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Offline 8ullfrog

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End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« on: April 14, 2019, 08:45:33 PM »
I both liked and didn't like this episode? A lot of wagon circling actually showing golly all. A few secondary characters get some action, and once again, stupid bickering is done when there is a friggin' Army Of The Dead coming.

Things I liked: Most of the questions I had from the Finale are answered here, they aren't dragging crap out. Jon learns of his Parentage, Daenerys doesn't get to ignore the fact she burned his best friend's father and brother to death, much like her father burned his Grandfather and Uncle to death. I mean DANG. At the same time, some of the parallels are a bit too "on the nose". Like having the episode end with Jaime Lannister and Bran just staring at each other. [The series premiere ended with Jaime shoving bran out a friggin' window, leading him on his series journey, AND permanently crippling him.]

The elephants are denied. We get no elephants. Cersei is DISSAPOINTED.

We spend more time with the Greyjoys than I care for. Most of them run away, but Mr. Runs away every time is actually going to the fight...

Some non combat dragon flying happens, and it's probably going to be one of the few happy moments of the season.

Jon and Arya show off their swords to each other, like NERDS. I liked it, it was pretty good, but Arya sides with Dipshit Sansa. Again. Sansa is really good at standing on walls and whining. And that's about it. She's like the Skyler White of the series, always telling the cool doods not to go do cool dood stuff. Like being a super criminal, like Walter White.

A character I was pretty sure died in a friggin' avalanche/700 foot wall implosion is somehow alive, but I'm happy, because he's funny. He got one of the few jokes in the episode, which lead up to a fairly messed up horror scene.

If anything is missing, I'd say since everyone is calling Daenarys a jackwagon, she isn't really doing anything offensive. She brought an Army to defend the People, She brought some pretty friggin' sweet Dragons to once again, Defend the people.

About the only person who has the right to be pissed at her is Samwell Tarly, and HOO BOY does he ever. Thankfully, he keeps his treason to talking with his best friend jon snow Aegon Targaryen

He's no longer "KING IN DA NORF", a title he's abdicated. He's now the Rightfull King of the Seven Kingdoms. And he DOES. NOT. HAVE. TIME. FOR. THAT. poo.



I was reading a thread, and they recapped that some whores (literally, I am not being mysogynistic, the setting has whores) Complain about a Lannister Soldier named Ed getting his face burned off last season.

Last season, fans complained that Ed Sheerhan got a cameo in GOT, including singing. So Ed Sheerhan LOST the game of thrones.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2019, 09:37:01 PM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2019, 08:53:40 AM »
I both liked and didn't like this episode? A lot of wagon circling actually showing golly all. A few secondary characters get some action, and once again, stupid bickering is done when there is a friggin' Army Of The Dead coming.

Things I liked: Most of the questions I had from the Finale are answered here, they aren't dragging crap out. Jon learns of his Parentage, Daenerys doesn't get to ignore the fact she burned his best friend's father and brother to death, much like her father burned his Grandfather and Uncle to death. I mean DANG. At the same time, some of the parallels are a bit too "on the nose". Like having the episode end with Jaime Lannister and Bran just staring at each other.
We spend more time with the Greyjoys than I care for. Most of them run away, but Mr. Runs away every time is actually going to the fight...
Jon and Arya show off their swords to each other, like NERDS. I liked it, it was pretty good, but Arya sides with Dipshit Sansa. Again. Sansa is really good at standing on walls and whining. And that's about it. She's like the Skyler White of the series, always telling the cool doods not to go do cool dood stuff. Like being a super criminal, like Walter White.

I'm mystified about why everyone thinks Sansa is smart.  Was it her tutelage with Little Finger?  The Skyler White analogue is pretty apt, (I laughed when I read that) but the show ain't over til the fat lady sings, or whatever.

