Author Topic: Non-Dairy Ben & Jerry.  (Read 4947 times)

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Offline 8ullfrog

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Non-Dairy Ben & Jerry.
« on: August 14, 2019, 08:01:36 PM »
Chunky Monkey. I like Chunky Monkey. (Mom bought the wrong stuff because she doesn't read labels)

My review would be: NO. No this should not exist, at all. Like I get it, there are people that cannot eat lactose, and they want alternatives.

From what I read of the label before rejecting the pint with disgust, this is made with "Almond milk". I've got a beef with that labeling, but that's a whole different thread.

Back to the Non-Dairy Disappointment:

It tasted like the worst sweeteners in the world shat in my mouth. Splenda, Stevia, Sweet n low, whatevs.

It's garbage. Do not eat this. Do not attempt to feed this to others. It. Should. Not. Exist.

I have read that Ben Cohen has no sense of taste, or a diminished sense of taste, and that's why most Ben & Jerry ice cream has chunks of stuff in it. I'd say this ice cream is the proof. It's got the walnuts, but it also has nasty little LIE CHUNKS that look like chocolate, but are in fact, LIES.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 08:05:21 PM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Non-Dairy Ben & Jerry.
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2019, 12:45:36 AM »
Ice cream is not good for you.  It is, or should be, a great source of pleasure.  I go for the full fat Haagen Dazs or the lovely variety from the Talenti gelato range.  There used to be a great ice cream place in my neighborhood that was so delicious and they went under.  Sigh.

I went on an ice cream eating binge this summer about the time I broke my foot and as a result, I could not go on my regular hour walks and the pounds began to accumulate.  Not lots but enough to make me feel like I wanted to get rid of them.  Safeway is always making with the evil ice cream deals and I have had to steel myself.  I have tried Halo Top.  Not so great.  Sorbabes is good but weird in texture.  Safeway makes a range of ice creams intended to imitate the other high end varieties and many of them are good.

I'm not a big fan of add-ins so I generally avoid most of the Ben & Jerry's although they make passable vanilla and when I am not so concerned about weight I'd have some Cherry Garcia.  I'd probably run a mile to avoid their non dairy line.  I don't mind fruit ice type sorbets but non dairy chunky monkey?  No.  Why bother.  I was amused but not surprised to hear your reaction.  I don't really get the whole almond milk thing.  It tastes like crap.  And I love almonds.  I don't have lactose intolerance so I guess I'm not really in the demographic but if I were, I'd take some kind of enzyme supplement or avoid the whole business.  After all, there's always fruit.