lined up and hope it will suit your needs for a long time, since moving is such a drag.  I'm on my second cup of strong tea.  More insomnia means there's not enough caffeine in the world.

Still plodding my way through Network Effect.  Narrator is murderbot, but s/he sounds basically like a snarky human, so the continual "can't stand the way humans do this, that & the other" kind of rings hollow, since the bot is so anthropomorphized.  I guess it's too much to ask that the narrator imagine themselves to be a human-designed machine that doesn't sound like a human.  That would be truly original.  It's engaging writing but I don't know that I'd feel compelled to read any more novels by this author, at least in this series.  It got a Hugo award.  I have been looking through the list of Hugo winners and picking novels that sound interesting.  They're great reading for late at night when you can't sleep.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 03, 2022, 04:51:15 AM
Not sleeping

City That Does Not Sleep

    In the sky there is nobody asleep. Nobody, nobody.
Nobody is asleep.
The creatures of the moon sniff and prowl about their cabins.
The living iguanas will come to bite the men who do not dream,
and the man who rushes out with his spirit broken will meet on
                    the streetcorner
the unbelievable alligator quiet beneath the tender protest of
                    the stars.
     Nobody is asleep on earth. Nobody, nobody.
Nobody is asleep.
In the graveyard far off there is a corpse
who has moaned for three years
because of a dry countryside in his knee;
and that boy they buried this morning cried so much
it was necessary to call out the dogs to keep him quiet.

     Life is not a dream. Careful! Careful! Careful!
We fall down the stairs in order to eat the moist earth
or we climb to the knife-edge of the snow with the voices of
                    the dead dahlias.
But forgetfulness does not exist, dreams do not exist;
flesh exists. Kisses tie our mouths
in a thicket of new veins,
and whoever his pain pains will feel that pain forever
and whoever is afraid of death will carry it on his shoulders.

     One day
the horses will live in the saloons
and the enraged ants
will throw themselves on the yellow skies that take refuge in the
            eyes of cows.
     Another day
we will watch the preserved butterflies rise from the dead
and still walking through a country of gray sponges and silent
we will watch our ring flash and roses spring from our tongue.
Careful! Be careful! Be careful!
The men who still have marks of the claw and the thunderstorm,
and that boy who cries because he has never heard of the
                    invention of the bridge,
or that dead man who possesses now only his head and a shoe,
we must carry them to the wall where the iguanas and the snakes
            are waiting,
where the bear’s teeth are waiting,
where the mummified hand of the boy is waiting,
and the hair of the camel stands on end with a violent blue

     Nobody is sleeping in the sky. Nobody, nobody.
Nobody is sleeping.
If someone does close his eyes,
a whip, boys, a whip!
Let there be a landscape of open eyes
and bitter wounds on fire.
No one is sleeping in this world. No one, no one.
I have said it before.
No one is sleeping.
But if someone grows too much moss on his temples during the
open the stage trapdoors so he can see in the moonlight
the lying goblets, and the poison, and the skull of the theaters.

—Federico García Lorca
Lorca and Jiménez: Selected Poems, translated and edited by Robert Bly
Beacon Press, 1997
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 04, 2022, 04:15:16 PM
I'm not sleeping either but that's because of the magnitude of work I have to plough through every night. When I finally hit the sack, I'm out!

Then just a few hours later it starts all over again ...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 06, 2022, 02:33:43 PM
Did my practical test today and I think it went ok (won't know until Friday). The next 2 days - which are my last at the training centre - are all written tests so I'm swotting again.

To be honest, I'm more worn out than when all that I did was physical.

That plan of having an easier life in a classroom didn't check out.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 06, 2022, 10:26:37 PM
And to think you have no unruly kids around 
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 07, 2022, 10:52:35 AM
Smokes is the unruly kid

You say that like it's a bad thing.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 07, 2022, 03:40:40 PM
Smokes is the unruly kid: he has had detention already!

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Yeah, they're just lucky there aren't any Bunsen burners around. No wait! There were lots of them around. Damn, missed a trick ...

Interestingly, it was Bunsen who invented the system of using gas for heat instead of for light. God knows how may people he's saved from certain death due to CO poisoning.