I couldn't tell who was staring at whom at the end, so thanks for that.  Cersei continues to exercise extremely poor judgment.  Wasn't she pregnant already at the end of last season?  So what's with the rumpy pumpy with the Icky Greyjoy uncle?  That guy makes your skin crawl and she finds him interesting.  She needs to get out more.  Somehow if there is justice, she'll pay the price for sitting on her keester while the rest of the seven kingdoms go try to fight off the army of the north/cold undead white walkers.  How she can find that a good thing that they'll take out her enemies is beyond stupid.  That's like South Korea wishing for somebody to nuke North Korea. It might solve one problem, but it will give you a much bigger problem in the process.  At times this show reads like a WPA project for British actors, Anton Lesser is in pretty much everything on the BBC.  Wolf Hall, The Hour, Endeavour, and this.  There's lots of other actors as well, but I'm too sleep deprived to list them.  Lesser seems to be the co-opted priest of the wacko religion that had her parading naked through the streets for penance, and now he's her hand.  Great move, that.  King's Landing seems like such a lonely place, and so dull these days.

I'm assuming her brother will go fight the white walkers because he has a shred of decency.  Winterfell is like a little wooden motel 6 with a cool tree compared to the urbanity of Lannister's city.  It's curious to see everyone hanging out with the livestock in the mud and the snow.  How Danaerys keeps her nice white coat so clean is a marvel.  And I don't know about you, but if I wanted to ride on back of a large dragon, I'd probably leave my cape behind.

Nice to see Theon Greyjoy actually do something heroic and virtuous for a change.  I found the hour sort of slow in terms of development.  Sansa didn't like Danaerys.  OK.  She's had some bad experiences with strangers.  I get it. 

I'm a little confused about what's up with the Night's Watch and the Wildings.  If the wall fell to the blue ice guys, where are they holing up?  Or are the ice guys on a short vacation from wreaking havoc?

It's curiously slow to develop but other stuff, like here, Jon, let me fill you in on your parentage (how Sam got to Winterfell either escaped me, or was explained and I forgot it) seems to have been shoved into the episode with a shoehorn, like, the writers thought, we'd better get this established because we only have x number of episodes to wrap this thing up and it's necessary for plot development.  And how does Jon get to be the big king instead of Danaerys?  Is this the business as usual sexism?  He's second generation, right?
 Or does it descend through the male line with the elder son and his progeny being first before subsequent siblings?  How much older was Jon's father than Danaerys, anyway?

Or is the ability to raise dragons and walk through fire just a cut below hanging out with guys in the north?  Jon Snow's rise from the dead was a good trick, so maybe that was it.  I still don't think that thread was particularly well developed.  I don't remember him getting killed in the books so this is a new wrinkle that the writers didn't bother with and Melissandre seems to be awol.  Don't know if she'll pop up again.

I was happy to have it back, regardless.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2019, 08:21:14 PM by 6pairsofshoes »

Offline goldshirt*9

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2019, 09:14:58 AM »
building up just building up :) :)

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2019, 12:00:22 PM »
Sansa thinks she knows all the rules to the game because she's watched the smartest players play... and she's wrong. Her two tutors were Cersei Lannister, who has always been a brutish thug throwing around Daddy, and later Robert's power, and Littlefinger, who intentionally bent things up because he was always angry about not getting "what he deserved". I've a lot of family like that. Very good at breaking things, utter poo at fixing things. We don't get to see his endgame, because Arya neatly cut that thread. During Arya's "Trial" Sansa implies the valyrian steel dagger (often called the catspaw dagger) belonged to littlefinger, that he sent the assasin. I was under the impression Joffery did it. (He wanted to kill bran for being a cripple).

Qyburn is a nasty, nasty character, and the Maesters were right to expel him. Then again, they poisoned all the dragons and destroy anything they can find related to magic, so they're pretty shortsighted themselves.

The Greyjoy alliance is needed because Daenerys pretty much wrecked the Lannisters with her dragons, plus no one else likes her.

She's bless'ed him presumably to cover the fact that she got pregnant by her brother again. That pretty much kicked off the war of the five kings.

Is she Pregnant? Dunno, prophecy says she only gets three kids, but it's also possible that Witch was just a madam. Also, she's drinking a lot of wine for a pregnant person, something that we already know the Westerosi know not to do. (Talisa Stark, red wedding)

Jaime swore to join the alliance, His madam sister backed out. The sword he currently carries is named Oathkeeper. The preview sort of implies he's bent himself, as he's standing where Littlefinger stood last season. Daenerys talks about how her bedtime stories were about her and her poo brother would kill him.

