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App that will never exist.
Something like those barcode scanner apps, but you point them at cd's. It checks the exif data, and if it's clear, the album downloads. No cowpoo import time on your music app of choice.
Kinda like steam without cd code cowpoo.
Why it will never happen: Lawyers.
An app that downloads beer.
poo, that does exist man. You just need money, that's the downside.
I have an aunt who has a nasty disposition while drunk. She'd hire a cab and use the driver as a butler. Beer, a box of food, and two cakes, which she would consume between 2 and 6 am.
Cleaning cake crumbs out of dog piss is a task I hope I never have to perform again.
And yeah, if I could dupe items in real life, I totally would. Like mops.
poo, dupe metallica, call it metallitwo, and watch lars bless'ed explode in rage!
Oh, and my aunt would get angry because I wouldn't sweep before mopping up the piss.
Like, at the point an animal pisses or shits in the kitchen, you lose your vote as to "how should this be cleaned?"
Also, if all her pets weren't dead now, I totally would have called animal control, but she had a weird ability to pass home inspections (my dead uncle's brother constantly called the NJ version of child protective services because cousin was pushing three digits when she was four feet tall.
--- Quote from: 8ullfrog on November 03, 2016, 01:03:59 AM ---poo, that does exist man. You just need money, that's the downside.
--- End quote ---
I'd like to believe that was true, but while I was sat on a hidden beach in St Lucia, I had to call the missus to bring some down to me as I was at least a mile from civilisation.
I suppose that was sort of using an app then, but she took bloody ages!!!
Ancient necromancy, but I discovered Amazon kind of does the reverse of this. If you buy an album directly from amazon, they unlock a digital copy while sending you the physical copy.
I thought that was pretty neat.
Can't redeem your older titles, but you can't have it all.
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