This last week we've had a different tutor who doesn't have much time for the one that kept me behind. He's a bit stone faced but is more accommodating when asked for help. Hopefully he'll get me through tomorrow which is crunch time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 08, 2022, 12:00:00 AM
Smokes is the unruly kid: he has had detention already!
You say that like it's a bad thing.

Cannot say things like that anymore  ;D ;D ;D ;D
A challenging child would be better
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 08, 2022, 11:53:32 PM
When I was in secondary school we blew the doors off the school gas plant, by lighting the gas direct from the tap instead of interposing a Bunsen burner.
;D ;D you rebel
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 09, 2022, 03:23:35 AM
When I was in secondary school we blew the doors off the school gas plant, by lighting the gas direct from the tap instead of interposing a Bunsen burner.

Apparently, when some at the centre have been doing their practical tests on a gase fire, the hose on their u-gauge has come off mid test and created a flame thrower from the gas testing point. They have emergency shut off valves dotted around but most of the time the students are in such a panic they forget about them. Scary stuff.

Better than CO, though

Oh, and by the way: I passed all of my five exams and now can start building my portfolio ready to take the big one (CCN1) in 10 or so weeks time.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 09, 2022, 05:22:47 AM
That sounds promising (the tests, not the gas flame throwers).  I know someone who had to go to fire fighting school.  They'd put on an asbestos suit, walk into the fire with a hose while the people behind them sprayed them with water to keep the temperature of the suit down.  They have a special building that they regularly light on fire with some kind of fuel and the students go into that.  Sounds like some of the students at your place could use one of those suits.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 09, 2022, 05:34:23 AM
well done smokes
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 09, 2022, 08:02:15 AM
Thanks mate.

I feel so much better today with a good night's sleep and my brain on wind-down.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 09, 2022, 09:58:59 AM
Congrats man!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 10, 2022, 03:06:36 PM
Thanks dweez.

I still have to get my G3 (unvented cylinders) qualification on Wednesday and an Energy Efficiency one on Thursday so I'm still with my nose in the books.

Oddly, I'm kinda glad of that.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 10, 2022, 10:09:56 PM
Ding dong Monday AM already. Off to work I go
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 11, 2022, 08:34:12 AM
Having a cup of tea after a rather nice long sleep.  That's becoming rare, sadly.

"Unvented cylinders" wow.  I had to look that up.  Are they related to hot water heaters?  I found this:  https://www.easyflow.co.uk/articles/how-does-an-unvented-cylinder-work#:~:text=An%20unvented%20cylinder%20is%20connected%20directly%20to%20the,to%20expand%2C%20which%20creates%20pressure%20within%20the%20cylinder. (https://www.easyflow.co.uk/articles/how-does-an-unvented-cylinder-work#:~:text=An%20unvented%20cylinder%20is%20connected%20directly%20to%20the,to%20expand%2C%20which%20creates%20pressure%20within%20the%20cylinder.)
How many more of these exams/tests do you still have to finish?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 11, 2022, 03:53:29 PM
"Unvented cylinders" wow.  I had to look that up.  Are they related to hot water heaters?  I found this:  https://www.easyflow.co.uk/articles/how-does-an-unvented-cylinder-work#:~:text=An%20unvented%20cylinder%20is%20connected%20directly%20to%20the,to%20expand%2C%20which%20creates%20pressure%20within%20the%20cylinder. (https://www.easyflow.co.uk/articles/how-does-an-unvented-cylinder-work#:~:text=An%20unvented%20cylinder%20is%20connected%20directly%20to%20the,to%20expand%2C%20which%20creates%20pressure%20within%20the%20cylinder.)
How many more of these exams/tests do you still have to finish?

Unvented cylinders are the most convenient way of heating your water if you have a boiler type central heating system. This is because they are essentially just another radiator and are powered by your mains water so you have good pressure at all outlets. Historically (here in the UK), we have had gravity fed systems that need pumps and other whatnots to be able to have a good shower.

I have 2 more exams this week then, in a minimum of 10 weeks (to build a portfolio), I have 9 exams over 3 days to obtain what's called a CCN1 qualification. It's a tough set of tests and you have to achieve a 100% pass mark.

