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Official BATMAN thread...
All Batman related stuff in here...
I like the Dark Knight... Always have... (the stories are always so dark...)
But now...
After Batman R.I.P., and Final Crisis... :'(
On the positive side, though...
"Batman Begins" and "Dark Knight" was AMAZING... :)
So... what's YOUR take on this..?
I enjoyed the new movies a lot. I do agree Bale could have adjusted the voice a bit on Dark Knight but all told, I think these flicks took the Batman series back off of life support.
BTW, if this was the Copy+Paste game, this is my Ctrl+V
Two can play who-looks-like-who, my friend... ;)
--- Quote from: MisterAJ on January 21, 2009, 06:05:42 AM ---I like the Dark Knight... Always have... (the stories are always so dark...)
--- End quote ---
I take it then you're not including issues of Batman, Detective or World's Finest from the late 50s-early 60s?
'Cuz a lot of that was just ridiculous...
I guess I should have emphasized the fact that I only read stuff from the mid-80's DC-revamp and up to these days...
(One of the post-re-vamp stories actually involved Islamic terrorists attacking a US veterans hospital/recuperation house, and killing everyone there...
Batman ended up going to England, and stopping a major terrorist plot set for the 5th of November... ;) THAT story stuck with me at that young age...)
But the old stuff can be hilarious... :D :D :D
The new stuff, however...
Is only... uhm...
open for some...
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