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Favorite TV quotes.

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I had a roommate with an irrational hatred of the sleep train jingle that ended the nightly news here. Their slogan "we take you to a better night's sleep"

His take "We take you to a bent up night of nightmares"

It was a belly flop, but I found it endearing how purely he hated that jingle.

I know that song.  It's annoying but not enough to engender hatred.  To me, it was just channel changing time.  We bought our bed a million years ago from Mattress Discounters.   The bed is wonderful and the salesman was good at his job.  But their ads are super annoying, too.

Can you imagine being a professional singer and needing to make your living singing "mattress discounterrrrrrssss!"  How demoralizing.  I hope they get paid well for that stuff.


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