Scary stuff ...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on April 11, 2022, 04:04:42 PM
I have 2 more exams this week then, in a minimum of 10 weeks (to build a portfolio), I have 9 exams over 3 days to obtain what's called a CCN1 qualification. It's a tough set of tests and you have to achieve a 100% pass mark.

Scary stuff ...

Gah, I'll pray for your soul
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 11, 2022, 11:33:49 PM
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 12, 2022, 12:02:39 PM
smokes, we're pulling for you.  Sounds like a grueling series of tests.

8ully, that looks like a tutorial for cops re:  How not to behave with a mentally ill person.  I wonder how many other examples they had to look through before they settled on this one.  At least the pantless woman seemed to have a logical set of goals and a procedure that made a little sense.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 12, 2022, 02:54:26 PM
Thanks six.

That cylinder is well past its sell by date. I doubt it could ever be plumbed in again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 13, 2022, 11:45:39 AM
So, I got it wrong (or they did). Today was my energy efficiency in domestic heating systems and tomorrow is my unvented etc. Wish I'd known as I was planing to cram for the efficiency test this evening. Thankfully, I passed anyhow.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 13, 2022, 08:55:57 PM
I'm unfamiliar with the licensing for the building trades in the UK.  Are you studying for a general contractor's license? electrician?  It seems like you have such a large number of areas that require your competency with these exams.  It also sounds exhausting.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on April 14, 2022, 04:20:25 PM
I'm unfamiliar with the licensing for the building trades in the UK.  Are you studying for a general contractor's license? electrician?  It seems like you have such a large number of areas that require your competency with these exams.  It also sounds exhausting.

There are many trades all of which have their own regulatory bodies (various choices for each trade). For instance, if you are an electrician you have to subscribe to either NICEIC, Elecsa or Napit. By doing so they sort of underwrite you/your work and you can operate freely. If you are qualified but aren't a member of one of those, you have to notify Building Control who are part of each local authority and they will inspect your work and sign it off - for a fee.

For gas, there is only the Gas Safe register but other elements of this field of plumbing, that doesn't involve gas, has other options much like what I mentioned for electricians. At the moment (I passed today's exams btw which is what's called CENWAT1) I can either sign up to someone so I can install, commission or service cylinders, or wait until I finish the big one (the Gas Safe CCN1) and that will allow me to register my work on cylinders through Gas Safe.

Not all work within many trades is regulated or needs certification so in the main you can just crack on, but, with the ever broadening energy saving and field of 'renewables', you have to keep one eye on how regulation may have changed and may have sign up to a body to be able to continue.

I could end up paying many of thousands each year just in subscriptions.

This is a video that constantly does the rounds in the area I qualified for today:

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 16, 2022, 12:10:08 AM
That's pretty interesting.  There are multiple professional organizations in the U.S. that require various kinds of education and licensing in order to practice, and some of these restrictions are done with a view to public safety and to insure that contractors adhere to building codes.

It sounds like things are slightly different in the U.K.  I imagine that you have housing stock there that ranges from ancient to recent construction with a variety of HVAC systems.  I hope all goes well with the rest of your certification exams.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on July 23, 2022, 04:04:56 PM
I'm making some little bets on Stateside racing. So far I've won about £40 and I've only bet on 3 races.

Should stop while I'm ahead, I suppose...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 12, 2022, 03:59:15 PM
Wedding anniversary today so we went out for a some drinks and a Thai.

Considering my missus hardly drinks, it was a lot of fun. Bet she doesn't think so it the morning ...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 12, 2022, 04:21:35 PM
Happy anniversary!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 12, 2022, 10:25:45 PM
Wedding anniversary today so we went out for a some drinks and a Thai.

Considering my missus hardly drinks, it was a lot of fun. Bet she doesn't think so it the morning ...

Many congratulations to you both  :)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 13, 2022, 04:56:28 PM
Congrats on another milestone, smokey!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 14, 2022, 04:13:15 PM

Birthday and wedding anniversary  in the same month? Talk about a glutton for punishment.

Actually got married on what was my mother's birthday. This keeps the date as a reason to celebrate but with TNG's birthday this Friday, it does make it a very busy month.

Thanks all.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 15, 2022, 11:15:39 PM
My kid brother married his first wife on his birthday, making it easy for me to remember when to send him an anniversary card.

