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--- Quote from: ohcheap1 on November 03, 2009, 11:50:48 AM ---We did a write up on this movie a couple of months ago Jack, dont know if you had a chance to read it or not? I thought it was a VERY good movie. And Bobcat shown through with flying colors. I think the majority agreed with your evaluation though.

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No, I didn't see the earlier write-up, sorry...  :-[

And my evaluation was that I liked it for the most part, but it was really bent-up in places.

Is that what everyone else thought?

--- Quote from: Geemonster on November 03, 2009, 02:03:30 PM ---That sounds interesting Jack,might have to check it out.

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Hope you like dark comedy!  :D

The last Robin Williams movie I liked was Bicentenial Man,,, Spoiler (hover to show)I cried at the end, and it still gets to me when I see it,,damned ex wife took the dvd without my knowing till later, that made me cry too lmao


--- Quote from: ohcheap1 on November 03, 2009, 12:06:14 PM ---
Just watched a clip. The only thing I can speculate on is if the ending is as obvious as it appears then I dont want to see it. PLEASE, everyone else watch it and then post whether my guess is true to form. If not, then Im there!!!
Spoiler (hover to show) ie Jacobs Ladder, Sixth Sense, etc.
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Trust me Cheapie,it's good.

Sooooooo youre saying it doesnt end up like....well, like I think it does?

Well since im not telepathic,i don't know how you think it ends.
Besides,it's not just the destination,it's the journey.


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