Author Topic: Those Damn Olympics.  (Read 11093 times)

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Re: Those Damn Olympics.
« Reply #30 on: August 17, 2012, 03:42:44 PM »
I agree with most of what you have said there, in fact, among my friends who are classed as disabled, the running joke is that you'd have to be dead to claim incapacity benefit, but only if you are not twitching.  I also agree with with whatever you want to say about Seb Coe - but that's only because he's a Tory git :)

However, I do honestly believe that sport can bind a community together whether it be national or local, and these games have certainly made a lot of ordinary folk feel good about the country and themselves (evidently not all though).  It has also helped racial tolerance in much the same way as ethnic minorities were accepted by the more ignorant as they happened to be scoring goals for whichever team the bigots supported - and that must be a plus.

Frankly, as a Londoner I was at the thin end of the wedge and was one of the capital's biggest cynics of the games (as was just about everyone I know from London), but it was a well rehearsed and efficiently managed performance that actually make the capital easier to traverse rather than screw it up.  As these games were always going to happen, I think I'd rather have them the way were rather than the usual debacle our administration usually makes of far simpler tasks, and that our country did exceptionally well in them as we did.
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Re: Those Damn Olympics.
« Reply #31 on: August 17, 2012, 06:36:13 PM »

I agree with a great deal of what you have to say Smokes and what you have said has also given me pause for thought on the few things that I can't quite agree with but always with respect...

You and I are not so far removed. You're just sober more often.
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Re: Those Damn Olympics.
« Reply #32 on: August 21, 2012, 06:02:48 PM »
I think they avoided "deep" in favour of One Direction.

I would have facepalmed that ^ decision if it hadn't made me laugh.

Something I discovered that might be of interest regarding the Olympics and the broader impression of them, is that just before they started I had a job in Stratford right by the complex.  The client was real Eastender and she was telling me of how bad the crime was there (as if it wasn't obvious) and how the last 2 burglaries she had, they'd axed her door down to get in. I'd remarked that with crime so bold and oblivious to the law, how last year's summer riots must have been terrible.

Here's the interesting thing: apparently there wasn't any real rioting and looting in Stratford. Why? because they drafted police from all over London and they lined the streets almost without a break in their chain to stop rioting at all costs.  This was done because if any trouble near the complex became global news (as it would have in a breath), it would have seriously damaged the international perception of the games.

The rest of London bur..... well, the rest is history.

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Re: Those Damn Olympics.
« Reply #33 on: August 22, 2012, 04:02:45 AM »
Maybe its just me, but I enjoyed the Games, and I quite enjoyed watching the reactions of the athletes as they competed for medals in a home Olympics for probably the only time in their lives.

Compared to football, where we pay uneducated delinquents tens of millions of pounds to dive all over a football pitch whilst texting racist and other stupid crap to each other and their herds of moronic followers and then we pretend that somehow these imbeciles are not going to be seen as role models, I think that the Olympics were pretty good value, too.

In a quiet moment of reflection, I wonder if we could have played the protest card: a simple, understated, cheap opening ceremony and a similar closing ceremony bookending the games. Less of a global spectacle, but a statement.

No, it wasn't only you.  I enjoyed all of the games I managed to watch and even our house had some kind of magical feel good factor around that hasn't really happened before.  I think it was because most of the community were "buzzing" - possibly not because of the games, but more the fact that London hadn't been turned on its head like we all expected - and that feeling sort of became infectious.

I'm just pissed that they rejected the Solo Synchronized Swimming event.
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Re: Those Damn Olympics.
« Reply #34 on: August 28, 2012, 06:53:34 PM »
Don't mind me, I am just a cantankerous old git, and if I wasn't you would all probably be wondering if my account had been hacked ;D

No chance of that; you're inimitable Aelthric.
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Re: Those Damn Olympics.
« Reply #35 on: August 29, 2012, 03:15:45 AM »
Don't mind me, I am just a cantankerous old git


I'm not convinced that you count as old, though.

I've known "old gits" who were in their teens.
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Re: Those Damn Olympics.
« Reply #36 on: August 29, 2012, 04:34:31 PM »
Get off my lawn.

I thought you country folk said "land".

Ok, I was kidding about "country folk" bit before you smite me.
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