Kings Landing actually is a Lannister city now, she's replaced the Seven Pointed Star with the sigil of House Lannister. Plus, she blew up the church and faith, and appears to have got away with it. Whenever I kill a pope in one of those medieval conquest games, I get excommunicated and large portions of my army desert. BOOOO

Theon is pretty good at sneak attacks, he once captured Winterfell. Granted, that was a horrible betrayal, AND rightly cost him his most prized posession, but he is good at it.

Nights watch ain't got no wall to stand on, they'll either join the army of the living at winterfell, desert, or die horribly. The wildlings already came through the wall, that's why the watch betrayed and executed Jon Snow.

Dang, Sam did quite a long journey from old town, He essentially went from San Diego to New York. He got there towards the end of last season, He and Bran the creep had a short arguement about Jon being a scallywag, then Bran uses his creeper-vision to confirm that Jon isn't even named Jon. That was Ned being a richard. His name is Aegon Targaryan. Female Targaryans are not allowed to inherit. Technically, neither can Aegon, since King bottom disinhereted his son Rhaegar's children after Rhaegar got his chest smashed in by Robert, making Viserys the "rightful" heir.

And of course, Viserys is dead as golly.

Truth is, we don't really get "3 months later" or stuff like that. The show moves at the speed of plot. We do know it took King Robert 3 months to get from KL to Winterfell, but they were slowed by Cersei's piece of poo carriage. Might have been weeks actually, been a long time since I watched the first episode.

Melisandre is banished. If she shows up again, Ser Davos will kill the poo out of her.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2019, 12:55:02 PM »
Thanks for the update/explanation.  I forget stuff from one season to the next.  Once I just read all the books between seasons but that was a couple years ago.

I thought King's Landing was always a Lannister City.  What was it before?  I probably should rewatch the first couple seasons to remind myself.

Melissandre was easy on the eyes.  I think she was played by a Dutch actress.  Just lovely.  Of course there were lots of good looking actors on the show who have moved on.  Jon Snow's wilding girlfriend (and real life girlfriend) is now a lesbian attorney on The Good Fight.  I suspect the paychecks are bigger on this side of the Atlantic.

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2019, 01:48:11 PM »
Ygritte was Rose Leslie. Spouse of Kit Harrington. They joked about it on SNL, she told him to grow the beard back.

Kings landing... super complicated, but technically correct. Renly Baratheon was supposed to run the courts and the cops, but he was as lazy as his brother, the King.

So Redcloaks (Lannister soldiers) swelled the ranks of the Gold Cloaks (Official City Watch, corrupt as golly) (Also joked about with Flea Bottom: SVU)
All of the Queen's children were 100% Lannister, and she raised them as such, I don't think Joffery ever wore black and gold, his supposed house colors. Funny enough, the Queensguard of Cersei look more like Baratheon soldiers than anything else. I can't make out their sigil though, none of the shots lingered long enough. Maybe it's the throne?

When Ned brings the legitimate proclamation that he is to hold Regency until some unspecifed age for King prostitute murderer and all around poo, Things Went Down.

Renly and Stannis, the two presumptive legitimate Heirs, ran away. So Lannister soldiers cut down pretty much whoever they felt like killing. So yeah, Kings Landing has been pretty Red and Gold on the series. Doesn't help that the Castle is literally called the Red Keep.

Yes, Carice van Houten is insanely attractive, even among all the pretty people on the show. Sadly, that's how Emilia Clarke got the job, the original Daenerys (I HATE TYPING THAT NAME) from the pilot got dropped.

Funny enough, a lot of the pilot survives in the first episode, you may note Ned's hair goes between greasy and not greasy (They decided on the non greasy look) and Peter Dinklage looks like he takes haircare advice from Eminem.


Jimmy Kimmel did a bit where a diabolical clause in their HBO contracts, the cast has to answer Game of Thrones questions over the phone. Sadly, like most talk show bits, it only gets half way to funny. Did remind me of the thread tho.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 11:34:24 PM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2019, 10:12:02 PM »
Watched the second episode, Tyrion is damn up yo.

