It's funny how in all of this talk about M. Night Shamalamadingdong no one mentioned
Unbreakable. It's not a horrible flick like
Signs or
Lady in the Water, but it did rub me the wrong way. Ultimately because of Sam Jackson's character - throughout the movie he espouses some great truths about comics - especially that hieroglyphs being pictures as words constitute some of the first comics ever made.
But then he turns out to be a crazy person so all of what he says is completely undermined by his villainy.

Anyway, I just watched
Zombieland last night (got a link to a DVD-quality avi if anyone's interested).
A decent little zombie flick even if it did have some annoying aspects to what some of the characters did in the film. It's not a traditional zombie flick since the zombies run and can be dispatched by shots that don't include the head (which bugged me a lot near the end).
Also, there's the sequence they show in the trailer of Woody Harrelson killing zombies in a supermarket, and he keeps throwing his weapons aside. For instance, he bashes a couple with an aluminum baseball bat and throws the bat away! Uh, maybe you should keep that since it doesn't run out of ammo!
Speaking of which, there are plenty of places where they waste ammo, too. Grrrr...
And the main character has a list of rules about how to survive Zombieland, and some of them are great, but he tends to sabotage himself at the same time. For instance one of the rules is "Always Know Your Exit" and when explaining the rule the character checks to see that an EXIT door leads outside, and then props it open with a box. Uh, good one genius, now stuff can get

But overall it's pretty fun and Harrelson is hilarious, and you'd never believe the things he'd do just to get his hands on a Twinkie...