Author Topic: Banquet meals got shrink rayed.  (Read 4931 times)

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Offline 8ullfrog

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Banquet meals got shrink rayed.
« on: December 11, 2018, 11:00:38 PM »
I lived off this crap in high school, my favorite was the Swedish meatball meal. I'd hit it with some sour cream and turn it into a bastardized stroganoff.

Cooking is a constant battle for me. When I was younger, I kinda enjoyed it, but as I've got older, my lizard brain has lost patience. It's to the point it gets annoyed if cooking is involved at all. It's like that dog meme. "NO COOK, JUST EAT. >:| "

Add to that my recent bad soup experience and current flu like symptoms, and I just want to shove crap in a microwave and eat. So I grabbed some Banquet meals. I noticed the tray was smaller, but there were pretty big portions of Air in those to begin with, I thought maybe they just brought the tray in.

Nope, Reduced portions, now at a secretly higher price! When I actually worked in the supermarket, I got in the habit of reading the price per ounce, apparently I need to brush that skill off, because these portions are like the derek zoolander ant portions.

I mean the food is still extremely tasty, the Salisburry steak is as mouthwatering as it ever was, and the backyard BBQ meal is tangy and delicious, but I'm left still hungry after. (I didn't eat both at once, this was seperate nights). They've also cut the vegetable accompanyment. You get a sliver of mac & cheese, but no green beans :(  I used to mix the green beans with the salisburry sauce and the mashed potatos, it was tasty.

I mean I know everything gets shrink rayed, but where do they draw the line? This is some cowpoo.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Banquet meals got shrink rayed.
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2018, 12:23:00 AM »
I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well.  I used to eat tv dinners when I was a child and my parents went out -- we'd have a babysitter.  I remember Salisbury steak.  I haven't had a frozen dinner in years, although I did try a frozen pot pie and was sorely disappointed.

I guess if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.  Feel better.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Banquet meals got shrink rayed.
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2018, 10:36:46 PM »
Consumerist has been dead and buried for several years. Consumer Reports pretended they were going to keep it open, but they didn't.

But back in 2012, they reported that Banquet cut the Mac & cheese from 8 to 6 ounces, AND raised prices so they were already jerks. what driphouses.