His second wife gets grumpy about it for some reason.
  ;D ;D

AT im having a chip cob for my supper
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 17, 2022, 04:22:01 PM
My kid brother married his first wife on his birthday, making it easy for me to remember when to send him an anniversary card.

His second wife gets grumpy about it for some reason.

He should have married his second wife on his first wife's birthday. That would've put the cat among the pigeons.

I have been working like there's no tomorrow trying to catch up and get some cashflow, flowing. Now I have a few quid and a gazillion minor injuries.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 19, 2022, 05:06:52 PM
Dollar store crafts.

   I bought a bunch of crap to make my new table surface more useful, since the actual wood sucks up hand grease like a hungry vampire.
My first attempt was a map of the continental united states. It was the correct size, and I thought it might be a neat little departure from the usual boring surface.
 When I was a kid, we had dinner trays that were similar, so it was a bit nostalgic too.

My computer mouse freaked out pretty bad, so that's a dollar down. Might still hang the map on the wall.

    Next up was a vinyl paper wrap. It's only 12 inches tall, but it's actually wide enough to hang over the edge.
The mouse works fine on it, and glides smooth. I think this is a winner.
Still not sure if I'll actually peel and apply it, but I can decide on that later.
I am glad I didn't have to go to my third option, one of those plastic tablecloths for parties.

I also found out you can use a box of movie theater candy as a book end, so long as it remains full.

I found a keycap puller at goodwill so I might clean the tray on my keyboard later, just have to look up which keys have the wire underneath, so I don't snap anything.

I consider this experiment to be a success, but the dollar tree has flipped over to self-checkout, and I am not a fan of that at all.
The clerk was rude. She did a manual review on my purchase, but not on any of the other customers. She was very snippy and didn't like that I used my debit card instead of feeding cash into the checkout kiosk.
She could have saved both of our time by manning an actual register.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 19, 2022, 07:24:37 PM
Not sleeping  :-[
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 20, 2022, 02:53:55 PM
Gawking, the roof of the dollar tree was on fire.

They're horrible neighbors, and the last time they replaced a squeaky roof unit, they only did so because the county forced them to.

Imagine this poo on loop all night:
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 20, 2022, 03:54:31 PM
I'm not a big fan of the Dollar Tree.  Owned by some guys in VA, they exploit their workers and run a crappy store.  I stop in there about once every 6 months.  Often stuff they sell can be had for less at other stores.  The ones around here are vile and dirty.  I feel bad for the people who work there, who are often pretty nice, despite their surroundings and long hours standing ringing up sales.

I am sorry you live close enough to be bothered by this.  Too bad it didn't burn to the ground.
Here's the info from Wikipedia:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dollar_Tree (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dollar_Tree)

I'm contemplating a knee replacement as I hobble around my place trying to make space for the delivery of a new refrigerator.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 21, 2022, 12:42:15 AM
It's for the best, if they'd burned to the ground, they would have taken the goodwill with them. That's what lit a fire under the fire department's asses, it's a shared ceiling, and they thought they might have to fight a phantom fire.

Not shown is them cutting out the backside of that wall from the roof.

A while back someone hit some of that cladding and it fell off, revealing it to just be stupid flammable poo. Looks like the actual construction is cinderblock.

One of the local vagrants is being blamed, and while I STRONGLY disliked her, it isn't her. They finally got her into a mental health program. (She was the one who screamed at night and fought police)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 21, 2022, 08:21:06 AM
So the fire was in the walls? I wonder if it was due to faulty wiring or something like that?  Or maybe the air conditioning system. 

At any rate, that's such a nice looking Goodwill.  That's another place I rarely shop, since much of the merchandise is more expensive than normal retail and most inventory consists of what people couldn't sell at yard sales.  Once in a while I pop in if I'm in the area to check out the kitchen stuff, but I don't go much any more.

Around here, there's a very active give away community:  BuyNothing on FB, Freecycle, and craigslist.  It helps avoid the whole experience of driving stuff to Goodwill.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 21, 2022, 12:39:31 PM
I'm studying as next week I finally sit the CCN1 exams which consist of some practical and 9 written. Not really sure how well I'll do as I have little time to study post finishing my portfolio - which was at least 6 weeks ago.

