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What video game(s) are you playing?

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If you ever decide to play STO, let me know, I can help you gear up regarding your career. You choose to be a tactical, science, or engineering officer. Tactical is probably the closest thing to easy mode, and playing an engi is a stone madam.

I have been playing Megarace.  I finished the first game and am currently stuck on the second game.  I started playing without cheating and after great effort made it past the Tibet level.  A few levels later, I became annoyed with my measly funds and started a new game with the "money speed map" switches.

I'm stuck on Tibet again.

I finally got around to getting back to Tera. I'm about nine levels from max level right now. My team has been slacking on me for the past few months so I haven't been able to get anything done there.

Finished... Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, now playing Resident Evil 6.

Yesterday I completed all 100 levels of Frozen Bubble.  It might have been cheating because I was playing the android version and using the stylus.  I recall the PC version being harder.  Anyway, level 99 was very difficult, the trick is to keep trying.


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