This episode doesn't exactly endear you to the northerners, here are these heroes showing up to put down their lives for you... and you're a richard about it.

No wonder the rest of Planetos (HOLY poo THAT IS THE ACTUAL NAME FOR THEIR WORLD) Hate the poo out of Westeros. Bunch of cave man morons. Like I'm left thinking there's some continent where they have cell phones and smart cars, and they just laugh at the feudal tards.

I'm really, really happy Jaime got to knight Brienne here, because she's literally the only person worth a knighting, in the whole show. Everyone else has pulled some cowpoo move somewhere, but she's bled, fought, and stood for everything that is good and just.

Funny enough, that's how Jaime Lannister got tricked into the kingsguard, he thought that was what it was all about, and slowly and cynically rotted away.

I mean a strong argument can be made that Ser Davos is a pinnacle of honesty, but 1) he was a smuggler. 2) he's already been knighted.

It's kinda bent how half the cast is gonna die in the next episode, but hey, it's thrones. At least Arya got some. Gendry had to be EXTREMELY freaked out, considering the last time a hot chick came on to him she put leeches on his richard. That's not me being me, she literally put leeches... on his richard. Thankfully THAT PART wasn't shown.

So yeah, the little wolf assassin got some, fulfilling the pledge of Robert Baratheon, the last real king of Westeros.

Probably my favorite episode of Thrones was the one where the Wildlings tried to take the wall, way back in... Season 4? Holy golly that was ages ago

That one was pulse pounding no holds barred fight for the wall. And the wall is gone!

poo is going to be nuts next episode. OH, and right before we hit credits, Daenerys found out she isn't the queen. ABSOLUTELY poo TIMING THERE AEGON.

Also apparently he's decided to be Aegon now, instead of Jon Snow, Warden of the North, which he was fine with at the beginning of the episode.


PPS, the premiere spoiled me, I totally thought I had the hookup, and I was going to watch the whole season in HD, right after it aired. Instead, I found a bunch of shitty cams that didn't load, until today, when it was a rip from Eichbo. Like it did go up last night, but it was buffer hell.

My dog watched it from my lap, he really likes fire and the one scene where ghost showed up his ears went pop, like a mogwai.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2019, 10:14:08 PM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2019, 10:26:23 PM »
I tried to stream it but the buffer drove me nuts so I went somewhere and got a low res copy that looked fine.  Is it me, or was the repetitive, "You'll be safe in the crypt" business some kind of foreshadowing of the fact that, actually y'all WON'T be safe in the crypt.

Yeah.  This season has me sort of bummed in that everyone knows it's the last one and of course at least half these guys will die.  And soon.  How many episodes are left?  It looks like there are 6 and we're a third done.  I'd expect we get to fight cold dead people, experience lots of casualties at least for one episode, maybe 2, and then spend another three with resulting power struggle with the remainder.  Oh the poor dead dragon.  How do you kill a dead dragon so it doesn't run around blowing blue fire all over everything?

Also, "forging dragon glass with a hammer"?  Glass has greater compressive strength than steel, but it is brittle and has little tensile strength, so banging on it ain't a great idea.  But it's dragon glass.  So maybe someone from Corning can explain this.

I agree that the Aegon biz didn't sound right or consistent with Jon's character.  Not sleeping with your aunt when you are no big fan of incest makes sense but it's not like she did something mean to him.  Now it's like, "I won't sleep with you anymore and by the way, I'm taking the throne."  Somebody's gonna die to resolve this.  Mark my words.  And I've always been confused about the once dead status of Jon.  What's up with that?

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2019, 11:09:04 PM »
okay, so that's actually a really good point, an obsidian sword would be garbage, but the stuff under dragonstone appears to have been prepared. So yeah, Dragonstone = Volcanic obsidian, but that does not equal dragonglass.

In Season 7, when JONGON pledged on the premise that Daenerys would A) fight the dead. B) Supply Dragon Glass. We don't know if she used the dragons to make the obsidian super special, since this isn't star trek, and they're not going to run an organothallium pulse through the deflector array.