Feels like I'll have to wing it but I'm hoping I can summon up and regurgitate what I learned previously and through cramming.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 21, 2022, 04:51:49 PM
I go in the goodwill when I get bored. I've been exceptionally lucky lately with the desk and the keycap puller.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 21, 2022, 06:24:05 PM
I used to live a couple blocks away from a St. Vincent de Paul (similar kind of resale charity shop) and we haunted that place, but that was before they started bleeding their customers.  I remember going to Goodwill when I was in high school and finding all kinds of great vintage clothes -- usually for under a buck.  None of this "buy some filthy torn jeans that might not fit you for $8.00" b.s.

I once got a really nice fountain pen set at St. Vinnies for $2.00.  It was a Parker 51 with matching pencil in a streamlined case.  I have gotten a couple of Armani jackets at Goodwill but that was many years ago.  Now, even when their clothes are half price, they're over priced.  I've seen used t-shirts that cost more than new ones at WalMart.  I just shake my head.  I rarely buy garments there, but I have found decent leather handbags once in a while.  Usually I go to get kitchen stuff, like storage jars or canning jars.  There used to be a great store, a local chain, called Thrift Town, and they were like a Goodwill superstore.  Not at all affiliated with Goodwill.  That was a super cool place and you never knew what you'd find.  They closed due to the pandemic.  I was so sad to lose it.

Good luck on your exams, smokes.  I have a feeling you will nail it on the first try.  Just try to get plenty of sleep the night before.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 22, 2022, 10:26:42 AM
Good luck on your exams, smokes.  I have a feeling you will nail it on the first try.  Just try to get plenty of sleep the night before.

Thanks Six, early nights are top of the agenda. I've also shelved the booze which I think will help even more.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 22, 2022, 01:03:53 PM
You got this, smokester!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 22, 2022, 08:15:04 PM
I've compressed a bunch of my stuff into half the space following a shockingly simple youtube video from a self-storage company.
In the video, they talk about how people stuff boxes and bins full, and how that actually results in less useful space.
For instance, with a standard book box (also called media) if you take your cd's (or DVD's) and make two rows, and just line those rows, you'll fit more into the box than just jamming stuff in. Then you stack the second layer on top of the first.
I followed this guide and felt like a magician, while also feeling like I'm full of bbq sauce and dumb as hell.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 22, 2022, 11:49:43 PM
Thanks Six, early nights are top of the agenda. I've also shelved the booze which I think will help even more.
you will be fine. 👍👍

I've compressed a bunch of my stuff into half the space following a shockingly simple youtube video from a self-storage company.
In the video, they talk about how people stuff boxes and bins full, and how that actually results in less useful space.
For instance, with a standard book box (also called media) if you take your cd's (or DVD's) and make two rows, and just line those rows, you'll fit more into the box than just jamming stuff in. Then you stack the second layer on top of the first.
I followed this guide and felt like a magician, while also feeling like I'm full of bbq sauce and dumb as hell.

neat and tidy
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 23, 2022, 12:55:28 AM
Stuck a Bluetooth speaker under mom's bed as a low difficulty "fix" for the "explosions loud, conversations quiet" issue.
She loves it, and that soundbar was just sitting in a closet.

Kind of sad I didn't do it sooner; it made her super happy.

The one downside is the TV remote no longer controls volume; she has to press the bar.

Not sure how to get around that one.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 24, 2022, 03:25:11 PM
So far, so good. I have a full day of practical assessment but out of the 9 tests I had to sit today and Friday, I waded through 7 and a half of them in one day. Just a test and a half on Friday which means I might have an early day.

Now I've said that ....
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 24, 2022, 04:10:07 PM
Went down to the post office to get my new to me keyboard and the box was utterly fsked. Smashed, wet, I was fairly sure I was destined to an ebay claim.

Also had a weird feeling the cable wouldn't be in there, because it wasn't mentioned in the description.

