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I'm waiting for Alien: Remus.
I read the synopsis. My life is stressful enough without help from the cinematic arts. Sounds like a bummer of a plot.
New idea for Alien series. Alien and aged Sigourney Weaver come to common terms and team up to save the universe from some looming threat. They succeed and realize the benefits that come from not trying to kill one another. They go on a road trip and find a race of hybrid Alien/Humans that manage to create a paradise out of simple planetary elements. The end.
Watched Notting Hill a week ago, I did enjoy it - love a good Rom Comedy.
Nothing has caught my fancy for a while, although the tv channels around 1-5 Sunday am have a decent selection of "old classics" I have on to watch or in the back ground
--- Quote from: 6pairsofshoes on September 16, 2024, 09:31:03 AM ---New idea for Alien series. Alien and aged Sigourney Weaver come to common terms and team up to save the universe from some looming threat. They succeed and realize the benefits that come from not trying to kill one another. They go on a road trip and find a race of hybrid Alien/Humans that manage to create a paradise out of simple planetary elements. The end.
--- End quote ---
Wouldn't work. Predator would mess them up.
I had to read the plot of Alien vs Predator and I think I saw it a million years ago but don't remember much other than some subterranean pyramid and lots of gloom and gore.
We are rewatching Casa de Papel. Not a movie, but more engaging than many I've seen recently.
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