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Chaos / Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on Today at 12:02:28 AM »
Thanks, dweez!
Chaos / Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Last post by dweez on Yesterday at 02:43:09 PM »
Based on a spot-check of the IPs listed, it's CloudFlare, a security service (anti-DDos, etc) doing some scanning. I'm not familiar with the service but I believe smokester said TNG set up the site to use CloudFlare.
Chaos / Re: Last Person to Speak Wins! 最后发言者获胜
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on Yesterday at 12:37:15 PM »
A random question.  If there were 532 people who visited this site today, why didn't most of them post anything?
Food and Drink / Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on July 25, 2024, 04:39:29 PM »
There's a Woody Allen movie, "What's up Tiger Lily?" in which a Japanese spy thriller has a completely new plot dubbed over the voices of the original actors.  They are attempting to steal the recipe for the world's best egg salad.  A good egg salad is a thing of beauty.

I wish I could lay claim to some achievements in that area, but it's an area where I have no experience.  I have made potato salad with egg yolks and that was pretty good.  We are having a block party potluck in a couple weeks and I have to figure out what to make so maybe the potato salad is the ticket.  But a vinegar based one so people don't get sick from mayo sitting out in the heat.
General Discussion / Re: Current Events
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on July 25, 2024, 04:31:04 PM »
What I find truly appalling - and therefore unwatchable - is the staggering levels of hypocrisy on show. Projecting his own shortfalls and intentions onto the opposition with ridiculously low levels of veracity.

It was like a latex spine convention.  The number of his supporters who had said horrible things about him who were now bending to kiss the ring was staggering. 

And after Harris was announced as the most likely Democratic candidate, the racism and sexism of the GOP came out in full force.   Trump seemed to have a basic problem with her gender and his VP pick went on and on about her being a DEI pick, so I guess the take away from this is that, because she's part black, she is therefore presumably mediocre, because nobody of African descent could possibly excel at anything without affirmative action giving them a boost?  And this from a party desperate to win over black voters.  The other allegation, that she'd slept her way to the top because of her previous romantic links, is patently absurd, given she held elected office in all of the positions she was alleged to have gained through sex.

If she wins, I'm just going to laugh and laugh.  If she loses, I'm going to look into living in some other country for a while.
General Discussion / Re: Current Events
« Last post by smokester on July 25, 2024, 01:08:00 PM »
After the s***show of the Republican National Convention we have new hope now that Kamala Harris is running for President.  Younger people are more engaged and women see someone who is ready to fight for their rights.  Nobody is perfect but she's very smart and a good debater.  I'd like to see Trump bury himself in a debate against her.  He clearly has a problem with smart women so that will be interesting since he has basically no filter.

I find Trump's rhetoric very difficult to watch. It's just so infantile. I really hope that Kamala's bid gathers some traction.
Food and Drink / Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Last post by 8ullfrog on July 25, 2024, 01:40:26 AM »
Sorry for double post, but tonight I did the exact opposite of the egg salad.

I took some left over "burrito meat" (turkey) mixed it with a hickory bbq sauce, microwaved it, then spooned it on to a hamburger bun, then toaster ovened the top of the bun with swiss cheese.

I think I honestly liked my lazy sandwich better than the egg salad. :(
Food and Drink / Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Last post by 8ullfrog on July 23, 2024, 09:57:58 PM »
I made a rookie mistake.
I made egg salad with red onion and forgot to pickle the red onion before adding it to the recipe. Now everyone has heartburn and is mad.

I was hyper focused on the eggs, I was afraid of green yolk from overcooking, and the onion brining slipped out of my idiot brain entirely.
If I'd just used white onion I wouldn't be burping!
What is even more embarrassing is I just bought a gallon of vinegar; it was right next to me the entire time!
I could have used the egg water!

What I should have done:

The one difference from Sam's and the way I learned it is you don't have to let it sit in the fridge for days, your onions are ready to rock in 3 hours, which is right when the eggs come out of the fridge!

(You can also do it at 30 minutes, but 3 hours really lets the job get done)
General Discussion / Re: Current Events
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on July 23, 2024, 03:42:31 PM »
After the s***show of the Republican National Convention we have new hope now that Kamala Harris is running for President.  Younger people are more engaged and women see someone who is ready to fight for their rights.  Nobody is perfect but she's very smart and a good debater.  I'd like to see Trump bury himself in a debate against her.  He clearly has a problem with smart women so that will be interesting since he has basically no filter.
Games Consoles / Re: Xbox 360 closing up shop July 29th.
« Last post by 8ullfrog on July 22, 2024, 06:00:33 PM »
A video games console, like the pippin.

I actually had a hell of a time redeeming the three licenses I had. First, I tried redeeming them on, but that redirected to a site for redeeming general microsoft licenses, like office.

I hooked up the 360. It doesn't like my wireless network.

I hardwired it in the living room to the modem. It liked that.

Got my licenses redeemed. quite the hassle.
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