How hard is it over the pond to avoid high fructose corn syrup? It's in damn near every food in America.
I thought the "cake" brouhaha in Ireland over Subway's bread was a tax thing, but it's actually difficult to find breads that aren't sweet.
As to the stroganoff, we have a family recipe that I tend to follow to the letter, but a friend recommended an alternate recipe, said it was "really different"
The sauce never firmed up. If I'd added any more flour, it would have turned to a cement slurry.
Despite not adding salt, it tasted like I'd dropped salt in blindly.
The meat ended up both tough AND mushy, which I don't understand how that happened. I didn't cook it any different than I usually do. It was gross almost to the point of mousse. Needless to say, that recipe can go straight to hell.
Been a while since I've messed up a dinner other than burning it, so this was a serious disappointment.
I swear the recipe looked completely innocent.