Anyway, he took her down to the magic cave, and there were cave drawings on how to fight the white walkers. Also he probably boned her. He's got a thing with caves, and the ladies do not complain. Apparently he gets a skill bonus modifier in caves.

I am very pissed at the ever shortening seasons, we used to get 14, and episode 9 was where poo went nuts. Now, we get less, because apparently it cost more. Like it won't golly them in subscription numbers when the show ends.

I think Jon still loves her, I don't think the incest thing freaks him out because no one knows jack poo about genetics, just that Targaryen babies are a risky deal no matter who the father is. Jon doesn't want the throne, he's made that abundantly clear.

Daenerys on the other hand, does not seem to be taking ANYTHING well this episode. She's shown she can conquer, but she's done golly all to prove that she's cut out to rule. Ser davos cut her down AMAZINGLY when Missandei laid out all her royal titles, and he said "He's Jon Snow".

The Crypts? Honestly, I don't think they're going to do it, but a great way to cut costs would to have the crypts shake, show the people cowering within, maybe have a bit of a break where Davos has to kick some ass.

A lot of the crypt baiting in this episode was seeing who might bow out from the fighting. Tyrion's being sent down despite WANTING to fight. Gilly is down by default, but she looked pregnant to me, plus she's never been a fighter.

Little Bear Lady Lyanna Mormont aquitted herself well against her cousin, the disgraced Jorah Mormont. She's gonna fight, and if she dies, I'll be unhappy, because she's been pretty bless'ed boss so far. Took up the Lordship bold as brass, declared for her king, and called him a damn' moron when he gave it up.

The other little girl has me super wary, she's burnt. That's not dragonscale like Shireen suffered, but this little girl is damn near tailor made to pull on Ser Dadvos strings. If the white walkers found a way to keep the eyes from being neon blue, she'd be the perfect trojan horse. She only needs to stab like, two people, and the crypts will become a battleground of their own.

People have been bitching about the dragonglass for a while. I feel like the forge scene before the forge sex scene was kind of a "golly you" to those people, when Arya takes up the spear heads and tosses em like a damn' ninja.

Ah, people I want alive, maybe Tyrion's off it, since he seems destined to golly things up somehow.

I'd say, Ghost, Arya, Brienne, Davos, Gilly, (sadly not sam, he's going to be such a badass, but I don't see him surviving) Little Sam, because he's with his mum, Yara (Her cousin is gonna gut her), nobody on team Cersei, so explode kings landing, and Meera? I'm actually glad Meera got the golly out of things, she lost everything, fell in love with Bran, and Bran died.

That being said, much has been made of the denizens of house Reed, even though the show seems to have written them off. They're a mix of silent assasin ninjas and swamp people. Also, they are very short. Which would be awesome in fight scenes. Bunch of ninjas just doing their thing... Silently.

I'd like Pod to live, but he sang this episode, that's a death flag. Like talking about how many days you have until retirement. Oh poo, Missendi is screwed. She totally did that.

Jon died. Blades through the heart do that. Sometimes Priests or Priestesses of Rhylor can bring you back. Ser Beric Donderion, of the whiskey voice, currently getting shitfaced on the battlements with the hound, has been brought back a whopping nine times.

You lose part of yourself each time. Jon made Melisandre swear not to do it again, he says it removed joy from his life, but he was never happy to begin with, so who knows. Apparently he was pretty far away from resurrection though, either because it was hard (Melisandre thought she failed) or HBO were being teasy naffs (They waited until the end of the episode for him to gasp awake).

He used this super legit death to resign his lifelong vow to the night's watch, leaving Edd in charge. Edd is in winterfell now, alive. He gave Sam poo for becoming a badass and getting a woman.

Jon does not want the throne. He never has. But he also tries not to lie. I feel like that was just the worst time possible for him to reveal it, but hey, them's the breaks.

Seriously, any questions you have, lob em, this is fun.

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2019, 12:47:50 PM »
The other little girl has me super wary, she's burnt. That's not dragonscale like Shireen suffered, but this little girl is damn near tailor made to pull on Ser Dadvos strings. If the white walkers found a way to keep the eyes from being neon blue, she'd be the perfect trojan horse. She only needs to stab like, two people, and the crypts will become a battleground of their own.

