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I hate Adobe CS5 products.

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I have been using the CS5 suite on one of my machine since it came out and I am growing more annoyed and frustrated that I uninstalled CS3.  For a start, all the software seems to guzzle RAM like it is going out of fashion and the little gizmodic updates are just not worth the hassle.

Photoshop is by far the worst with hang times of 3 or 4 seconds when just clicking on the text tool, and this with a 3.6ghz dual core running 4gb of RAM!?  Another thing is it doesn't like my graph card which is powerful enough with a gig of onboard memory, but it breaks the viewport by not redrawing properly:

Those lines/breaks don't render like that, it renders fine. But when working with fine areas it is impossible with the graphics breaking up like that. Apparently, it is a known issue with some cards but I do not buy (cough) software that insists I change my hardware, the other way round if anything.  Good job Adobe! Maybe next time you can stress test your software before you release it.

Dreamweaver CS5 has a great on the fly server facility which allows you build dymanic pages and preview them in real time, but it does get a bit cumbersome with sites made in DW before this as profiling them is hard to do manually.  Because of this I have reverted to running my own Apache and keeping a browser open that I refresh.  Much cleaner, quicker and like in the old days, I can do small alterations in notepad.

Illustrator hasn't changed that much from what I can see and I haven't looked into Fireworks or Flash to any degree yet. But for me the all the interfaces seem to have taken a stop backwards and look more 'childlike' than their predecessors.

I'm sorry but it all has to go.


I was thinking of upgrading from CS3 to CS5, not sure I'll bother now.  :-\

Newer is not always better.  ;)

the text tool  >:( It's the same with genuine PS not just the hacked software.
I'm back on win7 now I sorted out my external HD. It's still as PSCS4 used it over the weekend and its by far quicker than the new one. So I will leave cs4 on 7 and keep cs5 on Xp As for the updates i never bothered downloading them ever.

Your right new software don't always mean better performance.

--- Quote ---Wait - Photoshop does colour now?
--- End quote ---

Incorrect photoshop as and will always be a Gray Scale application software. Which means it don't use colour it uses the RGB colour from your monitor and printer........


--- Quote from: christ on July 06, 2010, 11:47:10 AM ---Wait - Photoshop does colour now?

Wow - who knew.

* christ goes off to upgrade to Photoshop 2.
--- End quote ---

And they've got it to run off electricity now, that should save you some cash on your gas bill.

--- Quote from: AlienBC on July 06, 2010, 12:15:17 PM ---the text tool  >:( It's the same with genuine PS not just the hacked software.
--- End quote ---

My copy is an untouched retail version which for my money, is over-bloated.  It's not just Adobe either.  My 2011 versions (what year are we in) of Mudbox and Maya do nothing except crash, crash and then crash some more.  The GUIs for those products also look infantile (lots of colours) but the functionality is just shot in the pair of them

I blame windows 7 for most of this.  Now that the standard MS OS is a fattened, glossy, memory munching monster, with the 64bit version vying for 1st place in the market, software developers have put the efficiency and functionality of what they develop well and truly on the back burner in favour of equally inefficient software.  I don't want Windows 7, Vista, or XP when it comes down to it. I simply want an OS that uses as little of my system resources as possible leaving the majority of it for my applications (that are developed with the same ideology).


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