Author Topic: What are you thinking right now?  (Read 473026 times)

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Offline goldshirt*9

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3090 on: October 26, 2019, 12:46:46 AM »
Now there is a gender-confused sentence.

Cannot remember typing madam

I see now no naughty words allowed automatically changed

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3091 on: October 26, 2019, 12:58:33 AM »
I should have just made one thread for these bless'ed Friday the 13th movies. They're not very good, and nobody apparently liked them in the first place.

They limped along on life support because they were cheap to make and made a poo load of money. I don't know if I want to review Pt. 7. Pt. 7 was supposed to be Freddy Vs. Jason but Dimension films kept telling Paramount to golly off.

So they made Jason vs. Serial numbers filed off Carrie.

Yes, I think I will go to sleep instead.

Offline goldshirt*9

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3092 on: October 27, 2019, 12:18:11 AM »
cannot shake off this cold  :-[

Offline smokester

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3093 on: October 27, 2019, 07:36:51 AM »
Now there is a gender-confused sentence.

You leave word censoring on? You really are a delicate soul.

I do too but, ironically, my kids are now old enough for me to swear in front of them ... if not AT them as the case may be.
Don't put off until tomorrow, what you can put off until the day after.

There is an exception to every rule, apart from this one.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3094 on: October 27, 2019, 09:41:10 PM »
I hate dollar tree so much right now.

My mom was in a bad mood and told me to go buy pretzels. I went to CVS and they only had the kind she hates, so I walked over to the dollar tree and got the door locked in my face.

The dollar tree employee scowled at me and said they close at 7. I looked at my phone, it was 6:45.

So I came home, and mom told me to cook her ramen because she craves salt.

So I cooked up the ramen, served it to her, and she immediately spat it out. She said it tasted like piss. I took a spoonful thinking I'd bent up the cooking, and indeed, it tasted like piss smells.

I swear, with god as my witness, I did not know Ramen could go bad.

But now she's livid, and I'm worried she'll do something dumb. The last time she got like this she went and got a "free" tablet, a $90 headset, and a new smartphone.

It took two years to pay off that "free" tablet. the bill jumped dramatically, and I had to go in and threaten to cancel the account. They slapped $30 in discounts per month in perpetuity on the account, which is the ONLY way we've been able to afford it. The last two months, they've "Forgotten" that deal, and I've had to call in to get it fixed. They also tried to pull a device fee increase because of my phone replacement, but it wasn't an upgrade, it was a safety replacement, so they can bless'ed EAT IT.

She doesn't understand line fees and thinks it's just made up cowpoo. The line fee is your actual bill, before all the other poo on top of it.

Still, I'm very worried.


Okay, I was freaked out enough that I went back to CVS. They've got bless'ed quinoa puffs, but not bless'ed pretzels! So I walked up to Jabba the cashier and asked for help.

She offered the sage wisdom that "Food is on Aisle 2 and 3". I already knew that.

So I walked aisle 2 like I was stocking it. NO PRETZELS. I walked aisle 3 like I was stocking it. NO PRETZELS. But I did notice a big poster blocking off part of the aisle. It was some stupid cowpoo about how none of the models for their ads wear makeup because it's more natural or some poo. But underneath that poster, like a hidden gift in the Christmas tree, were the bless'ed pretzels. 2 for $5.

I asked mom if I was absolved, she says I am.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2019, 10:01:41 PM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3095 on: October 28, 2019, 01:33:01 AM »
Glad CVS came through for you.  I get the salty snack thing, but pretzels are a bridge too far for me. I'm not particularly fond of them,  although I once ate the thin sticks.

It sounds like your mother has her heart set on a particular food, it's advisable to make sure she gets it.  It's been crazy windy here.  I had to move the car to a spot that was not near a tree, as the branches have been falling off the trees in the wind.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3096 on: October 28, 2019, 10:48:49 PM »
probably going to get called up for jury duty, and I get to pay six dollars for the privilege. They're even snotty on the summons that they don't pay for the first day.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3097 on: October 29, 2019, 02:43:56 AM »
It's your "civic duty" and they don't discriminate on basis of monetary security.  Starving?  Need to work?  Tough cheese.  Gotta come in anyway.  We don't pay you for wasting entire days of your time unless you are actually seated on a jury.

I once got called and was a potential juror on a case involving the rape and murder of an 11 year old girl.  It was a capital murder case.  I had to fill out a 30+ page questionnaire on my perspectives on the death penalty.   I had to show up the next day.  Fortunately I didn't have to serve.  It was a trip thinking about the process of sending another to their death.  I still have really ambivalent feelings about it.  But I dodged a bullet there.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2019, 02:45:38 AM by 6pairsofshoes »

Offline smokester

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3098 on: October 29, 2019, 11:42:39 AM »
Nope. I saw, and posted, b*tch, and can still see same.

(... I was a little confused by goldie's response, to be honest)

Yeah, I though it worked either way so I wasn't entirely sure.

It's strange that I don't swear much online but I'm a severe potty-mouth in real life.
Don't put off until tomorrow, what you can put off until the day after.

There is an exception to every rule, apart from this one.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3099 on: October 29, 2019, 06:32:03 PM »
golly, I got called for tomorrow. If they'd called me today, I would have eaten the contempt charge. I had to help mom with Social Security. She still hasn't received the July check, but I was responsible enough that all the bills still got paid. They said it's outstanding, but that the woman who handles disbursement is out today, so I'm SOL on that front. And this was a SCHEDULED appointment I made. I'm glad I didn't go down to the physical office, I'd probably be in jail right now. Oh, they tried to transfer me to her voicemail, but she's turned it off. Maybe she had jury duty...