I was wrong, wrong, wrong on all counts.
Dude double wrapped and bubble wrapped. That thing was essentially shielded.
 The cord was in the box and is immaculate. The keyboard was described as used/store model, so I expected some scuffs, and it looks brand new. The only things I didn't get were the dumb driver disk and product catalog (The manual can be had on the website) (synapse is garbage)

The only weird thing in the whole setup is the pause and scroll lock keys had been swapped. Since it's a floating mech keyboard, I was able to resolve that just by popping off the keycaps and putting them back where they live.
https://www.keyboardtester.com/ was a fun little diversion, I set the sound to "Josh"

The only possible complaint is that this keyboard (BlackWidow Lite) uses the same stabilizers as my previous keyboard (BlackWidow)
I had considered the huntsman tournament, but I don't like RGB.

For once, I am a happy camper.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 24, 2022, 06:09:32 PM
So far, so good. I have a full day of practical assessment but out of the 9 tests I had to sit today and Friday, I waded through 7 and a half of them in one day. Just a test and a half on Friday which means I might have an early day.

Now I've said that ....

Keeping fingers crossed that you continue to sail through these trials unscathed and, ultimately, successful!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 25, 2022, 08:35:26 AM
In less than 12 hrs I will be off on my holiday to Sorrento with the Mrs of course to celebrate our 30th wedding and her 22nd birthday ( Of course she isn't 22,but she cannot be 21 again  ;) ).
Finish work at midnight, home collect the wife and car and airport here we come.
Just hope I can stay awake till I get on the plane.
First holiday abroad 5 years I think. 8)
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 25, 2022, 10:28:10 AM
Safe travels!  And have fun!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 25, 2022, 03:51:20 PM
Keeping fingers crossed that you continue to sail through these trials unscathed and, ultimately, successful!

Think it's working, six. I'm currently the top kid in the class. I was the second but the first did so well that he finsihed today so I get his crown.

Once all these distractions are out of the way, you can get back to finishing that website of yours.

Truth is, I hardly need it as I am always ridiculously busy. And it's getting worse ...

In less than 12 hrs I will be off on my holiday to Sorrento with the Mrs of course to celebrate our 30th wedding and her 22nd birthday ( Of course she isn't 22,but she cannot be 21 again  ;) ).
Finish work at midnight, home collect the wife and car and airport here we come.
Just hope I can stay awake till I get on the plane.
First holiday abroad 5 years I think. 8)

My missus was there a couple of months ago but she went with a friend and left me behind. Wish she'd do it again, to be honest ...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 25, 2022, 06:21:47 PM
My missus was there a couple of months ago but she went with a friend and left me behind. Wish she'd do it again, to be honest ...
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
tic tok
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 26, 2022, 12:25:27 AM
Cleared another box 100%, and mom's PB G4 still boots. The super drive is borked, and the teardown to get the super drive out is 54 steps long and rated as export.

I keep my MBP for the same reason, they're essentially burial shrouds for their hard drives.

I've never been good with notebook ribbon cables, I believe I've mentioned losing a hold down peg on my playstation portable several years back.
I still wonder if a keyboard swap would get the MBP back up and running. It would essentially be a stupid pet trick at this point, I think it's got vista on it.

I HAD retained the boxes for both, but they went missing when I was in NJ. So the PB got a "New" box. The MBP still rests in the inCase backpack I stupidly overpaid for back then.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 26, 2022, 11:49:24 AM
I am drinking tea after consuming a less than delicious experimental carrot muffin I made from a recipe on the internet.  Oh well.  I won't try that again.

I have several of those Burial Shrouds for Hard Drives in my garage.  The thing is that the longer you hold on to them, the less likely they will be able to transfer their data to any machine currently in use that can read them.  It's been years since I tried to insert a floppy disc into my powerbook 100?  The one with the trackball.  I should pull it out again and see what files are on it.  It's the oldest machine I have and it STILL WORKS.

A friend of mine had a sister (now deceased from cancer) who was an early digital artist and there are cds with her work on them.  I used to be able to open them on my G4 powerbook but that joined the land of BSfHDs several years ago.  My current computers don't have disc drives, and the one optical drive I have that is a USB plug in may or may not work with the current machines, since the operating software for the externals may no longer be compatible with the OS of the iMac or the MBP I have sitting around for daily use.  Some days it's better just to have stuff printed out on paper as it's more likely to endure than the ephemeral digital formats.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 26, 2022, 06:10:56 PM
Yup, have the hard drive from the old imac in an external enclosure, but 10 doesn't like the file system.
Mostly pulled the drive to protect the information rather than access, but being able to get at it would be nice.
Checked my Nintendo and Super Nintendo today, NES works  perfectly, SNES won't turn on.
I went to check the AC adapter with my multimeter, and my multimeter was dead. (Last time I used it was 2015)
The urge to pull machines apart has mostly faded, I just want stuff to turn on when I hit the power button now.

