Author Topic: Grandpa.  (Read 7319 times)

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Offline 8ullfrog

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« on: February 16, 2021, 06:08:52 AM »
I'm sure I've mentioned him before, aelthric helped me crack PSP when he died and I had to PNG all the death documents, but Grandpa has been gone since 2010.

And he just zinged me.

Well, I just got one of his jokes.

I may have mentioned my Aunts and Uncles were bless'ed GHOULS, looking for inheritance not 24 hours after he died.

One Uncle was shouty that Grandpa had defaced his Army Medals. Grandpa never served in war, but he did indeed aim AJAX missiles at the commies.

But more specifically, was HOW he defaced his medals. They were liquor circular ads, the kinds you get in the mail or newspaper. He'd laminated them and hung them from the brass.

Specifically, he did wear his JIM BEAM marksmanship medal when I'd take him to the American Legion post (Read bar/restaurant for vets)

He never once wore his uniform, and rarely spoke about his military service, but he did wear that medal.

And just NOW I got the bless'ed joke.

Jim Beam Marksmanship medal. The Joke: He never missed a shot.

I love that man. Just as much now as I did then. And that is a HELL of a joke.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Grandpa.
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2021, 09:02:58 AM »
That's clever.  I'm sorry for the loss of your grandfather.  I miss mine, too.  They were each witty and fun in their own ways. 

My mother's father was a genial guy who used to hang out at the neighborhood bar, like it was an old English pub or something.  It was a family friendly kind of place, where people could go hang out with friends and relatives.  Sometimes my parents would go camping, you know, with one of those tow behind your car campers.  I hated these corporate family friendly campsites and after a while, stayed the weekend with my maternal grandparents.  I remember staying home and listening to music while they went out to socialize w/friends at the bar.  My grandfather came home one night, and ascended to the restroom on the second floor, announcing, "smoked up again!" which was some kind of slang reference to being drunk.  He was politically active and worked in a factory for most of his life.  A real character but much loved by the community.  His death hit us all hard.

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Re: Grandpa.
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2021, 09:06:13 AM »

Jim Beam Marksmanship medal.

Judging by this, I must be one of the most decorated in my borough.

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