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Agents of SHIELD

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The show has the master of the taser, Agent Coulson, is being overseen by Joss Whedon, and the music is being done by Bear McCreary.

Either this show will be entirely badass, or will fall on it's face in the first episode. Here's hoping for the former.

dweez: will be badass but people won't pay attention to it until it's too late.

* dweez shrugs

Suffered from pilot jam, too much jammed into too short a time frame.

Plus, I didn't care for their science team.

I finally managed to watch the first couple of episodes of this last night (the second was reluctantly) and, not to put too finer point on it, I thought it was utter shite. 

What happened to anyone who was remotely heroic and could fight their way out of a wet paper bag?

It would have better been titled: "Admin of SHIELD".

This post will have SPOILERS like you would not believe. I don't use spoiler tags. Very few people have responded to this thread anyway, so I don't really care.

I know exactly what your problem is. ABC.

I used to watch Castle. Some of the episodes were great. I usually solve TV murders 20 minutes in, and feel stupid for having wasted my time. TV is supposed to explain things to you, and you're supposed to feel a bit clever having understood it.

But slowly, the writing became further and further ham fisted. Such is the same with Shield. Part of it is fledgling series. Star Trek: The Next Generation, which may as well be my own personal bible, had an extremely shaky first season, mostly recycled scripts from the supposed continuation of the original star trek. They even visited the planet of Black people, who solve disputes with Knife fights on a jungle gym. Seriously.

Shield does have it's subtle moves though. You're damned right when you call it Admin of Shield, That is where the show shines though. For instance, Melinda May, who is considered a one woman army, was rotting in a cubicle by her own choice, but they haven't told us why. These are NOT the Avengers, and they do not have super powers to fall back on. Like in Iron Man 2, people are experimenting with powers, and it is resulting in some INSANE golly ups. Which is where the team comes in.

Also unlike your traditional hero story, The agents of shield are not trying to save the day, they're just trying to keep the world spinning. Twice now, Coulson has straight up sanctioned the monster of the week.

In the Macguffin doomsday device episode, rather than remand the doomsday device into custody to be studied, they launched that madam into the SUN. As long as it doesn't reverse fusion, that's a very definitive way of dealing with a problem.

In the stupid gravity arc episode, rather than find some tech the tech solution and saving the scientist who has clearly cracked, Coulson shoots out the observation glass and threw the mad scientist into the core, destabilizing the stupid gravity reaction. Then he locked that politician in a vault. Good idea, you don't want an unpredictable gravity politician in the sun.

In the most recent episode, A street Magician developed pyrokinetic abilities. The shadowy bad guys strip his blood of protective elements, but also supercharge his abilities. This results in insanity and murder.

Coulson OD's him on Extremis. Extremis turns you into a heat sensitive bomb. So the guy explodes spectacularly.

They didn't save him and toss him on the team, they straight up dealt with the problem. That's X-files level cold.

Also, rather than give their turncoat hacker a second chance, they gave her a slave bracelet. She naffs up again, she won't be able to use a computer again, period.


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