Site Related > Announcements
01. Be nice and show respect for one another.
02. Arguing is tolerated, flaming is not.
03. Don't go Supernova.
04. If you have decided to go Supernova, please make sure we all have a good supply of popcorn first.
05. Anything we deem crass or offensive, may be hidden by a "Spoiler" button, removed completely and could incur a possible warning or ban.
06. Most stuff from /b/ and 4chan is crass or offensive.
07. Keep ranting and griping to the designated boards/threads (some of us actually like the world).
08. Word censoring is active so acquaint yourself the list of safe profanities to use. Willfull circumvention of this will result in a 24hr mute (longer for recidivism).
08b. Word censoring is a personal decision and can be turned off and on via your profile, it is not compulsory (swear all you like). However, foiling the system is breaking the rules.
09. No porn or links to porn.
10. Definitely no spam or 419s (unless you are binklespup)
11. No links or discussions about specific warez or torrents although generalised debate is acceptable in the members areas.
12. If you are are going to smoke drugs here, please use an ashtray not the floor.
13. Please leave all guns and sharp instruments at the door, and in some cases that may include your "wit".
14. No discussions about 'Computer hacking'.
Rule for starting quiz-type games:
If you are going to start a game that can be won without your confirmation, please copy and add this code the the bottom of the rules of your game:
--- Code: ---[color=blue][i]N.B: Staff [b]reserved the right[/b] to update this game if proof has been added by the member guessing, or with their own if necessary, if the game hasn't been answered within one hour of the correct guess. This is to ensure that the games flow freely even if people are playing from differing timezones. It also means you can post when you don't have time to answer, with the knowledge that one of us [b]may[/b] take care of it for you.[/i][/color]
--- End code ---
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