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General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on Today at 07:20:47 PM »
There is nothing obliging hundreds (thousands?) of politicians to continue to support a felon, or tens of millions of people to vote for a felon, though: people never cease to amaze me.

I am reminded of a quote that I once heard (I have changed the gender, to protect the identity of the speaker):

"He shouldnt be allowed to run...If he wins, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and, ultimately, a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt"

As far as I know, he can run for President as a convicted murderer as long as he was born in the U.S. and is at least 35 years old.  I am dismayed by the people who choose to look the other way and insist that the jury that sat through 4 weeks of tedious testimony (instead of living their daily lives as normal) were somehow corrupt and the justice system that should apply equally to everyone, in this case, was rigged against Trump. 

I am so tired of his whining and unending claims of victimization.  Listening to the endless justifications of his supporters, really makes me think that people are not fundamentally good or clever.  They're either as bad as he is or they're stupid.  Neither choice is particularly attractive as an option, but there you have it.  It's a cult based on the worship of an authoritarian personality.
General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by christ on Today at 04:15:02 PM »
Based on some casual research I did yesterday, there is nothing official preventing a felon from running for president. So our nightmare isn't over yet.

There is nothing obliging hundreds (thousands?) of politicians to continue to support a felon, or tens of millions of people to vote for a felon, though: people never cease to amaze me.

I am reminded of a quote that I once heard (I have changed the gender, to protect the identity of the speaker):

"He shouldnt be allowed to run...If he wins, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and, ultimately, a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt"
General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by goldshirt*9 on Today at 12:32:42 AM »
Seriously trying not to put the heating on.  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Computer / Well I am not doing it then.
« Last post by 8ullfrog on Yesterday at 08:12:32 PM »
This is a rather old issue, pretty sure I've run into it at least once on every computer I've owned.

You power on your pc. Everything lights up, all the fans spin. [NO SIGNAL]
So you check the cable, no luck, you unplug all the perifs, no luck.

This is when you go past end user

You crack the case, unplug the hard drive. No dice.
Next step says to unplug the video card, but you don't have a screwdriver handy, so you pop the ram sticks
You get a nasty droid blatting from the PC because ram not found
You put the ram sticks back in
PC boots normally

I want to know who put "have the fans spin up, but don't boot the machine" in that order of operations and give them a solid thumping.

It honestly seems like the PC is having a toddler fit and refusing to start up unless you change its ram checksum.
General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by goldshirt*9 on Yesterday at 11:12:16 AM »
General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by dweez on Yesterday at 08:00:27 AM »
Based on some casual research I did yesterday, there is nothing official preventing a felon from running for president. So our nightmare isn't over yet.
TV / Movies / Re: Trailers that make it unnecessary to watch the show
« Last post by goldshirt*9 on Yesterday at 06:28:28 AM »
When i think of Pompeii I think of Frankie Howard
General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by goldshirt*9 on Yesterday at 06:25:23 AM »
So can Trump still run for president   ??? ??? ??? ???
TV / Movies / Re: Trailers that make it unnecessary to watch the show
« Last post by smokester on May 30, 2024, 01:17:04 PM »
I actually feel this way about all trailers. I hardly ever watch one to the end as if I think it's worth a watch after the first 10 seconds or so, I immediately bail on the trailer so I don't glean too much from it.
Make you laugh / Re: Things that made you laugh today
« Last post by smokester on May 30, 2024, 11:15:18 AM »
That's funny!

I asked Siri for directions somewhere the other day and he threw in a helpful comment -- "speed camera detected."  Usually I find this Apple robot nearly useless, but in that moment he totally redeemed himself.  (I selected the male voice with British accent).  I believe there are apps that can function like radar detectors and need to do a little digging to upgrade this aspect of the navigation.  This town has multiple speed cameras that work weekdays from 8 - 6, so I'd like to know where to avoid them, having recently paid the price for my unawareness.

Google maps notifies you of every speed cam whilst you're driving. The problem is, nowadays they are "average speed check" cameras so slowing down just before one is of no benefit whatsoever.

British people are like coconuts. Hard on the outside but sweet once you crack us. Also often found full of alcohol and holding an umbrella.
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