Got the multimeter working again, The AC adapter is putting out power. :(
I don't even know where my gamebit drivers are.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 27, 2022, 12:44:48 PM
I'm basking in the glory of being a qualified gas engineer!

What this really does for me is give me a well paying option for as long as I live. Or, as long as I keep my eyesight.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 27, 2022, 01:59:37 PM
I got into an argument with my nintendo guy. :(
I told him my SNES is fussy and doesn't like third party AC adapters, he said it's something else and to bring it in for service.
I... don't want to. I just want to buy a first party AC adapter, but apparently that's become one of the items the speculators hoard. Used to show up at garage sales in wire nests, now $25 and you have to buy it online.
I don't think they were $25 when they were new!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 27, 2022, 02:28:36 PM
I'm basking in the glory of being a qualified gas engineer!

What this really does for me is give me a well paying option for as long as I live. Or, as long as I keep my eyesight.

I must say I'm not surprised.  Well done and congratulations!

I'm canning tomatoes.  Our garden is burgeoning.
Sorry about the adapters, 8ully.  The planned obsolescence of electronics is one of my pet peeves.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 27, 2022, 02:48:10 PM
Does your new certification mean that you are well versed in propane, and propane accessories?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 27, 2022, 03:51:04 PM
I must say I'm not surprised.  Well done and congratulations!

Thanks six. The last day was quite difficult to be honest and I think I finished about 4th out of 11 in the end. It wasn't a race of course, but you couldn't help thinking that those who moved smoothly through the process, were the most knowledgeable.

Does your new certification mean that you are well versed in propane, and propane accessories?

You don't really study LPG much other than what regulations cover it. The fitting of the system is pretty similar, but accessories are generally not covered as the "Manufacturer's Instructions" trump any procedure.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 27, 2022, 04:05:14 PM
Congrats smokester.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 28, 2022, 05:06:48 AM
Congrats smokester.

Thanks bro. Coincidentally, TNG had 4 exams for is degree last week that were rescheduled due to his catching COVID when they were meant to be sat. They were pretty heavy sounding and he thinks he did quite well in them and it did make me feel that if I failed in mine I'd never hear the end of it - especially from him. This kinda helped.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: dweez on August 28, 2022, 09:39:46 AM
Thanks bro. Coincidentally, TNG had 4 exams for is degree last week that were rescheduled due to his catching COVID when they were meant to be sat. They were pretty heavy sounding and he thinks he did quite well in them and it did make me feel that if I failed in mine I'd never hear the end of it - especially from him. This kinda helped.

Haha, that's some great motivation right there!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 30, 2022, 03:53:19 PM
I'm missing the classroom. There's something to be said for sitting on one's backside listening to someone waffle on.

Hey ho. Back to cuts, bruises and many, many aches ...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 30, 2022, 10:29:01 PM

Super nintendo is dead.
I had turned mom's old samsung fascinate (galaxy s) into a media player for her to walk with and not worry about breaking or losing. Google killed it today.

First the dialer process crashed, then everything else, and now it's in a dang boot loop.

Next day, I made it worse. Now it's the green android guy standing in front of a software box. I THINK I somehow triggered targeted mode and somehow wiped the OS, but I've got no idea what to do next. If it's as simple as slapping android 2.35 on the microsd and loading it that way, things would be great.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 03, 2022, 11:41:40 AM
Trying to stay awake.  If there were an Olympics for insomnia, I'd be a gold medalist.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 03, 2022, 04:22:07 PM
Prepped the cooler for the power outage that will likely happen when SDGE goes into "Flex" mode at 4.
I am looking at computers to replace my dell with, and some madman shoved a ryzen 5 system into an xbox 360.
I wasn't considering ITX before, but I am now.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 06, 2022, 11:54:44 AM
I haven't stopped working for nearly 2 weeks as, on top of the contracts I'm currently on, I had family jobs to attend throughout the weekend. I never mind helping family but it does catch up to you when you're my age.

