Author Topic: Overthinking bourne. Jesus christ, it's spoilers.  (Read 3444 times)

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Offline 8ullfrog

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Overthinking bourne. Jesus christ, it's spoilers.
« on: October 13, 2017, 11:29:33 PM »
Bourne got stale, Renner unstaled it, Damon came back.

Some stuff wasn't touched on in 2016, like the pharmaceutical resources used in legacy, but creepier possibilities were brought in. When vikkander wants in on the bourne hunt, Tommy Lee Jones says she hasn't been "indoctrinated" on the project, which gave me mass effect flashbacks. TLJ also turns in an outstanding performance as a soulless suit, but I could have done without the stupid "cut vikkander out of the loop" bit. I won't say subplot, because it's a bit, and the writers should be ashamed of it, along with the snowden and "deep dream" cowpoo.

I kinda want to see Damon and Renner square off, but I think that's because I hate hawkeye, over in the MCU. Stark made him not be deaf, and allowed him to retire from shield, the ONLY shield retiree under the hydra administration, and he shot Tony's son (vision) and acted like a bless'ed bottom.

And who says legacy isn't a prequel, maybe shield offered cross (renner's bourne) an out? Treadstone is definitely hydra level evil.

But that's fanon nonsense.

2016 bourne ended with the traditional "I'm smarter than you" bit, which makes no sense. Bourne knows vikkander is as much an evil suit as TLJ, trying to pull heartstrings, and reveals that he knows. Which makes no goddamn sense if you're trying to play evil shadow game.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Overthinking bourne. Jesus christ, it's spoilers.
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2017, 11:43:56 PM »
I saw whatever Bourne movie was in the theatres last summer.  It was predictable but entertaining.

Tommy Lee Jones went to Harvard, so he's a bright guy, but as for his performances in the Bourne films?  He seems to be phoning it in.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Overthinking bourne. Jesus christ, it's spoilers.
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2017, 02:03:44 AM »
No, that's part of it. He purposely underplayed any emotion, and just tried to be blandly evil. Think about how he ordered the deaths of people without any inflection of glee, he's just doing his evil job.

The closest we get to emotion from the charecter is when he coldly assesses loss of motion in his arm by flexing his fingers in a mirror, before giving the order to have himself shot in that shoulder. Just cold calculation. No William Strannix in this portrayal. Oddly, some of it could carry over.

Casey Ryback: What made you flip like this?
William Strannix: I got tired of coming up with last-minute desperate solutions to impossible problems created by other bless'ed people.
Casey Ryback: All of your ridiculous pitiful antics aren't gonna change a thing. You and me, we're puppets in the same sick game. We serve the same master, and he's a lunatic and he's ungrateful. But there's nothing we can do about it. You and me, we're the same.
William Strannix: Oh, no. No, no, no. There's a difference, my man. You have faith. I don't!
[a knife fight erupts between them

Weird, brothers from different mothers. And who the golly expects depth from a segal film?