Wish him well and good fortune from me! (but jazz it up with some hip phrases the kids use today)
He already has a reverance for you so your sentiment is all that's needed.
smokes, I hope he thrives there, and I fully expect that he will. But won't you miss having him at home?
It's a mixed feeling really. I have a tight relationship and, in many ways, I depend on him so it is feels like a real loss. On the other hand, there is the realisation that he is now no longer a child and that our relationship is more akin to the type I have with my good friends. That feels like a gain so I guess it's okay on balance.
Yeah, long-distance tech support can suck.
Thankfully, he has to come home every 7 or 8 weeks for his orthodontist so I'll probably have a list ready every time he does.

Drove through Leicester yesterday and thought about you mate.