Trojan Horse sounds too devious for a bunch of guys who are just dead and set on taking over.  The back story of the white walkers is not very well developed.  So far it's like a zombie apocalypse with a dragon and a rudimentary political system, i.e. they have a king.  That fact alone is a bit much to digest given the wights are just apeshit crazy dead people.  It's hard to imagine that they'd "bend a knee" or whatever semblance is left of their rotting corpses to pay homage to handsome evil king guy.  And what was the deal with the infant getting transformed into blue eyed whatever back several seasons ago when Gilly's character was first introduced?  Are you suggesting that the little girl with burnt face is somehow connected?  Given the fact that there are lapses in the story line that Schmoogsley could drive a big rig through, I wouldn't be surprised, but it's not going to be in danger of any Nobel prizes for literature, either.

ps.  Just looked up difference between white walkers and wights.  Wights are the reanimated zombies that the ww created and the ww are somehow sentient beings created by the forest people, ostensibly to protect them.  Well that didn't work out too well, did it?  And why do the WW want to take over, anyway?  Do they want beachfront property somewhere so they can have warm vacations?
« Last Edit: April 23, 2019, 12:55:08 PM by 6pairsofshoes »

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2019, 06:43:10 PM »
The Night King was created to defend the Weirwood trees from the Andals, who were invading Westeros at the time. The Children of the Forest needed those trees to do magic. It's implied that the Children also wrote history, and removed anything that implied they were evil or unsavory. Bran found out how they made the jerk when he was on one of his Time Walks.

 Needless to say, they bent up. Sadly, that documentary was removed from the index of that site I sent you, but they interviewed the Night King actor in it.

He wants to kill all life and destroy all history, leaving nothing but the dead behind. I don't think they really give a flying poo about the wights over anything but a disposable army. After all, The Night's watch has now taken out several of his dudes.

As to the White Walkers, The Night King creates them in a similar manner to how he raises the wights. My guess is that after the "Win" he'd just do his Jesus Christ pose and all the wights would fall over with their strings cut.

Craster, Gilly's Father, offered up all the male babies from his daughters to not get killed outright, and it worked pretty well for him.

Maybe I am overthinking the burned girl, but it seems very weird that something that symmetrical would happen to Davos. I mean they didn't have to have her be burned.

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2019, 11:51:04 PM »
Now, didn't Gilly swap her baby with that of one of the Wilding chieftains to keep it safe?  So the baby she's got with her is not hers, and I thought the one that the ice king performed magic on, rendering its eyes blue was hers, but maybe I'm mixed up.

There are quite a few speculations online in answer to the Question, What do the White Walkers want?  The most outlandish is that they are actually the force for good who are bound to restructure the world and restore its balance.  The various contenders for the Iron Throne are the ones messing things up.  That's interesting, but most likely ridiculous.

Offline goldshirt*9

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2019, 01:11:05 AM »
only just watched number 2

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2019, 06:40:41 AM »
Eh? There were kids at hardhome, but baby Sam is Gilly's and sadly Crasters (her father)

Technically she's a wildling, but golly the dead lord Randyll Tarly, she's a lovely and kind woman.

Episode 2 made it clear, White walkers were designed to kill all humans, and Bran specifically. They said exactly that? I think they had Sam and Bran explain it.

Force for good? No. That's like saying Cersei is a progressive for burning out the regressive bottom Faith of the seven. Like that Captain Marvel video said, you go girl.

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Re: End of Thrones: All the spoilers.
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2019, 10:40:42 AM »
There are so many details that are foggy in my memory, but Mance Rayder's son was in danger of being sacrificed by Melisandre, so Gilly was forced to swap her baby with Rayder's little "Monster."  And it's that child that they left the Wall with, when Sam went to study at whatever that place was called.

So that is a thread that was left hanging.  Once Melisandre figured out this was not a royal baby, she'd lose interest in sacrificing it.  But what happened to Gilly's kid?  There's no explanation.  Incidentally, Hannah Murray was in Skins, a BBC series that I liked, at least for the first couple seasons.  It sort of went downhill after the first...