General Category > Photography/Graphics

Post your "sexiest man" pics

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If I had a time machine, screw killing Hitler when he was young, I would totally go gay for these guys instead :-*

Get out of here!!! It's for the girls!! And I would never forget the most handsome of them all........

I can't post sexy men?  :'(

The Diasfora guys are awesome  :D

You see that empty spot. That was for this guy that did an Elvis impersonation pic but then fled the site? Oh well, he was probably more than we could handle anyway.

And if you keep picken them like that feel free to post.......but not the last guy Brosnan ??, yeah....yuck...dont like him. Im sure I stand alone there though. When one of the 8 women here stop by Im sure he'll get rave reviews.


--- Quote from: frankcapri on February 03, 2009, 12:11:59 AM ---If I had a time machine, screw killing Hitler when he was young, I would totally go gay for these guys instead :-*

--- End quote ---

Indiana Jones - Yep, sexy :)
Joseph Stalin - Pretty, but my conscience suffers :-\
Pierce Brosnan - Okay lah. I'd pick him over Sean and Roger (my mum likes Roger, ack)

Also, Hugh Dancy is hot ;D


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