Anyhow, I've cracked an ice cold one from the fridge and, for the moment, the world seems ok again.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on September 17, 2022, 12:50:34 PM
Wrapping up warm.

Ran the numbers on the current price of gas and it would be cheaper to drink copious amounts of alcohol until I'm unconscious, when at which point I wouldn't notice the cold.

I like that plan.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 17, 2022, 10:59:24 PM
Wrapping up warm.

Ran the numbers on the current price of gas and it would be cheaper to drink copious amounts of alcohol until I'm unconscious, when at which point I wouldn't notice the cold.

I like that plan.

Best plan i have heard
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 03, 2023, 09:54:14 PM
Wife has stated I must go clothes shopping later for a tuxedo, Have been invited to Sons first regimental
Black tie event.
 :o :o ??? ???

Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on February 05, 2023, 02:19:48 PM
Wife has stated I must go clothes shopping later for a tuxedo, Have been invited to Sons first regimental
Black tie event.
 :o :o ??? ???

Rental won't do?
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 05, 2023, 09:22:05 PM
Rental won't do?
Cheaper to buy from Next, as I assume there will be more to come over the next few years.
Did consider a charity shop peruse but wife said no  :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 06, 2023, 01:28:17 AM
I got my wedding suit from Goodwill, but that's a bit less formal than a tux.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 06, 2023, 08:52:04 AM
I got my wedding suit from Goodwill, but that's a bit less formal than a tux.

possible just as good. A tux is a suit with has a shiny lapel
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 06, 2023, 10:44:01 AM
Men's Wearhouse rents tuxes.  It's cheaper than Saville Row.  I don't know where you'd get a rental tux or buy one there, but they have the virtue, unlike a fancy gown, of being like a nice uniform you can wear repeatedly without any snarky comments, like "that old thing?"  In that way, men have it easier than women.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 07, 2023, 07:54:12 AM
Cheapest Tux for rent at MOS bro is £79 per night and insurance. mine cost £110. and I  as you lovely stated,  will use again
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 18, 2023, 10:28:10 AM
As it's Father's day, we're having a beer or two and an Indian.

To be honest, that's my life pretty much every day now TNG is home from uni.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 24, 2023, 12:19:38 AM
Reading about the Wagner group
"Wagner chief vows to topple Russian military leaders"
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 24, 2023, 02:25:03 AM
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-66006142 (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-66006142)
Get the Alcohol out now me thinks  ??? :o
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on June 24, 2023, 09:05:00 AM
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-66006142 (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-66006142)
Get the Alcohol out now me thinks  ??? :o

While I think the cat is definitely among the pigeons, I think it's just Prigozhin hanging on before his group are absorbed into the Russian military.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 25, 2023, 02:17:47 AM
While I think the cat is definitely among the pigeons, I think it's just Prigozhin hanging on before his group are absorbed into the Russian military.

That is why he revolted, All over now as he agreed to leave for Belarus, Beginning of the end for P or same O same O
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 24, 2024, 06:50:49 AM
Soon off Windsor for some evening racing. We actually all went on Monday for an evening meeting as it was TNG's birthday, and that day we did it large. Tonight is a more down to earth affair and so far the weather has not got the memo which makes it far less comfortable all round. I wish we had done it large again.

Hey ho.
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 24, 2024, 12:01:08 PM
I hope you will all be wearing festive hats!
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: smokester on August 25, 2024, 12:50:20 PM
I hope you will all be wearing festive hats!

If we had, they'd have been totally obscured by our umbrellas - and losing betting slips ...
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 27, 2024, 07:32:33 AM
Windsor,  beautiful place.

Home post a bank holiday weekend in the Derby Dales.
Wife picking up her Mini post repair for a oil ,leak, new front suspension replaced and a new skuttle tray adjacent to front window.
 :o :o :o :o never buy a mini, no one wants to repair them and those who do charge toooooo much
Title: Re: What are you doing right now?
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 28, 2024, 10:42:00 AM
I've never been.  It's supposed to be gorgeous.  On my list of places to visit.

I'm having breakfast, as usual, since I usually check in on this place in the morning while I'm drinking tea.