I just realized Jury duty is the exact opposite of winning the lottery!

« Last Edit: October 29, 2019, 08:19:20 PM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3100 on: October 30, 2019, 06:38:45 AM »
It's nearly Halloween.  We get lots of cute little kids here, and I enjoy the costumes.  We have stocked up on candy to dispense.  The winds have been terrible here causing power outages, some from downed power lines, others from the utility company shutting power to avoid fires.  They've had to cancel several of the Halloween parades as a result.  I'm up in the middle of the night because the windows were rattling from the winds and woke me up.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3101 on: October 30, 2019, 06:18:36 PM »
So, I had to get up pretty early to make it to the courthouse on time. Morning bus driver didn't "like" my five, but he didn't think it was fake, he was just a nutter, he talked to me about the gold standard and how the currency isn't backed anymore.

It's... more complicated than that, but I am not going to get into a political argument with someone while they are driving A BUS. So I just nodded as if he were imparting sage advice.

I transferred busses in a place that looked as barren as a moon, but with concrete and a gas station. Like, I've spent a lot of time in Chula Vista, but I hadn't been to that corner before.

Second bus was one of those accordion type dealies, much nicer than the busses I usually ride. Full of teenagers, and they were all glued to their phones, no talking at all. Was a bit eerie. I'll give them points, their headphone discipline was on point. No on bus DJ's at all!

At first I thought google messed me up because maps crashed when I walked up to JAIL, but that was an honest mistake, the bus stop was just on that side of the courthouse/JAIL divide. Probably makes transfer somewhat easy for the region.

The little jury service infomercial they make you watch was both amusing and terrible. The Jury lounge had a library, first time I've seen something like that, but I'd brought my own. Then an actual judge came in and decided to go on a series of unhinged rants. She says she never gets picked for jury duty and wishes she could do jury duty, and then began talking about all the countries she doesn't like. She also gave a civics lesson on the three branches of government that was worryingly wrong. Got the strong feeling she thinks the judicial system needs Jesus.

I think... she was trying to cheerlead our jury trial system? But was just a bless'ed nut? Either way, when I realized this was the same bingo hall type calling system as every other time I've had jury duty and that Ranty Mc Judgeface didn't really have any power over us and was just using the podium to workshop her open mic set, I walked to the dining hall and took a nap. There was a screaming baby and whatever gameshow Wayne Brady hosts is very loud. Someone in the lounge shut the door to the dining hall, trapping me away from overly loud gameshows, screaming babies, and ranty judges. That person is my hero. I continued my nap. Around 10 AM they excused all the groups BUT mine. I read some of Colbert's first book. It's funny, but I think I was in a techno-thriller mood. Goodwill had nothing yesterday.

The dining hall was quiet as a grave, air conditioned, and had some fairly nice tables for me to rest my head on. My only company was the microwave.

Honestly the jury lounge sucked about as much as the waiting room at the DMV or a doctor's office, it had those chairs that are designed to hurt you if you sit in them over 30 minutes I'm thankful for the dining hall. They had big stupid plastic bucket chairs from the 70's.

I was excused at noon and had exactly 90 seconds to get to the bus. I didn't make it, but the bus was exactly as late as I was. The ride home was quiet and uncomplicated.

I had to settle an insurance mistake that would have been extremely expensive unfixed. I got the notice in the mail yesterday, and the deadline to fix it was oct 31st... no pressure, right?

Wrong, there was totally pressure, because their phone system said "Due to high volume, we are not taking calls now, please call back later." So I put a 30 minute timer on my phone, but kept getting that recording. Then I remembered they occasionally robocall me, scrolled back in my phone, and called THAT number. The receptionist seemed shocked that someone got through, but was willing to help.
Turns out, I didn't have to do anything, they'd received my updated paperwork on the 23rd (I'd mailed it on the 15th) and everything was just fine.

One thing I will say for getting up so early for the bus, no sunburn if the sun isn't out yet.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3102 on: October 30, 2019, 11:17:15 PM »
Huh, the place I mentioned looking like the moon is on fire now. It's 40 minutes from here.

My eyes hurt

They knocked it down eventually. I usually mock Fox5, they're not known for competence, the onsite dude was told off by the firefighters and kept calling them an armada, but they stayed on the story when the other channels didn't.

It's hard to get an accurate fire map these days, even the lousy ones have long winded disclaimers.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 02:31:37 AM by 8ullfrog »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3103 on: October 31, 2019, 10:00:25 AM »
The closest one here is in Sonoma and it's big (Kincade) but we have been safe so far.  We smell the smoke occasionally but the winds have actually helped.  I've been working to keep the fallen leaves and vegetation under control.

I worry about the endless stress on the firefighters.  That's a really really tough job.  Besides the danger from the fires themselves, they keep having to deal with dead bodies and badly injured people and pets.  That's traumatic.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What are you thinking right now?
« Reply #3104 on: October 31, 2019, 02:40:43 PM »
Nobody died in this one but it was going towards an industrial area.

They usually don't run the helicopters at night, but they did. Ground fighting was done by the convict firefighters. I hear they get paid $1 a day. And I was bitching about Jury Duty.

Most of the news stations treated it like a blurb, and that was annoying. Fox5 stuck with it until midnight, when it was reduced to the size of a camp fire. It's out today.

Eyes still hurt.

I'm wearing my Superman shirt for my Halloween costume. If it's good enough for Titans, it's good enough for me.

I think mine is a mistake though, the S is blue. I remember in the 1990's they did do a lousy red and blue superman, like they had red and blue skin. God that was dumb.

I've tried googling it before, but the results all suck. So I'm Blue-perMan!