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August will see the debut of a prequel to "Game of Thrones," "House of the Dragon."  Also on HBO.

Like many viewers, I was not particularly happy with the last few seasons of GoT, and much less so re the series ending.  So I'd be happy to see some resets executed with a quality similar to that of the debut of GoT.  I've been enjoying "Better Call Saul" so the possibility of a good quality prequel is entirely possible.  So I'll watch with an open mind.  Is anyone else interested in this new series?

I feel mean, but I hate seeing Matt Smith. The first promo image they released for Game of Thrones: Targaryen Wars was of Matt Smith with a Daenayrays haircut.

Like no, I did NOT wonder what he looked like blonde. And I resent HBO for sharing that with me.

I had to look him up.  He's in "Mapplethorpe."  He kind of looks like Robert Mapplethorpe, perhaps not as good looking.  He'd probably look kind of odd as a blonde, but I'm more interested in seeing what the writers might do by way of the prequel.

Geo. RR Martin seems to have pretty much washed his hands of the tv series.  It must be nice to sit and watch the royalty checks roll in while contemplating how to finish the last book.  I take it that the ending won't be anything remotely resembling what GoT tv series did.               


--- Quote ---As I understand it (having not watched it), pretty much all that was good about GoT was the GRRM stuff, and everything that caused displeasure later was the non-GRRM "how do we get to an ending" stuff. That doesn't lead me to a happy feeling about a GRRM TV series written completely by not GRRM.

But I don't think GRRM will ever finish ASOIAF. If he ever finishes Winds of Winter, there will still be at least two books worth to come, and he hasn't got thirty years to write them. I think he is stuck, so unfortunately ASOIAF is marooned.
--- End quote ---

I hope he finishes it.  As he's a good writer.  And I tend to agree with you about the not GRRM parts of GoT, but TV land being what it is, I'll be grateful for something in that genre to watch.  Wheel of Time is not too bad, but not too good, either.  At least the Professor from Money Heist makes an appearance.  Personally, I'd be gratified to know "how do you get your clothes so white?" from a practical laundry day point of view.

I was sad that amazon decided to pull the plug on The Expanse as that series was far from over, at least from the perspective of the plots in the books that are still coming out on a relatively regular basis.  That's something that would be worth bringing back from the dead, post Holden/Nagata, etc.  There's plenty to be done, plot-wise, in terms of exploring the civilization that brought about the proto molecule and that crazy subway system on the asteroid/planet whose name escapes me at the moment.

Re dragons.  These are basically large flying carnivorous reptiles.  OK.  That is conceivable.  There's fossil records of pterodactyls, so I can imagine some variant of that.
Can anyone explain the physics behind the whole fire breathing thing? 
1)  Where do they get fuel to burn?  Say they are eating flesh bearing animals.  Do they drink some kind of hydrocarbons or other oil based substance that is flammable?
2)  Why don't the lizards burn their mouths and noses?  How does that work?


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