General Category > Photography/Graphics

Post Your Own Photography!

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It's wonderful that you and Bubu found each other and I've enjoyed the travel photos, here and on the Noid fora.

I have not been to Berlin since the wall came down and I expect I'd find it radically transformed by so much new money and development.  That holocaust memorial is so intriguing from photos.  I'd love to see it in person.

That is a damn fine Orangutan pose. People would pay to see that live.

tarascon would be thrilled.  He says he's agreeably re-settled in Detroit with a satisfying job.  Hopefully it won't be too long before he regains a computer with regular internet access.

I sent him an e-mail and hopefully he'll get back to me soon.  I encouraged him to drop in here, although I don't know what the home internet service situation is yet.

tarascon still doesn't have internet access at home but he sends his best wishes. 

tremendous view. hope the food was as good


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